The equal justice ideal in criminal procedure refers to the impartial treatment of innocent and guilty individuals by?


Answer 1

The equal justice ideal in criminal procedure refers to the impartial treatment of innocent and guilty individuals by law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and judges.

What do you mean by justice?

Justice can be viewed as separate from and more basic than benevolence, charity, mercy, generosity, or compassion, according to most contemporary views of justice. John Rawls asserts that "Justice is the primary virtue of social organizations, as truth is of systems of mind." Justice has historically been linked to ideas of fate, rebirth, or Divine Providence, i.e., living a life in line with the cosmos' blueprint. Thus, the connection between justice and fairness has historically and culturally been uncommon, and it may be primarily a new novelty [in western civilizations].

To learn more about justice, Visit:


Related Questions

The major reason for not crushing a sustained-release capsule is that, if crushed, the coated beads of the drugs could possibly:_________


The major reason for not crushing a sustained-release capsule is that, if crushed, the coated beads of the drugs could possibly lead to a result of toxicity.

What is the significance of toxicity?

The concept of toxicity can be referred to or considered as the condition where a person loses his actual or normal state of mind, due to the use of external substances including the dosages of drugs.

Consumption of drug capsules by crushing is not advisable, as it leads to spread of toxicity in a person much before the actual spread in normal intensity.

Therefore, the significance regarding toxicity has been aforementioned.

Learn more about toxicity here:


________ psychology stresses the fact that objects are perceived by active, usually unconscious, interpretations of what the object represents as a whole.


Gestalt psychology stresses the fact that objects are perceived by active, interpretations of what the object represents as a whole.

What is Gestalt psychology?

Gestalt psychology refers to the theory of thought that looks at the human mind and behavior as a whole.

Gestalt psychology suggests that people do not simply focus on every small component, when trying to make sense of the world around us. Even it emphasizes that the whole of anything is greater than its parts.

For example:- if there would be 4 dogs of different breeds, then we would group them as dogs.

Learn more about gestalt psychology here:-


Developing the research plan for collecting information is the __________ step in the marketing research process.


Any method or collection of procedures used by businesses to gather data in order to better comprehend their target market is referred to as marketing research. Companies use this information to increase their UX, upgrade their products, and provide customers with better products. To find out what consumers desire and how they respond to products or aspects of a product, marketers conduct market research. There are six distinct stages or steps in the marketing research process: Step 1: Describe the study's problem and goals. Step 2: Create the general research plan. Step 3 – Collect the data or information


Marketing Research an IntroductionUses & Application of Research in MarketingTHE MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS

Learn more about marketing research process


The psychiatric nurse recognizes that excessive social communication with a client is to be avoided primarily due to which reason?


The psychiatric nurse recognizes that excessive social communication with a client is to be avoided due to the fact it is likely to encourage the client to see  the nurse as a friend rather than healthcare provider.

What is social communication?

Social communication  has to do with sharing your feelings, emotions and thoughts with others .

The psychiatric nurse should note that excessive social communication with a client is to be avoided based on the fact that excessive social communication with a client or patient can lead to the client viewing the nurse as a friend instead of a healthcare provider,

To avoid this the nurse should rather engage in therapeutic communication with the client instead of  to social communication.

Therefore the psychiatric nurse recognizes that excessive social communication with a client is to be avoided due to the fact it is likely to encourage the client to see  the nurse as a friend rather than healthcare provider.

Learn more about social communication here:


Under what circumstances may an individual receive a pvsa in recognition of paid service?


If the man or woman received a stipend for participation in a national carrier program, e.g., AmeriCorps, and the hours are blended with other service over a lifetime to meet the hours for the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Which of the following is a Pvsa eligible service activity?

Most voluntary service is eligible, with the following exceptions: political lobbying, religious instruction, conducting worship service, proselytizing, and serving solely family members.

Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity. Hours for every award level ought to be performed within a 12-month time period.

Learn more about PVSA here:

How does the play end? does this suggest that the gods approve of medea's actions?


In the end, though, revenge is greater essential to Medea than maternal love, and she kills her youth in order "To get at [Jason's] heart" (233). Her methods are effective; Jason is decimated at the give up of the play.

What does Medea inform Jason earlier than she leaves him at the end of the play?

Expressing regret over her preceding overreaction to Jason's selection to divorce and remarry, Medea goes so a long way as to smash down in tears of remorse. Announcing a full reconciliation with her husband, she concedes each of the arguments that Jason made in their final dialogue and releases the two boys into his embrace.

Why did Jason divorce Medea?

Medea is pushed to revenge via her love of Jason who has no longer only destroyed the existence that they built collectively but has betrayed and damaged his marriage oath. Medea had become dependent upon Jason for a home and security; she cannot return to Colchis and has no different metropolis the place she can are looking for sanctuary.

Learn more about Medea's action here:

You are studying for an exam, and you get a message from the financial aid office notifying you that your financial aid application has been denied. which type of stress will you experience?





One of the key recommendations of the u.s surgeon general's 2014 national prevention strategy for eliminating health disparities was to?


One of the key recommendations of the U.S surgeon general's 2014 national prevention strategy for eliminating health disparities was to expanding access to medical treatment.

What is national prevention strategy?In order to improve health through prevention, the National Prevention Strategy promotes collaborations between the federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments; business, industry, and other private sector partners; philanthropic organizations; community and faith-based organizations; and regular Americans.The National Prevention Strategy makes suggestions for how population health might be improved in particular situations and across goal areas.The National Prevention Strategy seeks to direct our country toward the most practical and effective ways to enhance health and wellbeing. In order to enhance health and save lives, the Strategy places a priority on prevention by incorporating suggestions and activities from various settings.

Learn more about health disparities here:


What actions by parliament were meant to limit the ability of other nations to trade with the american colonies and thus maximize profits?


The navigation acts by parliament were meant to limit the ability of other nations to trade with the American colonies and thus maximize profits.

In both history and contemporary politics, a parliament is a body of lawmakers. A modern parliament typically performs three tasks: it represents the voters, makes laws, and supervises the executive branch through hearings and investigations.

The British Parliament created a number of regulations known as the Navigation Acts that placed limitations on colonial trade. Mercantilism served as the foundation for British economic policy, which attempted to leverage the American colonies to strengthen British state finances and authority.

To learn more about parliament here:


The __ step is the most difficult of the problem solving steps and it requires a lot of time paitence and effort


The first and most difficult step is covered in the following section. After you have sufficiently defined the problem, you collect factual information, such as who, what, when, and where. Then you generate alternative options by bringing in people with different problem-solving styles.

What exactly is problem solving?

The four basic problem-solving steps are as follows:

1. Identify the Issue: It's common to confuse a problem's symptoms with the problem itself. When determining the source of a problem, make sure to ask the appropriate questions.

2. Develop Alternatives

It's a good idea to think about possible solutions once you've identified the problem. There are frequently multiple solutions to the same problem. Make certain that all options have been consider.

3. Select a Solution

Determine which solution will be most beneficial to all parties involved. If you're in business, you'll almost certainly need to consider the costs and benefits of any given solution.

4. Put the Solution into Action Once you've determined the best solution to a problem, you can put it into action.

Learn more about problem solving steps here:


It is possible to calculate a numerical value of ea if you have only found one term in the series expansion.
true/ false


It is possible to calculate a numerical value of EA if you have only found one term in the series expansion. The given statement is false.

A series expansion in mathematics is the expansion of a function into a series, often known as an infinite sum. It is a technique for computing a function that cannot be represented using only basic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

If the value of the function and all of its derivatives are known at one point, the Taylor series may be used to determine the value of the complete function at every point.

Learn more about series here


TRUE. Calculating a numerical value of ea is possible if you have only found one term in the series expansion.

A series expansion is a function expansion into a series, often known as an infinite sum. It is a method of computing a function that cannot be represented using only basic operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The resulting so-called series can frequently be restricted to a finite number of terms, providing a function approximation. The more straightforward this approximation, the fewer terms of the sequence used. Repeatedly, the resulting inaccuracy (i.e., the partial sum of the omitted terms) can be expressed by a Big O notation equation. The series expansion on an open interval is likewise a non-analytic function approximation.

Learn more about Series Expansion here:


As the spanish began colonizing california in the 1760s, ______ were established along the pacific coast from san diego to san francisco.


As the Spanish began colonizing California in the 1760s, Forts and Missions were established along the pacific coast from San Diego to San Francisco.

Why is San Francisco so important?

San Francisco became a modern metropolis with a frontier feels as a result of the Gold Rush. San Francisco continued to grow throughout the 20th century as a hub of riches, military might, progressive culture, and advanced technology. The great earthquake and fire of 1906, however, severely damaged most of the city and only slightly impeded its expansion.

The California missions were founded in the late 18th century in an effort to expand European territory and convert Native Americans to Catholicism. The missions, which were carried out by Spain, are thought by experts to have been attempts to settle the North American Pacific coast.

Learn more about San Francisco here:


If i wanted to see whether students were more likely to spill ketchup on themselves in the cafeteria when sitting with their best friends, i would most likely conduct?


Observational research is required to be conducted if someone wants to see whether, when seated next to their closest friends in the cafeteria, students were more likely to spill ketchup on themselves or not.

Moreo about Observational research:

In observational research, people and phenomena are observed in their most natural environments. Instead of using organised environments like study labs or focus groups, this allows researchers to observe how their participants make decisions and respond to circumstances in their everyday lives.

The study of non-experimental circumstances in which behaviour is observed and noted is referred to as observational research. The phrase "what really is going on or what's he doing" could also be used. The variables are neither controlled nor manipulated, hence the study is categorised as non-experimental.

Learn more about Observational research here:


Tradition and civil service rules have established the police officer's most common working day as _____ hours.


Tradition and civil service rules have established the police officer's most common working day as 8 hours.

This is further explained below.

What is civil service?

Generally, The phrase "civil service" refers to a sector of the government that is mostly made up of career civil servants who are employed on the basis of professional merit rather than being appointed or elected.

The civil service's institutional tenure often survives shifts in political leadership.

In conclusion, A typical shift for a police officer will consist of eight hours of work due to both civil service regulations and long-standing tradition.

Read more about civil service


What type of study focuses most on the analysis of a person or a particular situation?


Case study is type of study focuses most on the analysis of a person or a particular situation.

What is the case in case study?

When doing a case study, the researcher will come across incidents, adjustments, routine-illustrative behaviors, decisions, etc. These components can all be thought of as analytical units, and as such, they all make up cases. In other words, there are an endless number of subcases that make up a case. There are cases in every case.

What type of study is a case study?

A case study is an in-depth examination of a particular subject, such as a person, group, location, occasion, business, or phenomena. In social, educational, clinical, and business research, case studies are frequently used.

Learn more about  case study


When the food and drug administration prohibits a certain drug from being marketed in the united states, this is:_________
a. legal negativism.
b. private law.
c. an executive order.
d. an agency regulation.


When the food and drug administration prohibits a certain drug from being marketed in the united states, this is an agency regulation.

What is agency regulation?

Agency Regulations differ depending on the nation and industry. In the least intrusive kind of regulation, regulatory bodies are often tasked with keeping an industry under control, only getting involved when there is a solid suspicion that a regulated business may not be upholding its commitments. Regulations bodies often have the following capabilities under such a system:

require new businesses or individuals joining the industry to get a license;demand the regulated company's information and decision-making be transparent; andthe regulator will examine the regulated company's compliance and performance, and it will publish the results of its investigations.

To learn more about agency regulation visit:


A society that is able to produce goods and services at the lowest cost possible is experiencing? allocative efficiency. production efficiency. opportunity costs. scarcity.


'A society that is able to produce goods and services at the lowest cost possible is experiencing Production efficiency'.

The goal of productive efficiency is to produce goods and services as cheaply as feasible. In this scenario, the economy can increase the production of one product without harming other manufacturing methods.

The idea behind economics that an economy should maximize output using its resources. The production of another product would have to be reduced in order to produce any additional units after a business or market reaches productive efficiency.

When a company in a particular market or industry reaches the lowest point on its average cost curve, it has achieved productive efficiency, which implies effective use of limited resources and high factor productivity.

So, a conclusion is a society that is able to produce goods and services at the lowest cost possible is experiencing production efficiency.

To know more about Production efficiency visit


After the bid is won in a municipal underwriting, a selling group member that places an order with the manager would earn the: ________
a. spread
b. concession
c. total takedown
d. additional takedown


After the bid is won in a municipal underwriting, a selling group member that places an order with the manager would earn the additional takedown.

How Does the Takedown Work?

A stock, bond, or other security’s opening bid price when it is initially offered on the open market is referred to as the takedown in financial language.

Once the public has acquired securities from underwriters, the takedown will play a role in establishing the spread or commission that underwriters will earn.

Members of a syndicate of investment banks that have backed securities in public offerings will be given a full takedown.

A portion of the takedown by the municipal underwriting is distributed to dealers not affiliated with the syndicate, and the remaining funds are kept by the syndicate.

The manager’s fee typically accounts for a significantly lower portion of the spread than the takedown, which is the profit made by a syndicate member from the sale of an offering.

To know more about municipal underwriting visit:


Why is it difficult for government to decide the efficient quantity of a public good to provide?


Due of free riders, it is challenging for the government to determine the optimal amount of a public product to provide.

Government struggles to determine the optimal amount of a public good to supply since they encourage people to free ride, which makes it harder to get money to pay for the item. A product that your neighbor uses for free is not something you would want to purchase.

Why are public goods not cost-effective?

In the event that some consumers choose not to pay but nevertheless utilize the good, public goods lead to market failures. One such public asset is national defense, from which all citizens, regardless of contribution level, benefit equally. To privately achieve the ideal level of national defense is quite challenging.

What is the primary drawback of public goods?

When it comes to public goods, there is an issue with free-riders. This implies that once a good is offered, no one can stop someone from using and enjoying it. There is no reason for people to pay for the good as they can utilize it without paying anything, hence there is no motivation for them to do so.

Learn more about free ride:


During the columbian exchange, indigenous peoples of the americas were introduced to potatoes. corn. cattle. beavers.


During the columbian exchange, the indigenous peoples of the Americas were introduced to cattle.

What comes with the European exploration of the Americas?

The explorers and conquistadors brought many new plants to the Americas, as they brought some European crops such as barley, rye, wheat which was originally from the Middle East. The European exploration also brought plants that had originally come from Asia, including sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, sugarcane etc.

Among the options, during the columbian exchange, the indigenous peoples of the Americas were introduced to cattle.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about columbian exchange


When people believe that they are free and proactive agents in the creation of their behavior, this is related to?



A. voluntarism


This is based on the principle of voluntarism that people are free and at liberty to choose their goals and aspirations and go after them willingly, shaping them as they please and wish and adjusting their behaviors go suit these roles regardless of societal cultures, beliefs, norms or any form of social constraints as against having fixed or predertermined goals for every individual

Identify the correct and incorrect statements about voter turnout among racial and ethnic groups


1. The correct statements about voter turnout among racial and ethnic groups are:

c) African American turnout is only slightly lower than white turnout.d) Asian American voter turnout is slightly higher than Latino voter turnout.

2. The incorrect statements about voter turnout among racial and ethnic groups are:

a) Texas total voter turnout is similar to white total voter turnout.b) Latino voter turnout is about equal to Texas's total voter turnout.

What is voter turnout?

Voter turnout is the number or percentage of eligible and registered voters who vote or cast their ballots in an election.

Voter turnout does not describe the number of issues listed on the ballot to be voted for.  Also, it does not refer to the number of polling centers or the number of votes for a candidate or party.

Thus, the correct and incorrect statements about voter turnout among racial and ethnic groups have been identified above.

Learn more about voter turnout at


Question Completion:

a) Texas total voter turnout is similar to white total voter turnout

b) Latino voter turnout is about equal to Texas's total voter turnout

c) African American turnout is only slightly lower than white turnout

d) Asian American voter turnout is slightly higher than Latino voter turnout

The ________ is the visible, bumpy portion of the ear. it is useful for helping to locate sounds.


The Pinna is the visible, bumpy portion of the ear it is useful for helping to locate sounds. The pinna and outside ear channel create from the ectoderm of the primary branchial split.

What is Pinna?

The pinna is the main apparent piece of the ear (the auricle) with its extraordinary helical shape.

It is the initial segment of the external ear's life systems that responds to sound. The pinna's capability is to go about as a sort of channel which helps with coordinating the sound further into the ear.

The clinical term for the external ear is the auricle or pinna. The external ear is comprised of ligament and skin. The endoderm of the main pharyngeal pocket comes into contact with the ectoderm of the principal branchial split on day 11 of incubation to shape the tympanic layer.

Therefore Reflected sound off the pinna joins with the immediate sound into the ear to make high recurrence brush sifting impacts.

Learn more about Pinna here:


A government decree that a person is guilty of a crime rendered without benefits of a trial is known as:_____.


A government decree that a person is guilty of a crime rendered without benefits of a trial is known as: Bill of attainder.

   A bill of attainder is a legislative measure that punishes an individual or group of individuals, frequently without a trial, for committing a crime. The impact of such a measure is to annul the targeted person's civil rights, most importantly the right to own property, the right to a title of nobility, and the right to life itself. This is similar to attainder that results from the regular court process.

   Due to the potential for abuse and the violation of several legal principles, most notably the right to due process, the idea that a law should address a particular form of behavior rather than a specific individual or group, and the separation of powers because a bill of attainder is inevitably a judicial matter, the use of these bills by Parliament eventually fell out of favor.

To learn more about bill of attainder click here:


A causal explanation that can be tested for validity by comparison with observed facts and by experimentation is a(n)?


A causal explanation that can be tested for validity by comparison with observed facts and by experimentation is a Hypothesis.

What is Hypothesis?

A hypothesis  can be described as the  proposed explanation  which is been used on a phenomenon.

It should be noted that for  hypothesis to be considered a scientific hypothesis it should be tested, hence  Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations , in conclusion, causal explanation that can be tested for validity by comparison with observed facts and by experimentation is a Hypothesis.

Find out more on Hypothesis at


Opinion change resulting from incidental cues such as a speaker's attractiveness illustrate?


Opinion change resulting from incidental cues such as a speaker's attractiveness illustrates peripheral route persuasion.

The indirect method of persuasion known as the peripheral route makes use of peripheral clues to have the audience positively associate the message of the speaker. The peripheral approach relies on association with good qualities such as positive feelings rather than focusing on the facts and the quality of a product.

When someone agrees with a speaker because they are attractive and brought pizza to the presentation, that is an example of the peripheral route to persuasion.

One doesn't have time to properly evaluate every choice you make, thus peripheral route processing is crucial. One can free up more time to think about the more important decisions you need to make by employing incidental cues to make the smaller judgments automatically.

To learn more about incidental cues here:


Roberts & curtis found that students who _____ most of the class meeting did not do worse on a surprise quiz compared to those who did some of the time:


Roberts & Curtis found that students who Doodled most of the class meeting did not do worse on a surprise Quiz compared to those who did some of the time.

This is further explained below.

What is Doodling?

Generally, Doodling is not only a fun and creative method to express yourself, but it is also a fantastic opportunity to explore your drawing talents.

Doodling art has both of these benefits.

Doodle art is one of the finest methods to learn the fundamentals of drawing, and it's also a lot of fun!

Because they are aesthetically so reassuring, doodling may also provide a one-of-a-kind and creative touch to anything you are sketching or designing.

In conclusion, Roberts and Curtis reached the conclusion that students who doodled for most of a class meeting did not do worse on a surprise test in comparison to persons who only did so on occasion.

This was one of the findings of their investigation.

Read more about Doodling


complete question

Roberts & Curtis found that students who _____ most of the class meeting did not do worse on a surprise quiz compared to those who did some of the time:

1. Used their phone

2. All of these

3. Doodled

4.None of these

5. Used their laptop

The work of dorothea dix led to the establishment of many _____ around the country.


The paintings of Dorothea Dix led to the establishment of many state hospitals across u. s. a.

Dorothea Lynde Dix turned into an American suggest on behalf of the indigent mentally ill who, through a vigorous and sustained application of lobbying kingdom legislatures and the USA Congress, created the primary era of yank intellectual asylums. at some point during the Civil war, she served as a Superintendent of Military Nurses.

Dorothea Dix played an instrumental function in the founding or growth of greater than 30 hospitals for the treatment of the mentally unwell. She changed into the main figure in those national and international actions that challenged the idea that human beings with intellectual disturbances could not be cured or helped.

Dorothea Dix turned into a social reformer devoted to changing situations for individuals who could not assist themselves - the mentally sick and the imprisoned. no longer best a crusader, she turned into additionally an instructor, writer, lobbyist, and superintendent of nurses throughout the Civil conflict.

Learn more about Dorothea Dix here:


________ is evidenced when national officials fund a project that is actually implemented by state governments.


Cooperative federalism is evidenced when national officials fund a project that is actually implemented by State governments.

What is federalism?

Federalism is a form of government in whereby the same territory is governed by two levels of government. By extension, federalism is a system of governance whereby power is being shared between the central and the component states.

Therefore, the Cooperative federalism is an instance of national funding of project(s) by the state.

learn more about federalism:


If there are 4 8-oz cups in a quart, about how many cups are in a 2-liter bottle of soda?


If there are 4 8-oz cups in a quart, about, therefore 8 cups in a 2-liter bottle of soda are 8.

A quart is an English unit of extent same as a quarter gallon. three varieties of quarts are presently used: the liquid quart and dry quart of American commonplace devices and the imperial quart of the British imperial gadget. All are kind of equal to at least one liter. it's far divided into pints or 4 cups.

A liter is a unit of volume same as 1,000 cubic centimeters. The liter is a special call described for the cubic decimeter and is precisely equal to the volume of 1 cubic decimeter. The liter is an SI well-known unit for the extent to be used with the metric gadget.

Learn more about quart here:-


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