the bolshevik party in 1917 gained the support of the peasant class because they promised them.true/false


Answer 1

True. By promising them land and an end to their exploitation, the Bolshevik Party, led by Vladimir Lenin, won the support of the peasantry in 1917.

In 1917, the Vladimir Lenin-led Bolshevik Party won the support of the working class by promising them land and an end to exploitation. The Bolsheviks understood that the majority of the Russian people were peasants and that the revolution needed their support to succeed. The peasants, who were experiencing food shortages and difficult living conditions, connected with the party's motto, "Peace, Land, and Bread." The Bolsheviks pledged to halt Russia's involvement in World War I, provide the peasants access to land, as well as to supply them with food and other essentials. The successful takeover of power by the Bolsheviks and the creation of the Soviet Union depended on these pledges.

learn more about Bolshevik Party here:


Related Questions

which baltimore classification groups are considered retroviruses? a) Group II. b) Group IV. c) Group VI. d) Group VIII.


HIV and other retroviruses are part of Group VI, along with the Metaviridae and Pseudoviridae families. Unlike Class I viruses, Class VII viruses replicate using a ssRNA intermediate while having a double-stranded DNA genome.

To create a closed circle that serves as a template for the generation of viral mRNA, the dsDNA genome is gapped and then filled in. RNA is reverse transcribed back into DNA in order to replicate the genome. The Class VII virus that causes hepatitis B. Oncoviruses, Lentiviruses, and Spumaviruses make up the three families of retroviruses. A-type, B-type, C-type, and D-type retroviruses are categorised as well depending on how they appear under an electron microscope.

Learn more about retroviruses here:


how did meteorologists predict hurricanes before 1990?


They used the regional dynamical models to make accurate track forecasts

what position is coach boone put into when he is told that he is appointed head coach of the football team with?


Coach Boone is put into the position of head coach when he is told that he is appointed head coach of the football team.

This means that he is now responsible for leading the team and making important decisions regarding the team's performance and strategy. As head coach, he must also oversee the other coaches and players, and ensure that everyone is working together effectively to achieve the team's goals.

This is a challenging and demanding position, but it also offers the opportunity to make a significant impact on the team's success. This might be difficult in the short run but it is worth it.

You can read more about football  at


the edict of nantes, passed by henry iv of france, promised all french peoplegroup of answer choicesfree land.persecution.freedom of religion.a catholic state.


The ruling supported Protestants' right to religious liberty and gave them permission to hold open worship services in many areas of the kingdom, but not in Paris.

It established a special court, the Chambre de l'Édit, made up of both Protestants and Catholics, to adjudicate conflicts resulting from the edict and accorded them full civil rights, including access to education. The state was to pay Protestant preachers and release them from some duties. Military strongholds, or sites de sûreté, could be maintained by the Protestants for an additional eight years with the monarch covering the cost of maintaining them. The proclamation also extended Protestant worship and restored Catholicism in those locations where Catholic activity had been halted.

Learn more about religious here:


Place the Russian events in chronological order.1.Stalin institutes policies designed to modernize andindustrialize Russia. He orders the death of those whodisagree.2.Russian Communists, known as Bolsheviks, revolt againstCzar Nicholas I.3.The Communist government immediately negotiates aseparate peace with the German government. Russia dropsout of World War I.4.Communists change the name of the empire to the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics.5.Bolsheviks, under Vladimir Lenin, seize power.6.Governments of other European nations react to Stalin'spolicies by becoming fiercely determined not to allowcommunism to take control in their countries.7.Vladimir Lenin dies, leaving behind a leadership struggle.


The correct chronological order for Russian events will be 6,1,3,4,2,7 and 5.

Russian Communists, known as Bolsheviks, revolt against Czar Nicholas, it will be Bolsheviks, under Vladimir Lenin, seize power. The Communist government immediately negotiates a separate peace with the German government. Russia drops out of World War I and communists change the name of the empire to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Vladimir Lenin dies, leaving behind a leadership struggle. Stalin institutes policies designed to modernize and industrialize Russia. He orders the death of those who disagree and will be Governments of other European nations reacting to Stalin's policies by becoming fiercely determined not to allow communism to take control in their countries.

To learn more about Russian follow the link:


Where did father Hidalgo led a stuggle for independence?


Mexico, he in fact was recognized as the first insurgent and a founding father of Mexico. In his honor, one of Mexico's states and the city of Dolores were named after him. Mexico's independence day is celebrated on September 16, the day he proclaimed the insurgency

Select the correct answer.
How did the United Nations help end the Suez Crisis?

It sent toll profits to other countries.
It provided funds for rebuilding the canal.
It filed a lawsuit against canal owners.
It negotiated a cease-fire between combatants.



D. It negotiated a cease-fire between combatants



andrew jackson believed that the second bank of the united states was a problem because ?


Jackson's mistrust of the Bank was political as well because he thought a federal organization like the Bank violated the rights of the states. Additionally, he believed that the Bank gave too few individuals — who could use that power against the government — too much power.

hope this helps!

Which of Thomas Jefferson's achievements as president aligned with his goal of extending the United States westward? A. The reduction of the federal government  B. The growth of the U.S. military  C. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory  D. The abolishment of slavery


The purchase of the Louisiana Territory as president aligned with his goal of extending the United States westward. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What did Thomas Jefferson do in the westward expansion?

In 1803 the westward movement started in earnest. Thomas Jefferson signed a pact with France in which the United States paid $15 million to France for the Louisiana Territory, an area of territory measuring 828,000 square miles west of the Mississippi River. This practically doubled the size of the new country.

The westward expansion, for which Jefferson served as the architect, was one of his finest accomplishments. He dispatched the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-6) to the Pacific because he foresaw the nation's future on the continent, even though he was aware that it would have to pass land that was claimed by other nations.

Learn more about the westward expansion here:


Life in China
• China lost the Opium Wars to Great Britain and was forced to open trade to
western powers.
. China lost the Sino-Japanese War to Japan. To pay for the Sino-Japanese War,
China had to give trade rights to western Europe in exchange for financial
Events in the list above describe what?


Events in the list describe how China was a weak nation in the 19th century.

What happened to China in the 19th century ?

The first event, the Opium Wars, refers to two wars fought between China and Great Britain in the mid-19th century, which resulted in China losing to Britain and being forced to open its trade to western powers. The second event, the Sino-Japanese War, was a conflict between China and Japan in the late 19th century, in which China was defeated by Japan.

As a result of this defeat, China had to grant trade rights to western Europe in exchange for financial help to pay for the war. These events demonstrate the weakness of the Chinese imperial system and its vulnerability to foreign intervention and exploitation during this period of history.

Find out more on China at


_____ soldiers is nickname some native americans called african american soldiers


Buffalo soldiers is nickname some native Americans called African American soldiers.

During the American Civil War and beyond, African Americans served in the military. A large number of these men later fought in the Philippine-American War and the Spanish-American War. Many African Americans enrolled despite the poor pay—only $13 per month—because they could earn more and gain more respect than they frequently did in the civilian world.

Congress created six all-black regiments in 1866 (which were soon reduced to four) to aid in the nation's post-Civil War reconstruction and to participate in the Plains Wars on the western border. The 10th Cavalry, one of these regiments, is where the moniker "Buffalo Soldier" originated. Black cavalry warriors were known as "buffalo soldiers" by American Plains Indians who engaged in combat with them because of their strong fighting style and dark, curly hair that resembled a buffalo's coat. The moniker quickly evolved to refer to all African-American regiments organized in 1866.

Learn more about the Buffalo Soldier:


What is the idea that all people are born with the natural rights of life, liberty, and property is most directly associated with the writings?


The idea that all people are born with the natural rights of life, liberty, and property is most directly associated with the writings of John Locke.

John Locke is referred regarded as the "Father of Liberalism" because of his belief that everyone has the natural right to life, liberty, and property from birth. Locke is equally significant to the social contract idea as one of the first British empiricists in the Francis Baconian vein. His contributions had a significant impact on the growth of political philosophy and epistemology. His ideas had an impact on many Scottish Enlightenment philosophers, including Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as well as American Revolutionaries. In the US Declaration of Independence, his contributions to classical republicanism and liberal ideology are acknowledged. Locke's political-legal principles continue to have a significant impact on the theory and application of limited representative government as well as the defense of fundamental freedoms and rights globally.

Know more about John Locke here:


during what time period did life-like sculptures of ideal athletes, heroes, and gods dominate?


During the Classical period, life-like sculptures of ideal athletes, heroes, and gods dominated.

The Classical period lasted from around 480 BCE to 323 BCE and is known for its emphasis on harmony, order, and balance in art. Sculptors during this time sought to create realistic and idealized depictions of the human form, often depicting athletes, heroes, and gods in dynamic and naturalistic poses.

These sculptures were meant to convey a sense of beauty, strength, and perfection, and were often used to decorate temples and public spaces. Overall, the Classical period is considered to be a high point in the development of Greek art, and its influence can be seen in the art of later civilizations, such as the Romans.

Learn more about Classical period:


How did the Cherokee attempt to keep their land


The Cherokee people attempted to keep their land in a number of ways, including political and legal means, as well as resistance and military action. Here are some of the ways the Cherokee attempted to keep their land:

1. Political action: The Cherokee Nation established a constitutional government and became recognized as a sovereign nation by the United States government. They also signed treaties with the US government to protect their land and rights.

2. Legal action: The Cherokee Nation took the US government to court, challenging the forced removal of the Cherokee from their land in a case known as Worcester v. Georgia. The case went to the Supreme Court, but the Court ruled against the Cherokee and upheld the forced removal.

3. Resistance: Some Cherokee resisted the forced removal by hiding in the hills and forests or by joining forces with other Native American groups. They also staged a series of uprisings and armed conflicts against the US military.

4. Military action: A small group of Cherokee, known as the "Cherokee Nationalists," formed a military unit and attempted to defend their land by force. They were eventually defeated by the US military.

Despite these efforts, the Cherokee were ultimately forced to give up their land and were relocated to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) in a forced march known as the "Trail of Tears." This event had a devastating impact on the Cherokee people, leading to the loss of their ancestral lands and the deaths of thousands of people.





Draw Inferences Why would you
expect Lyon, France, to become a
major industrial city?


As It was located near both coal fields & iron ore deposits. They expect Lyon, France, to become a major industrial city.

What is the industry?

An industry is a group of productive firms or organizations that manufacture or offer goods, services, or income sources. In economics, industries are divided into four categories.

As in the economic factor, There are the largest centers of banking And pharmaceutical chemical is there in it. Lyon's robust economic performance is nothing new as it has long led Europe's

Therefore, As a result, They located the coalfield and iron ore in a major industrial city.

Learn more about the industry here:


Why would Missouri
leaders not accept the Arkansas Territory
being closed to slavery or becoming a free


The Missouri leaders did not accept the Arkansas Territory, Because The Missouri Compromise forbade slavery throughout the Great Plains' unorganized region.

What is slavery?

Slavery and enslavement are both the state and the situation of being a slave, which is someone who is forbidden to leave their service for an enslaver and is viewed as property by the enslaver.

As The Missouri Compromise was rejected, Considering that Congress lacked the authority to outlaw slavery in the territories, the Missouri Compromise was unlawful.

Therefore, As a result, The Arkansas territory was not accepted, because of Missouri compromises on slavery.

Learn more about slavery here:


Which delegates opposed the mention of slavery in the Declaration of Independence?
a. South Carolina
b. Georgia
c. Various northern delegates who represented slave trading merchants
d. All of the above


John Adams firmly believed that the country should become independent from occupying powers and self-sufficient.

The anti-slavery tenet that had been rejected served as the inspiration for the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which forbade slavery. Jefferson's proposal was rejected because, unlike the well-known anti-slavery wording in the Ordinance, it would have applied both north and south of the Ohio River. What did Thomas Jefferson have to say about slavery in the original Declaration of Independence? Jefferson worked to prevent the introduction of slavery into new American territories while he was president, and he vehemently opposed and outlawed the global slave trade. He advocated for the gradual release and colonization of slaves who were already residing in the United States instead of their immediate manumission.

Learn more about Anti-slavery here:


Atlanta is the birthplace and burial place of which civil rights leader?
a. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
b. Coretta Scott King
c. John Lewis
d. Bernice King


If the nation is to be preserved, I believe that you, the women, must become its soul. Will you marry me? Do you favour any particular one over the others?

As part of the Poor People's Campaign that her husband was organizing at the time of his death, Coretta Scott King visited Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1968. "Women, if the soul of this nation is to be preserved, I believe you must become its soul," she remarked, addressing a specific set of people directly. Despite being most known as the wife of renowned civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King also made her own contributions to the battle against injustice. After her husband's passing, she also worked to carry on his legacy. Coretta Scott was born in April in Marion, Alabama.

Learn more about Coretta Scott King here:


Where were most textile factories located in North Carolina


Answer: In North Carolina, over 60% of the state's textile and hosiery facilities as well as production were located in Alamance, Guilford, Catawba, Randolph, Davidson and Burke Counties.

2. What was the Truman Doctrine?

(A) the program to promote a successful return to a domestic economy in the postwar era

(B) the U.S. policy of giving economic and military aid to countries to help them restrict the spread of communism

(C) the plan for successful U.S. participation in the United Nations

(D) the plan to fund and support economic recover in any nation of Europe that requested such aid

3. What was the Berlin Airlift?

(A) the American and British response to the Soviet blockade of Berlin

(B) the final attempt by Germans to force the Soviets out of East Germany

(C) the American and British attempt to evacuate Germans wanting to leave Berlin

(D) the American threat to drop an atomic bomb on Germany

4. Which military alliance did the Western bloc of nations form to defend against Soviet aggression after World War II?

(A) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(B) the United Nations

(C) the Warsaw Pact

(D) the Organization of American States

5. Which international event contributed to the Second Red Scare in the United States?

(A) Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Poland.

(B) China became a communist nation after a civil war.

(C) Palestine was divided into two states: one Arab and one Jewish.

(D) Allied forces occupied Japan after World War II.

6. After World War II, the U.S. government adopted a policy of containment. This policy remained in place for several decades during the Cold War Period.

What was the purpose of the containment policy?

(A) to limit the spread of communism in Europe and Asia

(B) to prevent the Soviet Union from testing a nuclear weapon

(C) to identify communist sympathizers living in the United States

(D) to foster the growth of domestic science-and technology-based industries

7. Which issue was the leading cause of political debate over national security in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s?

(A) fear about future terrorist attacks on major American cities

(B) concern about the escalation of the military conflict in South Vietnam

(C) fear about communist infiltration in the government

(D) concern about the nation being pulled into conflict as a result of international alliances

8. Which was an outcome of the Korean War?

(A) North and South Korea remained separate with a demilitarized zone along the 38th parallel.

(B) An initial truce led to a peace treaty that established North Korea as communist and South Korea as a democracy.

(C) China took over North Korea and the UN took over South Korea.

(D) The two Koreas united and became a democracy.

9. What was McCarthyism?

(A) a tactic of spreading fear with often baseless accusations of communist activities in the United States

(B) the belief that the United States must save European economies following World War II

(C) a policy of providing economic relief to South Korea and other war-torn nations

(D) the tremendous increase in population following World War II

11. Which concern did President Eisenhower express in his farewell address?

(A) Nuclear proliferation would lead to communist takeovers around the world.

(B) The power of the military-industrial complex could threaten democracy.

(C) Without special vigilance, communism would work its way to America.

(D) The increased power of the United Nations.

12. What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

(A) the policy that stationed American troops in selected locations around the world in case war broke out

(B) the policy that committed American aid and troops to protect the Middle East from communist aggression

(C) the effort to support communist nations with foreign aid to give them the economic basis for democracy

(D) the attempt to enhance the UN efforts to provide relief for famine in Africa

13. What happened when developers built affordable, mass-produced houses in places such as Levittown?

(A) The suburbs grew as young families moved away from cities.

(B) Schools hired teachers whose salaries were paid by the developers.

(C) The cost of automobiles and gasoline went up.

(D) The federal government offered tax incentives for anyone who moved to the suburbs.



Here are the answers to your questions:

(B) the U.S. policy of giving economic and military aid to countries to help them restrict the spread of communism

(A) the American and British response to the Soviet blockade of Berlin

(A) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(B) China became a communist nation after a civil war.

(A) to limit the spread of communism in Europe and Asia

(C) fear about communist infiltration in the government

(A) North and South Korea remained separate with a demilitarized zone along the 38th parallel.

(A) a tactic of spreading fear with often baseless accusations of communist activities in the United States

(B) The power of the military-industrial complex could threaten democracy.

(B) the policy that committed American aid and troops to protect the Middle East from communist aggression

(A) The suburbs grew as young families moved away from cities.

Which concern did President Eisenhower express in his farewell address?

(A) Nuclear proliferation would lead to communist takeovers around the world.

(B) The power of the military-industrial complex could threaten democracy.

(C) Without special vigilance, communism would work its way to America.

(D) The increased power of the United Nations.


The sherman antitrust act of 1890 changed the relationship between the federal government and by attempting to through regulations.a. Trueb. False


The given statement "The Sherman antitrust act of 1890 changed the relationship between the federal government and by attempting to through regulations" is false.

The Sherman anti-trust act of 1890 altered the relationship between the federal government and the states by attempting to regulate them.

It was the first federal law to outlaw monopolistic ideology and corporate practises, and it was approved on July 2, 1890. Congress's ability to influence interstate trade is guaranteed by the Constitution.

The statute gave the federal government the right to file lawsuits against trusts, retain oversight of their operations, and dissolve them.

Although the act was designed to reinstate fair competition, it was poorly written and lacked definitions for key phrases like "trust," "combination," "conspiracy," and "monopoly."

The goal of the programme was to increase economic competition and prevent monopolies in particular industries by giving everyone the same opportunities.

To know more about the Sherman Act, click here:


Zebulon Pike is famous because he
A) discovered the highest mountain in Montana
B) was the first European to see the highest peak in Colorado
C) was the first European to discover ancient Indian burial grounds
D) found a waterway from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean


Zebulon Pike is famous because he D) found a waterway from Missouri to the Pacific Ocean.

Who is Zebulon Pike?

Zebulon Pike (1779 - 1813) was born in New Jersey and was an American officer and explorer. He did not have much formal education but enjoyed reading.

Pike joined the army and was in charge of the transportation networks and supply lines between forts. He later was involved in various expeditions in America.

His first expedition was when General James Wilkinson ordered him to find the source of the Mississippi River in 1805 to select sites for military posts, meet with the various Indian tribes, and report on the activity of the British in the area.

He became known for exploring the northern portion of the Louisiana Purchase across the Missouri and Columbia Rivers.

Learn more about Zebulon Pike at


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
After the end of World War II, the United States experienced an economic boom that came with the creation of postwar federal programs. How were
women impacted?
Many groups were not able to participate in postwar federal programs or the economic boom. For example, women who had taken jobs in
defense industries were forced to give up their jobs to
v . In addition, fewer women than men sought
v Women were also encouraged to pursue
v that they had occupled before the war.


World War II has a positive impact on women because women replaced men in industries since men were away serving in the military. This gave women the opportunity to work, and earn income, as well as prove they were capable just as men.

As soon as the war was over, policies made by the federal government and civilians replaced women workers with men. Many women lost their jobs.

They were encouraged to stay at home and take care of their homes and children.

What is World War II?

World War II also known as the Second World War was a global conflict that started when Adolf Hitler and his German forces invaded Poland in September 1939.

In this war, the majority of the countries of the world, including the great powers, fought as part of two opposing military alliances. While some support German, others supported the United States and Western Europe.

Learn more about the Second World War at


How did Maximilien Robespierre led during the French Revolution?


Leading the extremist Jacobin movement and supporting the Reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre was a significant player in the French Revolution.

The Committee of Public Safety, which was founded to monitor the country's transition to a republic, was chaired by Maximilien Robespierre, a prominent character in the French Revolution. Due to his radical and unyielding ideologies, Robespierre oversaw the Reign of Terror, a time of savage brutality and persecution against supposed opponents of the revolution. He supported the creation of a "Republic of Virtue" and held that the tactics to accomplishing his goal were justified by the final result. As a result of Robespierre's leadership, the Reign of Terror came to an end when he was killed in 1794.

learn more about French Revolution here:


What political conflict did Haiti face soon after gaining independence?


Answer: First, the warfare of the Haitian Revolution destroyed the capital and infrastructure of the economy. Second, Haiti lacked diplomatic and trade relations with other nations. Third, Haiti lacked investment, both foreign and domestic investment.


huey long criticized roosevelt’s new deal policies because he believed


Long Huey was elected as the US senate but did not secured his seat and established himself as aa isolationist.  He was also involved in Roosevelt's nomination actions in the year 1932.

But split with him in 1933 and became a leading critic of Roosevelt's New Deal.

Instead,  he proposed a 'share our wealth program ' during the year 1934. To restore the economy. With this program, he promoted the redistribution of wealth.

This program focused on limited annual income to around 1 million dollars each year.

Free college education and vocational trainings

And many more.

Learn more about Long Huey here


which event helped convince the united states to enter world war i on the side of the allies? responses sinking of the lusitania sinking of the lusitania election of woodrow wilson election of woodrow wilson overthrow of the russian tsar overthrow of the russian tsar assassination of archduke franz ferdinand


The sinking of the Lusitania by Germany convinced the united states to enter World War I on the side of the allies. The correct option is A.

One of the worst worldwide wars in history was World War I, sometimes known as the First World War. The Central Powers and the Allies fought as two coalitions. Fighting broke out in several countries of Asia, the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

5 million people perished as a result of military action, famine, and disease, compared to an estimated 9 million soldiers who died in battle and another 23 million who were injured. Genocide claimed millions more lives, and the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic was made worse by the movement of soldiers during the conflict.

To know more about World War I, click here:


Write a one-page essay which explains and summarises what the Nazis did when they were in power. Use the following words in your essay: dictatorship, propaganda, Dachau, Nuremberg Laws and persecution.​


I'm not confident I can write an essay, but I can certainly give you the key points. First of all, on the night of the Reichstag fire (27th Feb 1933), the Nazi's blamed Marinus Van Der Lubbe (a dutch communist arsonist) for the fire. This was convenient for Hitler as he was trying to turn everyone against the communists because it'd lead everyone towards him. Next, during the event of the Enabling Act (23rd march 1933), the Nazi's barricaded exits of the Kroll Opra House so that people couldn't leave and had to follow Hitler's ideals. Thanks to the Nazi's use of fear, violence, and intimidation, the Enabling Act was passed with 441 votes to 94. The Enabling Act was seen by many as the end of Democracy in germany, so the Nazi's played a very big part in Hitler's dictatorship over Germany. On the 2nd of May 1933, a policy called the Gleichstchtug was introduced in which Hitler/the Nazi's could interfere with German citizens' private lives, like posts, phone calls, etc. All trade unions were banned, and only one trade union was introduced, which was, of course, completely run and filled by Nazis (German Labour Front, or, the DAF- Deutsche Arbeitsfront)

i apologise if this isn't what you need or this is too late, but i hope I helped even a little!

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Question 2 of 21
How is organizing the past by region similar to or different from organizing
the past by period?


Organizing the past by region is similar to organizing the past by period in that they both involve organizing historical events in chronological order.

However, organizing the past by region focuses on particular geographical areas and the events that occurred in those areas, while organizing the past by period looks at the broader timeline of history and the events that occurred during that period.

What is the past?

The past is referred to as the time that has already happened or occured, or all of the events or occurrences that have occurred or took place before the present moment. It is often referred to as history or the historical record.

Therefore, organizing history or the historical records by region or by period might be similar in terms of chronological arrangement whereas the two modes or methods of organizing history could be said to be different as on deals with geographical areas and the other with time in history.

learn more about historical timeline:


Which situation most likely resulted from the growth of globalization in the
20th and 21st centuries?


The newly created World Trade Organization (WTO) encouraged nations all over the world to enter into free-trade agreements, and most of them did, including many newly independent ones.
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