Select the correct answer.
In a lab, a group of students measured the temperature at which various substances boiled. Their results are listed in the table.

Accepted Value (°C) Measurement in Lab (°C)
seawater 100.7 101.8
mercury 359.6 370.0
jet fuel 163.0 165.9
ethanol (alcohol) 78.4 81.8
Which measurement has the highest percent error?

jet fuel


Answer 1

ethanol has maximum 4.3%  error in the sample

Equation for percent   error                                                                                       = (Measurement value - accepted value)/accepted value x100

for seawater :

Accepted Value  100.7      101.8

       percent   error = 101.8-100.7 ÷ 100.7 × 100

                           = 1.09%

for mercury :

Accepted Value 359.6    Measurement value   370.0

percent   error =  370.0 -  359.6  ÷  359.6  × 100

                      = 2.89%

for jet fuel :

Accepted Value   163.0              Measurement value 165.9

percent   error =  165.9 - 163.0  ÷  163.0   ×  100

                          = 1.77%

 for  ethanol (alcohol) :

Accepted Value   78.4                 Measurement value 81.8

percent   error =  81.8 - 78.4 ÷   78.4  ×  100

                      = 4.3%

To know more about percent   error visit :


Related Questions

When electrons are removed from a food molecule, the molecule is? a. conducting an endergonic reaction. b. polymerized. c. in equilibrium. d. reduced. e. oxidized.


When electrons are removed from a food molecule, the molecule is (e) oxidized.

Electrons are the sub-atomic particles that surround the nucleus in an atom. The charge of an electron is e = 1.60217663 × 10-19 coulombs. The electrons are negatively charged, They can occur in free state as well. Electron itself is made of quanta of energy.

Oxidation is gain of oxygen atom. However, for being oxidized, not always oxygen has to be gained. The loss of electrons is also oxidation. This results in the increase in oxidation state. Loss of hydrogen atom is also oxidation. For example formation of magnesium oxide involves oxidation of magnesium.

To know more about oxidation, here


During the citric acid cycle, an acetyl coa molecule produced in the intermediate stage combines with a molecule of:_______


During the citric acid cycle, an acetyl co A molecule produced in the intermediate stage combines with a molecule of oxaloacetic acid.

The primary energy source for cells and an important part of aerobic respiration is the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, sometimes called the Krebs or citric acid cycle. This cycle converts the chemical energy of acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) into the reducing power of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), which is further oxidized and enters the TCA cycle as acetyl-CoA. The intermediate half of the cycle also serves as the starting point for pathways leading to important molecules such as fatty acids, amino acids, and porphyrins. If any of these intermediates are diverted in this way, the integrity of the cycle is compromised and the cycle ceases to function. Only when the diverted intermediate, or the subsequent intermediate leading to oxaloacetate, is replaced by a replenishment (replenishment) process can significant energy production resume.

The correct answer is oxaloacetic acid.

Learn more about citric acid cycle:


Which of your specimens (bacteria, algae, fungi or protozoa) was largest when viewed through the microscope?


Fungi specimen will be the largest when viewed through Microscope.

Fungi- Any of the about 144,000 species of fungi, which also includes yeasts, rusts, slime molds, mildews, and mushrooms. Additionally, there are several fungus-like species that do not actually belong to the kingdom Fungi but are frequently referred to as fungi, such as slime molds and oomycetes (water molds).

Microscope- It describes an optical device that enlarges an item using a lens or combination of lenses. They aid in viewing many creatures as well.

Lens- A piece of glass, or another transparent substance, having curved sides used alone (as in a magnifying glass) or in combination as in a telescope or microscope.

To know more about the Fungi, click on the below link,


Amino acids that must be obtained through food and cannot be synthesized in the body are called?


Essential amino acids are obtained from food

The effect of high blood ph (alkalosis) on the respiratory centers in the brain is/are?



Whenever the blood's acid-base equilibrium is affected by increasing quantities of carbon dioxide, pulmonary alkalosis results. People who have fast, uncontrolled breathing regularly face it (hyperventilation). Treatments that reduce the chance of hyperventilation are a component of the therapy. Alkalosis leads to cerebral vasoconstriction, which as a result decreases the brain's processing power and likely contributes to misperceiving and misreading. Hyperventilation is a subsequent disease to respiratory alkalosis. The most common causes of hyperventilation include shocks like hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, discomfort, stress, or a rise in metabolic demand. The body mostly uses the lungs to make up for both acidosis and alkalosis. When we breathe, the lungs let a certain amount of carbon dioxide leave, which alters the overall alkalinity of our blood. Additionally, the kidneys contribute by regulating the release of bicarbonate ions.

You can get more information from the following link:


Which immunologic change should the health care provider consider when planning care for an individual with chronic stress?


The immunologic change that the health care provider consider when planning care for an individual with chronic stress is to look for the cortisol levels that reduces the immune response.

Chronic stress is the feeling of anxiety and stress for a long period of time. The symptoms include ache, pain, insomnia, less socialization, and unfocused thinking.

Treatment involves visiting psychologist or psychiatrist, medication, lifestyle changes, etc.

The cortisol level increases in the blood due to chronic stress which suppresses the inflammatory responses and reduces the body's natural capability of immune responses.

To learn more about immunological changes here


During osmosis, water diffuses across a selectively permeable membrane from the region of higher.


In osmosis, water moves from their region of higher concentration to lower concentration, through selectively- permeable membrane.

This process takes place until the concentration is equal or it reached equilibrium. The movement of nutrients and the discharge of metabolic waste products are both influenced by osmosis. It Is in charge of absorbing water from the soil and transferring it through the xylem to the plant’s upper portions.

There are three types of osmotic solution, they are:-

Isotonic solutionHypertonic solutionHypotonic solution

When a semipermeable membrane separates a solution from pure water, the pressure that must be supplied to the solution side to cease fluid movement is known as osmotic pressure.

To learn more about osmotic pressure, refer this link.


What elements were formed during the process of nuclear fusion in stars and supernova?


In the centres of most stars, lighter elements like hydrogen and helium are fused to form the most prevalent elements, such as carbon and nitrogen. However, only large stars that die in supernova explosions may produce the strongest elements, including iron.

Large nuclear reactors make up stars. Massive atomic collisions that tear apart atoms in the centre of stars change their atomic structure and unleash a great amount of energy. The result is hot and brilliant stars. Stars are powered by nuclear fusion, an atomic reaction. Because they are so strong, supernovae produce brand-new atomic nuclei. When a big star collapses, a shockwave is created that may trigger fusion reactions in the star's outer shell. Nucleosynthesis, a process that results from these fusion processes, produces fresh atomic nuclei.

Learn more about Stars


Aspartate and glutamate are two amino acids that are highly soluble in water. this is best explained by the fact that they __________.


Aspartate and glutamate are two amino acids that are highly soluble in water. This is best explained by the fact that they have electrically charged side chains or R groups.

What is Amino acid?

Amino acids are organic compounds that consists of both amino and carboxylic acid functional groups. Hundreds of amino acids exist in nature, the most prevalent are the alpha-amino acids, which comprise proteins. Out of many only 22 alpha amino acids appear in the genetic code. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. When proteins are digested or broken down, amino acids are leftover. Our human body uses amino acids to make proteins which helps the body to break down food.

The nature of side chains or R groups determines how soluble each amino acid is in water.

To learn more about Amino acid, click the given link


Neuroscientists study the nervous systems of other animals such as slugs, snails, fruit flies, rats and monkeys because:_______.


Neuroscientists study the nervous systems of other animals such as slugs, snails, fruit flies, rats, and monkeys because all animals are related so if we study them we will know more about human brain.

A neuroscientist is someone who is curious about the human brain, its functions, physiology, morphology, how it behaves etc. They study all the facts and acquire knowledge by working on different projects including different insects and animals to unravel the mysteries of human mind.

The study revolves around the functioning of the nervous system and all of its different cells that are involved and the people that study them are called neuroscientist, who may or may not be a person from the medicine stream.

To know more about nervous system refer to the link below


Scientists have proposed that chloroplasts and mitochondria arose by a process called , in which a smaller cell comes to live inside a larger cell.


Scientists have proposed that chloroplasts and mitochondria arose by a process called Endosymbiosis, in which a smaller cell comes to live inside a larger cell.

Endosymbiosis is a symbiotic connection in which one organism lives inside the other. The term "primary endosymbiosis" describes the first time an ancient eukaryotic cell internalized prokaryotes, giving rise to the mitochondria and chloroplasts.

Symbiotic- A tight ecological link between members of two (or more) distinct species is known as symbiosis. One species may gain from a symbiotic connection at the expense of the other, or both species may benefit only sometimes. The most famous example of symbiotic relationship is Lichen.

To know more about the Endosymbiosis, click on the below link,


Aubrey was born with a disorder that interferes with her body‘s metabolism. how will this type of disorder most likely affect aubrey‘s body?


These procedures comprise those that digest the nutrients in Aubrey meals as well as those that help our bodies grow and heal.

What are some conditions and diseases that affects the metabolism?

The conditions and diseases that affects the metabolismhypercholesterolemia in families.Gaucher illnessHunter disease.Krabbe disease.Urinary maple syrup diseaseMolecular leukodystrophyStroke-like events, lactic acidosis, and mitochondrial encephalopathy (MELAS)Niemann-Pick.

The term "inherited metabolic diseases" refers to a variety of medical illnesses that are brought on by genetic flaws that interfere with the body's metabolism and are typically inherited from both parents. These issues might also be referred to as inborn metabolic errors.

Additionally, some chemical reactions convert compounds that your body lacks or breaks down those it no longer requires.

To learn more about metabolism, visit:


What kind of protein structure is achieved when alpha-helical or beta-pleated regions of the polypeptide chain fold upon one another to produce a compact ball-like, or globular, molecule?


When alpha-helical or beta-pleated sections of the polypeptide chain fold over one another to form a compact ball-like, or globular, molecule, the protein structure is said to be tertiary.

What section of the polypeptide chain results in the formation of the alpha-helix or beta pleated sheets?

The bonds that occur between every fourth amino acid in the alpha helix twist the chain of amino acids. The "pleats" in the -pleated sheet are created by hydrogen bonds forming between atoms on the polypeptide chain's backbone.

Beta-Pleated sheets and alpha-Helixes are examples of a protein's secondary structure. Both of them are created by hydrogen bonds between the amino H and carbonyl O of different amino acids.

learn more about tertiary structure refer


Fluid first enters the nephron as __________, and the fluid that leaves the nephron and enters the ureters is __________.


The nephron consists of the renal corpuscle or glomerular capsule, and the renal tubule.

The renal corpuscle is?

A renal corpuscle—also called a malpighian body—is the portion of the kidney's nephron that filters blood. A glomerulus, or group of endothelial-cell-lined capillaries, and a glomerular capsule, also known as Bowman's capsule, make up the structure.

The glomerular capsule is the first part of the nephron to filter substances out of the blood and into the renal corpuscle.

The glomerulus is encased in a cup-shaped sack called Bowman's capsule, which is a component of the nephron. The "Bowman's space" in Bowman's capsule, which is connected to the proximal convoluted tubule of the nephron and serves as the start of the urinary space, is enclosed.

As blood enters the Bowman's capsule in the nephrons, excess fluids including water, salt, and metabolic waste products are drawn out of the blood. Glialular filtrate is the name of the fluid found in the Bowman's capsule. Except that it contains almost no protein, it is comparable to blood plasma.

To learn more about renal corpuscle visit:


Very small, rocky bodies that orbit the sun are called _______. group of answer choices


Meteoroids are incredibly tiny, stony bodies that revolve around the sun. As with planets, asteroids, and comets, rocks or iron chunks called meteoroids orbit the sun.

As a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, friction warms it up, producing a brilliant trail of hot ionized gases (plasma) known as a meteor. If the item survives both its entry into the atmosphere and its landing on the ground, it is referred to as a meteorite. Asteroid pieces make up more than 99 percent of meteorites. A tiny group is known to have come from the moon, and another group is widely believed to have originated on Mars.  Although it hasn't been proven conclusively, there is also grounds to think that some are pieces of comets rocky debris.

Learn more about Meteoroids


. About how long ago did Archimedes live?
A. 2,260 years ago
B. 2,000 years ago
C. 250 years ago
D. 2,000,000 years ago


It’s the first one A

A group of similar organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring is:______


A group of similar organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring is called species.

What is species?

A species is an organism's fundamental unit of classification, taxonomic rank, and biodiversity. A species is the largest collection of organisms in which any two people of the appropriate sexes or mating types can conceive a fertile offspring, typically through sexual reproduction. All species are given a two-part name, or "binomial," with the exception of viruses. The genus to which the species belongs is the first component of a binomial. The specific name or specific epithet is the second component (in botanical nomenclature, also sometimes in zoological nomenclature). For instance, the Boa constrictor is a species of the genus Boa, and constrictor is its epithet.

Learn more about the Nomenclature with the help of the given link:


Electrons have a charge of





How does the bottleneck effect undermine the effort of conservation biologists who are trying to save species nearing extinction?.


The bottleneck effect undermines the effort of conservation biologists who are trying to protect species nearing extinction by events such as floods, earthquakes, human habitat devastation, and drought can cause a population to drastically decline.

The bottleneck effect can undermine the conservation of efforts of biologists who saves species near extinction when the population’s size is drastically reduced due to environmental factors including starvation, earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, and droughts as well as human behaviors like speculative killing, widespread violence or planned to cull, and human population control. As a result, a smaller population with less genetic diversity is left to transmit genes to future generations of offspring through sexual reproduction.

Such events can reduce the variation in a population’s gene pool. Genetic diversity continues to be reduced, only gradually rising over time when random mutations take place or only when gene flow from another group happens.

To learn more about the bottleneck effect, refer to this link.


Which blood vessels lack elastic tissue? arterioles and capillaries capillaries and venules muscular arteries and arterioles venules and veins


Capillaries and venules

Capillaries and venules are the blood vessels that lack elastic tissue.

The smallest veins, called venules, take blood from capillaries. They contribute to the exchange of nutrients and oxygen for water-based products. Between the capillaries and the venules are post-capillary sphincters. Due to its extremely thin wall and susceptibility to rupture when overloaded, the venule.

What branch are capillaries and venules?The smallest blood vessels, known as arterioles, eventually branch out to form tiny capillaries, which are where nutrients and wastes are exchanged. Venules are then formed, which are tiny blood vessels that transport blood to veins, which are larger blood vessels that bring blood back to the heart.

Do capillaries have venules that empty blood?In a tissue, capillary clusters come together to form venules, which are tiny veins. Blood is drawn from capillaries by venules, which then enter veins.

To learn more about capillaries visit:


"_____ can fight some bacterial diseases.


Antibiotics can fight some bacterial diseases.

Antibiotics are the medication specially produced to fight the bacterial diseases. They can either kill the bacteria or slow their growth inside the host body. Some examples of antibiotics are: penicillin, cephalosporins, tetracycline, etc.

Bacterial diseases are those caused by the bacteria. These can be present outside the body and cause infection or may be present inside. The examples of diseases are: Tuberculosis, Anthrax, Tetanus, Leptospirosis, Pneumonia, etc. Some of the general symptoms of the bacterial disease are: fever, chills, cough, redness or swelling in some part of the body, vomiting, stomach pain, etc.

To know more about antibiotics, here


The ash clears and several months go by. What do you think will happen to your ecosystem?


It slowly starts to regrow in population of animals and plants as time goes on

What were the three key observations made by darwin that allowed him to deduce that natural selection is a primary driver of evolution?.


The three point which deduce that natural selection is a primary driver of evolution are:

More offspring are produced than survive by organisms.Population members differ from one another, andThe relative frequency of advantageous variants rises with time.

Natural Selection- An evolutionary mechanism is natural selection. Environment-adapted organisms have a higher chance of surviving and dispersing the genes that contributed to their success. Over time, this mechanism leads to the evolution and divergence of species.

Genes- The fundamental genetic component transferred from parent to child. Genes are composed of DNA sequences and are organized sequentially at specified sites on chromosomes in the cell nucleus.

To know more about the Natural Selection, click on the below link,


The cori cycle involves formation of glucose made by gluconeogenesis in the liver from lactic acid produced by fermentation in skeletal muscles. true false


The cori cycle involves formation of glucose made by gluconeogenesis in the liver from lactic acid produced by fermentation in skeletal muscles.- True.

Gluconeogenesis is the process of formation of glucose from non carbohydrate sources like amino acids, glycerol and lactate.

The process fermentation occurs in the muscles when it is working continuously and anaerobic condition occurs and lactate is produced.

Cori cycle is a metabolic pathway present in our body in which their is conversion of lactate produced by the muscles back into glucose in the liver and is transported back to the muscle for utilization.

It usually occurs when is muscle to doing heavy work in anaerobic condition.

To learn more about Cori cycle here


Which solution (s) is/are hypotonic? Check all that apply.
distilled water
0.85% normal saline
water from Elodea dish
10% saline


The solution which is hypotonic is referred to as 0.85% normal saline and is denoted as option C.

What is a Hypotonic solution?

This is referred to as a type of solution which has a lower amount of solutes when compared to other solution and also has a lower osmotic pressure than another solution when comparison is done.

On thew other hand, hypertonic solution has a higher amount of solutes when compared to other solution and an example is 10% saline which means Sodium chloride is more abundant in the solution.

Examples of hypotonic solution include 0.85% normal saline while isotonic solution has same or equal concentration and examples include iodine,distilled water etc which is therefore the reason why option C was chosen as the correct option.

Read more about Hypotonic solution here


explain why a professional sports man often has a diet which contain plenty of protiens on most days



youre my honey buch sugar pump pumpky umky yumkin you're my squisze pie

Because people who go to gym or are involved in other physical activities like sports have higher protein requirement that can help them in their daily exercises etc

The algae beads provide a convenient experimental system because they are uniform in size and contain roughly the same number of algal cells per bead. Why are these advantages for the experiments you will perform?



We will be measuring rates of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and these rates will depend on the number of organelles, or cells, that we use. The algae beads are easy to see, manipulate, and count. A consistent number of beads queal a consistent number of alga cells.


based on your hypothesis, you predict that the chemical isolated from the fungus will successfully kill cancer cells. to test this prediction, you design the following experiment. you isolate cancerous cells from the colon of a patient from north carolina and culture (grow) the cells in your lab. you divide the cultured cells into four separate culture dishes. you treat two of the dishes with the fungus chemical and the other two with a control solution that does not contain the chemical. over the next ten days, you collect data on the percentage of cells that remain alive in each culture dish.


The analysis of the graph showing the percentage of cancer cells remaining after a given number of days gives;

Statement(s) supported by the data

Cancer cells treated with chemical have a lower survival rate than cells that are not treated

This chemical will be useful for treating colon cancer but not necessarily other types of cancer

After 5 days of chemical treatment, less than 50% of the cancer cells are alive

After 10 days without chemical treatment, more than 90% of the cancer cells are alive

Statement(s) not supported by the data

Cancer cells treated with chemical have a higher survival rate than cells that are not treated

This chemical will be used with all types of cancer

Which information can be obtained from the graph of the data?

The possible question options of obtained from a similar question are as follows;

Cancer cells treated with chemical have a lower survival rate than cells that are not treated

Cancer cells treated with chemical have a higher survival rate than cells that are not treated

This chemical will be useful for treating colon cancer but not necessarily other types of cancer

This chemical will be used with all types of cancer

After 5 days of chemical treatment, less than 50% of the cancer cells are alive

After 10 days without chemical treatment, more than 90% of the cancer cells are alive

Please find attached the graph displaying the data collected.

Required; To determine the statements that are supported by the graph

From the graph, we therefore have;

Statement(s) supported by the data

Cancer cells treated with chemical have a lower survival rate than cells that are not treated

This chemical will be useful for treating colon cancer but not necessarily other types of cancer

After 5 days of chemical treatment, less than 50% of the cancer cells are alive

After 10 days without chemical treatment, more than 90% of the cancer cells are alive

Statement(s) not supported by the data

Cancer cells treated with chemical have a higher survival rate than cells that are not treated

This chemical will be used with all types of cancer

Learn more about the analyzing graphs here:


All of the actinoids are:



Option three


Radioactive elements

The various chemical signals of the immune response, which include small proteins like histamine, are collectively called:________


The various chemical signals of the immune response, which include small proteins like histamine, are collectively called cytokines.

Histamine is a nitrogenous compound that serves multiple purposes inside the human body. It acts as a neurotransmitter, it also takes part in immune responses, and it also regulates some functions inside the gut. The inflammatory response of histamines produces itching.

Cytokines are a class of proteins involved in the cell signaling processes. They regulate the growth of various immune cells in the body. The examples of cytokines are: interferon, interleukins, growth factors, etc. The cytokines are synthesized by the T cells and macrophages.

To know more about cytokines, here


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