Rings of muscle in the digestive tract that can open and close, regulating the movement of food into or out of parts of the digestive system, are:________


Answer 1

The ring of the muscle in the digestive tract, which can open and close, or regulate the movement of food into or out of parts of digestive system, is the pyloric sphincter.

Although the pyloric sphincter is present at the bottom of the stomach, and it is a muscular valve that opens to allow the food materials to pass from the stomach to the top of the small intestine of our digestive system.

Therefore, The pyloric sphincter serves as a type of gateway between stomach and small intestine, and It allows the contents of the stomach like food materials to pass into the small intestine. Also, It prevents digestive juices or partially digested food from re-entering into the stomach.

Learn more about pyloric sphincter here



Related Questions

How does the bottleneck effect undermine the effort of conservation biologists who are trying to save species nearing extinction?.


Bottleneck effect helps the biologists to save species nearing extinction because it helps in reestablishment of the species.

Specified, widespread violence or purposeful culling, human population planning, and other human actions such as famine, earthquakes, floods, fires, disease, and droughts can all cause population bottlenecks. Population bottlenecks can also occur owing to genetic bottlenecks. Such occurrences can lessen the genetic variety of a community, leaving just a smaller population to transmit genes to future generations of offspring through sexual reproduction.

from such a small population by continuously breeding and providing good environment the again flourishment of the species can take place.

Thus, this small population is now taken care of by biologist so that the proper sexual reproduction can take place and thus the population is maintained and thus conservation takes place.

To know more about bottle neck effect visit the link:



During which period of development is the unborn baby most at risk of developing a structural defect due to the effects of a teratogen, such as zika virus or lead?


During stage of development, an unborn child is most at risk of experiencing a structural defect as a result of exposure to a teratogen like the zika virus or lead

: embryonic period

What is the development of an embryo?

The first eight weeks of human embryonic development are referred to as embryonic development; from the start of the ninth week, the embryo is referred to as a fetus. The study of this growth in the first eight weeks following fertilization is known as human embryology. The average gestation (pregnancy) lasts 40 weeks, or nearly nine months.

Teratogens are substances or conditions that can lead to an embryo's deformity; these include alcohol, tobacco smoke, narcotics, maternal stress, and the age of the father. Due to the impact of teratogens, the unborn child is at a very high risk of acquiring structural problems during the embryonic stage. Teratogens can cause aberrant bone, muscle, and tendon growth.

To learn more embryonic period click below-



_____ 1. Centrosome A. destroys viruses
_____ 2. Cytoskeleton B. makes proteins
_____ 3. Plasma membrane C. organizes the cytoskeleton
_____ 4. ATP D. protects DNA from viruses
_____ 5. Glucose E. surrounds the cells
_____ 6. Mitochondria F. gives cell its shape
_____ 7. Nucleus G. fixes holes in the nucleus
_____ 8. Nucleic acids H. adenosine triphosphate, energy molecule
_____ 9. RNA I. vesicles that absorb free radicals
_____10. Amino acids J. simple sugar that can be used to make ATP
_____11. Ribosomes K. cell’s power plant, 1 glucose = 38 ATP
_____12. Viruses L. protein filled “bubble”
_____13. Slicer enzymes M. cell’s command center, stores DNA
_____14. Fatty acids N. the stretchy outside of a cell, regulates in/out
_____15. Membrane O. makes complex proteins, factories
_____16. Endoplasmic reticulum P. has a protein coat and viral DNA/RNA
_____17. Vesicle Q. blueprint for proteins
_____18. Free radicals R. template for RNA
_____19. DNA repair enzymes S. sorts and processes vesicles
_____20. Peroxisomes T. makes up membranes
_____21. Golgi body U. for photosynthesis, in plants
_____22. Chloroplasts V. Where the membrane is produced
_____23. Defensin W. damages the cell, produced along with ATP


Answer There are many cell organelles in the body performing different functions to regulate the whole body.

Explanation: Centrosome is mainly used for the regulation of the motility of cells and also in the facilitation of the spindle poles during mitosis.

The cytoskeleton is used to maintain the shape and its internal organization and also provides mechanical support.

The plasma membrane function is the regulation of the transportation of materials in intercellular and extracellular cells.

ATP is adenosine triphosphate which is also known as the energy house of the cell and provides energy for the functioning of many cellular processes.

Glucose is the main source of energy in the body and is found in blood also known as blood sugar.

Mitochondria are called as powerhouse of the cell and generate or form the ATP by using the F1 F0 channel.

The nucleus is the brain of the cell as all works are done by the nucleus and it contains the DNA which is also the genetic material in the human body.

Nucleic acids are the genetic materials that are DNA and RNA as deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acids and are found in bacteria, viruses, humans, animals, and plants and are also hereditary material.

RNA is ribonucleic acid that can be single-stranded or double-stranded and is mostly found in plants and is the hereditary material.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and monomeric units of the same.

Ribosomes are used to make proteins.

Viruses are pathogens that damage the cell and the body slowly using the machinery of the host cell and replicating its own DNA.

Slicer enzymes are used to cleave the RNA and have the activity of the endonuclease enzyme.

Fatty acids are lipids that help in the metabolism of the body.

The membrane helps in the protection of cells and transportation.

The endoplasmic reticulum helps in the formation of lipids

Vesicles are used to transport materials and recycle waste materials.

Free radicles react with other molecules and are reactive oxygen species having uneven numbers of electrons and giving large chain oxidation reactions.

DNA repair enzyme makes up the cleavage and helps to recover the damage.

Peroxisomes sequester diverse oxidative reactions and involve in metabolism.

The Golgi body is a factory in which proteins received from the endoplasmic reticulum are further processed for transportation to other destinations.

The chloroplast's function is to do photosynthesis.

Defensin molecules protect from damage and pathogen.

To know more about the cell organelles click at https://brainly.com/question/13464273


The binding of a signal molecule called a(n) ____________ alters the shape of the active site such that it cannot bind the substrate



The binding of a signal molecule called a activator , alters the shape of the active site such that it cannot bind the substrate.

What triggers cellular Signaling?Typically, different signaling molecules deliver chemical signals to cells. A chain of events is started when a signaling molecule binds to the right receptor on a cell surface, which not only sends the signal inside the cell but also amplifies it.

What three categories do signaling molecules fall under?Hormones, neurotransmitters, regional transmitters, and pheromones are the four primary categories of signaling molecules. Each one performs a different job in the body and has a different spectrum of activity.

What is a signal-producing molecule?As a broad term for molecules that particularly attach to other molecules, "ligand" is frequently used to refer to signaling molecules (such as receptors). The message sent by a ligand is frequently transmitted inside the cell through a series of chemical messengers.

To learn more about cell signaling visit:



Two or more atoms make up a(n) ____________ and are exemplified by groups of macromolecules known as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids..


The correct answer for this question is Molecule.

Proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids are the four primary types of biological macromolecules, which are huge molecules required for life that are composed of smaller organic molecules. Macromolecules are made up of monomers, which are single units bonded together by covalent bonds to create bigger polymers.

A macromolecule, such as a protein or nucleic acid, is a very big molecule crucial to biophysical processes. It is made up of many atoms that are covalently bound. The smaller molecules known as monomers are the building blocks of many macromolecules. Large non-polymeric molecules like lipids, nanogels, and macrocycles, as well as biopolymers (proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids), are the most prevalent macromolecules in biochemistry. In addition to synthetic fibers, macromolecules can also be found in research materials like carbon nanotubes.

To know more about Macromolecules, click here:



An estimate of the proportion of trait variability in a population that is determined by variations in genetic inheritance is termed?


Heritability ratio

An estimate of the proportion of trait variability in a population that is determined by variations in genetic inheritance is termed as heritability ratio.

What is variations in genetic inheritance?Variants that are inherited (or hereditary) are present in almost all of a person's cells throughout their lifetime and are passed from parent to kid. Because the parent's egg or sperm cells, which are also known as germ cells, contain these variants, they are also referred to as germline variants.

What is heritability ratio?Heritability, which varies from 0 to 1, is the proportion of genetic variance to phenotypic variance. High heritability levels of 0.5 indicate that, on average, half of the variations in animal characteristics are inherited. Low values of around 0.1 indicate that the majority of the variations are not genetic.

The significance of a high heritability ratio:Heritability quantifies a trait's genetic influence. If the heritability is high, close to 1, it means that most of the variation in a variable among individuals can be attributed to genetics; if the heritability is low, close to 0, it means that most of the variation is not genetic.

To learn more about heritability ratio visit:



Coral bleaching results from a loss of the dinoflagellate endosymbiote. What is the metabolic result on the coral from coral bleaching?.


Coral bleaching results from a loss of the dinoflagellate endosymbiont. The metabolic result on the coral from coral bleaching is the byproducts of photosynthesis are unable to provide the coral with energy.

The metabolic results on coral are many which are from coral bleaching when corals become white as a result of numerous stressors, such as variations in temperature, light, or nutrition, the process is known as coral bleaching. The algae (zooxanthellae) that dwell inside coral polyps are shed during bleaching, turning the coral white as a result.

The photosynthetic zooxanthellae start to create reactive oxygen species as the water temperature rises. The coral expels the zooxanthellae since this is poisonous to it. Coral tissue turns transparent, exposing the coral's calcium carbonate skeleton since the majority of the coral pigmentation is produced by zooxanthellae.

To know more about Coral bleaching refer to https://brainly.com/question/12553366


Metastasis is enabled by __________. the nervous system the lymphatic system the circulatory system both the lymphatic and circulatory



Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Anoikis and Loss of Adhesion


The spread of cancer cells from the place where they first formed to another part of the body. In metastasis, cancer cells break away from the original (primary) tumor, travel through the blood or lymph system, and form a new tumor in other organs or tissues of the body.

If a bacterial isolate shows intermediate to moderate resistance to an antibiotic, how might this drug still be successfully used in the treatment of this microbe?



Bacteria have become resistant to several antibiotics due to the extended usage of antibiotics. It could show moderate, severe, or intermediate tolerance. This resistance gives microorganisms a way to defend themselves from the antibiotic. Such antibiotics operate as stresses rather than being able to stop bacterial development or destroy it. The use of such antibiotic medications is changed in quantity or changed according to intensity to provide beneficial outcomes. The use of antibiotics for bacteria may be raised in dose in cases of medium to severe resistance manifestation to suppress bacterial activity and battle bacterial resistance. Additionally, for optimal outcomes, the antibiotic might be used with other medications.

You can learn more from the following link:



Muscle cells generate atp by burning fuel (glucose) and oxygen in a process called _____ respiration.
a. isometric
b. isotonic
c. anaerobic
d. aerobic


Muscle cells generate atp by burning fuel (glucose) and oxygen in a process called aerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration is the process by which organisms convert fuel, such as fats and sugars, into chemical energy by using oxygen.

During aerobic cellular respiration, glucose reacts with oxygen to form ATP, which the cell can use. As a byproduct, carbon dioxide and water are produced.

The overall equation for aerobic cellular respiration is:

C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ -------------------->  6CO₂ + 6H₂O + ATP

                        Cellular respiration

All cells use respiration to convert fuel into energy that can be used to power cellular processes. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the end product of respiration, and it uses the energy stored in its phosphate bonds to power chemical reactions. It is frequently referred to as the cell's "currency."

Find more on respiration at : brainly.com/question/14158795


Please explain so I can learn how to do questions like this.

Voluntary green power purchases began through a variety of state and utility programs. Between 1999 and 2004, more than 500 utilities in 34 states began to offer their retail customers the option to buy green power. Mandates that required utilities to offer green power products were enacted in 5 states between 2001 and 2003. All but one statement describes a benefit of green power.

A Green power supports the use of renewable energy resources.
B Green power is a cheaper energy resource for the general population.
C Green power reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants.
D Green power fosters an improved living and community enviorment.


it is A

The green power supported the resources

When a non-enveloped animal virus adsorbs to the host cell with its protein spikes, the virions are taken into the cell by the process of:_______


When a non-enveloped animal virus adsorbs to the host cell with its protein spikes, the virions are taken into the cell by the process of  endocytosis

What is endocytosis?

Substances are introduced into the cell during endocytosis, a cellular process. A portion of the cell membrane that surrounds the substance to be internalised splits off to form a vesicle that holds the substance once it has been ingested. Phosphocytosis and pinocytosis are two examples of endocytosis.

By engulfing substances from the outside in a vesicle, cells can take them in through the process of endocytosis. Pathogens that immune cells engulf and eradicate can be one of these, as can nutrients that support the cell.

The movement of glucagon from the pancreas into the liver, where it is further processed for simpler absorption into the blood stream, is an example of exocytosis. delivery of protein-filled vesicles by T cells to virally infected cells.

To learn more about endocytosis visit:



The germination process of an endospore into a vegetative cell involves core enzymes becoming active due to increased water levels resulting in the ________ stage


The germination process of an endospore into a vegetative cell involves core enzymes becoming active due to increased water levels resulting in the outgrowth stage.

What three stages of seed germination are there?The germination process is divided into three main phases. These include drinking more water, having a higher metabolic rate, and having cells expand. The imbibition (absorption) of water by the seed marks the beginning of germination. Most dormant seeds contain between 5 and 10 percent moisture.

What is the germination process for spores?When the events that cause the loss of spore-specific characteristics are referred to as spore germination, the process is essentially biophysical. The necessary machinery is already there in the mature dormant spore because it doesn't require any new macromolecular synthesis.

To learn more about germination visit:



A nurse is explaining to another nurse the difference between first-generation antipsychotics and second-generation antipsychotics. what is the biggest benefit of the second-generation antipsychotics?


A nurse is explaining to another nurse the difference between first-generation antipsychotics and second-generation antipsychotics. what is the biggest benefit of the second-generation antipsychotics?

First generation antipsyhotics are the conventional antipsyhotics which blocks the dopamine pathway by blocking the D2 receptors and reduces the dopaminergic neuro-transmission.

Second generation antipsyhotics also called atypical antipsychotics which partial block dopamine receptors and also affect other things like serotonin.

Second generation antipsyhotics are more effective in reducing the symptoms schizophrenia and also improves the overall quality of life. They also have a lower risk of neurological symptoms like tremors, like the first generation drugs.

To learn more about First generation antipsyhotics here



in a short essay (100–150 words), discuss darwin’s view of how natural selection resulted in both unity and diversity of life on earth.


Natural selection is the mechanism in which an individual is naturally selected for adaptation or for the survival according to the resources availability that explains about the diversity of life.

It also explains that the new species come from pre-existing species and all the species shares a common ancestor that explains about the unity of life.

Darwin's theory on Natural Selection was proposed for the evolution. There are five basic steps, on which natural selection was base Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time & adaptation

Without the knowledge of natural selection, it is impossible to understand the concept of unity and diversity of life on earth.

To learn more about evolution here



2. (a) Identify the range diagram above in which most of the species population is found. Explain why this is the case:

(b). Describe the greatest constraints on an organism's growth and reproduction within this range: ________________________________________


a) Most individuals are found within the optimum range, which is where there is a higher degree of preferred niche. b) constraints are competition for resources and female access, and preferred niche running out faster.

What is the tolerance range?

The tolerance range refers to the limits between which a species can live and reproduce. These limits depend on environmental factors, which might be biotic or abiotic.

The environmental factors that influence a species' survival are the limiting factors. These are, for instance,

temperature, pH, radiation, salinity

In an environment, and concerning a particular species, we can identify three different zones or ranges,

Optimum ⇒ this range has the best conditions for individuals' survival and reproduction. The largest populations live withing this range.

Physiological stress ⇒ this area does not have the best conditions. Only a few individuals can survive here, and populations are small.

Intolerance ⇒ In this area there are bad conditions for individuals to survive. They can not live in this ranges. No population is found here.

In the exposed example, we have the relationship between number of individuals and niche availability. The limiting factor here is niche availability.

2. (a) Identify the range diagram above in which most of the species population is found. Explain why this is the case:

Most individuals are found within the optimum range, which is where there is a higher degree of preferred niche. Preferred niche is where they can hide, feed, and reproduce.

(b). Describe the greatest constraints on an organism's growth and reproduction within this range

As we can see most individuals and the largest populations are inhabiting the same range. What does it mean?

It means

Greater competition for resources and mating events. Individuals will compete for food and shelter. Males will compete for female access.

The higher the number of individuals living in the same range, the faster resources will run out. This means that in a relatively short time there will not be available preferred niches for these fishes.

You can learn more about the tolerance range at



Mucus is moved along the lining of the trachea by extensions from cell membranes known as:_________


The cilia, which are projections from cell membranes, are responsible for moving mucus along the lining of the trachea.

You will find cilia, which are tiny, hair-like structures, in the inner layer of the trachea. Cilia move rhythmically to remove mucus from your trachea so you may either ingest it or expel it. You have a muscle called the trachealis between every ring of cartilage in your trachea. On the outside of airway cells, cilia are movable, tiny projections that resemble fingers. The cilia that line the airways aid in raising and expelling mucus from the lungs. breathing epithelium. Mucus is secreted by the goblet cells, covering the tips of the ciliated cells in a protective layer. The cilia's regular, coordinated beating sweeps any debris attached to the mucus up and out of the airways.

Learn more about Cilia



Use the model here to describe the transfer of matter and flow of energy from one trophic level to another within an ecosystem. All of
the following must be addressed in your response to receive full credit:
Discuss the transfer of biomass when one organism eats another. Use your knowledge of digestion to discuss how food is broken
down and used by the consumer.
b. Explain what happens to the energy that is not transferred from one organism to another.
c. Explain why there are typically fewer organisms at of the top of an energy pyramid.
d. Use specific numbers and calculations to support your explanation.
<< Read Less


The energy contained within the trophic levels of an environment is represented graphically by an energy pyramid, sometimes referred to as a trophic or biological pyramid.

The producers are located at the base of the pyramid, which is also its largest level. This level also contains the most energy. An ecological pyramid, a food web, or a level in a food chain are all examples of trophic levels. It is inhabited by a collection of creatures with comparable eating strategies. Energies are lost as metabolic heat when an organism from one trophic level is consumed by an organism from the next level, which causes energy to diminish as it goes up the trophic levels. The efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels is measured by a term called trophic level transfer efficiency (TLTE).

Learn more about biological pyramid



What do gymnosperms and angiosperms have in common?
a. seeds
b. flowers
c. spores
d. none of the other answer options are correct


The answer is a. seeds

In your own words what is Adhesion water property



Adhesion of Water Molecules. The adhesion property is also often observed in water. This is because the adhesion of water allows it to "stick" to many surfaces and objects. The adhesion of water is best explained as the ability of water to stick to other surfaces through the creation of weak surface bonds


The ____________ signals mesoderm surrounding it to develop into muscle and connective tissue.


spinal cord enable the body to have stamina to be able to do task


spinal cord enable the body to have stamina to be able to do task

If a stimulus is presented repeatedly, followed by no other stimulus, the animal will gradually stop responding. this is known as ____.


The animal will eventually stop responding if the same stimulus is repeatedly provided without being followed by another stimulus. This is known as habituation.

Describe the habituation process:

Habituation is a psychological learning process whereby a stimulus's ability to elicit a response decreases over time. According to this theory, a person or an animal might learn to disregard.

What is an example of a habituation?

For example, a new sound could first attract your attention or perhaps distract you from what is going on around you. Your response will decrease as you grow accustomed to this sound and give it less attention. Due to repeated exposure, this decreased response is a stimulus that has become habit-forming.

To know more about Habituation visit:



A homeostatic imbalance that activates these bone cells would lead to a loss of bone density.




Multiple lines of evidence indicate that complex multicellularity evolved at least six different times. which of the superkingdoms includes organisms that exhibit complex multicellularity?


Opisthokonta, Archaeplastida, Stramenopila from the superkingdoms includes organisms that exhibit complex multicellularity.

Complex multicellularity appeared comparatively late in life's history, in the Ediacaran Period, more than three billion years after microbial life began to diversify. Plants, animals, and macroscopic fungus form terrestrial landscapes, while creatures and seaweeds animate the water. Complex multicellularity is the most sophisticated degree of biological structure and has only occurred a few times in metazoans, green plants, brown and red algae, and fungus. Opisthokonta, Archaeplastida, and Stramenopila are the superkingdoms with creatures that display complex multicellularity. Opisthokonts are eukaryotic groupings that comprise amoebae, fungi, and mammals. The photoautotrophic red algae, green algae, land plants, and the small group glaucophytes comprise the Archaeplastida, a large group of eukaryotes. Stramenopiles are eukaryotes categorized as protists because they are not fungi, animals, or plants.

To learn more about multicellular kingdoms. Click, https://brainly.com/question/1675146


Amoeba sisters video recap traveling molecules


Answer: The answer is facilitated diffusion, simple diffusion , facilitated diffusion , active transport and simple diffusion.

Explanation: Facilitated diffusion is the process of passive transport in which the ions or the molecules moce or trasported across the biological membrane via transmembrane integral protein or protein channels and they do not need the ATP as energy whereas in simple diffusion the movement of ions and the molecules takes place but without the help of any kind of proteins and it happens through the semi permeable membrane and lastly the active transport is the movement of ions and molecules against the concerntration gradient and requires energy by hydrolysis of ATP and uses it .

In first case the aquaporins are used which are transport channels or helper proteins so it a passive transport but facilitated by proteins so is facilitated diffusion.

In second case it is simple diffusion because due to the smaller size of water molecules the they move and doesn't require any kind of help while doing so.

In third case as the movement is down the gradient and the molecules are charged so is an example of facilitated diffusion.

In the fourth case as the inward movement of glucose is needed and to move from inside the cell to outside the cell it is against the concerntration gradient so it will require the ATP hence is active transport.

In the fifth case as glucose is already in high amount so can easily diffuse inside the cell hence is simple diffussion.

To know more about active and passive transport click at https://brainly.in/question/40466734


A strategy used by all microbes to help prevent denaturation of proteins during heat shock is:_______


A strategy used by all microbes to help prevent denaturation of proteins during heat shock is chaperone proteins.

What are microbes ?

Microbes are creatures that are too small to be seen without a microscope, such as bacteria, archaea, and single cell eukaryotes, which are nucleated cells like amoebas or parameciums. At times, we also refer to viruses as microorganisms.

In molecular biology, molecular chaperones are proteins that help big proteins or macromolecular protein complexes fold or unfold conformationally. There are different groups of molecular chaperones, all of which have the same purpose: to help big proteins fold properly during or after synthesis as well as following partial denaturation. Protein translocation for proteolysis involves chaperones as well.

To learn more about chaperones  click on the link below:



The term that means cancer in the early stage, before invading the surrounding tissue is:_______


According to the research, the correct option is Carcinoma in situ. The term that means cancer in the early stage, before invading the surrounding tissue is: Carcinoma in situ.

What is a carcinoma?

It is a malignant neoplasm made up of anaplastic epithelial cells with metastatic capacity, being the early stage of cancer follow-up that should have a diagnosis of recurrence.

In this sense, in situ means that it is a cancer that has not metastasized to other parts of the body and, therefore, has not invaded nearby tissues.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, the correct option is Carcinoma in situ. The term that means cancer in the early stage, before invading the surrounding tissue is: Carcinoma in situ.

Learn more about Carcinoma here: https://brainly.com/question/19043156


A colorblind woman and a non-colorblind men are planning to start a family. the expected phenotypic ratio of their children is:_______.


The expected phenotypic ratio of the children for a colorblind woman and a non-colorblind man will be 1:2:1(carrier daughter: normal daughter: normal son: colourblind son)

Color blindness is a sex-linked recessive disease (meaning the gene is almost always found on the X chromosome) which means that it excessively affects only males since they have one X chromosome and females have two, which most of the time is expressed in only one. In this disease, people see different colors as compared to normal people. The person can not be able to judge the brightness of the color and different shades of a color.

Learn more about Colour blindness:



Dan is using a metal rod to sharpen his most favorite knife. to start this process, he should hold the steel rod in what direction with the tip firmly
pressed against the counter?
o a rotating between horizontal and vertical
ob. diagonally
oc. vertically
od. horizontally


Dan is using a metal rod to sharpen his favorite knife. to start this process, he should hold the steel rod in a  diagonal direction with the tip firmly pressed against the counter.

Hold the blade at a 15-degree angle far away from the steel.  Maintaining a light, consistent pressure, and 15-degree angle between the blade and honing steel, slide the blade down the length of steel during a  sweeping motion, pulling the knife toward your body in order that the entire edge of the blade makes contact with the steel. 3. Repeat this motion on another side of the blade.

To know the diagonal direction of the knife go to the given link:


What is the position of the body when it is in the ""normal anatomical position?"".


When a person is standing straight, facing forward, with both arms hanging loosely at their sides and their palms facing forward, this is known as being in anatomical position or the standard anatomical position. With their feet flat on the ground and facing forward, the legs are parallel.

When the body is in anatomical position, where is it?

A person in the standard anatomical position is one who is standing, facing forward, with their feet together and their toes pointing in the same direction. From the observer's point of view, none of the long bones are crossed.

The anatomical position is significant because the body is described by anatomic terms when it is in that position, including anterior and posterior, medial and lateral, superior and inferior, and so on.

To learn more about anatomical position visit:



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