Question 9 / 50

COOKED is to RAW as.


Answer 1


Cooked is to raw as dull is to shiny


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total up all of the B choices you selected on your test. what was your total


Hey all you do is count all the B answers you choose and than count it up. After you counted it up you than you write it down on the paper the total

I need help!
Write a poem about the picture. Please make sure it has the following:
-Line and Stanza


Answer: In a world so vast and full of grace,

A landscape takes center stage with pace,

A white sky, so pure and unspoiled,

With mountains standing tall, fiercely foiled.

And in this scene, so grand and bold,

A wooden boat, so big and old,

Drifts on the sea, a sight to see,

Its journey, a story waiting to be.

The boat, a symbol of strength and might,

With timbers aged, a sight of light,

Against the sky, a stunning view,

A sight that makes the heart sing anew.

Its sails, like wings, spread out with glee,

As the boat, a bird, glides effortlessly,

With the wind at its back, it rides the waves,

A journey, through the years, its story weaves.

And as it drifts, so far from shore,

Its journey, forever to explore,

Through storms and winds, and waves so high,

The boat, a beacon, in the endless sky.

The sound of the water, a gentle hum,

As the boat, its journey, does begun,

With the mountains, like guardians, at its side,

Its journey, forever, to take in stride.

And as the sun begins to set,

The boat, a silhouette, its story yet,

To be told, of journeys far and wide,

Of a wooden boat, that sailed the tide.

So here's to the beauty, of this scene so grand,

With the boat, its journey, at hand,

A tale, of strength and courage, to unfold,

A story, of the sea, in a world so bold.

For in this moment, of peace and rest,

We find the beauty, that's truly the best,

So let us cherish, this gift from the past,

And keep it close, forever, to last.

And may the boat, its journey, never end,

With the white sky, its story to befriend,

For in this landscape, so vast and wide,

The wooden boat, forever, will reside.


02.08 Support Your Main Ideas
Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Information Research Chart and your introduction, you will write the body paragraphs of your informational article.

Begin your Works Cited page as you write your body. List all the resources you decide to use in your writing. See the lesson on citing sources or the Writer’s Workshop for the correct format. You will not submit this page in this lesson. You will submit it with your final draft.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

Include your introduction paragraph from your introduction lesson.
Write three body paragraphs for your article.
Write a topic sentence for each body paragraph.
Clearly support your topic sentence with valid evidence from your research.
Use signal phrases with a direct quote in your article.
Use transition phrases to connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.
Use precise language to show your understanding of your topic.
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Write in the third person point of view.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 02.08 Support Your Ideas.
my topic is komodo dragons, due today!!


Komodo dragons have shark-like fangs and venom that may kill you within hours of being bitten. Villagers who had lived with the world's largest reptile for generations were unafraid — until the dragons attacked.

Are Komodo dragons friendly to humans?

They can be quite unsafe to keep around youngsters or even adults, particularly animals. Their moniker is appropriate, as Komodo dragons are real predators that attack all types of animals in the wild, including humans.

What happens if a Komodo dragon bites you?

The researchers discovered that dragon venom rapidly lowers blood pressure, accelerates blood loss, and drives a victim into shock, rendering them unable to fight.

What eats Komodo dragons?

Adult dragons are the leading predators, however adult dragons, feral dogs, wild boars, civet cats, and snakes prey on juvenile dragons.

To know more about Komodo Dragons visit;


Use Your Head

Sally’s mother asked her to walk to the local shop and buy milk for her baby sister. “Take this money,” her mother said, handing Sally five dollars. “Be careful that you do not go into the road. No matter what, do not leave the sidewalk.“

“Okay!” Sally responded happily, glad to be able to help.

Running down the sidewalk grasping the money, Sally saw a shadowy elephant figure laid out across the narrow pathway ahead of her. A large oak tree branch had fallen and blocked the entire sidewalk. It was much too big for a small girl like Sally to move, and she remembered that she could not go into the street under any circumstances, so walking around it was out of the question. Going over the branch would be impossible, too, for it was too unsteady. Sally thought of her little sister who needed milk. She felt like crying.

Instead of crying, Sally started thinking. She walked bravely up to the large limb and broke a small branch off. Then, she had an idea. The young girl broke another branch and tossed it away. She broke branch after branch off. After 10 minutes, Sally had broken that large tree limb into numerous small pieces, all easily manageable for a young, smart girl like herself. Soon, Sally had cleared the entire tree limb off the sidewalk and proceeded on her way.

When Sally returned home with the milk for her sister, her mother asked her what had taken her so long. Sally explained how a limb had fallen and blocked the sidewalk. “How did you ever get it out of the way, Sally? Did someone come along and help you?”

“No,” Sally responded. “I helped myself.”

“How could you have moved that large tree limb all by yourself, Sally?” her mother wondered.

“I moved it,” Sally answered, “by using my mind.” Then, she explained to her mother what had happened.

Relieved that Sally was not hurt, and proud of her initiative, the mother poured a tall glass of milk, placed two fresh chocolate chip cookies on a plate, and handed them to Sally. They looked at each other and smiled big, knowing grins.

Calling the shape in the road an “elephant” helps the reader...
Select one:

a. understand the moral of the story

b. appreciate elephants and their relationship to trees

c. understand just how big the branch is compared to Sally

d. appreciate Sally’s unique goals


Answer: C

Explanation: process of elimination

a.understand the moral of the story- the elephant part has nothing to do with the moral of "you can use your brain to solve problems"

b.appreciate elephants and their relationship to trees- the elephant part doesn't have anything about why elephants are important, or why they should be appreciated

d.appreciate Sally's unique goals- the elephant part doesn't explain what Sally's goals are

c.understand just how big the branch is compared to Sally- elephants are huge, and saying something is like an elephant or as big as an elephant is another way of saying that it's really big

Highlight the two adjectives.

A second plan is ready if the first one fails.


The two adjectives in the sentence are "second" and "first".
the two adjectives are “second” & “first”

What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


The best literary device(s) to include as part of a literary analysis of this excerpt from "The Lady or the Tiger" would be A. The device of imagery, which occurs several times in the text and supports the theme.

The use of vivid and descriptive language to create mental images in the reader's mind is an example of imagery. In this excerpt, the author uses language to create a picture of the amphitheater as a mysterious and powerful place. The use of language such as "encircling galleries," "mysterious vaults," and "unseen passages" contribute to the imagery and help to convey the sense of wonder and awe that the amphitheater inspires.

The use of imagery supports the theme of the power of chance and the role that it plays in shaping the lives of the characters in the story. By describing the amphitheater as an "agent of poetic justice" that punishes crime and rewards virtue through the decrees of chance, the author highlights the idea that fate and destiny are not controlled by humans, but by a greater force beyond their control.

Thus, the use of imagery in this excerpt is an important aspect of the author's craft and supports the central theme of the story.

Which techniques does the author use to develop her
idea in this excerpt? Choose four answers.
O metaphors
facts and statistics
O contradictions
O neutral language
O loaded language


The four techniques employed by the author in the passage are metaphors, contradictions, loaded language and imagery, options A, B, D and E.

What is loaded language?

In the passage from "A Quilt of a Country," we found four different techniques used by the author. Let's define them below:

Loaded language --> The use of words that present a strong connotation.Metaphor --> The use of comparisons that are usually improbable.Contradictions --> The use of ideas that seem to oppose each other.Imagery --> The use of vivid descriptive language.

All those techniques are used by the author with the purpose of creating a vivid image in the reader's mind. The author wants to reader to visualize how America is a country that consists of different races and cultures. Thus, we have answered this question correctly.

The missing passage is the following:

"America is an improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of ever-changing disparate parts."

Learn more about loaded language here:


Write the following sentences in indirect speech, and change the words where necessary.
1. He said, "They were here three months ago." ________________________________ 2. She said to me, "Have you finished your exams?" ________________________________ 3. My father said to me, "Why didn't you telephone?” _______________________________ 4. He said to us, "Would you like some coffee?" _______________________________ 5. The instructor said to us, "Don't bring your cell phone final exam!" ________________________________



1. He said that they were here three months ago

2 . she asked me if I finished my exams.

3. my father asked me why I didn't telephone.

4. he asked us if we'd like some coffee.

5. the instructor told us not to bring our cell phones to the final exam

hope it helps!!

Read the paragraph.
Jamile is recording secretary of our school's student council. His primary job is to take notes at
each meeting and present a brief summary at the
next one. But Jamile's summaries include
almost every comment from every council member. Dina has told him the only problem with
his presentations is that they
Which phrase would add VERBAL IRONY to the paragraph?
aren't sufficiently brief
take too much time to read
include minor details
run longer than the meetings



The phrase that would add verbal irony to the paragraph is "aren't sufficiently brief."


Verbal irony occurs when a speaker says something but means the opposite. In the paragraph, Jamile is the recording secretary of the student council and his job is to present brief summaries of the meetings, but his summaries are too lengthy and detailed. By saying that his presentations "aren't sufficiently brief," it implies that they are the opposite of brief, which creates irony. This phrase highlights the discrepancy between what is expected of Jamile and what he is actually delivering, and thus adds a layer of humor or sarcasm to the text.

What is being compared in the passage?
O tyranny to a democracy
the American government to the British government
Rip Van Winkle to a politician
Rip Van Winkle's wife to the government


Examines how Irving, after putting Rip back into the society to analyse and interpret, sums up his sarcastic vision of democracy near  end of the novel.

Describe a narrative?

In the days when kings and queens, storage was kept on a castle's floors while it was under siege. If you don't identify these five components whether analysing a short story, novel, epic poetry, play, or film, you aren't looking hard enough.

Describe a novel?

Novel, a long and complicated fictional prose story that creatively explores human existence, usually through a continuous series of events.

To know more about story visit :


Highlight the conjunction that Introduces and is part of the subordinate clause.

If that is cherry pie, I will eat it for my dinner.


The conjunction that Introduces and is part of the subordinate clause in the sentence "If that is cherry pie, I will eat it for my dinner" is "if".

In what time period does the story take place in the radio broadcast? How about the novel?


The only important alteration Orson Welles made to his famous radio broadcast of H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds was to set the plot in the United States. Otherwise, tale was taken almost verbatim from the book.

What inspired Orson Welles to write War of the Worlds?

Wells later stated that the disastrous effect of European colonisation on Aboriginal Tasmanians inspired the plot; other historians suggest that Wells authored the novel in part to push his public to reconsider the morality of imperialism.

Where do the events in the radio version of The War of the Worlds take place?

The apparent genuineness of Welles' radio programme contributed to the uproar. To replicate "War of the Worlds," Welles "interrupted" a music performance and staged news reports from an alleged Martian invasion in Grover's Mill, New Jersey, using actors.

To know more about Radio Broadcast visit:


How are some of the elements of the ape society society a mockery of our own?


Answer: The elements of the ape society in the Planet of the Apes franchise are often a commentary on various aspects of human society. The apes are depicted as a civilized society with hierarchies, religious beliefs, and cultural customs that are similar to those in human societies. The filmmakers use this similarity to highlight the flaws and inconsistencies in human society.

One example of this is the treatment of the lower-class apes, who are often oppressed and treated as second-class citizens. This is meant to highlight the inequalities and prejudices that exist in human society, where certain groups are discriminated against based on race, ethnicity, or social status.

Another example is the use of religion in the ape society. The apes have a religious leader who is used to control and manipulate the masses, similar to how religion has been used throughout human history to control and manipulate people. This serves to question the role of religion in society and to challenge the idea that it is always a force for good.

In addition, the way the apes treat humans in the franchise is also a commentary on human society. The apes view humans as inferior and treat them as animals, a reflection of the way that humans often treat other species and the environment.

Overall, the elements of the ape society in the Planet of the Apes franchise are meant to be a satirical representation of human society, highlighting its flaws and inconsistencies.


How does the use of a formal and objective tone in the informational text "Television Captures America's Imagination" affect the development of the theme?


The use of a formal and objective tone in the informational text "Television Captures America's Imagination" can greatly impact the development of the theme by creating a trustworthy and credible voice for the author. A formal and objective tone can establish a neutral and unbiased perspective, which can help to strengthen the credibility of the information presented in the text. This can in turn make the theme more convincing and persuasive to the reader.

The use of a formal and objective tone also helps to emphasize the factual and scientific nature of the information presented in the text. This can make the theme more informative and educational, and can help to support the author's argument or perspective on the topic.

Additionally, the use of a formal and objective tone can also help to create a sense of professionalism and expertise in the author, which can increase the reader's confidence in the information presented in the text. This can further reinforce the author's argument and help to solidify the theme of the text.

Overall, the use of a formal and objective tone can greatly enhance the development of the theme in an informational text by creating a trustworthy and credible voice, emphasizing the factual and scientific nature of the information, and establishing a sense of professionalism and expertise in the author.


the use of a formal and objective tone in "Television Captures America's Imagination" helps to reinforce the theme of the impact of television on American society by establishing credibility and conveying information in a neutral manner.


The use of a formal and objective tone in the informational text "Television Captures America's Imagination" can have a significant impact on the development of the theme. A formal and objective tone is characterized by the use of neutral language and the avoidance of personal opinions and emotions. This type of tone helps to establish the text as credible and trustworthy, as the author is presenting information in a neutral manner rather than expressing their own biases or emotions.

In the context of the informational text "Television Captures America's Imagination," the use of a formal and objective tone helps to reinforce the theme that television has had a profound impact on American society. The neutral language used in the text helps to present the information in a straightforward and unemotional manner, which makes it easier for the reader to understand the facts and arguments presented. The objective tone also helps to convey the idea that television has had a significant impact on American society without expressing any personal opinions or emotions, which further emphasizes the credibility and authority of the information being presented.

Join these two sentences with a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
Independent clause 1: Victoria has many wonderful pets
Independent clause 2: She has to buy a lot of pet food


Victoria has many wonderful pets and for them, She has to buy a lot of pet food. The sentence is complete with the coordinating conjunction.

What is coordinating conjunction?

A coordinating conjunction is a word that joins two elements of equal grammatical rank and syntactic importance. They can join together two independent sentences, verbs, nouns, adjectives, or phrases. The seven coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

Use the acronym FANBOYS to help you remember the seven coordinating conjunctions in English: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Because indicates causation, "We left a day early for the weather was not as clement as we had hoped."

Thus, victoria has many wonderful pets and for them, She has to buy a lot of pet food.

For more information about coordinating conjunction, click here:


Read the passage from Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

Ralph dropped down and spoke in his ordinary voice.

"So remember. The rocks for a lavatory. Keep the fire going and smoke showing as a signal. Don’t take fire from the mountain. Take your food up there.”

Jack stood up, scowling in the gloom, and held out his hands.

"I haven’t finished yet.”

"But you’ve talked and talked!”

"I’ve got the conch.”

Jack sat down, grumbling.
How is the universal theme of society’s dependence on authority developed in this passage?

through Ralph’s refusal to let Jack speak
through the commands, Ralph gives the boys
through the disagreement between Jack and Ralph
through the way Jack acts while Ralph has the conch


In this passage, the universal theme of society’s dependence on authority is developed through the disagreement between Jack and Ralph. Although Jack has the conch and is therefore the leader, Ralph is still able to assert his authority over the group by refusing to let Jack speak and issuing commands to the boys. This shows that even when someone is in a leadership position, there is still an underlying expectation of obedience to authority that must be adhered to.

Question 5 of 5
Which experience is most likely to shape an author's perspective on the
importance of education?
A. Graduating from college
B. Attending different summer camps
C. Saving money to buy a new computer
D. Spending summers working on a fishing boat


It’s A I took the test and got it right

Which poetic device is exhibited in the following lines? "Soft is the strain when Zephyr
gently blows, / And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows...."
O cacophony
O onomatopoeia
O assonance
O alliteration


The answer is Assonance.

The childcare home or center should have a variety of low shelves or cubbies to store toys, with containers for smaller toys.




A. True, because they’ll be easy for the kids to reach for them

The slight nick on Gawain's neck is punishment for his
O Arrogance
O Deceit
O Fear
O Chivalry



The reason for the slight nick on Gawain's neck as a punishment for his fear is because in the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain accepts a challenge from the Green Knight, who agrees to allow Gawain to strike him with his axe if the Green Knight can return the favor a year later. Gawain agrees to the challenge and cuts off the Green Knight's head, but the Green Knight picks up his head, mounts his horse, and rides away. A year later, the Green Knight returns and Gawain is fearful, but he keeps his promise and allows the Green Knight to strike him. The Green Knight gives Gawain a slight nick on the neck as a reminder of his fear.

What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience during the speech?



1. Always look up.
2. Keep your speech to a minimum of 3 minutes.

3. Put it on note cards so it's easier to read and so you don't need to constantly look down.

4. Always keep eye contact.

5. Your voice should be steady and clear.

6. Make sure to captivate your audience.

7. Use analogies.

8. Use smart words.

9. Take Questions AFTERWARDS

10. Lastly, Smile.

Explanation: Here are some easy ways to have a speech.I'll give you a list since you weren't very specific in your question. These are things I was taught in homeschooling.

Refer to details from the text to explain why Constancia considers her grandmother to be, in her eyes, "ridiculous" and "bizarre. "


Constancia considers her grandmother to be "ridiculous" and "bizarre" because of her habit of giving nicknames to people, even if they don't want them.

For example, she calls Constancia's father "Chancho" (pig) and her uncle "Gorila" (gorilla). She also has a habit of speaking in riddles and giving strange advice. For instance, when Constancia's mother is upset, her grandmother says, "A calmer mind brings a calmer life." Constancia finds her grandmother's behavior to be strange and annoying, and so she deems her "ridiculous" and "bizarre." Constancia thinks her grandma is "ridiculous" and "bizarre" in her eyes by using details from the text. Constancia and her grandmother had a very strained relationship before to Abuela's arrival. According to the book, Constancia had only "three or four times in [her] entire life" seen Abuela. She only got to see Abuela while they were visiting Puerto Rico for a funeral. The two women did not have a great deal of mutual acquaintance.

To know more about constancia refer :


Source: Of mice and Men: George and Lennie's Dream (video), and or Mice and Men Chapter 1 (book)

After reading the text and watching the video, analyze the impact of dreams and aspirations on the lives and relationships between George and Lennie. Cite evidence from the text or video to support your claims. Your response should be two to three paragraphs long.


George and Lennie want to buy their own tiny house and a piece of land to cultivate one day. To do this, they must pool their resources.

What is the relationship between George and Lennie evaluated?

George and Lennie get along like a master and his dog throughout the book. Lennie is under George's care, and George is in charge of making sure he has a job, food, and stays out of trouble. He gives Lennie orders, which Lennie is expected to carry out,

What is the meaning of George and Lennie's dream?

George and Lennie had a fantasy of purchasing their own piece of land to utilize as a farm, where they can establish a self-sufficient lifestyle and "live off the lan." Their fictitious farm symbolizes the shortcomings of the American Dream.

To know more about George and Lennie visit:-


Write a speech about how to save the world in Afrikaans



Planning is the most important part of the writing process. With proper planning 80 per cent of the work is done. Different types of essays require different ways of planning. Let’s look at the narrative essay and the descriptive essay as examples.


I didn’t do anything this weekend to write about so can you please write me a one page paragraph list of ideas to write about please?
Thank you


1.) Write a story about someone who doesn’t know how to let go.

2.) Someone’s beloved collection is destroyed. How do they react?

3.) Write a story about a character who is experiencing glitches in their reality.

4.) Start your story with someone saying “Houston, we have a problem.”

5.) Write a story where a character has to decide whether to press the button or not.

6.) Write about someone who has chosen to disconnect and live an analog life.

7.) Start your story with a home alarm system going off.

8.) Set your story in a society where everyone is constantly aware of unwanted surveillance.

9.) Write about a character who wishes they could just disappear — and then they do.

10.) Write a story that includes the line “We’re just too different.”

1 Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the other three. Write A, B, C, or D in the blank. 1 A safer B quieter C quicker D Chinese​



Therefore, the answer is: D) Chinese


The word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the other three is "Chinese". The pronunciation of the bold part in "safer", "quieter", and "quicker" is similar, whereas the pronunciation of the bold part in "Chinese" is different.

Therefore, the answer is: D) Chinese

write a ComPostion about how you manage your time​


Humanity depends heavily on time management. Discipline can be created by time management, or vice versa. Set attainable and quantifiable objectives.

What is the composition on "Time Management"?

The technique of scheduling and regulating the amount of time to devote to particular tasks is known as time management.

A good time management strategy produces more opportunities and less time spent on pointless activities.

When setting goals, employ the SMART technique. Essentially, ensure that the objectives you establish are:


Making the tiny extra effort to determine how much time you need to devote for each task might also assist you in foreseeing future issues. You can then prepare a strategy for how to handle them.

Therefore, Humanity is heavily reliant on time management. Time management can create discipline, or vice versa. Set attainable and quantifiable goals.

To know more about the "Time Management", visit:


human beings are becoming slaves of morden technology ​


It is true that human beings are becoming increasingly dependent on modern technology. This dependency can lead to a feeling of being enslaved or controlled by technology, as it requires time and effort to understand and use the latest technologies. Additionally, this dependence on technology can lead to a reliance on automation, creating a situation where people are no longer able to use their own knowledge, skills, and intuition to think for themselves and make informed choices. Finally, this dependence on technology can lead to a lack of privacy, as individuals are constantly sharing personal data with companies and governments.

how do you know the information (messages) you read and review is reliable?


The information (messages) someone read and review is reliable is must come from dependable sources.

What is information?

The term information refers to the used are the personal and the other perspective. The information are the confidential or the message. The information are the different types was the used such as the company, family, country, and the international.

According to the information, is the read to review is reliable because its evaluated the source. It must be credible source, scholarly and the mention   evidence into the dependable sources.

As a result, the significance of the information are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on information, here:


What are two things Friar Laurence compares Romeo to when Romeo is overreacting
about his banishment?


The two things that Friar Laurence compares Romeo to when Romeo is overreacting about his banishment are:

compares banishment to being in hellsays there is no world without Verona walls

What is the summary of the Scene in Romeo and Juliet?

Friar Laurence informs Romeo that the Prince has sentenced him to exile rather than execution. Romeo is distraught because he sees banishment as a form of living death because it prevents him from being with Juliet. The Friar tries to reason with Romeo, but he is distraught — "with his own tears made dr/unk."

The Nurse arrives and informs Romeo of Juliet's bereavement. Hearing this, Romeo attempts su/ici/de but is stopped by the Nurse. The Friar advises Romeo to go to Juliet that night as planned, and then flee to Mantua before daybreak. The Friar promises to find a way to publicly announce Romeo and Juliet's marriage and thus obtain a pardon for Romeo's safe return.

Read more about Romeo and Juliet


Other Questions
you are called for a patient who is complaining of being weak and dizzy. he reports that he does not have enough money to pay for his medications so he has not gotten them refilled. your service has an automatic blood pressure machine and you use it to measure the patient's blood pressure while you count his respirations. the blood pressure machine reports a blood pressure of 280/140. what should you do next? question 14 options: a) begin transport immediately b) call immediately for als response c) continue with vital sign assessment d) take a manual blood pressure What do you use to separate arguments in a function? PLEASEE HELPPP!!! 3 QUESTIONSConsider the function below.f(x)=8/x6What would be the output if the input is 8?responses:-1/4-4-8/14-8/6What is the average rate of change of the function f(x)=3x^25 over the interval [2, 6]?responses:-3-48-12-24The average mass of a certain type of microorganism is 2.410^6grams. What is the approximate total mass of 5,000 of these microorganisms?responses:-0.00012 g-0.0012 g-0.012 g-0.12 g a headache that hampers your ability to listen actively to another constitutes which kind of noise?A) physiologicalB) psychologyC) Communication the best use of a gantt chart is to: group of answer choices show expected start and end times for project activities and to track actual progress against these time targets. shorten the overall duration of a project. show precedence requirements for a project's constituent activities. determine the earliest start and finish times for each project activity. A horizontal force of 23 N is required to keep a 4.5 kg box traveling at a constant speed up a frictionless incline for a verticalheight change of 4.2 m. (Enter your answers in joules.)(a) What is the work done by gravity during this change in height?(b) What is the work done by the normal force?(c) What is the work done by the horizontal force? 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O Adjusted for time, radioisotopes emit the same amount of energy in their emissions O Energy and half-life are not directly related. why is an equity indexed annuity considered to be a fixed annuity? What european country provided the first test case in the cold war? Storing parts outside doesn't cause any environmental risks as long as the items are covered write a number or expression in each empty box to create a true equation 15 + 10 = _____ (3 + 2) A planet whose distance from the Sun is 3 A.U. would have an orbital period of how many Earth-years?a) 81b) 27c) 3d) 3e) 9. HELP WITH THIS ASAP PLEASE, EASY QUESTIONS, PLEASE DON'T TROLL OR YOU WILL BE REPORTEDExplain how the different spheres of the Earth affect weather. (geo, atmo, bio, hydro) in a short paragraph.Explain Air masses and the impact that different Air Masses have on the weather in a short paragraph. What functional groups are common to all -amino acids?Check all that apply.aromaticamidecarboxylatealcoholthiolprotonated amine Identify and explain at least 3 natural and human influences on West African Socaites between 300 AD and 1000 ADWrite at least 3 reasons that explain how Geography may have affected Ghana and Mali socially, politically, and economically.Describe 3 things about the role and important of trade in Ghana's power. Shen is riding in a bike race that goes through a valley and a nearby mountain range.The table gives the altitude (in feet above sea level) for the five checkpoints in the race.Use the table to answer the questions.Checkpoint Altitude(feet above sea level)1 3,4592 1,4993 6684 -2025 -99(a) The top of a hill rises 66 feet above Checkpoint 4.What is the altitude of the top of the hill?(b) How much higher is Checkpoint 1 than Checkpoint 5? A family moves out of a home that is 1,500 square feet into a home that is 2,400 square feet. What is the percent increase? The current through a dryer is 12 A. If the input voltage is 220 v. What electrical energy does it make in 1.5 min? Which virtues of the medieval ruling classes did troubadour poetry praise? A- valor and honor B- material wealth C- avoidance of work D- devotion to an ideal The projected growth in buyer demand for private-label athletic footwear is O 5-7%% annually in all four geographic markets during Years 11-15, O 10% annually in North America and Latin America during the Year 11-Year 20 period. O 9% annually in Europe-Africa and the Asia-Pacific regions during Years 11-20. O 4-6% annually across all 4 regions during Years 11-20. 10-12% annually in the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions during Years 16-20.