Performance goals are never used for internships or co-op terms.




Answer 1

Performance goals are designed to direct an individual or organization in obtaining a particular level of performance or outcome. They are explicit, measurable, and time-bound objectives.

These objectives are frequently used to increase productivity, incentive, and accountability in business, academia, sports, and other fields.

Both internships and co-op terms are examples of experiential learning in which college students or recent graduates work for a business or organization to acquire real-world experience related to their field of study. Both provide excellent chances for students to put their academic learning into practice, hone their professional abilities, and expand their professional networks.

Performance targets should be both attainable and reasonable, as well as difficult enough to spur people on to strive for excellence. To make sure that everyone is working towards the same objectives, they should also be in line with the organization's broader mission and vision. In order to track progress and make required adjustments, regular progress reports and comments should be given.

To know more about Performance goals, click on the link below:


Related Questions

Please write me a one page paragraph about what your weekend adventures that yours would be please and that you have done?



My last weekend was so awesome and I am going to share my experience here. I always sleep a lot on a Friday night without any alarm. I know I have no school on Saturday and I don’t feel any pressure for that. I can sleep as much as I want. So last weekend I wake up at 9 a.m.

After waking up, I did all my homework. And then my mother said that we were going to our grandmother’s house. I was really happy about that. We go to meet our grandma most of the weekends, and I love that so much. My sister was also happy about that.

In the afternoon, my dad drives us there. My grandma was so happy to see us. There was one of my uncles and few cousins live with her. I had a really good time with my cousins and grandma. We came back on Sunday.  And we spend around four hours there and went back to our home in the evening. Then we became fresh and went to a beautiful restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was near a beach. I have come there before and I love that place so much. We ate and went back home.

And on a Sunday morning, we visited our grandmother. And finally, we went to the church in the afternoon. Overall that was an amazing time with my grandma and in the church. So I have visited a zoo, church, and my grandma on a weekend. That’s why this weekend was so much interesting to me.


Story:James Madison: The Forgotten Founder
by Mark Dziak, Newsletter Editor, Orange County History Club

Compare how the author feels about James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. Include how the author's geographic location or background may have influenced his perspective. Use details from the article to support your response.

In your response, be sure to
* Explain how James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were alike and different
*Explain how the comparison supports the author's perspective on each man's legacy
*Use TWO details from the article to support you response


By Mark Dziak, James Madison: The Forgotten Founder. 1 The United States' presidents have significantly influenced American history in numerous ways.

What is credited to James Madison?

The Federalist Papers, co-written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who served as America's fourth president from 1809 to 1817, significantly aided in the passage of the Constitution. He was referred to as the "Father of the Constitution" in later years.

What part did James Madison play in the US Revolution?

Madison participated in politics during the American Revolution. Although he was appointed leader of the Orange County militia, his ill health prevented him from serving in the military. He served on the Orange County Committee of Safety with his father in 1775 and was a representative at the The 1776 Virginia Constitutional Convention.

To know more about James Madison visit:-


Story: James Madison: The Forgotten Founder By Mark Dziak, James Madison: The Forgotten Founder. 1 The United States' presidents have significantly influenced American history in numerous ways.

What is credited to James Madison?

The Federalist Papers, co-written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who served as America's fourth president from 1809 to 1817, significantly aided in the passage of the Constitution. He was referred to as the "Father of the Constitution" in later years. Madison participated in politics during the American Revolution. Although he was appointed leader of the Orange County militia, his ill health prevented him from serving in the military.

He served on the Orange County Committee of Safety with his father in 1775 and was a representative at the The 1776 Virginia Constitutional Convention.

To know more about James Madison visit:-


Read the prompt and type your response in the space provided.

Your teacher has assigned a research project. You may choose any topic you are interested in as long as it relates to intelligence. Describe how you will choose a topic, ensure you will be able to find several sources, and write a research question. Use specific examples to support your ideas.

Read the prompt and type an answer pls!


As a student, I would start by brainstorming and researching different topics related to intelligence that interest me. I would then narrow down my list based on what I am passionate about and what I feel is achievable within the given timeframe.

To ensure I can find sources, I would use online databases like JSTOR, and Go. ogle Scholar, Brainly, and check my university's library for any relevant books or articles. Lastly, I would write a clear research question that will guide my investigation. For example, "What is the impact of AI on human intelligence?"

Why is a Research Project Important?

A research project is a structured investigation into a specific topic or problem, with the goal of gaining a deeper understanding and producing new knowledge.

It is important as it helps to build critical thinking skills, improves one's ability to gather and analyze information, and advances the field of study.

Note that, a well-conducted research project can contribute to the development of new theories, products, and practices.

Learn more about Research Project:


When choosing a topic for my research project on intelligence, I will start by thinking about my personal interests and passions. For instance, I am interested in the impact of technology on human intelligence, so I might choose to research the topic of "Artificial Intelligence and its Effects on Human Cognitive Development."

Next, I will make sure that I will be able to find several sources to support my research. I will use online databases,  to search for peer-reviewed articles and books written by experts in the field. I will also consider reaching out to professionals in the industry to gather information and insights.

Finally, I will write a research question that will guide my investigation. For example, my research question might be "What is the impact of artificial intelligence on human cognitive development and what are the potential consequences for future generations?" This question will help me to focus my research and gather relevant information to answer the question.

In conclusion, when choosing a topic for my research project on intelligence, I will consider my personal interests, ensure that I can find several sources, and write a clear and focused research question. This will help me to gather relevant information and produce a well-researched and thoughtful paper on the topic of intelligence.

How to choose a research topic?

Choose a research topic by selecting a personal interest, ensuring the availability of sources, and crafting a clear research question. Research topics that are relevant, unique, and manageable will lead to a more successful outcome.

Find more helpful information on research topic here;


Can you please help me write an appropriate love letter for Valentine’s Day?


Answer: Dear [partner’s name],

As I sit down to write this letter to you, my heart is overflowing with love and affection for you. Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate the love we share, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you in my life.

From the moment I met you, I knew that you were someone special. Your kindness, sense of humor, and unwavering support have brought so much joy into my life. I am so grateful for all of the laughter, love, and adventures that we have shared together.

Every moment spent with you is a moment filled with happiness. Whether we’re enjoying a romantic dinner, taking a walk in the park, or just cuddling on the couch, I feel so blessed to have you by my side. Your touch, your smile, and your gentle embrace are what make my heart skip a beat.

I am so thankful for your love, and I promise to always cherish and appreciate you. I will always stand by your side, through thick and thin, and support you in all of your dreams and aspirations.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love. I can’t wait to spend many more years making beautiful memories with you.

Yours always and forever,

[Your name]


Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Note that  the correct in-text citation of the quote from page 1 of Saki's story would be: . (Saki, 1.) (Option A)

What is a citation and why is it valuable in literature?

Citation refers to the practice of acknowledging and citing the sources used in research or written work.

It is a valuable practice in literature as it adds credibility to the work, establishes the author's knowledge of the subject, and provides the reader with an opportunity to review the sources used.

Citation also helps prevent plagiarism by giving credit to the original authors or researchers.

Learn more about Citation:

Please write me a one page paragraph about what your weekend adventures that yours would be please and that you have done?


This weekend, I had some amazing adventures. I started my weekend with a long walk in the park, admiring the beautiful scenery and taking in the fresh air. I then headed to the beach, where I spent some time swimming in the ocean and enjoying the sun. After that, I went on a hike, exploring different trails and getting to know the local wildlife. In the evening, I had a barbeque and watched the sunset. It was a great way to end the day. I also went shopping, picked up fresh produce from the farmer's market, and watched a movie with friends. All in all, it was a weekend full of adventure and excitement.

Which of the following words is an irregular verb? Say,Paint,Laugh,Hope


I’m so sorry if it’s wrong

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Answer: A

Explanation: A is talking about the author while the others are talking about the context.

Douglass' is an autobiographical account of the life of a former slave. Consider Douglass' portrayal of slavery, and of his life afterward. Compare Douglass' vision of the world, freedom, and civility to that of Jefferson's. What parallels so you see in their writing?


Answer: Frederick Douglass was an influential American social reformer, abolitionist, and writer. His 1845 memoir, "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave," is a powerful and insightful portrayal of slavery in America and the hardships he endured as a slave.

Douglass' vision of the world was shaped by his personal experiences as a slave, where he saw first-hand the dehumanizing effects of slavery and the institutionalized oppression of African Americans. He believed in the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings and was a passionate advocate for the abolition of slavery. He also recognized the power of education and the importance of acquiring knowledge in order to challenge oppressive systems and gain freedom.

In contrast, Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner and one of the founding fathers of the United States. While he famously proclaimed that "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence, he held contradictory views on the issue of slavery and did not see slaves as equals to whites.

Despite their differences, there are some parallels between Douglass' and Jefferson's writing. Both believed in the importance of freedom and the pursuit of knowledge. They also recognized the power of words and the written word to shape public opinion and bring about social change.

In conclusion, while Douglass and Jefferson had different visions of the world and of freedom, both recognized the power of words and knowledge in shaping the world and bringing about positive change. Douglass' powerful and moving portrayal of slavery provides an important perspective on the American slave experience and the ongoing struggle for civil rights and equality.


Part A

What is a theme of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros?


People can be imprisoned by their circumstances, but it is up to them to find a way out.

Success will come to those who keep trying and never give up.

People should not depend on others to fix their problems.

People who allow others to control them give away their own power.

Question 2
Part B

Which detail from the novella best develops the theme identified in Part A?


“You will always be Mango Street. You can’t erase what you know. You can’t forget who you are.”

“Marin, under the streetlight, dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere. I know. Is waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life.”

"Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias."

“Shame is a bad thing, you know. It keeps you down. You want to know why I quit school? Because I didn’t have nice clothes. No clothes, but I had brains.”


A theme is an important idea that underlies a story, which means option A is the best answer for part A, and option C the best one for part B, as seen below:

Part A

A. People can be imprisoned by their circumstances, but it is up to them to find a way out.

Part B

C. "Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man's house. Not a daddy's. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias."

Definition of theme

We often define theme in literature as the main idea that underlies the literary work. Themes can be simple, such as love or hate. But they can also be more complex, as is the case with the novella "The House on Mango Street."

A theme in the novella is the idea that we can escape the circumstances that imprison us. That theme is best supported by the lines that show the character's need for a place of her own, a place where she can be free and have her own identity.

With that in mind, we conclude we have answered this question correctly.

Learn more about theme here:


The screenwriter for an upcoming action film has chosen to cut away from the main characters just as they are choosing which wires to cut on the bomb. How has he manipulated point of view to increase suspense most strongly?

A. He uses third person omniscient to keep the viewer engaged in all characters' stories.
B. He uses third person limited to narrow what the viewer has access to, leaving them wondering what will happen next.
C. He changes perspective throughout the story to keep the viewer engaged and guessing.
D. He maintains a constant perspective to keep the viewer from becoming confused in the plot.


It is C I know it for sure

How does the information in Paragraph 14 reinforce Orwell's purpose for writing this text?


Political motivation: Orwell asserts that "no work is totally free from political prejudice," and that, taken broadly, this motive is commonly used in all forms of writing. Everyone's "desire to push the world in a definite direction" is what he blames for this, he says.

Orwell aims to persuade readers to discuss politics in plain language. He achieves this by providing a comprehensive list of instructions for writing clearly. Orwell aims to persuade readers to discuss politics in plain language. He succeeds in doing so by giving an example of poorly written English.

Although Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, two of Orwell's dystopian novels, are his most well-known works, many of his other books and articles have also endured in popularity. His body of work offers one of the most incisive and well-known criticisms of authoritarianism from the 20th century.

Orwell believed that because the language was intended to hide rather than illuminate reality, it was unavoidably ambiguous or meaningless. The writer's ideas were obscured from both the writer and the reader by this "contagion" of murky writing, which had spread to others who weren't attempting to hide the truth.

To know more about Orwell's purpose for writing, click on the link below:


»Sasha is a journalist for an online magazine. She wants to know what topic reade
in for the next publication.
Sasha conducts a new survey using a random
sample of readers, as shown. Which claim is
most strongly supported by the sample data?
There are probably more readers who
want can't miss movies than new music.
There are definitely no readers who want
to know what's happening around town.
Among readers, trends in health is definitely
less popular than books to read.
New Feature
What's Happening
Around Town
Trends in Health
New Music
Books to Read
Can't Miss Movies


Sasha conducts a new survey using a random sample of readers, as shown. The claim which is most strongly supported by the sample data is there are probably more readers who want can't miss movies than new music. Thus option (A) is correct.

What is data?

The data is the processed form of raw information, more specifically it has facts, figures, measurements and amounts that is gathered for analysis or reference. So that a conclusion can be drawn in a proper way.

The data, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined and considered and used to help decision-making, and the data can be stored in an electronic form in the database and used by a computer in the future.

Sasha conducts a new survey using a random sample of readers, as shown. The claim which is most strongly supported by the sample data is there are probably more readers who want can't miss movies than new music. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about data here:



there are probably more readers who want can't miss movies than new music.


2. He urged everyone to find the best approach to living for.


The given sentence is a declarative sentence, which means it makes a statement or expresses an opinion.

What is the living  about?

The sentence means that the speaker is encouraging or advising everyone to discover or develop their own method or philosophy of living. The word "approach" here refers to a way of thinking, behaving or making choices in life.

The sentence suggests that the speaker believes that each individual should find their own path or approach to living, instead of following someone else's path or blindly adopting a set of beliefs or values.

Therefore, the sentence emphasizes the importance of individualism and personal growth.

Learn more about living   from


Do a noun-verb analysis of the scenario where you have highlighted the nouns in blue and the verbs in green.
Create a Use Case Diagram based on this noun-verb analysis, there should be:
At least, six main use cases;
At least three actors;
At least six 'uses' use cases;
A system boundary.
Sarah has been sick for the past week and has missed class, she had notified her professors beforehand and they have given her different amounts of extra time to complete her assignments. She is going through the Canvas messages she received from her professors that outline the different amounts of extra time given for each assignment. As she goes through these messages, she has another browser window open, where she navigates to each professors' class, and selects the assignments for which she has been given extra time. For each assignment, she presses the 'Request Extension' button and links to the Canvas message, she also selects the date for the new assignment due date. After she has formalized all of these requests, she is able to view them on her TODO list and see the updated due dates. They are highlighted to differentiate them from assignments without extensions, and she is able to prioritize the assignments to get caught back up in the class.


Noun-verb analysis: Sarah (noun) has been sick (verb) for the past week and has missed class (verb), she had notified (verb) her professors (noun) beforehand and they have given (verb) her different amounts of extra time (noun) to complete her assignments (noun).

She is going through the Canvas messages (noun) she received from her professors (noun) that outline (verb) the different amounts of extra time (noun) given for each assignment (noun).

[Actor 1: Sarah] -- (Request Extension) -- [System] -- (View TODO list) -- [Actor 1: Sarah]

[Actor 1: Sarah] -- (Navigate to Class) -- [System] -- (Select Assignments) -- [Actor 1: Sarah]

[Actor 1: Sarah] -- (Select Date) -- [System] -- (Formalize Requests) -- [Actor 1: Sarah]

[Actor 2: Professor] -- (Give Extra Time) -- [System] -- (Send Canvas Messages) -- [Actor 1: Sarah]

[Actor 1: Sarah] -- (View Canvas Messages) -- [System] -- (Read Extra Time) -- [Actor 1: Sarah]

[Actor 1: Sarah] -- (Differentiate Highlighted Assignments) -- [System] -- (Prioritize Assignments) -- [Actor 1: Sarah]


Sarah (Student)


Uses Use Cases:

Request Extension

View TODO list

Navigate to Class

Select Assignments

Select Date

Differentiate Highlighted Assignments

System Boundary: Canvas Platform

They are highlighted (verb) to differentiate (verb) them from assignments without extensions, and she is able to prioritize (verb) the assignments (noun) to get caught back up (verb) in the class.

For such more question on assignments


Throughout the passage, the author uses statistics to


The author uses data and statistics to support the importance of volunteering.

Why was this banana developed?


in general, bananas are often developed through selective breeding and genetic modification to enhance desirable traits such as yield, disease resistance, and flavor.

What is a banana?

Generally, some bananas are developed specifically to address environmental concerns or nutritional needs.

For example, some scientists are currently working to develop bananas that are resistant to a devastating fungal disease known as Panama disease, which threatens to wipe out many of the world's banana crops.

Another example is the development of a genetically modified "super banana" that is enriched with vitamin A, which could help address vitamin A deficiency in developing countries.

Read more about banana


The new park is really. ———— You should go and see it ?A,fascinated B,fascinates C,fascinating D,fascination which the sentence correct?


C since reading the sentence with each word, you can then determine what fits

Using the terms' development and fidelity, expr
the value of terms that are essentially contestable
Show how these terms differ from others describe.
well- defined.


It is generally accepted that terms that are the topic of continuing discussion and disagreement and for which there is no single, unambiguous meaning are contestable.

These words include, among others, democracy, justice, and freedom. Although these words are frequently used in ordinary speech, there is some discussion and controversy regarding what they signify and how they should be used.

The importance of phrases that are fundamentally debatable rests in their capacity to encourage constant dialogue and disagreement on significant values and ideas. By their very nature, these concepts encourage introspection and critical analysis and force us to confront challenging inquiries about our beliefs and the reasons behind them. They can encourage empathy, intellectual curiosity, and a better comprehension of the complexity of the world we live in.

However, phrases that are fundamentally debatable can also lead to misunderstanding, contention, and polarization. Since these terms don't have a single, agreed-upon definition, different individuals or groups may have different interpretations of them, which can generate confusion and conflict.

To know more about the value of terms that are essentially contestable, click on the link below:


Q.6. Fill in the blanks (any five) .................... sing better when I was younger. (should, would, could) ii. He is (than.from,to) iii. They have hardly...........Knowledge of English. (any,some,many) iv..................anything since morning. (haven't eaten, didn'teat, don't eat) v. Where that I gave you yesterday. (a, an, the) vi. .......... he worked hard, he failed. (as soon as, if, though) 07 Do as directed lany fivel ********** 1x5=5 1x5-5


Fill in the blanks: (1) I could sing better when I was younger. (2) He is junior to you. (3) They have hardly any Knowledge of English. (4) I haven't eaten anything since morning.

What is the concept of verb?

Verbs are words that describe an action, an occurrence, or a state of being (exist). There must be a verb in almost every sentence. The infinitive is a verb's fundamental form.

Depending on how you employ a verb, it will take on a particular tense. The verb is said to be happening right now in the present tense. When something is in the past tense, it has already happened.

Therefore, fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

I could sing better when I was younger.He is junior to you.They have hardly any Knowledge of English. I haven't eaten anything since morning. Where is the book that I gave you yesterday.Though he worked hard, he failed.

To know more about the Verbs, visit:


Which details from the end of part 1 of "For the Win" support the prediction that Jake will go back to look for
Dean? Check all that apply.
O Jake loads Dean's dog onto his sled.
Jake takes very good care of his dogs.
O Jake fears that a wolf is approaching.
O Jake looks for trail signs in the snow.
O Jake worries about where Dean is.


The details from the end of part 1 of "For the Win" support the prediction that Jake will go back to look for Dean Jake worries about where Dean is and Jake fears that a wolf is approaching.

What is the story of "For the Win"?

The Canadian author's second young adult science fiction book is titled For the Win. The narrative highlights Both racers are competing to be the first to arrive at the finish line, making it an exciting character vs. character battle.

It demonstrates how the sled dogs assisted Jake to deal with the bad weather. He only wanted to spend money on a spectacular sled and superb high-rank canines for the competition.

Learn more about "For the Win", here:


Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainly


The correct in-text citation is this:

A. (Saki, 1).

What is an in-text citation?

An in-text citation is a reference to an author of a text. To cite the author correctly, it is vital to include his last name and the page number from where the citation was drawn. it is also important to include a comma after the author's last name while doing an in-text citation.

In the above quotation, we can see that option A correctly applies an in-text citation for it mentions the author's name and the page number from where the quote was drawn. The comma was also used correctly.

Learn more about in-text citations here;


Reread the prompt. Then, use the drop-down menus to identify your topic and purpose.
The topic (what you will write about) is

The purpose of this essay is to


The motivation or intention behind why the author chose to create that specific purpose of a text is the aim of a prompt.

How do you identify the purpose of a text?

The author's purpose is identified by the central idea or theme of the text, which embodies the main point or message that they are attempting to communicate.

The main purpose of an essay or text includes the following:-

To entertain or make the readers enjoy reading the text. To persuade or influence the viewpoint of the readerTo advise or help people decide what to do To analyze or break down something to help people to understand the text better.

Therefore, the main idea of a text, which captures the essential point  that the author is attempting to convey, is a good indicator of the author's intent.

To know more about purpose of a text, visit :-


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was,

Narrative Writing Prompt: Topic and Purpose

Write a narrative essay about overcoming a challenge or

obstacle in life and what you learned as a result

Reread your prompt. Then, use the drop-down menus

to identify your topic and purpose.

The topic (what you will write about) is

is to

sharing a biography

overcoming an obstacle

reaching my dreams

1) Intro

✓ Done


2 and 1


Juror 3 reveals something personal about his family. Explain whether or not you think Juror 3’s personal history is influencing the way he’s voting as a juror.


The context clues show that Juror 3’s personal history is influencing the way he’s voting as a juror.

How to explain the information

Juror 3 reveals that he has a son who is estranged from him. Juror 3 was extremely tough on his son, who eventually fought back. The son hit Juror 3 in the face before leaving, and Juror 3 says that he has not seen his son in three years.

Given this context, it is clear that Juror 3 has a fundamental problem with kids who don't respect their parents. It also clarifies why he is upset with the juvenile defendant who is accused of killing his father and is on trial. Because of his upbringing, Juror 3 has a biased opinion of the young defendant and is unwilling to consider evidence indicating the youngster might not be guilty.

Learn more about context clues on:


List three forms or disguises witches might assume. Bless me última book


Three wax dolls, hairs, and dirty lines are three things disguise witches might assume.

What is the story of bless me ultima?

It is the novel based on the social-psychological development of a Mexican-American or Chicano, youngster growing up in the 1940s on the eastern plains of New Mexico is the subject of the book Bless Me, Ultima. When Antonio is six years old, a curandera, or traditional healer, named Ultima comes to live with the Márez family for the summer.

Revenge, fear, identity, the supernaturals, memory, and past are themes of bless me ultima.

Learn more about bless me ultima, here:


Revising Verb Voice
The 2004 World Series was won by the Boston Red Sox.
The St. Louis Cardinals were swept by the Red Sox in a
four-game series. A streak of 86 years without a World
Series win was ended by the Red Sox with this victory.
The Most Valuable Player award for the series was won
by Manny Ramírez. A home run was hit by Johnny
Damon in the first inning of game four of the series.
Game 4 was won 3-0, ending the Cardinals' hopes for a
Which sentence best corrects the underlined sentence
in the passage?
O Without a World Series win, the Red Sox ended a
streak of 86 years with a victory.
O With their victory, the Red Sox ended an 86-year
streak without a World Series win.
O Their 86-year streak without a World Series win
was ended by the Red Sox with their victory.
O With their victory, a streak of 86 years without a
World Series win was ended by the Red Sox.


With their victory, the Red Sox ended an 86-year streak without a World Series win is the sentence best corrects the underlined sentence in the passage. Hence, option B is correct.

What is World Series?

a yearly competition between the winners of the two major leagues, with the U.S. champion being the first club to win four games.

When facing the Boston Americans in 1903, Pirates owner Barney Dreyfuss referred to the series as the World's Championship Series. As a result, the moniker persisted and was eventually abbreviated to the World Series as we know it today.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about World Series, click here:


there are some of the night sky glow with bands of color...(summerize in 35 words)


The night sky sometimes displays colorful bands, known as auroras, due to the interaction of charged particles from the sun with Earth's magnetic field.

The theme is directly stated in this story as a complete sentence. Which sentence states the theme


The sentence states the theme is  "It is easy to despise what you cannot have." Thus the correct option is B.

What is a Theme?

The theme of a story highlights the storyline on which the story is based. These theme helps to determine the plot of the story as well as the events that are going to take place.

A sentence is referred to as a group of words with a subject and a predicate that define the entire concept and provide the reader with a clear meaning. Option B is providing a whole statement with a clear meaning; they will be moved by the story.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the theme, here:


The complete question is Probably

The theme is directly stated in this story as a complete sentence. Which sentence states the theme?

O a. "Just the thing to quench my thirst,"

b. "It is easy to despise what you cannot have."

O c. "They're probably sour anyway,"

According to the author, how do the apps on cell phones help students learn?


According to the author, Teachers can use various apps to help students with cell phones receive instruction and lessons.

How can a cellphone benefit students?

Students can collaborate on projects in groups using smartphones while sharing knowledge and discoveries. Once more, they can work towards a shared objective in a format that feels natural to them. Of course, there are a variety of additional uses for mobile devices. Students can use their phones as a class planner to note important dates, and teachers can send out group texts to the entire class to keep everyone informed about assignments. Cell phones can be useful for projects in terms of gathering media. Smartphones, which are unquestionably a portal to information, have the potential to improve learning and skill development for secondary and post-secondary education if used wisely.

To learn more about author,


1. What is the function of the story that opens this reading? What feelings does the
Story evokes in you?
2. What is the effect of all of the products and brand names that Lasn includes in this
3. How does Lasn define the term "Cult"? How is his definition different (and similar to)
the common usage of the word?
4. Thinking rhetorically: In this article, Lasn uses the rhetorical strategy of direct address
-that is, he uses the pronoun "you" and directly addresses readers of the article. Why do
you think Lasn uses this strategy? What effect does it have on you as a reader? How does
the strategy of direct address contribute to (or detract from) Lasn's argument?
5. Thesis:in one sentence, summarize Lasn's main point in this selection
Then discuss if you agree or disagree with him and why you feel the way you do.
“the cult your in”


To determine the function of the story that opens a reading, consider how it relates to the overall theme or message of the text. The story may serve as an example, analogy, or metaphor that helps to illustrate or emphasize the author's main point.

How to explain the information

The feelings evoked by the story will depend on the specific story and the individual reader's personal experiences and perspective. It is common for a story to evoke a range of emotions, such as curiosity, empathy, suspense, sadness, joy, or inspiration.

When analyzing a story, it can be helpful to consider how it makes you feel and why. What specific elements of the story contributed to those emotions, and how do they relate to the author's message? These insights can help you to better understand the text and engage with it on a deeper level.

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