On page 114, Miyax challenges a wolverine and
takes the rabbit it has just killed. What does this
event say about how her character has
developed? What's changed?


Answer 1

I have to say that I am towards the grain in this one. I enjoyed Wolverine quite a bit and, though I cringed at some of the lines and occasions, I preferred the thought that it changed into well-written, from a structural factor of view, which I’ll illuminate in addition. alternatively, I idea that superstar Trek was very negative and left me emotionally vacant and unsatisfied.

You started that is what I suppose Wolverine did well and famous person Trek did poorly. the fragments grow to be the ancestors of contemporary skunks. Wolverine, however, is blinded through a last spray of first-rate Skunk medication and has to tour down to Hudson Bay to wash thereafter the Bay water is salty and undeserving to drink.

The incompatibility between Wolverine in his delinquent mode and the Wolves with whom he interacts. In each of these stories, the socially perfect conduct of Wolves is opposed to the objectionable behavior of Wolverine. in a single myth, Wolves generously proportion their magical hearth with Wolverine, who proceeds to waste the gift by using making fires for his own diversion. every other delusion describes Wolverine's temporary house with a band of Wolves, contrasting the Wolves' solicitous hospitality with Wolverine's greed, ingratitude, and overall social defectiveness.

Learn more about Wolverine here:-https://brainly.com/question/26488372


Related Questions

Exercise 2 Correct the word in italics. If the word is correct, write C.
Is it alright to wear a striped necktie with a plaid shirt?





The sentence is grammatically correct.

Which celestial motion is responsible for the length of our years?



Reflex motion from the earth's revolution

Exercise 1 Write P above each proper noun and C above each common noun.
They saw the Brazilians edge a tough Italian team to become world champions.


They saw the Brazilians edge a tough Italian team to become world champions. In this sentence given the Proper nouns are Brazilians and Italian and Common noun is champions.

What is a Common noun?

Common noun is a noun that describes a type of person, thing, or place or a concept. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they appear at the start of a sentence.

What is a Proper noun?

Proper nouns refer to more specific people and things. A noun (such as Empire State Building) that presents a particular being or thing, does not take a limiting modifier, and is usually capitalized.

To know more about proper and common nouns click below:



Exercise 1 Circle the participle or participial phrase in each sentence.
Playing for her middle school team, she felt ready to compete.


The participle or participial phrase in each sentence is "Playing for "and "felt ready".

What is participial phrase?

Participle phrases are composed of a participle, a modifier, and a pronoun or a noun phrase. The Pronoun/Noun in the phrase will take on the role of the action's recipient. A comma is required after a participial phrase if it comes at the start of a sentence and the next phrase is a full sentence.

A phrase beginning with a participle will be a present or past participle. The sentence will invariably conclude in ing if the participle is present. Similar to how a regular past participle will end in a regular ed. Unfortunately, irregular past participles can end in a variety of different ways.

A present participle phrase is a sentence fragment that modifies a noun and starts with a present participle.

To learn more about participial phrase from the given link:



Which technique is used in this quotation? "with the muscles standing out like wires"


The technique that is used in this quotation, "with the muscles standing out like wires" is Simile.

What is a simile?

A simile is a manner of comparison that employs the use of the specific words 'like' and 'as' when two things are being likened to each other. In this text, we can see that the person's muscles are being compared to wires and in a bid to make the comparison, the words, like are used.

The reader can thus observe the two things to identify the striking similarity. So, simile is a literary technique.

Learn more about simile here:



write 1 paragraph Describing two interesting or unexpected details from Mann's description of pre-Columbian Native America. Explain why they were surprising, citing specific passages in your response.


Two surprising details that Mann shows are that the American continent was already known to Europeans before the arrival of Columbus and that the population of that continent was significantly greater than the population of Paris and London.

Why are these facts surprising?Because Columbus was always named the discoverer of the continent.Because Europeans fought over the continent after Columbus arrived.Because it shows that many people were living on the continent.Because it shows that ethnic groups were much more numerous than we knew.

Charles C. Mann carried out a study on pre-Columbian societies, that is, societies that lived on the American continent before the arrival of Columbus and European rule.

This research revealed surprising facts that had never been revealed before because they were unknown facts. The revelation of these facts shows a vision of America even richer than we know it, in addition to detailing the impact of European imperialism in a more efficient way.

Learn more about Columbus:



Exercise 2 Write a complete thesis statement from the theme given below.
theme: the suspected causes of cancer


Genetic alterations that induce unchecked cell growth and tumor formation are the root cause of cancer.

What are the causes of cancer?

Cancer is primarily caused by genetic changes that lead to unregulated cell proliferation and tumor development. Genomic instability and DNA damage are the main causes of sporadic cancers. A small fraction of cancers are caused by inherited genetic alterations. Exposures to environmental, behavioral, or lifestyle factors are the main causes of cancer.

Smoking, eating a lot of fat, and working with dangerous chemicals are just a few lifestyle choices that may increase your risk of getting some adult cancers. However, the majority of cancer patients are too young to have been exposed to these dangers over an extended period of time.

SymptomsFatigue.Under the skin, there is a lump or area of thickening.weight fluctuations, such as unanticipated growth or reduction.alterations to the skin, such as redness, yellowing, or darkening, as well as newly opened wounds or changes to already-existing moles.modifications to bowel or bladder routines.

To learn more about causes of cancer refer to:



Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun.
Stitching samplers was a way a young girl could show (she, her) sewing skills and (she, her) knowledge of the alphabet.


Stitching samplers was a way a young girl could show her sewing skills and her knowledge of the alphabet.

Pronoun :

pronouns defined as 'any of a little set of words (such as I, she, he, you, it, we, or they) during a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context'. consistent with the Collins Dictionary, 'A pronoun may be a word that you use to refer to someone or something when you do not need to use a noun, actually because the person or thing has been mentioned earlier. Examples are 'it', 'she', 'something', and 'myself'.'

A pronoun is one among the eight main parts of speech. The word pronoun means “on behalf of a noun,” meaning that it stands certain a noun (the antecedent) to avoid repetitive nouns in writing.

For example:

Carson went for a walk. It began to rain, so Carson went back to Carson’s house.

Carson went for a walk. It began to rain, so he went back to his house.

Lions sleep in packs. Lions work together to require care of lions’ cubs, and lions like to be with other lions.

   Lions sleep in packs. They work together to require care of their       cubs, and that they love to be with other lions.

Matching a pronoun with its antecedent is named noun-pronoun agreement. ensure you’re choosing the correct pronoun based on the noun it’s replacing.

Learn more about pronoun :



Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by choosing an interjection from the list above.
_________________, if you don’t want to play, don’t play.


Ugh! If you don't want to play, don't play.

What do you understand by Interjections?

An interjection is a word or phrase that makes itself heard independently and expresses an unprompted feeling or reaction. This large category of terms includes greetings, exclamations, reaction words, cuss words, and other words. They contain terms like "ahh, alas, alrighty," "blah," "dang," "eh," "nope," "oops," "phew," "shucks," and "yikes." There are undoubtedly a ton more enjoyable words that express emotion that you can learn! Interjections are words or phrases that are grammatically different from the ones around them and that primarily express sensation rather than meaning. What a gorgeous house! This is definitely not good. Saying goodnight is now appropriate.

To learn more about Interjection, visit:



Exercise 3 Draw one line under the complete subject in each sentence. Draw two lines under the correct form of the verb.
"Early to bed and early to rise" (is, are) a good suggestion to live by.


"Early to bed and early to rise" ( are) a good suggestion to live by.

What is a verb?

Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. the essential form of a verb is known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go are all infinitives.

Jumping, eating, sneezing, and sleeping are all verbs you likely perform during a single day, though hopefully not at the identical time (that could get messy). While most verbs show the action during a sentence, some verbs are a touch harder to spot. However, every sentence needs one — or it’s not a sentence in the least .

Examples of Verbs in a Sentence :

Verbs are the primary part of a sentence predicate, and sometimes the first word after a noun or pronoun.

Bob walked down the road .

I love that movie.

We sang all night.

The family drove to the mountains.

Learn more about verb :



Exercise 2 Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Write N next to the nonessential clauses and E next to the essential clauses.
The data that we gathered was of no use to us.


The data that we gathered was of no use to us.

The data of no use to us - N

that we gathered - E

Essential or restrictive clauses provide crucial statistics that restricts you to knowledge a sentence in a positive way. Disposing of such a clauses from a sentence is a bit like deleting the telltale emoticons from a sarcastic textual content. You continue to have a practical sentence or message, however its universal meaning will become significantly special. Essential clauses ought to now not be separated from the relaxation of the sentence with any kind of punctuation mark, and they generally follow pronouns consisting of that, who or in which.

Like its essential counterpart, a nonessential or non-restrictive clause serves to feature facts to a sentence. but, this type of clause may be deleted with out dramatically altering the meaning of the sentence as it includes nonessential details. Nonessential clauses have to be set other than the relaxation of a sentence with commas, and that they need to be brought with which when they confer with inanimate objects. Pronouns consisting of who and where may be used while those clauses make different references.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave," Socrates draws a philosophical distinction between the mind and the body. Explain what he means by this distinction. How might this distinction relate to the tradition of Western humanism?



What Does The Allegory of the Cave Mean? Plato uses the cave as a symbolic representation of how human beings live in the world, contrasting reality versus our interpretation of it. These two ideas reflect the two worlds in the story: the world inside the cave, and the world outside.

Plato uses this allegory as a way to discuss the deceptive appearances of things we see in the real world. Through it, he encourages people to instead focus on the abstract realm of ideas.

Martha has decided to return to school.
a) active voice
b) linking-verb
c) construction
d0 passive voice


Martha has decided to return to school. This sentence is in active voice. Hence the correct option is a) active voice.

What is an active voice.?

Active voice is a quality of a verb that describes when its subject is acting out the verb. "The active voice, in a sentence, denotes that the noun or pronoun that acts as the subject in the sentence is the doer of the action." Active Voice = Subject + Verb + Object

There are applications of forms of verb in the English language and they are as follows:

1)Active Voice

2)Passive Voice

To know more about active voice click below:



Explain how science affects people's lives on a daily basis. Please write 3 to 5 sentences with proper grammar.




Science affects people on a everyday basis. How does a person get to work everyday? Science! Without the development in science mankind would still be in the stone age. So one way we use science everyday is Technology. Technology was made with the use of physical science. Another use of science daily is your food such as corn. Corn hasn't always looked the way it did today. Without the use of science corn would be inedible.  One last use of science we use daily is our soap! Soap was created with the use of science.

(hey ik you asked for grammar but english isnt my first language and i suck at grammar sorry in advance)

What other person's experience is described?
What is the impact of this story on the memoir? Maus by art


Second generation Jews frequently feel they must show their respect and admiration towards their elders because they did not witness the horrors of the Holocaust as their forefathers did. This is how this story affects the memoir.

Describe a memoir.

A memoir is a tale given from the perspective of the author about a major event in their life. Despite being sometimes mistaken with autobiography, there are several significant differences. An autobiography is similarly written from the author's perspective, but the narrative spans their whole life.

Although subjective, it focuses mostly on the who-what-when-where-why-how of each event in their lives. An example of an autobiography is Booker T. Washington's Up from Slavery, which chronicles the author's childhood as a slave, freedom, education, and present-day life as an entrepreneur.

Learn more about memoir



Exercise 2 Write a complete thesis statement from the theme given below.

theme: the beauty of wintertime


Winter is the ideal time to unwind and take in the beauty of the season, whether it be by cuddling up by the fire and sipping some hot chocolate or skiing and snowboarding in the mountains.

What is the beauty of winter?

For anyone who is willing to brave the cold, nature puts on a spectacular show when the Northern Hemisphere is enveloped in the dark shadow of winter. Each sense is heightened by the frozen air's stillness, which makes the subtleties of a shimmering snowfall or a cardinal's song even more inspiring.

Winter is the ideal time to unwind and take in the beauty of the season, whether it be by cuddling up by the fire and sipping some hot chocolate or skiing and snowboarding in the mountains. There are always plenty of things to do in the winter, whether you're on vacation or taking part in Christmas festivities in your own town.

Winter is beneficial to the environment. Many plants require fewer daylight hours and colder temperatures to go dormant. Plants are able to store energy for future growth in this way. A fruit tree will produce fewer, weaker buds if it doesn't get enough cooling time.

To learn more about Beauty of wintertime refer to:



Exercise 2 Supply a simple subject for each of the sentences below by writing a noun or a pronoun in the blank. Draw two lines under each simple predicate.
______________ I will not forget the storm of July 1994.


In the question sentence, the word "I " acts as a simple subject and the word "forget" acts as a simple predicate.

What is Simple subject?

A single word or pronoun joined to a verb is referred to as a simple subject. In most cases, the simple subject comes before the verb in a sentence. While modifications may be present in the entire subject.

What is Simple Predicate?

A simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase that characterizes the action of the subject of each sentence. The only part that contributes to being a simple predicate is the leading verb or verb phrase. There are no modifiers in the sentence.

In this sentence given in the question "I will not forget the storm of July 1994.", but since "forget" is a verb, it works as a simple predicate. Also, since the word "I " is a noun or pronoun, it acts as a simple subject.

To know more about simple subject, click below-



3. Ends in F or fe, Remove F Fe and add Ves ​


Words that ends in F or Fe are Wife, Knife etc. And when we change them into plural sentences, they becomes Wives, Knives.

The sentence that ends in F or Fe are singular and by adding Ves to them, the becomes Plural.A singular noun is a term that refers to a person, location, animal, thing, or concept. For instance, fish, school, Leena, Ravi, courage, and so on.In many languages, the plural is one of the values of the grammatical category of number. The plural of a noun normally signifies a quantity bigger than the noun's default amount. One is the most frequent default quantity.Singular nouns indicate just one item, but plural nouns indicate multiple things. When a person is standing solitary, they are known to as a "person" (singular), however when there are several people, they are known to as "people" (plural).

Thus, singular and plural have the same meaning.

To learn more about singular and plural, refer: https://brainly.com/question/1387229


Is it easier to hate or to love?" Explain your answer in full details.
1 paragraph



Hate could also flow from similar personal reactions; but it can be evoked in other ways. While it is difficult to evoke an active love by pointing out the good things in others, and asking for them to be loved, it's easier to evoke hate.

thank you

Exercise 1 Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
My friend Helen wants to be a teacher.


The given statement has “My friend Helen” as a subject. And the predicates : “wants to be a teacher”.

My friend Helen | wants to be a teacher.

What is the subject and predicate?

In grammar, the term subject could be defined as the word or phrase that describes the noun, pronouns, as well as noun phrases that occur before the verb in the sentences. It also describes the position in a sentence as well as controls the phrase in the sentences. And the verb is the action in the sentence, or it links the sentence through information.

Similarly, predicates always share the same subject, provided two or more verbs occur in the sentence. It is joined by a conjunction in a sentence like and, neither, nor, either, or, etc. In the given statement, the sentence “My friend Helen” defines the subject whereas the sentence like “wants to be a teacher” define the predicates.

To learn more about the subject and predicate from the given link:



What does the chest most likely symbolize in this story?

At the auction, Trisa tried to imagine what was inside the unopened
chest. Gold? Jewels? But another person outbid her. Trisa was so
furious, she made plans to steal the chest from the winning bidder,
never mind that she already had more money than one could spend in
a lifetime. She broke into the bidder's mansion and found the chest in a
closet. She threw open the lid only to find it empty. Outside the window,
the lights of police cars flashed. Someone must have seen her.

A. Needless greed
B. Hidden treasures
C. Priceless goods
D. Unchecked evil


In this story, considering the context, the chest is most likely a symbol of needless greed, after all Trisa did not need the chest or its content at all.

What is a symbol?

In a story, a symbol is an object that contains a larger meaning than itself. For this question, we must try to understand what the chest in the story symbolizes.

The narrator makes it clear that Trisa does not need any more money. Consequently, imagining and desiring the gold or treasure that may be inside the chest is pure greed. She wants it for the sake of wanting it.

We are even more reassured that the chest symbolizes needless greed when Trisa opens it only to find it empty. What is even worse, it looks as if she will have to suffer the consequences of her actions.

Therefore, the chest is a symbol. It represents Trisa's needless greed and how it will lead her to a bad end. With the information above in mind, we can choose option A as the correct answer.

Learn more about symbols here:



In the story The Censors by Luisa Valenzuela, what could Juan's letter look like?


Juan writes a letter to Mariana and it should be noted that the letter is likened to an anti-government sentiment which would lead to violence against them.

What is The Censors about?

The short tale "The Censors" by Argentinian-born author Luisa Valenzuela appeared in 1976. Juan, a young guy living in authoritarian Argentina, races to intercept a letter he wrote before the government deems it subversive in the novel The Censors.

The overarching topic of "The Censors" is that authoritarianism and governmental censorship can have a tremendous psychological impact on a person.

According to the text, Juan feels "careless," as though "happy" pulled a prank on him, and scared. Juan is concerned because Marianna received a letter he sent to her in Paris. This might make his letter "dangerous," according to the censorship authority.

Learn more about The Censors on:



Based on what you know about Poe and the title, what kind of subject matter do you expect to see in the story?​


One of Edgar Allan Poe's most famous stories, "The Black Cat," which made its publication debut in the Saturday Evening Post on August 19, 1843, is a well-known example of the gothic literature subgenre.

Poe skillfully advanced his plot and developed his characters in this first-person narrative while incorporating many themes of insanity, superstition, and drinking to give the story a palpable feeling of horror and foreboding. It's not surprising that "The Black Cat" and "The Tell-Tale Heart" are frequently compared because they both feature horrific plot elements like murder and messages from the afterlife, whether genuine or imagined.The author of Edgar Allan Poe's "A Dream Within a Dream" describes the speaker's dejection and sorrow. As the poem is examined to determine the attitude, inspiration, and underlying changes his life went through. The author begins this gloomy poetic masterwork after becoming traumatised by those experiences. He might not have come up with this idea first; numerous philosophers have debated it for ages. It is referred to as "dream argument" and "dream hypothesis" by philosophers.

To learn more about Edgar Allan Poe's visit:https://brainly.com/question/25066989


Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences below by inverting the order of the subjects and predicates.
Spring comes after winter.


The given statement: Spring comes after winter.

Inverted Order: Winter comes after spring.

It has the word “winter” as a subject. And the predicates : “comes after spring”.

What is the subject and predicate?

In grammar, the subject tells about the sentences. It can also be defined as the word or phrase that describes the noun, pronouns, as well as noun phrases that occur before the verb in the sentences. Sometimes, it describes the position in a sentence as well as controls the phrase in the sentences. And the verb is the action in the sentence, or it links the sentence through information.

Similarly, predicates tell something about the sentences. It always shares the same subject, provided two or more verbs occur in the sentence. It is joined by a conjunction in a sentence or a phrase like and, neither, nor, either, or, etc. In the given statement, the sentence has the word “winter” as a subject. And the predicates : “comes after spring”.

To learn more about the subject and predicate from the given link:



Judy Blume's career as an American writer spans four decades and includes many literary awards. She is most famous for her novels geared toward pre-teens. One notable example is Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. However, Blume also has had success writing for an adult audience. Three of her novels for adults reached the New York Times best-seller list. In a 2008 interview Blume remarked, "I have so many stories left to tell!" By that time she had written nearly 30 novels. Judy Blume an exceptionally talented and productive American author.

Which of the following lists represents text evidence pieces that all support the central idea in this paragraph?

a: Four decades, many awards, best known for pre-teen novels

b: Many awards, can write for multiple audiences, 30 novels

c: Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, best-seller list, interview

d: American writer, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing, 30 novels


The list that represents text evidence pieces that supports the central idea in the given paragraph is B: Many awards, can write for multiple audiences, 30 novels.

What do you mean by central idea of a story?

The central idea serves as the narrative's unifying theme and connects all of the other fictional devices the author uses to tell the story. The dominant impression or the general, overarching truth revealed in the story are both good ways to define the central idea.

therefore, The list that represents text evidence pieces that supports the central idea in the given paragraph is B: Many awards, can write for multiple audiences, 30 novels.

learn more about  central idea of a story:



character sketch of kusum?​


Nirmal was first introduced to the Morichjhpi conflict by Kusum. Though no one knows what happened to her, she died during the fighting in 1979 and is never directly mentioned in the story; Nirmal only writes about her in his notebook, and other people mention her.

Kusum was placed in the custody of the Lusibari Women's Union as a young teen in 1970 after his father was slain by a tiger and his mother was sold into sexual slavery. Kusum met ten-year-old Kanai at the Union, and the two became fast friends. Horen took Kusum away for her protection just before Kanai returned to Calcutta. Horen later takes her to a railway station so she can find her mother, the reader learns later.Horen depicts Kusum as completely self-sufficient at this stage, with no need for male protection. She discovers her mother working in a brothel and meets Rajen, with whom she marries and later has Fokir. Kusum learns about the refugee march to Morichjhpi in the Sundarbans after Rajen's death and joins them, where she reconnects with Horen and Nirmal. Nirmal regarded her as a revolutionary icon.

Thus this is the character sketch of Kusum.

To learn more about character sketch, refer: https://brainly.com/question/24946767


To add the suffix ment to argue requires a spelling change.true false





The word becomes argument and not arguement. As you can see the 'e' is removed from the word argue.

A short story includes a protagonist the reader knows very little about beyond her total dedication to her career as a nurse and lack of a personal life outside of work. This character meets a young patient full of so much hope and joy despite their long-term hospitalization. This chance encounter inspires the nurse to take more time for herself outside of work to socialize and enjoy life.

Which character type best describes the protagonist?



The character type that best describes the protagonist is Flat/dynamic

What is Characterization?

This refers to the way and manner in which a character is described and their role stated.

Hence, we can see that The character type that best describes the protagonist is Flat/dynamic and this is because there is limited information about the nurse at first and then she changes due to circumstances in the story.

This shows that because the protagonist does not have enough information about him, he is a flat character and then he is dynamic because he changes during the story.

Read more about dynamic character here:



Answer: Flay/Dynamic


Took the Test!

Beowulf boasts about all of the following things he has done EXCEPT



where are the options


How should the verb move be written in sentence 5?



Example Sentence-

The branches moved gently in the breeze.

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