Now think about how the excerpts you read and annotated gave insight into the life experiences of both the eastern and western immigrants. What were the similarities and differences? Use the highlighting you've done in each excerpt to help complete the table.

(I swear to god, please do not answer saying you do not know the answer)


Answer 1

What shared characteristics did the "new" and "old" waves of immigration in the 1800s have? In major American cities, immigrants from both eras founded their own communities.

Read the passage to which your question refers first. You should make a note in this reading of how immigrant life differed or was similar in the West and East of Mississippi. You should seek out data in this situation that demonstrates:

immigrant people's lives

the resources they had at their disposal.

what was done to them.

their experiences with immigration, both good and bad.

Learn more about immigrants  here:


Related Questions

How did free enterprize system affect factory owners



The free enterprise system removed restrictions on business owners who were able to maximize production and grow the overall economy.


The free enterprise system had a major impact on factory owners. Factory owners benefitted from the free market because it allowed them to compete for resources and customers. They could charge prices for their products that were lower than those of their competitors, enabling them to increase their profits. Furthermore, the free market provided access to capital, allowing factory owners to invest in new technology and increase their production capabilities.

12. The Treaty of Nanking allowed British trading rights with what country?
A. Vietnam
B. China
C. India
D. Japan


The Treaty of Nanking, also known as the Treaty of Nanjing, was signed on August 29, 1842, between Great Britain and China. Therefore, the correct answer is

B. China.

What was Treaty of Nanking?

The Treaty of Nanking was a peace treaty signed between the British Empire and the Qing Dynasty of China after the First Opium War (1839-1842).

The war began when the Chinese government attempted to suppress the illegal opium trade that was being carried out by British merchants. The British government responded with military force, and after a series of battles and negotiations, the Treaty of Nanking was signed.

Under the terms of the treaty, China agreed to pay a large indemnity to Britain, open up five treaty ports (Canton, Amoy, Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai) to British trade and residence, and cede Hong Kong to the British Empire.

Learn more about Treaty of Nanking at:


how are the Declaration of Independence and Treaty of Paris 1783 similar ? and it demonstrates how


The Treaty of Paris put an end to the American Revolutionary War with Great Britain, acknowledged American independence, and drew boundaries for the young country.

What things did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 do?

defined the US border by handing the US the Northwest Territory from Great Britain. granted American boats access to fish in the Grand Banks and other areas of the British-Canadian shoreline. opened up the Mississippi River to navigation by both British and American citizens.

The Proclamation of 1763 outlined Britain's objectives for its newly acquired land, conquered in the conflict, while the Treaty of Paris proclaimed the official conclusion to the French and Indian War. The conflict was formally over by the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

Thus, The Treaty of Paris put an end to the American Revolutionary War with Great Britain.

For more information about things did the Treaty of Paris of 1783 do, click here:


Whos the overall leader in japan


Answer:Fumio Kishida

Explanation: The current prime minister of Japan

The Santa Fe Trail began as trading route between Mexicans and Americans. Which of the following is the best example of one reason pioneers later followed it?

To find new settlements
To start war with Canada
To flee religious persecution
To avoid conflict with Native Americans



The correct answer is A. to find new settlements


This is the clear answer. Canada was not involved at all, Religious persecution was not a promblem, and the natives didnt use this trail dor trading, thus the answer is a. They looked for new places to settle.

Americans and Mexicans first used the Santa Fe Trail as a commercial route. The best example of a later motivation for settlers to traverse the Santa Fe Trail is "to find new settlements."

What was the Santa Fe Trail's primary objective?

The Santa Fe Trail served as a two-way international commercial route for Mexican and American traders from 1821 until 1846. After the Mexican-American War broke out in 1846, the Santa Fe Trail was successfully used by the American Army of the West to invade Mexico.

What were the Santa Fe Trail's two routes?

The Cimarron Route and the Mountain Route were the two main branches of the ancient trade route known as the Santa Fe Trail, which went from Missouri through Kansas to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

To know more about Santa Fe Trail visit:



What role did the trans-Saharan caravan trade play in the changing religious and cultural characteristics of West Africa during the reign of the Ghana Empire?


The trans-Saharan caravan trade play  facilitate the spread of Islam and providing a means for the exchange of ideas, goods, and technologies across the region.

Role of the The trans-Saharan caravan trade during the reign of the Ghana Empire

The trans-Saharan caravan trade played a significant role in the changing religious and cultural characteristics of West Africa during the reign of the Ghana Empire by facilitating the spread of Islam and providing a means for the exchange of ideas, goods, and technologies across the region.

As a result, the influence of Islam grew in West Africa and contributed to the decline of traditional African religions. The trade also contributed to the growth and prosperity of the Ghana Empire as it facilitated the exchange of gold, salt, and other valuable commodities.

Learn more about trans-Saharan caravan trade at:


Which church could not survive after the American Revolution?

A. Broad Church
B. North Church
C. Anglican Church
D. Roman Catholic Church


Anglican Church would be the correct answer.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events for a bill to become a law?

committee action, floor action, conference action, passage

conference action, committee action, passage, floor action

committee action, conference action, floor action, passage

conference action, floor action, passage, committee action


The correct sequence of events for a bill to become a law is: committee action, conference action, floor action, passage.

In order for a bill to become a law, it must go through several steps. First, the bill must go through committee action. This is when the bill is assigned to a committee and the committee has a hearing on the bill. The committee then votes on the bill and decides whether or not to move it on to the next step.

Next, the bill moves on to conference action. This is when both the House and the Senate come together to discuss the bill and work out any differences between their versions of the bill.

After the conference action has been completed, the bill then moves on to floor action. This is when the bill is debated and voted on by the full House and Senate.

Finally, the bill moves on to passage. This is when the bill is signed by the President and officially becomes a law.

Therefore, the correct sequence of events for a bill to become a law is: committee action, conference action, floor action, passage.

Federal courts hear only two kinds of cases:
Issues that involve federal treaties.
Cases that touch on the Constitution?


The awnser is false they hear civil, criminal and civic cases

how did the soviet union impact us advancement in the 1960s


1961: The first probe launched to Venus, Venera 1. 1961: The first person in space and in Earth orbit, Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1, Vostok program. 1959: The first images of the moon's far side, Luna 3.

What did the Soviet Union do in the 1960s?

The Soviet Union started a substantial military buildup in 1965 by expanding its conventional and nuclear arsenals. The Soviet leadership believed that having a strong military would provide them negotiating leverage with other countries and improve the Eastern Bloc's defenses against invasion.

The "Sputnik crisis," which occurred after the USSR launched Sputnik 1, its first satellite successfully, on October 4, 1957, brought the competition to the attention of the Western public. With the orbital mission of Vostok 1 on April 12, 1961, the USSR launched Yuri Gagarin, the first human, into space, giving the movement momentum.

Thus, 1961: The first probe launched to Venus, Venera 1. 1961: The first person in space and in Earth orbit.

For more information about Soviet Union do in the 1960s, click here:


hat pioneered the popular election of a governor and judges?
Virginia Plan

Bill of Rights

Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges

Mayflower Compact

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut



A the Virginia Plan


The Virginia plan is the solution

Which of the following is a characteristic of commercial farmers in the Indian Territory?
A. relied on slave labor
B. had small fields
C. were traditionalists
D. planted food crops


The answer is: C
Hope this helps!!!!!

Please help me I am sick and I have to turn in this now and I feel bad please.

what are the differences and similarities between " Should women have equal treatment under the law?" and "Who should be allowed to vote?"


The first statement has it that should women and men be treated the same way.

The second statement is gender neutral, it is simply asking us for the categories of persons in the nation  that should vote.

What is meant by equal treatment?

Equal treatment, also known as equality before the law or equality under the law, refers to the principle that all individuals and groups should be treated similarly by the legal system and other institutions without discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status.

This means that everyone is entitled to the same rights and protections under the law, and should not be subjected to any form of unequal treatment, prejudice, or bias. This principle is a cornerstone of many democratic societies, and is enshrined in numerous international human rights treaties and national constitutions.

Read more on equal treatment here:



What role did labor specilization play in the development on Ghana?


In the development on Ghana, the division of tasks and abilities within a community is known as labour specialization.

What do you mean by labor specialization?

When businesses break down their manufacturing or service process into a number of predetermined tasks, specialization of labour, or division of labour, results.

Specialization of labour is intended to foster "economies of scale," whereby a rise in productivity lowers the average cost of producing a good.

Adam Smith developed the specialization theory. The division of labour theory is another name for specialization.

All persons involved in economic exchanges typically enjoy greater standards of living as a result of increased specialisation.

Therefore, in the development on Ghana, the division of tasks and abilities within a community is known as labour specialization.

To know more about the labor specialization, visit:


Why did john calhoun rejected the debate of compromise 1850?


John Calhoun rejected the debate of compromise in 1850 because he believed that the South's interests were not being adequately represented and that its states' rights were being infringed upon. He feared that if the South agreed to a compromise, it would be in a weaker position and left vulnerable to the demands of the North.

Which of these events took place during the same time period as World War I
and helped President Wilson convince Americans that the United States
needed to go to war against Germany in order to make the world "safe for
O A. Spanish Revolution
OB. Chinese Revolution
C. French Revolution
OD. Russian Revolution


Russian Revolution of these events took place during the same time period as World War I. Thus, option D is correct.

Who is President Wilson?

Wilson had become the instigator and foremost supporter of the International League of Nations during his administration, which witnessed the approval of the 19 Amendment to the U.S. Government as well as the United States' engagement during World War I.

The First World War marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution, a moment of political and cultural upheaval in the previous Russian Empire.

Due to inflation brought on by World War I's financial burdens, many Russians rebelled against authorities during the Bolshevik Revolution. Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about President Wilson, here:


Who is depicted in the image below?


The man, who is is depicted in the image below is named Sigmund Freud.

Why is Sigmund Freud famous in field of Social science?

Freud changed the way we think about and treat mental illnesses. Freud developed psychoanalysis as a method of listening to patients and better understanding their minds. Psychoanalysis has had a significant impact on modern psychology and psychiatry.

Sigmund Freud's theories and work influenced how we think about dreams, childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy today. Freud's work also laid the groundwork for many other theorists to develop ideas, while others developed new theories in response to his.

Read more about Sigmund Freud


which body of the federal government has members who are elected from a district to two-year terms.



The House of Representatives

How does the Treaty of Paris relate to the Declaration of Independence?


The Treaty of Paris recognized American independence, ended the Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States, and established the nation's borders

What does the preamble of a constitution explain?


Answer: The preamble of a constitution explains the purpose and objectives of the constitution and the reasons for its creation.


A preamble is an introductory statement that provides context and sets the tone for a document, such as a constitution. The preamble of a constitution is a concise statement that explains the purpose and objectives of the constitution and the reasons for its creation. It typically outlines the fundamental principles and values that guide the government and the society, such as justice, equality, liberty, and democracy. The preamble serves as a guide to interpreting the constitution and provides a framework for understanding the constitution's provisions.

The preamble of a constitution is not legally binding, but it is an important part of the constitution and provides an essential understanding of the purpose and goals of the government and the society it governs. The preamble of a constitution is often memorized and is an important symbol of national identity and unity.

The origin and use of the Four Treasures of the Study?



The four treasures of the study are unique calligraphy and painting tools (calligraphy and painting utensils) in China, namely brushes, ink, paper, and inkstone.

The name of the Four Treasures of the Study originated in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Historically, the objects referred to by the "Four Treasures of the Study" have changed repeatedly. In the Southern Tang Dynasty, the "Four Treasures of the Study" specifically referred to Zhuge brushes in Xuancheng, Anhui, Li Tinggui inks in Huizhou, Anhui, Chengxintang paper in Huizhou, Anhui, and Longwei inkstones in Wuyuan, Huizhou, Anhui.

Since the Song Dynasty, the "Four Treasures of the Study" have specifically referred to Xuan brush (Xuancheng, Anhui), Hui ink (She County, Huizhou, Anhui), Xuan paper (Jing County, Xuancheng, Anhui), She inkstone (She County, Huizhou, Anhui), and Tao inkstone (Zhuoni County, Gansu). ), Duan Inkstone (Zhaoqing, Guangdong, known as Duanzhou in ancient times).

After the Yuan Dynasty, Hubi (Huzhou, Zhejiang) gradually prospered, while Xuanbi gradually declined. After the reform and opening up, Xuanbi gradually regained its vitality.


atebellum southern working class whites support the institution of slavery if they themselves did not own slaves?


Antebellum southern working-class whites were divided in their views on slavery. While some did support the institution of slavery even if they themselves did not own slaves, others were critical of it or opposed to it.

What was antebellum working class view on institution of slavery?

The support for slavery among some southern working-class whites was often rooted in the belief that slavery was necessary for the Southern economy and way of life. They saw it as a means of maintaining the social and economic hierarchy in which they occupied a relatively privileged position compared to free Black people and slaves.

Also, some working-class whites saw slavery as a way to maintain white superiority, and believed that their own status was elevated by being part of a society that held Black people in bondage. However, other southern working-class whites were critical of slavery, either because they saw it as an unjust and oppressive system, or because they felt that it was detrimental to their own economic interests.

Some saw the competition with enslaved labor as a threat to their own wages and job security, and felt that slave owners were profiting at their expense. Additionally, some working-class whites opposed slavery on moral and religious grounds, viewing it as a violation of the principle of equality before God.

Read more about slavery


Would the rise of a third party help improve American politics?


By encouraging more people to the polls, third parties in America may increase voter turnout. Consequently, they are more likely to succeed in winning local or state government than other party candidates who are further down the ballot.

What significant part do third parties play in the US?

Third parties are crucial because they occasionally speak on behalf of groups that the two major parties do not represent and because they give viewpoints that the two major parties might not otherwise consider.

Third parties are important because they can educate people on new topics that the two big parties would otherwise avoid discussing. Additionally, they may sway voters away from one party, resulting in the victory of the rival party. The introduction of novel institutions and ideas into politics is the most crucial function of third parties.

To learn more about Third parties, visit:


3. How does the "stacking the deck" strategy help a candidate?



"Stacking the deck" is a political strategy that refers to manipulating a group's composition, such as a committee, to achieve a desired outcome. This strategy aims to increase the likelihood of success by controlling the majority of the votes or influence within the group.

In a political campaign, a candidate may attempt to stack the deck in their favor by selecting or appointing individuals to positions of influence who are likely to support their agenda or endorse their candidacy. For example, a candidate may nominate supportive individuals to key positions within a political party, select delegates for a convention who are sympathetic to their cause, or choose individuals to serve on a commission or board who share their views.

By stacking the deck, a candidate can increase their chances of success by having a more favorable outcome in decisions made by the group or by having the support of influential individuals who can help promote their candidacy. However, this strategy can also be seen as unethical or unfair, undermining the decision-making process's credibility and legitimacy.


People in favor of income redistribution argue that the economy is most fair when there is no interference. True False


The statement "People in favour of income redistribution argue that the economy is most fair when there is no interference." is true.

Give a brief account on redistribution of income.

Redistribution of income and wealth is the transfer of income and wealth from some people to others by a social mechanism such as taxation, welfare, public services, land reform, monetary policy, confiscation, divorce, or tort law. Rather than redistribution between particular people, the word often refers to distribution over the entire economy. Individual viewpoints, political agendas, and the selective use of statistics all influence how the word is understood. It is widely used in politics to describe the perception of wealth redistribution from those with more to those with less. However, on occasion, the phrase is used to refer to laws or policies that induce redistribution to occur from the poor to the rich. The expression is frequently used in conjunction with the term "class warfare," with high earners and the wealthy being presented as the victims of injustice and discrimination.

To know more about, redistribution of income, visit :


What can the positions of our head, face and neck communicate?


The positions of the head, face, and neck can communicate a variety of emotions, attitudes, and intentions.

How head positions and other gestures communicate emotion?Tilting the head to one side can convey curiosity, interest, or a friendly demeanor.Raising the eyebrows can communicate surprise, confusion, or skepticism.Frowning can convey disappointment, anger, or frustration.Smiling can convey happiness, amusement, or friendliness.Nodding can indicate agreement, understanding, or affirmation.Shaking the head can indicate disagreement, disbelief, or rejection.Tensing the neck muscles can indicate anger, tension, or stress.

In addition to these basic expressions, there are many more subtle ways in which the head, face, and neck can convey information. Nonverbal cues are often used in conjunction with verbal cues to provide a more complete picture of what a person is feeling or thinking.

Learn more about Tilting the head at:


the belief that socialists should cooperate with middle class ministries and governments to ensure the enactment of social reform legislation.


Socialism is a political and economic philosophy that favours government ownership and management of assets, including land and resources, above private ownership or management. People do not live or work alone, but rather in cooperation with one another, according to the socialist perspective.

Also, any good that people create has a social component, and anyone who helps with its creation has a right to a share. For the benefit of all of its members, society as a whole should consequently own or at least govern property. Socialists may dispute among themselves on two important issues notwithstanding this core conviction. The first one addresses the quantity and nature of property that society should hold or govern. Socialists have given this some thought. that practically everything, with the exception of clothing, should be considered public property; this is the case, for instance, in Sir Thomas More's (1516) Utopia, an English humanist's vision of the ideal society.


Learn more about Socialism here:


verbes pronominaux (se)​



Les verbes pronominaux sont des verbes précédés du pronom "se" à l'infinitif. Ex : se lever, se laver, se dépêcher, se nourrir, s'évanouir, s'évader... réciproques (action entre plusieurs personnes) ex : se parler, se téléphoner, s'embrasser, se disputer...

Have a wonderful day! :-)

Question 7 of 10
Which leader argued that the "talented tenth" of the African American
population should go to college and become strong community leaders?
O A. Ida B. Wells
о B. Booker T. Washington
C. W. E. B. Du Bois
D. Marcus Garvey



C. W.E.B. Du Bois


hope that helped:-D

D to be honest I’m not sure

Answer: He is not being treated fairly. His right to privacy is being violated. This right is
stated in the 4th Amendment that protects against unreasonable search and seizure.
1. Jeslyn was arrested for burglary and was not given the chance to speak to her lawyer. Is
this legal?
2. Natalia was arrested for stealing a candy bar and was given a 100 dollar fine and no jail
time. Is this legal?
Saamira pulled over for speeding and the officer forced her to open and check her trunk.


1. It is not legal as the chance to speak to her lawyer is the right for every person according to the Amendment.

2. Yes, it is legal as the crime is not serious and Natalia is charged with the fine, but the police should give the warning.

3. Yes, the office has all rights to check the truck until they are fully satisfied with the checking.

What is the 4th Amendment?

The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution safeguards citizens from arbitrary government searches and seizures. Only those searches and seizures that are ruled legally unreasonable are protected by the Fourth Amendment, though.

Thus, It is not legal as the chance to speak to her lawyer is the right for every person according to the Amendment.

For more information about 4th Amendment click here:


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