microorganisms require phosphorus, sulfur, iron, and magnesium for metabolism. what specifically are these elements used for in microbial metabolism or cellular structures?


Answer 1

Particularly for final e-acceptors in cellular and microbial metabolism, these components are used.

What causes a slow metabolism?

Persistent diseases Numerous diseases, such as overweight, hypothyroidism, diabetes, particularly Cushing's syndrome, can reduce the metabolism. Obesity: Obese folks with higher fat mass & reduced muscle mass are more likely to have this sluggish metabolism.

How to test your metabolism?

The doctor can assess the effectiveness of your metabolism by using your BMP. This blood test can provide you with a number for your kidney function, blood glucose levels, and other variables. This could offer clues to help with diagnosing various diseases.

To know more about metabolism visit:



Related Questions

if you ran a deaminate phenylalanine test, how would you know that an increase in ph was due to deamidation and not decarboxylation?


Lace fractures the link that holds a cardboard hester to an amino acid during the decoration occasion, causing the finished product to rise. In addition, we observe the contamination as the dominatio group, or product compound, decreases.

Explain about the deaminate phenylalanine test?

The ability of such an organism to produce the deaminase enzyme is tested using phenylalanine deaminase media.

This enzyme liberates the amine group into free ammonia after removing the amine group from of the amino acid phenylalanine. This reaction also results in the production of phenylpyruvic acid.

Only after you perform the dearmod phenylline testing with the final dominus by employing the faclgr agent will you know if the bacteria has a phenylonine demi enzyme, and removes the amina group of penyll and generates the phenylyroic acid. The breakdown of phenylonine was created by the reaction of that peri chloride with phinipyrobic acid. As a result, these 2 will interact in this situation, where pcl 3 serves as an indicator. The fact will change green if it contains prostate, and it will remain local if the test is negative.

Therefore, even I to carbonation if there is an drop in it is to aidif there is a increase in ph.

To know more about the deaminate phenylalanine test, here



Is genetic drift more pronounced in large or small populations?


All populations of limited size experience genetic drift, but its effects are most pronounced in small populations.

Technically speaking, the effective population size is correlated with the degree of drift and the frequency of inbreeding. Due to stochastic sampling error, smaller populations typically experience a faster loss of genetic diversity than larger populations (i.e., genetic drift). This is because small populations increase the likelihood that some gene variants will be lost by random chance. Also, individuals are more inclined to breed with close relatives when there are fewer people in the population. Individuals in confined populations will be more closely linked to one another than individuals in the preceding generation.

To know more about genetic drift



consider five proteins with the properties shown in the table above and answer the following four questions. record your answers and choose the set of correct answers for questions a --> d.a) which protein would elute first from a ( ) charged anion exchange column in buffer at ph 4.0?b) which protein would migrate the slowest in an sds-page gel?c) which protein would elute last from a gel filtration chromatography column under non-denaturing conditions?d) which protein would elute last from a (-) charged cation exchange column in buffer at ph 4.0?


The pH level at which there is no net charge on a protein is known as the isometric point. Proteins with a high proportion of basic amino acids will have a high isoelectric point, whereas proteins with a high proportion of acidic amino acids will have a reduced isoelectric point.

Proteins will have a net positive charge in a buffer solution that is lower in pH than their isoelectric point, whereas they will have a net negative charge in a buffer solution that is higher in pH than their isoelectric point. At the specified pH of the buffer solution, a (+) charged anion exchange column will have (+) charge on its stationary phase and will, consequently, bind with the proteins carrying (-) charge.

Similar to this, a negatively charged cation exchange column will have a negatively charged stationary phase and will attach to positively charged proteins. Similar to this, at the specified pH of the buffer solution, a (-) charged cation exchange column will have (-) charge on its stationary phase and will, consequently, bind with proteins carrying (+) charge.

The charge on the protein will increase as the pH differential between the buffer solution and the isoelectric point increases, and the attraction between the charged protein and the oppositely charged stationary phase of the column will become stronger.

(a) Because the pH of the buffer solution in this issue is lower than the combined pH of all the proteins, all of the proteins will be positively charged. Proteins with positive charges won't attach to (+) charged anion exchange columns. As a result, all the proteins ought to be released simultaneously.

B) The smaller molecules will travel more quickly on an SDS PAGE. More significantly, it is essential to keep in mind that proteins are denatured, or split into separate subunits, using this technique. Proteins with the smallest subunits will therefore move the quickest, while proteins with the largest subunits will move the slowest. Since E has the largest subunit mass (30000 Da), it will travel the slowest during SDS PAGE chromatography.

(c) Gel filtration chromatography uses a column that is packed with a matrix of porous beads to separate proteins from the mixture according to their size (stationary phase). In this method, proteins are not disrupted. While large sized molecules will not enter the tiny pores and will be eluted more quickly, small sized molecules will enter all of the available pores and travel a long route. The largest protein, B, which has a natural mass of 120000 Da, will elute from the gel filtration chromatography column the quickest. Protein C has the lowest natural mass (20000 Da), so it will elute last.

(d) As mentioned in this question's section (a), all proteins will be positively charged at pH 4. The force of attraction between the (-) charged stationary portion of the column will be stronger the more positively charged the protein is. The protein (A) with the greatest pH difference from the buffer isoelectric point, which is 8.1. Since this protein has the greatest positive charge, it will be strongly bound to the (-) charged cation exchange column and elute last.

Learn more about pH level



if you have blood type a what blood antigens do you lack?


If you have blood type a than it has A antigens on the red blood cells with anti-B antibodies in the plasma.

Blood group A – has A antigens on the red blood cells with anti-B antibodies in the plasma. blood group B – has B antigens with anti-A antibodies in the plasma. blood group O – has no antigens, but both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma.

Antigens are a combination of sugars and proteins that coat the surface of a red blood cell. Depending on your combination, you will have: no antigens. A antigens.

The immune system forms antibodies against whichever ABO blood group antigens are not found on the individual's RBCs. Thus, a group A individual will have anti-B antibodies and a group B individual will have anti-A antibodies.

Type O negative blood is the only blood type with no antigens. Blood type A has an A antigen, while blood type B has a B antigen. Blood type AB has both A and B antigens. Blood type O has neither.

Learn more about  antigens here:-



All of the following are components of the plasma membrane EXCEPT:
1. Cholesterol
2. Proteins
3. Phospholipids
4. Fiber





Everything else are components of the plasma membrane.

I hope this helps... :)

Serial dilutions can be used to estimate the total number of bacterial cells in a solution, including living and dead cells. (True/False)


The total number of bacterial cells in a solution, including living and dead cells, can be calculated via serial dilutions. incorrect  because since serial dilutions are employed to determine the microbe concentration.

The sample is diluted and plated to obtain a sufficient number of colonies to count as it is typically hard to count the number of microorganisms in a sample. The number of colonies, or Colony Forming Units, is a good indicator of the quantity of viable microorganisms because each colony on an agar plate theoretically developed from a single microbe. Since we diluted and distributed the plate, they only identified 7 viable cells in the culture, which means they only discovered living cells in the culture.

To know more about serial dilution click here:



Neutrophils remove invading microorganisms through a process called:________


Phagocytosis is the removal of invasive bacteria by neutrophils.

Neutrophils' capacity to absorb and then eliminate invasive germs is crucial for the preservation of host health. Pathogens are eliminated by neutrophils through a process called phagocytosis. After identifying infections, they phagocytose and intracellularly degrade invaders, release granules, and create neutrophil extracellular traps to collect and eliminate them. Neutrophils have a role in inflammation by acting as mediators. Neutrophils are among the first immune cells to react when bacteria or viruses enter the body. When they arrive at the infection site, they consume the germs and release enzymes that kill them.

The process of phagocytosis may be broken down into four primary stages: identification of the target particle, signalling to start the internalisation apparatus, creation of the phagosome, and maturation of the phagolysosome. The neutrophils' ability to kill microbes relies heavily on phagocytosis. Pathogens are initially absorbed into the phagosome, a plasma membrane-derived vacuole that goes on to develop degradative capabilities through a complicated process known as maturation.

To learn more about neutrophils click here:



The above question is incomplete. Check complete question below -

Neutrophils remove invading microorganisms through a process called:____

A. Phagocytosis

B. Endocytosis

C. Diffusion

D. Plasmolysis

of the following molecules, which would you predict diffuses most readily across membranes?


Option  C is correct. Oxygen is the molecule that diffuses most readily through the membrane when simple diffusion is used.

Why do molecules diffuse through membranes?

Molecular kinetic energy provides random motion that causes diffusion. In simple diffusion, this process takes place without the aid of transport proteins. It is the random movement of molecules that moves from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

What molecules diffuse through membranes?

Small hydrophobic molecules and gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide pass quickly through the membrane. Small polar molecules such as water and ethanol can also pass through the membrane, but at a slower rate. 

To learn more about diffusion visit:



complete question:

Of the following molecules, which would you predict diffuses most readily across membranes?

A) water

B) glucose

C) oxygen

D) serine

E) hydrogen ions

Do exons code for specific proteins?


Within an mRNA molecule is a region of the genome called an exon. Exons can either be coding or non-coding, depending on whether they include instructions for building a protein.

What is a molecule, for instance?

The smallest element of any substance that is made up of one or so more elements and has the ability to live on its own while keeping all of the material's physical and chemical properties is called a molecule. Within molecules, more atom division takes place. For instance, the atom and molecule of oxygen are represented by the letters O and O2, accordingly.

How do molecules differ from atoms?

Single, neutral particles make up an atom. As neutral objects consisting of more than one atom joined together, molecules are. A charged either positively or negatively particle is called an ion.

To know more about molecule visit:



A doctor is exploring some tissue with a blunt probe. She notices that the tissue is white and fatty and seems to be concentrated within the spinal cord. She is observing


A doctor is exploring some tissues with a blunt probe. She notices that the tissue is white and fatty and seems to be concentrated within the spinal cord. she is observing gray matter.

What is myelin sheath?

Myelin sheath is a layer made of fats and proteins that surrounds the spinal cord and nerves. It not only provides them with insulation and protection but also increases the speed of signal transmission across nerves.

This sheath is present around the cell body of each nerve cell for maximum protection and efficient signal transmission. Myelin sheath also helps to maintain the strength of the signal transmitted across the nerve cells.

Therefore, A doctor is exploring some tissues with a blunt probe. She notices that the tissue is white and fatty and seems to be concentrated within the spinal cord. she is observing gray matter.

Learn more about tissues on:



How will you get the DNA out of the cells?



To get the DNA from a cell, scientists typically rely on one of many DNA extraction kits available from biotechnology companies. During a DNA extraction, a detergent will cause the cell to pop open, or lyse, so that the DNA is released into solution. Then alcohol added to the solution causes the DNA to precipitate out.

What member of a species that feeds directly on all or part of a living organism



Predation. In predation, a member of one species—the predator—eats part or all of the living, or recently living, body of another organism—the prey. This interaction is beneficial for the predator, but harmful for the prey.


explain the windmill controversy from snowball’s point of view.


A significant dispute in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is the debate over windmills.

In the narrative, Snowball is one of the animal revolution's leaders and a supporter of constructing a windmill to produce electricity and improve the daily lives of the animals.

Snowball’s point of view.Snowball thinks the windmill will assist boost output and improve conditions for the farm's animals.Napoleon, who competes with Snowball, dislikes the windmill and starts a crusade against it. He contends that the resources could be better utilized for other things because constructing the windmill will be too costly and time-consuming.In addition, Snowball is expelled from the farm after Napoleon accuses him of being a traitor and a spy.From Snowball's perspective, the windmill stands for development and an improvement in the lives of the animals. He is dedicated to enhancing the farm, and he sees the windmill as a means of doing so. He is dissatisfied by Napoleon's opposition to the idea despite his willingness to work hard and make sacrifices to build the windmill.

learn more about windmill controversy here



Classify each item by the class of molecule to which it relates. A. Protein B. Nucleic acid C. Lipid D. Carbohydrate 1. RNA 2. Stored in adipose tissue 3. Its monomers are called necleotides 4. DNA 5. Genes are made of this 6. Its main feature is its water-repellent property 7. Its monomers are called amino acids 8. Its polymers are called polysaccharides




7. Its monomers are called amino acids

Nucleic Acid

1. RNA3. Its monomers are called nucleotides5. Genes are made of this4. DNA


2. stored in adipose tissue6. Its main feature is its water-repellent property


8. Its polymers are called polysaccharides

explain kepler's law of periods


Kepler's Law of Periods states that the time it takes a planet to orbit the sun is directly proportional to the planet's average distance from the sun. In other words, the farther a planet is from the sun, the longer it takes to complete one orbit.

Johannes Kepler, the German mathematician and astronomer, first stated this law in 1609. He discovered that the square of the period of a planet's orbit (the time it takes to complete one orbit) is directly proportional to the cube of the planet's average distance from the sun (its semi-major axis). This relationship is expressed mathematically as:

T^2 = k R^3

where T is the period of the planet's orbit, R is its average distance from the sun, and k is a constant of proportionality. This law of periods is one of three laws of planetary motion formulated by Kepler and is a fundamental part of our understanding of the solar system.

What does the separation of the Archaebacteria into a separate domain indicate?


The separation of the Archaebacteria into a separate domain indicates that these organisms are significantly different from other bacteria, and are not closely related to them.

The separation of Archaebacteria into an unique domain demonstrates their distinction from other bacteria. A class of prokaryotic organisms known as archaebacteria differ from other bacteria in terms of morphology and biochemistry.

They can endure harsh conditions like hot springs, salt lakes, and other acidic or alkaline ecosystems. They are referred to as "extremophiles" as a result. Moreover, compared to other bacteria, Archaebacteria have genomes that are more closely connected to eukaryotes.

The three-domain system was created as a result of this genetic diversity, with the Archaebacteria being given to its own domain. The Euryarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Nanoarchaeota are the three different subgroups included by the contemporary definition of the domain.

This separation is a reflection of the Archaebacteria's unique evolutionary history and the many traits they possess.

To learn more about Archaebacteria visit:



a hospital lab received an order to perform a blood typing paternity test. the test includes abo, rh, and mn typing. how would the lab report these services?


If a hospital lab received an order to perform a blood typing paternity test. the test includes ABO, Rh, and MN typing. the lab report these services as a 86900, 86901.

The CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) code for ABO blood typing is 86900, and the CPT code for Rh blood typing is 86901. Both of these codes are used for blood typing laboratory procedures and are appropriate for reporting ABO and Rh blood typing services.

MN typing is usually combined with ABO and Rh typing and is not reported separately. As a result, the codes 86999 (unlisted haematology procedure) and 86911 (red blood cell antigen typing) are inapplicable for reporting the services in this case.

So, the lab would report CPT codes 86900 and 86901 for the ABO and Rh typing, respectively, to indicate that these tests were performed as part of the paternity test.

For more question on ABO typing click on




A hospital lab received an order to perform a blood typing paternity test. The test includes ABO, Rh, and MN typing. Report these services for the facility.

a. 86910

b. 86900, 86901

c. 86900, 86901, 86999

d. 86911

What is a body cavity that most animals possess?


The main bodily cavity of the majority of animals, the coelom (or celom), is situated inside the body to enclose and protect the digestive system and other internal organs.

What is meant by body cavity?

A bodily cavity is an area of the body that is filled with fluid and serves to house and safeguard internal organs. Membranes as well as other structures separate the various bodily cavities in humans. Smaller bodily cavities are divided between these two body cavities.

How many cavities are in the body and which is the largest cavity of human body?

The ventral cavity and the dorsal cavity are the two primary cavities. The diaphragm, a dome-shaped respiratory muscle, divides the larger ventral cavity into two portions, the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity.

the body's greatest hollow area is the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm, a sheet of muscle and connective tissue that divides it from the chest cavity, forms its upper boundary. Its lower boundary is formed by the pelvic cavity's upper plane.

To know more about Body Cavity visit:



hyponatremia is a metabolic imbalance in which a person has an abnormally low level of sodium in the bloodstream. the condition causes cells to swell. why?


When the level of sodium in the bloodstream falls below normal ranges, hyponatremia, a metabolic imbalance, results. Sodium is a crucial electrolyte that aids in controlling the fluid balance within and outside of cells.

What occurs when sodium levels are low in the body?

Water enters the cells to restore the levels of sodium when the levels in the fluids surrounding the cells fall below normal. As a result, the cells retain too much water and swell. Many of the signs of low sodium are due to the sensitivity of brain cells to swelling.

What is hyponatremia low sodium caused by?

Chronic, severe vomiting, diarrhoea, and other disorders can all contribute to dehydration. This causes your body to lose electrolytes like salt and boosts ADH levels. Drinking Low sodium levels can result from too much water since it overwhelms the kidneys' capacity to eliminate it.

To know more about hyponatremia visit:-



by the year 1600, it was already widely accepted that fossils are the remains of past life. True/False?


I think the answer is true

how do hurricanes and tornados work?


Tornadoes, and the parent storm clouds that produce them, require strong vertical wind shear and strong horizontal temperature changes to form and survive; hurricanes thrive in regions of weak vertical wind shear where the horizontal change in atmospheric temperature is small

psychiatrist has seen a difference in her patients who suffer from depression. Even though they all take anti-depressants, not all of them are getting better. It appears that the patients who started talking with a therapist before beginning medication are progressing better with their treatment than patients who just started taking medication. The psychiatrist wants to see if the timeline for when a patient begins medication has an effect on helping them overcome their Depression.


The psychiatrist plans to conduct a study to compare patients who start medication and therapy simultaneously with those who begin medication alone, to determine the effectiveness of medication and therapy in combination for depression.

Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. Depression can also cause physical symptoms, such as fatigue, changes in appetite, and difficulty sleeping. Treatment for depression typically includes a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

Antidepressants are medications that help alleviate the symptoms of depression by adjusting levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and norepinephrine. However, not all patients respond well to medication, and some may require additional therapy to manage their symptoms.

Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help patients identify negative thoughts and behaviors and develop coping strategies to manage them. Therapy can also help patients develop positive social support and improve their overall quality of life.

Learn more about depression here:



the subclavian, axillary, and brachial arteries are all the same artery, but the name changes as the artery passes different body regions. true false


True. As the subclavian artery travels through the body, its name changes three times, becoming the axillary artery, brachial artery, and deltoid branch.

The clavicular artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body. The left and right subclavian arteries, located under each collarbone, are the main blood supply to the neck, head, and arms. The subclavian artery is a large artery that supplies blood to the upper extremities and parts of the head and neck. A. The subclavian muscle splits into three parts in the process. These have been described in relation to the anterior scalene muscle. The main function of the subclavian artery is to deliver oxygenated blood to specific areas of the upper body. There are two clavicular arteries that supply oxygenated blood on each side of the body.

For more information on subclavian artery, visit :



magine that a scientist studies two traits in peas. the scientist noticed that round is dominant over wrinkled with regard to pea shape. additionally, yellow is dominant over green with regard to pea color. to determine if these traits are linked, two individuals that are heterozygous for both traits were crossed. the data in the table represent the number of offspring produced by this dybrid cross. phenotypic ratios represents the predicted proportion of offspring with each set of traits that would be produced if the traits independently assort. traits phenotypic ratio observed expected round, yellow 9/16 491 498 round, green 3/16 179 166 wrinkled, yellow 3/16 165 166 wrinkled, green 1/16 50 55 what can be determined about these traits based on chi-square analysis? a chi-square analysis cannot determine linkage. these traits do not assort independently. there are not enough data to calculate a chi-square value. these traits assort independently.


It can be determined about the traits based on Chi-square analysis that these traits assort independently, thus the correct option is D.

The scientist discovered that when it comes to pea shape, round predominates over wrinkles. Additionally, when it comes to pea color, yellow predominates over green. Two people who are heterozygous for both features were crossed to see if they are related. The number of children this dihybrid cross generated is shown in the table's statistics. The estimated percentage of children with each set of features that would be produced if the traits independently assorted is represented by the phenotypic ratio. Since genes are connected together, they are not independently assorted, and natural selection may have some influence on how traits are inherited.

To learn more about traits follow the link : https://brainly.com/question/14038147


The Complete question is :

Imagine that a scientist studies two traits in peas. The scientist noticed that round is dominant over wrinkles with regard to pea shape. Additionally, yellow is dominant over green with regard to pea color To determine if these traits are linked, two individuals that are heterozygous for both traits were crossed. The data in the table represent the number of offspring produced by this dihybrid cross. Phenotypic ratio represents the predicted proportion of offspring with each set of traits that would be produced if the traits independently assort.

A. These traits do not assort independently

B. There are not enough data to calculate a Chi-square value

C. A Chi-square analysis cannot determine linkage

D. These traits assort independently

Which of the active transport types employs diffusion?

Uniport and Antiport
All types of active transport make use of some form of diffusion.


The efficient transportation type that uses diffusion is called Symport.

The process of using energy to push molecules across a cell membrane—typically against concentration gradients—is known as active transport. The sodium-potassium pump, antiporters, and symporters are membrane proteins involved in physical transport. Symports are proteins that allow two molecules to travel across a membrane simultaneously (also called synporters, synports, or symporters). The protein is referred to be an antiport if two substances are transported across the bilayer in the opposite directions. Ionophores are proteins that help ions travel. An antiporter, a cotransporter or integral membrane protein, is engaged in the secondary active transport of two or more distinct molecules or ions along a phospholipid membrane, such as the plasma membrane, in the opposing directions.

Learn more about transportation



what is the main reason for sociality among primates?


According to popular belief, monkeys are sociable because it protects them against predation or infanticide within the species.

They are obliged to be gregarious as a result of these forces, yet because to competition for food supplies, they must also be competitive and violent. 1 Primate sociality is a branch of primatology that studies the interplay of three major components of a primate social network: social organization, social structure, and mating system.

"Many hypotheses concerning the development of monkey sociality and social behavior are linked to the negative assumption that primates must be violent because they are compelled to be social," Sussman explained. "Yet, the data does not support this view."

Learn more about primates



Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding basic amino acids? A. The positively charged R groups of basic amino acids can bind to DNA. All of these choices are correct. B. The hydrophilic R group of the basic amino acid will be located in the interior of the protein. C. Basic amino acids will be considered as polar and hydrophobic. D. The R group of basic amino acids can only form covalent bonds with other molecules.



A.The positively charged R groups of basic amino acids can bind to DNA.


The plasma membrane is called as selectively permeable membrane because 



​The cell membrane is called selectively permeable as it only allows specific molecules to pass. Only specific molecules like water and gaseous molecules can pass through the cell membrane directly.

pipets are used to measure and dispense small amounts of liquids. you should draw the liquid into the pipet using your mouth. true/false


Pipettes are used to measure and dispense small amounts of liquids. You should draw the liquid into the pipette using your mouth. The given statement is true.

A pipette is a laboratory tool used to transport a predetermined amount of liquid, often as a media dispenser, in chemistry, biology, and medicine.

Pipettes are typically used to move small amounts of fluid or to measure and dispense liquid in milliliters. Micropipettes are more precise and subscriber when trying to measure less than 1 mL.

Pipets are instruments that measure and distribute small amounts of liquid. Using your mouth, draw the liquid into the pipette.

Even if the facilitator is not present, laboratory work can begin immediately after entering the laboratory. Never detach chemicals or other laboratory equipment.

Thus, the given statement is true.

For more details regarding pipette, visit:



what types of biological macromolecules are most extracellular matrices composed of? (choose all correct answers; see chapter 11-1)


Most extracellular matrices composed of biological macromolecules such as Proteins and Carbohydrates.

The extracellular matrix is ​​composed of three major proteins: collagens, non-collagens and proteoglycans. Collagen is the largest component of her ECM protein in skeletal muscle. In the extracellular matrix, collagen fibers are interwoven with classes of carbohydrate-containing proteoglycans attached to long polysaccharide backbones, as shown in the image below. The extracellular matrix also contains many other types of proteins and carbohydrates.

Extracellular matrix serves as a scaffolding for tissues and organs throughout the body and plays an important role in their structural and functional integrity. Its main components are collagen and elastin, large insoluble structural proteins.

For more information on extracellular matrices , visit :



Complete question:

What types of biological macromolecules are most cell walls and extracellular matrices composed of? (Choose ALL correct answers) [] proteins [] nucleic acids [] lipids [] carbohydrates

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