Performance Task-Territory Loss
Use pages 9-12 of this packet for background information on the Treaty of Versailles Section "E" below.can
be used to directly transfer to your essay Conduct additional internet research if necessary
4 Territory Loss: Rhineland, Saar Coalfields and Alsace-Lorraine, Colonies (ARTICLE 42-51: 118-158)
Germany is forbidden to maintain or construct any military fortifications in the Rhineland in the area
defined above the maintenance and the assembly of armed forces, either permanently or temporarily.
and military maneuvers of any kind....are in the same way forbidden.
Germany gives to France in full and absolute possession the coal-mines situated in the Saar Basin,
The territories of Alsace-Lorraine which were given to Germany in accordance with the Preliminaries
of Peace signed at Versailles on February 26, 1871, are restored to French sovereignty as from the date
of the Armistice of November 11, 1918.
• Germany gives up in favor of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, all her rights and titles over
her oversea possessions in Siam. Liberia, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey and Bulgaria and Japan
In case Germany's iolates the above acts, she shall be regarded as committing a hostile act agatost the
Powers signatory of the present Treaty and as calculated to disturb the peace of the world.
Why were these clauses probably inserted?


Answer 1

In case Germany's iolates the above acts, these clauses were  inserted due to following reasonmentioned in belkow paragraph.

According to the Preliminaries of Peace signed at Versailles on February 26, 1871, and the Treaty of Frankfort signed on May 10, 1871, the lands that were granted to Germany are returned to French control as of the Armistice date of November 11, 1918.

What did the Versailles Peace Treaty state?

On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allies finally put an end to World War One by signing the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was required to disarm, lose land, pay financial reparations, and give up all of its foreign colonies under the conditions of the treaty.

to learn about the Versailles Peace Treaty from the given link



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A shared culture __________ members of a group.


Answer: A


please answer :(
What does a producer do and why?​


Depends on what kind of producer you’re referring too. A music producer helps get music out there. A produce producer would put out food. Ect.

10. What do you know about Thurgood Marshall's beliefs and character? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.


During his time on the Court, Marshall remained a staunch liberal and stuck to his earlier beliefs on the necessity for the state and federal governments to treat the nation's minorities fairly and justly. In 1991, he announced his retirement. judge summaries

As a committed liberal on the Supreme Court during his time there, Marshall emphasized the necessity for the state and federal governments to treat the nation's minorities fairly and justly. His attempt to create a "sliding scale" interpretation of the equal protection clause, which would weigh the goals of the government against the nature and interests of the groups affected by the law, is the best example of his pragmatic approach. He was a pragmatic judicial activist who was dedicated to making the U.S. Constitution work. The Supreme Court never adopted Marshall's sliding scale, although the Court did share Marshall's opinions in a number of significant civil rights decisions in the 1970s.

Learn more about Federal, here



was africans treated welll



No the become a slave.


correct me if im wrong i just tried to help.

The text says that “Assembly resolutions are not legally binding but can reflect and influence world opinion.” List some of the ways in which you think such resolutions can influence world opinion.


We can actually deduce here that some ways in which you think such resolutions can influence world opinion are:

1. Collaboration: When conflicting nations decide to collaborate with each other, it can actually lead to a solution that can influence world opinion.

2. Negotiation: Proper negotiation can actually bring resolution which can influence world opinion.

3. Mediation: This is another conflict resolution that can help influence world opinion.

What is conflict resolution?

Conflict resolution is actually known to be informal or formal process that is embarked on for the peaceful settlement of two or more conflicting parties. Conflict resolution is usually carried out whenever there is a conflict. It is a strategy that can help remedy certain damages that have incurred as a result of the conflict.

We see that the above resolution strategies can actually go a long way to influence world opinion.

Learn more about conflict resolution on https://brainly.com/question/24769299


Name Physical Features of Africa Some major features of Africa are labeled with letters on the map. Match the letters to the name: the features listed below. A 1. Atlas Mountains 2. Cape of Good Hope 3. Congo Basin 4. Ethiopia Highlands 5. Gulf of Guinea 6. Kalahari Desert 7. Lake Victoria 8. Madagascar 9. Mediterranean Sea 10. Mozambique Channel 11. N1ger River 12. Nile River 13. Red Sea 14. Sahara 15. Somali Peninsula. HELP DUE TOMORROW​


The dominant physical features of Africa are the 1. Nile River 2. Mount Kilimanjaro 3. Victoria Falls 4. Lake Victoria 5. the Sahara Desert.

Africa has eight major bodily areas the Sahara the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the Swahili Coast the rainforest, the African splendid Lakes, and Southern Africa. at the side of the scale symbols and grids other features seem often on maps. a good way to recollect these features is DOGSTAILS. the most important barren region inside the world, the Sahara desert

Primary Africa is characterized by means of hot and moist climates on each aspect of the Equator. The equatorial strip that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Western Rift Valley is motivated all through the twelve months with the intertropical convergence zone resulting in excessive heavy precipitation.

Learn more about The Physical features of Africa here:-https://brainly.com/question/26135460


Indigenous peoples who spoke Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan languages
all lived in:
A. tents near their food supply.
B. small, settled villages.
C. large, established towns.
D. huts near coastal areas.


Indigenous peoples who spoke Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan languages all lived in: prepared villages along the banks of the coastal waterways, in woodlands and mountain valleys.

Indigenous Peoples are wonderful social and cultural agencies that percentage collective ancestral ties to the lands and natural sources in which they live, occupy or from which they were displaced.

Indigenous is derived from the Latin word indigena, which means "sprung from the land, native". The Latin indigena is primarily based on the vintage Latin indu "in, within" + gignere "to beget, produce". Indu is an extended form of the Proto-Indo-ECU en or "in".

A few of the indigenous peoples are the ones of the Americas (for example, the Lakota within the united states, the Mayas in Guatemala or the Aymaras in Bolivia), the Inuit and Aleutians of the circumpolar vicinity, the Saami of northern Europe, the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders of Australia and the Maori of New Zealand.

Learn more about Indigenous here:brainly.com/question/24859555



B. small, settled villages

Step-by-Step Explanation:

Where did the Iroquois communication occur?

Pre-European communication apportionment of the Iroquois languages. The Iroquois parlance is a communication kith and kin of autochthonous peoples of northwards America. They are recognized for their oecumenical deprivation of consonant consonants. And they lived in contemporary York.

Where did the Algonkian live in?

The all the more large heterogeneous accumulation of Algonkian -speaking ladies and gentlemen who in a consequence whereof to Brian Conwell, stretchability from colony to the boulder-strewn prominence and northwards to Hudson Bay, was titled subsequently the tribe. virtually Algonquins conscious in Quebec.

And the answer is confirmed by that1mexican2005.


I hope that I helped you. Please Enjoy The Answer :)

Learn More:


Which of the following conclusions best describes what the map communicates about the Atlantic slave trade?
The flow of human cargo was unidirectional (eastern to western hemisphere)
The flow of human cargo was multidirectional (west to east and east to west)
The flow of human cargo was unidirectional (western to eastern hemisphere)




In what ways were the Spanish and Dutch similar during their colonization of America? In what ways were they different?




Began their colonies through unchartered companies and colonized to spread Christianity and acquire wealth. Justified takeovers in religious and economic terms. Traded with the local natives and emphasized conquest.


Dutch: became commercial and financial hub, fur trading enterprise, took over the native's land. The Dutch were for fur trading settlements, while the Spanish created settler colonies.


Every presentation should have a clear goal.


True, presentations should have a clear goal so it’s easy for the observer to understand the point of the presentation

Why was trade on the high seas risky?
Topic: war of 1812


trade on the high seas was risky because the War of 1812 had a devastating effect on commerce. The US trade restrictions leading up to the war dramatically decreased American exports. The British blockades and direct attacks on tobacco stores and other US trade goods made it difficult to conduct commerce during the war.

A plant with leaves that have excessive ranges of the addictive chemical nicotine. After harvesting, tobacco leaves are cured, aged, and processed in numerous methods. The ensuing products may be smoked (in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes), carried out to the gums (as dipping and chewing tobacco), or inhaled (as snuff).

Tobacco is crafted from the leaves of tobacco flowers. It contains nicotine, that's an addictive drug. When you smoke tobacco in cigarettes, cigars or pipes, you absorb poisonous and cancer-inflicting chemical compounds that affect your health.

Learn more about tobacco

here https://brainly.com/question/220321


Large numbers of Holocaust survivors fought in the Israeli wars in 1948 and 1949.




Answer: A. true

Explanation: i think

What is Al-Razi most famous for during the Golden Age of Islam?
A.Writing the epic tale A Thousand and One Nights
B.Being the lead architect of the Alhambra
C.Translating some of Aristotle's writings
D.Writing more than 200 books on medicine



D is the answer to this question

which of the following books led to the passage of the pure food and drug act?


the following book is call acts about life it’s found on page 132

Ve can map information contained in


The information that can be mapped is information that is derived using GPS - Global Positioning System. (Option C)

What is GPS?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a network of around 30 satellites that orbit the Earth at an altitude of 20,000 kilometers.

Your GPS receiver may determine your location using a mechanism known as trilateration after it gets data on how far apart at least three satellites are.

How does the GPS Mechanism work?

First, a time signal is broadcast from a GPS satellite at a certain location.

As a result, the time delay between GPS time and the point of time clock from which the GPS receiver obtains the time signal will be calculated to determine the distance from the receiver to the satellite.

Learn more about GPS:



Full Question:

We can map information contained in





here are the asnwer

Who was the first commander of the Continental Army?

Charles Cornwallis

Nathanael Green

George Washington

John Burgoyne


George Washington

(Blank space filler)

This is characterized by competition, supply and demand, uses money to settle
debts, and is the core of capitalism.

-joint-stock companies
-miket economy
-a "little commonwealth"
-"just price"


Capitalism is an economic system based on the private possession of the method of production and their operation for profit. Significant characteristics of capitalism encompass capital accumulation, competitive markets, rate device, private property, belongings rights recognition, voluntary change, and wage labor.

Capitalism is regularly thought of as an economic system wherein private actors personal and control assets in accord with their pastimes, and call for and supply freely set costs in markets in a manner which can serve the satisfactory hobbies of society. The crucial feature of capitalism is the motive to make a income.

Capitalism is often thought of as an economic gadget in which private actors personal and manipulate assets in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set costs in markets in a way that can serve the first-rate interests of society. In a capitalist economy, capital belongings—including factories, mines, and railroads—can be privately owned and managed, hard work is bought for money wages, capital profits accrue to private owners, and expenses allocate capital and hard work among competing makes use of (see “supply and call for” in the June 2010 F&D).even though a few shape of capitalism is the premise for nearly all economies these days, for much of the final century it become but one in all  major methods to economic organization. within the different, socialism, the kingdom owns the approach of production, and nation-owned enterprises are looking for to maximise social properly rather than income.

Learn more about The core of capitalism here:



Describe the benefits of the grain distribution in ancient Rome . In other words what were the positive outcomes of the grain distribution ?


Because grain was the maximum green meal to ship lengthy-distance to Rome and because all grains tended to value the same to ship, merchants selected to deliver higher first-rate grain (i.e. grain that could be made into bread) that became extra cost-effective.

A ordinary and predictable delivery of grain and the grain dole were a part of the Roman leadership's method of retaining civil obedience among a doubtlessly restive urban populace by using imparting them with what the poet Juvenal ironically known as "bread and circuses".

The Roman navy made the roads and sea routes safe for buyers. In turn, trade helped the economic system grow. human beings in each place of the empire may want to sell what they grew or made to people in different areas who may want to use these items. they may also purchase things that they couldn't produce for themselves.

Learn more about Rome here;



Do you think information from social media is the best source of history nowaday? Why or why not




No, there is lots of influence on social media. Which leads to an increase in propaganda and fake information being spread about topics

Invasion of the Coast

Why did Captain Martin Frobisher take an Inuit man as a prisoner? What happened to the Inuit man? (2)
Describe John Smith’s version as to why Wahunsonacock (Powhatan leader) spared his life. (2)
What changed the relationship between the Powhatan and the English? (2)
Why was Pocahontas taken as a prisoner? What occurred during her imprisonment? (2)
What did Tisquantum teach and introduce to the Pilgrims? (2)
After Massasoit died, who became leader of the Wompanoag?’ What changed in the relationship between the Wampanoag and English colonists? (2)
How did the English treat the Wampanoag? What laws did they impose upon them? (2)
How did King’s Phillip’s War end? What happened to King Phillip? (1)


Sir Martin Frobisher was an English seaman and private explorer who made voyages to the New World in search of a passage to the North-West.

Frobisher encountered Inuits during his first voyage to North West. Upon reaching the Shetland Islands he and his crew encountered a piece of land that was actually Baffin Island, determined to explore further the crew sailed inwards through the path made by the ice melt and met Inuits during the journey. They arranged for some local Inuits to guide them through the passage. During the same, Frobisheer left his subordinates ashore and warned them against getting close to the natives, which they disobeyed and were taken captive. Subsequently, in retaliation Frobisher took the Inuits and arranged to guide them, captive. In the hope to arrange a return in exchange for the captive Inuits, efforts remained fruitless and the remaining fellows were seen never again.

To learn more about the Invasion by Martin Frobisher refer to: https://brainly.com/question/16243337


Prior to the Latin American Revolutions, ________ were at the bottom of the caste system and ________ were at the top.

A. creoles; peninsulares
B. slaves; peninsulares
C. mestizo; creoles
D. Native Americans; creoles


Prior to the Latin American Revolutions, slaves were at the bottom of the caste system and peninsulares were at the top. Hence, Option B is correct.

What is the Latin American Revolution?

The Revolution was regarded as one of the four biggest uprisings that took place in Mexico, Bolivia, Cuba, and Nicaragua between 1910 and 1979.

In addition to overthrowing established elements of the political, economic, social, and cultural regimes, it featured a significant amount of violent and voluntary fight against political power. The Latin American Revolution produced all of these.

Thus, Option B is correct.

An image has been  attached for better understanding.

Learn more about Latin American Revolution from here:



Answer:  slaves; peninsulares


Which TWO years are written correctly?

A. 100 B.C.
B. B.C. 100
C. 1999 A.D.
D. A.D. 1999



100 B.C and A.D 1999
a and c in my opinion seem best, i’ve never seen the letters then the year i’ve always seen year then letters

i’m confident in A and C

What factors caused colonist to decide to use African slaves?​



Explanation: European servants were essential to farming economy

By invading the North, Lee hoped to



Relieve pressure on the state of VA from enemies.

Which of the following is not true for the Mississippi-Missouri River system?
It is the greatest river system in North America.
Made exploration and transportation possible before roads and railroads were built.
Has a drainage basin which covers most of the central plain of the United States.
Became famous during the gold-rush days in Alaska.


One thing that is not true of the Mississippi-Missouri River system is that it became famous during the gold-rush days in Alaska.

What is true of the Mississippi-Missouri River system?

The system of rivers that involves the Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers is the largest river system in the United States and it has a drainage basin that is so large that it covers most of the central plain of the United States.

The Mississippi-Missouri River system is based in mainland United States however and does not extend to Alaska and so could not be famous as a result of a gold-rush in Alaska.

Find out more on the Mississippi-Missouri River system at https://brainly.com/question/13220307


Friedrich von Steuben trained troops from which side of the American Revolution?


He helped the Patriots or the Continental Army.
(These are just two different names to refer to the same side of troops that rejected British rule and fought for independence from Britain.)

why did liberals support a free-market economy


Answer: They saw it as an opportunity for

capitalist entrepreneurs to succeed.


What negative consequences can develop as a result of increased cultural
• A. Democratic activists have fewer options for combating dictators.

B. Native cultures may lose some unique cultural elements.

C. Technological innovation may be substantially slowed.

D. Poor countries are less likely to communicate with their


The correct answer is B.

What is the growth of manufacturing activity in an economy or region called?


Answer. In macroeconomics, the secondary sector of the economy is an economic sector in the three-sector theory that describes the role of manufacturing.

Why did the U.S. government bring the U.S. Army in to put a stop to the Pullman strike? A. The strike was shutting down all domestic shipping of goods. B. An injunction was filed because the strike was disrupting the delivery of the U.S. mail. C. The strike was prompting other strikes around the country that could not be controlled. D. An injunction was filed to arrest Eugene Debs.​




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