-¿Maria____ a Nueva York?


Answer 1
It’s ,¿Maria, Vas a Nueva York?
Answer 2
Maria va para Nueva York?
Maria se fue a Nueva York
Maria vas para Nueva York ?

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Nose como hacer esto me podrían ayudar


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4- información
5- fax
6- celular
7- vinculo

Hope it helps!

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1) Siete 7

nueve 9

once 11

trece 13

quince 15

de diecisiete 17

diecinueve 19

veintiún 21

Veintitres 23

veinticinco 25

veintisiete 27

2) ocho 8

diez 10

doce 12

catorce 14

dieciséis 16

Dieciocho 18

veinte 20

Veintidós 22

veinticuatro 24

veintiseis 26

veintiocho 28

3) doce 12

quince 15

Dieciocho 18

veintiún 21

veinticuatro 24

veintisiete 27

4) veinticuatro 24

Veintidós 22

veinte 20

Dieciocho 18

dieciséis 16

catorce 14

doce 12

diez 10

ocho 8

seis 6

cuatro 4

dos 2

5) quince 15

diez 10

cinco 5

6) dieciséis 16

doce 12

ocho 8

cuatro 4

¿Cómo es en general la cultura hispánica, homogénea o heterogénea?
¿Por qué?



es tanto homogénea como heterogénea pero muchos hispanos son heterogéneos ya que muchas de las razas se han mezclado durante mucho tiempo, por ejemplo los países que fueron conquistados por los españoles, la mayoría son mezclas de indígenas con españoles y los demás solo ascendencia indígena


lo que quiero decir es que, hay de ambos ´pero la mayoría es heterogénea

espero que te sriva

Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence
I started classes on the last day of August
Comienzo las clases el ultimo de agosto


Answer: comienzo las clases el ultimo dia de agosto

Explanation: dia means day

Comienzo las clases el último día de agosto

Instructions: Answer the following questions about each of the people listed below. Be sure to answer using complete sentences. for Spongebob ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Cómo es su personalidad (personality)? (por lo menos 2 características) ¿Cómo es físicamente? (physical traits) (por lo menos 2 características) ​



Se llama Bob Esponja

La personalidad de Bob Esponja es Divertido y Amistoso.

Bob Esponja es una esponja amarilla, tiene dos ojos azules, y dos grandes Dientes y tiene 3 pestañas largas en cada ojo.

I hope this helps!

¿Qué tiempo hace? Respond using a weather expression with ‘hace’ and one with ‘está’.




El tiempo está soleado aunque también hay algunas nubes.

can someone answer this quickly.


Some verbs of the category O - U are: Acuesto y recuerdo; On the other hand, some verbs in category E are: Entiendo y cierro.

How to classify verbs?

To classify verbs, we must take into account the modifications that are made to them in order to conjugate them in the present tense for the first person subject.

According to the above, they should be classified as follows:


Entender - EntiendoCerrar - CierroJugar - JuegoComenzar - ComienzoPensar - PiensoPerder - PierdoEmpezar - EmpiezoPreferir - PrefieroQuerer - Quiero

O - U

Acostar - AcuestoRecordar - RecuerdoVolver - VuelvoDevolver - DevuelvoDormir - DuermoPoder - PuedoEncontrar - Encuentro

According to the previous examples, the trend of modifying verbs can be identified due to the fact that some have their vowel O modified by U and others have their vowel modified by an E.

Learn more about radical in: https://brainly.com/question/1138841


Que final me puedo inventar para el cuento de otra maldad de pateco


Answer: a secret ending >:D its more


Explanation: What ending can I invent for the story of another evil of pateco

Complete the statements by dragging the correct answer to the blank.




Carlos duerme mucho durante el verano.

Las chicas sirven los refrescos para el club de español.

Los estudiantes prefieren estudiar en la biblioteca.

Por favor Susana, ¿Me puedes explicar la tarea?

Dolores y sus amigas piensan ir al cine este fin de semana.

Can someone help me with these few questions ty in advance!!


2- al salir de la tienda, ellos usaron una linterna para ver

4- mis amigos y yo dimos un paseo por un camino con pocos árboles

6- trajimos una brújula para no perdernos

I hope what I answered is correct, hope it helps too!
2. Al caer la noche, ellos usaron una linterna para ver
4. Mis amigos y yo dimos una caminata por un sendero con pocos árboles
5. Mis amigos y yo nos refugiamos en la cabaña cuando comenzó a llover fuertemente
6. Trajimos una brújula para no perdernos

1. Este libro
2. Ustedes
3. El chico
5. Vosotros
4. En este momento
7. Yo
de mi abuelo.
8. Nosotros
9. Tú
10. Yo
6. Nosotros de la Repúblicana Dominicana.
en Barcelona.
muerto de hambre.
la una de la tarde.
en Caracas.
de Colombia.
muy tímido.
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)


This book, all of us, the boy, 5 don’t know, in this moment, me,

Choose the best translation of the following sentence.

Gloria and Carlos read many books.



Gloria y Carlos leyeron muchos libros.


im fluent spanish.

Gloria y Carlos leyeron muchos libros

Explica el Vanguardismo y Realismo a partir de un texto argumentativo que permita evidenciar el Bogotazo, el Nihilismo con lo tipos de realismo y vanguardismo.





Concepto de innovación



Innovación es la aplicación de nuevas ideas, conceptos, productos, servicios y prácticas, con la intención de ser útiles para el incremento de la productividad y la competitividad. Un elemento esencial de la innovación es su aplicación exitosa de forma comercial.

Questions Two people walk into the classroom and speak to each other. Below them three people smile and speak to each other. Above them a person watches another person write on the chalkboard, and it reads Historia. Two people next to them lean on a desk and talk. (help)



Dos personas entran al salón de clases y hablan entre sí. Debajo de ellos, tres personas sonríen y hablan entre sí. Encima de ellos una persona mira a otra persona escribir en la pizarra, y se lee Historia. Dos personas a su lado se apoyan en un escritorio y hablan



1. Nosotros hablando por teléfono.
2. Tú
3. Las mejores aceitunas
4. Esa señora
5. Nosotros
7. Yo
6. Nosotros sentados.
9. Yo
8. Mis hermanos
muerto de hambre.
10. Vosotros
en el colegio.
de España.
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)
(1 point)


1. we were talking on the phone
3. the best olives
4. that woman is studying
5. we
7. i
6.we sit
9. i
8. my brothers are sad. dead of hunger. cold. (this one confused me)
10. i don’t understand this one

Mauricio y joaquín están haciendo planes para el fin de semana. Quieren ir al cine, pero no logran ponerse de acuerdo. Escucha la conversación y completa las oraciones.


cual es la pregunta?

amigo, si quieres que te ayuda, porfavor si pudieras adjuntar una imagen sería de gran ayuda.

Which of the following is a true statement according to the video? *1 point

A. ) Víctor es muy feo.

B.) Hay diez mujeres a su lado.

C.) Víctor tiene ojos azules.

D.) Víctor tiene pelo castaño.

What form of the verb "tener" would you use in the following sentence? "Ahora yo ___________________ pelo castaño como Víctor."*1 point

A.) Tiene

B.) Tengo

C.) Tienes

D.) Tienen

According to Víctor, which of the following describes "pobre amigo" from the video? *1 point

A.) Tiene pelo rubio.

B.) Es muy muy guapo.

C.) Tiene pelo canoso.

D.) Es muy alto.






¿Cuales son los personajes principales y secundarios de la novela picarezca de Lazarillo de Tormes?



En general, la novela picaresca se narra en primera persona. El narrador y el protagonista suelen la misma persona, que intenta contar su propia historia, aunque ciertamente dista mucho de ser real. El personaje central se caracteriza por su picardía, es decir, que es astuto, desvergonzado y tramposo.

La Era Digital y su impacto en la sociedad resumen



La era digital también conocida como era de la información es la evolución de la tecnología en la vida cotidiana y las organizaciones sociales han llevado a que la modernización de los procesos de información y comunicación se haya convertido en el motor de la evolución social.” Este es un período de tiempo en el que vivimos ahora donde Internet y el correo electrónico están disponibles; este es un ejemplo de la era digital. La era de la información es la idea de que el acceso y el control de la información es la característica definitoria de esta era actual en la civilización humana.


The digital age also known as the information age is the evolution of technology in daily life and social organizations have led to the fact that the modernization of information and communication processes has become the driving force of social evolution.” This is a time period in which we live now where the Internet and email are available; this is an example of the digital age. The Information Age is the idea that access to and the control of information is the defining characteristic of this current era in human civilization.


What subject pronoun would you use to talk about these people?

1. El señor Pérez y Tim
2. Los señores Pérez
3. Luisito
4. Luisito, Xóchitl y Tess
5. Andy, Janet y tú



Numero uno


Complete el espacio en blanco con el articulate apropiado. fill in the blank with the apropriate article WILL GIVE BRAINLYST


Answer: #1































Hope this helped!!


Escribe un mensaje en el blog de Andres que capte la manera personal que usó Ana en su blog. Usa los adjetivos de tu lista. Incluye cuatro conectores de la lista. Escribe un parrafo de cinco oraciones.

Andres te escribe (tu nombre). Ana me hizo pensar en como mi familia y mis amigos forman una gran parte de quien y como soy yo.

Ejemplo: Mis padres siempre dicen que soy timido y es verdad porque yo siempre tengo problemas para conocer gente nueva.



Mientras que en inglés el adjetivo precede al sustantivo; en español la ... Veamos algunas reglas simples que nos pueden a ayudar para escribir mejor en


In the Present Tense, what is the conjugation pattern for Ar ending verbs? Question 5 options: O, es, e, emos, en O, as, a, amos, an O, es, e, imos, e


-o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an
Not sure but i guess this is the pattern :/

Que consecuencias traen las palomas


Los estudios indican que los excrementos de paloma pueden transmitir, cuando se inhalan, hongos Cryptococcus, responsables de enfermedades como la criptococosis (infección pulmonar) y la neurocriptococosis (infección del sistema nervioso central).

How do you say "Welcome to earth" in Spanish?


Bienvenido a la tierra


bienvenido al mundo. / bienvenido a la planeta Earth. / Bienvenido a la tierra.


these are some variations

questions interrogative words





A dónde


De quién


De dónde

Por qué







I hope this helped!!

1. Dónde
2. Quiénes
3. A dónde
4. Cuántos
5. De quién
6. Qué
7. De dónde
8. Por qué
9. Cómo
10. Cuánto
11. Cuáles
12. Quién
13. Cuál
14. Cuándo
Other Questions
Exercise 1 Fill in the blank with the correct personal pronoun. Underline the antecedent for each pronoun.We, as citizens of the United States, have to take responsibility for ____________ countrys success. The temperate grasslands biome includes regions of several continents. What do all of the regions have in common?. Which of the following best describes the relationship among Wilson's Fourteen Points? A. Points 1-5 refer to how to create world peace, points 5-14 refer to how to make sure Germany never rises to power again. B. Points 1-4 refer to the importance of making alliances public, and points 5-14 refer to the importance of resolving territorial disputes. C. All of the 14 points refer to how to create world peace by maintaining stable international relationships. D. Points 1-4 refers to changes in diplomacy, points 5-13 refer to the resolution of territorial disputes, and point 14 calls for the creation of an international peacekeeping organization. which statement would need to be true for astrology to be considered a science? If ungrooved columns appeared round in direct sunlight, this would most strongly challenge the passage assertion that the use of grooves? 2. Think Question - During this new age of exploration, Europeans chartednew territories throughout the globe. An infamous historian once said thatthese European explorers viewed the world as a "giant piggy bank". Whatdo you think this historian meant? Which nation made the greatest commitment to establish permanent, self-sufficient settlements in its colonization strategy? The product was developed by gathering focus groups of mothers and asking them what they need and what they wish normal planners offered them. this method of product development most likely:_____. The capital city was Chang'an.A. Song dynastyB. Tang dynastyC. Yuan dynasty An unconditioned stimulus ____. a.is paired with a conditioned response b.requires conscious effort c.automatically triggers a physiological reflex d.is acquired through practice Continuation of Qn on part ii) 5. Do you think Lindbergh could have avoided the hallucinations that he experienced? Explain. Men report that their most intimate and nurturing friendships tend to be? What wrong attitudes did the people of the community demonstrate toward Hester? a stick is dropped off a cliff what is the sticks intial velocity? Show work The _____ of a project is the total value of the benefits minus the total value of the costs, with both costs and benefits adjusted to reflect the point in time at which they occur. I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!Iroquois Creation StoryIn the great past, deep water covered all the earth. The air was filled with birds, and great monsters were in possession of the waters, when a beautiful woman was seen by them falling from the sky. Then huge ducks gathered in council and resolved to meet this wonderful creature and break the force of her fall. So they arose, and, with pinion overlapping pinion, unitedly received the dusky burden. Then the monsters of the deep also gathered in council to decide which should hold this celestial being and protect her from the terrors of the water, but none was able except a giant tortoise, who volunteered to endure this lasting weight upon his back. There she was gently placed, while he, constantly increasing in size, soon became a large island. Twin boys were after a time brought forth by the womanone the spirit of good, who made all good things and caused the maize, fruit, and tobacco to grow; the other the spirit of evil, who created the weeds and all vermin. Ever the world was increasing in size, although occasional quakings were felt, caused by the efforts of the monster tortoise to stretch out, or by the contraction of his muscles.After the lapse of ages from the time of his general creation Tarhuhiwhku, the Sky Holder, resolved upon a special creation of a race which should surpass all others in beauty, strength, and bravery; so from the bosom of the great island, where they had previously subsisted upon moles, Tarhuhiwhku brought out the six pairs, which were destined to become the greatest of all people. The Tuscaroras tell us that the first pair were left near a great river, now called the Mohawk. The second family were directed to make their home by the side of a big stone. Their descendants have been termed the Oneidas. Another pair were left on a high hill and have ever been called the Onondagas. Thus, each pair was left with careful instructions in different parts of what is now known as the State of New York, except the Tuscaroras, who were taken up the Roanoke River into North Carolina, where Tarhuhiwhku also took up his abode, teaching them many useful arts before his departure. This, say they, accounts for the superiority of the Tuscaroras. But each of the six tribes will tell you that his own was the favored one with whom Sky Holder made his terrestrial home, while the Onondagas claim that their possession of the council fire prove them to have been the chosen people. Later, as the numerous families became scattered over the State, some lived in localities where the bear was the principal game and were called from that circumstance the clan of the Bear. Others lived where the beavers were trapped, and they were called the Beaver clan. For similar reasons, the Snipe, Deer, Wolf, Tortoise, and Eel clans received their appellations.Which BEST explains the purpose of the Iroquois Creation Story?A. to explain why the Sky Holder decided to create a special race to surpass all othersB. to describe in detail the process of how the giant tortoise became a large islandC. to provide the origin story of how good and evil entered the worldD. to highlight the most honorable and bravest animals Write an equation and solve.For a ride on a rental scooter, Justin paid a $2 fee to start the scooter plus 12 cents perminute of the ride. The total bill for Justin's ride was $20.84. For how many minutes didJustin ride the scooter? By the fifth century the western Roman empire _____ and the Byzantine empire ______A. was preparing to invade the east; was heavily fortifiedB. was in its second golden age; was in steep declineC. was disintegrating; was much richer and relatively stableD. still follow the old Roman religion; was officially Christian Five people received the following scores on a personality test: 8,12,6,9 and 15. calculate the mode,median,mean and range of this distribution of scores.