LITERARY ANALYSIS: In the final paragraph of the call of the wild , Jack London writes, “such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive.” Based on his language, what sort of response was he likely looking for from his audience? Is there a difference in the impact of the text and the impact of the video? Which medium is more powerful and effective? Use textual evidence.


Answer 1



Based on the language used in the final paragraph of "The Call of the Wild", it appears that Jack London was likely looking for a contemplative response from his audience. The use of the word "paradox" suggests that London wanted his readers to reflect on the complexities of life and existence. The phrase "complete forgetfulness that one is alive" suggests a state of mind that is both intense and fleeting.

As for the impact of the text versus the impact of the video, it is difficult to determine which medium is more powerful and effective without knowing the specifics of the video adaptation. However, the impact of a text and a video can be different in several ways. For example, the power of a text lies in its ability to evoke the reader's imagination and emotions through the use of language, while the power of a video lies in its ability to directly present the visual and auditory elements of the story.

In general, it can be said that both the text and the video have the potential to be powerful and effective in their own ways. The impact of the text of "The Call of the Wild" can be seen in its ability to engage the reader's imagination and emotions, allowing them to experience the story in a personal and meaningful way. On the other hand, the impact of the video adaptation can be seen in its ability to bring the story to life through visual and auditory cues, allowing the audience to experience the story in a more immediate and visceral way.

In conclusion, it can be said that the text and video of "The Call of the Wild" each have their own unique strengths and impact, and the most powerful and effective medium will depend on the individual reader or viewer's preferences and experience.

Answer 2


jack London was looking for his audience, they use the word "paradox" to suggest that Landon wanted his readers to impact on his life and his difficulties, The phrase  "complete forgetfulness that one is alive" suggested that a mind that is going intense or fleeing away.

They impacted their life


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how john penotti builds an argument to persuade his audience that the congress should pass stricter laws to protect the film industry


An argument to persuade his audience will be based on logic so that the audience can easily be convinced.

What is the argument?

The situations when two individuals involved in a conversation share differences of opinions which causes disagreement between them and creates arguments.

Sound arguments are grounded in reality and may be used to support claims by providing reliable information that is legitimate and can be utilized to demonstrate the truth of the sources.

John Penotti constructs an argument in the example case as well to persuade his audience that Congress should establish stronger rules to protect the film business by providing logic and reasons that increase audience support.

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In the given question recently you became aware of a person in your area who does a lot to help the members of your community who have problems. However, many few people know this and now we have decide to write a letter to the local newspaper to let people know about his good work. Include the details about the person and where the good work is done, a description of what is good work and how the good work benefits society and suggestions on how news readers could become involved in it

A letter for Raising awareness of good work

{Address}{Pin Code}


{Editor Name}

Subject: Raising awareness of good work

Dear Sir,

I'd like to raise awareness of Mr. Naresh Shah's good work through the columns of your esteemed daily. He is a professor at MANIT Institute Bhopal and is extremely helpful and caring.

When he discovered that the underprivileged students at his institute were struggling to pay their tuition, he requested that the scholarships be made available to them. He also introduced some vocational courses so that students could learn and practice practical skills. It will undoubtedly benefit them in the long run.

I encourage readers to write to him at {following website} and contribute to his ongoing noble deeds.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely


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which of the following is a summary of a literary text?(1 point) responses a list of a story's main points a list of a story's main points a shortened version of a work that highlights its main points a shortened version of a work that highlights its main points a mix of minor details and main points extracted from a text a mix of minor details and main points extracted from a text a shortened version of a work that includes the main points of the story and the author's opinion of the work a shortened version of a work that includes the main points of the story and the author's opinion of the work


The summary of a literary text is a short-ened version of a work that high-lights its main points.

What Is A Summary?

A summary is a text that is ma-de based on written works that have been made by other peo-ple, such as books, journals, articles, or scientific pa-pers. Broadly speaking, a summary is a short-ened or condensed version of a work that high-lights every main point in the work. This me-ans that by read-ing a summary of a work, we can find out the contents of the work with-out having to read the full text. The sum-mary also provides the author's pers-pective on the work.

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Creative writing I wished I had listened to my father .​



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Who was the first leader of the Notre Dame School


Answer: The first leader of the Notre-Dame School was Léonin, a Parisian composer and music theorist who lived in the 12th century. He is considered to be the first known composer of polyphonic music and is credited with pioneering the development of the Notre-Dame School, a style of music that dominated European classical music during the Medieval period. Léonin's contributions to music were significant and helped to lay the foundations for the development of Western classical music as we know it today.


This question has two parts. Answer Part A, and then answer Part B.

,begin emphasis,Part A,end emphasis,

What does Gavin think about Aunt Hattie's pancakes?


Gavin like Aunt Hattie's pancakes very much. When he visits her home, he eagerly anticipates eating them.

In the children's book series The Boxcar Children, a fictional family named Gavin and Aunt Hattie appears. The four titular youngsters are taken in by them after escaping from their grandfather's home. They are the lovely elderly couple. In addition to giving the kids food and shelter, they also give them a loving home. Popular children's book author Gertrude Chandler Warner is the author of The Boxcar Children. The four orphaned brothers who establish a home in an abandoned boxcar in the woods in the first episode of the series go on adventures. The series debuted in 1924 and has since produced more than 150 titles.

To know more about Aunt Hattie's refer to the link below :


Compare and contrast victors reaction to m. Waldmann, another professor?


When Victor meets M. Waldman, a second professor of natural philosophy who focuses primarily on chemistry, he has a change of heart.

Which type of character is Victor?

Victor Frankenstein is introduced as a generally likable individual who has an inquisitive mind and a desire for scientific advancement. But because of his ambition, he develops a haughty and rigid attitude.

Walton has dedicated his life to learning geography by visiting new areas. He hopes to make a huge geographical discovery that will help humanity. On the other side, Victor is completely smitten with biology and anatomy. It later turns out to be unhelpful for him.

M. Krempe comes across as pompous and patronizing to Victor. Victor respects and likes M. Waldman more. He enjoys his talk, which inspired Victor to keep looking for solutions in order to advance.

Therefore, When Victor meets M. Waldman, a second professor he has a change of heart.

Learn more about Victor, here;


Read “The Whole Story” a few times, looking for clues about its form. (See page 2 of this worksheet.) As you read the entry, write notes about parts of the piece that are characteristic of poetry versus a short story, or vice versa

Step 3: Decide whether the entry is a narrative poem or a short story. Make a list of
characteristics that make it poetry or not-poetry.

Step 4: Write a brief analysis of the entry that includes your decision regarding the
controversy. Use what you learned from your careful reading of the contest entry and your
review of the concepts and skills from this module to explain the thinking behind your decision.

Step 5: Identify and display parts of the poem that support your decision. Include direct
quotes from the entry in your analysis, or make a copy of the entry and mark it up with notes
that show the process you used to make your decision.

The Whole Story

In the attic, I find piles of small things

in boxes. Like this: a photo of my first friend

in our new town, her sharp laugh, the spools

of printer paper we used to make our secret

plans. How she hated her brother, how when

his face crumpled in a sob she laughed with glee.

The phrase I was trying on how to be cruel floats up

out of the attic dust and unsettles me.

Then this: my own brother, only three

and clumsy in his little limbs, wanting to join us

as we hover over our games. Only slightly

older, there I am, wondering what it might be like

to laugh mercilessly, then trying it out

on him. Then there are these

empty boxes where a memory should be:

whatever words I said to the other first graders

the day my mom brought my brother to school

to visit me, whatever made them point at him

and tease and tease. The story part of the story

has gone missing. What’s left is one scene—

my classmates crowd his still-small face

like petals on a daisy, and laugh until they transform

into the sound itself—which I can still hear

now, which drowns out the other sounds,

which is why I can’t remember why I did it

or what I did, just how I knew it wasn’t right.


Answer: Based on the analysis of "The Whole Story", it can be argued that the entry is a narrative poem. Here are some of the characteristics that support this conclusion:

Poetic language: The language in the entry is rich in imagery and figurative language, such as the use of metaphors, similes, and personification.

Musicality: The rhythm, meter, and musicality of the language contribute to the overall feeling of the piece and are characteristic of poetry.

Reflective tone: The tone of the entry is introspective and reflective, which is common in poetry.

Emotional intensity: The entry is emotionally charged, which is another characteristic of poetry.

Lack of plot structure: The entry does not have a traditional plot structure, which is common in poetry, but instead focuses on a series of memories and emotions.

On the other hand, here are some characteristics that suggest that the entry is not a short story:

Lack of character development: The characters in the entry are not fully developed, which is typical in poetry but not in short stories.

Lack of dialogue: There is no dialogue in the entry, which is another characteristic of poetry but not of short stories.

In conclusion, "The Whole Story" is a narrative poem. The use of poetic language, musicality, reflective tone, emotional intensity, and lack of plot structure all suggest that the entry is a poem. The lack of character development and dialogue further supports this conclusion.


If Romeo and Juliet lived in 2023


If Romeo and Juliet lived in 2023, they would likely meet online, they could very well catfish each other, and their story would not end in death.

Who are Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet are probably Shakespeare's most famous characters. Juliet is a Capulet and Romeo is a Montague, which means they belong to rival families. They fall in love with each other and, knowing very well their relationship is forbidden, marry in secret. In the end, due to their recklessness and other issues, the two end up killing themselves.

Now, let's imagine their story took place in 2023. This is how it could be different:

Instead of meeting at a party, they would meet online, through social media. They would start talking using pseudonyms and other people's pictures (catfishing).Eventually, the two would reveal who they really are. Knowing that their families will oppose, they take the money they have earned as influencers and run away. They start a life together in a different country and live as happily as possible.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet here:


Answer: If Romeo and Juliet had lived in 2023 most likley that there story would of been complecompletely diffrent from each other by the ffact that they would of maybe followed there own way (because it like what a lot of people do date behind there parents backs) they would of left and met online and probably Juliet may not of had that royalt title and the way they would of died may of been diffrent

What is minimalist music style named after part of a house crossword clue ?


The minimalist music style named after the part of a house crossword clue is bedroom pop.

A music type is a common category that recognizes a few pieces of sounds that are pleasant and harmonized as owned by a shared attitude or set of practices. It searches out the distinct lyrical form and musical style, even though in essence these agreements are occasionally used correspondently.

The past of Western serious music is detached into various stylistic periods. These are the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern, and Postmodern periods. The lyrical traits that have happened secondhand as liberated variables in studies on musical priority involve rhythm, beat, pitch, melody, unity, and tone.

To know more about rhythm refer to:


Write about a destination you
would like to visit
When are you planning to visit it
Where is that destination
What will you do there
Who would you take with you
70-90 words


Answer: I would love to visit Bali, Indonesia in the near future. I am planning to visit Bali in the summer of 2023. Bali is a tropical paradise known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. While I am there, I would love to spend my days lounging on the beach, trying new foods, and exploring the local culture through visits to temples and traditional villages. I would love to bring my best friend along with me to experience all that Bali has to offer. I know that we will have an amazing time exploring this beautiful destination together.


According to this excerpt, what is causing Montague’s concerns about Romeo?
A.Romeo has been crying and shutting himself away in his darkened room.
B.Romeo has been causing many fights in the streets of Verona.
C.Romeo has been keeping many secrets from his mother and father.
D.Romeo has been avoiding his friends and family members.


The correct option is D.

D) Romeo has been avoiding his friends and family members.

Romeo has been responsible for numerous altercations on Verona's streets. Romeo has concealed a lot of information from his parents. Romeo has been staying away from his friends and family. Romeo had been sobbing and isolating himself in his room's darkness. Read the passage from Romeo and Juliet's Act I, Scene 1. Romeo had been sobbing and isolating himself in his room's darkness. Romeo has been responsible for numerous altercations on Verona's streets. Romeo has concealed a lot of information from his parents. Romeo has been staying away from his friends and family.Three recent street battles have been initiated by their relatives. The plan was for them to flee Verona. Three recent street battles have been initiated by their relatives.

To know more about isolating refer :


Read the following passage:

Lydia often struggled in her art class. Ever since she was little, she hoped to become an incredible painter. Yet, every time she tried to paint anything she would often create a mess of paint splashes on the page rather than the centerpieces of fruit her teacher would display. Lydia started to feel saddened by her lack of progress. One day though, her teacher took the entire class to the local art museum. At first, Lydia saw the beautiful works of Monet and thought to herself that she would never be able to create such clear images on a canvas. A few rooms later, however, she then began to see the works of Picasso that contained images of abstract paintings that were just like hers. She quickly realized that art doesn’t have to all be the same for people to appreciate it.

Determine the theme of the passage.

1. Working hard on something will always lead to success.

2. Too much ambition can lead to negative results.

3. A person needs determination if they wish to find the truth.

4. Changing our perception of a situation can help us persevere.



4. Changing our perception of a situation can help us persevere.


Suppose you have just had a disagreement with a friend. Write a story about the topic of the disagreement and how you used the ideas mentioned in the Article to disagree with respect


Character, plot, setting, and tension are the four components that your story structure must include. The first step to creating excellent creative writing is balancing these components.

Freda and Sally got along well. When Sally forgot hers at home, she once took Freda's eraser. Their respective erasers were the same. The eraser was given back to Freda by Sally once she had finished using it. After some time, Freda begged Sally to give back her eraser.

Despite Freda's insistence that Sally hadn't returned it, Sally claimed to have done so to Freda. A dispute erupted between them. Sally advised they look through their belongings as she suggested. In Freda's luggage, the erasers were discovered.

To learn more about story here:


Which of the following details LEAST supports the idea of the boy's devotion to Santiago?
O The boy's intention to get his boss to go out to deep sea to help Santiago.
O The boy's statement that his boss is blind.
O The boy's statement that he would steal sardines for Santiago.
O The boy's insistence on getting Santiago two sardines.


The answer to this question is B
“The boy’s statement that his boss is blind.”
The boys statement that his boss is blind

What are the conditions like inside the cattle wagons?


Inside the cattle wagons are extremely hot and suffocating

The question belongs to the excerpt Night by Elie Wiesel. It is hot and stuffy inside the cattle waggons. Inside, there were several people living in unsanitary conditions. Around 80 people struggled to breathe since they were not provided with enough food or water, and there was also a severe lack of air. The Jews were tormented in practically intolerable conditions while being packed into cattle cars.

Everyone used to be hungry and thirsty, and there was hardly any air to breathe. It used to be extremely hot, and there was nowhere to sit. As a result, the Jews started to behave improperly in public due to their dread. While others pretend not to notice, some men and women start openly conversing on the train as though they are by themselves.

Read more about wagons on:


Analyse the question below and label the key research question

What effect does a daily use of social media have on the attention span of teenagers?

What genetic factors affect development of diabetes in children?

Does air pollution affect temperature in Abu Dhabi ?



1. What effect does a daily use of social media have on the attention span of teenagers?

Key research question: What is the effect of daily use of social media on the attention span of teenagers?

2. What genetic factors affect development of diabetes in children?

Key research question: What are the genetic factors that affect the development of diabetes in children?

3. Does air pollution affect temperature in Abu Dhabi?

Key research question: How does air pollution affect temperature in Abu Dhabi?

Before Fritz left, he told his parents of his love for Jenny and his wish to marry her.

Indirect/direct narration


I think it would be Indirect narration





urgent! i have no idea what to write


The purpose of this instance is to show how the smile affected the speaker.

The effect is to convey how people are sarcastic and its impact on the speaker.

What is the purpose of the author?

The author's objective or purpose is what drives them to write. to either inform, enlighten, or amuse an audience. Writers utilize writing for four different reasons. When someone expresses thoughts in writing, they typically do so in order to express themselves, provide information to their reader, persuade the reader, or produce a literary work. An author's goal in communicating may be to instruct, convince, inform, amuse, educate, frighten, excite, depress, enlighten, chastise, comfort, or any one of a plethora of other purposes.

The purpose is to give information of the blubber of whale which is rich in Vitamin C.

The effect of the statement is that we learn from this the reason why the Eskimos have never suffered scurvy.

To learn more about  purpose, visit:


Marion says, "Jon is a gay athlete." This is an example of what? a) denotative meaning b) polite communication c) heterosexist speech d) ambiguity.


The statement "Jon is a gay athlete" is an example of denotative meaning.

Denotative meaning refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word or phrase.  Not including the feelings and ideas that people may connect with that word.

In this case, the statement is simply stating a fact about Jon's sexual orientation and his involvement in athletics. It is not expressing any judgment or opinion about him, and it is not using any euphemisms or indirect language.

Therefore, the correct answer is a) denotative meaning.

Read more denotative meaning:


Taylor, a high school freshman, has been struggling recently with feeling overweight, being easily distracted and unfocused, and behind with schoolwork. Taylor is also having difficulty making new friends and fitting in at school. How could a counseling psychologist help Taylor overcome these issues?
(This is more of a psychology question by the way.)



A psychologist could help in many ways. You said Taylor was having a difficult time with school and concentration. The psychologist may be able to point out that Taylor has ADHD, or ADD, which is affecting her school work and focus. You also said that Taylor was feeling body conscious. A counselor would be able to talk Taylor through her feelings and maybe find the root issue, (some people who are over weight have issues with anxiety or depression)

And as for the friends situation. The counselor might be able to help introduce Taylor to others who are having trouble fitting in as well.    


I hope this helps and was what you needed

What is the theme of the poem The Summer Day by Mary Oliver?


Answer:   In 'The Summer Day' Oliver engages with themes like the purpose of life, beauty, and nature


In "The Summer Day," the speaker tells about the nature of prayer, mortality, and most importantly, the meaning of presence. Instead of attempting to explain the meaning of life, the poem encourages readers to consider what it means to them personally.

It encourages them to identify their own life's purpose and then do their best to uphold it. Adopting a particular way of life is not as important to this speaker as living truly and purposefully.

The speaker suddenly realises, "I don't know exactly what a prayer is," after coming upon the grasshopper. However, the speaker is aware of how to pay attention. Even more, is listed in the poem.

You can learn About more

What does Shay's insistence on the eraser tattoo reveal about

her perspective on the future?

A Shay believes that Dante will forget her as soon as she is


B Shay believes that Dante will always stand by her no matter


C Shay believes that this separation may bring the end of their


D Shay believes that this separation will be only a short

interruption in their relationship.



The answer is C: Shay believes that this separation may bring the end of their relationship. Shay's insistence on the eraser tattoo conveys her fear that this separation might bring the end of their relationship, as if her love for Dante will be erased. This reveals her pessimistic outlook on their future together.


What rhetorical figure is “Mrs.Dubose was plain hell”?





Metaphors compare or draw similarities to things without using the words like or as.

Read the excerpt from Freedom's Battle by Mahatma Gandhi. Then answer the question that follows.

The fact is that non-cooperation by reason of its non-violence has become a purifying movement. It is daily bringing strength to the nation, showing it its weak spots and the remedy for removing them. It is a movement of self-reliance. It is the mightiest force for revolutionizing opinion and stimulating thought.

Which of the following sentences best paraphrases the source material?

Group of answer choices

Civil disobedience has made the country stronger by illuminating its strengths, weaknesses, and possible solutions. A group of people with the goal of peacefully resisting is a beneficial way to have opinions heard.

Non-cooperation is a great way to peacefully communicate one's thoughts.

Non-violence has become a movement. It brings strength to our nation, showing weak spots and possible solutions. It is basically relying on ourselves. It is a strong way to voice an opinion and stimulate thought.

The fact is that non-cooperation by reason of its non-violence has become a purifying movement. It is daily bringing strength to the nation, showing it its weak spots and the remedy for removing them. It is a movement of self-reliance. It is the mightiest force for revolutionizing opinion and stimulating thought.


Non-violence has become a movement that is bringing strength to the nation, highlighting its weaknesses and offering solutions. It is a movement of self-reliance and is the strongest way to revolutionize opinion and encourage thought.

Final answer:

The best paraphrase for the excerpt from Gandhi's Freedom's Battle is one that presents the idea of peaceful resistance (non-cooperation) as a source of strength, allowing societal weaknesses to be identified and remediated.


In paraphrasing the excerpt from

Freedom's Battle

by Mahatma Gandhi, the sentence that best captures the essence of the original text would be '

Civil disobedience has made the country stronger by illuminating its strengths, weaknesses, and possible solutions. A group of people with the goal of peacefully resisting is a beneficial way to have opinions heard

'. Gandhi's philosophy centres on the premise of non-violent resistance or non-cooperation as a means of affecting change, and this paraphrase succinctly communicates that notion, capturing the essential elements of self-reliance, peaceful resistance and the identification and remediation of societal weaknesses with precision.

Learn more about Paraphrasing here:


3. Throughout the oral history, the interview editor
has included summaries of some of the events in
Lohitai's life. Which statement best explains why
the editor would include these sections?
O A. to provide a comprehensive summary of how
the conflict in Sudan impacted his life
OB. to ensure that the majority of the text focuses
on Lohitai's reflections and feelings
O C.. to show that Lohitai's struggles were a
mrmerience for most refugees


The statement that best explains why the editor would include summaries of  Lohitai's life is to emphasize that Lohitai's descriptions of events are accurate. Option D.

Why would an editor include summaries of events in a person's life?

The most likely reason why the editor would include summaries of events in Lohitai's life is because it provides context and verifies the accuracy of Lohitai's descriptions. By summarizing key events, the editor can highlight important details that help to reinforce the credibility of Lohitai's testimony. This is especially important in oral history, where the purpose is often to preserve personal experiences and perspectives for future generations. By including summaries, the editor can provide a more complete and accurate picture of Lohitai's life, which supports the credibility and validity of the oral history as a whole.

Find more information on Lohitai's life here;


select the 4 adverbs. stacy left for the grocery store rather quickly and soon realized that she had foolishly forgotten her purse.


quickly, foolishly, soon, rather are the 4 adverbs.

With the exception of determiners and adjectives that directly alter nouns, an adverb is a word that is used to change, modify, or qualify a variety of word kinds, such as an adjective, a verb, a clause, another adverb, or any other word or phrase. Adverbs can be better understood if you consider them to be the words that give context. Adverbs specifically describe the how, where, when, how, and to what extent something is done or occurs. Adverbs typically finish in -ly, which makes them easy to identify, although there are many adverbs that don't. Adverbs can also be employed in a wide variety of combinations.

learn more about adverb


What element should formal writing always include ?


Formal writing should always include several key elements to ensure clarity, coherence, and professionalism. Some of the most important elements that formal writing should always include are:

Clarity of purpose: Formal writing should have a clear and well-defined purpose, whether it is to inform, persuade, or argue a point. The writer should know their audience and tailor their writing to meet their needs.

Organization: Formal writing should be well-organized, with a clear and logical structure that helps the reader follow the argument or information being presented. This can include an introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as headings and subheadings to break up the text.

Precision and accuracy: Formal writing should be precise and accurate, avoiding vague or unclear language. The writer should use concrete, specific examples and evidence to support their argument or information.

Appropriate tone: Formal writing should have an appropriate tone, which is usually objective, professional, and formal. The writer should avoid using slang, colloquialisms, or overly emotional language.

Correct grammar and usage: Formal writing should have correct grammar, punctuation, and usage, with attention paid to spelling, capitalization, and other conventions. The writer should use a clear and concise writing style, avoiding unnecessarily complex or technical language.

Proper citation and referencing: Formal writing should properly cite and reference any sources used, following established conventions such as MLA, APA, or Chicago style. This helps to avoid plagiarism and establishes the credibility of the writer.

In conclusion, formal writing should always include these key elements to ensure clarity, coherence, and professionalism. By paying attention to these elements, writers can produce well-written, effective, and persuasive documents that meet the needs of their audience.

bellringer tuesday week 21 | english | help pls WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST


No, the pronoun is NOT properly used in the sentence, as it should be "Do you think that parrot will talk to you and me?"

What does docile mean?

What Patsy means is her pet pig is submissive because that is the meaning of docile.

Correctly punctuating this would become:

"Popeye, the oldest snake on record, died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 15, 1977 at the age of 40 years, 3 months and 14 days"

Putting the words in alphabetical order would be:

gore, gorgeous, governor, gosling, gorilla, goose

Read more about pronouns here:


Which term best completes the sentence?
information from a text means to write or rephrase another author's ideas in your own words without altering the meaning.


To paraphrase information from a text means to write or rephrase another author's ideas in your own words without altering the meaning. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is paraphrase?

The term paraphrasing refers to the words and the sentence formation are the change. There were the words are the changed to the synonymy and the active to passive. The sentence structure was also the change. The paraphrasing are the computer are the change of the word.

The text is the rephrase of another author's ideas in the minute changes are the own words without modifying the meaning. The paraphrasing are the based on the words are not the similar to the change in the sentence structure.

As a result, the significance of the paraphrase are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on paraphrase, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

Synthesize.Cite. Paraphrase.Evaluate.

Answer: paraphrase

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Identify Key Terms of Digital VideoUse the drop-down menus to match each description to the correct term.a single image or still:an individual digit in binary:the number of images shown during a unit of time:the number of bits of video data transmitted each second what are the three major types of fault boundaries? who are the healthcare professionals that staff hospitals and outpatient facilities? in new york, a group of native americans joined together to resist anglo encroachment. they were known as the nutrition and health claims are regulated by the fda. the nutrient claim that a product is fat free must contain what amount of fat? Leila is walking from the park at point P to a restaurant at point R. She wants to stop for a break when the distance she has travelled and the distance she has left to travel has a ratio of 3:5, at which point should Leila stop for her break? if we were able to artificially alter the membrane permeability of pacemaker cells so that sodium influx is more rapid, ___ Read the passage from Garrison's message To the Public from The Liberator.Which of these statements best describes how Garrison feels about slavery?It is a problem that should be solved immediately.It is a problem best solved gradually.It is a problem with no solution.It is not a problem for America. What happens between the US and France in the XYZ Affair? Iready 5 ela page 358 Convert 2.55 moles of calcium chloride to grams. CaCl2 Suppose the graph of rectangle ABCD shows the plans for a safety fence that Kenny is setting up around a construction area. Each unit on the graph represents 25 feet. After studying the plans, Kenny decides to build a fence that encloses a larger area. If Kenny dilates rectangle ABCD by a scale factor of 2.5, and fencing costs $5.25 per foot, how much will he spend on fencing? What is the name of the technique, commonly used by stage performers, that involves using visible information about a person to make high-probability guesses about them?A. Superior mirageB. Cold readingC. Fixed focusnessD. Sleight of hand All of the following pairs of ions are isoelectronic except which one?A) Al and NB) Fe and CoC) Fe and MnD) K+ and CaE) Zn and Cu+ What is the slope of the line that passes through the points ( 6 , 7 ) (6,7) and ( 16 , 22 ) (16,22)? write your answer in simplest form. Write a letter to the Minister ofEducation in your country discussingat least three ways by which thequality of Education could be improved The measures of the exterior angles of a heptagon are x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7,x 8x, and 9x. Find the measure of the smallest exterior angle. How did Constantine change the religious policy of the Roman Empire? Please help! Thank you so much! Select the correct location on the map.Identify the region where the Underground Railroad maintained safe houses.