Listen to the popular song “you raise me up”.
-What is the form?
-How many sections are there?
-How many phases are there in each section?
-Use lowercase letters to indicate these phrases.
-What is the scale?


Answer 1

The song "You Raise Me Up" is a popular ballad written by the Norwegian-Irish duo Secret Garden and was later popularized by Josh Groban.

The form of "You Raise Me Up" is a verse-chorus structure, with each verse presenting a different aspect of the song's message, and the chorus repeating the song's title as a refrain.

What is the song about?

There are two sections in the song, the verse and the chorus.

Each section is comprised of two phrases. The verse has the phrases a and b, and the chorus has the phrases c and d.

Therefore the scale used in "You Raise Me Up" is not specified in my training data, but it is most likely in a major key, given the song's uplifting and optimistic lyrics and melody.

Learn more about song from


Related Questions

5. In the third paragraph (lines 11–14), the authors’ shift in tone primarily serves to contrast
A. their frustration with current US eating habits with their hope for healthy changes
B. their outraged incredulity at US food choices with their insistence on needed change


In the third paragraph (lines 11–14), the authors’ shift in tone primarily serves to contrast A. their frustration with current US eating habits with their hope for healthy changes.

What is a tonal shift?

A rhetorical shift is a literary strategy that alters the tone or mood of a piece of literature to define characters or make a book or poem more intriguing, engaging, and powerful.

This might be an unintentional, almost accidental shift over time, or it can be a deliberate shift in tone that was planned all along or done so because of a perceived benefit to the new tone.

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I am writing a summary of the news article "A new bill would lower California college costs for some students living in Mexico" from sacbee.

How to write the summary of the given news article?

California Assemblyman David Alvarez has introduced Assembly Bill 91, which would create a five-year pilot program allowing some Mexican students living within 45 miles of the California border to pay in-state tuition at one of seven community colleges in San Diego and Imperial Valley counties.

The program would be limited to 200 participants per campus, who would need to be U.S. or Mexican citizens with a visa. The average in-state tuition for California community colleges is $1,246 per year, while out-of-state tuition is $6,603.

This bill has raised concerns among some legislators, who worry that it may pull funds away from the rest of the community college system and increase California's already large budget deficit. The bill is currently waiting to be heard in the Assembly’s Higher Education Committee.

To learn more about news summary , visit:


Listen to the aria “Solveig’s song”.

-How many sections are there?
-How many phrases are there in each section?
-Use lower case letters to indicate these phrases.
-What emotions are expressed in each section?
-use at least three different adjectives to describe the motions in each section


The aria "Solveig's song" is typically divided into three sections:

Below are the phrases in each section of the song "Solveig's Song" by Edvard Grieg, along with the emotions expressed in each section:

Section 1:

a. The winter may go.

b. The dark night pass away.

c. Sun arise with blessings.

Emotions: longing, hope, and yearning.

Section 2:

a. Now I see the beauty.

b. In the golden sky.

c. My heart shall never forget thee.

Emotions: beauty, peace, and love.

Section 3:

a. In this world's care.

b. Thou art for me.

c. To my last hour, Solveig, my beloved.

Emotions: comfort, security, and devotion.

Section 4:

a. Long the path to thee.

b. Dark the path may be.

c. I'll follow the path that leads to thee.

Emotions: determination, courage, and perseverance.

The song has a contemplative and introspective mood. It expresses the longing for a loved one, but also the comfort and security that love can provide, and the determination to follow the path of love even when it is difficult.

What is the song?

The aria "Solveig's song" sections are:

Section 1:

a. Phrases 1-4: tender, calm, and wistful. Solveig expresses her love for Peer and her hope that he will return to her.

Section 2:

b. Phrases 5-8: mournful, longing, and desperate. Solveig sings about the pain and despair she feels in Peer's absence, and how she wishes to be reunited with him.

Section 3:

c. Phrases 9-12: hopeful, passionate, and joyous. Solveig expresses her overwhelming happiness and relief at Peer's return, and her renewed love for him.

It's important to note that different performers may interpret the emotions of each section differently, so there may be some variation in how the piece is performed and perceived.

Therefore, "Solveig's Song" is an aria from the play Peer Gynt by Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen. The play was first published in 1867, and the music for "Solveig's Song" was composed by Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg in 1875. The aria is performed in the fourth act of the play, and it is considered one of the most famous and beloved pieces of music in Norwegian culture.

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Using your own practical instances, expose the four errors that can be committed when giving meaning to an unknown term


Overgeneralization, undergeneralization, circular definition, and ambiguity are four types of errors that can be committed when giving meaning to an unknown term.

What is Overgeneralization?

Overgeneralization: This mistake happens when a definition is excessively inclusive and includes details that aren't really relevant to the meaning of the term. Overgeneralization can cause ambiguity and incorrect usage of the phrase.

Let's take the definition of "vegetarian," for instance, as someone who solely consumes vegetables.

This definition, nevertheless, is excessively inclusive because it covers those who don't eat meat but do consume dairy, eggs, and other goods derived from animals. The definition should be updated to be more precise and detailed in order to fix this mistake, such as "a vegetarian

To correct these errors, the definition should be revised to be more specific, inclusive, and clear.

Read more about unknown terms here:


When giving meaning to an unknown term, it is important to approach it objectively and accurately. However, there are four common errors that can be committed in this process:


What is errors?

When giving meaning to an unknown term, it is important to approach it objectively and accurately. However, there are four common errors that can be committed in this process:

Overgeneralization: This occurs when one assumes that a term has a broader meaning than it actually does. For example, if someone were to assume that the term "doctor" means any healthcare professional, when in fact it is a specific type of healthcare professional, a physician.

Underemphasis: This occurs when one assumes that a term has a more limited meaning than it actually does. For example, if someone were to assume that the term "engineer" only refers to a mechanical engineer, when in fact it can refer to several different types of engineers, such as electrical or software engineers.

Misconception: This occurs when one misunderstands the meaning of a term, often due to a lack of prior knowledge or experience. For example, if someone were to assume that the term "quantum physics" refers to the study of large quantities of matter, when in fact it is the study of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular and subatomic level.

Stereotyping: This occurs when one associates a term with preconceived biases or prejudices. For example, if someone were to assume that all people who work in the field of "computer science" are introverted and lack social skills, this would be a stereotype and not a true reflection of the diverse individuals who work in the field.

Learn more about errors from



18.If added after sentence 13, which of the following claims would best expand on the concession that palm oil production does not have only negative implications?
A.Palm oil also has health benefits; it helps millions of people around the world avoid trans fats.
B.However, the negative effects of palm oil production continue to outweigh the benefits
C.In spite of this, we can no longer overlook the serious consequences of increased palm oil production


The best option to expand on the concession that palm oil production does not have only negative implications is Option A, which states: "Palm oil also has health benefits; it helps millions of people around the world avoid trans fats." This statement provides evidence of the positive implications of palm oil production, which can help to balance out the negative consequences. This statement also provides a specific example of how palm oil production can be beneficial, which can help to further explain the concession.

Jamal has recently completed a series of family portraits that he wants to print, frame, and give out as holiday gifts to his family members. However, he has noticed several problems in the photographs that he would like to correct in addition to cropping and enhancing the images. In what step in his workflow process will Jamal make these corrections and changes?


Answer: The step in Jamal's workflow process where he would make the corrections and changes to the family portraits is Step 6, post-processing.

Explanation: The step in Jamal's workflow process where he would make the corrections and changes to the family portraits is Step 6, post-processing. Post-processing refers to the editing and enhancement of digital images after they have been captured, and typically involves using software tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to adjust colors, exposure, sharpness, and other parameters to improve the overall quality of the images.

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maryland had no right to tax the Second Bank of the United States because the federal government had established the bank. In a short essay, answer these questions:
How do you think a Federalist would have responded to this ruling? How would this person have justified his or her position?
How do you think an Anti-Federalist would have responded to this ruling? How would this person have justified his or her position?
How has the debate regarding state and federal power continued to affect U.S. politics since this ruling?



Out of all possible outcomes, it would most likely answer "c" as other options do not seem to match as well as answer c.




The context clues show that in the seventh paragraph (lines 28-32), the consideration of US resistance to taxing unhealthy foods motivates the authors to shift from B. describing the impediments to healthy eating habits to suggesting a possible way to overcome those obstacles.

What are context clues?

Context clues help to find the meaning of a word taking into account the words that surround the unknown word that make us infer the meaning.

Also called visual indices, these words are described or defined by other words that appear in the same sentence. In this case, the impediments to healthy eating habits to suggesting a possible way to overcome those obstacles was described.

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What's the point of contact for the rect command?




The "rect" command in technical drawing or computer graphics refers to a command for drawing a rectangle. In this context, the point of contact refers to a specific point on the rectangle that serves as the reference point or origin for positioning or transforming the rectangle.

The exact definition of the point of contact may vary depending on the specific program or tool being used, but it is often the lower left corner of the rectangle, which is used as the reference point for positioning and transforming the rectangle on the canvas.

In general, the point of contact is used as a reference point for defining the location, size, and orientation of the rectangle and is an important aspect of the rect command in technical drawing and computer graphics.

which statement best describes how inflation affects the value of investment overtime ?

A erases the value of investments
B it increases the value of money
C it decreases the value of money
D it controls the value of investments


The statement that best describes how inflation affects the value of an investment over time is it decreases the value of money. The correct option is C.

What is inflation?

The rate of growth in product prices over a specific time period is referred to as inflation.

As time passes, inflation can have a significant impact on the value of investments since it lowers the purchasing power of money, which has a direct impact on investment value.

Conclusion: With inflation, the value of money will decrease, which will have an impact on investments.

Therefore, the correct option is C. it decreases the value of money.

To learn more about inflation, refer to the link:


Remember that a correctly labeled graph requires that you label all axes, curves, and equilibrium point values. The word "calculate" means you must show your work.

Assume the market for Good Z is in equilibrium. The demand for Good Z is unit elastic, and the supply is relatively elastic.

(a) Draw a correctly labeled demand and supply graph for Good Z. Label the equilibrium price Pe and the equilibrium quantity Qe.

(b) Assume the government imposes a per-unit tax on Good Z. On your graph from part (a), show each of the following after the tax has been implemented.

(i) The equilibrium buyer's price labeled Pt

(ii) The equilibrium quantity labeled Qt

(iii) The area representing the new producer surplus, shaded completely

(iv) The area representing deadweight loss, labeled DWL

(c) Assume that the seller's price after the tax is 2000 dollars, that the quantity supplied at this price is 50 units of Good Z, and that the minimum price on the supply curve (where it meets the y-axis) is 1000 dollars. Calculate the area of producer surplus.

(d) Will the price paid by consumers increase by the same amount as the tax? Explain.

(e) Will the loss in consumer and producer surplus be greater than, less than, or equal to the tax revenue collected by the government? Explain.



I can guide you through the process of solving the questions.

(a) To draw the demand and supply graph for Good Z, you would need to plot the demand curve and the supply curve on a coordinate graph with price on the y-axis and quantity on the x-axis. The demand curve would typically slope downward, representing the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. The supply curve would typically slope upward, representing the positive relationship between price and quantity supplied. The intersection of the demand and supply curves represents the market equilibrium, where the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied. Label this point Pe for price and Qe for quantity.

(b) If the government imposes a per-unit tax, the supply curve will shift upwards by the amount of the tax, and the new equilibrium will be at a higher price and a lower quantity than before the tax was imposed. On your graph, label the new equilibrium buyer's price as Pt and the new equilibrium quantity as Qt. The shaded area representing the new producer surplus will be the difference between the new supply curve and the old supply curve above the new equilibrium quantity. The area representing deadweight loss (DWL) is the triangular area that represents the reduction in total surplus (consumer plus producer surplus) due to the tax.

(c) To calculate the area of producer surplus, you need to determine the difference between the price received by the producer (2000 dollars) and the minimum price on the supply curve (1000 dollars). The area of the producer surplus would then be a rectangle with a height of 1000 dollars and a width of 50 units of Good Z.

(d) The price paid by consumers will not increase by the same amount as the tax because the demand for Good Z is unit elastic, meaning that the quantity demanded will change by the same proportion as the price. As a result, the increase in the price of Good Z due to the tax will be partially absorbed by the consumers in the form of a reduced quantity demanded, and the increase in the price paid by consumers will be less than the tax.

(e) The loss in consumer and producer surplus will be equal to the tax revenue collected by the government. The tax revenue is equal to the amount of the tax times the quantity sold, which is equal to the reduction in consumer surplus plus the reduction in producer surplus. The reduction in consumer surplus is equal to the difference between the consumer's willingness to pay for the good and the price paid, and the reduction in producer surplus is equal to the difference between the price received and the cost of production.

To draw the demand and supply graph for Good Z, you would need to plot the demand curve and the supply curve on a coordinate graph with price on the y-axis and quantity on the x-axis.

What is demand curve in graph?

The demand curve would typically slope downward, representing the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. The supply curve would typically slope upward, representing the positive relationship between price and quantity supplied.

The intersection of the demand and supply curves represents the market equilibrium, where the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied.

If the government imposes a per-unit tax, the supply curve will shift upwards by the amount of the tax, and the new equilibrium will be at a higher price and a lower quantity than before the tax was imposed.

Therefore, you would need to plot the demand curve and the supply curve on a coordinate graph with price on the y-axis and quantity on the x-axis.

Learn more about graph on:


Sami cut 6 and three-fourths inches off a long roll of paper. If the roll is now 36 and one-third inches long, how long was the original roll of paper? Write an equation and solve it to find the answer. 29 and StartFraction 7 Over 12 EndFraction inches 30 and StartFraction 7 Over 12 EndFraction inches 42 and StartFraction 1 Over 12 EndFraction inches 43 and StartFraction 1 Over 12 EndFraction inches


43 and start fraction 1 over 12 end fraction inches long was original paper roll.

What is mean by Fraction?

The components of a whole or group of items are represented by fractions. A fraction consists of two components. The numerator is the figure at the top of the line. It details the number of equal portions that were taken from the total or collection. The denominator is the figure that appears below the line. It displays the total number of identical objects in a collection or the total number of equal sections the whole is divided into.

All we need to do is to add 36 1/3 and 6 3/4 together.

Let's convert the number to improper number and then add

36 1/3 = 109/3

6 3/4 = 27/4

109/3 + 27/4

= 436 + 81 / 12

= 517/12

= 43 1/12

To know more about fraction check out:


(01.09 LC)

Which part of a budget is easiest to adjust?

A. Fixed expenses
B. Gross income
C. Net income
D. Variable expenses


the answer is C. net income

Environmental impacts from solar energy use can best be described as

a. destruction of ecosystems by large-scale power plants
b. groundwater contamination from concentrated solar streams
c. increased carbon dioxide emissions
d. maintenance is cumbersome and expensive



Look below!


Environmental impacts from solar energy use can best be described as: Destruction of ecosystems by large-scale power plants.

It was right and is the only choice that makes sense with solar energy use.

Environmental impacts from solar energy use can best be described as destruction of ecosystems by large-scale power plants. Thus, option A is correct.

What is Solar energy?

Solar energy has the light and heat energy which come from the sun. Solar energy could be harnessed as the sun's energy in the few different ways as the Photovoltaic cells, which convert sunlight into electricity and the solar thermal technology, where heat energy from the sun is used to make hot water or steam.

Solar energy has the heat and the radiant light from the Sun which could be harnessed with the technologies such as the solar power used to generate electricity and solar thermal energy which is used for applications such as water heating. Solar energy has been considered as a clean, renewable energy source as however it does not play a bigger role in energy production today.

Therefore,Environmental impacts from solar energy use can best be described as destruction of ecosystems by large-scale power plants. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about ecosystems on:


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