isuue of school unifom


Answer 1


I think kids should be able to be them self but I also think that would stop some bullying

Related Questions

to be ready for something or having a self assured manner


Composed or dignified are two main possibilities.

In your Discussion post, identify in one of the three assigned stories, (Cofer, Marquez, and Hemingway), a situation in which two or more cultural or
social forces or ideas come into opposition, creating a tension important to the overall story. Clearly identify the two opposed forces or ideas, and then
examine the implications of that opposition for the work as a whole.



In "The handsomest Drowned Man in the World" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, two opposing cultural and social forces are the village's conservative and isolated way of life and the arrival of a mysterious and exotic figure.

The conservative and isolated way of life of the village is embodied in the villagers' daily routines and their strict adherence to tradition. They are content with their simple existence and do not see the need for change or improvement.

The arrival of the drowned man, on the other hand, represents exoticism and change. The man is from a different place and has lived a life unlike anything the villagers have ever known. He is taller, stronger, and more handsome than anyone they have ever seen.

The tension between these two opposing forces is important to the overall story because it forces the villagers to question their own way of life. The drowned man represents a challenge to their traditional beliefs and way of life, and they are faced with a choice between embracing change or sticking to their old ways.

The implications of this opposition for the work as a whole are significant. Marquez uses the drowned man as a symbol for the arrival of the outside world and the changes it brings. Through the villagers' reactions to the drowned man, Marquez shows how people often resist change and cling to tradition, even when faced with something new and exciting. He also shows how people can be transformed by new experiences, and how they can learn to embrace change.

Overall, the opposition between the village's traditional way of life and the arrival of the drowned man creates a tension that is central to the story's themes and serves as a commentary on the human condition.


Let's take "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez as an example. In this story, there is a tension between the supernatural and the mundane. On one hand, there is the old man with enormous wings, who is a supernatural being, and on the other hand, there is the village where he lands, which represents the mundane world. The two forces come into opposition because the people of the village are unable to reconcile the reality of the old man with their limited understanding of the world.

The implications of this opposition are important to the overall story because they reflect the struggle between our desire to believe in the extraordinary and our need to make sense of our experiences through rational explanation. The people of the village try to explain the old man as a logical phenomenon, but they are unable to do so, which highlights the limitations of human reason. In the end, the old man is seen as both a miracle and a disappointment, reflecting the duality of the human experience and our inability to fully understand the world around us.

This opposition between the supernatural and the mundane creates a tension that is central to the overall story and highlights the complexity of our relationship with the world and our own beliefs.

Where is Macbeth's castle located


Macbeth's castle is located in Scotland. Macbeth is a play by William Shakespeare, set in Scotland, and the castle is a fictional location created for the play. It is not located in Glendale, Dunsinane, or Kingdom.

Don Quixote passage


The reference creates a humorous tone.

In Don Quixote, what does the windmill stand for?

In one of literature's most famous moments, Don Quixote misinterprets windmills as giants and engages them in battle in Chapter 8. Our own futile conflicts with fictitious or exaggerated foes have come to be symbolised by Don Quixote's "tilting at windmills."

Don Quixote's battle with the windmills is among the most well-known tales in the book. He thinks the windmills he sees are enormous. He gets thrown off his horse as he rides to engage in combat with them. Don Quixote does not trust Sancho when he says they are simply windmills.

To learn more about Don Quixote from the given link


Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Read paragraph 11 from the story.
(11) At this time a rich man whom Tama's parents deemed a suitable match for their daughter
presented his proposals, and Tama was suddenly told that they approved of the marriage and
that she must prepare for the bridal.
What is the meaning of the word proposals as it is in used in the paragraph?
As used in paragraph 11, proposals means


The word "proposals" in the first sentence of the text refers to a marriage proposal.

How do synonyms work?

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning as the original words or have the same meaning as the original words the closest.

As a result, the word "proposals" in this line refers to a marriage proposal.

Ellis, Matt August 16, 2022 update Tips for writers. Identical in meaning to another word is a synonym (or nearly the same meaning). Examples include the terms "beautiful" and "attractive," both of which refer to something or someone that looks nice.

To know more about Tama's parents deemed visit:



i think it might be vows


that's the only answer that makes sense

Bill must write a scientific lab report to describe the effectiveness of a new sleep device. He uses a journal article for reference when writing the
report. How should he format the title of the journal in his citation?
Α. Underlined
B. Bolded
C. italicized
D. highlighted


When formatting the title of a journal article for a citation in a scientific lab report, it should be italicized. Therefore, option C, italicized, is the correct answer.

What is the citation about?

In scientific writing, it is important to follow specific guidelines for formatting citations to ensure that they are consistent and easy to read. One of the conventions for formatting journal article titles in a citation is to italicize them. This is done to make the title stand out from the rest of the citation and to make it easier to identify.

Therefore, The above option is a common convention in scientific writing and is used to help distinguish the title of the journal article from the rest of the citation.

Learn more about citation from


Future Simple Question Form
1._____________you? (the horse/not/satisfy)
2.____________with genuine concern that his mind is sadly out of condition and that he really must do something to get it into order? (he/remark)
3.___________us or save us? (it/kill)
4.And ___________of us, to ensure his silence (what reward/he/suffer)
5.__________ angry if I ride her? (the master/be)
6.__________ such treatment? ( how long/they/suffer)
7.___________, i wonder? (he/never/write)
8.___________ at your wish? (these walls/vanish)
9.____________ me to repair the omission? (you/allow)
10.____________ on the same course? (the follow/continue)
11.____________ me? (when/you/come/and/see)
12.___________ thus? (how long/the people/suffer)
13.________when they hear has occurred? (what/the elders/say?
14._________ to be a good boy if i tell you a secret? (you/promise)
15._________ to give us an explanation then?
16.__________ it for once? (you/not/stop/and/see)
17.__________ yourselves the party of the future (you/make)



Will the horse not satisfy you?

Does he remark with genuine concern that his mind is sadly out of condition and that he really must do something to get it into order?

Will it kill or save us?

And what reward will he suffer, to ensure his silence?

Will the master be angry if I ride her?

How long will they suffer such treatment?

Will he never write, I wonder?

Will these walls vanish at your wish?

Will you allow me to repair the omission?

Will the follow continue on the same course?

When will you come and see me?

How long will the people suffer thus?

What will the elders say when they hear has occurred?

Will you promise to be a good boy if I tell you a secret?

Will you condensed to give us an explanation then?

Will you not stop and see it for once?

Will you make yourselves the party of the future?

Sully is taking three classes this quarter, and between school, work, and home life, finding it difficult to keep up. While they would be the first to admit that they procrastinate sometimes, they feel there are not enough hours in the day. Sully frequently turns in assignments at the last minute, and this is causing careless mistakes which are impacting their grades. They know they can do the work. If only they could find a way to manage their time more effectively…

Based on this week’s reading and lecture, what are three specific strategies Sully can adopt to more effectively manage time?

In your response to a classmate, select one strategy which your classmate mentions which you did not write about in your initial post and comment on why this strategy could be helpful to Sully.

Initial Posting Length: At least 50-100 words

Classmate Responses: At least 25-50 words


Procrastination is the deliberate act of delaying or postponing something even though one is aware that doing so will have negative effects.

What is  procrastinate ?

The word is derived from the Latin word procrastinatus, which came from the prefix pro-, which means "ahead," and crastinus, which means "of tomorrow."  People frequently act in this way out of habit.  Delaying routine tasks or even important ones, like going to an appointment, turning in a report for work or an assignment for school, or talking to a partner about a difficult subject, is a frequent human experience.

Despite being frequently viewed as a negative attribute because of how it affects productivity, melancholy, low self-esteem, remorse, and inadequacy are frequently associated with it.

Learn more about  procrastinate here


How did many white southerners
react to the Brown v. Board ruling? What actions
did they take in response? Identify two southern
governors who sought to preserve the status quo
in southern schools. What did they do?


Many white southerners reacted to the Brown v. Board of Education ruling with anger and resistance. They saw the ruling as an attack on their way of life and as a threat to their control over the education system. In response, some white southerners took steps to preserve segregation in schools and maintain the status quo.

Two southern governors who sought to preserve the status quo in southern schools were Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas and Governor George Wallace of Alabama. Governor Faubus used the Arkansas National Guard to prevent African American students from attending Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Governor Wallace famously stood in the doorway of the University of Alabama to prevent African American students from enrolling in the school in 1963.

Both governors sought to preserve segregation in southern schools and maintain the status quo by using their executive powers and the support of state law enforcement. Their actions sparked widespread controversy and helped to galvanize the civil rights movement. They also prompted the federal government to take a more active role in enforcing desegregation and ending racial discrimination in the South

Individually, you have to talk about activities that started in the past and that haven’t finished yet. You could present your information in a timeline. ​

For this evaluation you must use The Present Perfect and The Present Perfect Continuous as well as The Simple Past.

pleasee :(


Answer: Sure! I'll talk about three activities I've been involved in recently.

I have been volunteering at the local animal shelter for the past year and a half. I usually go there on weekends to help clean the cages, feed the animals, and play with them.

I have been learning Spanish for the last six months. I take online classes and practice speaking with native speakers through language exchange programs.

I have been writing a novel for the past three months. I have written about 50 pages so far and I'm really enjoying the creative process.

I hope this helps!


A Mountain Journey
By Howard O'Hagan
1. What was Dave Conroy (the protagonist) doing out in the wilderness?
2. At what point in the story do we realize that Dave is in big trouble and won't be
able to reach MacMoran's cabin?


1. In "A Mountain Journey" by Howard O'Hagan, the protagonist Dave Conroy is out in the wilderness to bring supplies to his friend MacMoran, who is living alone in a remote mountain cabin.

2. We realize that Dave is in big trouble and won't be able to reach MacMoran's cabin when he becomes disoriented and lost in a snowstorm. As the storm intensifies, Dave's physical condition deteriorates rapidly, and he becomes too weak to continue. He tries to make a shelter for himself, but he knows that he is unlikely to survive the night.

What should you know about the story?

"A Mountain Journey" by Howard O'Hagan is a short story about a man named Dave Conroy who sets out on a journey to bring supplies to his friend MacMoran, who is living alone in a remote mountain cabin. As Dave travels through the wilderness, he encounters various challenges, including rough terrain, inclement weather, and dangerous wildlife. However, the most significant obstacle he faces is a sudden snowstorm that leaves him lost, disoriented, and struggling to survive. As Dave's physical condition deteriorates, he realizes that he may not make it to MacMoran's cabin alive. The story explores themes of human resilience, the power of nature, and the struggle to survive in extreme conditions.

Find more useful information about short stories;


Which sentence best integrates the quote into the text?
• A. The idea was originated by author Marlene Cousins, who wrote,
"training animals to use email is not as far-fetched as it may
• B. "Training animals to use email is not as far-fetched as it may
sound." It's an idea originated by author Marlene Cousins.
c. Marlene Cousins writes, "training animals to use email is not as
far-fetched as it may sound."
O D. Author Marlene Cousins originated the idea.'
"Training animals to
use email is not as far-fetched as it may sound."


As Training animals to use email is not as far-fetched as it may sound." It's an idea originated by author Marlene Cousins.

Who is the author?

A literary work's creator (such as a book) a well-known author is someone who makes or originates anything, such as a software developer or a screenwriter. A writer is someone whose writing has been made public.

As in the interference, there is a meaning to the conclusion is there in it, As by the deducted information which was given by the given sentence, as in the training animals, the use of emails is there in it.

Therefore, The right option (B) is correct.

Learn more about The author here:


2. ZERO CONDITIONAL . 1.If I see him, I …………………………(give) him a lift.


If I see him, I will give him a lift. Therefore, the correct option of zero conditional to fill in the blank is will.

What is zero conditional?

The zero conditional is frequently used to allude to universal truths, such as scientific facts when making claims about the real world. The situations in these lines are actual and conceivable, and the time is either now or always. They are used to describe general truth.

The zero conditional has the following structure: If + simple present.

Therefore, the correct zero conditional for the sentence is "If I see him, I will give him a lift".

Learn more about zero conditional, here:


In "Space Junk!," how does the author emphasize the negative impact of the space junk?

"You have just created a picture of space junk."

"There are also emergency plans in place to protect the astronauts working at the ISS."

"Imagine small pieces of debris hurtling through space at up to 22,300 miles per hour—faster than a speeding bullet."

"For example, in 1996, some debris from a French rocket damaged a French satellite."


The author stresses the detrimental impact of space junk in "Space Junk!" by showing how it interferes with satellites, endangers astronauts, and pollutes the atmosphere.

What is referred to as space junk?

Human-made machinery or debris left in space is referred to as space junk or space rubbish.

What debris means?

It can refer to huge objects such as failed or abandoned satellites in orbit after the end of their missions. Debris can also refer to smaller things such as debris or paint flecks that have fallen off a rocket.

What destroyed a French satellite?

In 1996, for example, debris from a French rocket destroyed a French satellite. Surprisingly, the rocket had launched ten years before! A non-operational Russian spacecraft collided with an American satellite in 2009.

To know more about Space Junk visit:



I’m graduating from high school this July and thinking about whether to study abroad for college. With the development of globalization, I always want to learn more about different cultures and make friends with people from different countries. I will become more independent and have a broader vision. At the same time, I am also worried about language and cultural difference. If I study at home, I could spend more time with my family and friends. Could you give any advice for me on whether to attend college at home or abroad?


I am a sophomore international student studying in China. I had difficult time struggling with Chinese at the beginning. Tho ugh with academic pressure, I have established good friendships with my classmates and teachers. Sometimes we discuss homework after class and sometimes we go out together on holiday. It will be an unforgettable experience in my life. Many of my high school classmates are studying at home and have great times. So just follow your heart. Either way is a good one.

Now please give your response:


Answer: Dear [Name],

Thank you for reaching out to me for advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad. It's great to see that you are considering both options and weighing the pros and cons carefully.

In my opinion, studying abroad can be a fantastic opportunity to broaden your horizons and learn about new cultures. It can also help you become more independent and develop important life skills, such as communication and problem-solving. However, it's also important to consider the challenges you may face, such as language barriers and adjusting to a new environment.

On the other hand, attending college at home can offer you the comfort and familiarity of being close to your family and friends. This can provide you with a strong support system and help you focus on your studies without added stress.

Ultimately, the decision between studying abroad or at home will depend on your individual needs and goals. My advice would be to sit down and think about what's most important to you, whether it be personal growth, career opportunities, or staying close to home. Additionally, you can research and speak with students who have studied abroad to get their perspective and advice.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck in your decision.


[Your Name]



It is understandable that you are feeling uncertain. Going to college abroad has many benefits and can open you up to a variety of experiences. You will gain valuable knowledge, global perspectives, and make lifelong friends. However, you must also consider the potential drawbacks such as having to adjust to a new culture, language differences, and the stress of having to be away from home and family. Ultimately, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and decide what will be best for you. It may help to talk with other international students or your family/friends who have already gone through a similar experience.

What is an example of a law that is in place in order to help custodial parents enforce child-support orders?

a free money-manager provided to struggling parents

government-paid child-support programs for struggling parents

wage garnishment to prevent nonpayment

automatic life in prison for nonpayment





it helps custodial parents to enforce child support orders

What is the meaning of "movement in the discussions "?


Answer: The phrase "movement in the discussions" refers to a change or progression in the ongoing conversations or negotiations. It implies that the discussions have advanced or shifted in some way, and that there has been some form of progress or change in the positions or viewpoints being expressed. In this context, "movement in the discussions" suggests that there has been a change or development in the direction or outcome of the talks.

Explanation:  In this context, "movement in the discussions" refers to a change or progression in the ongoing negotiations between the United States and Japan. The pressure for movement in the discussions was being passed from Hull to Nomura, who conveyed it to Tokyo. There was rising public interest in the escort of convoys, and the press was speculating that the President would announce a move in that direction in an upcoming speech. Hull was fervent and urged Nomura to hasten the discussions because the United States felt the need to act immediately to stop Hitler. Nomura warned his government that in case of war with Germany and Japan, the Americans planned to wait until their military was complete and then launch a "death struggle." Those close to the president saw an improvement in relations with Japan as desirable, but not vital. Nomura therefore urged Tokyo not to miss this favorable opportunity.

what details about the setting help alyssa understand the seriousness of the situation dry novel


In  dry novel terrifying tale of survival, an adolescent is forced to make decisions that could mean the difference between life and death for her family as the California drought reaches catastrophic levels.

What challenges does Alyssa face in Dry?

Alyssa had to deal with the loss of her parents and having to look after her younger brother, Garrett, on an emotional level. Kelton had to deal with his own dehydration as well as the fact that his father had shot his brother. Jacqui had to get over her opposition to heeding "the call of the emptiness" and remaining a group member.

In the book Dry, how does Alyssa change?

When she takes on the task of looking after her brother Garrett while also trying to figure out what happened to their parents and how to handle the issue, Alyssa's perceptions are tested, which causes her to reevaluate how ruthless she is willing to be.

To know more about details suggest that friar visit:


Read the entry from Bruno’s a blog about animal welfare

I encourage everyone to do what they can to help animals. Animals cannot fend for themselves, so it is up to us to protect them. So you might think, "What can I do to make a difference? I’m just one person." Well, you can make a major difference. Last year alone, more than twenty thousand dogs and cats were rescued and adopted into loving families. The effort of each person counts and has a huge impact.

How can Bruno further develop his claim in this entry?

Include links to stories of animals being adopted.
Show images of animals being groomed.
Provide a video that teaches people how to train their animal.
Show images of dogs playing at a park.


If Bruno wants to further develop his claim in this entry, he could include links to stories of animals being adopted. The correct option is A.

What is animal welfare?

The welfare of non-human animals is referred to as animal welfare. Formal standards of animal wellbeing differ depending on the situation, but are mostly discussed by academics, politicians, and animal welfare organizations.

If Bruno wants to elaborate on his point in this entry, he may offer links to accounts of animals being adopted, which would give specific illustrations of the impact that individuals can have on animal welfare.

In order to further humanize the animals and foster a stronger sense of connection among people, he may also post pictures of them being groomed and having fun in the park.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding animal welfare, visit:


Select all that applied from the list below of things that could happen to actors, writers, or directors who refused to cooperate with HUAC:

A- executed
B- blacklisted
C- imprisoned
D- reputations ruined


Events that could happen to actors, writers, or directors who refused to cooperate with HUAC are;

blacklistedreputations ruinedimprisoned

What is HUAC al about?

HUAC stands for the House Un-American Activities Committee. It was a committee of the United States House of Representatives that was established in 1938 to investigate allegations of subversive and un-American activities.

During the height of the Cold War, HUAC conducted a series of high-profile investigations into the alleged Communist influence in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Many people in the film industry were called to testify before the committee, and some were blacklisted and unable to work in their profession for many years as a result of their refusal to cooperate or answer questions about their political beliefs.

Actors and actresses could not be directly jailed by HUAC, but some were cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about their political beliefs or alleged involvement with Communist organizations. These contempt citations could lead to fines or imprisonment, although the vast majority of those called to testify before the committee did not serve jail time.

The activities of HUAC were widely criticized as violating the rights to freedom of speech and association guaranteed by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The legacy of HUAC continues to have a lasting impact on American society, and serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting civil liberties in times of political and social turmoil.

Find more useful information about HUAC here;


What is the paraphrasing of the poem in the murree hills by John proctor?​


The Murree Hills are a place of beauty and relaxation, a place of respite and solace. The air is crisp and clear and the sun glinting off the snow-capped peaks is a sight to see.

The tranquil environment of the hills gives one a sense of peace and contentment. One can take in the breathtaking views and enjoy the serenity of the area.As a sanatorium for British troops, the town's construction on the hill of Murree began in 1851. The church was dedicated soon after the permanent settlement of Murree was built in 1853. There was only one main route created, still referred to as the mall today. Up until 1876, when it was relocated to Shimla, Murree served as the colonial Punjab Government's summer capital. The British Raj made Murree a well-liked tourism destination for its residents. Here, notable Britons including Bruce Bairnsfather, Francis Younghusband, and Reginald Dyer were born.

To know more about environment refer :


The investigating officer asked many
from the witness.
a) probing... elicit
2. At the assembly, the
a) discredited
b) interesting... obtain
b) denounced
4. A good teacher should be able to sense
understanding him or her.
a) clearly
3. The speech which he delivered at the function was so
with it.
a) lengthy... argue b) concise... relate
b) quickly
b) ulterior
questions intended to
c) unusual... test
8. The gradual depletion of the ozone layer is
a) obvious
b) undisputed
the students' unruly behaviour at the soccer match.
d) reprimanded
c) depreciated
that the audience could
d) abstract... identify
c) cleverly
5. Based on instructions they received, the undercover agents tried to discover the headquarters
gang whose activities were causing much concern.
of a
a) shady
b) strange
c) wicked
d) clandestine
10. Reggae music which is
a) attributed
c) wordy... cope
b) familiar
the truth
6. Because of
respect the captains of the two teams did not engage in hostile and
aggressive dialogue at the meeting.
a) proper
b) humble
c) mutual
d) affectionate
7. Your new acquaintance's zealous interest in your business affair leads me to think that he
may have
a) noble
c) special
d) selfish
evidence of global warming.
c) overwhelming d) inevitable
by stark poverty and
9. The problems of crime in the inner city have been
a) developed
b) introduced
d) searching... extract
whether or not his students are
d) intuitively
c) promoted
d) exacerbated
to Jamaica is enjoyed internationally by all classes of
c) indigenous
d) connected


A law enforcement official tasked with investigating crimes and assembling evidence against offenders is known as an investigating officer.

Investigating officers conduct witness interviews, investigate crime scenes, and examine physical evidence in order to gather information and evidence.

The investigating officer's function in the criminal justice system is crucial because the data they compile can have a significant impact on whether a case proceeds to trial and, if it does, whether the defendant is found guilty or not. Investigators need to be adept in compiling and evaluating evidence as well as explaining their conclusions to other law enforcement personnel and prosecutors.

A witness is someone who has observed or knows something about a situation, an incident, or a crime and is prepared to testify about what they have seen or heard. By offering crucial evidence that can help establish the facts of a case and result in the conviction of an offending party or the vindication of an innocent one, witnesses play a crucial role in the criminal justice system.

To know more about investigating officer, click on the link below:


Analyse the negative effect of people's personal views about infectious diseases on the health and safety of people


People's personal views about infectious diseases can have a detrimental effect on the health and safety of people. Negative perceptions of illnesses, such as fear or stigma, can lead to delays in seeking medical care, under-utilization of preventive measures, or the rejection of medical advice. This can lead to more serious conditions and even spread of the disease to other people. It is important for people to have accurate knowledge and access to services, so that they can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to protect their own health, as well as the health of others.

write a dialogue between you and your mother telling her whyy it is a good idea to go to a party


Answer: [Put Your Name]: Mom, I know you're not always fond of me going to parties, but hear me out. I think this one will be really fun and good for me.

Mom: OK, I'm listening. What makes you think that this party is any different from the others?

[Put Your Name]: Well, for starters, it's being thrown by one of my good friends from school. We've known each other for years and she's always thrown great parties that are safe and well-supervised.

Mom: That's a good point. Who else will be there?

[Put Your Name]: Mostly our mutual friends from school and some people I know from extracurricular activities. It'll be a good chance for me to catch up with some of my old friends that I haven't seen in a while and make some new ones too.

Mom: I can understand that. But what about the activities at the party? What will you be doing there?

[Put Your Name]: There will be music, dancing, games, and of course, food. It'll be a fun way to unwind after a long week of school and just enjoy some time with my friends.

Mom: That does sound like fun. But what about the safety aspect of it? I don't want you to be in any danger.

[Put Your Name]: I completely understand your concerns, Mom. That's why my friend's parents will be home during the party and keeping an eye on things. Plus, I'll make sure to stay with my friends at all times and not accept drinks from anyone I don't know. I'll also make sure to let you know if anything comes up or if I need to leave early for any reason.

Mom: That's good to hear. I just want to make sure you're safe.

[Put Your Name]: I know, Mom. I appreciate your concern. I think this party will be a great opportunity for me to have some fun, socialize, and let off some steam. It'll also be a chance for me to show you that I can be responsible and make good decisions.

Mom: Well, I do trust you and your judgement. If you feel like this party is worth attending and that it'll be safe, then I'm OK with it. But make sure you call me if anything comes up, and be home by midnight.

[Put Your Name]: Thanks, Mom! I promise I'll be responsible and have a great time.


What characters were convicted on ladies law to kill a mockingbird


Atticus's efforts proved Tom's innocence, but the jury still found him guilty. Atticus points out to his children (and the reader) that the jury took hours to deliberate, that they didn't simply vote 'guilty' directly after the evidence was given.

I student correct sentence



A student


pls mark me brainiest

A student, Usage of “I” is for owning something using for ourselves with “me” or mine which dedicates that something belongs to me

How have the British been responding to
American requests?
C. with more designs for flags
A. with
A. with massive disrespect
B. with songs from musicals


The way in which the British have been responding to American requests is with massive disrespect

Who are the American Colonists?

A set of British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America were known as the Thirteen Colonies, also known as the Thirteen British Colonies, the Thirteen American Colonies, or later as the United Colonies.

These American Colonists were unhappy with the way the British monarchy were treating them and they wanted their independence, but the British refused and treated them with more disrespect.

Read more about the American Colonists here:


What have we learned from native Americans?


Answer:Native Americans


Native Americans have contributed greatly to our understanding and appreciation of the natural world, and their cultures have shaped many aspects of American society. Some of the things we have learned from Native Americans include:

Environmental Stewardship: Native Americans have a deep connection to the land and a rich tradition of environmental stewardship. They have taught us about the importance of living in harmony with nature and the consequences of exploiting natural resources.

Cultural Diversity: Native American cultures are incredibly diverse, encompassing many different languages, traditions, and beliefs. This has helped us to understand the importance of celebrating and valuing cultural differences.

Spirituality: Native American spirituality is rooted in a deep connection to the natural world, and their beliefs and rituals have taught us about the power of spirituality in shaping individual and community life.

Traditional Medicine: Native Americans have a long history of using natural remedies to heal the body and mind, and their knowledge has contributed to the development of modern herbal medicine.

Art and Craftsmanship: Native American art and craftsmanship is renowned for its beauty, and their techniques and styles have influenced many other cultures, including contemporary art and design.

These are just a few examples of the many things we have learned from Native Americans. Their contributions to our society continue to be significant, and their cultures and traditions remain a rich source of inspiration for generations to come.

fill in the correct prepositions of time​


a. I always take breakfast at 8:30.

b. He met me at lunchtime.

c. I will meet you in the end of this week.

d. It has been raining since three days.

What is preposition?

When discussing a specific time period, such as a date on the calendar, a day of the week, or the precise time something occurs, you might use a preposition of time. The terms used for prepositions of time are the same as those used for prepositions of location, but they are utilized in a different way.

Prepositions of time come in a variety of forms, including on, in, at, by, from, since, during, for, until, until, ago, before, and after. "at night," "now," "at 5 o'clock," and "at half-past two."

Time Prepositions

At. Use this at this moment:

Use on to represent days and dates. Use in conjunction with days, weeks, months, years, and seasons. Use since with a length of time or a period of time. Use since at the beginning of a time period. When expressing "not later than" or any time up until this point, use by (a deadline).

Rest of the preopistions are:

e. in

f. in

g. on

h. by

i. on

j. on

k. since

l. by/on

m. by/in

n. on

To know more about prepositions of time​, click on the link below:


7. A type of narrator who is able to reveal the stream of consciousness of characters is said to be limited. extended. omniscient. omnipotent.​





omniscient narrator is all-seeing and all-knowing. While the narration outside of any one character, the narrator may occasionally access the consciousness of a few or many different characters

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