In the preamble, what is the meaning of the phrase "to form a more perfect union"?


Answer 1


It means to keep the country together as one.

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The Anti-Federalists believed in a interpretation of the Constitution.


The Anti-Federalists believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

What did the Anti - Federalists believe ?

During the debates over the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in the late 1780s, the Anti-Federalists were a group of individuals who opposed the Constitution and argued for greater state sovereignty and individual rights.

Many Anti-Federalists believed that a strong federal government posed a threat to individual freedom and state sovereignty. They argued that the Constitution should be strictly interpreted, meaning that the federal government should only have the powers that were explicitly granted to it by the Constitution.

Find out more on Anti - federalists at


what were the first mass-produced valentine cards decorated with


hearts & lace i’m pretty sure

how did incrasaes in agricultural productivty affect societies affect societies and the enviormment during the second agricultural revolution


Increases in agricultural productivity during the Second Agricultural Revolution significantly impacted societies and the environment.

The development of new farming technologies, such as the seed drill, iron plow, and threshing machine, allowed farmers to produce more crops with less labor. This Second Agricultural Revolution led to population growth, urbanization, and industrialization as people were freed from farming to pursue other economic activities.

However, this increased productivity also led to the intensification of agriculture, which had negative environmental impacts, such as soil erosion, deforestation, and water pollution. These impacts continue to be felt today and have led to the development of sustainable agriculture practices that seek to balance agricultural productivity with environmental conservation.

To learn more about second agricultural, visit here


who was the african american who served as a supreme court justice? what was his landmark case as a lawyer?




Thurgood Marshall

Marshall's most famous case was the landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Educationcase in which Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren noted, "in the field of public education, the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

The most populous segment of French Society was the ?
a. First Estate
b. Second Estate
c. Third Estate
d. Scientific Law


The vast majority of French people belonged to the Third Estate, sometimes known as society's commoners. Therefore, the right response would be (c).

The clergy and nobles made up the Third Estate, or Tiers État in French, one of the three orders into which members of the pre-Revolutionary Estates-General were organised. It represented the vast majority of the populace, and the French Revolution began when its deputies transformed into a National Assembly in June 1789.

In the booklet, Sieyès makes the case that the French common people, who make up the third estate, are a whole nation in and of itself and do not require the "dead weight" of the first and second estates, the clergy and nobility. According to Sieyès, the people desired real representatives in the Estates-General, representation that was equivalent to the other two orders taken combined, and votes that were cast by heads rather than orders. These concepts ultimately had a significant impact on how the French Revolution unfolded.

Visit here to learn more about the Third Estate:


What was the result when Texans voted on secession in 1861?


On February 1, 1861, Texas becomes the seventh state to secede from the Union when a state convention votes 166 to 8 in favor of the measure. The Texans who voted to leave the Union did so over the objections of their governor, Sam Houston.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Throughout the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century, most parts of Europe had a monarch who claimed to have the right to
rule from
The monarch's accepted legitimacy led to peace and stability. However,
questioned a monarch's right to rule because they believed that individuals should determine government leadership through practices such as
popular sovereignty.


Throughout the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century, most parts of Europe had a monarch who claimed to have the right to rule from God. The monarch's accepted legitimacy led to peace and stability.

However, liberal philosophers questioned a monarch's right to rule because they believed that individuals should determine government leadership through practices such as popular sovereignty.

How did the monarchs control Europe ?

Throughout the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, many European countries were ruled by monarchs who claimed a divine right to rule. This concept of monarchy was based on the idea that the monarch was chosen by God to lead the country and had the right to rule without being held accountable to the people.

However, during this time, many liberal philosophers began to question the legitimacy of monarchy and argued that individuals should have a say in the selection of their government leaders.

Find out more on monarchs at


**Willing to give 100 points more for 8 questions if real answer**
The points will be posted separately to prevent point thieving.
Don't actually make a slide, but please put in the information that would be on the slides. And ignore the picture portion.
Thanks <3

Today you will need a title slide and a slide for each of the following 8 topics (9 total). Each slide will have 2 main points and a picture relating to the information you are providing.

Slide # 1 - Operation Overlord

Slide #2 - What was the plan/purpose of the invasion?

Slide #3 - Preparation

Slide #4 - Weather issues

Slide #5 - Details of June 6, 1944

Slide #6 - Omaha Beach (details)

Slide #7 - Utah Beach (details)

Slide #8 - Results of the attack (gains, losses, success, or failure)


Operation Overlord was the code name for the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II. The purpose of the invasion was to establish a beachhead on the continent, which would serve as a base for further Allied operations and the liberation of western Europe.

How to explain the terms

Preparation for Operation Overlord was extensive, involving detailed planning and coordination between the Allies. Troops and equipment were gathered in southern England, and a massive deception campaign was launched to mislead the Germans as to the location and timing of the invasion.

Unfortunately, the weather conditions on June 6, 1944, were not ideal for the invasion. The Allies had hoped for clear skies and calm seas, but instead they faced overcast skies and rough waters, which made the landing operation more difficult.

The invasion began with airborne drops behind enemy lines, followed by the landing of troops on five beaches along the coast of Normandy. The two main landing beaches were Omaha Beach and Utah Beach.

Omaha Beach was one of the bloodiest of the five beaches, with heavy casualties sustained by the American troops landing there. Despite facing withering enemy fire, the troops were eventually able to secure a foothold and push inland.

Utah Beach was the site of a successful landing by American troops, who faced less resistance than at Omaha Beach. The quick capture of Utah Beach allowed the Allies to establish a secure beachhead and move inland more quickly.

The results of the Operation Overlord invasion can be considered a success, as the Allies were able to establish a beachhead on the continent and begin the liberation of western Europe. However, the invasion also came at a high cost, with significant casualties sustained by the Allies. Nevertheless, the success of the Normandy landing was a crucial turning point in the war and paved the way for the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.

Learn more about Operation Overlord on:


what was the name of the navy ship that president mckinley moved into havana?


President McKinley did not move a navy ship into Havana. However, during the Spanish-American War, the U.S. Navy did send several ships to Cuba, including the USS Maine.

The USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, leading to the start of the war. During the Spanish-American War, the United States Navy sent several ships to Cuba, including the USS Maine. On February 15, 1898, the USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, killing 260 American sailors. The cause of the explosion is still unknown, but it was widely believed at the time that it was caused by a Spanish attack. The incident led to increased tensions between the United States and Spain, and the U.S. government declared war on Spain two months later. The sinking of the USS Maine became a rallying cry for the U.S. war effort, and it helped to shape public opinion in favor of the war.

Learn more about Spanish-American War here:


What did the Meiji schools believe in and what did they teach their children?


Education for everyone was also a priority of the reforms, and primary school became mandatory. Meiji's educational changes were also implemented to foster allegiance to the empire.

What was Meiji's major goal?

The Meiji administration had a very clear and determined policy goal: to rapidly Westernize and modernize Japan. The greatest external barrier initially was avoiding colonization from the West. Following the Meiji Restoration, public education for all became a top goal. The Ministry of Education implemented significant modifications, including the appointment of additional foreign instructors and the expansion of the school curriculum to include reading, writing, recitation, history, geography, science, mathematics, health, and morality.

To learn more about Meiji, click


Scientific Revolution,Use an Internet search engine to find a development in any area of science during the past 10 years


A development in an area of science in the past 10 years is Metagenomics.

How has there been a development in science ?

Metagenomics is a new field of study that seeks to understand the complex communities of microbes that exist in our environment. In the past decade, advances in DNA sequencing and computational analysis have allowed researchers to study the microbiome and its impact on human health and the environment.

This is one example of many developments in the field of microbiology in the past decade. The field continues to evolve at a rapid pace and new breakthroughs are expected to emerge in the coming years.

Find out more on developments in science at


The ruins of Mohenjodaro are located in present-day-Afghanistan.-Iraq.-Pakistan.-India.


The ruins of Mohenjo-Daro are located in present-day Pakistan.

Mohenjo-Daro, an archaeological site in the Pakistani province of Sindh, was once a significant Indus Valley Civilization urban hub. The metropolis, one of the biggest in the ancient world, was founded approximately 2600 BCE.

The city had an intricate network of streets, structures, and public areas and was laid out in a grid form. The Lower City and the Citadel were the two principal sections of the city. The governing class resided in the Citadel, which was on the western edge of the city. It was encircled by a 12-meter-high mud-brick wall with numerous defensive towers. The Citadel's eastern neighbor, the Lower City, was

To know more about Mohenjo-Daro, click here,


Why were Roosevelt's New Deal policies criticized?


Roosevelt's New Deal policies criticized for his economic policies, especially the shift in tone from individualism to collectivism with the dramatic expansion.

Roosevelt  for his economic policies, especially the shift in tone from individualism to collectivism ,criticisms continued decades after his death,with the dramatic expansion of the welfare state and regulation of the economy was criticized. Those criticisms continued decades after his death.

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal (1933–39) aimed to provide immediate economic relief and to bring about reforms to stabilize the economy.

The New Deal had basically three goals: relief, recovery, and reform. Relief meant that the president wanted to help those in crisis immediately by creating jobs, bread lines, and welfare. Recovery  was mainly known for the aim by  fixing the economy and ending the Depression.

The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt mainly aimed to restore prosperity to Americans.

Learn more about  roosevelt here:-


Which of the following is NOT a similarity between the plebeians
and patricians?
They worshipped the same gods.
They celebrated the same holidays.
They could both hold public office in early Rome.
They had slaves if they could afford them.


Answer: Option c.


Patricians had the 'upper hand' back in those days. Unlike plebeians, patricians had some power. But plebeians were just the common folk. Hope this helps :)

Use the internet to research a topic of concern to you today.
Write 1/2 a page defending one side of the issue and then write 1/2 a page defending the other side of the issue. You may choose any issue that is of interest to you. It could be a political issue, something that relates to your own community, an environmental, health, or moral issue; it’s your choice. Examples:
smoking in public buildings
recycling requirements
laws regarding motorcycle helmets
raising or lowering the driving age
Also, make sure that you include the research sources that you used (at least 2).


Smoking in Public Buildings: Defending the Ban

Smoking in public buildings is a controversial issue that has sparked debate for many years. Those who support the ban on smoking in public buildings argue that it protects the health and well-being of individuals who are forced to inhale secondhand smoke against their will.

Secondhand smoke is known to contain over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer, and other serious health problems. Children, pregnant women, and individuals with preexisting medical conditions are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

Furthermore, smoking in public buildings can create a unpleasant and unpleasant environment for non-smokers. The smell of smoke and the sight of smokers lighting up can be unpleasant and distracting for many people. This can have a negative impact on their enjoyment of a particular public space, such as a restaurant or a park.

In light of these health and environmental concerns, many cities and states have implemented laws banning smoking in public buildings. These laws help to protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, and ensure that public spaces remain safe and enjoyable for all.

Smoking in Public Buildings: Defending the Right to Smoke

On the other hand, those who oppose the ban on smoking in public buildings argue that it restricts the freedom of smokers and infringes on their individual rights. Smoking is a personal choice and individuals should be able to make that choice without interference from the government.

Additionally, smokers argue that they should be able to smoke in public places if they choose to do so. They may feel that they are being unfairly discriminated against, as smokers are being forced to smoke outside or in designated smoking areas, while non-smokers are free to enjoy all public spaces.

Critics of the ban on smoking in public buildings also argue that it will have a negative impact on businesses, particularly bars, restaurants, and other establishments that cater to smokers. These businesses may lose customers as smokers are forced to smoke outside or in designated smoking areas, and may be forced to close as a result.

In conclusion, the issue of smoking in public buildings is a complex and controversial one that elicits strong opinions from both sides. Those who support the ban argue that it protects the health and well-being of non-smokers, while those who oppose it argue that it restricts the freedom of smokers and infringes on their individual rights.

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The NAACP argued that Plessy v. Ferguson was a violation of which amendment that offers equal protection under the Constitution?A. 15thB. 13thC. 16thD. 14th


The NAACP claimed that Plessy v. Ferguson, a Supreme Court decision from 1896 that affirmed the "separate but equal" theory of racial segregation, violated the US Constitution's 14th Amendment.

All people born or naturalised in the United States are entitled to citizenship and equal protection under the law under the 14th Amendment, which was enacted in 1868 following the Civil War.

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, which provides that no state shall "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," was allegedly violated by segregation, according to the NAACP.

In the famous 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education, which overturned the concept, this defence finally prevailed.

To know more about Civil War, visit:


How does the image of Capone contribute to his reputation?


In the vicious gang wars of the time, where he battled for control of several Chicago neighbourhoods known as "racketeering rights," Capone had developed a frightening image.

How did Al Capone influence people?

Along with being a bootlegger, murderer, and gangster, Capone was also a well-known public person who founded one of the country's first soup kitchens. He was also a passionate supporter of jazz and its artists, providing them with opportunities they would not have otherwise had.

He was one of the most infamous gangsters in American history, notable for conducting a bootlegging in Chicago in the 1920s and serving as the model for numerous works of fiction, including Scarface. Capone's title character, who lives in a toxic brew of shame, vanity, and indignity, is the film's ultimate symbol.

To know more about Capone, visit:


how did the agricultural revolution affect labor in 1780s great britain






The Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century paved the way for the Industrial Revolution in Britain. New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding led to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health. The new farming techniques also led to an enclosure movement.

how does andrew ure describe the conditions in the factories he visited? provide evidence from the document to support your answer.


Andre Ure describes the conditions in the factories he visited as without child beating, the children being cheerful, alert, and no exhaustion.

A proponent of the new production approach was University of Glasgow professor Andrew Ure. In this instance, he speaks for a new class of people manufacturers, whose riches came from owning factories. The Philosophy of Manufactures by Andrew Ure The major goal of scientific advancement is altruistic since it frees workers from tasks that drain their energy and strain their eyes, or from the painful repetition of tasks that distort and deplete their bodies. The fundamental idea behind the factory system is to replace manual labor with mechanical technology. Labor was typically the most expensive component of manufacturing under the handcrafted model. However, expert labor is automatically replaced by machine watchers. The more capable a worker is, the more obstinate and self-willed (stubborn) he tends to become, and, thus, the less suitable a component of a mechanical system where he may cause significant harm.

Know  more about Andrew Ure here:


______ restricted agricultural production in the New Deal era by paying farmers subsidies not to plant part of their land and to kill off excess livestock. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so as to effectively raise the value of crops, thereby a portion of their fields lie fallow. The money for these subsidies was generated through an exclusive tax on companies which processed farm products. The Act created a new agency, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, to oversee the distribution of the subsidies. It is considered the first modern U.S. farm bill. Although the AAA was overall a successful program that stimulated American agriculture, it was not without its faults. The New Deal never had the money or political power required to reach the majority of impoverished Southern tenant farmers. By the last half of the century sharecropping and tenant farming had become obsolete.


The term that fills the blank is "The Agricultural Adjustment Act."

As part of his New Deal program, President Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) in 1933 in response to the terrible economic crisis that the American agricultural industry had been dealing with throughout the Great Depression. The primary goal of the legislation was to increase agricultural prices by reducing surpluses, and the federal government would provide farmers with subsidies to lower output. This law reduced agricultural output during the New Deal era by giving farmers incentives to prevent planting on a portion of their land and to cull surplus animals.

The program's assistance for farmers and rural communities saved the agriculture industry's collapse at a challenging economic time in American history because of the agricultural subsidies it offered.

Learn more about The Agricultural Adjustment Act here:


An apartheid is best described as

A. )strict racial segregation that is specifically enforced by the government.

B. )strict gender segregation that is specifically enforced by the government.

C. Strict religious segregation that is specifically enforced by the government.

D. )strict segregation of any two groups but is not supported by the government in any way


An apartheid is best described as - A. ) strict racial segregation that is specifically enforced by the government.

The apartheid (Afrikaans: "apartness") regime, which allowed for racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites, regulated relations between South Africa's white minority and nonwhite majority throughout a significant portion of the second half of the 20th century. Even if the laws that supported apartheid were abolished by the early 1990s, the negative social and economic effects of the racist practise continued into the twenty-first century. Before 1948, racial segregation was a common practice in South Africa that was authorised by law. But after Daniel F. Malan's National Party took administration that year, it expanded the practise and gave it the label apartheid. The Population Registration Act of 1950, which categorised all people according to race, made it possible to execute apartheid, which has been referred to as "separate development" since the 1960s.

Here is more information on discrimination :


John D Rockefeller believed in Christian Socialism.

The Salvation Army was the prime proponent of settlement houses.

Even today, the epitome of corruption is considered to be Boss Tweed.

Just as before the Civil War, religion continued to be the main driving force in the reform movements.

The loss of Winfield Scott Hancock in the Election of 1880 convinced Republicans they didn't need to win Southern states in order to win the presidency.

The title of trustbuster" should perhaps go to William Howard Taft instead of Theodore Roosevelt.

Many of the men recruited for the "Rough Riders" were ex-convicts and men who had deserted their families.

Lincoln Steffens blamed much of the corruption in the United States on unrestricted immigration.

Ida Tarbell's writings result in the public's demand that monopolies be broken up.

true or false (pls help due at 12 i have no more points)​


The answers are

false John D Rockefeller did not  believed in Christian Socialism.false. The Salvation Army was the prime proponent of settlement houses.True. Even today, the epitome of corruption is considered to be Boss Tweed.false. Religion was not the main driving forcefalsefalse falsefalsetrue

What are the answers to the questions

False, John D. Rockefeller was a devout Baptist who believed in individual philanthropy rather than government intervention.

False, the prime proponent of settlement houses was Jane Addams and the Hull House.


False, religion was still a significant factor, but other factors such as economic conditions and social justice also played a role in reform movements.

False, Republicans continued to try to win Southern states and saw the loss of the election of 1880 as evidence that they needed to make inroads in the region.

False, Theodore Roosevelt is often referred to as the "trust buster" for his aggressive efforts to break up monopolies and trust in the U.S. economy.

False, the "Rough Riders" were a diverse group of men from different backgrounds, but not ex-convicts or men who had deserted their families.

False, Lincoln Steffens blamed corruption on political and economic systems, not on unrestricted immigration.

True, Ida Tarbell's writings exposed the corrupt business practices of Standard Oil and led to public demand for the breakup of monopolies.

Read more on Ida Tarbell here:


In looking through his parents’ copy of the Holy Bible, Nathan guesses that the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were named after the people who wrote them. Nathan wonders then, who wrote the book of Romans. What would be the MOST likely answer?
Group of answer choices

Jesus of Nazareth


Paul of Tarsus

Roman Christians


He would most likely guess roman christian’s bc he noticed that the other books were named after the person who wrote them

Which of the cases that A.P. Tureaud argued had to do with protests?


A.P. Tureaud argued several cases related to protests, such as the case of the Baton Rouge bus boycott, which he argued in 1954. He also argued cases related to the sit-in protests at lunch counters in several southern states, such as the case of the sit-in protests in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1961. He also argued the case of the Freedom Riders, who were protesting for civil rights and against segregation in interstate travel in 1961. In addition, he argued the case of the Selma-to-Montgomery marches in 1965 and the case of the Orangeburg, South Carolina, demonstrations in 1968.

Why did the Comanche Chief, Iron Jacket, receive his name?A. Lyndon Baines JohnsonB. Attorney GeneralC.Governor of TexasD. Because he wore chain mail armor


The Comanche Chief, Iron Jacket, receive his name because he wore chain mail armor. The correct option is D.

The Comanche thought that Iron Jacket, a chieftain and healer, had the ability to dispel bullets with his breath. He frequently wore a Spanish coat of mail into battle, shielding him from the majority of light weapon fire, which is likely how he got his name.

The Comanche used the word "people" to refer to themselves as Numinu or Nemene. The Ute phrase for the tribe, Koh-Mahts, which means "those who are against us" or "those who desire to attack us," may have inspired their name. They were known as Camino Ancho, which is Spanish for "broad trail."

To know more about Battle, click here:


When did the U.S. recognize Black History Month?


When US president Gerald Ford expanded the commemoration to "celebrate the too-often forgotten contributions of Black Americans in every field of endeavour throughout our history," the seven-day period became known as Black History Month.

To draw attention to the  benefactions made by African Americans to the United States, Black History Month was established. It pays  homage to all Black people throughout American history, from the first slaves imported to the country from Africa in the early 17th century through contemporary African Americans.Dr. Martin Luther KingJr., who fought for Black  equivalency in the 1950s and 1960s, Thurgood Marshall, the first African- American justice appointed to the US Supreme Court in 1967, Mae Jemison, the first African- American woman to enter space in 1992, and Barack Obama, who came the country's first- ever African- American  chairman in 2008, are some of the notable  individualities  constantly  stressed during Black History Month.

Learn more about Black here:


The first four books of the New Testament are first-century accounts of Jesus’s three-year ministry, written by guys who were alive at the time. How does knowing that change the way you read them?


Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four gospels that are included in the New Testament. Because of how they present the account or how they approach certain issues, the first three of these are frequently referred to as the "synoptic gospels."

What is New Testament?

The second grouping in the canon of Christian Scripture is the New Testament. Along with events in first-century Christianity, it explores the life and teachings of Jesus. The New Testament is a record of Jesus Christ's life, teachings, and mission as well as the ministry of His disciples in aiding the early Christian Church's growth. The term "testament" can also be used to refer to a covenant, hence the New Testament is the new covenant. The New Testament is a record of Jesus Christ's life, teachings, and mission as well as the ministry of His disciples in aiding the early Christian Church's growth. The New Testament is a covenant because the term that was translated as testament also had another meaning.

To learn more about New Testament click,


3. Why did John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry fail?
Few escape routes were Jailable to Brown's men during the attack.
Brown lacked the military skill necessary to lead such an attack.
Brown was killed early in the fight and his men lost courage.
Few Americans would join a rebellion organized by Brown.


The armory that John Brown raided was encircled by a regiment, which was a major factor in the raid's failure at Harpers Ferry. He was therefore quickly identified by the soldiers scouring the area. He was detained and later put to death.

What sort of regiment is that?

When referring to a military formation smaller than a division, use the word regiment: "Geoff's new regiment comprised of three battalions that had been headquartered in Alabama." The word "regular" can also be used as a verb, but it is most frequently used as a noun to refer to a military formation made up of numerous battalions. Between two and six organic battalions make up a regiment, but between three and seven distinct battalions make up a brigade.

Know more about  scouring Visit:


inspired in part by president garfield's assassination by a disappointed office seeker, the civil service act of 1883 created a merit system for federal employees. question 37 options: true false


True. The civil service act of 1883 established a merit system for government employees, in part due to the assassination of President Garfield by a disgruntled aspirant.

The Pendleton Act, which was approved on January 16, 1883, established a merit-based system for choosing government officials and managing their workload. Congress approved the Pendleton Act in January 1883 in response to a frustrated job seeker's murder of President James A. Garfield.

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act made it illegal to terminate or demote some government employees for political reasons and required that some government employees be chosen through competitive exams rather than connections to politicians. Under the spoils system, those who had previously backed the victorious candidate's political party would receive government jobs.

Learn more about civil service Visit:


The world flow of foreign direct investment between 1990 and 2017 increased 600 percent. If a company decides to establish a new operation in a foreign country, that company has engaged in A) greenfield investment B) acquisition franchise C) artangement D) censing arrangement


The correct answer is A) greenfield investment. The term "greenfield investment" describes the process of starting a brand-new company from scratch in a foreign nation.

This often entails building new facilities, hiring personnel, and setting up a regional supply chain. In comparison to acquisitions or licence agreements, greenfield investments are a frequent strategy used by businesses to grow into new industries. They can also give these businesses more control over their operations.

Whereas a franchise comprises a legal agreement between a franchisor and franchisee, whereby the latter is given the right to run a business under the franchisor's brand and business model, an acquisition refers to the process of buying an existing firm in a foreign country. A licensing arrangement involves granting permission to use a company's intellectual property, such as patents or trademarks, in exchange for a fee or royalty.

Learn more about Greenfield Investment here:


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Wendy walked 2 miles in 30 minutes. At this rate, how many miles could Wendy walk in 90 minutes? suppose the consumer price index is 143.6. what does that number mean ? a. on average, goods cost $243.60. b. prices rose 143.6% over the reference base period, on average. c. on average, goods cost $143.60. d. prices rose 43.6% over the reference base period, on average. caleb, who owns a successful business with two locations and a few international clients, was approached by a large organization about dramatically expanding his company. caleb later told his wife that he is happy with his success, but he wants to stay small because if he decides to add new products, small companies Information is considered discoverable when it can lead to evidence admissible during a trial?a. Spoilation of Evidenceb. Scope of Discoveryc. Discoveryd. Motions T/F. Sand found in commercial sand and gravel deposits is typically composed of silicate minerals. in international affairs, conservatism has come to mean write a program that runs on spim that allows the user to enter the number of hours, minutes and seconds and then prints out the total time in seconds. SECTION B: NEEDS AND WANTS Question 2 Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow FAMILY EXAMPLES The Davids family lost their home and all their possessions in a fire. The family consists of Ronald, who is 12 years old, his mother and father, who are in their 30s, his younger brother and sister, who are 8 and 3 years old, and his grandmother, who is 85. The grandmother has severe back pain and must sleep in a special bed. Mr Davids has a job as a storeman, but his salary is not enough to afford a car Therefore, he travels to work by a mini-taxi and the two elder children walk to school. Mrs Davids looks after the grandmother and baby daughter and earns a small income by baking biscuits in her oven and selling them to people in the community. Fortunately, they live in a very friendly community, where the people have come together to help them providing them with all their basic needs. 2.1) Name four items that the community would have to provide for the Davids family to satisfy all their basic needs? 2.2) What are primary and secondary needs? Provide an example for each with your answer. 2.3) Explain what it means to have limited resources. 2.4) If you were a community member, how would you help the Davids family? 2.5) How could Mrs Davids expand her business to provide more for her family suppose that a particular nba player makes of his free throws. assume that late in a basketball game, this player is fouled and is awarded two free throws.a. What is the probability that he will make both free throws? (to decimals) b. What is the probability that he will make at least one free throw? (to decimals) c. What is the probability that he will miss both free throws? (to decimals) d. Late in basketball game; team often intentionally fouls an opposing player in order to stop the game clock: The usual strategy is t0 intentionally foul the other team's worst free-throw shooter: Assume the team' worst free throw shooter makes 58% of his free throws Calculate the probabilities for this player as shown in parts (2), (b), and (c) and show that intentionally fouling this player who makes 58% of his free throws is better strategy than intentionally fouling the player who makes 89% of his free throws. Assume as in parts (a), (b), and (c) that two free throws will be awarded.1. What is the probability that this player will make both throws? (to 4 decimals) 2. What is the probability that will make at least one tlrow? (to decimals) 3. What is the probability that thils player wIll mlss bolhi Urows? (to decimals) Two solutions of different concentrations of acid are mixed creating 40 ml of a solution that is 32% acid. One-quarter of the solution is made up of a 20% acid solution. The remaining three-quarters is made up of a solution of unknown concentration, c. How many moles of oxygen are formed when 58.6 g of KNO3 decomposes according to the following reaction? The molar mass of KNO3 is 101.11 g/mol. 4 KNO3(s) 2 K2O(s) + 2 N2(g) + 5 O2(g) A) 0.290 mol O2 B) 0.580 mol O2 C) 18.5 mol O2 D) 0.724 mol O2 E) 1.73 mol O2 Explain how a formula can help solve problems. what alkene would yield 2,2-dimethoxycyclopentane-1,3-dicarbaldehyde on treatment with o3 followed by (ch3)2s? What is the answer of Thomas made 8,700 mL8,700 mL8, comma, 700, start text, space, m, L, end text of tomato soup. He packed 1.6 L1.6 L1, point, 6, start text, space, L, and end text of the soup in his kids' lunches. He then froze half of the remaining soup.How many milliliters of soup did Thomas freeze?..... ml why is the suffolk a popular breed in the u.s. for show lamb production? patient with history of renal impairment is given a medication excreted through the kidneys. how would assess for an adverse reaction How do stomata differ from pores like those on the liverwort? when it comes to physical activity, it doesnt seem like we are using our modern conveniences to maximize our health. 5/12+1/12 1121 over 121/21 half1/41 fourth7/12 a group of roommates equally shared the 6000$ in rent for an apartment. when four of the roomates moved out, those roomates remaining still shared the 6000$ rent equally, but each roomate's share of the rent increased by 250$. how many roomates were there orginally