Imperialism has been around since ancient times and still occurs today. For this discussion post you will need to write a constructive paragraph (at least 5 sentences) about one of the countries listed below. You will need to use the links provided to learn about imperialism through primary sources and analyze those documents.

Choose one country below and read the primary source by clicking on the link. Then write a constructive paragraph of at least 5 sentences that includes the following:

1.) Briefly summarize the primary source you read.

2.) What were the political, social, and economic effects of imperialism on the country you chose?

3.) Does the type of imperialism you read about still exist today? Where is it present? (You may need to conduct outside research to answer this question)

4.) How has this type of imperialism shaped the world we live in? Does it directly or indirectly affect us today?




Middle East




Answer 1

I have chosen to write about India and its experience with British imperialism. The primary source I read is an excerpt from "The British Rule in India" by Sir William Hunter, written in 1871. The author provides an overview of the British rule in India and its effects on the country.

The political effects of British imperialism in India included the establishment of a British-controlled government and the loss of sovereignty for India. The social effects included cultural and religious suppression, as well as the exploitation of the Indian people and resources. The economic effects were significant, as the British took control of India's resources and wealth, leading to widespread poverty and economic hardship for the Indian people.

Although British rule in India officially ended in 1947, the effects of imperialism can still be seen in India today. For example, the legacy of colonial policies and the exploitation of resources have contributed to continued economic disparity and poverty in some parts of the country.

Imperialism has had a profound impact on the world we live in today, shaping the global power dynamic and leading to the unequal distribution of resources and wealth. The British imperialism in India directly affects the country and its people, but it also has wider indirect effects, such as the lasting impact on the global economy and the distribution of wealth.

Related Questions

How does the author's sequencing of historical events influence the passage's conclusion for readers?
It forces the reader to weigh the economic benefits of war, especially those wars yet to come.
It forces readers to evaluate the historical record and to consider how they might wish to see America interact with foreign countries in the future.
It creates a sense of pride in readers because they are assured the American government will protect the public from foreign influence at all cost.
It creates a sense of dread in readers because they have witnessed numerous acts of war in which America is seen "policing" foreign countries.


The author's sequencing of historical events influences the passage's conclusion for readers by It forces readers to evaluate the historical record and consider how they might wish to see America interact with foreign countries in the future. The correct option is B.

What is the importance of sequencing events?

The ability to order events in a text is an important comprehension strategy, particularly for narrative texts. It allows for retelling, which in turn allows for summarizing. It encourages self-checking and rereading.

The author's sequencing of historical events has an impact on the passage's conclusion, allowing readers to reach a logical conclusion. The impact of author's sequencing of historical events on readers is referred to as a logical conclusion. This is to draw a conclusion from the facts or context; to determine what is being said.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about sequencing events here:


Pls help!!
Mention three of the most common features of Gothic architecture.



It is characterized by long pointed arches, exterior buttresses, and ribbed vaults.

Hope this helps, have a great day! :) <3

Which of these rights was limited by Schenk v. United States?
OA. The right to a trial by jury
B. The right to free speech
OC. The right to bear arms
D. The right to practice religion


These rights was limited by Schenk v. United States as the right to free speech. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by Schenk v. United States?

United States, legal case in which the United States Supreme Court ruled on March 3, 1919, that the freedom of speech protection afforded by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution could be limited if the words spoken or printed posed a "clear and present danger" to society.

The goal of Schenck v. United States was to determine when a state could constitutionally limit an individual's First Amendment free speech rights. During World War I, people had the right under the First Amendment to speak out against the draught.

Therefore, these rights was limited by Schenk v. United States as the right to free speech.

To know more about the Schenk v. United States, visit:


Which of the following is the most accurate characteristic of Indus Valley civilizations based on archaeological records?
A. Peaceful
B. Small
C. Aggressive


The answer is C. Aggressive

Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Directions: Carefully examine the Placard and Student Information at each station. Use writing and visuals to record evidence from both the placard and student information on the negative and positive effects of the particular aspect of the Industrial Revolution. Then, discuss with your partner ways to improve the negative effects. (IMAGE BELOW, 30 points!)


In the 1800s and 1900s, the Industrial Revolution led to a significant increase in factory production and employment. However, the working conditions in factories during this time were often poor, and workers, particularly women and children, were often subjected to harsh and dangerous conditions.

What was the working condition in factory?

The working conditions in factories were often cramped, noisy, and poorly ventilated. Workers typically worked long hours, sometimes up to 12-16 hours per day, with only short breaks for meals. Wages were generally low, and workers had little job security or protection from workplace accidents and injuries.

What was reason for using child labor in factory?

One of the reasons for using child labor in factories during this time was that children were seen as a cheap source of labor. Employers often preferred to hire children because they could pay them less than adult workers and because they were often more obedient and easier to control. Additionally, the use of child labor was sometimes seen as a way to help families who were struggling financially, as children could contribute to the household income.

What was the effect of factory work on woman?

The effect of factory work on women was also significant. Many women were employed in factories during this time, often in low-paying and physically demanding jobs. Women were also subjected to long hours and poor working conditions, and many were subjected to sexual harassment and discrimination. Additionally, women who worked in factories often had to balance their work with their domestic responsibilities, as they were still expected to care for their homes and families.

Read more about Industrial Revolution


Discuss the evolution of human beings from their origin to the development of civilization.


The evolution of human beings began approximately 4 million years ago with the emergence of the genus . Homo habilis, the first species of the genus , is believed to have been the first species of the human lineage to use stone tools. erectus, which appeared approximately 1.8 million years ago, is believed to have been the first species of the human lineage to migrate out of Africa. Homo sapiens, the species to which all modern humans belong, is believed to have evolved in Africa approximately 200,000 years ago.

The development of civilization began approximately 10,000 years ago with the emergence of agriculture and the domestication of animals. This allowed for the development of permanent settlements, which in turn led to the development of complex social structures, such as governments and religions. This period also saw the emergence of writing, which allowed for the recording of history and the spread of ideas. The development of cities and the emergence of trade networks further facilitated the spread of ideas and the development of complex societies. The development of technology, such as the wheel and the plow, allowed for the further development of agriculture and the growth of cities. This period also saw the emergence of the first empires, such as those of the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Persians.

The development of civilization has continued to the present day, with the emergence of modern nation-states, the growth of global trade networks, and the development of technology. The development of science and technology has allowed for the further advancement of human civilization, with the emergence of modern medicine, the development of computers, and the exploration of space.

The protracted alteration process that separated humans from their apelike forebears is known as human evolution.

What is a civilization?

A civilisation is an accomplished stage in human society with better-evolved cultural traditions, economy, and social standards.

The physical characteristics and behavioural features that all humans share have their roots in bipedal ancestors and have been evolving for almost six million years. relationship status; a child's life's journey. The regular actions, thoughts, and emotions that people experience on a daily basis.

The elements of human existence, including the traits and significant incidents, can be summed up as the nature of humanity. Evolutionary biologists have come to the opinion that monkeys were the ancestors of humans.

Learn more about civilization, here:


1. Court History of the Civil War suggests that the nation...


The Court History of the Civil War suggests that the nation need to determine the status of the African-Americans.

What was Court ruling during Civil War?

The Dred Scott decision was issued by the United States Supreme Court on March 6, 1857, and stated that living in a free state and territory did not entitle an enslaved person, Dred Scott, to his freedom. In essence, the decision argued that because Scott was someone else's property, he was not a citizen and thus could not sue in federal court. 5 Jan 2023

In the Dred Scott decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Congress had overstepped its authority in the Missouri Compromise by forbidding or abolishing slavery in territories west of Missouri and north of latitude 36°30′. In doing so, the Court invalidated legislation that had been accepted as a constitutional settlement for nearly four decades, fueling sectional contention.

Read more about Civil War


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about manors in the middle ages?
A. Need to be self-sufficient in the goods that were produced
B. They were not under the control of the monarch
C. Large estate including farmland and villages
D. Had a castle or a manor house



B. They were not under the control of the monarch


Manors in the Middle Ages were usually under the control of a lord, who was typically a noble or a member of the clergy. These lords owed loyalty and service to the monarch, and they were expected to provide military support and other forms of assistance when required.

In return, lords were granted the right to rule over their manors, which were typically large estates that included farmland and villages. The lords were responsible for the administration of justice, the protection of the villagers, and the management of the land.

Manors were typically self-sufficient in the goods that were produced, such as food, cloth, and tools. They often had a castle or a manor house, which served as the center of administration and hospitality.

Explain the first stage of the three in the canonization of the New Testament​



The canonization of the New Testament refers to the process by which the 27 books of the New Testament were recognized as the authoritative, inspired scriptures of the Christian faith. This process took place over several centuries and can be divided into three stages:

The first stage is the period of formation, during which the New Testament books were written. This stage lasted from approximately 50 to 100 AD and saw the composition of the gospels, the letters of Paul, and other New Testament books.

The second stage is the period of collection, in which local churches and communities began to gather together and preserve the books that were considered to be authoritative. During this stage, the books were copied and circulated, and a process of evaluation began to determine which books should be accepted as part of the canon.

The third stage is the period of recognition, in which the canon was officially recognized and declared to be the authoritative collection of scriptures for the Christian faith. This process took place over several centuries, with the canon being gradually recognized and accepted by different Christian communities and eventually being universally recognized by the end of the 4th century.

Each stage of the canonization process was important and contributed to the recognition of the New Testament as the authoritative scriptures of the Christian faith.

What was Alexander the Great's main accomplishment?

a. Conquering the Persian Empire

b. Conquering the Roman Empire

c. Conquering the Byzantine Empire

d. Conquering the Mongol Empire


Conquering the Persian empire

Who colonized Hong Kong in the 1800s?






The British empire


select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
What did the 9/11 Commission Report reveal about missed opportunities to prevent the attacks?
The FBI failed to fully question a man named Zacarias Moussaoui. He had attended a
in Minnesota and was
reported to the FBI after odd behavior. He was arrested for visa overstay, but his
and belongings were not searched.




The 9/11 Commission Report, which was released in 2004, provided a comprehensive analysis of the events leading up to the September 11th attacks. The report revealed a number of missed opportunities that could have potentially prevented the attacks, one of which was the failure of the FBI to fully question Zacarias Moussaoui.

Moussaoui was a French national who had attended a flight school in Minnesota. His behavior at the flight school was reported to the FBI, who arrested him on August 16, 2001 for overstaying his visa. However, despite the fact that Moussaoui had expressed a desire to learn how to fly large commercial jets and had raised suspicions among those at the flight school, the FBI did not search his computer or belongings.

The 9/11 Commission Report revealed that, had the FBI searched Moussaoui's belongings, they would have found evidence that he was connected to al-Qaeda and that he was planning to use planes as weapons. This information could have potentially led to the discovery of the 9/11 plot and the prevention of the attacks.

In conclusion, the 9/11 Commission Report revealed that the failure of the FBI to fully question Zacarias Moussaoui and search his belongings was a missed opportunity that could have potentially prevented the 9/11 attacks.

The meat inspection act was passed by Teddy roosevelt after he had read the jungle.President roosevelt was reacting to which group's actions


President Roosevelt and Congress took action to improve food safety and protect the public, leading to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act.

What is Meat Inspection Act?

In the history of food safety and regulation in the United States, the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was a significant piece of legislation that signaled a turning point. In reaction to public outcry about the working conditions in the meatpacking business as depicted in Upton Sinclair's book "The Jungle," it was put into effect.

Prior to the Meat Inspection Act, there were few regulations governing meatpacking and few standards in place to guarantee the safety and caliber of the meat produced and sold in the nation. The industry was marked by unhygienic working conditions, the cruel treatment of animals, and the ubiquitous presence of bacteria, chemicals, and other dangerous elements in meat.

To know more about Meat Inspection Act visit:


What is different in the revolution in Tunisia and Egypt compared to Syria


The Arab Spring was a wave of armed uprisings, anti-government demonstrations, and protests that swept over much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. In response to economic stagnation and corruption, it started in Tunisia.

What happened in Syria during the Arab Spring?

Massive anti-government protests against Bashar al-Ba'athist Assad's regime were a defining feature of the revolt. These protests were met with police and military assault, mass arrests, and a violent response that left thousands dead and tens of thousands injured.

Police brutality, emergency legislation, a lack of political freedom, civil liberties, freedom of speech, corruption, high unemployment, food price inflation, and poor pay were among the legal and political issues that the Egyptian demonstrators were upset about.

Thus, the Arab Spring was a wave of armed uprisings, anti-government demonstrations.

For more information about happened in Syria during the Arab Spring, click here:


leonardo de pisa (also known as fibonacci), an italian mathematician, was one of the first to study the properties of this sequence. True or False


The statement is True. Leonardo de Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, was an Italian mathematician credited with introducing the Hindu-Arabic numeral system to Europe and promoting its use through his writings.

He is also known for studying the properties of the Fibonacci sequence, a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Leonardo de Pisa introduced the sequence to the West in his book "Liber Abaci," published in 1202.

Fibonacci's most famous work is the book "Liber Abaci," which he wrote in 1202. In this book, he introduced the Hindu-Arabic numeral system and used it to solve various mathematical problems. One of the problems he discussed was the growth of rabbits, which led him to study the properties of the Fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The sequence begins with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on. The sequence is named after Fibonacci because he was one of the first Western mathematicians to study its properties.

To learn more about Fibonacci sequence, visit here


Identify and explain at least 3 natural and human influences on West African Socaites between 300 AD and 1000 AD

Write at least 3 reasons that explain how Geography may have affected Ghana and Mali socially, politically, and economically.

Describe 3 things about the role and important of trade in Ghana's power.


The following are some facts concerning the role and significance of commerce in Ghana's power.

Because they worked with fire and soil to manufacture iron, they were regarded as great magicians.Farmers made up the majority of the empire's population.Ghana's primary exports are gold, cocoa beans, and lumber.What was Ghana's major source of trade?

Ghana is located in the heart of Africa's Gold Coast, with a 535-kilometer-long coastline that contains lagoons and mangrove forests. The tropical climate of the nation ranges from a Sudanian-type environment with a brief rainy season in the north to the heavy rainfall regime of the wooded Guinean and Guinea-Mongolian Regions in the southwest.

Ghana's economy has traditionally been driven by cocoa exports, and the country is currently a significant cocoa exporter. Agriculture is a major economic sector in Ghana, employing around half of the workforce.

To learn more about Ghana, click


Commercial banks create money by?
A) printing money as the needs of the economy change.
B) making loans while only keeping a fraction of deposits in cash on hand at any given time.
C) accepting loan payments that are made on time.
D) borrowing money from other banks.


Business banks create cash with the aid of making loans even as simplest keeping a fraction of deposits in cash reachable at any given time (B). This procedure is known as fractional reserve banking and permits banks to lend more money than they virtually have in their reserves, main to an boom inside the cash supply in the economic system.

What is the relationship between loans and deposits in the money creation process for commercial banks?

The relationship among loans and deposits within the cash introduction system for commercial banks is essential. Industrial banks create cash through making loans whilst handiest preserving a fraction of deposits in cash available at any given time. Whilst a mortgage is made, the financial institution credits the borrower's account with the loan quantity, effectively growing new money. This new money then will become a deposit in the borrower's account, that can then be used to make bills or be withdrawn as cash. The technique of mortgage-making and deposit advent maintains because the cash is re-deposited and re-lent, leading to an increase in the cash supply in the economy.

To know more about Commercial Banks visit:


Why did the French expand their land claims beyond the St. Lawrence River?


They had French explorers and missionaries travelling to North America, as well as fur traders. Geographically and economically, the St. Lawrence River and Seaway are crucial to the functioning of the Great Lakes system.

What is the Saint Lawrence River used for?

Long before the United States or Canada became independent countries, the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River served as important trading routes across North America. From the western plains to the eastern seaboard, this integrated navigation system now serves seafarers, farmers, manufacturing employees, and commercial interests.

France established colonies in South America, the Caribbean, and a large portion of eastern North America. Most colonies were founded with the intention of exporting goods like fish, rice, sugar, and furs. France wanted to expand her empire because she needed more territory, supplies, and cash.

To know more about St. Lawrence River, visit:


Question 7 (1 point)
A student doing research on Lincoln's assassination should visit which of these
historical sites?
McLean House - Appomattox Court House, VA
Ford's Theater - Washington, D.C.
Gettysburg National Cemetery - Gettysburg, PA
Lincoln Home National Historic Site Springfield, IL



Ford's Theater


It was where Lincoln was assassinated

A student doing research on Lincoln's assassination should visit Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C because it is the site where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Thus, the second option is correct.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

The 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who presided over the country between 1861 and 1865. Lincoln was successful in ending slavery, strengthening the federal government, and modernising the American economy by leading the Union through the American Civil War to defend the country as a constitutional union.

In August 1863, Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., opened its doors. The theatre has a bad reputation for hosting Abraham Lincoln's murder. On the evening of April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth took a single-shot, 5.87-inch derringer out of his pocket, entered the theatre box where Lincoln and his wife were attending a production of Our American Cousin, and fired at the president's head.

Therefore, Ford's Theater would be the appropriate place for doing research on Lincoln's assassination.

To learn more on Abraham Lincoln, click here:


Philosopher Karl R. Popper coined the term ______ to describe a field whose theory predicts future events with one hundred percent accuracy.


Philosopher Karl R. Popper coined the term "pseudoscience" to describe a field whose theory predicts future events with one hundred percent accuracy.

Pseudoscience refers to a belief system or methodology that is presented as scientific, but that lacks the rigorous testing and evidence-based support that characterizes genuine science.

Popper argued that a genuine scientific theory is one that is falsifiable, meaning that it can be tested and potentially proven false through empirical evidence.

In contrast, a pseudoscientific theory makes claims that cannot be tested or verified through empirical evidence, and that are often based on anecdote, intuition, or speculation.

For such more question on pseudoscience


what is cited as evidence to support daniel elazars theory of cultural classification with regard to the political culture of texas


According to Elazar theory , the  Texas has a political culture that can be described as traditionalistic and individualistic.

What is political culture?

The Political culture refers to the relationship between the government and its people. The political culture is something the people share.

The term 'political culture'  refers to historically-based, widely-shared beliefs, feelings, and values about the nature of political systems, which can serve as a link between citizens and government.

According to Elazar theory , the  Texas has a political culture that can be described as traditionalistic and individualistic.

Learn more about political culture here:


The presidency of John Quincy Adams from 1825-1829 was not particularly successful. Which of the following accounts for this failure?Select one:
a.Adams’ personality was not well-suited for a politician.
b.Adams’ nationalistic views ran contrary to the states’ rights and sectionalism of most of the American populace.
c.Many of Adams’ supporters were dismayed that he did not reward them with posts on the federal government payroll.
d.Adams attempted to curtail frontier land speculation that had led to the Panic of 1819 at a time when Americans wanted to open thefrontier for settlement and expansion.
e.All of the above


The correct answer is (e) All of the above. John Quincy Adams' presidency was unsuccessful due to a combination of factors, including his personality, nationalistic views, the disappointment of his supporters, and his attempts to curtail frontier land speculation.

Adams was known for his aloof and formal demeanor, which made him appear distant and unapproachable to many voters. Additionally, his support for a strong federal government and nationalist policies ran counter to the rising sectionalism and states' rights movements that were taking hold in the country at the time. This led to significant opposition and criticism of his policies.

Furthermore, Adams' failure to reward his supporters with positions on the federal government payroll led to widespread disappointment and resentment, weakening his political support. Finally, Adams' attempt to curb frontier land speculation and regulate the sale of public lands in the west was unpopular with many Americans who wanted to settle and expand into the frontier.

To learn more about frontier land speculation, visit here


How did this water affect the city of Rome?


As water flowed into the cities, it was used for drinking, irrigation, and to supply hundreds of public fountains and baths. Roman aqueduct systems were built over a period of about 500 years, from 312 B.C.E. to C.E. 226. Both public and private funds paid for construction.


Answer Below ↓


The abundant supply of water present allowed Rome to grow population wise, improve the quality of life for its citizens, and gave way to advances in technology in the form of new machines and tools‍‍‍‍‍‍‍.

What cause of WWI in
Europe is the cartoon describing?


Answer: Where is the picture if you can add one i will help


Is the white man burden categorized with racism


The statement 'is the white man burden categorized with racism is not necessarily racist, its historical usage and implications often are.

What is "white man's burden" ?

The concept of the "white man's burden" refers to the idea that white people have a moral responsibility to help non-white people and civilizations they perceive as less developed. While this idea may have been intended to justify colonialism and imperialism in the past, it is not inherently racist.

However, the implementation of this idea in history has often been associated with racist attitudes and actions, as it has been used to justify the subjugation, exploitation, and cultural erasure of non-white populations.

Learn more about "white man's burden" here:


What does it take to make sports history?


To make sports history, it takes a great deal of hard work, dedication, and skill. It also requires physical and mental toughness to be able to compete at the highest level and overcome any obstacles that come in the way. Finally, a certain amount of luck is necessary to be successful in the long run.


Answer Below ↓


Making sports history typically involves achieving a significant and memorable accomplishment that sets a new standard or record in a particular sport or competition. This can include achieving a major win or championship, breaking a longstanding record or achieving a remarkable feat that surpasses what has been achieved before.

Factors that can contribute to making sports history include an athlete's skill, talent, and dedication, as well as their ability to perform under pressure and rise to the occasion during important events. Other factors that can contribute to making sports history include the level of competition, the circumstances surrounding a particular event or achievement, and the impact that it has on the sport or the wider world of sports.

In order to make sports history, an athlete or team must also be recognized and celebrated by fans, commentators, and the media, who help to elevate their achievements to a higher level of significance and ensure that they are remembered and celebrated for years to come.


Who were the people that helped Mansa Musa rule mali?


He assisted in establishing Timbuktu as a hub of Islamic scholarship and attracted academics from the larger Muslim world, including the Andalusian poet Abu Ishaq al-Sahili, to Mali.

Who is Mansa Musa ?

When Musa came to power, a sizable portion of Mali was made up of the land that had previously belonged to the Ghana Empire, which Mali had taken control of. Land that is today a part of Guinea, Senegal, Mauritania,

The Gambia, and the contemporary state of Mali were all once a part of the Mali Empire.

In 1324, Musa performed the hajj to Mecca, taking a massive entourage and a ton of wealth with him. While traveling, he stopped in Cairo,

where it is reported that his extravagant gift-giving had a noticeable impact on the price of gold in Egypt and attracted the attention of the larger Muslim world.

Learn more about Mansa Musa, from :


Suspected terrorists were detained at a US military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba at the _______ administration's order.

A. Carter

B. Jackson

C. Bush

D. Washington


The correct answer is C. Bush
the answer is c. - bush

Which of the following was a characteristic of French nationalism?(1 point)

French belief in their own national superiority compared to other Europeans

a belief that people should remain in their designated roles

the king, who was the sole characteristic of French nationalism

France’s appreciation of other cultures and European states



France’s appreciation of other cultures and European states

The Persians developed a or a complex structure of government office
A. bazaar
B. network
C. bureaucracy
D. caravan


Answer: The correct answer is C

Explanation: The Persians developed a bureaucracy, which is a complex structure of government offices.

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