If your computer system shuts off unexpectedly and without enough time for the operating system to make quick backups, which storage medium will lose its data?


Answer 1

If your computer system shuts off unexpectedly and without enough time for the operating system to make quick backups, RAM and Cache will lose their data

This is further explained below.

What is an operating system?

Generally,  After being downloaded into the computer by a boot program, the software that is referred to as an operating system (OS) is the one that is responsible for managing all of the many application programs that are included inside a computer.

In conclusion, The information stored in RAM and cache will be lost if the power to your computer system is suddenly cut off and there is not enough time for the operating system to complete any necessary backups.

Read more about the operating system



Related Questions

Handles on chef's knives are made out of everything from wood to rubber to plastic and are lined throughout with a metal ____ that offers balance and ease of use.


Handles on chef's knives are made out of everything from wood to rubber to plastic and are lined throughout with a metal sloping curve that offers balance and ease of use.

What is a chef knife made of?

The chef's knives are known to be a kind of multi-purpose types of kitchen knives that are said to have the length of about 8 inches long.

Note that theses knifes are known to be made from a a mix-up or composition of stainless steel and that of a carbon steel.

Their unique features are known to give a prominent edge and a sharp edge that has features like a sloping curve.

Therefore, Handles on chef's knives are made out of everything from wood to rubber to plastic and are lined throughout with a metal sloping curve that offers balance and ease of use.

Learn more about metal stainless from




the correct answer for this is (tang) this provides balance and ease for the handling of the knife


if you look up what is the parts of a knife it will show you that the tang is the answer your looking for.

In any distribution of scores, an equal number of scores are both greater than and less than?


In any distribution of scores, an equal number of scores are both greater than and less than median.

The middle number; found by ordering all data points and picking out the one in the middle (or if there are two middle numbers, taking the mean of those two numbers). Example: The median of 4, 1, and 7 is 4 because when the numbers are put in order (1 , 4, 7) , the number 4 is in the middle.

median is the number at the middle of the given data. The median is the most informative measure of central tendency for skewed distributions or distributions with outliers. For example, the median is often used as a measure of central tendency for income distributions, which are generally highly skewed.

Learn about median:



A young woman has a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. this patient's condition would be classified as--------------------------------------


The young woman has a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. this patient's condition would be classified as inflammation.

Inflammation is a manner via which our frame's white blood cells and the things they make guard you from contamination from outside invaders, along with bacteria and viruses.

Allergic reaction symptoms are labeled as moderate, mild, or intense: moderate reactions include nearby symptoms along with a rash or hives, itchiness, watery/pink eyes, hay fever, and runny nostril. slight reactions do now not unfold to different components of your frame.

An allergy is taken into consideration as a scientific emergency while signs come to be extra serious, like difficulty respiration or fainting. also, if numerous frame elements and systems are involved, like vomiting and having an aggregate of rashes, you want to visit an ER for allergies.

Learn more about inflammation here:-https://brainly.com/question/12885835


Which technique ensures that personal characteristics of research participants are scattered across different groups, thereby making the groups roughly equivalent at the start of the investigation?


Random assignment is the technique which ensures that personal characteristics of research participants are scattered across different groups, thereby making the groups roughly equivalent at the start of the investigation.

What is Random assignment technique?Techniques like flipping a coin, pulling names from a hat, rolling dice, or giving participants random numbers are examples of random assignment.For the purpose of randomly assigning individuals to treatment groups in clinical trials, numerous methods have been suggested. Simple randomization, block randomization, stratified randomization, and covariate adaptive randomization are a few of the popular randomization approaches described in this article.By assigning participants at random, it is possible to prevent systematic differences between and within groups from existing at the commencement of the experiment. As a result, it is safer to attribute any differences between groups that are noted at the end of the trial to the methods or treatments used.

Learn more about random assignment here:



1. when someone receives feedback, it's important to examine what to determine if it deserves your attention?
A. timing
B. degree of negativity
C. channel
D. source
2. As Luisa listens to her anatomy instructor talk about the bones of the arm--ulna, radius, humerus--she thinks to herself "Ultra Red Hair". this type of mnemonic device helps with what part of listening?
A. remembering
B. hearing
C. filtering
D. responding
3. what's one way to show respect when others are speaking?
A. wait to speak until others are finished with their thoughts
B.interrupt the speakers while they're speaking
C. look at your phone while they're speaking
D. talk over the speaker to make sure your idea is heard
4. During the weekly staff meeting, one employee constantly clicks their ballpoint pen in and out. what step of the listening process does a person need to perceive this sound?
A. comprehending
D. responding
5. Karmen's mother has to go to the emergency room, and karmen needs to contact her manager right away to tell him that she'll miss her shift tonight. what would be the best mode and channel for this interaction?
A. text message
B. slideshow
C. face-to-face meeting
D. written document
6. A person in what role is most likely to have created the document outlining the learning objectives for this course?
A. a marketing coordinator
B. a software developer
C. an instructional designer
D. a videographer
7. Louisa is starting a new job where she'll be interacting with many senior managers. what is one communication "don't" she'll want to be sure to avoid?
A. turning off her cell phone ringer
B. showing up for meetings on time
C. putting her phone on vibrate
D. taking a phone call during a meeting
8. As salma listen to various speakers at her staff meeting giving their reports, she filters the sounds she hears into useful and useless categories. what sounds would she consider the most useful?
A. a colleague asking what time the meeting would be over
B. her manager talking about year-end bonuses
C. her manager clearing his throat
D. the text alert on her coworker's phone
9. Dwight is an art history major, but he is attending a seminar on quantum physics with his roommate. what part of listening would he have the most trouble with at the seminar?
A. responding
B. broadening
C. hearing
D. comprehending
10. Ye is a marketing coordinator for a financial advisory company. what communication task is he most likely responsible for?
A. writing a course plan for a financial literacy class
B. creating a content plan for the company's blog
C. contacting local reporters about the company's new CEO
D. counseling clients about their investment planning


When someone receives feedback, it's important to examine it's source what to determine if it deserves your attention. (Option D). This speaks to an aspect of communication.

As Luisa listens to her anatomy instructor talk about the bones of the arm--ulna, radius, humerus--she thinks to herself "Ultra Red Hair". This type of mnemonic device helps with what part of listening?

This type of mnemonic device helps with the part of listening called "Remembering" (Option A)

What's one way to show respect when others are speaking?

One way to exemplify respect when others are speaking is by "wait to speak until others are finished with their thoughts" (Option A)

During the weekly staff meeting, one employee constantly clicks their ballpoint pen in and out. What step of the listening process does a person need to perceive this sound?

The step of the listening process that a person needs to perceive this sound is called "hearing" (Option C)

Karmen's mother has to go to the emergency room, and Karmen needs to contact her manager right away to tell him that she'll miss her shift tonight. What would be the best mode and channel for this interaction?

The mode and channel for this interaction would be via a text message. This is because the situation is urgent. (Option A)

A person in what role is most likely to have created the document outlining the learning objectives for this course?

The person who is likely to have created the outline for this course is one who is a "Marketing Coordinator" (Option A)

As a coordinator, you are tasked with building and managing a team. This involves a lot of communication and much more than that, listening.

Louisa is starting a new job where she'll be interacting with many senior managers. What is one communication "don't" she'll want to be sure to avoid?

The one communication "don't" that she'll want to avoid is "taking a phone call during a meeting" (Option D). Doing this is a sign of disrespect to her senior colleagues.

As Salma listen to various speakers at her staff meeting giving their reports, she filters the sounds she hears into useful and useless categories. What sounds would she consider the most useful?

The sound that she should consider to be most useful is " her manager talking about year-end bonuses" (Option B)

Dwight is an art history major, but he is attending a seminar on quantum physics with his roommate. What part of listening would he have the most trouble with at the seminar?

The part of listening that Dwight would have the most challenge with at the seminar is "comprehending" (Option D)

Ye is a marketing coordinator for a financial advisory company. What communication task is he most likely responsible for?

The Marketing Coordinator in a financial advisory firm will be most likely responsible for "creating a content plan for the company's blog" (Option B)

Learn more about Communication:



Macrosociology focuses on broad features of society while microsociology focuses on __________.


Macrosociology focuses on broad features of society while microsociology focuses on interaction.

What is meant by macrosociology?

This is the term that is used to refer to the study of human sociology in the wider scale. That is the broad study of sociology and the way tat it affects people people in the environment.

Microsociology on the other hand has to do with the way that people would interact in the immediate environments that they find themselves.

Hence we can say that Macrosociology focuses on broad features of society while microsociology focuses on interaction.

Read more on macrosociology and microsociology here: https://brainly.com/question/5202541


4. if an individual ate 367 bags of chips, what do you expect to happen at a cellular level?


If an individual ate 367 bags of chips one can expect this to happen at the cellular level:

There will be an increase in the amount of salt in the human bloodstream. There could also be a resultant increase in weight.

What could be the result of consuming too many chips?

When a person consumes a lot of chips, the person will introduce a lot of salt into their bloodstream and this will also cause a destabilization of the normal working of the body.

Blood pressure will increase, homeostasis will be disturbed and weight gain will also arise. There is no positive side to consuming this quantity of chips.

Learn more about chips consumption here:



____cohesion between the focus of an inquiry, the method of collecting information, the process of analysis of the information, and the conclusions made to increase understanding of that focus.


Alignment is the cohesion between the focus of an inquiry, the method of collecting information, the process of analysis of the information, and the conclusions made to increase understanding of that focus.

When the entire organization works toward a single objective, alignment takes place. The organization's mission, values, vision, and strategy must be understood by all members. Employees must also be able to match their professional duties and personal objectives with the objectives and strategy of the firm. An effective corporate technique for achieving company goals more quickly, overcoming operational difficulties, and developing a cohesive workplace culture is organizational alignment. When the organization is aligned, everyone in the organization is aware of the short- and long-term business initiatives, the process, and the expectations. Organizational structure and strategy alignment might help to concentrate efforts on key objectives.

To know more about Alignment refer:



According to carl rogers, if your self-concept is reasonably accurate, it is said to?


According to Carl Rogers, if your self-concept is reasonably accurate, it is said to be congruent with reality.

More about self-concept:

Self-concept is our individual understanding of who we are, including all of our emotions and beliefs about how we perceive ourselves socially, personally, and physically. Self-concept also encompasses our awareness of how we act, our skills, and our individual features.

In early life, the development of self-concept begins. All through the lifecycle, this procedure goes. The largest increase in self-concept occurs between early childhood and adolescence, though.

The people we interact with can alter how we perceive ourselves. This is especially valid for the people in our lives who hold leadership positions.

Learn more about self-concept here:



When considering the relationship between profits and business risks, which group of people is paid last?


The correct answer is business owners.

Profit, according to Hawley's Risk Theory of Profit, is a reward for business risk.

What does a company profit mean?

After paying for all acquired inputs or resources that were utilized by the company that belonged to other people, a business profit, an accounting profit, or an accounting notion of profit presents the remaining sales revenue to the owners of the business enterprises.

What connection exists between risk and profit?

Dynamic production required risk taking, and those who did so in business were entitled to a separate reward known as "profit." Profit, in Hawley's view, is what society pays for taking on corporate risk.

A lower risk investment typically has a lower chance of success. A higher risk investment offers a larger chance of success but also a higher chance of failure.

To know more about Risk, visit:



Which european country was already experimenting with unfree forms of labor on sugar plantations on atlantic islands before the european colonization of the americas?


The European country that was already experimenting with unfree labor on sugar plantations on Atlantic islands before the European colonization of the Americas was c) Portugal.

What is unfree labor?

Unfree labor refers to restrictive, enforced labor, cha--ttel slavery, serfdom, debt bondage, prisoners of war, and convict labor.

Unfree labor is any labor undertaken through all forms of slavery, penal labor, and other institutions, like debt slavery, serfdom, forced labor, and labor camps.

Portugal was the first European country to explore and navigate the New World but it did not commence the European colonization as spearheaded by the likes of Spain, France, and England.

Thus, before European colonization started in the Americas, Portugal had experimented with unfree labor.

Learn more about unfree labor in the Americas at https://brainly.com/question/17051807


Question Completion with Answer Options:

a) Spain

b) England

c) Portugal

d) France

What does plato say trying to teach the remaining prisoners about the real world is like?


The only real things the prisoners in the cave can perceive are the shadows cast by the firelight on the wall. One of the inmates will realize that the outside world is the real reality if they manage to escape and see it.

A natural earth void that is big enough for a person to enter is known as a cave or cavern. Caves frequently stretch far down and are formed by the weathering of rock. Exogene caves are smaller apertures that extend only a short way into the rock and are referred to as caves. Examples of these smaller openings are sea caves, rock shelters, and grottos.

Endogene caves are those that stretch further underground than their aperture can accommodate. The science of exploring and researching caverns and the surrounding environment is known as speleology. Caving, potholing, or spelunking are all terms for recreational visits to or explorations of caverns.

Learn more about cave here:



Entities that come together as a team for a specific project or activity are called ____.


Entities that come together as a team for specific project or activity are called Strategic Partners.

What is strategic partnership?

A strategic partnership  can be described as the  relationship between two commercial enterprises, which is been based on the business contracts.

It should be noted that  strategic partnership is been seen as one that do  fall short of a legal partnership entity, hence Entities that come together as a team for specific project or activity are called Strategic Partners.

Find out more on partnership at https://brainly.com/question/25012970


True or false: a simple way to amortize a loan is to have the borrower pay the interest each period plus a fixed amount.


The statement "a simple way to amortize a loan is to have the borrower pay the interest each period plus a fixed amount." is TRUE

This is further explained below.

What is a loan?

Generally, According to the statement, "an easy approach to amortize a loan is to have the borrower pay the interest each month plus a predetermined amount." this is a method that may be used to simplify the process of amortizing a loan. is correct

In conclusion, A person or other entity may rack up a loan debt if they borrow money from another party.

A quantity of money is generally advanced to the borrower by the lender, which might be a business, a financial organization, or even the government. In exchange, the borrower consents to a predetermined set of terms, which may or may not include any financing charges, interest, or a certain deadline for repayment, among other constraints.

Read more about loan



Structured english might look familiar to programming students because it resembles ____, which is used in program design.


Structured English might look familiar to programming students as it resembles pseudocode, which is used in program design.

In the process of developing a program, pseudocode is sometimes used as a detailed step. So it tends to allow designers or lead programmers in order to express the design in great detail. Thus, by also providing programmers a detailed template for the next step to write code in a specific programming language.

Pseudocode actually tends to summarize a program’s flow, while excluding the underlying details. Thus, the purpose of using pseudocode is regarded as an efficient key principle of an algorithm.

Thus, as structured English resembles pseudocode, might look familiar to programming students.

To learn more about Pseudocode here:



During which stage of the interior design process would chip and joanna fixer upper begin scheduling and monitoring construction work on a client's home renovation?


The stage of the interior design process that Chip and Joanna Fixer Upper begin scheduling and monitoring construction work on a client's home renovation is at the stage of Contract Administration.

What is Contract Administration?

The term contract administration is known to be one that entails the act of planning, negotiation, as well as the execution and performance of any kind of contact with a said customers or vendors.

Note that it is one  that entails the act of preparing as well as the implementation of contracts which possess the great potential for bringing together mutually agreeable contracts that can bring about positive business outcomes.

Therefore, The stage of the interior design process that Chip and Joanna Fixer Upper begin scheduling and monitoring construction work on a client's home renovation is at the stage of Contract Administration.

Learn more about Contract Administration from



Ernest hilgard used the term ____ to describe a split between different levels of


Dissociation describe a split between different levels of consciousness.

Dissociation is the disconnection that some people have between their thoughts, emotions, memories, and even their own identities. For example, if you become so engrossed in a movie or conversation that you don't notice most of what's going on around you, you will experience some dissociation. Dissociation is the separation of a person's sensory experiences, thoughts, sense of self, or personal history. If you have difficulty remembering a specific period of your life, you may be suffering from dissociative amnesia. Dissociation may occur as a symptom of another condition in addition to these dissociative disorders.

Learn more about Dissociation here:



Unlawful misdirection of governmental resources or actions that occur when government officials abuse their entrusted powers for political gain is better known as ______.


Any unlawful misdirection of governmental resources or actions that occur when government officials abuse their entrusted powers for political gain is better known as a Political corruption.

What is a Political corruption?

This refers to the use of powers by the government officials for illegitimate private gain; the forms of corruption vary but include bribery, lobbying, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, embezzlement etc.

Also, it can facilitate a criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking even though it is not restricted to these activities. In conclusion, any type of misuse of government power for other purposes such as repression is also considered political corruption.

Read more about Political corruption



Rapidly metabolizing tissues generate large amounts of protons and carbon dioxide. the result of this is that:_________


Rapidly metabolizing tissues generate large amounts of protons and carbon dioxide, the result of this increase in protons and carbon dioxide is that the oxygen-binding curve of hemoglobin O remains the same.

Hemoglobin O is a rare form of hemoglobin in which there's a substitution of glutamic acid by way of lysine as in hemoglobin C, but at unique positions. For the reason that amino acid substitution can occur at different positions of the β-globin chain of the protein, there are numerous versions.

Hemoglobin A additionally referred to as adult hemoglobin, hemoglobin A1 or α2β2, is the most common human hemoglobin tetramer, accounting for over ninety seven% of the overall purple blood mobile hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an oxygen-binding protein, determined in erythrocytes, which transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

What sicknesses motive low hemoglobin?

Aplastic anemia.

Most cancers.

Persistent kidney ailment.


Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin's disorder)

Learn more about hemoglobin here:- https://brainly.com/question/5385828


According to the video we watched on the blue zones, what percent of longevity is attributed to lifestyle?


According to the video we watched on the blue zones, 70 percent of longevity is attributed to lifestyle.

Why are centenarians in blue zones so significant?

To make healthy foods taste nice, they have inherited age-old recipes or created their own. This is a crucial component of the Blue Zones diet because if you don't enjoy what you're eating, you won't consume it for very long. From one culture to the next, different foods have different cultural significance for centenarians in blue zones.

What foods promote long life in the Blue Zones?

When they are in season, people in the blue zones eat an impressive variety of garden vegetables, and they pickle or dry the extras to enjoy in the off-season. The Blue Zones diet's leafy greens, including spinach, kale, beet and turnip tops, chard, and collards, are the finest foods for extending life.

Learn more about healthy lifestyles:



If you had to choose five environmental influences to publicize in a campaign aimed at promoting healthy prenatal development, which ones would you choose and why (connect to berk for the why)?


If i had to choose environmental influences to publicize in a campaign aimed at promoting healthy prenatal development, the ones i would choose is known as:

teratogenscarcinogenssecond-hand smoke healthy diet

What is a Teratogens?

Generally, they are very harmful to the health and wellness of the growing fetus during prenatal development. As a prenatal development can impact an infant's health trajectory as the mother passes on nutrients and teratogens to the baby in utero. For instance, the mother's tobacco use may affect the physical development of the fetus.

Another environmental influence is the use of plastics that may contain carcinogens; other influence is second-hand smoke or diesel emissions that affect the health of the fetus. Hygienic living conditions and clean water are important. Finally, the mother's healthy diet consumption of organic meats and vegetables that do not have pesticides is an important environmental influence on the development of the fetus.

In conclusion, It is very important to make environmentally conscious decisions when ensuring maternal and infant health as there are unknown teratogens that affect the health of the mother and baby. Thereore, It is vital to remain conscious and attentive to mitigate harm and deliver a safe and healthy baby.

Read more about environmental influences



Who gave the order to fire? was it captain preston or someone in the patriot crowd?


The person who gave the order to fire is Captain Preston

This is further explained below.

What is Captain Preston?

Thomas Preston was a British officer and captain who served in the city of Boston in the colony of Massachusetts Bay.

He was born in about 1722 and died around 1798. In 1770, he led soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre.

He was charged for murder, but acquitted after the trial.

Generally, After the atrocity, a great number of individuals came to the realization that Captain Preston was the one who gave the order to begin firing on the crowd and that he was the one who was responsible for it.

In conclusion, Even in the famous etching that Paul Revere made, he is seen delivering the command with his hand up.

Read more about Captain Preston



Which dimension of the external environment represents events originating in foreign countries as well as opportunities for american companies in other countries?


Dimension of the external environment represents events originating in foreign countries as well as opportunities for American companies in other countries E Sociocultural.

The global dimension of the outside environment includes occasions originating in foreign nations, in addition to new opportunities for U.S. companies in different international locations. Interorganizational partnerships lessen boundaries and boom collaboration with other organizations.

The definition of sociocultural is something that involves the social and cultural components. An instance of sociocultural is a focal point of look at in anthropology. An example of sociocultural is understanding approximately the humans around you and their circle of relatives backgrounds.

The sociocultural technique examines the effects of social and cultural environments on behavior. a first-rate has an impact on humans' behavior, idea procedures, and emotions are different from humans and the society they have created.

Learn more about the environment here:-https://brainly.com/question/17413226


Disclaimer:- your question is incomplete, please see below for the complete question.

A : Legal Political

B : Economic

C : Technological

D : Natural

E : Sociocultural

What type of peripheral work would you expect to find on a current generation smartphone?


The Lightning port is the type of accessory that we would expect to see on apple devices. For Android and Windows, it will be USB - either Type micro B or Type C.

What do we mean by peripheral work?A peripheral action or issue is one that is minor in comparison to other activities or issues. Companies are increasingly willing to outsource non-core activities such as training. The Lightning port is the type of peripheral work that we expect to see on apple devices. It will be USB - either Type micro B or Type-C - for Android and Windows. Peripherals Business refers to the provision of mass storage solutions, the sub-assembly of storage upgrade products, and the development of a diverse range of storage products for servers, workstations, and portable computers.

Therefore, the Lightning port is the type of accessory that we would expect to see on apple devices. For Android and Windows, it will be USB - either Type micro B or Type C.

Know more about peripheral work here:



Job-analysis methods used for establishing compensation rates are often referred to as _____.


Methods of employment analysis that are used to determine pay rates are frequently referred to as job evaluation.

What justifies performing a work evaluation?evaluating the needs of the organization. Analyzing the demands of the organization is one of the main goals of a job evaluation.Identifying the Value of a Job. While some positions in an organization may be considered collateral, others may be very necessary to the operation of the company.Employee Performance Evaluation.What are the criteria for evaluating a job

Three elements constitute "know-how," responsibility and "problem-solving." A job's content is assessed in relation to each factor during the evaluation process and given a numerical value. The overall "size" of the project is then calculated by adding these factor values together.

Learn more compensation on job:



Determine whether the data are qualitative or quantitative and identify the data set's level of measurement. regions top sales person


The "region's top sales person" is a qualitative data and nominal.

What is a qualitative data?

A qualitative data is a method of sampling or survey which typically involves the collection of information that are expressed through the use of descriptive terms or languages rather than numerical value or percentage.

The scales of measurement.

Generally, there are four (4) basic level of measurement for a variable and these include the following;

Interval scaleRatio scaleOrdinal scaleNominal scale

What is a nominal scale?

A nominal scale is also referred to as categorical data and it can be defined as a level of measurement that is characterized by data which are either non-numerical or numeric, and comprises categories, labels or names, and can't be arranged in an ordering scheme.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the "region's top sales person" is a qualitative data and nominal.

Read more on nominal scale here: https://brainly.com/question/13267344


In cross-cultural working relationships, ethnocentrism is also known as the ______ mind-set.


In cross-cultural working relationships, ethnocentrism is also known as the judger mind-set.

What is an ethnocentrism?

It passed from the social science theory and means the belief that one's culture is superior to others the use of a frame of reference derived from one's own culture to judge the attributes of another culture, often in disparaging terms.

An ethnocentrism in this sociological as well as cultural sense to be a universal tendency of intergroup relations among humans. After 1950, Sumner's theory came under criticism from sociologists, who argued that individuals often belong to multiple groups and often admire outgroups, and from anthropologists, who described parts of the world in which ethnic identities,

Read more about ethnocentrism



What is continuously changing and provides business solutions to ever-changing business operations?


Business operation is a term used every day to define a wide variety of sports. In essence, it refers to day-to-day the entirety a company does everyday preserve walking and making money. those sports, therefore, can vary extremely from one employer every day to the following.

A commercial enterprise operation functions as an overarching plan or map of your business. From traders, everyday executives daily employees, and operations involve each thing in running a commercial enterprise. Operations include many moving parts, from employees, everyday bodily systems, and everyday desires.

The main types of business operations are production, procurement, quality warranty, and day-to-day. managing business operations consists of the usage of diverse assets including personnel, uncooked substances, equipment daily expansion, and green manufacturing of the final accuracy or service.

Learn more about business here



Many users choose to _________ several files into one zip file for the sake of easy transport, especially when attaching them to an email message.


Many users choose to Compress several files.

For ease of transfer, particularly when attaching them to an email message, many users opt to compress many files into a single zip file.

What Is E-Mail?

The email refers to a technique for immediately transmitting communications from one system to another through the internet. Users of the same computer were initially the only ones who could use email, and it required them to be online in order to receive messages. Since then, the mailbox's appearance has changed.

Multiple recipients may be added to the mailing list, and by including their names in the Bcc field, the recipient's name may be kept private from other recipients.

By connecting to a server run by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol through the internet with the aid of an email client, the procedure is started.

To know more about E-mail visit:



"to better understand business ethics, it is important to consider four distinct types of ethical principles: utilitarianism, individual rights, ethic of care, and ______ justice"


"To better understand business ethics, it is important to consider four distinct types of ethical principles: utilitarianism, individual rights, ethic of care, and distributive justice"

What is distributive justice?

Distributive justice can be defined as the way in which resources are distributed equally without biased regardless of status, age, ethnics in a community or society.

Distributive justice  is important as it enables resources to be shared or allocated fairly so as to avoid inequality were some people get more resources than others in a society.

On the other hand ethical principles can be defined as those principles that enables people to know ethical things to do and unethical things to avoid.

The following are the four  types of ethical principles:

UtilitarianismIndividual rightsEthic of careDistributive justice

Therefore , it is important to consider four distinct types of ethical principles: utilitarianism, individual rights, ethic of care, and distributive justice"

Learn more about Distributive justice here:https://brainly.com/question/28180497


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