if the allowable tensile stress for the bar is and the allowable shear stress for the pin is determine the diameter of the pin so that the load p will be a maximum. what is this load? assume the hole in the bar has the same diameter d as the pin. take t in. and w 2 in.


Answer 1

The formula for calculating maximal shear stress is V*Q / I*b. To put it simply, this is 12*V / 8bh. V stands for shear force, b for cross-sectional width, and h for cross-sectional height.

The value determined from spring's experimental data is the acceptable shear stress. Additionally, the value varies slightly depending on the substance. For instance, it is 50% for piano wire, hard drawn steel wire, oil tempered steel wire, and stainless steel wire, and it is 55%. A safety factor and the object's yield strength, or the stress at which the thing will be irreversibly damaged, are used to establish the allowable stress. As a result, determining the materials' yield strength is the first step in estimating allowed stress.

Learn more about stress here-



Related Questions

where is the highest-altitude airport in the u.s.?


There will be several upgrades made to Leadville's Lake County Airport, which is located at an elevation of 9,934 feet; one of them is a brand-new runway that is 6,400 feet long. Colorado's Leadville Lake County Airport.

Which airport has the toughest landing conditions?

Lukla has everything: mountains, strong winds, and a tiny runway. In Nepal's mountains, at the entrance to Mount Everest, a 1,729-foot runway is situated on a cliffside between two mountains and is frequently referred to as the world's most dangerous airport.

Is Colorado a turbulent flight path?

As the jet stream passes through Colorado at these times of year, turbulence there is prone to be much worse. Stronger and more erratic airflow is produced as a result of the jet stream's acceleration and turbulence of the air.

To know more about Lake County Airport visit :-



An equal-tangent sag vertical curve connects a 1% and 3% initial and final grades, respectively, and is designed for 70 mi/h. The high point on the curve is at elevation 822 ft. If the pvc is at station 110 00, what is the elevation of the curve at station 112 12?


A vertical curve with an equal-tangent crest is intended for 70 mph. The elevation of the high point is 822 feet.

The grade is first +1% and is ultimately +3%. What is the elevation of the curve at station 112+62 if the PVC is at station 110+00? Based on the stopping sight distance (SSD), calculate the design length of the vertical curve: L = KA, L = K X [G1 - G2], K = 247, L = 247 * [ 1- 3] = 494. Calculating the design curve radius is necessary to establish the design speed of an equal-tangent sag vertical curve. To do this, first figure out how long the curve is, which is the distance between the PVC and the PVI (101.77 miles minus 109.09 miles). The design curve radius in feet is then calculated by dividing the elevation difference between the PVC and the PVI (950 ft - 945 ft = 5 foot) by the length of the curve (1.77 mi) and multiplying by 100 (5 ft / 1.77 mi x 100 = 282.6 ft).  

Learn more about Design curve radius here:



C-strings are compared character by character. Choose matching definition
a. Returns a value < 0 if s1 is less than s2.
b. Returns 0 if s1 and s2 are the same
Returns a value > 0 if s1 is greater than s2
Returns the length of the string s, excluding the null
c. /
d. The header file string contains the function c_str, which converts a value of type string
to a null-terminated character array(that is,C-string).


String variables "s1=hello" and "s2=world" should be declared and initialized. Make the string "s3" empty

#include, #include, using the std namespace; (char *s1, char *s2, char *mixem); Integer main() mixem("abc", "123") cout endl; mixem("def", "456") cout endl; deliver 0; }. Add both strings' alternate characters to the string "s3." The new string will be in the string variable s3. class definition in / class. Main {/ Primary Class Function. throws java.lang in public static void main (String[] args). Exception { try{ string variable in c#, s1="hello" in the string, the string "world"; / a blank string the string "s3="; / Determine a string's length s1.length(); int len; for (int i=0; i++; i++len) { / Add the character from the string s1, s3=s3+s1.charAt(i); / Add the character from the string s2, s3=s3+s2.charAt(i);

Learn more about String here:



You've just put together a new team of 15 game developers from various cultures and backgrounds. Describe five possible cultural or social differences you might encounter in the workplace. Once you've identified the differences, explain how you might approach the situations and how you might be able to provide a solution that everyone is happy with.


The situations and how you might be able to provide a solution that everyone is happy with ; Language, Social norms,Values, Workplace hierarchy, Work styles.

What is the Social norms?

Social norms are the unspoken rules and standards of behaviour that are generally accepted within a society. They are informal, unwritten guidelines that dictate how people should act in a given situation. They are generally accepted patterns of behaviour that are shared by members of a particular culture or group and provide a framework for understanding how to act in a particular context. Social norms can be enforced through informal sanctions such as social disapproval, or formal sanctions such as laws or punishments.

To learn more about Social norms



when an emergency vehicle sounds its sirens or uses a flashing light, you



must yield the right of way


Slow down and pull to the side of the road out of the vehicles way.

The in-situ field test (plate load test) has a surface area 1m*1m while the cylindrical laboratory sample has a diameter of 54mm.

The value of the strength from field and laboratory testing is different. Which value do you expect to be larger? Why?


In general, it is anticipated that the results of laboratory tests will be stronger than those of field tests.

This is due to the fact that while field testing is subject to variability and influences from the site variables including weather, soil type, and compaction, laboratory tests are carried out under controlled conditions using appropriate tools and techniques. It is typically anticipated that the results of laboratory tests will be stronger than the results of field tests This is due to the fact that field testing is subject to variability and influences from the site variables including weather, soil type, and compaction, laboratory tests are carried out under controlled conditions using appropriate tools and techniques. The justification for the aforementioned response is that, due to the controlled environments, appropriate tools, and processes utilized in laboratory experiments, they offer a more realistic picture of rock strength than field studies.

Learn more about Controlled conditions here:



Which one of the following statements concerning the role of process reengineering is BEST?
A) Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical design of business processes.
B) Reengineering efforts should focus on functional departments.
C) Information technology should be kept separate from reengineering initiatives.
D) Reengineering requires an attitude of incremental improvement.


The best statement concerning the role of process reengineering is A) Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical design of business processes.

This statement accurately describes the purpose of reengineering, which is to completely redesign and rethink business processes in order to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness. The other statements are not accurate descriptions of the role of reengineering. B) Reengineering efforts should not focus solely on functional departments, but should consider the entire organization. C) Information technology is often an integral part of reengineering initiatives, and should not be kept separate. D) Reengineering requires a radical redesign of business processes, not just incremental improvement.

Learn more about role of process reengineering here:https://brainly.com/question/30629961


HDLC (High level Data Link Control) is?



High-Level Data Link Control is a bit-oriented code-transparent synchronous data link layer protocol developed by the International Organization for Standardization.


Design a helical spring for an engine valve length of the spring when the valve in open in 45mm. and the length when closed in 55mm. spring load on the valve when open is 450N and when closed in 300N. Minimum internal diameter of the spring is 30mm. Take permissible shear stress = 400 N/mm2, and G = 0.8 x 105 N/mm2.


Hi dude how r u...........

We believe that 81% of the population of all Business Statistics students consider statistics to be an exciting subject. Suppose we randomly and independently selected 30 students from the population. If the true percentage is really 81%, find the probability of observing 29 or more students who consider statistics to be an exciting subject. Round to six decimal places.


If the true percentage is really 81%, the probability of observing 29 or more students who consider statistics to be an exciting subject is 0.014443. The correct option is b.

What are statistics?

A branch of mathematics, statistics is a body of knowledge that deals with the gathering, examination, interpretation, and presentation of data.

The standard deviation is defined as the square root of variance. The standard deviation in binomial distribution is calculated by the given formula:

SD = √npq

n = 30 and p = 81 q = 29

√30 x 81 x 29 = 0.014443.

Therefore, the correct option is b) 0.014443.

To learn more about business statistics, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. The missing options are given below:

a) 0.012646

b) 0.014443

c) 0.001797

d) 0.985557

Question One a) Given a four-cylinder cycle engine with a 90-mm bore, 100-mm stroke, and a (6 marks) clearance volume of 0.106 L, calculate the total engine displacement, the compression ratio, Is this engine a petrol engine or diesel engine and explain why? i. ii. iii. h) Explain briefly the principle of​


a) The total engine displacement of the four-cylinder cycle engine is calculated by multiplying the bore, stroke, and clearance volume together. In this case, it would be 90 mm x 100 mm x 0.106 L, which equals 9.54 L. The compression ratio is calculated by dividing the clearance volume by the total engine displacement. In this case, it would be 0.106 L/9.54 L, which equals 1.11.

It is not possible to determine whether this engine is a petrol engine or a diesel engine without more information. Petrol and diesel engines differ in the way they ignite the fuel-air mixture, with petrol engines using spark plugs and diesel engines using compression. The compression ratio can be an indicator of whether an engine is a petrol or diesel, as diesel engines typically have higher compression ratios than petrol engines. However, this engine has a compression ratio of 1.11, which does not provide enough information to determine the type of engine.

h) The principle of four-stroke cycle engines is that the piston moves up and down four times in the cylinder during a single cycle. The four strokes are the intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke, and exhaust stroke. During the intake stroke, the intake valve opens to allow air and fuel to enter the cylinder. During the compression stroke, the intake valve closes and the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture. During the power stroke, the spark plug ignites the air-fuel mixture, causing the piston to move down and generating power. During the exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve opens and the piston pushes the exhaust gases out of the cylinder.

Consider the following instance variable and method. Method wordsWithCommas is intended to return a string containing all the words in listOfWords separated by commas and enclosed in braces.For example, if listOfWords contains ["one", "two", "three"], the string returned by the call wordsWithCommas () should be "{one, two, three}".
Which of the following can be used to replace /* expression */ and /* condition */ so thatwordsWithCommas will work as intended?
A. / * expression * / / / * condition * /
listOfWords.size() - 1 / k != 0
B. / * expression * / / / * condition * /listOfWords.size() / k != 0
C. / * expression * / / / * condition * /
listOfWords.size() - 1 / k != sizeOfList - 1
D. / * expression * / / / * condition * /
listOfWords.size() / k != sizeOfList - 1
E. / * expression * / / / * condition * /result.length() / k != 0


In order for the sum Array to function as intended, the missing code should be replaced by the following statements: sum += sum + key[i - 1].

What is the Search and Replace command's shortcut?

Tips: The keyboard shortcut CTRL + H can also be used to open the default Search and Replace window. It's wise to choose Replace rather than Replace All when replacing text.

Which of the following declarations of an array is correct?

You can declare the array using the following syntax: The type of data you wish to include in the array is indicated by the data Type [] name Of Array. This could be a double, integer, string, or another type.

Top know more about Array visit:-



What are the three most common electric meters used in the industry?


The top three justifications for speaking. To inform is to provide information or facts to a target audience.

To convince is to sway or influence a group of people to follow a particular path or frame of mind. To entertain a crowd is to amuse or please them. There are three essential elements to effective speaking: Speaking skills also require a great mastery of language. You must select language that is acceptable for the context and intended audience. For instance, you wouldn't use the same language for a professional presentation as you would for a casual conversation with a friend. The speech's content and aim are determined by the situation, not by a desire to educate or persuade.

Learn more about Speaking skills here:



Which of the following characteristics of an object-oriented programming language restricts behavior so that an object can only perform actions that are defined for its class?





Programmers who use object-oriented methods consider in terms of a class instance that has its own properties and behaviours, which is how they vary from those who use procedural methods.

Procedural programming tackles applications by managing difficulties using a top-down method where it solves problems from the top of the code and to the bottom, whereas object-oriented programming is known to be one that employs classes and objects. A programming design strategy known as procedural programming attempts to break down clearly specified tasks into modules, functions, etc. In object-oriented programming, objects are only the individual parts of a programme. The (c) Method defines the behaviour of objects. The behaviour of objects is defined through methods, which are merely functions and subroutines. Consider the following approach, for instance: Public static int (int I Fibonacci

Learn more about Procedural programming here:



these usually result from wind and can travel hundreds of miles before they reach the shore. What is that?


Characteristic of a natural phenomenon called a "wind-driven ocean current" or a "wind-driven surface current", usually result from wind and can travel hundreds of miles before they reach the shore.

Wind-Driven Ocean Currents: A Natural Phenomenon with Far-Reaching Impacts

Wind-driven surface currents are created by wind blowing over the surface of the ocean, causing the water to move in the direction of the wind. These currents can travel great distances, often for hundreds of miles, before eventually making landfall on a coastline or dissipating.

One example of a wind-driven surface current is the Gulf Stream, which is a powerful, warm ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico up the eastern coast of North America and across the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf Stream is driven by the prevailing winds and helps to regulate the climate of the eastern United States and Western Europe.

Wind-driven surface currents can have a significant impact on marine ecosystems and coastal communities. They can transport nutrients and plankton, which provide food for marine life, and they can also carry pollutants and debris, which can have negative impacts on coastal environments. Additionally, wind-driven surface currents can affect the movement of ships and boats, as well as the safety of swimmers and other ocean users.

To know more about wind-driven currents, visit:https://brainly.com/question/14054125


If you've edited your source code file, you don't have to compile again before run to test, since the program last compiled is from the same file.a. TRUE


The make command uses the gnu c compiler to compile source code into a binary programme.

An Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, is a piece of software that makes it simple for programmers to write, edit, compile, and run their applications. Syntax highlighting and automated code completion are two aspects of IDEs that make a programmer's job simpler.Notable Java IDEs available for many platforms and operating systems include BlueJ, JBuilder, IntellijIDEA, Eclipse, Netbeans, etc. One of the compilers in the GNU Compiler collection, the GNU C Compiler was made available by the Free Software Foundation. The GNU C Compiler is a completely *nix-oriented C language compiler that may be used by issuing instructions from its command line interface.

Learn more about C language here:



in another scenario, if we compress the air from 100 kpa to 200 kpa undergoing an isothermal polytropic process and the initial volume is 2 m3, what is the final volume? and what is the q and w during the process


The heat transfer during the process, q  is -5,773.1 J. The negative sign indicates that heat is leaving the system. the work done during the process, w is -5,773.1 J

Calculating Work and Heat Transfer in an Isothermal Polytropic Process.

To find the final volume of the air, we need to use the polytropic process equation:

P1 * V1^n = P2 * V2^n

where P1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume, P2 is the final pressure, V2 is the final volume, and n is the polytropic index.

Since the process is isothermal, n = 1. Therefore, we can simplify the equation to:

P1 * V1 = P2 * V2

Plugging in the given values, we get:

100 kPa * 2 m^3 = 200 kPa * V2

Solving for V2, we get:

V2 = (100 kPa * 2 m^3) / (200 kPa) = 1 m^3

Therefore, the final volume of the air is 1 m^3.

To calculate the work done during the process, we can use the formula:

w = n * R * T * ln(V2/V1)

where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature (which is constant since the process is isothermal), and ln is the natural logarithm. Since the process is isothermal, n = 1. Therefore, we can simplify the equation to:

w = R * T * ln(V2/V1)

Plugging in the given values, we get:

w = 8.314 J/mol*K * (273.15 K) * ln(1 m^3 / 2 m^3)

w = -5,773.1 J

The negative sign indicates that work is being done on the system, since the volume is decreasing.

To calculate the heat transfer during the process, we can use the first law of thermodynamics:

ΔU = q - w

where ΔU is the change in internal energy of the system, q is the heat transfer, and w is the work done. Since the process is isothermal, the change in internal energy is zero. Therefore, we can simplify the equation to:

q = w

Plugging in the calculated value of w, we get:

q = -5,773.1 J

Therefore, the heat transfer during the process is -5,773.1 J. The negative sign indicates that heat is leaving the system

To know more about work and heat transfer, visit:https://brainly.com/question/17015937


Which form of precipitation would most likely be predicted based on the following information?

Temperature in the clouds = −2 °C (28 °F)
Temperature of the air below the clouds = 2 °C (36 °F)
Season = fall
Rain because, it is the fall season and the temperatures might vary, which means good conditions for rain
Rain because, the temperatures in the cloud and beneath the cloud are below freezing
Sleet because, it is the fall season but it should be the winter season


Answer: Sleet

Based on the information provided, it is most likely sleet. The temperature in the clouds is below freezing (-2 °C), but the temperature of the air below the clouds is above freezing (2 °C). When this type of temperature difference occurs, it can lead to the formation of sleet. Sleet is precipitation in the form of ice pellets that are generated when raindrops freeze in the sub-freezing air aloft and then fall through the above-freezing air near the surface.

water flows into the sink at a rate of 2 gal/min. if the drain is closed, the water will eventually flow through the overflow drain holes rather than over the edge of the sink. how many 0.4-in.- diamter drain holes are needed to ensure that the water does not overflow the sink? neglect viscous effects.


Therefore, roughly 12 drain holes with a diameter of 0.4 inches would be required to prevent the sink from overflowing with water.

Two gal of water per minute enter the sink. The water will eventually go through the overflow drain holes if the drain is closed as opposed to over the edge of the sink. number of 0.4-in.

Equation: The rate of flow through a circular hole can be determined.

[tex]Q = C \times A \times \sqrt{(2gH) (2gH)}[/tex]

Calculate the following to determine the cross-sectional area of a hole with dimension d:

[tex]A = \frac{\pi}{4} \times d^2[/tex]

To prevent the water from overflowing the sink, we can set the flow rate through each hole to be equal to the incoming flow rate and solve for the necessary number of holes.

[tex]n = \frac{2}{(0.61 \times \frac{\pi}{4} \times 0.16 \times \sqrt{(64.4 \times 6)})}[/tex]

  [tex]= \frac{2}{(0.61 \times \frac{\pi}{4} \times 0.16 \times 2.51)}[/tex]

  ≈ 12


2 gal/min

[tex]= n \times C \times \frac{\pi}{4} \times d^{2} \times \sqrt{(2gH)}[/tex]


[tex]n = \frac{2}{C \times \frac{\pi}{4} \times d^{2} \times \sqrt{(2gH)}}[/tex]

  [tex]= \frac{2}{(0.61 \times \frac{\pi}{4} \times (0.4^{2}\ i\ n^2) \times \sqrt{(2 \times 32.2 \times H)})}[/tex]

  [tex]= \frac{2}{(0.61 \times \frac{\pi}{4} \times 0.16 \times \sqrt{(64.4 \times H)})}[/tex]

Learn more about overflowing Visit: brainly.com/question/30558082


What were the problems of building the Three Gorges Dam?


The building of the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China was a significant engineering undertaking that faced numerous difficulties.

Among the major issues and difficulties encountered during the dam's construction are: Concerns about the environment: The damming of the Yangtze River would have a tremendous impact on the environment, potentially displacing millions of people, flooding vast swaths of land, and destroying ecosystems and wildlife habitats.

Geological risks: Due to the dam's location in a seismically active area, there have been worries regarding the dam's stability in the case of an earthquake. Technical difficulties: Building a dam of this magnitude and complexity posed serious technical difficulties that need mobilization.

Learn more about Gorges Dam Visit: brainly.com/question/11715443


Essential component of social security are


retirement, disability benefits, and survivors' benefits
Essential components of social security include retirement/disability benefits, health insurance, and unemployment benefits. Retirement/disability benefits provide a source of financial support for retired or disabled individuals, while health insurance provides access to health care services. Unemployment benefits provide income support for individuals who are unemployed due to no fault of their own. Social security programs also provide survivor’s benefits for those who have lost a loved one.

Algorithmic trading is controlled and managed by human specialists trained in technology to validate every trade before it is sent to the market.a. trueb. false


Paul Krugerrand rejects the claim that although strategic trade policy is practicably achievable, it is theoretically impossible to implement.

It is true that in those situations there are winners and losers from trade, or in this case, more specifically, from the lack of trade, as Meeker town’s economy does not engage in international trade, forcing consumers to pay $33 for meeker rather than a price more in line with the global average of $35. The losers are the consumers, while the winners are the domestic producers. Consumers would profit if Meeker town allowed international trade because they could purchase cheaper meeker. According to Paul Krugerrand, an economic special interest group will hijack a strategic trade plan, causing it to be distorted and unlikely to be implemented. A special interest group is a group of people inside a larger organization who are committed to advancing a particular field of knowledge, field of expertise, or field of technology.

Learn more about Trade here:



Wind is becoming more common as a source of energy. Wind farms require large open spaces for the wind turbines. A negative consequence of this technology is wind turbines...a. are an inexpensive source of energy.b. cause little pollution to the environment.c. may hurt the flying animals in the area.d. are a renewable source of energy.


A renewable and clean energy source is wind power. The United States' top renewable energy source, wind, helps us lessen our dependency on fossil fuels.

How much room does a windmill require?

Your wind turbine must be placed upwind of structures and trees, and it must be 30 feet above anything within a horizontal radius of 500 feet. Additionally, you need space to raise and lower the tower for maintenance, and if your tower is guyed, you also need space for the guy cables.

The most popular way to use wind energy is?

The major purpose of wind energy today is to produce electricity. Windmills that can pump water were historically widely utilized in the United States, and some still function today on farms and ranches, mostly to supply water.

To know more about wind power visit :-



create a new document in your text editor using vs code save it as: yourlastnamemealstip.php. this file contains both html and php statements.


A text file can be created from a database export. With a text editor, a text file is one that solely has printable letters, numbers, and symbols.

Any user can replace an outdated file with a new one that contains updated code. He then has to... open the previous file first. After switching to the new file, save it under the new name. The option above is derived from option a. Hence, one response is a choice, whereas the other is not, because: The new code won't save into the file when option b is in operation. The new file now has the same code as the previous file thanks to the operation of option c. The precise "texts" that are present in the file include printable characters (such as the letters of the English alphabet A–Z), numbers, and other symbols

Learn more about File here:



What are the four guidelines of dimensioning



Dimensions should be shown in true profile views and refer to visible outlines on the part


Dimensions should be shown in true profile views and refer to visible outlines on the part. Each necessary dimension of an end product should be shown. No more dimensions than those necessary for complete definition should be given. Dimensions should be arranged for optimal readability if at all possible.

Which destination address is used in an ARP request frame?
e. the physical address of the destination host


The goal of an ARP request is to locate the destination host's MAC address on an Ethernet LAN.

Why is the ARP request's destination address FFFF FFFF FFFF?

There is a destination MAC address of ffff in the Ethernet header: ffff: ffff, the broadcast MAC address is the destination MAC address because the frame is sent as a broadcast.

What is the meaning of the MAC address FF FF FF FF FF?

The Ethernet broadcast address stands out because every bit is set to 1. As a result, its MAC address is FF in hexadecimal: FF: FF: FF: FF: FF. Data is sent to all hosts on the local subnet using this address.

To know more about Ethernet LAN visit :-



the gage pressure at a depth of5 m in an open tant offiqjuid is 75 kpa. what are the specific weight and the specific grav.ity of. the liquid?


A 5 m depth in an open s'ils offiqjuid has a gage pressure of 75 kpa. which weights are specific P1/P2 = H1/H2 and P2 = H2*P1 P2=48*9/3=144kpa as a result.

We feel pressure, but why?

When you fret about meeting your self or other people's expectations, you feel pressure. Additionally, you could experience it when circumstances are beyond your control and when you lack the time or resources to fulfill obligations.


pressure density =p

The Gage pressure (P1)=48kpa

The height (h1)=3m

The Gage pressure (P2)=?

The height (h2)=9m

P=p * g * h

P1/P2=p * g * h1/p * g * h2

Cancelling out similar terms:

Therefore, P1/P2=h1/h2


Hence, P2=48*9/3=144kpa.

To know more about pressure visit:



Prove each of the following using proof by cases (hint: an integer is either even or odd). (a) n(n+1) is even, for all integers n. (b) 11n? +5n+1 = 0 has no integer solutions.


Each step should be explained by assuming that n is odd, that is, it is not even. The conclusion is refuted. After that, for some integer k, n = 2k + 1.

It is easy to understand how to make a contrapositive statement once one is familiar with the inverse statement. To get the inverse of the conditional statement, take the negation of the hypothesis and the conclusion. To generate the contrapositive of the conditional statement, first make the inverted statement, then switch the hypothesis and conclusion. 3.5n + 3 = 5(2k + 1) + 3 = 10k + 8 = 2(5k + 4). What is an even number? 1. Suppose that n is odd, that is, it is not even. The conclusion is refuted. 2. n is defined as an odd number when it equals 2k + 1 for some integer k. The definition of an even number in mathematics is 3.5n + 3 = 5(2k + 1) + + 3 = 10k + + 8 = 2(5k + 4) 5. As a result, 5n + 3 is even.

Learn more about Contrapositive statement here:



Problem 1.33 Item 7 Consider the interconnection shown in (Figure 1). The data for the interconnection are given in the table belovw Part A Element Voltage (V) Current (A) 900 105 600 585 120 300 585 165 -22.5 -52.5 -30.0 -52.5 30.0 60.0 82.5 82.5 Calculate the magnitude of the total power supplied. Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. Psuppled885 mW Submit t Ans ure 1 of 1 X Incorrect; Try Again; 4 attempts remaining Part B Calculate the magnitude of the total power absorbed. Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. er PabeobedValue Units Submit


The correct answer is Now that the three crucial components of an electric circuit have been described,... The watt (W) de- is the electrical unit of measurement for power.

A computer system's four primary equipment operations are input, processing, storage, and output. Transferring data into a computer system is referred to as input. When hardware fails, drivers become obsolete, or there is insufficient airflow because of clogged fans, a computer will crash. Malware, viruses, corrupted registry, bad sectors on the hard drive, and other factors can also cause your System to shut down suddenly. The display, power supply, or CPU is overheating are a few of the frequent causes of computer crashes. The computer's internal hardware is faulty. Hardware and software can't coexist.

To learn more about crucial components click on the link below:



An engineer troubleshooting a network connection identifies a port flapping problem. What should the engineer investigate as a possible cause? (Select all that apply.)
A.Port Security
B.Ethernet cable
C.NIC port
D.Switch port


An engineer troubleshooting a network connection problem identifies a port flapping problem.

The engineer should investigate the following possible causes:

A. Port security: If there is an incorrect port security configuration, it can cause port flapping problems.B. Ethernet cable: A faulty or damaged Ethernet cable can cause port overlapping problems.C. NIC port: A faulty or damaged NIC port can also cause port flapping problems.D. Switch port: A faulty or damaged switch port can also cause port flapping problems.

Therefore, the engineer should investigate all of the above options as possible causes of the port flapping problem.

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Mark translated trapezoid ABCD to trapezoid A B C D. Vertex B was at (4,3). If B is now at (-2, 2), what did he have to do to get there?A) move 6 left and 1 downB) move 6 down and 1 leftC) move 2 left and 1 downD) move 2 down and 1 left Which of the following statements is true? Uso la computadora en la cafetera. Hago ejercicio en el laboratorio de ciencias. Nado en la piscina.. how did eleanor roosevelt change the role of first lady in the 1930s? Estelle is having her birthday party at Gold Frames Artcosts $265Museum this year. A party packageand covers the entrance fee for guests, a private party room, and an activityguide. Estelleupgraded her package to include a favor for each of her 8 guests, bringing thetotal to $305. given a normal market supply curve for mp3 players, if the nightly news reports that loud music increases hearing loss, then there is a/an For which product is demand likely to be the most elastic? a) A product with no substitutes b) a product with many adequate substitutes c) a product with inadequate substitutes d) it is impossible to tell what determines training intensity for weight training?Number of maximum lifts. Length of workout, maximum lifts and number of sets. Target zone. ANSWER QUICK!!What is the interaction between bicarbonate and hydrogen ions in the buffer system? .um whats 4 plus 3 why is it important to understand the concept of interest between 1997 and 2002 there was a 75% fall the price of coffee beans, which was a hardship for countries that export coffee. the fall in the price of imported coffee would be most likely to show up in which u.s. price index? Would sorting the tiles with positive coefficients and tiles with negative coefficients together help to simplify an expression that involves all tiles? Explain. When a manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee on the purchase of its products to show that the products will perform as expected, it is most likely attempting to alleviate which risk? a. Financial b. Physiological c. Safety c. Social d. Psychological Which best represents the change in the vertices of rectangle ABCD to form rectangle A'B'C'D'? F) (x, y ) (2x, 2y)G) (x, y ) (1. 5x, 1. 5y) H) (x, y ) (3x, 3y) J) (x, y ) (4x, 4y) true or false: nutrient molecules, including proteins, can be broken apart into individual amino acids, which can then go on to form other proteins again. how many kilocalories is provided by 10 grams of pure alcohol? multiple choice question. 50 kilocalories 90 kilocalories 70 kilocalories 40 kilocalories let |q|=5 at angle at 45 and |r|=16 at an angle of 300. what is |q-r|? the uncertainty that exist due to portion of demand that the supply chain is required to meet is the question 6 options: average forecast error implied demand uncertainty demand uncertainty rate of strategic uncertainty how can I solve binary operations? a deadweight loss results from the imposition of a tax on a good because the tax group of answer choices induces the government to increase its expenditures. reduces the quantity of exchanges between buyers and sellers. causes a disequilibrium in the market. imposes a loss on buyers that is greater than the loss to sellers.