If a contingent worker works for a company on a long-term basis, presumably on an indefinite basis, what would it be called?


Answer 1

A leased employees is a contingent worker works for a company on a long-term basis, presumably on an indefinite basis. The reason for this is that although these personnel are employed by the client company, all payroll and HR-related duties are handled by the leasing company.

An agreement between a company and a staffing company that provides workers on a project-specific or temporary basis is known as employee leasing. Leased workers might work for you for a set period of time before returning to their staffing company to take on another project. Leased workers are often employed through a staffing company, which also manages their payroll, benefits administration, and other employment-related HR duties.


Related Questions

Changes in the performance of an existing service or the creation of a new one are?


Organizational change is the process through which a firm or business changes a key aspect of its structure, such as its culture, the operational infrastructure or supporting technologies, or its internal procedures.

The second phase in the comprehensive approach to change is for managers to create goals for the change that was identified in step one.

The planned change model has seven steps, including diagnosing the issue, evaluating the system's motivation and capacity for change, evaluating the resources and motivation of the change agent, developing change goals and methods, and identifying the role of the change agent.

To learn more on organizational change



With other things unchanged, a rise in the average price of imports or a fall in the average price of exports will:_________


A fall in the average price of exports will basically worsen the terms of trade or with other things unchanged, a rise in the average price of imports.

The terms of trade will not be improved by this event; on the contrary, they will be made worse.

A rise in the average price of imports or a decline in the average price of exports make it impossible to increase the frontier of production possibilities.

Additionally, if other factors remain the same, the production possibilities frontier won't contract if exports average prices decline while import average prices increase.

All other things being equal, determining a set of equilibria enables one to forecast how much a nation will import at various international prices as well as how much it will export in excess of its domestic consumption at various international prices.

Discover how the exchange rate for a country's currency affects its terms of trade: https://brainly.com/question/19138319


A s.w.o.t. analysis includes? opportunities. threats. all of these are included in a s.w.o.t analysis. strengths. weaknesses.


SWOT analysis is a framework for identifying and analyzing a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. these words make up the SWOT acronym.

The number one intention of SWOT analysis is to boom focus of the factors that cross into creating a business choice or establishing a commercial enterprise approach.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and strategic management method used to assist a person or business enterprise pick out Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities, and Threats related to commercial enterprise opposition or project-making plans. it is every now and then known as situational evaluation or situational evaluation.

A SWOT evaluation is a planning tool that seeks to perceive the Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and Threats concerned in a task or agency. it is a framework for matching an employer's dreams, programs and capacities to the surroundings wherein it operates.

Learn more about SWOT analysis here:https://brainly.com/question/25066799

________ products are consumer products and services that customers usually buy frequently, immediately, and with minimal comparison and buying effort.


Consumers most frequently purchase convenience goods. They are purchased right away with little consideration of alternative possibilities. Products that the client may easily, quickly, and regularly purchase are known as convenience goods. Newspapers and soaps are examples of convenience goods, as are everyday foods like pasta or ketchup.

Consumer products can be divided into four categories. They are shopping items, specialty items, convenience items, and unanticipated items.

A group of consumer goods that are frequently, rapidly, and with little thought put into them; this group includes emergency supplies, impulsive purchases, and staples.

To learn more on convenience goods



Vanessa grant is responsible for controlling expenses, but is not responsible for generating revenues. vanessa grant is a manager of a(n)?


Vanessa Grant is responsible for controlling expenses, but is not responsible for generating revenues. Vanessa Grant is a manager of a(n):

Cost Center

What do you mean cost center?

A cost center is basically a department or function under an organization that do not directly increases profit but still costs the organization money to operate. Cost centers only provide to a company's profitability indirectly, unlike a profit center, which gives to profitability directly through its actions.

What is an example of a cost center?

Instances of cost centers contains  the accounting, human resources, IT, maintenance, and research & development departments. A cost center can be assumed  at a smaller level than a department. It could contain  a particular job position, machine, or assembly line.

Learn more about cost center:



Countries experiencing balance-of-payments deficits can obtain short-term loans from?


Generally, any countries that is experiencing balance-of-payments deficits can obtain short-term loans from the International Monetary Fund.

What is the role of International Monetary Fund?

The Financial body is established to promote trade amongst member nations by eliminating and fostering financial cooperation. The International Monetary Fund makes a short-term loans to member countries that have balance of payment deficits and provides foreign currency to member nations. This body is the closest thing the world has to an international central bank.

As a country with a balance of payments deficit tells that its imports more goods, services & capital than it exports which might make it borrow from other countries to pay for its imports, then, the International Monetary Fund can provide a short term funding to stabilize the deficit.

Therefore, any countries that is experiencing balance-of-payments deficits can obtain short-term loans from the International Monetary Fund.

Read more about International Monetary Fund



Boeing and airbus both had to make difficult decisions to address ethical missteps. Airbus’ decision to dismiss over 100 employees due to ethics and compliance reasons is tied to which managerial role?.


The managerial role depicted by Airbus' decision to dismiss the employees is disturbance handler.

What is disturbance handler?

Disturbance handler refers to a person who needs managers to make judgments on unpredictably disruptive events under high pressure that are out of their control and coordination. Managers must resolve problems among their subordinates as well as those between their department and other departments, for instance.

Which duty as a manager is the most important?

A manager's main responsibility is to develop a full proof plan to achieve the goals and the objectives of the organization. Setting deadlines and performance requirements is also necessary. This calls for the allocating of personnel resources, assigning and dividing tasks, and delegating and distributing duties.

Learn more about managerial role:



Alistar has an annual income of $25,000. he decides to take classes on line and at night so that he can continue to work. after 3 years he gets his degree and immediately starts earning $32,000 per year. if it takes alistar 6 years to recover his investment for his education, how much did it cost him?


If it takes Alistar 6 years to recover his investment for his education, then it cost him $42,000.

What do we mean by investments?The dedication of an asset to achieve an increase in value over time is referred to as an investment. Investment necessitates the sacrifice of a current asset, such as time, money, or effort.The goal of investing in finance is to generate a return on the invested asset. A gain (profit) or loss realized from the sale of a property or investment, unrealized capital appreciation (or depreciation), or investment income such as dividends, interest, or rental income, or a combination of capital gain and income, may constitute the return.

To find the cost:

Alistar's 6-year investment strategy is divided into two phases:

Period 1: From the first to the third year.Period 2: From fourth to sixth years.

Alistar invests in his education during the first period, from year one to year three.

In the second period, from year 4 to 6, the amount he begins earning is $32000, and his annual income is $25000.

Every year, Alistar receives an additional $7000.Now, the time required to recoup his investments is 6 years.As a result, total cost = 7000 × 6 = $42000

Therefore, if it takes Alistar 6 years to recover his investment for his education, then it cost him $42,000.

Know more about investments here:



suppose the advancement of computers has decreased the productivity of a paper mill. this will likely cause the supply curve for paper.


The supply curve for paper will experience a leftward shift because of the decreased productivity of a paper mill due to the advancement of computers. That means the supply of paper will decrease.

The supply curve is a curve that provides a graphical representation of the law of supply. It presents the relationship between the price of the commodity and the quantity of the same a seller is willing and able to supply. The quantity supplied is measured on the horizontal axis and the price on the vertical axis respectively. This demonstrates that as the price increases, the quantity supplied increases and vice versa given the ceteris paribus conditions.

The supply curve shifts with the minute change in the factors that are assumed to remain constant. These factors include labor productivity, input costs, technology, producer expectations, government actions, and so on. The leftward shift in the supply curve indicates a decrease in the quantity supplied and a rightward shift indicates an increase in the same and so on.

Learn more about the supply curve:



Businesses differ from nonprofit organizations in that a business's focus is on:_____.


Businesses differ from nonprofit organizations in that a business's focus is on Profit.

What is non-profit organization

A nonprofit organization (NPO), often referred to as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit institution, is a legal entity set up and run for a group's, the public's, or social good as opposed to a business that operates to make money for its owners. The non-distribution constraint applies to nonprofits, which means that any surplus funds must be used to further their mission rather than being distributed to other parties. Many organizations, including some political ones, educational institutions, professional associations, religious institutions, social clubs, and consumer cooperatives, are nonprofit.

To learn more about Non-profit organization



Which matter is considered when calculating a country's balance of payments?
a. military expenditures
b. domestic inflation rates
c. foreign inflation rates
d. state unemployment


The matter that will considered when calculating a country's balance of payments is the military expenditures.

What is a balance of payments?

This refers to the balance of international payments. This is athe statement of all transactions made between entities in one country and the rest of the world over a defined period such as during a month, quarter, year etc.

The balance of payments summarizes all transactions that a country's individuals, companies, government bodies complete with individuals, companies, and government bodies outside the country.

These balance of payments helps to measures the inflows and outflows of money from sectors such as tourism, foreign aid, military expenditures and foreign investments as well as flows resulting from exports and imports.

Hence, the matter that will considered when calculating a country's balance of payments is the military expenditures.

Therefore, the Option A is correct.

Read more about balance of payments



social responsibility programme implemented by a business​


Depending on the business and industry, corporate social responsibility

social responsibility is a broad term that can take many different shapes. Businesses can build their brands while contributing to society through CSR initiatives, charity, and volunteer work. However, before a company can be considered socially responsible, it must first be held accountable to itself and its shareholders. Companies that implement CSR initiatives frequently expand to the point where they can support the community. Therefore, CSR is often a technique that big businesses use. After all, a company has a greater need to provide an example of moral conduct for its associates, rivals, and industry the more visible and successful it becomes.

Learn more about social responsibility hear:



Companies with a great deal of long-term debt are considered to have high _____ risk.


Generally speaking, stocks are riskier than bonds simply because they don't guarantee a return to the investor, in contrast to bonds, which do so through coupon payments.

Who is an investor?

An investor is a person who invests money in a company, such as a business, in the hopes of earning a profit. Any investor's primary objective is to reduce risk and increase return. In contrast, a speculator is prepared to put money into a risky asset in the hopes of making a bigger profit.

You are not an owner; you are a lending investor. You have invested in ownership if you purchase stock in a corporation. Your proportionate part of the company's profits will be deducted from the return you receive.

To learn more about investor from the given link:



A shortage is when the quantity demanded is ____________ the quantity supplied at a specific price.


'A shortage is when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at a specific price.

Quantity demanded is a term used in economics to describe the total amount of goods or services sought by consumers over a period of time. It depends on the price of the goods or services in the market whether the market is in equilibrium or not.

Demand is the quantity of goods or services that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price over a given period of time. Quantity demanded is the amount of goods or services that people buy at a particular price at a particular time.

Demand is the number of consumers willing and able to purchase a product at various prices over a period of time. Demand for goods refers to consumers' desire to purchase goods and their willingness and ability to pay for them.

Learn more about Quantity demanded https://brainly.com/question/26546773


The price that results when quantity demanded equals quantity supplied is most correctly called the:_________


The price that results when quantity demanded equals quantity supplied is more correctly called the equilibrium price.

What determines the equilibrium price?

The situation where supply and demand in the market are equal, indicates a situation of equilibrium between prices, that is, it is a situation determined by micro and macroeconomic factors, such as economic policy and the purchasing power of consumers, which establish a ideal condition of the economy.

Therefore, the equilibrium price is an indicator of security, making the market for goods and services balanced and controlled, where revenues are equal to costs, without an imbalance capable of generating price increases and economic scarcity, for example.

Find out more about equilibrium price here:



The most probable price that a property should bring in an open and competitive market is part of the:____.


The most probable price that a property should bring in an open and competitive market is part of the market value.

What is a Competitive Market?

Consumer demands for goods and services result in the formation of a competitive market. Because of the rivalry it fostersbusinesses are forced to consider their costs of production, pricing policies, and product output

In competitive marketplaces and in the idea of perfect competition, the buyer and seller are taken into account equally and strategies are developed based on the supply and demand dynamics at the time.No single consumer or producer has the power to control the market in a competitive one. 

In an ideal market, there are numerous knowledgeable buyers and sellers, no restrictions on entering the market, and no chance of a monopoly. A competitive market has ten characteristics, including profitcompetition, shrinking supply, rivalry, and exclusion.

To know more about Competitive Market, visit



Producing or associated with the generation of pus is:_________
a. inflammation
b. suppurative
c. edematous
d. erythroplakia
e. leukoplakia


Suppurative refers to the production or presence of pus.

When the substance that caused the inflammation is challenging to get rid of, a procedure known as suppuration known as pus creation takes place. Pus is a viscous liquid made up mostly of bacteria, dead and dying neutrophils, cellular waste, and fluid that is oozing from blood vessels. White blood cells undergo phagocytosis, which results in the formation of material near the infection site that contains pathogens, old leukocytes, and other detritus. Pus production is referred to be purulent or suppurative. Others use the terms purulent and suppurative in a more precise manner, referring to the pus that is growing in the afflicted region as purulent and the pus that is seeping from the site of an injury or infection as suppurative.

Learn more about suppurative:



Identify examples of consumer protections implemented by the federal government.


The following are some examples of consumer protection laws:

Fair Credit Reporting Act,

Federal Securities Act,

Dodd-Frank Act

Which Laws Protect Consumers?

To shield people from unethical commercial practices, there are regulations that protect consumers.

Consumer protection laws are designed to shield customers against dishonest corporate tactics, subpar goods, and potentially harmful products and services. They contribute significantly to a stable market economy, which is governed by both state and federal legislation. Although the free market's guiding principle used to be "buyer beware," these laws help keep vendors honest because there is no risk of unpleasant shocks.

Our protection from these kinds of problems is provided by consumer protection legislation. We should therefore become familiar with the more prevalent consumer protection regulations.

to know more about Consumer protection laws



The hr manager at a poultry-processing facility with 75 employees received a call saying that an osha inspector had arrived at the facility. what can she expect the company will need to do first?


Expect the company will need to do first, provide the inspector with records of any deaths, injuries, and illnesses

Human resources manager

The strategic approach to managing people in a company or organisation effectively and efficiently so that they contribute to their firm's ability to compete favourably is known as Human resources manager (HRM or HR). It is made to maximise worker performance in support of a company's strategic goals. In order to effectively manage people inside firms, human resource manager focuses on policies and systems. The design of employee benefits, hiring, training, development, performance reviews, and reward management, including pay and benefit administration, fall within the purview of HR departments. HR is also concerned with organisational change, labour relations, and reconciling organisational requirements with those imposed by collective bargaining agreements and governmental regulations.

To learn more about Human Resource Manager



When two countries specialize in producing the goods for which they have a comparative advantage and?


It can be mutually advantageous for two nations to specialize in goods for which they have a relative advantage and then trade with one another. Absolute advantage is the basis of the potential gains from specialization and trade.

What does it mean for a producer to have comparative benefit?

Comparative advantage is a requirement of a producer where it is better suited for the production of one good than another good. Good A can be made more efficiently than good B, for example. This comparison is done in terms of the option costs of each good, not in terms of pure production costs.

To learn more about Comparative advantage , refer



Break-even analysis for a service company involves:________
a. units of product manufactured.
b. units of product sold.
c. profit margin.
d. unit of analysis.


Break-even analysis for a service company involves unit of analysis.

What is Break-even analysis?

Break-even analysis calculates a company's margin of safety  and compares it to the revenue the company generates and its associated costs. In other words, the analysis shows the turnover required to cover operating costs. Break-even analysis determines the level of revenue required to cover the company's total fixed costs by analyzing different price levels in relation to different levels of demand. A seller's selling power is revealed to a large extent by  demand-side research.

To learn more about Break-even Analysis

An increase in the price of chicken feed shifts the supply curve for eggs to the left and moves buyers along the demand curve. in the jargon of economics, we have had a change in:____.


In this case, we have had a change in Supply and the quantity demanded.

As the price of chicken feed rise, supply will grow. But demand will drop. In contrast, if the price falls, supply is constrained and demand is increased. According to the law of demand, demand for a good or resource will decrease as its price increases and increase as its price decreases.

According to the law of supply, on the other hand, higher prices tend to increase an economic good's supply while lower ones tend to reduce it.The intersection of the supply and demand curves, which balances supply and demand, is a graphic representation of the market-clearing price.

To learn more about Supply and the quantity demanded here



True or false: the sarbanes-oxley act provides incentives for companies to go public in us markets.


This is FALSE statement. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a United States statute. Congress passed this legislation to help safeguard investors from corporate fraud in financial reporting. None of this incentivizes companies to go public in markets of United States.

This "SOX Act" required rigorous modifications to current securities regulations and imposed harsh new penalties on violators thus, companies who knowingly certify misleading financial statements can now potentially face prison time.

Corporations must affirm the financial statement's veracity and accept responsibility for any inaccuracies in the annual report and these rules do not provide incentives for companies to go to public in US markets.

Discover the key provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: https://brainly.com/question/27915345


ABC classification relies on the Pareto principle. The Pareto principle observes that 20% of your customers drive 80% of the benefits.
a. true
b. false


This is a True and Rigid Statement.

According to the Pareto principle, 20% of causes account for about 80% of the consequences for many outcomes. This guideline is also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the crucial few, or the factor sparsity principle.

Key Learnings. According to the 80-20 rule, 20% of causes result in 80% of outcomes. By giving priority to the 20% of elements that will result in the best outcomes, the 80-20 rule. The finest assets of an organisation should be identified, and they should be utilised effectively to generate the most value possible.Why is the Pareto Principle used?The Pareto Principle, which asserts an uneven link between inputs and outputs and is named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, states that 80% of outcomes result from 20% of the causes. This idea serves as a general reminder that inputs and outputs do not always have an equal connection.

To Learn more about the Pareto Principle, Click the Links.




c has a $100,000 traditional whole life insurance policy with a $30,000 cash surrender value. he applies for and receives a $10,000 policy loan from the insurer. all of the following about this transaction are true, except:


All of the following about this transaction is true, except if C were disabled, his beneficiaries would receive $70,000, less any outstanding interest charges.

An insurance policyholder and an insurer or assurer enter into a contract for life insurance under which the insurer agrees to pay a predetermined beneficiary a certain amount of money in the event that the policyholder dies. Other occurrences, like critical illness or terminal illness, may also result in payment, depending on the terms of the contract. Benefits from life insurance policies may be used to assist with final expenses after your death. Funeral or cremation expenses, uninsured medical expenses, estate settlement costs, and other unpaid debts may fall under this category. Generally, you are only permitted to withdraw money from the policy up to the number of premiums already paid tax-free. Usually, you must pay taxes on any sum that exceeds the premiums you have already paid.

Note that the full question is:

C has a $100,000 traditional whole life insurance policy with a $30,000 cash surrender value. He applies for and receives a $10,000 policy loan from the insurer. All of the following about this transaction are true, except:

-the loan carries a fixed or variable interest rate

-if the policy is surrendered, C would receive $20,000 less any outstanding interest charges

-If C died, his beneficiaries would receive $90,000, less any outstanding interest charges

-If C were disabled, his beneficiaries would receive $70,000, less any outstanding interest charges

Learn more about life insurance https://brainly.com/question/1373572


Your company decides not to implement security procedures because employees refuse to comply anyway. this is an example of risk _________.


Company decides not to implement security procedures because employees refuse to comply it anyway. this is an example of Acceptance risk also known as risk retention.

The risk of acceptance usually occurs when a business or individual acknowledges the potential loss from a risk. A risk is not enough to avoid spending money. It is also known as "risk retention". These kind of risk management commonly found in investment fields or business.  Small risk do not have ability to catastrophic or way too expensive. They are worth accepting and acknowledgment problems. This tool is very valuable. Risk acceptance is the self insurance form. These helps to avoid risk easily.

Learn more about Risk Acceptance.



A number of people who work on similar tasks or follow the same procedures is called a:________


A group of persons that carry out the same tasks or adhere to the same protocols is referred to as: Process (work)

division of labor

It is defined as the partition of a work process into a number of tasks, each of which is carried out by a different individual or group of individuals. It is one of the fundamental organizational principles of the assembly line and is most frequently used in mass production systems.

Eliminating needless motion and limiting the handling of various instruments and parts are two benefits of breaking work down into simple repetitive operations. Because of the resulting decrease in manufacturing time and the opportunity to replace experienced workers with less-paid unskilled ones, production costs are reduced, making the finished product less expensive.

to know more about division of labor



If the supply of and demand for a product decrease at the same time, then equilibrium:___.


At the same time, the equillibrium tends to increase.

Curves of supply and demand illustrate the connections between price and quantity. When supply and demand are in balance, there is equilibrium. Because revenues are a function of price and quantity, the form of these curves and the equilibrium price have an impact on both small and large firms. The supply and demand curves for various industries are influenced by the joint actions of firms and customers, even if a single business cannot change the shape of these curves.

Include shifts in consumer expectations and new technologies when predicting a supply curve shift. The converse is true for downward movements in the supply and demand curves, which show growing supply and decreasing demand, respectively.

To learn more about supply curve shifts, refer this link.



Select the things are considered psychological influences on the purchase decision process? (select all that apply) multiple select question.


The psychological influences that are known to have an effect on the reason why people carry out purchase decisions are:

Value, beliefs, attitudesLearning

What is meant by the term purchase decision?

The term purchase decision has to do with all of the decisions that are known to affect the ways' that humans would have to carry out the buying and other purchase of goods and services. The purchase decisions may have to do with all that has to do with buying minor goods that are as little as a pair of slippers and the major goods that would require better planning such as the purchase of a house.

Hence we can say that The psychologial influences that are knwon to have an effect on the reason why people carry out purchase decisions are:

Value, beliefs, attitudesLearning

Read more on purchase decisions here



Complete question

Which of the following are considered psychological influences on the purchase decision process? (Check all that apply.)

Value, beliefs, and attitudes


In a competitive market, the market demand is qd = 400 - 5p and the market supply is qs = 10p - 80. the full economic price under a price ceiling of $25 is:_________


In a competitive market, the full economic price under a price ceiling of $25 is $170.


QS = Quantity supplied

QD = Quantity demanded

P = Price

At P = $25


QD = 400 - 5P

QD = 400 - 5(25)

QD = 400 - 125

QD = $275

The market supply is QS = 10p - 80

QS = 10 (25) - 80

QS = 250 - 80

QS = $170

Hence, in a competitive market, the full economic price under a price ceiling of $25 is $170.

A price ceiling keeps a price from rising above a certain level. Price ceilings is used by government to protect consumers from conditions that could make commodities prohibitively expensive.

To learn more about price ceiling here:



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