Identify the four most important leaders of italian unification.


Answer 1

Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Victor Emmanuel II and Camillo di Cavour are the leaders who was most important for the Italian unification.

The drive for unification grew during the 1820s and 1830s, eventually reaching its zenith in 1848 when uprisings broke out in numerous Italian states. The revolutions would be put down, but little was done to stop the wave of revolutionary activity. During this time, Guiseppe Garibaldi would come to represent Italian unification.

Revolutionary Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807–1848) was forced into exile after the 1848 uprising, in which he had taken part, failed. He would return to Italy in 1860 and help King Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont, bringing with him a volunteer army from Sicily and Naples. Victor Emanuel joined forces with France in 1858 with other northern Italian governments to put a stop to Austrian influence in the area.

Visit here to learn more about Italian unification:


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What is the difference between woodblock printing and movable printing?


Woodblock printing and movable printing are both techniques used for printing text and images, but they differ in how the printing plates are created and used.

In the process of woodblock printing, an image or piece of text is carved into a block of wood, and the block's surface is then covered in ink. A print is then made by pressing the inked surface against paper. Each woodblock may only be used to print one picture or page at a time, and any alterations or amendments need a complete recarving of the block.

Individual letters and symbols are formed and put together in moveable printing to make words and sentences. These moving type components can be adjusted and reused for several print runs or pages. As a result, printing may be done more quickly, with greater flexibility, and with the opportunity to simply make adjustments and errors.

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the central influence of this period was the , where four years of bitter fighting led to a


The central influence of this period was the American Civil War, where four years of bitter fighting led to significant changes in the political, economic, and social landscape of the United States.

During the war, both sides suffered significant losses in terms of lives and resources. The North ultimately emerged victorious, leading to the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the country. The economic impact of the war was significant, with the South left devastated and the North experiencing a period of rapid industrialization and economic growth.

The war also brought about significant social change, as African Americans were granted citizenship and the right to vote through the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. However, despite these significant gains, the period of Reconstruction that followed the war was marked by continued violence and discrimination against African Americans. Overall, the American Civil War was a pivotal moment in the nation's history, shaping the country for decades to come.

Learn more about American Civil War


The complete question is-

The central influence of this period was the American Civil War, where four years of bitter fighting led to significant changes in the political, economic, and social landscape of the United States.

What was the freedom vote Mississippi?


The Freedom Vote (Freedom Ballot), was a 1963 mock election organized in the state of Mississippi. It was to combat disenfranchisement among African Americans.


The Freedom Vote, also known as the Freedom Ballot, Mississippi Freedom Vote, Freedom Ballot Campaign, or the Mississippi Freedom Ballot, was a 1963 mock election organized in the U.S. state of Mississippi to combat disenfranchisement among African Americans.


Freedom Summer, or the Mississippi Summer Project, was a 1964 voter registration drive aimed at increasing the number of registered Black voters in Mississippi. Over 700 mostly white volunteers joined African Americans in Mississippi to fight against voter intimidation and discrimination at the polls. The movement was organized by civil rights organizations like the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and run by the local Council of Federated Organizations (COFO). Freedom Summer volunteers were met with violent resistance from the Ku Klux Klan and members of state and local law enforcement. News coverage of beatings, false arrests and even murder drew international attention to the civil rights movement. The increased awareness it brought to voter discrimination helped lead to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

etruscan temples differ from greek in which of the following ways? etruscan temples are more frontally oriented, with stairs only at the front entrance etruscan temples follow the doric order of architecture etruscan temples are basilica-shaped etruscan temples avoid use of a cella


Etruscan temples differ from Greek temples in several ways. First, Etruscan temples are more frontally oriented, with stairs only at the front entrance, while Greek temples have steps on all sides.

Additionally, Etruscan temples do not follow the Greek orders of architecture, such as the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. Instead, Etruscan temples have their own unique style and features, such as terracotta roof tiles and elaborate decoration.

Etruscan temples are also often basilica-shaped, with a rectangular floor plan and a colonnaded porch. Finally, unlike Greek temples, Etruscan temples do not always include a cella, or inner chamber, for the cult statue or other religious artifacts.

To learn more about Etruscan temples, visit here


what is the name of the gilbert and sullivan comic opera that opened in london in 1878 and takes place on a british navy ship?


H.M.S. Pinafore is the name of the gilbert and Sullivan comic opera that opened in London in 1878 and takes place on a British navy ship.

The opera tells the story of a love triangle between a captain, his daughter, and a lower-ranking sailor. The opera is known for its comedic elements, catchy melodies, and memorable characters.

The music of the opera is composed by Victor Herbert and is known for its memorable melodies, catchy rhythms, and charming orchestrations. The libretto is written by Harry B. Smith, and the opera was first performed in New York City in 1905.

To learn more about music of the opera link is here


what are states did the potawatomis cross on their route




Every five years a Trail of Death Commemorative Caravan is organized to retrace the original 1838 route from Indiana to Kansas. It is 660 miles and crosses 26 counties in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas. The first caravan was in 1988 for the 150th anniversary of the 1838 removal.

during world war ii, nurses were actively recruited and enlisted in the military. what effect did this have on the nursing profession?


The enlistment of nurses in the military during World War II brought about what was to become a greater recognition of nursing as a profession.

The enlistment of nurses in the army in World War II made the role of nurses more important and relevant. It increased the public recognition of the importance of nurses in society, and it also highlighted the leadership roles that nurses could play in the health care field. This increased demand for nurses in the military also provided an opportunity for nurses to gain experience in other areas of health care, such as triage and patient management, which could be beneficial in the civilian sector.

Read more about World War II and its aftermath at


world war i was more destructive than earlier wars because _____


The World War I was more destructive than earlier wars because new technology were being used by the military.

During World War I, which raged from 1914 to 1918, the world was first exposed to the horrors of trench warfare and perilous new technologies like poison gas and tanks. More than 16 million military soldiers and civilians perished as a consequence, resulting in some of the most horrifying bloodshed the world has ever seen.

The development of new technologies, such as heavy artillery, machine guns, tanks, motorised transport vehicles, high explosives, chemical weapons, aeroplanes, field radios and telephones, aerial reconnaissance cameras, and quickly advancing medical technology and science, are just a few of the elements that changed warfare in the 20th century.

Four empires—the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Romanov—were overthrown by World War I, which also sparked colonial uprisings in the Middle East and Indochina.

To learn more about  World War I, refer


What are three factors that led to Great Britain’s industrialization and why are they important


New discoveries, easy access to resources, commercial routes and partners, societal changes, and a stable government all helped Britain transition to an industry-driven nation.

What is Industrial Revolution?

During the Industrial Revolution, which occurred between roughly 1760 and 1820–1840, new industrial methods were used in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States. New techniques for producing chemicals and iron, an increase in the use of water and steam power, the transition from manual to machine production methods, the development of machine tools,

the establishment of the mechanized factory system, and new techniques for producing chemicals and iron were all part of this change. The output increased significantly, which resulted in previously unheard-of rises in both population and population growth rate.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution, from :


both the baptist and methodist religions divided into northern and southern branches after the civil war. question 16 options: true false


The statement is true that both the Baptist and Methodist religions divided into Northern and Southern branches after the Civil War.

The division of these two denominations was largely due to the issue of slavery and the Civil War. In the years leading up to the war, the issue of slavery had divided the country, and this division was also felt within many religious organizations.

After the war, the divisions between the North and South became even more pronounced, leading to the establishment of separate Northern and Southern branches of these two major Protestant denominations. These divisions reflected the larger social and political divisions in the country and had lasting implications for American religious life.

Learn more about Civil War:


who was the soviet general secretary in 1985 who introduced the two revolutionary ideas known as glasnost and perestroika?
a. Nikita Khrushchev
b. Gorbachev, Mikhail
c. Deng Xiaoping
d. Henry Knox


Mikhail Gorbachev (1988) was the Soviet General Secretary in 1985, when he wanted to introduce the two revolutionary ideas widely recognized as glasnost and perestroika.(B) is the best choice.

What exactly were the glasnost reforms?

Glasnost was interpreted as steadily increasing openness and transparency in Soviet state institutions and activities (USSR). Glasnost reflected the Gorbachev administration's commitment to allowing Soviet citizens to communicate publicly the problems with there own system and potential solutions.

Who started the glasnost and perestroika movements?

Gorbachev instituted perestroika in the Soviet Union's foreign economic sector, implementing measures that Soviet economists thought were audacious at the time.

In 1985, a new ruler took power. Gorbachev began to implement a two-track reform package.

To know more about revolutionary click here


Which source of power was introduced in the late 1800s?


At the time POWER debuted in the late 1800s, what would  ultimately come  ultramodern renewable energy generation began. The first technology to make the switch to a  marketable source of electricity generation was hydropower, which developed  fleetly.  

Power generation has a lengthy and complicated history that's dotted with  multitudinous abstract and specialized technological achievements from hundreds of actors. numerous sources start the history of power with Englishman Stephen Gray's demonstration of electric conduction, which led to the development of glass  disunion  creators in Leyden, Germany, in 1740. It's believed that this advance served as the alleviation for Benjamin Franklin's well- known trials, as well as Alessandro Volta's battery creation in 1800, Humphry Davy's first successful"  bow beacon" in 1808, and in 1820.

Learn more about Power here:


which physical feature of central Africa includes one of Africa's longest rivers and is surrounded by some of the largest rain forests


The Congo Basin. This physical feature of Central Africa is home to the Congo River, one of Africa's longest rivers, and is surrounded by some of the largest rain forests in the world.

What is the surrounded ?

The surrounded refers to something that is completely surrounded by a barrier or other entity. It can be physical, such as a wall that completely encloses an area, or it can be intangible, such as a person's feelings of being overwhelmed or confined. The term is often used to describe the feeling of being trapped or confined in a situation, such as a relationship, job, or lifestyle. It can also refer to an area that is completely blocked off, such as a prison cell or a gated community. Whatever the situation, the surrounded person or thing is completely surrounded and unable to escape.

To learn more about surrounded


this person, the child of ex-slaves, developed a hair product and died a millionaire. Who is it ?


Madam C.J. Walker is the child of ex-slaves, developed a hair product and died a millionaire, but built a fortune through her hair care empire.

Madam C.J. Walker began her life as the child of former slaves, but built a fortune through her hair care empire.

Madam Walker died at her country home in Irvington-on-Hudson on May 25, 1919, at the age of fifty-one, of hypertension. Her plans for her Indianapolis headquarters, the Walker Building, were carried out after her death and completed in 1927.

Madam C.J. Walker. Photo courtesy A'Lelia Bundles/Madam Walker Family Collection. Most people who've heard of her will tell you one or two things: She was the first black millionairess, and she invented the world's first hair-straightening formula and/or the hot comb.

Madam C. J. Walker became one of the most successful African American entrepreneurs of the early 20th century by creating a line of extremely popular hair care and beauty products for African Americans.

Walker formed the company Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company and used it to create and promote a range of cosmetics and hair care items for black women. She became well known for her activism and philanthropy as well.

Learn more about Madam C.J. Walker here:-


What was the purpose role of Buffalo Soldiers?


In the year 1866, the act of congress created six all black peace time regiments.

That was later known as the 'Buffalo soldiers'. The main role of the Buffalo soldiers was to support the westward expansions of the nation by protecting those who settled there. By Building infrastructure,  building new roads. And also guarding the US mail.

They also served at a variety of other posts. Like serving the military campaigns during the years long wars. During these times they created a distinguished record and hence 18 soldiers were awarded the medal of honor.

These Buffalo soldiers played a variety of significant role in many other military activities.

Learn more about Buffalo soldiers here.


What was added to the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War?

New Mexico
New Mexico

Oregon Territory
Oregon Territory




New Mexico was added to the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War.

The Mexican-American War of 1846–1848 was the first American armed conflict fought primarily on foreign soil. It pitted a politically divided and militarily unprepared Mexico against an expansionist US administration.

The Mexican-American War was formally ended by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The United States received the disputed territories of Texas, New Mexico and California. The Mexican government received $15 million. The same amount paid to France for the Louisiana Territory. The US Army won a resounding victory. The army lost 13,000 men, but won every battle in the war. Mexico has lost half of its territory and has no solace in money.

To know more about Mexican-American war click on the link below.


what 1861 event prompted the europeanization of siberia?


Among the many reforms initiated by Alexander II to revive the Russian economy, the most important was the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. Serfdom was the last vestige of feudalism, in which landless workers worked on aristocrat-owned farms.

In short, serfdom was basically indentured labor in which the descendants of serfs had to work for the lord for free.The liberation of the serfs was also carried out under the understanding that the power of conservative aristocrats would be weakened. The newly freed serfs were to become a mobile workforce to be deployed in key industrial areas.

To know more about  Alexander II click on the link below.


which outcome was achieved by the olmstead deciision?


The outcome achieved by the Olmstead decision was that individuals with disabilities have the right to live in the community and receive support services in the most integrated setting possible.

This decision, made by the Supreme Court in 1999, held that unjustified segregation of individuals with disabilities is a form of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a result of the Olmstead decision, states are required to provide community-based services and support to individuals with disabilities who would otherwise be institutionalized.
In summary, the Olmstead decision helped to ensure that individuals with disabilities have the right to live in the community and receive support services in the most integrated setting possible, rather than being unnecessarily institutionalized.

This was an important outcome for the disability rights movement and has had a lasting impact on the way that services and support are provided to individuals with disabilities.

You can read more about Supreme Court at


(04.03 MC)

Old map showing West Florida, the panhandle and East Florida, to the southeast. Under west and east Florida, a label reads, To Great Britain, 1763 to 1783. To the left of West Florida is the city of New Orleans. Pensacola is on the Gulf Coast in southern West Florida. The Gulf of Mexico is south.

Public Domain

A traveler leaves Pensacola on foot, bound for New Orleans. In which direction does he travel first? (5 points)






A traveler leaves Pensacola on foot, bound for New Orleans d. West direction does he travel first.

During what time period did Great Britain have control over West and East Florida?

Extremely good Britain had manipulate over West and East Florida from 1763 to 1783. This era is called the British length of Florida, which observed the Seven Years' warfare between splendid Britain and France. As part of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, France ceded manage of Florida to notable Britain. For the duration of this era, the British installed Pensacola because the capital of West Florida, and St. Augustine remained the capital of East Florida. But, the British period of manipulate become brief-lived, as Spain regained manipulate of Florida in 1783 as part of the Treaty of Paris that ended the yank revolutionary conflict.

To know more about Pensacola visit:


What caused the Bonus Army March on Washington DC




jobless WWI veterans wanted/needed money.

Who is the leader of Oceania in 1984?


In George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-four, Big Brother is Oceania's ruler.

In George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, Big Brother is a made-up figure and a symbol. He is supposedly in charge of Oceania, a totalitarian nation in which the ruling party controls all aspects of life for "its own benefit" of the populace. Every citizen is always being watched by the government in the society that Orwell depicts, primarily using telescreens (with the exception of the Proles). Big Brother is watching you, a tagline that appears frequently in the novel, serves as a constant reminder to the populace of this.

In contemporary culture, "Big Brother" has become a slang phrase for the abuse of government power, particularly with regard to civil liberties, and is frequently associated with widespread surveillance and a lack of social choice.

To know more about Nineteen Eighty-four


How did the state of Georgia contribute to the United States' effort during World War II?

answer choices
Various military bases such as Fort Benning and Camp Gordon allowed for soldiers to be effectively trained.
The Bell Bomber plant built aircrafts to be used by the Allies during the war.
The shipyards at Savannah and Brunswick housed large ships as well as built Liberty ships to be used during the war.
All of the above


The Bell Bomber was the state of Georgia contribute to the United States' effort during World War II, plant built aircrafts to be used by the Allies during the war,

As the United States mobilized for WWII, Georgians answered their Nation's call and none more so than Georgia. Southern states were critical to the war effort during World War II (1941-1945), thousands of civilians worked in rapidly expanding wartime industries.  Over 300,000 Georgians served in the military,

In the United States'  the Bell Bomber plant during the war, was the state of Georgia contribute to effort during World War II to built aircrafts to be used by the Allies .

in World War I (1917-18) Georgia played a significant role during America's participation The state was home by the war's end to more training camps than any other state and, , it had contributed  men and women to the war effort for more than 100,000 .

Other military camps were established in Columbus and Augusta to train thousands of soldiers. great amounts of food and cotton for clothing  was contributed by Georgia farmers  for Americans soldiers.

Learn more about georgia here:-


The 1918 influenza pandemic was a deadly, viral infection that spread worldwide during world war i. which modern strategy could have assisted with the treatment of this communicable disease?a. antibiotics could have been given to all military personnel. b. cities could have implemented community curfew measures.c. intensive care and medicines could have decreased mortality. d. social distancing could have been enforced in all military spaces.


The modern strategy of social distancing could have been enforced in all military spaces, which could have assisted with the treatment of the 1918 influenza pandemic. Hence option (d) is the answer.

What impact did the 1918 influenza pandemic have on the war?

The most devastating influenza pandemic in recent memory was that of 1918. The spread of influenza had an impact on the war, just as it had on the course of the First World War. The plague had spread throughout entire fleets, and the frontline soldiers were too sick to fight.

However, both sides of the war were devastated by the 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed more soldiers than their own weaponry could. Today, historians concur that a mutated virus propagated by troop movements during warfare was responsible for the "second wave" of the Spanish flu's deadly intensity.

To learn more about 1918 influenza pandemic, visit:


why did the spanish-american war move the united states into a position of a world power after 1898?


The Spanish-American War helped to establish the United States as a major world power and paved the way for the country's global leadership in the decades that followed. The war marked a significant shift in American foreign policy and set the stage for American involvement in international conflicts and diplomacy in the 20th century.

As per the question given,  

The Spanish-American War, which was fought in 1898, marked a significant turning point in the history of the United States, and it played a key role in propelling the country into a position of world power in the years that followed. Here are some of the key reasons why the Spanish-American War was so important in this regard:

Acquisition of Territories: As a result of the war, the United States acquired a number of territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. These territories gave the United States a foothold in the Pacific and the Caribbean, and they provided new markets for American goods and resources.

Emergence of the US Navy: The Spanish-American War marked the emergence of the US Navy as a significant naval power, with the destruction of the Spanish fleet in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba. This victory demonstrated the potential of the US Navy as a global force, and it helped to establish the United States as a key player in international affairs.

Increased Confidence and Prestige: The Spanish-American War boosted American confidence and national prestige. The war was seen as a validation of American military power and a symbol of the country's growing importance on the world stage.

Open Door Policy: Following the war, the United States adopted an "Open Door" policy with respect to China, which called for equal trading rights for all nations in China. This policy helped to expand American trade and influence in Asia.

For such more questions on Spanish-American War


what territories did japan acquire in the 1750 to 1900 time period?



Explanation: Taiwan, Korea, Nanpo ,Ryukyu and the Kurile islands

the emergency banking act was passed to stabilize the u.s. banking system by_____


The emergency banking act was passed to stabilize the u.s. banking system by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Following his initiation in Walk 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt set off on a mission to remake trust in the country's financial framework. At that point, the Economic crisis of the early 20s was devastating the US economy. Many individuals were pulling out their cash from banks and keeping it at home. Accordingly, the new president called an exceptional meeting of Congress the day after the introduction and proclaimed a four-day banking occasion that shut down the financial framework, including the Central bank. This activity was followed a couple of days after the fact by the section of the Crisis Banking Act, which was expected to reestablish Americans' trust in banks when they returned.

In his most memorable Fireside Talk on Walk 12, 1933, Roosevelt made sense of the emergency banking act about as regulation that was "speedily and energetically passed by the Congress ... [that] gave position to foster a program of restoration of our financial offices. ... The new regulation permits the twelve Central bank Banks to give extra money on great resources and accordingly the banks that resume will actually want to meet each authentic call. The new money is being conveyed by the Department of Etching and Printing to all aspects of the country."

To know more about Emergency banking act,visit here:


Describe how the geographical division within states compares with the division at the
national level


The person who is geographically literate must comprehend how and why various social groups have separated, organized, and unified regions of the Earth's surface.

What are the divisions of geography?

Human geography, physical geography, & technical geography are the three primary divisions of geography as a subject. Size may have an impact on a country's level of political or economic strength. The shape of the nation could affect how it can be controlled, how goods are carried across the country, and how it engages with its neighbors.

Location is related to concerns with accessibility, security, and protection. Geomorphology, climatology, oceanography, and soil geography are all closely related to the natural sciences because they all draw their data from the classical physical sciences of geology, meteorology, hydrology, and pedology.

To know more about geography, visit:


ection 2
Add dialogue to the speech bubbles to reflect what the common people and
the upper class might have thought about Andrew Jackson's inauguration.


Is Jackson can be considered the best that country has to offer? the speech bubbles to reflect.

Who is Andrew Jackson?

The seventh president of the United States was Michael Jackson. He was a lawyer, warrior, and political person from the United States. Jackson took office as the Senator. Also, he was considered the first person from Tennessee to be nominated to the House of Representatives.

Jackson was among those who would represent the illiterate commoners also how these people were the ones that have been behaving at the inauguration was termed as bad treatment by the upper class.  

Learn more about Andrew Jackson, here:


Write an assisgment indicating the importance of governance in the public sector/organizations


Good governance is essential and crucial for the effective functioning and following results from the public sector organizations. Governance refers to the systems and processes which is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of citizens.

Public sector organizations are for people and these organizations should be doing good service and operations for the wellbeing of the people. Governance will ensure this.

To achieve the goals and for delivering high and better quality services the public sector organizations will seek help from the governing body.

For a public sector organization, potentially there are many risks they could face including financial risks, reputational risks, legal risks etc.

The governance will help this by making a clear framework and help to identify and manage risks so that they could serve people more freely with certain laws, regulations, and policies.

Governance will ensure the transparency of the respective public sector organization so that we could trust and avail the service more faithfully.

Learn more about governance:


What happened during the children's Crusade in Birmingham?


More than a thousand students gathered together to march at the Sixth Street Baptist Church in downtown Birmingham, Alabama. Although, many were arrested and/or carried off into jail.

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