How were the English similar to the Spanish and French in the Americas?
O All three sent representatives to establish collaboration with Native
O Like the Spanish and French, the English also captured natives and sent them back to Europe
O Like the Spanish and French, the English sent people and supplies to set up colonies
O All three nations sent people to live and leam within Native communities


Answer 1


I think the answer is

O All three nations sent people to live and leam within Native communities


Related Questions

Explain how and why the different goals and interests of european leaders and colonists affected how they viewed themselves and their relationship with britain.


The different goals and interests of European leaders and colonists affected how they viewed themselves and their relationship with in such a way that there was a growing mistrust on both sides of the Atlantic as a result of the aspirations and interests of colonists and European officials occasionally diverging.

Colonists' resistance to imperial control drew on local experiences of self-government, developing ideas of liberty, the political thought of the Enlightenment, greater religious independence and diversity, and an ideology critical of perceived corruption in the imperial system.

Colonists, especially in British North America, expressed dissatisfaction over issues such as territorial settlements, frontier defense, self-rule, and trade.

To learn more about colonists, click


Frank was a participant in a research study looking at the content of people's dreams. if he is typical, most of his dreams will:______.


Frank was a participant in a research study looking at the content of people's dreams. if he is typical, most of his dreams will be very incoherent, illogical, chaotic, and concerned with fantastic images and very bizarre stories

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average person dreams four to six times per night. You might spend as much as 2 hours in dreamland over the course of a night's sleep, reports the National Institutes of Health.

The length of a dream can vary; they may last for a few seconds, or approximately 20–30 minutes. Dreaming is an important .

To know more about  dream here


In the 1580s, england was of answer choices


In the 1580s, England was-

Handling political difficulties with Spain and France on a regular basis.An island nation politically and religiously isolated from Europe.What was relation of England with Spain and France in 1580s?

           The 1580s were a time of discord. Conflicts between Protestants and Catholics raged on throughout Europe. During this time, Catholic Spain remained the dominant power.

Some features of relation of England with Spain and France in 1580s are-

                The Spanish soldiers fought Protestant insurgents in the Spanish-controlled Netherlands, while King Philip II of Spain desired a return of Catholicism in England.

Philip dispatched a Spanish Armada, the world's greatest fleet at the time, to conquer England.

To know more about England visit:


Why did the Spanish explore in the 1400s and 1500s?


a way to bring Christianity to other cultures that lived in other lands to get rich. And find things such as spices and gold.

How did the study of psychology change over the history of the field since the 19th century?


The study of psychology change over the history of the field since the 19th century because of this theory called behaviorism.

The rise to prominence of behaviorism during the 19th century caused significant changes in psychology. With its rejection of the focus on both the conscious and unconscious mind, behaviorism represented a significant departure from earlier theoretical viewpoints. Behaviorism, on the other hand, sought to make psychology a more scientific field by concentrating only on observable behavior.

Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov's work served as the foundation for behaviorism. Pavlov developed the classical conditioning theory, which stated that behaviors may be acquired through conditioned associations, as a result of his studies on the digestive systems of dogs.

To learn more about theory of behaviorism visit


Although the Jews had no home for almost two thousand years, they kept their:

great numbers


Answer: Religion


summarize the roles of nationalism and rivalries during the age of exploration;
examine the development of monarchies and their effects on government, trade, and religion;
discuss the reasons for European exploration and colonization of the rest of the world;
compare and contrast the effects of exploration on Europe and colonial societies; and
analyze the reactions of the people and governments to the arrival of European explorers. Please help me


Nationalism wasn’t very big in early Europe, but later throughout the centurion the various kingdoms and duchies began to crystallize into empires and nations. I will tackle the colonizers in order, first the Portuguese and Spanish made colonies westward to Asia because the Ottoman Empire had complete control of the spice trade from Asia. The Portuguese went under Africa and the cape of good hope and established colonies in India, Spain sent Columbus to discover another route and he found the Americas, and primal civilizations that had lots of gold, the Spanish began expanding there as soon as possible. This clashes with the interest there of the Portuguese so both of them made a deal to divided the world. Spain would get all of the America’s except for Brazil and Portugal would get all of Africa. Both empires later collapsed, mainly due to Napoleon but their colonies made them super rich but very poor mismanagement is one of the reasons for mass poverty in South America. The Dutch empire is very interesting because it was extremely large for such a small nation. The Dutch empire spanned in the americas, Africa until the British kicked them out of New Amsterdam and South Africa. But their main colony was always Indonesia, they actually went there because of hostility of the Mughal empire, this move opened up trade with Japan and china who actually liked the Dutch because they didn’t push their religion that much like the Spanish did. Also the VOC was like the OG and the British EOC ( East India trading company) was seen as an cheap knockoff at first and the VOC actually laid the foundation and structure for the British to take over India. Speaking of the British they won Canada after beating French, America revolted, They finished the Mughal empire, took over Dutch South Africa and Ottoman Egypt for the suez and earlier got Gibraltar from the Spanish giving them complete control of the Mediterranean. They even got into what’s called the great game with the Russians but all these empires died out in the Cold War.

Nationalism and Rivalries during the Age of Exploration:

Nationalism fueled the desire of European nations to assert dominance and expand their influence globally. Competition between countries seeking new trade routes, resources, and territories led to rivalries.

This rivalry was a major driving force behind exploration as each nation sought to outdo others in acquiring wealth and power.

Development of Monarchies and Their Effects:

Monarchies in Europe consolidated power, centralizing authority under the king or queen. This strengthened governments' ability to finance and support exploration, leading to new trade routes, discoveries, and colonies.

It also led to the spread of state-sponsored religions, with the monarchs as heads of the church, which often influenced colonization efforts.

Reasons for European Exploration and Colonization:

European exploration was driven by various factors, including the search for new trade routes to Asia, the desire to acquire wealth through trade and resources, spreading Christianity, and establishing territorial dominance.

Effects of Exploration on Europe and Colonial Societies:

Exploration brought significant changes to Europe, such as increased wealth through trade and access to new resources. It also expanded European influence globally, leading to the spread of ideas, technologies, and cultures.

Reactions to the Arrival of European Explorers:

The responses to European explorers varied among indigenous peoples. Some welcomed trade opportunities and alliances, while others resisted colonization, leading to conflicts.

European governments, on the other hand, often celebrated successful explorations and utilized the acquired wealth and resources to strengthen their positions in Europe and expand their global empires.

Know more about age of exploration:


Which law amended the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986, and what did it change?


The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 was updated by the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996. It changed a number of CFAA provisions and toughened the punishments for a few offences.

National Information Infrastructure Protection Act 1996.

The collective computer and communication network that enables the operation of banks, businesses, schools, media, and the government is known as the national information infrastructure. This infrastructure, which is essential to the country's economy, has grown quickly over the past ten years. However, because the network relies on computers to transmit data, it is also weak. The National Information Infrastructure Protection Act, enacted by Congress in 1995, strengthened the security of government and personal computers as well as Internet server networks.

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986's protections were expanded with the passage of the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.

To know more about 'National Information Infrastructure Protection Act 1996' , visit :


isaac newton discovered the universal law of gravitation by using experiments.


This is true that Isaac newton discovered the universal law of gravitation by using experiments.

As one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists of all time and among the most important scientists, Sir Isaac Newton PRS was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and author. He was a pivotal player in the Enlightenment, an intellectual movement.

Every particle in the cosmos attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers, according to Newton's law of universal gravitation.

The universal rule of gravitation is significant because it has been successful in explaining a wide range of phenomena, including how various cosmic objects interact with one another. how the effects of gravity lead to our bodies' weight maintaining us on the ground. how the moon moves in relation to the earth.

To know more about law of universal gravitation refer to:


On which flight did the passengers attack the terrorists and prevent the plane from crashing into another building?.


The Flight 93 passengers engage the terrorists on board and stop the aircraft from colliding with another structure. As part of the September 11 attacks, four al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, a domestic scheduled passenger flight.

After a failed attempt by the passengers and crew to retake control of the aircraft from the hijackers, the plane eventually came to rest in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. The hijackers and all 44 passengers died in the collision. The Boeing 757-222 was operating a daily, early-morning United Airlines flight from San Francisco International Airport in California to Newark International Airport in New Jersey.

Learn more about Flight 93


What was the roman concept of imperium, and which magistracies came with this power or ability?


Imperium,  the supreme executive power in the Roman state, involving both military and judicial authority. It was exercised first by the kings of Rome; under the republic .

In a general sense, imperium was the scope of someone's power, and could include anything, such as public office, commerce, political influence, or wealth.

The most important power was imperium, which was held by consuls (the chief magistrates) and by praetors (the second highest-ranking ordinary magistrate). Defined narrowly, imperium simply gave a magistrate the authority to command a military force.

Imperium is the authority held by magistrates and promagistrates to command the Roman army.

To know more about consuls here


Why did Britain lose control of the colonies?
O The colonists lost the Revolutionary War
O The colonists won the Revolutionary War
O The British were angry about the Stamp Act taxes
O The British wanted to share power


B the colonists won the war


The colonists won the Revolutionary War


Technically speaking, the British lost control after the Revolutionary War as we had defeated their forces with the help of the French. However, if it means when we started to lose control, that's around the time of the Stamp Act as the colonists were angry with Britain.

And pre-revolutionary war America France develop military alliances
with which group


Pre-revolutionary war America and France develop military alliances with Spain, Netherlands against Great Britain.

What was the pre-revolutionary war?

These were the wars that were referred to as the wars that took place in the United States before the American revolution war was fought.

An example of such a war was the seven years war. The American revolution was a war that was fought because the colonists wanted to exert their freedom from the British. The war was because the people had become tired of the tyranny and the way they were treated by the Europeans.

They wanted to be able to govern themselves. Hence there was the need for the people to go to war against the British with several countries acting as allies behind them. A good example was France.

Read more on Pre-revolutionary war here:


List ONE historical example of globalization.


colonization of the americas

In 1956 an invention increased the volume of world trade by lowering the cost of shipping. what was the invention?


A discovery made in 1956 reduced the cost of shipping, hence increasing the volume of global trade. The innovation was the intermodal shipping container.

What exactly is an intermodal container?

A sizable metal box (made of steel, aluminum, etc.) that can be used for several modes of transportation is known as an intermodal container. an intermodal freight transport vehicle Two twenty-foot containers, or two TEU, are equivalent to one forty-foot container (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit). a container that is transferred from one mode of transportation to another without its contents being loaded or unloaded. a container that complies with international ISO standards; an experiment successfully carried out and democratized by American industrialist Malcolm Maclean, who provided American soldiers with supplies in the 1940s. a mode of transportation that facilitated the growth of maritime commerce globally.

To know more about Intermodal container visit:


William u’ren was the founder of the oregon system and a leading figure of progressive reform. While the oregon system was very successful, identify the two issues that broke the alliance between the middle-class urbanites, and workers and farmers.



the requirement for state government to provide employment for the unemployed a referendum to increase taxes on the wealthy


How were the paleo Indians and pueblo different?


Due to their earlier historical existence than the Pueblo, the Paleo-Indians and Pueblo were distinct from one another.

More about Paleo-Indians and Pueblo:

Paleo is Latin for "old." The Ice Age marked the start of the Paleoindian era. Large portions of North America were covered in glaciers, and enormous, extinct animals roamed the continent. Additionally, it was the era of immigration to North America. The inhabitants were hunter-gatherers who moved with the herds of animals they needed for food and other necessities

The details of Paleo-Indian movement to and from the Americas, along with the precise dates and routes used, are still being studied and discussed by researchers.

Learn more about Paleo-Indians here:


One of the main factors that enabled europeans to conquer native north americans with relative ease was the?


The pacifist nature of the native North Americans was one of the main factors that enabled Europeans  to conquer native North Americans with relative ease.

What is pacifist nature?

A person who is a pacifist is someone who stands against wars and violence to settle a dispute. They advocate talking through the differences with others instead of fighting each other.

The Latin origin of the term "pacifist" is pax and facere which means peace and to make, respectively.

Pacifism was a term coined by Émile Arnaud, who was a French peace campaigner. A term related to it is Ahimsa, which is also a core philosophy to be found in the religions of India, such as Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism.

To know more about pacifism, visit:


How long is a decade?


A decade is 10 years


10 years.


A decade is 10 years long.

I hope it helps, have a great day!

In what ways were Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons different from earlier hominids? In what ways were they different from each other?


Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons vary from earlier peoples both had large brains than earlier humans. Neanderthals had religious beliefs and have been the primary people to carry out ritual burials. Cro-Magnons made specialized gear, planned their hunts, and had advanced language competencies.

Neanderthals had a good deal stronger and thicker bones than homosapiens. these thicker bones encompass thicker metacarpals and usually a far better disposition which turned into appropriate to their harsh way of life. they also had an asymmetrical humerus bone rather than homosapiens who have a symmetrical humerus.

Neanderthals and Cro-magnons did not coexist in the Iberian Peninsula, which indicates a re-analysis of the relationship. precis: The assembly between a Neanderthal and one of the first human beings, which we used to photograph in our minds, did not occur at the Iberian Peninsula

Cro-Magnon is the call of an area in France where several prehistoric skeletons have been determined in 1868. The Cro-Magnon type of prehistoric human appears to have been heavily built and fairly tall compared with the Neanderthals.

Learn more about Neanderthals here:


In terms of innovation in transportation technology occurring since the 1950s, the development of _____ has essentially reduced the size of our entire world. (check all that apply.)


In terms of innovation in transportation technology occurring since the 1950s, the development of commercial jets has essentially reduced the size of our entire world.

Transport is the movement of people, animals, and goods from one place to another. In other words, transport behavior is defined as a specific movement of an organism or object from point A to point B.

Transport modes include air, land, water, cable, pipeline, and space. This area can be divided into Infrastructure, Vehicles, and Operations. Transportation enables trade between peoples, which is essential to the development of civilization.

Transportation infrastructure consists of fixed assets such as roads, railroads, airways, waterways, canals, and pipelines, and terminals such as airports, railway stations, bus terminals, warehouses, truck terminals, petrol stations, and ports. The terminal can be used for passenger and cargo exchange, as well as maintenance.

A vehicle is any type of vehicle used to transport people or goods. They may include vehicles, vehicles, and beasts of burden. Vehicles include wagons, cars, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks, helicopters, ships, spacecraft, and planes.

Learn more about commercial jets  here:


When british sea captains transporting convicted felons to australia were paid for every prisoner who disembarked in australia:_____.


A new incentive system was made when, the British sea captions were transporting the convicted Felons tp Australia, As they were paid for every prisoner who disembarks in Australia.

It is estimated that, in the period 1788 to 1868, around 1,62,000 convicted people were being transported from Britain and Ireland under the different Penal codes made by the British in their Australian colonies.

This was started as, British  had lacked access to the America as the revolution had erupted over, thus they started looking for other place, which was identified and taken into control by James cook.

The first fleet consisted of the, estimated, eleven ships loaded with convicts reached Sydney on 20th January, 1788.

To know more about, Australian colonies, click here-


Identify and discuss the socio economic, political and cultural consequences of european expansionism in reference to the statement of during the period of voyages of discovery


The socio-economic, political, and cultural consequences of European expansionism during the period of voyages of discovery resulted in, Explorers of Europe returning to their continent with new information about places like Africa and America.

As a result of the trade-in of products, spices, and precious metals, European colonizers amassed enormous wealth.  With the transition from traditional place charts to the first nautical maps, navigation and mapping techniques advanced.  The colonies and Europe traded new foods, plants, and animals.  Native Americans were wiped out by Europeans due to a combination of sickness, excessive effort, and massacres.  The immense plantations in the New World required a large labor force, which led to the 300-year-long trade in enslaved people, which had a profound effect on Africa.

To know more about European expansionism, click here:


what was the key to the economy and society


Answer:Economy and Society relates economic life to other aspects of our lives—social, cultural, political, religious and intellectual.


The economy is the social institution that organizes the production, distribution, and consumption of a society's goods and services.

The 16th century european physician paracelsus, and later dr. thomas sydenham promoted the use of?


The use of laudanum was encouraged by the 16th-century European physician Paracelsus and later by Dr. Thomas Sydenham.

What is a physician (doctor) responsible for?

A physician, often known as a doctor or medical professional, provides patients with a range of care. A doctor's main duty is to look out for the health of their patients. Treatment of patients with serious injuries or long-term diseases can occasionally be quite stressful. There are many different types of medical professional, such as anesthesiologists, family and general practitioners, internists, obstetricians and gynecologists, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and surgeons.

There are two types of doctors: medical doctors (M.D.) and practitioners of osteopathic medicine (D.O.). Both of these groups of medical professionals treat patients. The doctors, however, also employ preventative health care and holistic healing methods. At the conclusion of their ordinary training, medical physicians frequently choose to specialize.

To know more about Physician visit:


Hey does anyone have some really good ideas for this? So I have a project where it’s like you create your own island and it includes what kind of government you want to create, society choosing its leader, will they choose?, will you have a written constitution?, how will your government divide resources like food or water and things like that. So what I have in mind is “spanish clowns” and one of the rules that I also had in mind is that if you don’t laugh you will get sent to the underworld. Also I have to create a flag about that. Any ideas of the flag part (to make it look cool and stand out, I guess “evil” and etc



Well, flag wise, maybe do like a theatre arts mask? I know that would be cool.

Under whose leadership were the nez perce when they were fleeing from encroaching whites in the 1870s?


The Wallowa band of the Nez Perce Tribe was led by Chief Joseph (1840–1904), who rose to fame in 1877 after taking his people on a daring trip over the Rocky Mountains.

Chief Joseph

The Wallowa band of the Nez Perce Tribe was led by chief Joseph (1840–1904), who rose to fame in 1877 for organizing a daring journey over the Rocky Mountains. He was born in 1840, and Reverend Henry H. Spalding (1803–1874), who had founded a mission among the Nez Perce in 1836, gave him the name Joseph. Soon after returning to their Wallowa homeland in Oregon, young Joseph and his father resumed their traditional lifestyles. As Joseph got older and took on the role of chief, he came under growing pressure from the government to leave his Wallowa territory and join the other Nez Perce on their reservation close to Lapwai, Idaho. Joseph objected, claiming he had promised his father he would never go that he would not.

To know more about 'Chief Joseph', visit:


Evaluate the extent to which the american revolution changed society in the period from 1765 to 1800.


In terms of political, social, and economic dimensions, the American Revolution significantly altered American society between 1765 and 1800. In the past, the colonies had only turned to the King of England to handle any issues. The quest for freedom, however, gave rise to a wholly novel and difficult way of living as a result of Americans' developing nationalistic ideals. The demands of a new administration, shifting social norms, and a free-standing economy were felt by Americans.

New marketplaces and trade connections were made possible by the Revolution. The American triumph also allowed for invasion and settlement of the western regions, opening up new home markets. Instead of relying solely on British manufacturers, Americans started to establish their own.

To know more about American Revolution, click here:


What were the Navigation Acts?



The Navigation Acts (1651, 1660) were acts of Parliament intended to promote the self-sufficiency of the British Empire by restricting colonial trade to England and decreasing dependence on foreign imported goods.



The Navigation Acts (1651, 1660) were acts of Parliament intended to promote the self-sufficiency of the British Empire by restricting colonial trade to England and decreasing dependence on foreign imported goods.


What effects did british taxes have on the american colonists before the revolution?.


The British taxes impacted the American colonists before the revolution, in such a way that they hurt the economic interests of southern planters and New England merchants and they fostered an alliance between merchants and laborers.

In order to prevent the colonies from producing paper money, the British Parliament established the Currency Act in 1764. Due to this, it became even more challenging for colonists to pay their taxes and debts.

Many colonists were incensed by their lack of self-government by the 1770s. As a result, they were unable to rule themselves and adopt their own laws. They were required to pay the king hefty taxes. They believed they were contributing taxes to a government in which they were unrepresented.

To learn more about British taxes, click


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