how do hurricanes and tornados work?


Answer 1
Tornadoes, and the parent storm clouds that produce them, require strong vertical wind shear and strong horizontal temperature changes to form and survive; hurricanes thrive in regions of weak vertical wind shear where the horizontal change in atmospheric temperature is small

Related Questions

Can you sequence the following levels of biological organization from smallest to largest?
1. atom
2. molecule
3. organelle
4. cell
5. tissue
6. organ
7. organ system
8. organism
9. population
10. community
11. ecosystem
12. biosphere


Atom. Molecule. Organelle. Cell. Tissue. Organ. Organ system. Organism. Population. Community. Ecosystem. Biosphere.
The list you have is correct


Atom - The smallest unit of matter.

Molecule - A combination of two or more atoms.

Organelle - A specialized structure within a cell that performs specific functions.

Cell - The basic unit of life.

Tissue - A group of similar cells that perform a specific function.

Organ - A group of tissues that perform a specific function.

Organ System - A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function.

Organism - A living entity made up of multiple organ systems.

Population - A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area.

Community - A group of populations of different species living in the same area.

Ecosystem - A community of living organisms and their physical environment.

Biosphere - The portion of Earth that supports life, including all ecosystems and living organisms.


You correct actually :D


assume that attached (connected) earlobes are a recessive trait with 73% penetrance. for a p generation where one parent is heterozygous and the other is homozygous recessive for the attached earlobe gene, what is the probability that their first child will have attached earlobes?


This means that the likelihood of their first child having connected earlobes is 36.5%.

(0.5)(0.73)=.365*100= 36.5%

What is heterozygous vs homozygous?

The phrases homozygous and heterozygous are used to describe different types of allele pairs. People who are homozygous have two copies of the same allele (RR or rr). In contrast, heterozygous refers to a creature containing a variety of alleles (Rr).

Individuals with brown eyes can either be homozygous (two alleles) or heterozygous (one for brown and one for blue). This gene is dominant in contrast to the recessive blue eye allele. Two identical blue eye alleles are required for having blue eyes.

Why is it called homozygous?

Being homozygous in terms of genetics means that both of one's biological parents gave him or her the exact same alleles (versions) of a genomic marker. A person is said to be homozygous for a genetic marker if they have two identical copies of the marker. There are identical genes in the same order on each of a homologous pair of chromosomes, yet there may be changes between them that result in different alleles.

To know more about Homozygous visit:


pemphigus causes blisters because the skin cells cannot firmly attach to each other. pemphigus is an autoimmune disease that produces antibodies against which strength-producing transmembrane protein?


This kind is associated with desmoglein 3 IgG antibodies, either by themselves or in combination to antidesmoglein 1 antibodies. The production of autoantibodies that selectively target keratinocyte proteins causes pemphigus vulgaris (PV), an autoimmune skin disease.

Pemphigus vulgaris results from a malfunction in the immune system, the body's line of defence against infection. Whenever the immune system isn't functioning properly, it accidentally attacks the skin rather than germs. Blisters form as a result, and the skin is damaged. D-penicillamine use is usually associated with the drug-induced illnesses pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus.This kind is associated with desmoglein 3 IgG antibodies, either by themselves or in combination to antidesmoglein 1 antibodies. The production of autoantibodies that selectively target keratinocyte proteins causes pemphigus vulgaris (PV), an autoimmune skin disease.

Learn more about disease


All Hawaiian honeycreeper bird species have similar skeletal and muscle structures. However, each Hawaiian honeycreeper species has a bill specialized for eating certain foods. What would a scientist most likely conclude based on this observation?
a. Artificial selection shaped the bill for eating certain foods.
b. Increased genetic variation resulted in similar skeletal and muscle structure.
c. Changes in each honeycreeper species occurred independently but resulted in similar traits.
d. Honeycreepers arose from a single species that migrated to Hawaii and adapted to different


Based on the given observation, the scientist would most likely conclude that the Honeycreepers arose from a single species that migrated to Hawaii and adapted niches over time (d).

It suggests that all Hawaiian honeycreepers arose from a single species that migrated to Hawaii and adapted to different niches over time. However, the fact that each honeycreeper species has a bill specialized for eating certain foods suggests that they evolved independently in response to different ecological niches, rather than from a single species that was already adapted to all the available niches.  The Hawaiian honeycreepers are a group of birds that are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. While they share similar skeletal and muscle structures, each species has a bill that is specialized for eating certain types of food, such as nectar, fruit, or insects. This suggests that each species has evolved in response to the different ecological niches available on the islands. It is also thought that the honeycreepers evolved from a common ancestor that migrated to Hawaii, and then diverged into the different species over time.

To learn more about niches, click on


The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure suggests that membranes ...


The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure suggests that membranes are composed of a fluid bilayer of phospholipids with embedded and attached proteins, and that this structure is dynamic and constantly changing.

The model proposes that the lipid bilayer is the fundamental structure of cell membranes and is made up of a two-layered sheet of phospholipids, with their hydrophobic tails facing each other and their hydrophilic heads facing outward. This creates a selectively permeable barrier that controls the passage of molecules in and out of the cell.

The proteins that are embedded and attached to the membrane are responsible for many of its functions, such as transport, signaling, and cell recognition. They are able to move and shift within the fluid bilayer, and can also form complexes with other proteins or lipids to carry out specific functions.

The fluid mosaic model helps to explain the ability of membranes to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions, as well as their selective permeability and diverse functions. It has been a foundational concept in cell biology and has helped to advance our understanding of how cells work.

Learn more about fluid mosaic model  here:


Using the video from Episode 3 on Henry, compare and contrast the difference between, right, left, and biventricular heart failure. Explain why Henry had right-sided heart failure.Also, note that content in this case scenario incorporates topics from Chapters 16, 18, and 19.Requirements:1-2 references to support your responses.


Right-sided heart failure occurs when the right ventricle of the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently into the pulmonary artery, leading to congestion of blood in the systemic circulation.

In contrast, left-sided heart failure occurs when the left ventricle fails to pump blood efficiently into the systemic circulation, leading to congestion of blood in the pulmonary circulation. Biventricular heart failure occurs when both the left and right ventricles are failing to pump blood efficiently, resulting in both pulmonary and systemic congestion.

In the case of Henry, he had right-sided heart failure due to his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD causes chronic hypoxia, which leads to pulmonary hypertension and eventually right-sided heart failure. The increased pulmonary vascular resistance in COPD causes the right ventricle to work harder to pump blood into the lungs, leading to hypertrophy and eventual failure.

Learn more about congestion :


During food processing some natural nutrients can be lost. Through the following process, these nutrients can be added back. An example would be B Vitamins in bread.a. Fortified
b. Enrichment
c. Pasteurization
d. Perishable


The process of adding back lost nutrients during food processing is called fortification.

Fortification is the addition of specific nutrients to a food product, usually to improve its nutritional value. This process is commonly used in the food industry to add vitamins and minerals to staple foods, such as bread and cereal, that may have lost these nutrients during processing.

An example of fortification is the addition of B vitamins to bread. These vitamins are essential for good health and are often lost during the process of making white flour, which is used to make most types of bread. By fortifying the flour with B vitamins, the nutritional value of the bread can be improved.

It is important to note that fortification is different from enrichment, which is the addition of nutrients that were naturally present in the food but lost during processing. For example, refining grains to make white flour removes some of the nutrients, such as fiber and vitamins, and enrichment is the addition of these lost nutrients back into the flour. Fortification, on the other hand, adds nutrients that were not naturally present in the food.

Learn more about fortification:


Illustrate four ways in which covid 19 affected normal life routine


1. Many people have had to stay home and make dramatic changes to their daily routines due to Covid-19. Working remotely has become the new normal, which has led to a significant increase in telecommuting and virtual meetings.

2. Social distancing measures have been implemented to reduce the spread of the virus, which has greatly restricted people's ability to gather together for social events, religious services, and other activities.

3. Schools have been forced to close, causing many students to switch to online learning and distance learning.

4. Travel restrictions are in place across many parts of the world, which has limited people's ability to go on vacation or visit family and friends. These restrictions have had a major impact on the tourism industry, as well as on individuals' plans.

Eukaryotes traditionally studied by microbiologists include the protozoa, helminths, and microscopic algae and:_______


Microbiologists frequently study eukaryotes such protozoa, helminths, microscopic algae, and Fungi.

What eukaryotes from the list below do microbiologists generally study?

A few few eukaryotes have long been the focus of microbiologists.

These consist of protozoa, microscopic fungi, microscopic algae, and helminths. Algae do not cause infections in people.

Which four classifications do eukaryotic microorganisms fall under?

The four eukaryotic kingdoms are recognised by the most common categorization as Versatility (prokaryotes), Animalia (Metazoa), Pteridophytes, Fungi, and Protista. This taxonomy also recognises the "Whittaker" five kingdom structure.

Organelles such as mitochondria (cellular energy exchangers), the Golgi apparatus (a secretory device), the endoplasmic reticulum (a canal-like structure of membranes within the cell), and lysosomes are also present in eukaryotic cells (digestive apparatus within many cell types)

To learn more about fungi click here:


The above question is incomplete. Check complete question below -

Eukaryotes traditionally studied by microbiologists include the protozoa, helminths, and microscopic algae and:___

A. Fungi

B. Archeae

C. Bacteria

D. Virus

Describe how the phospholipid bilayer regulates the permeability of the cell membrane


Answer:The phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer with the hydrophobic tails facing inward. The tails are packed tightly together, thus preventing any large molecules from diffusing through.


there are two active sites in the functional enzyme (one in each subunit), but only one substrate molecule can be processed at a time. why is this? be sure to appropriately cite your source.


The reason why only one substrate molecule can be processed at a time in an enzyme with two active sites is due to a phenomenon called cooperativity.

Cooperativity is a process by which the binding of one substrate molecule to one active site of the enzyme affects the properties of the other active site. In the case of enzymes with two active sites, binding of a substrate molecule to one site results in a conformational change that makes it easier for another substrate molecule to bind to the second active site. However, this conformational change also results in the second active site being less efficient at catalyzing the reaction. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the enzyme is optimized for processing one substrate molecule at a time.

Learn more about  substrate here:


A dichotomous key for trees is provided. Hikers found a tree that has large brown cones and single sharp needles. What species of tree have the hikers found?JuniperPineSpruceFir


Based on the given characteristics of large brown cones and single sharp needles, the hikers have likely found a pine tree.

A dichotomous key is a tool used to identify unknown organisms by answering a series of yes or no questions based on their characteristics. In this case, the characteristics used to identify the tree were the presence of large brown cones and single sharp needles. By following the key, it was determined that the tree was a pine.

Pine trees are coniferous trees that belong to the Pinus genus. They are known for their needle-like leaves, which can be found in bundles of 2-5 depending on the species. Pine cones are also a distinctive feature of the trees, with different species producing cones of varying sizes and colors. Pines are commonly found in temperate and subtropical regions of the world and are widely used for lumber and paper production.

Learn more about pine trees here:


CFC's are significant greenhouse gases that trap extra heat on the surface of Earth. Replacement molecules have been created that are safe to the ozone layer but also act as greenhouse gases. What are these replacement gas molecules?


Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and perfluorocarbon (PFC) emissions, which are utilized to replace ozone-depleting substances (ODS), are increasing on a global scale.

The United States is one of many countries that annually submits greenhouse gas emissions inventories under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that calculate emissions of HFCs, PFCs, and other greenhouse gases. Emissions of the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) substitutes hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) and perfluorocarbons (PFC) are rising globally. The EPA and numerous industries are working together to measure, manage, and restrict these emissions.

Also, EPA has examined the expected economic effects of certain regulations and programs to cut greenhouse gas emissions. These evaluations have demonstrated that there are numerous cost-effective approaches for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

To know more about greenhouse gas


QuestionInterphase is also called resting stage becauseACell has stopped divisionBCell is metabolically inactiveCNo visible changes occur in the nucleusDCell does not growEasy


Interphase is also called the resting stage because the cell has stopped division. So, option A. is the correct answer.

Interphase is the phase of the cell cycle in which an ordinary cell devours most of its life. During this stage, the cell replicates its DNA in preparation for mitosis. Interphase is the daily tenancy or metabolic stage of the cell, in which the cell obtains nutrients and metabolizes them, thrives, reads its DNA, and conducts additional typical cell processes. The prevalence of eukaryotic cells spends most of their period in interphase. This phase was previously named the resting phase. Nevertheless, interphase does not characterize a cell that is simply resting; rather, the cell is living and organizing for later cell division, so the word was altered.

To learn more about the interphase visit here:


what is the direction of synthesis of the new strand?


DNA is always synthesized in the 5' to 3' direction. That is, nucleotides are added only to 3' end of the growing strand.

Why does replication occur in the 5'-3 direction?

The need for fidelity may explain why DNA replication occurs only in the 5' to 3' direction. If there is a DNA polymerase that adds deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in the 3' to 5' direction, the growing 5' strand end, rather than the incoming mononucleotide, will carry the activated triphosphate. .

Are the template strands always 3 to 5?

The template DNA and RNA strands are antiparallel. RNA polymerase always builds new RNA strands in the 5'-3' direction. That is, only RNA nucleotides (A, U, C, or G) can be added to the 3' end of the strand. 

To learn more about strand in DNA visit:


How does the structure of eukaryotic chromosome during mitosis differ from its structure during the rest of the cell cycle


Chromosome: replicating itself, looks like 2 lines, come back together at both ends; during the rest of the cell cycle, just one singular line.

The term "eukaryotic chromosome structure" describes the many stages of packaging of DNA, from unprocessed DNA molecules to the chromosomal structures seen during metaphase in mitosis or meiosis. Long DNA strands that carry genetic data are found in chromosomes. Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, much larger than prokaryotic chromosomes, and have more nucleotides per base.While prokaryotic cells' chromosomes are not stored in a nucleus, eukaryotic cells' chromosomes are. Because there is more DNA present on eukaryotic chromosomes, more packaging is needed to fit the DNA molecules inside the cell nucleus. Condensed nucleosomes are created by wrapping DNA around histone proteins at this stage of packing.

To know more about Chromosome click here:


Identify the shape of the bacteria​


the shape of the given bacteria was found to be rod-shaped (bacilli).

define about types of bacteria ?

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that can be classified based on various characteristics including shape, cell wall structure, and metabolic pathways. One classification system divides bacteria into four types based on their cell wall structure: Gram-positive, Gram-negative, acid-fast, and atypical. Gram-positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan layer in their cell walls, while Gram-negative bacteria have a thinner peptidoglycan layer and an outer membrane. Acid-fast bacteria have a waxy cell wall that is resistant to staining, and atypical bacteria have unique cell wall structures or lack a cell wall altogether. Bacteria can also be classified based on their metabolic pathways, such as aerobic, anaerobic, or facultative anaerobic. Understanding the different types of bacteria is important for identifying and treating infections caused by these microorganisms.

Bacteria can have various shapes including spherical (cocci), rod-shaped (bacilli), spiral-shaped (spirilla), comma-shaped (vibrio), and corkscrew-shaped (spirochete), among others.

To learn more about bacteria follow the given link:


discuss the primary considerations and issues that must be factored into modal and carrier selection.


The following are the main factors and things to remember while choosing a mode and carrier: - The type of message being delivered and the intended audience the service's price and the bandwidth made available -The beneficiaries' location in relation to the rest of the world.

Many planning actions that take place before carrier selection and mode selection are the main element and problems that must be taken into account. It contains details on how purchases and payments should be made, who will be in charge of overseeing the company's transportation operations, and how the goods should be transported from one location to another. Whether an alternative is multimodal or intermodal will rely on how well it competes in terms of accessibility, transit times, dependability, product safety, cost, and longevity. When choosing a carrier, it is important to consider the desired service type—direct or indirect—as well as geographic coverage, service levels, and the carrier's ability to negotiate fair prices.

To learn more about carrier selection click on the given link:


The substances that participate in a reaction are called___, whereas that substance that form as a result of a reaction is called ____


The substances that participate in a reaction are called reactants, whereas the substance that form as a result of a reaction is called products.

Explanation: In a chemical reaction, the reactants are the substances that are present at the beginning of the reaction and undergo a chemical change to form new substances, which are called products. The reactants are written on the left-hand side of the chemical equation, while the products are written on the right-hand side. For example, the chemical equation for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water is:

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

In this equation, hydrogen and oxygen are the reactants, while water is the product. The arrow indicates the direction of the reaction, from reactants to products.

Learn more about reaction here:


suppose the stereocilia of one hair cell become permanently bent toward the kinocilium. What will most likely happen as a consequence? A single pitch will be constantly perceived depending on the hair cell's location Many pitches will no longer be perceivable A single pitch will no longer be perceivable depending on the hair cell's location Many pitches will be constantly perceived


Depending on the position of the hair cell, a single pitch will no longer be audible,  likely happen as a consequence.

Stereocilia, tiny hair-like structures on the inner ear's hair cells, are in charge of translating sound vibrations into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain. It is probable that the hair cell will be perpetually depolarized when the stereocilia become permanently bent towards the kinocilium, which is the tallest hair cell in the bundle, resulting in the perception of a single pitch regardless of the frequency of the sound waves that are registered by the ear. Therefore, it is most likely that a single pitch will always be heard, regardless of where the hair cell is located, as a result of one hair cell's stereocilia getting permanently bent towards the kinocilium.

Learn more about cell here:


the substances that participate in a reaction are called , whereas the substances that form as a result of a reaction are known as


The substances that participate in a reaction are called reactants, whereas the substance that forms as a result of a reaction is called a product.

Reactants are the starting materials that are involved in a chemical reaction, which undergo a transformation to form new substances. The reactants are typically shown on the left side of a chemical equation, with an arrow pointing to the right side, where the products are shown.

Products, on the other hand, are the new substances that are formed as a result of the chemical reaction. They are typically shown on the right side of a chemical equation, with an arrow pointing from the reactants on the left side.

Chemical reactions involve the breaking and formation of chemical bonds, which result in the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different chemical and physical properties than the reactants. The law of conservation of mass dictates that the total mass of the reactants must be equal to the total mass of the products in a chemical reaction.

Learn more about chemical reactions here:


Full Question ;

The substances that participate in a reaction are called___, whereas that substance that form as a result of a reaction is called ____

7. in pea plants, round seeds (r) are dominant to wrinkled seeds (r), and yellow seeds (y) are dominant to green seeds (y). if you were to cross a rryy plant with a rryy plant, what proportion of the offspring would have wrinkled, yellow seeds? what proportion would have round, green seeds?


Round and yellow pea seeds are produced as a result of a cross between certain round, green-seeded peas and yellow, wrinkled peas. A. RY, rY, Ry, ry.

The haploid-numbered reproductive or sex cells are known as gametes. In every creature, gametes only contain one copy of each gene or chromosome. Unlike the male gamete, which is known as sperm or pollen, the male gamete is known as an egg or ovum.

The genotype of the heterozygous plant in this instance is RrYy. There would be one copy of each gene in each gamete. A dominant R and a dominant Y allele, as well as a recessive R and a recessive Y allele, are present in the gametes. Each one generates 25% of RY, Ry, rY, and ry.

Learn more about Yellow and green pea here


what structure in a cell contains the genetic information?



We now know that the DNA carries the hereditary information of the cell

in appositional growth, chondrocytes within cartilage divide and secrete new matrix. true/false


True. Appositional growth is a process of cartilage growth where chondrocytes, the cells responsible for producing and maintaining the cartilage matrix, divide and secrete new matrix.

This is in contrast to interstitial growth, which involves the chondrocytes within the existing cartilage matrix dividing and producing new matrix.

During appositional growth, chondrocytes in the outer layer of cartilage, called the perichondrium, divide and secrete new matrix on the surface of the cartilage. This process leads to an increase in cartilage thickness and is important for the growth and maintenance of bones, joints, and other tissues that require cartilage for support and movement.

Appositional growth can also occur in other tissues, such as bone, where it contributes to bone remodeling and repair. In bone, the process involves the activity of osteoblasts, cells responsible for producing new bone matrix, and occurs on the surface of existing bone tissue.

In summary, appositional growth is a process of tissue growth where cells divide and secrete new matrix on the surface of existing tissue, and chondrocytes in cartilage are an example of cells that can carry out this process.

Learn more about cartilage  here:


describe the structural feactures of the foot that are clearly related to its weaight bearing and locomotry function


The arches are the structural feactures of the foot that are clearly related to its weaight bearing and locomotry function.

The arches of the foot have an important role in weight bearing. During standing, the weight of the body is distributed throughout the bones in the foot by the arches. The weight is transmitted from the tibia to the talus, before being transmitted posteriorly to the calcaneus.

The foot is clearly a complex structure with flexible and non-flexible parts whose functions are interdependent. In order to provide support for standing and a lever for propulsion the foot needs to be firm and stable.

Flexible bands of tissue stretched between the bones hold all this complicated body machinery together. These bands are called ligaments.

Learn more about arches here:-


Keeping in mind the events of each part of the cell cycle, mark with a double arrow on Model 1
where those cells might (either temporarily or permanently) exit the cell cycle to G. Label this as
G. Why did you choose this location for Go? Hint: Think of a place in the cell cycle where the
cell is functioning normally, but not preparing to divide.


The G0 phase, also known as quiescence or senescence, is a state that cells can enter temporarily or permanently after exiting the cell cycle. A cell is metabolically active while in the non-diving state of the cell cycle known as G0.

Explain the cell cycle.

Chromosomes and other cell components duplicate to create two copies of themselves over the course of the cell cycle, which consists of a number of phases. Following this, the cell divides into two daughter cells, distributing one copy of the duplicated material to each.

Why is the cell cycle called that?

The cell cycle is comparable to the life cycle of a cell. In other words, it is a sequence of events in a cell's growth and development that occur between its "birth"—formation through the division of a mother—and maturity.

To know more about cell cycle visit:-


Instructions are paper :)


The terms which have to do with Order of Insects are matched with the definitions are given as follows;

Neuroptera: found near water with reduced, chewing mouthparts, aquatic larvaeIsoptera: chews on wood, can damage a homeHemiptera: known as bugs, sucking mouthpartsSiphonaptera: found sucking on mammals, incomplete metamorphosisHymenoptera: fly to vegetation where they eat using chewing mouthparts, harmful to plantsOrthoptera: chewing insects found near water or on vegetationMallophaga: does not fly, often found on pets, complete metamorphosisLepidoptera: beautiful, flying insects with complete metamorphosisTrichoptera: fly near the water, aquatic nymphsColeoptera: found flying everywhereDiptera: sucking insects that fly around vegetation, sometimes found biting peopleThysanoptera: metamorphosis between complete and incomplete, rasping-sucking mouthpartsOdonata: found flying near water, chewing mouthparts, aquatic nymphsAnoplura: does not fly, found chewing on mammals, incomplete metamorphosis
What is the relationship between the above terms?

These terms are all orders of insects. Each term represents a unique group of insects with specific characteristics and features.

The orders are defined based on shared characteristics, such as the structure of their mouthparts, wings, and other morphological features. Some orders may contain insect species that share similar habitats or behaviors, but there is no specific relationship between the orders themselves.

Learn more about Insects:

Crossing over occurs during which phase of meiosis?
(a) Interphase
(b) Telophase I
(c) Metphase II
(d) Prophase I


The correct option is d) Prophase I. The meiotic phase known as prophase I is when the chromosomes cross each other. It takes place during prophase I's pachytene stage.

Crossing over is the exchange of segments between the non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. Prophase I marks the start of meiosis I. Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis are the five stages that make up this stage, and they are what set it apart.

Both the homologous recombination process, which exchanges DNA between paired chromosomes, and the crossing at chiasmata between non-sister chromatids are highlighted in prophase I.

The conclusion of this phase is indicated by the destruction of the nuclear membrane and nucleolus. Prophase I begins after metaphase I, during which homologous chromosomes align along a single plane in the centre of the cell.

Learn more about Crossing over here:


Mitochondria are known for all the following except that they do not _____.
A. have their own DNA
B. extract energy from food
C. have two membranes
D. carry out photosynthesis


Mitochondria are known for all except that they do not carry out photosynthesis, hence option D) is correct. The "powerhouses" of the cell, mitochondria break down fuel molecules and harvest energy during cellular respiration.

Some multicellular organisms contain cells devoid of mitochondria (for example, mature mammalian red blood cells). Many unicellular species have shrunk or altered their mitochondria into different morphologies, including microsporidia, parabasalids, and diplomonads. According to reports, the multicellular organism Henneguya salminicola lost all of its mitochondrial DNA but still had organelles relevant to Mitochondria function. It is known that the eukaryote Monocercomonoides has lost all of its mitochondria.

To learn more about Mitochondria click on the given link:


the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure suggests that membranes
a. Consist of a single layer of phospolipids and proteins
b. Consist of a phospolipids bilayer composed of a variety of fatty acids
c. Consist of protein molecules embendded in a dynamic bilayer of phospholipids
d. Consist of a phospholipid bilayer between two layers of hydrophilic proteins


(c) Consist of protein molecules embedded in a dynamic bilayer of phospholipids. According to the fluid mosaic theory, the cell membrane is made up of several continually moving components, including phospholipids, cholesterol.

What is fluid mosaic theory?

Different facts on the composition of functional cell membranes are explained by the fluid mosaic hypothesis. According to this biological model, protein molecules are embedded within a lipid bilayer, which is a two molecules thick layer made mostly of amphipathic phospholipids. The membrane's fluidity and elasticity are provided by the phospholipid bilayer. The cell membrane also contains trace amounts of carbohydrates. The cell membrane is portrayed in the biological model as a two-dimensional liquid that prevents the lateral diffusion of membrane components, which was developed in 1972 by Seymour Jonathan Singer and Garth L. Nicolson.The fluid mosaic model accounts for the connection of membrane proteins with the membranes as well as changes in the structure and behaviour of cell membranes at various temperatures.

To know more about fluid mosaic theory visit:


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