How do cells regulate the expression of genes?

a) with stop and start codons

b) by secreting unnecessary proteins

c) with transcription factors

d) by winding or unwinding chromosomes


Answer 1

Cells regulate the expression of genes with transcription factors.

What are Transcription factors?

Proteins called transcription factors are involved in the process of turning DNA into RNA, or transcribed DNA. A large variety of proteins—aside from RNA polymerase—called transcription factors start and control how genes are transcribed.

One distinguishing characteristic of transcription factors is the presence of DNA-binding domains that enable them to bind to particular DNA regions known as enhancer or promoter sequences.

Some transcription factors contribute to the formation of the transcription initiation complex by binding to a DNA promoter sequence close to the transcription start site.

Therefore, Cells regulate the expression of genes with transcription factors.

To learn more about transcription, refer to the link:


Related Questions

when a hair cell stereocilia bend away from the kinocilium,?


Increased afferent activity is produced when the stereocilia are bent in the direction of the kinocilium, which depolarizes the cell.

The cell becomes hyperpolarized and exhibits a reduction in afferent activity when the stereocilia are bent away from the kinocilium. To detect head motions, the semicircular ducts operate in pairs (angular acceleration). When the stereocilia bend in the direction of the kinocilium, the hair cell becomes depolarized and fires more frequently. When they bend in the opposite direction, the hair cell becomes hyperpolarized and fires less frequently. The tectorial membrane, a jelly-like layer that covers the organs of Corti & in which many OHC stereocilia are embedded, slides relative to the basilar membrane as the basilar membrane moves up and down, causing the latter to bend.

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Fluid mosaic model of membrane structureWhich of the following is true of the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure?A)Membranes behave more like a solid than a liquid.B)Lipids can flip from one leaflet to another as easily as they can move laterally in a membrane.C)Proteins can easily move across membranes.D)Proteins can easily move laterally through membranes.


The answer choice that best fits the question is D) Protein can travel lateraly through membranes with ease.

What does a membrane look like?

Mullerian Membranes The body openings that access to the outside are lined with these membranes, also known as mucosae. Mucous membranes line the inside of the digestive tract. Additional examples are the respiratory, reproductive, and excretory systems.

What is a membrane, exactly?

All cells have a cell membrane, also known as a plasma membrane, which separates the cell interior from the external environment. The cell is a membrane that surrounds which is optically transparent. The cell membrane regulates the flow of substances from and to the cell.

To know more about Membrane visit :


recalling your knowledge of the function of organelles, what function of the cells was interrupted in these patients? could this loss of function lead to the death of these individuals? why or why not? given the data in the autopsy, were there any reports that seemed inconsistent with the immediate cause of death?


These patients experienced an interruption in cellular respiration. Because cellular respiration produces energy, which the body needs to carry out other tasks, this could result in death.

Although oxygen was present in these individuals' bodies, it was unable to take electrons from the ETC because cyanide was blocking it. While oxygen was present in normal amounts, it was unable to fulfil its purpose, making it unavailable to the patients, who perished as a result. Cyanide's harmful effects are primarily caused by the termination of aerobic cell metabolism. The ferric ions cytochrome oxidase three in the mitochondria forms a reversible bond with cyanide. By preventing the conversion of oxygen to water, this essentially stops cellular respiration.

Learn more about respiration here-


what is the advantage of having small, needlelike leaves?


Small, needle-like leaves provide the benefit of reducing transpiration rate. Needles have adapted to life in the taiga.

Compared to broad leaves, needles shed snow more readily and lose less water. A plant can preserve its internal moisture content in a dry environment by possessing small, needle-like leaves. Since the plant needs to maintain a high internal moisture level in order to survive and reproduce in the desert's arid climate, you'll find needles instead of leaves there. Conifers develop needle-like leaves to hold more moisture and slow the rate of transpiration caused by wind resistance. Antioxidants are found in pine needles.

To learn more about transpiration rate visit:


why do we only see neanderthal input in non-african genomes?


In Africa, Homo sapiens did not interbreed with Neanderthals. Neanderthal genomes can only transmit Y chromosomal DNA.

In comparison to modern people, neanderthals were physically stronger and had proportionately shorter limbs. However, they might have also been carrying adaptations for the warmer wooded habitat that Neanderthals frequently inhabited. These characteristics are typically interpreted by researchers as adaptations to heat up in cold environments. However, they evolved specialised body fat storage and an extended nose to warm air as cold weather adaptations (although the nose could have been caused by genetic drift).

To learn more about Neanderthals click on the given link:


what proportion of the f2 offspring would you expect to show the dominant phenotype at any 4 of the 7 traits (and the recessive phenotype at the others)? g


The dominant trait appears three times as frequently as the recessive trait in the F2 generation, which always produces a 3:1 ratio.

The F2 genotype is what?

Because two heterozygous parents were crossbred, the F2 generation is more varied. The genotype distribution of the F2 generation is as follows: 50% heterozygous, 25% homozygous recessive, and 25% homozygous dominant.

What does it mean to be a human F2 generation?

Second filial generation, or F2 generation, is the term used to describe a group of people who were conceived as a result of interbreeding and intermarriage among family members. The children of a genetically distinct pair of persons are referred to as the first filial generation.

To know more about F2 generation visit:


plants and animals go through the process of _______________________ to use stored energy.


Through the process called:

Cellular Respiration

If I tell you that for every 1 teacher, there are 30 students what would the ratio be?



The ratio would be 1:30, meaning for every 1 teacher there are 30 students.


What are the arrangements for the coccus shape?


The coccus has a single cell and is spherical or rounded in form. Protozoa, certain algae, and bacteria all exhibit this layout.

A coccus's cell wall might be thin and flexible or thick and solid. A coccus's cell composition can be categorised as diplo, strepto, or tetrad. Tetrad refers to four cocci cells arranged in a square, whereas diplo and strepto refer to two cocci cells linked together.

Coccus cells can also be grouped in a bunch, like a grape cluster, or in a cluster, like palisades. The kind and species of bacteria or protozoan determine how the cells are arranged.

For instance, the staphylococcus bacteria are grouped in clusters, but the diplococcus bacteria are arranged in pairs. The function of the coccus cells can also be affected by their configuration. By way of example, diplococci frequently produce toxins, whereas staphylococci typically produce enzymes.

To learn more about enzymes visit:


Predict what would happen if chemical energy were burned. Energy is converted to mechanical energy. The amount of chemical energy starts to decrease. Energy is destroyed. Sound energy can be created through an explosion.​


When chemical energy is burned, it undergoes a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat and light, which is then converted into mechanical energy through the expansion of gases.

What is chemical energy?

Chemical energy is described as the energy of chemical substances that is released when they undergo a chemical reaction and transform into other substances.

The conversion of the chemical energy brings about  a decrease in the amount of chemical energy stored in the fuel.

In  scenarios such as explosion,  the conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy will  result in the creation of sound energy.

In conclusion, energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

Learn more about Chemical energy at:


In what type of environment would you find extreme halophiles?
a) ice
b) hot springs
c) very salty water
d) anoxic swamps
e) a rain forest


In very salty water environment you would find extreme halophiles

Extreme halophiles: what are they?

The extreme halophiles, which include Halobacterium salinarum, are bacteria that need the extraordinarily high salt concentrations prevalent in salt lakes and solar evaporation ponds for survival and growth.

Halophilic bacteria are frequently found in saline soils, curing brines, salted food products, and natural habitats with high concentrations of NaCl, such as inland salt lakes and evaporated seashore pools. It should come as no surprise that the staphylococci, micrococci, and corynebacteria that inhabit human skin can survive in environments where there is salt. Pathogens that can survive and grow in salty food are a significant contributor to food-borne diseases.

To learn more about Halophilic bacteria use:


Each of the following is true of the pineal gland, except that it
A) is a component of the epithalamus.
B) is a component of the hypothalamus.
C) secretes melatonin.
D) contains pinealocytes.
E) responds to light and darkness.


Each of the following is true of the pineal gland, except that it is a component of the hypothalamus.

What serves as the pineal gland?

The primary role of the pineal gland is to accept information from the environment about the condition of the light-dark cycle and transmit that information through the production and secretion of the hormone melatonin.

It releases melatonin and is a component of the epithalamus. Pinealocytes, a specific type of secreting cell, are found in the pineal gland together with sections of neurons and neuroglial cells. The pineal gland grows from the diencephalon's roof and is situated behind the third cerebral ventricle in the middle of the brain (between the two cerebral hemispheres).

To learn more about pineal gland  use:


vitiligo is a condition characterized by death or dysfunction of scattered groups of melanocytes in the skin. how might vitiligo cause the skin to appear?



Scattered groups of melanocytes in the skin causes the skin to appear darker in groups with more functioning melanocytes and the skin to appear lighter in groups with less/no functioning melanocytes.


Melanocytes produce melanin, which is a dark pigment. Thus, if the skin has fewer melanocytes, less melanin is created in that area, so a smaller amount of dark pigment is present, resulting in a lighter color. Likewise, if the skin has more melanocytes, more melanin is produced in that area, so a larger amount of dark pigment is present, resulting in a darker color.

What part of the brain that regulates body temperature?


Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus assists in maintaining the harmony of the body's internal processes. It regulates: Weight and appetite. Body temperature.

The hypothalamus assists in maintaining the harmony of the body's internal processes. It assists in regulating:

appetite and weightThe body's ambient temperatureEmotions, behaviour, and memory after childbirthGrowthproduction of breast milkequilibrium between salt and waterDriven by sexThe body clock and the cycle of sleep and wakefulness

Controlling the pituitary gland is one of the hypothalamus' other key jobs. At the base of the brain is a little gland called the pituitary. It is located right below the hypothalamus.

The pituitary, in turn, regulates the:

adrenal glandsOvaries\sTestesthyroid gland.

Learn more about hypothalamus here:


in a cross between aabbcc and aabbcc, what proportion of the offspring would be expected to be a bbcc? (a means aa or aa.)


The probability of an offspring having the genotype bbcc is 1/4, since the individual must inherit a b allele proportion from one parent and a c allele from the other parent, which each have a 1/2 chance of occurring.

In a cross between aabbcc and aabbcc, all offspring will inherit one allele from each parent for each gene.  The probability of an offspring having the genotype aabbcc is 1/4 (or 25%) because each parent has a 1/2 chance of passing on the "aa" genotype, a 1/2 chance of passing on proportion the "bb" genotype, and a 1/2 chance of passing on the "cc" genotype. Similarly, the probability of an offspring having the genotype "bbcc" is also 1/4 or 25%, because each parent has a 1/2 chance of passing on the "bb" genotype and a 1/2 chance of passing on the "cc" genotype. Therefore, the proportion of offspring expected to be "bbcc" is 1/4 or 25%. It is important to note that this is a probability, and that the actual number of offspring with this genotype may vary due to chance.

Learn more about offspring here:


clarissa also had a problem with salmonella, but she had no problem with pneumococcal infection or with any viruses, such as chickenpox. how would you explain this?


Clarissa also had a problem with salmonella, but she had no problem with pneumococcal infection or with any viruses, such as chickenpox. bc interferon-gamma has a role in defense against intracellular pathogens it does not serve a protective role pneumonia so being deficient isn't an issue.

Pneumococcal [noo-muh-KOK-uhl] disease refers to any infection produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as pneumococcus. Infections caused by pneumococcal bacteria can vary from ear and sinus infections to pneumonia and bloodstream infections. Pneumococcal illness can be prevented using vaccinations.

A pneumococcal infection is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as the pneumococcus. S. pneumoniae is a common bacterial flora member found in 5-10% of healthy people and 20-40% of healthy children's noses and throats. It is, nonetheless, a significant source of disease, being a main cause of pneumonia, bacterial meningitis, and sepsis. According to the World Health Organization, pneumococcal infections killed 1.6 million children globally in 2005.

To learn more about pneumococcal infection Please click on the given link:


What is equal and opposite, according to Newton's third law? O action O reaction O change in velocity Ochange in acceleration.


According to  Newton's third law of motion, there is  equal and opposite reaction for every action.

What is Newton's third law motion?

According to Newton's third law of motion, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This means that in any interaction between two objects, the force exerted by one object on the other is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by the second object on the first.

This principle helps to explain the behavior of objects under different types of physical interactions, such as collisions and interactions between objects and the environment.

Learn about Newton's law of motion here


the alpha helix and beta pleated sheet are examples of:______.


The alpha helix and beta pleated sheet are examples of protein secondary structures. Proteins are large and complex biomolecules made up of chains of amino acids.

Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary are the four levels of structure that make up protein conformation. The secondary structure of a protein refers to the little, repeated patterns that exist inside the polypeptide chain, whereas the main structure refers to the sequence of amino acids.

The polypeptide chain folds into a spiral staircase-like pattern, creating a secondary structure known as the alpha helix. The hydrogen bonds that form between the peptide bonds of the polypeptide chain and the alpha helix stabilize the structure and keep it in place. Proteins' functional domains frequently contain alpha helices, which are crucial to the protein's general stability and functionality.

To know more about protein, click here,


increased sympathetic stimulation causes vasodilation, bringing elevated blood pressure back to normal.


Increased sympathetic stimulation typically causes vasoconstriction, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, rather than vasodilation.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response, which is a physiological response to stress or danger. It increases the activity of the heart and blood vessels to prepare the body for physical activity or response to a threat. One of the effects of sympathetic stimulation is the constriction of blood vessels, which increases vascular resistance and reduces blood flow to tissues. This leads to an increase in blood pressure. However, it is true that the body has mechanisms to regulate blood pressure and bring it back to normal levels. One of these mechanisms is the baroreceptor reflex, which is a negative feedback loop that responds to changes in blood pressure. Baroreceptors are specialized sensory receptors located in the walls of certain blood vessels, particularly in the carotid sinus and aortic arch. They detect changes in blood pressure and send signals to the brainstem, which in turn adjusts sympathetic and parasympathetic activity to regulate blood pressure.

To learn more about vasoconstriction refer to this link


Final answer:

Parasympathetic stimulation is typically responsible for vasodilation, therefore lowering blood pressure. Conversely, sympathetic stimulation leads to vasoconstriction and elevated blood pressure. Hence, the statement in the question is basically incorrect.


The sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system in the human body. It plays a crucial role in the regulation of blood pressure via vasoconstriction and vasodilation. Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure. On the other hand, vasoconstriction narrows blood vessels, elevating blood pressure. However, your statement needs a correction. It's the parasympathetic stimulation which usually causes vasodilation, leading to a decrease in blood pressure. Whereas the sympathetic stimulation generally results in vasoconstriction, elevating the blood pressure.

Learn more about blood pressure regulation here:

Select the following characteristics that Phylum Bryophyta possess.Rhizoids, Flagellated sperm


Rhizoids and flagellated sperm are the following characteristics that Phylum Bryophyta

Bryophyta comes under plant kingdom, has 3 division under it called liverworts, hornworts and moss.

The characteristic feature of this phylum is

,1. bryophyte are thalloid structures, and is not differentiated into root, stems and leaves.

2. They are non vascular phylum has no xylem and pholem.

3. They are seedless plants.

4. They show alternation of generation between gametophyte and sporophyte.

5. They have sexual reproduction with the help of water, where male gametes are flagellated

6. They most primitive of the terrestrial plants and require a moist environment for their existence.

7. has rhizoids for support of the plant.

To know more about Bryophyta,


Why do we only see Neanderthal input in non-African genomes?Neanderthals never interbred with Homo sapiens in Africa.Only Y chromosome DNA can be transmitted from Neanderthal genomes.Neanderthals were adapted to a cold European climate.Only mtDNA can be transmitted from Neanderthal genomes.


The reason we only see Neanderthal input in non-African genomes is because Neanderthals and Homo sapiens did not interbreed in Africa, so Neanderthal DNA did not enter the African gene pool.

Neanderthals lived in Europe and western Asia, so they only interbred with Homo sapiens who migrated out of Africa and into these regions tens of thousands of years ago. As a result, modern human populations in Europe and Asia have inherited some Neanderthal DNA through interbreeding.

It is also worth noting that only a small percentage of the human genome is composed of Neanderthal DNA, indicating that interbreeding between the two groups was likely limited.Neanderthals were a closely related species to Homo sapiens, and there is evidence that the two groups interbred in the past. However, the only Neanderthal genetic material that is found in the genomes of modern humans is from populations outside of Africa. This is likely due to the fact that Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and did not encounter Neanderthals until they migrated into Europe and Asia.

Learn more about Neanderthal interbreeding here:


Fill The Blank! of all the species that enzymes bind, they are thought to bind most tightly to _____.


Of all the species that enzymes bind, they are thought to bind most tightly to the transition state.

the transition state is a high-energy state that exists during a chemical reaction when the reactant molecules have been partially converted into products. It is a point of maximum energy along the reaction coordinate and is often represented as a peak in a reaction energy diagram. During a chemical reaction, the reactant molecules must absorb energy to overcome the activation energy barrier and reach the transition state, where the chemical bonds in the reactant molecules are strained and partially broken. Once the reactants reach the transition state, the reaction proceeds spontaneously to form products as the chemical bonds in the products are formed and the energy is released.

Learn more about enzymes here:


sequence how energy flows from the sun to a mountain lion



1. Sun 2. Grass 3. Rabbit 4. Coyote


the sun gives energy to grass to grow the rabbit eats the grass and a mountain lion eats rabbit

Someone help, and please explain how you approached your answer.


Approximate diameter of cell A is 150μm.

How can the diameter of a cell be determined?

Currently, to estimate cell size, a microscope image is usually taken, and then secondary software is used to calculate the cell's diameter. The Cellometer system completes these tasks for each sample in under 30 seconds!

Depending on its origin and function, a cell's size varies. Because of this, a bacterial cell is smaller than an animal cell, a human red blood cell is smaller than a human nerve cell, and the single-celled, 15 cm long ostrich egg is the smallest of them!

D/E = L is a mathematical equation where L is the length of the seeing field, E is the estimated number of cells, and D is the diameter of the cell.

D = L * E

D = 0.5*3

D = 1.5mm

To learn more about cell use link below:


What is it called when a gene is only found on the X chromosome?


Genetic problems connected to mutations in X chromosome genes are referred to as X-linked recessive inheritance. Due to the fact that he possesses just one X chromosome, a male with this mutation will be impacted.

If a gene is found solely on the X chromosome, what happens?

X-linked diseases are illnesses resulting from gene mutations on the X chromosome. Because they only have one X chromosome, males do not have XCI. Therefore, if a disease-causing gene exists on the X chromosome of males, it will be active and more likely to result in disease.

What is the name for genes that are only found on the X chromosome?

It is known that genes on the X chromosome are X-linked. Because they are present in varying numbers in males (XX) and females (XX), X-linked genes have differential inheritance patterns (XY).

To know more about X chromosome visit:


A nerve fiber is a ______ elongated process, usually an axon or a peripheral process. A) single. B) double. C) triple. D) quadruple.


A nerve fiber is a single elongated process, usually an axon or a peripheral process. Numerous hereditary and acquired neurological conditions that affect both peripheral and central neurons can cause axon malfunction.

Action potentials, or electrical impulses, are often carried away from the nerve cell body by an axon, a long, slender projection on a vertebrate nerve cell or neuron. (View other spellings.) Information is sent by axons to various neurons, muscles, and glands. In some sensory neurons (pseudounipolar neurons), such as those for touch and temperature, the electrical impulse travels down these afferent nerve fibres from the cell body to the periphery as well as along another branch of the same axon from the cell body to the spinal cord.

To learn more about nerve fiber click on the given link:


The free surface of the epithelial layer describes the ______ surface


The epithelial layer's free surface is the outermost surface that is exposed to the environment.

It is made up of closely packed cells that act as a barrier between the outside environment and the underlying tissue to protect it. This surface is in charge of protecting against physical, chemical, and biological elements as well as the absorption, transport, and secretion of chemicals.

These functions are supported by a variety of specialised structures found on the free surface, including microvilli, cilia, and tight junctions. The finger-like microvilli enhance the surface area available for molecule absorption and transport.

Cilia are projections that resemble hairs and assist to transport mucus and other substances away from the surface. Tight junctions are specialised structures that protect the integrity of the epithelial layer by obstructing the flow of chemicals between cells. The protection and proper operation of the underlying tissue and organs depend on this free surface.

To learn more about epithelial visit:


which of the following is expected to happen to a species' population when resources are stable over a long period of time and the species have reached carrying capacity?(1 point) responses the population will die out. the population will die out. the population will increase. the population will increase. the population will decrease. the population will decrease. the population will stay the same.


The correct option is d ;The population will decrease as it gets stable over a period of time.

If a species' population surpasses its carrying capacity, the ecosystem may become unfit for survival. If the population outnumbers the carrying capacity for an extended length of time, resources may be destroyed totally. If all resources are depleted, populations may perish.

The carrying capacity refers to the maximum population the ecosystem or the environment is able to carry or hold on to. This refers to the max population that can be sustained in the ecosystem and is population dynamics can be modeled from the logistic function. The more the number of species the fewer chances are in their survival as they have reached stability.

Find out more information about the species.


The complete question is :

which of the following is expected to happen to a species' population when resources are stable over a long period of time and the species have reached carrying capacity?(1 point)

A responses the population will die out.

B  the population will die out. the population will increase.

C the population will increase. the population will decrease.

D the population will decrease. the population will stay the same.

the onion plant began as a single cell. if the original cell had 24 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be found in each of the cells that you observed (cells in each step of cell cycle). how do you know?


Each of the cells has the same number of chromosomes as the parental cell.

A cell divides during mitosis to create two daughter cells with the same amount of chromosomes as the parent cell. A cell prepares for cell division by replicating its chromosomes, segregating them, and creating two identical nuclei during the mitotic process. The cell's contents are typically evenly divided into two new cells with identical genomes after mitosis.

While germinal cells divide through meiosis, somatic onion cells do so through mitosis. In the process of cell division known as mitosis, daughter cells keep the original set of chromosomes (i.e., they are genetically identical to the parental cell).

In conclusion, each of the cells has the same amount of chromosomes as the familial cell.

Learn more about “mitosis ” visit here;


many studies have suggested a strong genetic predisposition to migraine headaches, but the mode of inheritance is not clear. l. russo and colleagues examined migraine headaches in several families, two of which are shown below. what is the most likely mode of inheritance for migraine headaches in these families? explain your reasoning.


The characteristic is most likely X-linked dominant in both families because it does not pass down across generations and afflicted people have one affected parent.

It is not X-linked in family 2 because the sick man II-8 has an unaffected daughter. In the case of X-linked loci, an afflicted male would pass on the trait to all of his daughters. In family 1, it might be X-linked or autosomal.

X-linked dominant inheritance refers to genetic conditions associated with mutations in genes on the X chromosome. Her one copy of the mutation is sufficient to cause disease in both males (one X chromosome) and females (two X chromosomes).

Families with X-linked recessive disorders often affect males in each generation, but rarely females. However, in X-linked dominant disorders, mutations in one copy of the X-linked gene cause the disease in both males and females.

For more information on  X-linked dominant, visit :


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And furthermore, when the time arrives for me to speak on this great subject, I hope I may say nothing to disappoint thepeople generally throughout the country, especially if the expectation has been based upon anything which I have heretofore said.Speeches and Letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865by Abraham Lincoln, edited by Merwin Roe (excerpt)(2)... If the great American people only keep their temper on both sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts thecountry will be settled, just as surely as all other difficulties of a like character which have originated in this government have been adjusted. Let the peopleon both sides keep their self-possession, and just as other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will this great nation continue to prosper as heretofore.(3)... It is often said that the tariff is the specialty of Pennsylvania. 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