how did the war of spanish succession contribute to a rise in the atlantic world during the first decade of the 18th century


Answer 1

The conflict known as the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted from 1701 to 14 years, was caused by a dispute over who should succeed Charles II.

As it was the last Spanish Habsburg king who had no children, as the country's monarch. In order to maintain the balance of power in Europe, it was important to decide whether the immense holdings of the Spanish Empire should transfer to the House of Bourbon or the House of Habsburg, both of which had hereditary claims. In the end, a rising Britain and its expanding colonial empire triumphed over French and Spanish dominance. Due to Spain's outrage at this division agreement, Charles II made a will in November 1698 naming Joseph Ferdinand as his heir.

Learn more about colonial here:


Related Questions

Describe the significance of plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in one brief sentence


A state law that allowed for “ equal but separate residences for white and colored people.

Identify the statements that accurately describe the life of olaudah equiano. Correct or Incorrect:
1. He participated in an expedition to the Arctic Circle.
2. He served as the British ambassador to Japan.
3. He died in slavery.
4. He was kidnapped at a young age and sold into slavery, first in Barbados, then Virginia.


Recognize the assertions that most adequately reflect Olaudah Equiano's life. Correct - He was kidnapped at a young age and sold into slavery, first in Barbados, then in Virginia.

Equiano, the autobiography's narrator, is a knowledgeable, sophisticated, and adventurous former slave who aims to highlight the brutalities of something like the slave trade in an attempt to galvanize support again for abolitionist movement.

Olaudah Equiano characterized the fear and panic of something like the transatlantic slave trade in this terrifying description of the Middle Passage.

Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745-1797), an enslaved individual who acquired his autonomy and wrote persuasively concerning his perceptions, was a remarkable man who rose to become leading leader connected with something like the fundraising effort to abolish this same slave trade. Equiano must have been brought into the world in what is currently Nigeria as well as forced into slavery at the age of eleven.

To know more about slavery click here


What is the connection between militarism and imperialism?


The connection between militarism and imperialism is that militarism often supports and enables imperialism. Militarism is the belief in the importance and necessity of a strong military to protect and promote national interests. Imperialism is the policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force to acquire and control territories or colonies.

Militarism often supports imperialism by providing the military force necessary to conquer and control territories or colonies. It also promotes the idea that it is necessary and justified to use military force to acquire and maintain colonies for the benefit of the nation. In turn, imperialism often fuels militarism by providing justification for the need for a strong military to protect and maintain the colonies.

In short, militarism and imperialism are closely connected and often support and reinforce each other.

List some steps that can be taken to make buildings and monuments accessible to different abled people?


Install wheelchair ramps or lifts to provide access to buildings, monuments, and public spaces.

Here are some steps that can be taken to make buildings and monuments accessible to people with different abilities:

Install wheelchair ramps or lifts to provide access to buildings, monuments, and public spaces.Ensure that doorways and hallways are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and mobility aids.Install handrails on staircases and ramps to assist people with mobility difficulties.Use tactile paving on walkways and other surfaces to guide people with visual impairments.Provide audio descriptions, sign language interpretation, and other forms of accessible information to help people with hearing or visual impairments.Install accessible toilets and changing rooms for people with disabilities.Provide designated parking spots and pathways for people with disabilities.Train staff and volunteers to provide assistance and support to visitors with different abilities.Conduct regular accessibility audits to identify and address any barriers to access.Engage with disability advocacy groups and individuals with disabilities to understand their needs and ensure that accessibility measures are inclusive and effective.

Learn more about different abilities here


15. During the summer of 1925, what event occurred in the town of Dayton, TN? Why was it
so controversial?




During the summer of 1925, the famous Scopes Trial took place in Dayton, TN. The trial was a result of John T. Scopes, a high school science teacher, being charged with violating Tennessee state law by teaching evolution in a public school. The law prohibited the teaching of evolution in state-funded schools and aimed to promote the teaching of creationism.

The trial was highly controversial as it represented a battle between religious fundamentalists and advocates of science and free speech. It was a significant moment in the early 20th century's debate over the teaching of evolution and its relationship with religious beliefs.

The trial attracted national attention and was widely covered by the media, making it one of the first high-profile legal cases to be broadcast over the radio. The Scopes Trial was significant in the history of the United States as it demonstrated the growing tension between science and religion, and it also helped to increase public awareness of the issue of evolution.

Overall, the Scopes Trial was a highly significant event in American history that marked the beginning of a larger debate over the relationship between science and religion that continues to this day.

why did congress pass the missouri compromise of 1820?


Congress pass the missouri compromise of 1820 in an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states.

The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 admitting in an effort to preserve the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states,  Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

It maintained a delicate balance between free and slave states, If the slavery question could be settled politically On the single most divisive issue of the day, the U.S. Senate was equally divided. , any such settlement would have to happen in the Senate.

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 by passing the law, which President James Monroe signed, the U.S. Congress admitted Missouri to the Union as a state that allowed slavery, was a law that tried to address growing sectional tensions over the issue of slavery.  and Maine as a free state.

The main issue of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 compromise divided the lands of the Louisiana Purchase into two parts.  was how to deal with the spread of slavery into western territories. The Slavery would be allowed south of latitude 36 degrees 30'.

Learn more about missouri  here:-


what did the delegates for a strong national goverment believe


Most delegates agreed that the federal government should be able to override state laws, but some were worried that a strong federal government might oppress its citizens.

What were the shared beliefs of the delegates?

The delegates reached a compromise by giving the federal government only a few particular duties and giving the states control over all other tasks. All of the delegates agreed that a republic was the finest type of government and that it was necessary for it to safeguard citizens' rights to liberty and equality. 

During the summer of 1787, delegates gathered in Philadelphia for a conference with the goal of rewriting the country's existing constitution, the Articles of Confederation. Instead of merely altering the Articles of Confederation, they created an entirely new form of government known as the United States Constitution.

To know more about Confederation, visit:


What was one technique used by black and white activists to call attention to their demands?a) withholding rent from landlordsb) bus trips through the South promoting civil rightsc) boycotting sporting eventsd) picketing the White House and the Capitol


Technique used by black and white activists to call attention to their demands was taking bus trips through the South promoting civil rights. The correct option is B.

As newspaper, radio, and television reporters and cameramen documented the struggle to end racial inequality, resistance to racial segregation and discrimination gained national attention through tactics like civil disobedience, nonviolent resistance, marches, protests, boycotts, "freedom rides," and rallies.

The sit-ins in Greensboro in 1960 were typical. In a show of defiance, activists sat at separate lunch counters, refusing to get up until they were served and threatening to get attacked, harassed, and arrested if they weren't. Despite facing opposition, this strategy compelled Woolworth's department stores to desegregate.

To know more about Discrimination, click here:


Question 4 of 10
How many colonists left their homes and moved to British-controlled lands?
OA. Two-fifths of the colonial population
B. Twice as many as the number that joined the Continental army
OC. Less than 50,000
OD. Nearly 100,000


The colonial population was down by two-fifths. As a result, choice (A) is right.

What do u meant by Thirteen Colonies?

The Thirteen Colonies, sometimes known as the Thirteen British Colonies, the Thirteen American Colonies, or subsequently as the United Colonies, were a group of British possessions on the Atlantic coast of North America.

They were established in the 17th and 18th centuries, joined the American Revolutionary War in April 1775, and eventually formed the United States of America by claiming complete independence in July 1776. Prior to their declaration of independence, the Thirteen Colonies were divided into their usual groups:

New England (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut); Middle (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware); Southern (Maryland; Virginia; North Carolina; South Carolina; and Georgia)

Learn more about Thirteen Colonies, from :


Please Help me I need it! Write a paper of at least 500 words for this unit. Be sure to support your comments with specific references from the literature. Remember to cite any sources you use.

Choose one of the following subjects:
1. How do the writings of Mark Twain and Paul Lawrence Dunbar use regional dialect?
2. Why did the writers choose to use this technique?
3. Determine the author's purpose in the following selections: Uncle Tom's Cabin, "Editha," and "The Story of an Hour." Select one of these works and explain how the author's purpose is reflected in the selection.
4. Compare and contrast the writing of the authors before and during the Civil War with the realistic and naturalistic writers that followed the war. You may want to use as examples writers that were studied in earlier units. What trends can you identify and explain?



Regional dialect has been used by writers for many years to add authenticity to their works and to capture the flavor of the particular area they are writing about. Mark Twain and Paul Lawrence Dunbar are two authors who often employed regional dialect in their works, and they did so for a variety of reasons.

Who is Mark Twain?

Generally, In Mark Twain’s works, regional dialect often serves as a way to capture the essence of the characters and their environment. For example, in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain uses different dialects to represent the various characters, with Huck Finn’s dialect representing the common speech of the rural Mississippi River region. Twain also uses dialect to add humor to the story, such as in the dialogue between the King and the Duke. By using a unique dialect and accent, Twain emphasizes the foolishness of the characters and their schemes.

Paul Lawrence Dunbar also used dialect in his works as a way of reflecting both the beauty and the tragedy of African-American life. In his poem “When Malindy Sings,” he uses dialect to capture the beauty of the African-American culture, such as in the lines “when Malindy sings, the hills and valleys / Ring with melody so clear.” Meanwhile, in poems like “Sympathy,” Dunbar uses dialect to emphasize the sorrow and despair of African-American life, as seen in the line “I know why de caged bird sings.”

Both Twain and Dunbar use regional dialect in their works to capture the essence of the characters and their environment. However, they differ in their purpose for doing so. For Twain, dialect is often used for comedic effect, while for Dunbar, dialect serves as a way to emphasize the beauty and tragedy of African-American life.

In Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the author’s purpose is to expose the evils of slavery and to promote abolition. This is reflected in her choice of characters, such as the heroic Uncle Tom and the villainous Simon Legree, and in her vivid descriptions of the horrors of slavery, such as those of the auction block. Stowe also uses internal dialogue and the thoughts of her characters to emphasize the moral and spiritual consequences of slavery and to show the strength of the characters in the face of adversity.

In William Dean Howells’ “Editha,” the author’s purpose is to explore the consequences of war and to show the destruction it can bring. This is seen in the character of Editha, who is initially enthusiastic about the prospect of war but gradually comes to realize the terrible costs of war. Howells also uses the characters of George and Editha to explore the themes of patriotism and nationalism, as well as to examine the idea of a “just war.”

Lastly, in Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour,” the author’s purpose is to explore the themes of freedom and independence. This is seen in the character of Mrs. Mallard, who is initially overwhelmed by the news of her husband’s death but gradually comes to realize the freedom it brings her. Chopin also uses symbolism and imagery to emphasize the themes of freedom and independence, such as the image of Mrs. Mallard looking out the window and seeing a world of possibilities.

The period before and during the Civil War saw the rise of a number of writers who used a more realistic and naturalistic approach to storytelling. Writers such as Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Dean Howells, and Kate Chopin used their works to explore the realities of life in America, and to examine themes such as slavery, patriotism, and freedom.

Postwar writers continued to use a realistic and naturalistic approach to storytelling, although they focused more on psychological realism and the internal struggles of their characters. Writers such as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald used their works to explore the themes of disillusionment and alienation, as well as the struggle for identity in a rapidly changing world.

Overall, both prewar and postwar writers used a realistic and naturalistic approach to storytelling. However, the postwar writers focused more on psychological realism and explored themes such as alienation and disillusionment, while the prewar writers used their works to explore the realities of life in America and to examine the consequences of war and slavery.

Read more about Mark Twain


The idea that government and government officials are not above the law is called:

limited government
rule of law
guaranteed rights


The idea that government and government officials are not above the law is called:

rule of law

Identifying Spartans were educated and trained to be...
A. lawyers.
B. politicians.
C. soldiers.
D. doctors.


Identifying Spartans were educated and trained to be...

one consequence of the bitter attacks on african-americans' political rights across the south was that, by 1940, 97 percent of adult black southerners were not registered to vote. question 42 options: true false


True By 1940, 97% of adult black southerners were not registered to vote, one result of the severe attacks on African-Americans' political rights in the south.

How has African American voting rights developed over time?

The goal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law, was to remove state and local legal barriers that prevented African Americans from exercising their 15th Amendment-protected right to vote.

When did African Americans obtain the right to vote in the United States?

The 15th Amendment, which was approved by Congress on February 26, 1869, and ratified on February 3, 1870, gave African American men the right to vote.

What was the outcome of the summer marches for voting rights?

On March 17, 1965, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was presented to Congress due to the significant impact of the marches in Selma. On August 6, 1965, the bill was made law by President Johnson.

To learn more about Voting Rights Act here:


Explain how the ideology of social darwinism contributed to the development of imperialism from 1750 to 1900.


The theory of social Darwinism had a role in the rise of imperialism since it taught imperializing nations that they had the right to conquer other nations and were superior to them, which eventually gave rise to ideas like racial discrimination and slavery.

The period between 1750 and 1900 was distinguished by imperialism. As you correctly point out, the major imperial powers—Great Britain, France, and the US—thought their foreign policies were entirely justified for a number of reasons.

During periods of imperialism, Social Darwinism existed. As the name implies, this ideology was greatly influenced by Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection, but Herbert Spencer, a British philosopher and sociologist, applied them to human civilizations. Spencer believed that social issues like addiction and poverty were brought on by innate biological flaws in some people. Because of this, affluent and prosperous businessmen found it simple to explain their international growth by claiming that they were biologically superior to people in less developed, poorer countries.

Visit here to learn more about Imperialism:


what country did america gain their independence from?


From the British as far as I know, The Americans in the Thirteen Colonies formed independent states that defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War, and on On July 2, 1776, Congress voted to declare independence

Select two correct answers.
Which two political structures are forms of representative democracy and associated with republican governments?


The two political structures are forms of representative democracy and associated with republican governments are parliamentary and presidential. The correct options are c and d.

What is representative democracy?

Representative democracy, also known as indirect democracy, is a type of democracy where elected people represent a group of people, in contrast to direct democracy. Nearly all modern Western-style democracies function as some type of representative democracy: for example, the United Kingdom a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy, Germany a federal parliamentary republic, France a unitary semi-presidential republic, and the United States a federal presidential republic.

Representative democracy can function as an element of both the parliamentary and the presidential systems of government.

Learn more about democracy, here:


According to progressives, what were the crises facing the united states?
Which is correct answers and Incorrect answers:
a. limited regulation on industrialization
b. a lack of industrial power in the United States
c. limited planning for urban growth
d. too many restraints placed on capitalism


The correct answer is option c. There was limited planning for urban growth.

These are some of the other problems the progressives wanted to fix:

Power and wealth were not shared fairly.The unregulated business sector was tainting politics.The unchecked urban expansion was causing social problems.

Throughout the United States, the Progressive Era saw considerable social action and political reform with the goal of eradicating corruption, monopolies, waste, and inefficiency. While the waste and efficiency components persisted into the 1920s, the main themes came to an end with American engagement in World War I.

Learn more about Progressive Era here


Compare the two maps. Based on these maps, in which regions would Native Americans who lived in the area where modern-day Washington D.C. is be classified?

Great Basin
Great Plains
Eastern Woodlands



The Great Plains


The Great Plains are the area in modern-day Washington, D.C. in which Native Americans lived.


The correct Answer to the question is; EASTERN WOODLANDS


I know this is correct because Washington DC is located on the eastern part of the US, and I got the answer correct on the freakin' test. :P

roosevelt was a weal and sickly child, but was a strong and helthy adult. what did he do to make that change?


To make the change from a weak and sickly child to a strong and healthy adult, Roosevelt worked hard to build up his strength and endurance.

He took up strenuous outdoor activities such as boxing, rowing, hiking, and horseback riding, as well as following a strict diet and exercise regimen. He also read widely and was inspired by the advice of his father who told him “The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.” Roosevelt's hard work and dedication helped him to overcome his physical limitations and become an accomplished statesman and leader.

Roosevelt is an American political figure, most notably known for his role as the 26th President of the United States. He was born on October 27, 1858 in Hyde Park, New York and was a member of the Republican Party. Roosevelt served as president from 1901 to 1909 and was the youngest person to ever hold the office.

To learn more about Roosevelt link is here


7 Match each term with its definition. aqueduct foundation myth republic Pax Romana ↑ ↑ the time of greatest achievement under the Roman Empire a society's story about its origins a government run by representatives of that country's citizens a structure used for carrying water over long distances.​


Roman Empire society


aqueduct: a structure used for carrying water over long distances

foundation myth; a society’s story about its origins

pax romana: the time of greatest achievement under the roman empire

republic :a government run by representatives of that country’s citizens


edge 2023

Advances in medical technology have improved human lives in which of the following ways? Select 4 options.

by making war illegal


Advances in medical technology have improved lives by:

by producing better and stronger medicinesby making information about medical studies available on the internetby creating medical equipment that is more preciseby having lasers and robotics help with complex surgeriesWhat is meant by medical technology?

Medical technology refers to the various tools, techniques, devices, and systems used in the healthcare industry for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and medical conditions. This includes everything from simple tools like stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs to complex machines like CT scanners, MRI machines, and artificial intelligence algorithms.

Read more on medical technology here:


i was born a slave in new york state, but freed in 1827. i became a preacher who dedicated my life to fighting for civil and human rights. i helped union soldiers during the civil war. Who am i?


I was born a slave in new york state but was freed in 1827. I am Sojourner Truth.

She was born a slave in Swartekill, New York but she escaped to freedom in 1826 with her little daughter. She was the first black woman to triumph in a similar case against a white man after turning to the legal system in 1828 to get her son back. After coming to the conclusion that God had called her to leave the city and travel into the countryside in order to "testify the hope that was in her," she gave herself the name Sojourner Truth in 1843. At the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851, she spontaneously gave her most well-known speech. "Ain't I a Woman?" became the speech's well-known moniker during the American Civil War.

Know more about Sojourner Truth here:


Based on what you have read about technology and the
economy, to what extent do the 1920s deserve to be known as
the "Roaring '20s"? List two to three pieces of evidence to
support your position.


The continued development and widespread adoption of the internal combustion engine, the development of electrical machinery, and the spread of electrification to households and manufacturing drove the technological revolution of the 1920s.

What impact did technology have on the culture and economy of the 1920s?

New technologies and manufacturing techniques aided in refocusing the US economy on the production of consumer goods, resulting in higher living standards, greater personal mobility, and improved communication systems.

New technologies such as the radio, silent movies, and Henry Ford's automobile industry were invented to help them enjoy their new lives. Following WWI, America enjoyed economic prosperity, which allowed them to enjoy more leisure time and technology.

Therefore,  People became wealthier and began to spend more money.

Learn more about the Roaring '20s from the given link.


The Civilian Conservation Corps was a public work relief program designed to preserve the nation's natural resources while providing unemployed men with jobs. Which event resulted in the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps?A) World War IIB) the Truman DoctrineC) the Great DepressionD) the Civil Rights Movement


The Great Depression event resulted in the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Civilian Conservation Corps was a public work relief program .

The Civilian Conservation Corps is  the nation's natural resources while providing unemployed men with jobs.  was a public work relief program designed to preserve .creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps the Great Depression event resulted in the .

The Civilian Conservation Corps was a voluntary government work relief program .The Emergency Conservation Work Act of 1933 mandated that the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) recruit unemployed young men from urban areas to perform conservation work throughout the nation's forests, parks, and fields.

As of July 1, 2022 $2,700 monthly stipend was paid to Corpsmembers .fCorpsmembers who demonstrate strong leadership, motivation, and to promote to leadership positions with an increased stipend amount is able due work to performance .

The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in US history. It began in 1929 and did not abate until the end of the 1930s. The stock market crash of October 1929 signaled the beginning of the Great Depression.It transformed national politics by vastly expanding government, which was increasingly expected to stabilize the economy and to prevent suffering.

Learn more about Great Depression here:-


How did the french governments created after the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 differ?


The French government created after the Revolution of 1830 was a constitutional monarchy, with King Louis-Philippe I as the head of state.

This government was more conservative and focused on maintaining the existing social and economic structures. However, the Revolution of 1848 led to the creation of the Second French Republic, a democratic government that abolished the monarchy and established universal male suffrage.

This French government was more liberal and focused on implementing social and political reforms, such as establishing workers' cooperatives and abolishing slavery in French colonies. However, the Second French Republic was short-lived and was replaced by the Second French Empire in 1852.

To learn more about French Government, visit here


Can anyone help me with this one?


The  chart to compare elements of Greek culture in the Golden Age and Hellenistic Era  is given in the image attached.

What are the others about?

In respond to question 2: During the Hellenistic Era, architects made significant advancements in their craft, building structures that were not only functional, but also served as symbols of the power and wealth of their patrons. The Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus are testament to the architectural achievements of the time.

In philosophy, the Hellenistic Era was marked by a shift from the abstract and theoretical considerations of earlier philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, to a greater focus on practical philosophy. Stoicism and Epicureanism, both of which offered guidance on how to live a virtuous life, became popular during this time. Furthermore, the development of mathematical philosophy by figures like Euclid and Archimedes expanded the scope of what could be studied and understood.

In all, the Hellenistic Era was a time of significant advancement in Greek culture, with architectural monuments and practical philosophy standing out as two of the most notable achievements.

Learn more about Hellenistic Era  from


See transcribed text below

Use the chart to compare elements of Greek culture in the Golden Age and Hellenistic Era

Elements of Culture


What was built


How were stories told?


What were the

common genres and subjects?


What was studied and how did philosophers teach?

2, # SUMMARIZING Pick two cultural elements from the chart above. Write an

essay describing the advances that people made during the Hellenistic Era. Be sure to include details about the Golden Age for comparison


A Harvard graduate this person played a role in starting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?


Du Bois was already well-known as one of the most influential Black intellectuals of his time.

Du Bois, the first Black American to receive a PhD from Harvard, published widely before becoming the NAACP's director of publicity and research and launching the organization's official journal, The Crisis, in 1910.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an interracial American organization that works to end segregation and discrimination in housing, education, employment, voting, and transportation, as well as to oppose racism and ensure African Americans' constitutional rights.

The NAACP was founded in 1909 by an interracial group that included W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, Mary White Ovington, and others who were concerned about the challenges facing African Americans, particularly in the aftermath of the 1908 Springfield (Illinois) Race Riot.

Learn more about NAACP here


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
During the Cold War, the United States was more likely to give aid and resources to crises in
and to intervene in crises in



in countries where there was a threat of Communism.

after 18 months, the lewis and clark expedition reached the pacific ocean. true/false


It is true that after 18 months, the Lewis and Clark expedition reached the Pacific Ocean.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark embarked on a two-year mission to record the recently acquired Louisiana Territory in 1804. On their approach to the Pacific, they gathered information about flora, animals, and Native American tribes in the area. The Lewis and Clark Path is a historical trail in the United States National Park Service system that spans 5,955 kilometers (3,700 miles). It travels across 11 states, following in the footsteps of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark as they explored the areas acquired by the Louisiana Purchase.

Throughout their mission, Lewis and Clark (along with others in the Corps) kept comprehensive records. They documented 120 creatures and 182 plants, many of which were previously unknown to Americans, and brought back specimens of several of them. Clark created accurate maps of the area. They also carried knowledge of nine Native American languages with them.

To know more about the Lewis and Clark, here


Who was the Venezuelan liberator of South America?


The Venezuelan liberator of South America was Simón Bolívar.

He is regarded as one of the most significant liberator in South American history and played a crucial part in the independence efforts of many Latin American nations, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Many people were inspired to fight for independence and self-determination by Bolivar's vision of a united South America, which was crucial in helping troops defeat Spanish colonial forces.

In 1821, after mounting many military assaults against the Spanish army, Bolivar was able to liberate Venezuela. After that, he focused on other South American nations, successfully leading forces in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Bolivar was a competent politician and diplomat in addition to his military accomplishments, and he played a significant role in

To know more about liberator click here


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