how did the french and indian war lead to the stamp act?


Answer 1




The Stamp Act of 1765 was a tax to help the British pay for the French and Indian War. The British felt they were well justified in charging this tax because the colonies were receiving the benefit of the British troops and needed to help pay for the expense.

Hope this helps!!

Related Questions

__________ ____________ was formed in the English House of Parliament to gather information from those most directly affected by industrialization



the Sadler Commission


What is the MAIN reason the author includes the section "Farmers Organize?


The main reason the author includes the section "Farmers Organize" is to illustrate how farmers in the early 20th century were able to come together to form organizations and advocate for their rights.

What are two things the Cherokee did to fit into Georgia society



Cherokee society was egalitarian: it valued men's and women's economic and political contributions equally. While Cherokee towns were independent in operation, Cherokee land was communally held by the whole tribe.

Why was the Tenth Amendment necessary?


The Tenth Amendment was necessary to ensure that the powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution remain with the states and the people. This amendment serves as an important reminder of the limits of federal power, and it reinforces the notion that the states have the right to govern themselves without the interference of the federal government. This amendment was necessary to protect the rights of the states and individuals, and it ensures that the federal government cannot overreach its authority.
Person above me is right

in the old testament, atoning sacrifices were permanent coverings of sin. true or false?


In the Old Testament, atoning sacrifices were not permanent coverings of sin. They were temporary and had to be repeated on a regular basis.

The Israelites were expected to make animal sacrifices in order to atone for their crimes and ask God for forgiveness, according to the Old Testament. These sacrifices, which required the blood of the animal, were carried out by the priests in the temple. It was believed that the animal's blood would atone for the sins of the person making the sacrifice.

The sacrifices did not, however, serve as a perpetual atonement for sin. To stay pure and keep a healthy relationship with God, they had to be repeated frequently, frequently daily or weekly. The Old Testament makes it very obvious that a more long-lasting solution to the sin problem was required and that sacrifices were merely a stopgap measure.

To know more about testament click here,


Obstacles to Native American enfranchisement included all of the following EXCEPT

A States were allowed to keep Native Americans from voting after the passage of the
Snyder Act.

B Natives Americans had to pay poll taxes and take literacy tests.

C Native Americans encountered fraud and intimidation at the polls.

D Native Americans could only vote if they belonged to a tribe exclusively recognized by
their voting district.


States were allowed to keep Native Americans from voting after the passage of the Snyder Act.

Native American Vote Continues to be Suppressed:

For Native Americans, obtaining the right to vote has been difficult. Many Native Americans and Alaska Natives had their right to vote secured and protected thanks to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Voting Rights Act led to an increase in Native Americans voting. However, in 2013 (Shelby County v. Holder, 570 U.S. 529 (2013)), the Supreme Court invalidated the Section 5 preclearance formula, removing one of the most effective tools to guarantee equal access to the ballot, including Alaska, Arizona, and two jurisdictions in South Dakota with sizable Native American and Alaska Native populations.

What is the 1924 Snyder Act?

Native Americans born in the U.S. were granted full citizenship in that country according to the Snyder Act of 1924. The Snyder Act allowed Native Americans to exercise their right to vote, despite the fact that the Fifteenth Amendment, which was established in 1870, guaranteed voting rights to all Americans, regardless of race.

Learn more about Native American Vote:


Can someone please help me with the lesson 7 unit 10 The Muslims World And Africa!!!!!!!!

Please Has 32 question. Does anyone have the answers please contact me I got 59 minutes


Note that Islam has significantly influenced Africa since the 7th century, shaping its customs, language, and governance.

What is the rationale for the above response?

The Muslim world has had a significant influence on Africa since the spread of Islam to the continent in the seventh century.

The religion and its accompanying culture have been adopted and incorporated into African societies, shaping their customs, language, and architecture. Today, the majority of the population in North Africa, West Africa, and the Horn of Africa are Muslims.

Islamic law and institutions have also influenced many African countries' governance and legal systems.

Learn more about Muslim World:


What happened as the colonies progressed?

A. England gave the colonies the freedom they wanted.

B. The natives tried to regain their territory.

C. The need to break away from England became greater.





The colonies broke away from england after realizing england was becoming more controling over the colonies

pope francis this week visited kinshasa, the capital of which country that is home to one of the world’s largest catholic populations?


Pope visited Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo which is also home to one of the world's largest catholic populations.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country in Central Africa. DRC is the second-largest country in Africa and the 11th-largest in the world. The national capital and largest city are Kinshasa, the nation's economic center. Catholicism has a significant presence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). There are six archdioceses and 41 dioceses. The largest of these is the Archdiocese of Kinshasa which is the Vicar General of Kinshasa, Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Nlandu Mayi is an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

Know more about the Democratic Republic of Congo here:


Congress may respond to United States Supreme Court rulings by
Pilihan jawaban
declaring rulings of the court invalid
rewriting a law overturned by the court
deciding which lawyers may argue the case
determining which justices will review a particular case


Congress may respond to United States Supreme Court rulings by rewriting a law overturned by the court. The correct option is B.

Judicial review is the process through which a court in the United States determines whether a statute, agreement, or administrative rule contradicts or otherwise breaches the provisions of other laws, state constitutions, and eventually the US Constitution.

The authority for judicial review in the United States has been deduced from the structure, provisions, and history of the Constitution even though it is not expressly defined in the U.S. Constitution.

The idea of judicial review was brought up frequently by the Founding Fathers during discussions at the Constitutional Convention. The majority of these allusions came up when the Virginia Plan plan was being discussed. Similar to today's presidential veto, the Virginia Plan contained a "council of revision" that would have reviewed proposed new federal legislation and approved or disapproved them.

To know more about Judicial review, click here:


Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause so rigorously debated, even to this day?

Congress cannot agree on how broad its implied powers should be.
The wording of the clause is often undergoing revision.
The clause deals with implied powers that are ambiguously defined.
The clause establishes reserved rights, which vary from state to state.


Congress has the authority to enact special legislation under the Necessary and Proper Clause that directs other government agencies to investigate or rule on specific claims.

What is the problem with the Necessary and Proper Clause?

Federalists claimed that the phrase would only allow the execution of powers that had already been provided by the constitution, despite concerns by anti-Federalists that it would give the federal government unlimited power. One of the longest clauses in the US Constitution is the Necessary & Proper Clause.

The Necessary and Proper Clause was designed to give Congress the authority to pass regulations governing the Powers. The words "necessary" and "appropriate" are the cause of the Clause's disagreement. The Congress has implied powers because these provisions do not expressly specify the scope of its authority.

To know more about Federalists, visit:


what are the current states that were owned in whole or in part by the Virginia Company in 1606



The answer is West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and portions of Ohio and Western Pennsylvania!


3. The influence and wealth from trade gave
complete control of the government.
O patrons
O serfs





Merchants. Trade allowed merchants to gain wealth and influence, which in turn gave them control over the government. They could use their wealth to buy political influence and sway decisions made by the government. This gave them significant control over the power structure and decisions made in the government.

The American federal system could be described as

States can make their own choices, as they have power over all laws.
State and federal governments are run separately, without any overlap.
The federal government informs states of what is and what is not considered legal.
The federal and state governments share powers, but federal power is supreme.


In the American system of federalism, the federal government has exclusive power over some aspects of public policy, while state governments have exclusive control over others.

What is the federal system in America?

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, the President, as well as the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to act as the legislative, executive, & judicial departments of the federal government. Federal systems share political power between two separate, elected directly sets of governments, one at the national level and the other at the subnational level.

Federalism is a system of government where two levels of authorities share control over the same area. Local issues are often dealt with by smaller subdivisions, states, and cities whereas larger territorial areas are typically regulated more extensively by an overarching national government.

To know more about Federalism, visit:


Why did the UK tell Truman that the can't help the Creek and Turkey anymore



It is likely that the question is referring to the "Truman Doctrine," which was a U.S. foreign policy that provided military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey in 1947. The policy was a response to Soviet aggression in the region, and aimed to contain Soviet expansion and promote democratic values.

The United Kingdom, as a close ally of the United States, had been supporting Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid prior to the announcement of the Truman Doctrine. However, in the aftermath of World War II, the UK was facing economic hardship and was unable to continue its support for these countries.

As a result, the UK informed the United States that it could no longer provide assistance to Greece and Turkey, and urged the U.S. to take the lead in supporting these countries. This prompted the U.S. to announce the Truman Doctrine, which provided significant economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey, and marked a major shift in U.S. foreign policy towards containing Soviet expansion.


On March 12, 1947, President Harry S. Truman presented this address before a joint session of Congress. His message, known as the Truman Doctrine, asked Congress for $400 million in military and economic assistance for Turkey and Greece. Accordingly, in his speech, President Truman requested that Congress provide $400,000,000 worth of aid to both the Greek and Turkish Governments and support the dispatch of American civilian and military personnel and equipment to the region.

Have a wonderful day! :-)

What does the term minimum wage mean?




the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement (such as one with a labor union).

hope this helps.

Question 2 of 15
Governments often create policies to address long-term environmental
issues such as
A. coastal drift
B. water scarcity
C. rockslides
D. tsunamis


I believe the answer is C? But I’m not really sure.

Who does Theodor Roosevelt believe really makes a difference in the world?


Theodore Roosevelt believed that it become not the large companies or the rich those who make a difference in the international, but as an alternative the "man within the arena." He believed that ordinary people who take action and persevere in the face of boundaries and problems had been the ones who simply made a distinction and helped shape the arena.

How did Roosevelt's belief influence his approach to leadership?

Theodore Roosevelt's belief that ordinary citizens make a difference in the world influenced his approach to leadership in several ways. He believed that a leader's role was to empower and encourage people to take action and make a difference in their communities. He also focused on promoting progressive reforms that would improve the lives of everyday Americans, such as conservation, regulation of monopolies, and workers' rights. He took an active approach to leadership, leading by example and inspiring others to take action. Roosevelt's belief in the power of ordinary citizens also shaped his views on democracy and social justice, and he worked to ensure that all Americans had equal opportunities to succeed.

To know more about Roosevelt visit:


Analyzing All Quiet on the Western Front
In this unit, you learned that World War I affected an entire generation of young people. This generation is sometimes referred
to as the "Lost Generation." The Lost Generation was marked by intellectual and artistic trends that differed greatly from their
parents' generation. Some literature, for example, depicted the horrors experienced by soldiers during the war. One example
is the book All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. A great deal of literature
prior to World War I romanticized war, speaking of glory, courage, and adventure. Remarque, however, chose to illustrate the
fear, meaninglessness, and butchery of the war. In this task, you will read and analyze a few excerpts from Remarque's book.
Question 1
The following excerpt is the epigraph from All Quiet on the Western Front. An epigraph is a sentence or short paragraph
that prefaces a book. Read the excerpt and then answer the questions.
This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure
to those who stand face to face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have
escaped its shells, were destroyed by the war.
Part A
What do you think is the main point of the excerpt?
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The book isn't meant to be an indictment or a confession, nor is it designed to romanticise or celebrate war as an adventure.  The author hopes to capture the sense of terror, meaninglessness, and misery that the war left behind for this generation.

Why is this generation referred to lost generation?

The youthful generation that developed during World War I and its aftermath is referred to as the "Lost Generation." They were "lost" in the sense that they were alienated from and disillusioned with the ideals and principles of their parents' generation. They had experienced the atrocities of war and the quickening social, economic, and cultural upheavals of the period. A lot of them had a sense of purposelessness, hopelessness, and anxiety about the future. This generation produced eminent authors, painters, and thinkers who used their work to vent their disillusionment and existential torment.

To learn more about generation visit here:


increase trade with asian nations b assist the allied powers against german aggression c retaliate against germany for imposing high tariffs d prevent fascism from spreading throughout europe


President Woodrow Wilson's Reasons for Entering World War I.

a) Assert Americans rights to "freedom of the sees".

b) Stop German plans to aid Mexico

c) Assist the Allied Powers against German aggression.

So the option b is the additional reason BEST completes this list.

1. To uphold the principle of self-determination for all nations. Wilson strongly believed that every nation should be free to determine its own destiny, free from interference or domination by outside forces. He felt that the Allies (Britain, France and Russia) were fighting for this principle and that the Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary) were trying to deny it.

2. To uphold the principle of international justice. Wilson believed that nations should be held accountable for their actions, and he felt that the Central Powers had violated international law by attacking neutral countries and sinking unarmed merchant ships.

3. To make the world "safe for democracy." Wilson was a strong proponent of democracy, and he felt that a victory for the Central Powers would lead to the spread of autocracy and oppression around the world.

4. To protect American economic interests. The war had a devastating effect on global trade, and Wilson felt that the best way to protect American economic interests was to help the Allies win.

5. To preserve American neutrality. Wilson believed that a prolonged war would have negative consequences for the United States, and that the best way to preserve American neutrality was to help the Allies win quickly.

To learn more about World War I link is here


The complete question is:

President Woodrow Wilson's Reasons for Entering World War I.

a) Assert Americans rights to "freedom of the sees".

b) Stop German plans to aid Mexico

c) ______________________

Which additional reason BEST completes this list?

A. Increase trade with Asian nations.

B. Assist the Allied Powers against German aggression.

C. Retaliate against Germany for imposing high tariffs.

D. Prevent fascism from spreading throughout Europe.

The Tenth Amendment says the "p" ..........and the states hold all other power
A. Peaceably
B. Petition
C. Power
D. Practice
E. Press
F. Process
G. Punishment ​



C. Power

I hope it helps you

The Supremacy Clause could be described as?

States can violate federal law with a judge’s consent.
Only judges may amend the Constitution.
Federal judges may never contradict state laws.
No state can contradict federal law.


The Supremacy Clause could be described as is No state can contradict federal law.

What is and how does the Supremacy Clause work?

The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution's Article VI, Paragraph 2, is known as that. It declares that federal law, including the constitution, supersedes state legislation and even state constitutions.

The Supremacy Clause is a clause in the United States Constitution that establishes the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, as the supreme law of the land. It provides that state courts are bound by the supreme law; in case of conflict between federal and state law, the federal law must be applied.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about Supremacy Clause at:


In your own words, explain what the monroe doctrine said. then explain whether you think president monroe pursued the best foreign policy option.


According to the Monroe Doctrine, Europe should not colonise any Latin American nations, and any attempts at colonization would be viewed as a threat to the United States.

The Monroe Doctrine is the most well-known example of US policy towards the Western Hemisphere.

The doctrine, buried in President James Monroe's routine annual message to Congress in December 1823, warns European nations that the United States will not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.

The Monroe Doctrine was invoked in 1865, when the United States government applied diplomatic and military pressure on Mexican President Benito Juárez.

With this backing, Juárez was able to lead a successful revolt against Emperor Maximilian, who had been installed on the throne by the French government.

Learn more about Monroe Doctrine’s here


What happened in the presidential election of 1936?


In the presidential election of 1936,Franklin Delano Roosevelt won over Republican challenger, Alf Landon.

US presidential election of 1936, American official political decision hung on November 3, 1936, in which Majority rule Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt won re-appointment, overcoming Conservative Alf Landon.

In 1932, in the midst of the Economic crisis of the early 20s, Roosevelt had prevailed upon an avalanche triumph occupant Herbert Hoover, finishing 12 years of conservative rule. Subsequent to expecting the workplace, he made a fast and definitive move, seeking after the New Arrangement, an expansive cluster of measures planned to accomplish monetary recuperation, to give help to the large numbers of poor and jobless, and to change parts of the economy that Roosevelt accepted had caused the breakdown.

The actions, passed in his initial hundred days in office, had created a restricted level of recuperation by the fall of 1934, and in that year's midterm races the liberals based on their generally significant greater parts. Albeit the New Arrangement had estranged preservationists, including numerous money managers, most Americans upheld Roosevelt's projects.

To know more about presidential election,visit here:


why did settlers of the plains build sod houses?


They gave good shelter and were great for any type weather. The material itself was flexible and strong.

6. Know the type of government and changes made by each of these governments/leaders:


The types of governments and changes implemented by these leaders include: The National Assembly's transformation of the monarchy into a constitutional monarchy in 1791.

b. National Legislature(1792)- overthrow of the monarchy to form a republic

What is Robespierre best known for?

Maximilien Robespierre is one of the most well-known and contentious figures in the history of the French Revolution. Maximilien Robespierre was a radical democrat who played a pivotal role in the 1789 French Revolution.

Robespierre was briefly in charge of the Jacobin Club, a political group with its headquarters in Paris. He presided over the National Convention as well and was a member of the Committee on Public Safety. People most frequently associate him with the terrible Reign of Terror, which resulted in tens of thousands of murders.

c. The National Convention, which took place between 1791 and 1794, abolished the monarchy and established the First Republic of France.

d. The Robespierre Republic, which transitioned into a revolutionary and dictatorial government from 1793 to 1794.

e. The Directory Dictatorship of Robespierre led to the French Revolutionary government, which had a bicameral legislature.

f. The Napoleonic French Revolutionary government transitioned into an absolute

Learn more about monarchy:


how does the netherlands continue to grow in land size without acquiring more land?


Netherlands continue to grow in land size without using or acquiring more land through the use of land reclamation techniques.

Land reclamation has also helped the Netherlands to protect itself from flooding, which has been a major problem in the low-lying country. Despite the environmental concerns associated with land reclamation, the Netherlands continues to use this process to sustain its growing population and economy.

This help them a lot in growing land without using more land.

For more questions like Netherlands click the link below:


Which group was most justified in its reaction to the treaty?
a. Germany
b. Africans & Asians
c. Italy & Japan


The criticisms of the Treaty of Versailles from Germany are largely legitimate and only somewhat unjustified. One of the most important justifiable German justifications is the War Guilt Clause.

Germany was given harsh punishment and held responsible for starting World War I alone. It suffered territorial losses, was forced to make substantial reparations, and had to put a cap on the size of its army and the amount of weapons and ammo available. The German economy failed as a result of the reparations. Germans were unhappy with the humiliating terms of the pact, particularly the sentence regarding war guilt. In other circumstances, such as when Germany willingly entered a war while knowing the implications, the treaty was justified.

Learn more about Treaty here :


What did Demosthenes want the Greek city states to do bout the Macedinians? Did they follow his advice?


Demosthenes want the Greek city states to join forces and fight with the Macedinians. They do not follow his advice.

Demosthenes needed the Greek city-states to combine forces (encourage together) and battle with the Macedonians. They didn't follow his advice since it was to late for them to encourage together.

Demosthenes was a Greek legislator and speaker in old Athens. His speeches comprise a huge articulation of contemporary Athenian scholarly ability and give knowledge into the legislative issues and culture of old Greece during the fourth century BC. Demosthenes learned way of talking by concentrating on the discourses of past incredible speakers. He conveyed his most memorable legal addresses at 20 years old, in which he effectively contended that he ought to acquire from his gatekeepers what was left of his legacy. For a period, Demosthenes made his living as an expert speech specialist (logographer) and a legal advisor, composing talks for use in confidential legitimate suits.

To know more about Demosthenes,visit here:


He specifically rejected Aristotle and instead embraced empiricism.a. Descartesb. Brahec. Newtond. Bacon


Father Bacon specifically  rejected Aristotle and instead embraced empiricism.

Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist, he was one of the first proponent of scientific methods who rejected Aristotle's philosophy. Bacon's rejection came on the philosophy's reliance on classical thinking which was headed by Aristotle. Philosophy's are based on human experiences and can change with time, place, and the individual who experiences it. Hence, Bacon considered these philosophy's ill-logical and personal. Empiricism means the usage of science or experiments and experience n the basis of ideas. It is based on fact that idea that we learn comes from experience and observations.

To know more about "empiricismCriminaloid" visit-


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The fire destroyed many houses.Many houses were destroyed by the fire.2. They make these bags in Italy.3. They will return the books tomorrow.Passive I will give brainliest and ratings if you get this correct What is the azimuth of an object that is ten degrees south of east? Find the limit Multiplying a number by which of the following would result in a smallest number?O 10-1O 10O 10102 a physical disk that is available for adding to a storage pool is considered to be a member of what initial pool? What is the importance of the pH scale in determining the acidity or basicity of a solution? *PLEASE HELP*Peer Discussion and SummaryBefore beginning your discussion, you will need to propose a thesis. During the process of proposing a thesis, you will form a thesis about how literary or other artistic creations and governmental or other social bodies affect one another. You will bring your thesis, along with support, to your peer discussion. You might present a thesis about good or bad ways in which these two entities interact or about how you think they should interact. Use these ideas to help you formulate your thesis. Your thesis can focus on one or several genres. (Note, for example, that drama is much more public than other forms of literature, so you might want to handle it differently. )You can draw from the literary historical examples you've encountered in this course or elsewhere, as well as from any personal experience in which you have seen laws or market forces limit the publication of texts or the presentation of live performances. You might also incorporate current issues around public displays of visual art or the advantages and disadvantages of government-supported art. You could choose to explore to what extent, if any, cultural history changes the shape of literature or other forms of artistic expression, or discuss the role that literature and art in general play in people's lives. For the discussion process, youll need to work as part of a pair who can meet for a face-to-face discussion. Your teacher will identify a process for this task that fits your learning situation. For instance, if youre working primarily on your own in this course with no on-site classmates (self-paced course), the process will be a little different than if you are learning with one or more other students in the same building and on the same schedule (group-paced course). Discussions in those two cases are outlined here. Part ARecord the names of the discussion participants. If you organized the discussion, record how you know the other person and summarize how you chose and invited him or her and how you organized the time and place for the discussion. Part BRecord the thesis and supporting statements that you shared with your peer. Part CDuring the discussion, what main points did your peer make supporting your thesis, opposing your thesis, or raising new questions or related observations and thoughts?Part DDescribe the discussion of the theses. How balanced was the participation? What would you change if you could do it again? What insights did you gain about your thesis from discussing it with others? What did you learn from discussing your peers thesis? 1. what is a collision in a shared wired medium? when a sender detects a collision during its transmission, what will the sender do? why is a jam signal 32 bits? if manufacturing overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor cost, what overhead rate was used in each year? Tomas estimated that he would need to throw 22.52m in fact he threw 21.36m what is the percentage error of the following molecules, which would you predict diffuses most readily across membranes?