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"Free writing is an exercise in bringing together the process of producing words and putting down on the page ? Do you agree with this statement ? why? why not ?


Freewriting is an exercise in bringing collectively the process of manufacturing phrases and setting them down on the page to utter unexpectedly or unintelligibly Babble. to insert something among other matters Interpose. unreadable handwriting Squiggle.

Freewriting a writing method advanced by way of Peter Elbow in 1973, is just like brainstorming however is written in sentence and paragraph form without prevention. for that reason, it increases the go-with the flow of thoughts and reduces the hazard that you'll accidentally censor an awesome concept.

Freewriting is a technique in which the author writes their thoughts quickly and constantly without disturbing shape, fashion, or even grammar. alongside brainstorming, freewriting is typically used early within the writing method to collect and happen one's thoughts. Freewriting is likewise referred to as automated writing' due to the fact it is a non-stop method of writing that is free from spelling, grammar, and subjects.

Learn more about Freewriting here:-https://brainly.com/question/3650617


Hi can someone please help me with this!! I'm having trouble into writing the 2nd paragraph of the essay because I have to include in-text citation and I don't know how to include that and if Im repeating what Im saying in the first paragraph. Also could my entire essay be checked by anyone? Like for content and stuff like that? Please!?
PS: *The "blue writing" that is highlighted in the essay is some small notes that I wrote down*

Is anyone GREAT in English/Writing?



Here is a way that I personally would rephrase it (great story btw) also sorry that I couldnt help with the second part.


A goddess that I closely relate to is Demeter. Characteristics of Demeter include being an extremely overprotective mother to her daughter, Persephone, and getting easily over stressed. She cares very deeply for Persephone and would sacrifice anything for her. Honestly, I relate to that as being a person, but being 15 years old, I can not relate to the mother part of her traits. Almost everyday, I feel different types of emotions depending on the situation. I get over- stressed, like Demeter, over the smallest inconveniences to the point where I can't control myself. The other characteristic that I share with Demeter is being highly overprotective towards my youngest sibling even when  I have been repeatedly told not to, I just want her to have the best and be protected, as well as help her with school.

A myth about Demeter that caught my eye was her getting raped by Hades, the god of the underworld. I found this interesting because of the way she was able to handle this type of horrific situation being a mom. For example, in a part of the myth, it states that "Demeter roamed the earth over in search of her, by day and by night with torches. When she learned from the Hermonians that Hades had kidnapped her, enraged at the gods she left the sky and in likeness of a woman made her way to Eleusis". This shows that Demeter is a strong woman who can not just focus on her self, but on others as well.

Read paragraph 23.
23) We had, of course, a good many callers at this time, and I told most of them about the book. For reasons to be seen by
and by I regret this now.
How does the author use this paragraph to build anticipation?
OA by foreshadowing what will or will not happen by the end of the story
OB. by emphasizing the growing frustration that the callers felt toward George
OC. by alluding to George changing his mind about when he will start writing
OD. by explaining how angry the wife will be if her husband never completes his book


The author uses this paragraph to build anticipation by foreshadowing what will or will not happen by the end of the story. Thus the correct option is A.

What is foreshadowing?

In any literature piece, the literary device of foreshadowing is used to suggest to readers certain events or characters that will occur later on in a novel. It is used to create or heighten the suspense or tension in a story.

This foreshadowing helps to engage the readers effectively and maintains their curiosity and excitement about the suspense created in the story so that they can follow the plot for the revelation of suspense.

With the help of foreshadowing, the author illustrates the book how he regrets now describing the events for the future and now regretting it.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about  foreshadowing, here:



In order to have meaningful connections with others a people need to form a stable self image b people need to find a famous person to look up to see people need to understand how others will describe them d people need to maintain a gap between self-image and actual image



In order to be in a meaningful relationship, it must exhibit seven key characteristics, aka the 7 Qualities of Meaningful Relationships.

Communication, respect, honesty, dependability, empathy, interdependence and purpose.

if someone says ''why does the nighttime section of the artifact show other stars, but not the sun?''


Because it didn’t get sun

I need help can someone help me



Yes someone or l can help you

Is this Metonymy, Verbal Irony, or an Alliteration???

“Men would say of him that up he went and
down he came without his eyes...”


the given sentence “Men would say of him that up he went and

down he came without his eyes...” is a metonymy.

because its a concept may be described by the name of another thing or concept that is intimately related to it as a figure of speech known as a metonymy. it is a figure of speech in which the name of one item is used to refer to another, to which it is related or to which it is an attribute. With the aid of metonymy, authors can increase the impact of specific words or phrases.

Even the most simple word can gain depth and complexity by serving as a substitute for another term. When used correctly, metonymy can replace generalisations with specific, vivid imagery. as in the given sentence the word men is the another word given to him and he in the sentence.

To know more about metonymy:



poor people......... get food to eat(do not/does not)​


poor people do not get food to eat.


Poor people do not get food to eat.


People is not sigular, so it is not does because does is used for singular nouns.

For example, does would make sense in the sentence...

"That person does not want to climb the tree."

Person is singular so does can be used here.

Hope this helps :)

Most colleges have a campus
examine you and provide care.
center where a medical professional can


Upon completing their degrees, if not going on to attain even higher levels of education, they want to pursue careers. Most colleges and universities have a career services office, which may be alternatively called a career center, career placement office, or career office.

The four most believable sources of health information as indicated by survey respondents were health center medical staff, health educators, faculty or coursework, and parents. In summary, mental health problems are prevalent among college students, with substance use, anxiety, and mood disorders being the most common.

Most college students displayed adequate health literacy (99.2%). The ANOVA analyses revealed college classification was the most significant predictor, followed by ethnicity, and primary language. Age was significantly related to health literacy when holding college classification constant.

Learn more about colleges here



Which of these adaptations of the excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful?

The actor playing Hamlet shouts his lines to the audience while wildly gesturing with his hands.
The actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.
The actor playing Hamlet cries to himself as he tearfully speaks the lines to himself.
The actor playing Hamlet sings the lines, adding an impromptu melody to the soliloquy.

Hamlet: To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and, by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause.


The excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful as the actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.

To paint a person is to show who that person is, giving a sense of their persona or man or woman. regularly, famous humans don't like how they are portrayed. for instance, Presidents normally hate how they're portrayed in editorial cartoons. whilst you paint a person, you could be effective or poor, accurate or erroneous.

To represent or describe someone or something in a portrait, film, e-book, or different artistic work: The portrait portrays a beautiful younger lady in blue getting dressed. the writer portrays life in a small village at the flip of the century. painting a person as something.

Wake up, people. The verbs wakeful and wake up each suggests "to rise from sleep." The most not unusual inflections of awake are the beyond worrying woke up ('she awoke all of sudden') and the past participle awoken ('she became awoken ').

Learn more about the portray here https://brainly.com/question/27174550


The excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful Thus, Option C is correct The actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.

A person's identity is revealed through painting them, evoking their persona or feeling of man or woman. Famous people frequently object to how they are portrayed. Presidents dislike it when they are shown in editorial cartoons, for instance, since you can paint someone well or poorly, accurately or incorrectly.

To depict or describe someone or something in a picture, movie, book, or other piece of art: The portrait shows a lovely young woman getting dressed in blue. The author depicts a little village's existence at the turn of the century. portraying someone as something.

People, wake up. The most common inflections of awake are the ones that convey "to rise from sleep" in the words wakeful and wake up.

To know more about Portray visit:



16. Judy goes to the library
17. That gold necklace is
whole store.
18. This is
19. Shaun sings even
who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has
(beautiful) voice I've ever heard.
English as Second Languag
(often) than I do.
(expensive) one in th
(bad) movie I have ever seen.
(beautiful) than her mothe


An adverb describes a verb or something aside from a noun and pronoun Adjectives best alter nouns and pronouns, at the same time as adverbs regulate verbs, adjectives, clauses, or other adverbs.

16. Judy goes to the library more often than I do

17. That gold necklace is an expensive one in the whole store

18. This is a fancy dress I won

19. Shaun sings even more beautifully than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has the most beautiful voice I have ever had.

An adjective is part of speech that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives generally inform what kind how many or which nouns or pronouns. An adverb is part of speech that modifies some other adverb a verb or an adjective. it is frequently recognized through the suffix at the top of it. An adjective is a phrase that describes the traits, or a wide variety of a noun. rapid and brief mean moving with first-rate velocity. fast is both an adjective and an adverb. brief is an adjective and the adverb shape is quick.

Learn more about An adjective here:-https://brainly.com/question/22098106


Which sentence has correctly used the “2C” comma rule?

The beach is very fun yet the mountains are better.

The beach is very fun, yet the mountains are better.


The sentence which correctly uses the 2 clauses comma rule between the answer choices is; Choice B; The beach is very fun, yet the mountains are better.

Which sentence has correctly used the “2C” comma rule?

It follows from convention that the 2 clauses comma rule is used in a bid to combine independent clauses by using a comma in combination with a coordinating conjunction.

As the name implies, independent clauses are considered sentences in their own but can be combined by means of the 2 clauses comma rule.

On this note, the correct use of the 2clauses comma rule is; Choice B; The beach is very fun, yet the mountains are better.

This follows from the 2 clauses comma rule which implies that;

In a bid to express two independent clauses as a whole, a comma should be placed after the first clause and then, the second is bonded using a coordinating conjunction.

Read more on 2 clauses comma rule;




Direction: True or False.
1. The function of a manager in which he sets tasks and activities to be accomplished is being a planner.

2. The function of a manager where he leads his subordinates in a certain direction to achieve a goal is the organizer function.

3. Being a disturbance handler means that a manager handles disputes and solve them.

4. A figurehead role means that you have a real power and authority.

5. When a manager tells his subordinates information, he becomes a disseminator.

6. As a negotiator, the manager develops new concepts and ideas just like developing new products.

7. The manager looks for organization and work-related information on the internet and other sources thus he is doing a monitor role.

8. The conceptual skill has something to do on how you do a certain task that is based on one's expertise.

9. The middle-level managers are the go-between with different levels of management so they must have people skills.

10. The technical skill is all about how a manager sees the organization as a whole.​ ​


The function of a supervisor in which he sets tasks and sports to be accomplished is being a planner is true. The feature of a supervisor where he leads his subordinates on a certain path to acquire an aim is the organizer characteristic is real.

Being a disturbance handler method that a supervisor handles disputes and solves them is true. A figurehead position means that you have actual energy and authority is authentic. a manager telling his subordinates records, he becomes a disseminator is fake a negotiator, the supervisor develops new principles and thoughts similar to growing new products is also authentic.

The manager looks for business enterprise and paintings-associated records on the internet and different assets for this reason he is doing a tracking function that is false. The conceptual ability has something to do with how you do a positive project this is based on one's knowledge is real. center-stage managers are the pass-between with unique stages of control so they ought to have human beings' capabilities is true. Technical talent is all about how a manager sees the business enterprise as an entire proper.

Learn more about Direction T/F here:-https://brainly.com/question/24580746


the take just as long to cook dinner as i do




some of the pie ................... before we blew the candels a) got ate b) was eaten c) were eaten d)got eaten​



were eaten c number answer

Pls help with the correct verb form



Usually, in the present tense, if the subject is singular the verb ends with an "s" and does not end with an "s" when the subject is plural. There are exceptions to this.

1. Do (plural, present)

2. is (singular, present)

3. is (plural, present)

4. devotes (singular infinitive, ongoing)

5. advocate (plural infinitive, ongoing)

6. own (plural, present)

7. is (singular, present)

8. have (plural, present)

9. remarks (singular, present)

10. believes (plural, present)

11. looks (singular (the team is one object), present)

12. subscribe (plural, present)

Using the CERS Writing Strategy, compose a claim sentence that answers the following question, "What is a possible theme for the story, "The Three Brass Pennies"? Provide evidence from the story to support your response.


Using the CERS Writing Strategy, a claim sentence that answers the following question, "What is a possible theme for the story, is this:

The Three Brass Pennies teach that what we want may not always give us true satisfaction. To support this point, the reaction of Ah Fo when he made some ridiculous demands was, "Have you duly considered, my son, the extent of all you ask?” He agreed that those were what he wanted and in the end, it did not turn ot well.

What is the CERS Writing Strategy?

The CERS writing strategy is a form of writing that starts with a claim, some pieces of evidence to support the point, and reasoning on the claim made. In this text, we can see that a claim was made first and that is the fact that the story has a theme.

Next, there is a piece of evidence to support the point and then final reasoning on the matter is presented. The CERS writing strategy helps to solidify points.

Learn more about writing strategies here:



Origin: Latin.
status-state, condition of being
quo- the present or existing
What is the meaning of the phrase status quo as it is used in paragraph 3?
O the current government
O the conditions of the American people
O the conditions against creative thinking
O the way things currently are


The conditions against creative thinking

There (is/are) five outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
a. is








the word "is" means a single form of word while the word "are" means a plural form of word and there are five outer planets

There ARE Five Outer Planets

What theme is revealed in the following sentences from the end of the excerpt?

And the ladies, selecting with dainty and discriminating fingers and a little greedily, all declared that Mr. Pontellier was the best husband in the world. Mrs. Pontellier was forced to admit that she knew of none better.

Love is best expressed through gifts.
The truth is not always obvious to a casual observer.
Providing great food is an important part of entertaining.
Maintaining appearances is the most important job a wife has.


The theme that is revealed in the following sentences from the end of the excerpt is Maintaining appearances is the most important job a wife has.

What is a Theme?

This refers to the central message of a text that an author wishes to convey to an audience.

Hence, we can see that The theme that is revealed in the following sentences from the end of the excerpt is Maintaining appearances is the most important job a wife has and this is because she was forced to admit that her husband was the best.

Read more about themes here:



Answer: The truth is not always obvious to a casual observer.


the ladies only know what they can see, while the wife knows who and what the truth about her is husband is.

Which of the following describes the painter?
She is hungry for dinner.
She is focused on her work.
She is distracted by the kids.
She is ignoring the kids to be rude.


she is focused on ger work

10. Choose the meaning of the underlined word. The character in the story is so bossy: she repels almost everyone. A) turns away B) comes toward C) makes laugh​


Assuming "repels" is the underlined word, the answer would be A. turns away.

What kind of paper should be used when teaching letter formation?
a. wide-ruled paper
b. college-ruled paper
c. three-lined paper
d. tracing paper


Tracing paper should be used when teaching letter formation.

The capacity to correctly form each letter of the alphabet is known as letter formation. Children will be taught how to create these letters in a way that adheres to generally accepted criteria while learning letter formation.

Before kids can start working on their handwriting, they must first master letter formation, which is a crucial developmental stage. To learn to write quickly and easily, they must first become proficient with each letter. Kids will be helped in their efforts to acquire proper letter formation if they are given regular opportunity to build upon and develop this ability.

Hence the correct option is D

To know more about Letter formation here



Why have you chosen the genre?​


Step one to deciding on between the screenplay genres is to locate the one that first-rate serves your unique idea. Maximum scripts fail because the writers didn't select the exceptional genre to tell their story. every style will take a tale idea in notably distinct instructions.

The motive of a genre is to help you discern out how people generally tend to behave, react, and engage in the situation in that you are writing. So if you inform your readers you are giving them a “film evaluate,” they may have a few predictable expectancies approximately the content, agency, style, and layout of your textual content.

Genre is a label that tells target audience members what to expect from our memories. It is a clean framework to catalog all tales and helps writers supply target audience individuals what they're hoping for—and extra. The genres of writing selections are the maximum important ones we need to make. Genre is a form of writing with set features determined by using its social need. as an instance, a grocery list is a genre that evolved out of a need to keep in mind what you are searching for on the grocery save.

Learn more about Genre here :- https://brainly.com/question/4398936


What is the root, prefix and suffix word for marsh



Suffix word for marsh - Marshall

Prefix word for marsh - same thing

Suffix word for root - is a string of letters that go at the end of a word

Prefix word for root - a string of letters that go at the start of a word

Hope this helps

Write about one time you were doing something you really enjoyed.




One day, I and my family decided to get a dog. We got in the car and drove to the pet store. At the pet store, (what happened? just write a little about where you went to get your dog). After looking around for a while, one animal caught my eye. It was a dog. I instantly fell in love with him/her. My family also fell in love with him because we decided to get him. He was now a part of the ______( your last name) family! After careful consideration, we all agreed on the name ______(dogs name) . I wrote about this because it will be a happy memory forever and I really enjoyed it.


Scenario 1: Task 1
Student Background: Marlee is in Year 1K. Her teacher is Mr Knowles.
Marlee is currently in Out-of-Home Care. Every morning, when she arrives at school, Marlee
tries to get into the classroom. She bangs on the door, and shouts out, "Let me in, let me in."
This commences about 20 minutes before the bell. The playground duty teacher (who is a
different person each morning) constantly asks her to come away from the classroom door.
When the bell rings, Marlee runs to be the first to line up.
1. What are two potential stressors that could be impacting on Marlee?
2. How could you find out what Marlee is trying to communicate?
3. What safety measures should you implement?


i need the grade and i'll research it really quick

Question 13 (2.5 points)
An individual who eats a kosher diet is an example of a person of the faith.






D . JEWISH no se si esta correcta




Kosher food is any food fit for consumption by Jewish people. The laws of kosher define which foods a person can and cannot eat, and also how they should produce and handle certain foods.

6. Pathway thoughts focus on finding what?


Pathway thoughts focus on finding:

b. Ways to achieve our goals

What are pathway thoughts?

Pathway thoughts are the styles of thinking that help an individual to achieve any goal that they set. This is a positive form of thinking that can relax a person's nerves and help them to set and achieve goals better.

Individuals who are very optimistic about their prospects in life are known to have a healthy pathway thinking system. These persons are also able to set goals and achieve them in no time. The hope theory supports the fact that people who have a high pathway thinking process can achieve success better.

Complete Question:

Pathway thoughts focus on finding what? a. Relaxing thoughts b. Ways to achieve our goals c. Positive thoughts d. What matters most to us.

Learn more about goal setting here:



5 key events of the anti federalist papers 2


The Anti-Federalist Papers were a collection of essays that viewed the new Constitution as a danger to the States' independence and fundamental rights. The Anti-Federalists argued that a strong central government would pave the way for abuses of power, similar to what happened in Britain.

The five key events of the Anti-Federalist Papers are as follows -

The central government's disproportionate influence at the expense of the state governments.Concerns about a federal judicial system and the president's cloaked monarchical powers.Concerns that the necessary and proper clause may allow Congress to exercise too many powers.Doubts that a republican administration could function effectively in a country the size of the United States.Finally, their strongest objection to the Constitution's passage was the absence of a bill of rights to safeguard individual liberties.

Learn more about Anti-Federalist Papers here-



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