hector is in second grade. he has just finished his first science fair project and is very proud of it. although he did not know anything about gravity before his project, he now feels confident that he understands the concept. which of erikson's psychosocial stages is hector in?


Answer 1

Based on the information provided, Hector is likely in Erikson's psychosocial stage of "Industry vs. Inferiority," which typically occurs between 6 to 11 years old.

During this stage, children develop a sense of competence and confidence in their abilities by mastering Industry vs. Inferiority. They may feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments, such as completing a science fair project and gaining a better understanding of a new concept like gravity.

It's important for children in this stage to receive positive feedback and support from their parents, teachers, and peers to continue developing a sense of industry and avoid feelings of inferiority. By completing his science fair project and feeling confident in his understanding of gravity, it seems that Hector is on track in this stage of psychosocial development.

To learn more about  Industry vs. Inferiority, visit here



Related Questions

list the names of the tectonic plates that meet to create the mid-atlantic ridge


Where the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate converge is a divergent tectonic plate barrier known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

The barrier, which stretches over 10,000 miles from Iceland in the north to Antarctica in the south, is a mountain range that runs along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Two of the biggest tectonic plates on Earth, the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate, are separated by a series of deep rift valleys and volcanic activity.

Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, new oceanic crust is formed as a result of the movement of these plates, and it slowly expands outward over time.

To know more about tectonic plates, visit:



reasoning is reasoning from the general to the specific. what it called


Reasoning is reasoning from the general to the specific is called deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning applies general rules to specific applications: If the original assertions are true, then the conclusion must also be true, according to deductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning is a logical approach that progresses from broad concepts to specific conclusions. It is frequently contrasted with inductive reasoning, which begins with specific observations and leads to general conclusions. Deductive reasoning is also known as top-down reasoning or deductive logic.

Deductive reasoning is top-down, whereas inductive reasoning is bottom-up. Inductive reasoning leads from the specific to the general, whereas deductive reasoning leads from general contrasted to specific conclusions.

To learn more about Deductive, click here.



researchers placed a dot of rouge on babies' noses and then had them look into a mirror. on average, at what age did most babies touch their own noses when they saw their reflection? 3 months 6 months 9 months 18 months


After applying rouge to babies' noses, researchers asked them to examine themselves in the mirror. on average, at around 18 months of age, most babies touch their own noses when they observed their mirror.

What was the famous study where babies were made to look into a mirror after a red dot was placed?

The mirror test, also known as the mark or rouge test, is used to measure a baby's self-awareness. The infant is then placed in front of a mirror with a blob of red coloring on their nose.

When a baby reacts by touching the mirror, it shows that they lack self-awareness, but when they touch the red mark on their nose, it shows that they understand that what they see in the mirror is indeed themselves. Self-recognition is a crucial developmental stage that typically occurs around the age of two.

Learn more about the self emerges with the help of the given link:



An unintended but very real consequence of the Great Awakening was that it reduced colonial impulses toward democracy in civic life. By the 1700s, many Britons had come to see - as naturally opposed to one another. Therefore, they established - in order to attempt to strike a balance between the two extremes.


By the 1700s, many Britons had co-me to see Power and Liberty as natural-ly opposed to one another. There-fore, they estab-lished Common law in order to attempt to strike a bal-ance bet-ween the two extremes.

Common law, also kno-wn as case law, is a body of un-written laws based on legal prece-dents established by the courts. Common law draws fr-om institution-alized opinions and interpret-ations from judicial authorities and pub-lic juries.

The statement "an unintended but very real consequence of the Great Awakening was that it reduced colonial impulses toward democracy in civic life." is false because it did not reduce.

Complete question - 1) By the 1700s, many Britons had come to see ____ as naturally opposed to one another. Therefore, they established _______ in order to attempt to strike a balance between the two extremes.

2) An unintended but very real consequence of the Great Awakening was that it reduced colonial impulses toward democracy in civic life. True or False?

To know more about common law click below:



Explain with examples the different types of freedoms under Right to Freedom provided by the Indian Constitution.



The Right to Freedom under the Indian Constitution provides citizens with several types of freedoms, including:

1) Freedom of speech and expression: This freedom allows citizens to express their thoughts and opinions freely, without fear of censorship or retribution. This includes the right to express oneself through speech, writing, or other forms of communication.

2) Freedom of assembly: This freedom allows citizens to peacefully gather together to protest, hold demonstrations, or participate in other forms of collective expression.

3) Freedom of religion: This freedom allows individuals to practice the religion of their choice, or to choose not to practice a religion at all.

4) Freedom of movement: This freedom allows citizens to move freely within the country, and to travel abroad, without any restrictions or conditions imposed by the government.

These are just a few examples of the different types of freedoms provided under the Right to Freedom in the Indian Constitution. These freedoms are considered fundamental rights and are protected by the constitution, ensuring that individuals can exercise their rights without fear of government interference.

Explain the term Minority in context of cultural and educational rights provided in the Indian constituation.


In the context of the Indian Constitution, the term minority refers to a group of people who have been historically disadvantaged and are therefore granted certain cultural and educational rights. These rights include the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice, the right to participate in decision-making processes that affect them, and other rights designed to protect their culture and religion. These rights are provided to minorities as a means of recognizing their unique circumstances and helping them to achieve equal access to education and development opportunities.

the lakota man who shot and killed lt. edward casey was let free at trial because the judge considered his actions non-murderous because a state of war existed between the u.s. and the lakota.


The incident you are referring to is known as the "Casey Affair," which occurred in 1876 during the Black Hills War between the United States and several Plains Indian tribes, including the Lakota.

In that incident, a Lakota man named Crow Dog (also known as High Backbone) killed a white man named Lieutenant Edward Casey, who was serving as an Indian agent on the Pine Ridge Reservation.

Crow Dog was arrested and tried for murder, but his case was complicated by the fact that the killing occurred on Indian land, and by the complex legal and political relationship between the Lakota and the U.S. government. Ultimately, the case was brought before the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Crow Dog (1883), which ruled that the federal government did not have jurisdiction to prosecute crimes committed by Native Americans against other Native Americans on tribal land.

However, it's worth noting that the Court's decision did not rest solely on the existence of a "state of war" between the Lakota and the U.S., as you suggest. Rather, the ruling was based on the federal government's failure to establish clear legal jurisdiction over Indian land and people, and its recognition of Native American sovereignty and self-government. The case had significant implications for the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American tribes, and for the legal status of Indian lands and people under U.S. law.

For such more question on Lakota



in what 2 instances can a school that is considered division ii or iii compete in division i for select sports?


One D-1 game for men or one D-1 sport for women may be played at each school, with all other sports being D2 or D3. A division is a collection of teams that participate in a sport at a comparable level of competition in league-based sports.

A widespread misconception  is that Div II is automatically inferior to Div I, or that III is inferior to Division II. A division is a collection of teams that compete at a similar level in a sport in league-based sports. A D1 fellowship is a full fellowship. D2 can afford to give several partials and a few fulls. D3 can provide none.  The major universities and colleges are found in Div 1, whereas member institutions in Div II and Div III are smaller.

Learn more on school



nathan is creating a document that needs to be accessible to people with visual impairment. he should do what to the pictures in the document?


Add appropriate alt text to each of the pictures He should do what to the pictures in the document.

Option b is correct .

We can magnify the entire screen or only a part of it and move the magnifying glass to the desired position on the desktop. Magnifier can also smooth the edges of images and text when zooming. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are built around four key principles for content to be POUR: findable, functional, understandable and maintainable.

Features for Blind or Visually Impaired Computer Users, Features such as text-to-speech allow users to hear what is displayed on the screen instead of reading it. Other features, such as high-contrast themes and enlarged cursors, make it easier for limited users to see the screen.

To know more about visual impairment visit :



The correct question is :

Nathan is creating a document that needs to be accessible to people with visual impairment. He should do what to the pictures in the document?

a. Reset the pictures.

b. Add appropriate alt text to each of the pictures.

c. Add an artistic effect to each of the pictures.

d. Set the text wrapping to In Front of Text.

What percentage complete is used for the equivalent unit calculation as it relates to transferred-in units? a. 0% b. 100% c. The same percentage as used


The  percentage complete is used for the equivalent unit calculation is 100%. option b)

What is the equivalent unit calculation?

The equivalent unit calculation is used in process costing to determine the number of fully completed units that could have been produced from the costs incurred during a given period. When calculating the equivalent units, the percentage of completion for each type of cost (direct materials, conversion costs, and transferred-in costs) is multiplied by the number of units in the production process.

For transferred-in units, the percentage complete is assumed to be 100% because the units are considered fully completed when they enter the production process. This means that all of the costs associated with the transferred-in units are considered to be fully complete, and there is no need to factor in any percentage of completion.

To know more about equivalent unit calculation, check out:



Full Question: What percentage complete is used for the equivalent unit calculation as it relates to transferred-in units?

a. 0%

b. 100%

c. The same percentage as used for direct material costs in ending inventory.

d. The same percentage as used for conversion costs in ending inventory.

what term is used for the aggregate of individuals or objects to which a researcher wishes to generalize study results


The Target population term is used for the aggregate of individuals or objects to which a researcher wishes to generalize study results.

A target audience is really the main audience or loyal readers of a published, advert, or another message that is tailored to that specific audience. It is a specific group of consumers within a predetermined target market who are identified as the goals or people who receive a specific advertisement or message in marketing and advertising.

Businesses with a broad customer base will focus on a specific audience for certain texts to send, for instance, The Body Company's Family's Day advertisements.

Which have been aimed at women's children and spouses rather than the entire market, which would have comprised the women themselves. An intended audience is formed using the same aspects as a customer base but is more specific and susceptible to outside influences.

Learn more about the Target population here:



what happened as a result of the berlin conference


One thing is certain: the Berlin Conference established Europeans' legal claim that all of Africa may be colonized by whoever could capture it.

It also provided a procedure for Europeans to work together rather than against one other. This collaboration was crucial in the partition and conquering of Africa. Without consulting African leaders, Europeans partitioned Africa into colonies.

Europeans insisted on growing lucrative crops like cotton. The Berlin Conference was widely seen as the start of the "Scramble for Africa." Between 1881 to 1914, the "Scramble for Africa" saw European countries invade and colonize African land.

Learn more about Berlin Conference



Full Question ;

what happened as a result of the berlin conference of 1884?

according to the model of , when the presence of others is physiologically arousing, a person's pwrformance tends to


According to the theory of, a person's performance tends to increase a person's physiological arousal only if the person is undertaking a complex activity while the presence of others is physically arousing.

According to the arousal hypothesis of motivation, people are motivated to act in order to maintain an ideal degree of physiological arousal. The arousal hypothesis of motivation states that each individual has a specific arousal level that is appropriate for them.

According to the Schacter-Singer theory, the relationship between physiological arousal and cognitive leads to emotion. More specifically, this theory asserts that each situation's context determines how physiological arousal is cognitively understood.

Read more about physiologically arousing at



What is the purpose of Incremental Variable Costs?


Incremental Variable costs are likewise valuable for choosing whether to make a decent or buy it somewhere else. Understanding the extra expenses of expanding the creation of a decent is useful while deciding the retail cost of the item.

Incremental costs endeavor to take care of issues with little, deliberate advances that incite change after some time. By utilizing steady means, an administration can lessen the gamble and spotlight on attempting to further develop the framework they as of now have set up, as opposed to beginning without any preparation and making another one.

Instances of gradual expenses are changing the degree of item yield. Purchasing extra or new materials. Employing additional work. Adding new machines or supplanting existing ones.

Learn more about Incremental Variable Costs:



what was the result of missionary efforts in japan?


Missionary efforts in Japan resulted in the spread of Christianity (hundreds of thousands of people were converted) and an increase in literacy and education.

The result of missionary efforts in Japan was a mix of successes and failures.

Initially, there were some successes in converting Japanese people to Christianity, with an estimated 300,000 converts by the early 1600s. However, there was also a significant backlash against these missionary efforts, as the Japanese government saw Christianity as a threat to their authority and culture. As a result, they began to persecute Christians and ban missionary efforts. This led to the martyrdom of many Christians and the suppression of Christianity in Japan for several centuries.

It wasn't until the mid-1800s that missionary efforts were allowed to resume in Japan, and even then, they faced significant challenges. Overall, the result of missionary efforts in Japan was a mix of successes and failures, with a significant period of persecution and suppression of Christianity.

Learn more about Missionary efforts brainly.com/question/29649869


What is the coordination of balance and body movement controlled by EMT?


The cerebellum regulates the synchronization of balance and movement in the body. Since it resembles a miniature version of the cerebrum, the cerebellum, sometimes known as the "small mind," is in charge of balance and coordination.

The ability to maintain control over your body's motion or to remain upright is referred to as balance. The capacity to operate two or even more areas of your body in a coordinated, efficient, and controlled manner is referred to as coordination. Goals are attained by movements, and effectors are integrated to manage task-relevant bodily and environmental variables (the physical plant). The cerebellum regulates equilibrium body. 

Learn more on mind



Which animal behavior is characterized by a decrease in heart rate and body temperature and the use of stored fat to provide energy?


Hibernation is a state that certain animals enter to save energy during periods of unfavorable weather conditions or food shortages.

Hibernation is characterized by considerable reduction in metabolic activity and lowered body temperatures. In fact, true hibernators become inactive, developing slowed breathing and heartrate and reaching body temperatures close to 0 C during the hibernation period. To prepare for hibernation, they seek out safe hiding spaces like dens and prepare their bodies; in some species, this involves increasing food intake to insulate their bodies with fat.

Thus , Hibernation in animals  is characterized by a decrease in heart rate and body temperature and the use of stored fat to provide energy.

Learn more about Hibernation at:



Place the folowing events in the order they mightocur once rent control isimplemented in a crowded, impoverished neighborhood. Start by clicking the first item in the sequence or dragging it here Drag the items below into the box above in the correct order, starting with the first item in the sequence Apartment rental prices are capped by the local government Property owners cannot afford to maintain buildings properly Property owners receive less income from their properties Many apartment buildings become dilapidated


Here is the correct order of the events that might occur once rent control is implemented in a crowded, impoverished neighborhood:

Apartment rental prices are capped by the local government.

Property owners receive less income from their properties.

Property owners cannot afford to maintain buildings properly.

Many apartment buildings become dilapidated.

As a result of rent control, property owners may not be able to charge higher rents to cover the costs of building maintenance and repairs. Over time, this can lead to a decline in the condition of buildings and a decrease in the quality of life for tenants. Additionally, property owners may become less interested in investing in new buildings or renovating existing ones, further exacerbating the problem of dilapidated buildings in the neighborhood.

For such more question on crowded



Hilgard's term for a part of consciousness that remains detached from the hypnotic experience but aware of everything that happens during it


Hidden observer is a Hilgard's term for a part of consciousness that remains detached from the hypnotic experience but aware of everything that happens during it.

When someone is hypnotized, there is a part of their mind that operates independently and has experiences that the hypnotic person doesn't seem to be aware of. For instance, a person experiencing cold pressor pain while under hypnotic analgesia might not experience any pain and might seem unperturbed, but if the hypnotist says, "When I place my hand on your shoulder, I shall be able to talk to a hidden part of you that knows things that are going on in your body, things that are unknown to the part of you with which I am now talking," the hidden observer may emerge and the person might experience strong pain sensations.

To know more about hypnotic experience



The complete question is:

Fill in the blanks,

_____________________ is a Hilgard's term for a part of consciousness that remains detached from the hypnotic experience but aware of everything that happens during it.

Though they are classified in many ways, almost all classifications designate an emotion as either ______ or ______. biological foundations, experiences.


Though they are classified in many ways, almost all classifications designate an emotion as either positive or negative biological foundations, experiences.

Emotions are delusions triggered by neurophysiological adjustments, which can be variously connected to ideas, feelings, behavioural reactions, and a level of pleasure or discomfort. There is apparently no agreement on the definition in academia. Emotions and emotion, temper, personality, disposition, and creativity are found to be linked. Over the past two decades, there have been a rise in research on emotion, with contributions from numerous disciplines including psychology, medicine, history, sociology of sentiments, and computer engineering. More thorough research has been carried out on this subject as a result of the many hypotheses that attempt to explain the origin, purpose, and other facets human emotions.

learn more about emotions here:



order events chronologically that can lead to a subduction-related tsunami.


The overriding plate "clings" to the subducting slab, which causes strain to increase > Slip happens, the overriding plate shifts back into place, and a substantial portion of the seabed is moved > At the sea's surface, a bulge of water forms, spreading out as waves.

The massive solid rock slabs known as tectonic plates, which fit together like jigsaw pieces, make up the surface of the Earth. These plates are constantly moving and colliding where the plates meet.

Any of these faults have the potential to produce tsunamis, but reversal fault earthquakes are the most common and greatest producers of tsunamis. Tectonic plates clash in subduction zones, where one is pushed beneath the other, and this causes earthquakes that cause tsunamis to occur more frequently there. The water above the ocean floor changes elevation in response to this. The beginning of a tsunami is caused by the water's up and down motion as it tries to find its balance.

Not all earthquakes result in tsunamis. Location, magnitude (size), and depth are three important aspects of earthquakes that affect the creation of tsunamis.

To know more about tsunamis



what effect did u.s. covert actions have on american influence in latin america and the middle east?


The result of US covert efforts on American influence in Latin America and in the Middle East was an increase in Communist sympathies and anti-American attitude.

The US frequently participated in covert coups during the Cold War to preserve its containment strategy against communist threats. Following the successful installation of a puppet regime in Iran in 1953, coups increasingly became a necessary tactic for America to maintain its position against Soviet Union. The success of covert operations abroad is supported by the circumstances surrounding how the Cold War era ended. The coups that were implemented during that time period had a significant positive impact on efforts to control the Soviet Union. The US was able to concentrate on different parts of the Cold War while maintaining its containment policy thanks in large part to the coups quickness and affordability. The Soviet Union was successfully deterred by the capacity of coups to be underdone promptly, which enabled American influence to be implemented quickly.

Learn more about communist here



the opposite of poverty is justice what are the ways that stevenson begins to build a case to support this claim?


Bryan Stevenson, the author of the book "Just Mercy", begins to build a case to support the claim that "the opposite of poverty is justice" by highlighting the profound impact that poverty has on individuals and communities.

Bryan Stevenson argues that poverty is not just a lack of financial resources, but a condition that affects all aspects of a person's life, including their physical and mental health, education, and opportunities. Stevenson also asserts that poverty is often a result of systemic injustice, including structural inequalities, discrimination, and unequal access to resources and opportunities. He contends that poverty and injustice are inextricably linked, and that addressing poverty requires addressing the underlying issues of injustice and inequality. Through his work as a lawyer, Stevenson has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of poverty and injustice on individuals who have been wrongly convicted and sentenced to death. He has also worked tirelessly to advocate for their rights and to challenge the systemic injustices that have led to their wrongful convictions. By demonstrating the close relationship between poverty and injustice, and by advocating for systemic change to address these issues, Stevenson builds a powerful case that the opposite of poverty is indeed justice.

Learn more about poverty here:



Which type of processing involves the interpretation of sensations and is influenced by available?


Our experiences, knowledge, and thoughts all have an impact on how we perceive those sensations. We refer to this as top-down processing.

Sensation and perception are two distinct but closely connected processes. Perception is the method through which the brain chooses, arranges, and interprets these sensations. Sensation is the input about the physical world that is obtained by our sensory receptors. In other words, perception's physiological foundation is its senses. The same sensations may be perceived differently by various people because each person's brain interprets information differently depending on their learning, memory, emotions, and expectations. Although our sensory receptors are continually gathering information from the environment, how we eventually interact with it depends on how we interpret that information. The way sensory data is arranged, analyzed, and consciously experienced is referred to as perception. Both bottom-up and top-down processing are involved in perception.

Learn more about receptors here-



a small portion of a larger religious group that usually has a different view than those in the majority____


A small portion of a larger religious group that usually has a different view than those in the majority_A sect

A sect is a religious, political, or philosophical belief system that is typically an offshoot of a larger group. Although the term was originally used to describe religiously distinct groups, it now refers to any organization that separates from a larger one to follow a different set of rules and principles. Sects are typically formed as a result of the subgroup's and/or the larger group's perception of heresy.A sect is an organized tradition in Indian culture.

The word sect is derived from the Latin noun secta, which means "a way, road" and is a feminine form of a variant past participle of the verb sequi, to follow.

Learn More about A sect



Part A: Vocabulary. Match the term with the correct definitions from the lesson.

___ 1. ratify
___ 2. execute
___ 3. federalism
___ 4. republican
___ 5. propose

A) Introduce a new amendment
B) Carry out a law
C) A representative form of government
D) Approve or pass an amendment
E) System where the national government shares power with state governments

Part B: Multiple Choice. Use what you have learned in this lesson to answer the following questions.

___ 6. How many senators are in the U.S. Senate?

a. 50
b. 435
c. 100
d. It depends on the population.

___ 7. What does the Constitution say is the ‘supreme law of the land’?

a. The Bill of Rights
b. State laws
c. The amendments
d. U.S. or federal laws

___ 8. What was added to the Constitution that listed rights not already in the Constitution?

a. The 14th Amendment
b. The approval of all 13 states
c. The Bill of Rights
d. The Necessary and Proper Clause

___ 9. What is the term for members of the House of Representatives?

a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. Life

Part C: Identify the branch of government with the powers it has (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)

10. We write the bills that become laws.

11. We make sure the laws are carried out and enforced.

12. We hear cases about the laws and decide what the laws mean.

Part D: Identify which Constitutional Article covers the following:

13. Discusses how states should interact with each other.

14. Supreme Law of the Land

15. Creates the three branches of the U.S. government

16. Additions to the Constitution

17. How to amend the Constitution

18. How to Ratify the Constitution

Part E: Whose Job Is It? For each description of powers below, write E = Executive, L = Legislative, or J = Judicial

19. Prints money

20. Enforces the laws

21. Decides what a law means

22. Declares war

23. Includes the president, vice president, and the cabinet

24. Divided into the House and Senate

25. Punishes pirates!

26. Makes treaties with other countries

27. Can declare laws unconstitutional

28. Selected by the Electoral College

29. Selected by popular vote

30. Appoints Supreme Court Justices, federal judges, ambassadors, and cabinet members

31. Approves presidential appointments

32. Makes a State of the Union address each year

33. Collect taxes


1. Propose - Introduce a new amendment

Execute - Carry out a law

Republican - A representative form of government

Ratify - Approve or pass an amendment

Federalism - System where the national government shares power with state governments

2. There are 100 senators in the U.S. Senate currently. The Option C is correct.

3. The U.S. or Federal law is considered as the ‘supreme law of the land’, according to the U.S. Constitution. The Option D is correct

4. The Bill of Rights were the amendment which was added to the Constitution because the listed rights are not already in the Constitution. The Option C is correct.

5. The term for members of the House of Representatives is 2 years. The Option A is correct.

Read more about U.S. Constitution



Which instrumental form has a refrain that keeps coming back between contrasting episodes so that it might look something like abaca?


The rondo is the structure that has a refrain that continues returning between differentiating episodes so it could look something like abaca.

It contains a chief subject (once in a while called the "refrain") which substitutes with at least one differentiating topic, by and large called "episodes", yet additionally sometimes alluded to as "deviations" or "couplets". A few potential examples incorporate ABACA, ABACAB, ABACBA, or ABACABA.

Rondo is a structure including a fundamental segment (alluded to as one or the other An or refrain ) that profits all through work and is compared with differentiating segments (alluded to as B, C, and so forth, or as episodes ). Normal proper formats incorporate ABACA (five-section) and ABACABA (seven-section, logical sonata rondo).

Learn more about instrumental:



why were some white americans, especially in the south, so opposed to integration?


Some white opposed-It was unprecedented in the segregated Black community of Greenville in 1960s Mississippi. In an impromptu street-side Pentecostal revival, Mr. Gorton saw white people praying alongside their black brothers and sisters.

A large young white man picked up a small black boy sitting with his family in the middle of a raucous song of praise and spontaneously held him to his chest inside the revival tent.

Mr. Gorton photographed the incident because it was the kind of moment that is rarely brought up in discussions about the racist White South.

Mr. Gorton joined the civil rights movement as a child in Mississippi in response to the legalization of white supremacy. However, he maintained compassion and patience for the oppressed despite detesting the institutional racism that shaped every aspect of Southern life.

To know more about white americans here



in some parts of the world, corporal punishment is a traditional child rearing practice, whereas the practice is frowned upon in other places. in the context of abnormality, this is reflective of dysfunction. cultural relativism. distress. mental illness.


In some parts of the world, corporal punishment is a traditional child-rearing practice, whereas the practice is frowned upon in other places. in the context of abnormality, this is reflective of dysfunction in cultural relativism.

Cultural relativism is the concept that different cultures have different values and ideals, and that no culture is inherently better or worse than any other. Therefore, the practice of corporal punishment is not inherently wrong or right, but it is seen differently in different cultures. In some cultures, the practice of corporal punishment is seen as a traditional way to discipline children, while in other cultures the practice is seen as wrong and frowned upon.

This highlights the fact that the concept of abnormality and dysfunction is relative to the culture in which it takes place, therefore it is not possible to judge the practice of corporal punishment as "abnormal" or dysfunctional without considering the vulture in which it is taking place.

To know more about  corporal punishment  refer to the link  brainly.com/question/29862579


What is the large lake in Nicaragua?


The largest lake in Nicaragua is Lake Nicaragua, also known as Lake Cocibolca. It has an area of 3,191 square miles, making it the 19th largest lake in the world. It is located in the southwestern corner of the country and is bordered by the departments of Boaco, Carazo, Chinandega, Granada, and Rivas.
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