he First Amendment establishes that Congress cannot abridge the rights to free speech and assembly, including peaceful protests. While governments can require things like permits for assemblies on public property, or can establish "time, place, and manner" conditions, they must be narrowly drawn and equally applied to all groups. For the most part, federal case law has been focused on whether the federal government can prevent actions, such as rallies or speeches. However, over time, the Supreme Court has established several conditions that can be placed on the right of people to make claims and say things in public. There are also specific varieties of speech that are unprotected, notably libel and slander. When cases come to the Supreme Court, they will often apply a test or standard established in a previous case to determine whether the government acted appropriately. These standards have changed over time, and in many cases, reflect an evolving understanding of the appropriate contours for freedom of speech and assembly. Examine the table that follows and answer the accompanying questions. First Amendment Standards Bad Tendency test The bad tendency test has its origins in English common law and was the longtime standard by which the Supreme Court evaluated speech claims. By this standard, the government could limit speech to protect public welfare, broadly defined. It also established that the purpose of the First Amendment was to prevent the government from preventing speech, not to prevent punishment after the fact. This was established in 1907 in the case of Patterson v. Ohio. Clear and Present Danger test This test emerged from the 1919 case of Schenck v. United States, and established that speech could be limited if its utterance or publication represented a "clear and present danger." In the case of Schenck, his activities opposing the draft were seen to threaten national security in the context of the First World War. However, in many cases the Supreme Court tends to lean on the bad tendency test as well. Imminent Lawless Action test In the 1969 case of Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Supreme Court clarified the conditions under which the government can limit speech. Under this test, speech may be limited if it is directed at inciting imminent lawless action and is also likely to do so. This has been the standard since the Brandenburg decision in 1969. In 1998, a group applies for a permit to hold a rally. The local government denies the permit, claiming that the group has advocated publicly for violence and the rally is likely to be dangerous. The group sues, claiming the government has violated their rights under the First Amendment. If the case was to reach the Supreme Court, which standard would be most likely to be applied? Compelling interest х Bad tendency Clear and present danger imminent lawless action


Answer 1

The "imminent lawless action" criteria would most likely be used in the scenario if the case of the group whose permit was denied made it all the way to the Supreme Court.

This test, which was established in the Brandenburg v. Ohio decision from 1969, makes it clear that speech may be restricted if it is intended to or is likely to incite impending unlawful action.

Due to the group's support of violence and the local government's perception that the rally will likely be hazardous, which meets the requirements of the Brandenburg test, the permit has been denied.

It is crucial to remember that the government's power to restrict speech is limited and must nonetheless be applied fairly to all groups.

To know more about Brandenburg v. Ohio, visit:



Related Questions

The main reason that the Spanish explorers traveled was to spread Christianity (God from the 3 G's). BUT What was the French explorers main reason?


The French were fundamentally keen on laying out financially practical provincial stations, so they made broad exchanging networks all through New France.

They depended on local trackers to collect furs, particularly beaver pelts, and to trade these things for French merchandise, similar to glass dabs.

The French additionally longed for reproducing the abundance of Spain by colonizing the equatorial jungle areas. After Spanish control of the Caribbean started to debilitate, the French directed their concentration toward little islands in the West Indies; by 1635 they had colonized two, Guadeloupe and Martinique. However it actually falled a long ways behind Spain, France currently flaunted its own West Indian states with worthwhile sugar ranch locales and African slave work.

Motivations for colonization: Spain's colonization objectives were to separate gold and silver from the Americas, to invigorate the Spanish economy and make Spain an all the more powerful country. Spain additionally expected to change Local Americans over completely to Christianity.

to know more about French click here:



What were the Federalist papers used for?

A. to rally support for Alexander Hamilton to become the first
President of the United States

B. to express the views of the Anti-Federalists

C. to rally the American support for Alexander Hamilton's
Federalist views


Answer: C. to rally the American support for Alexander Hamilton's Federalist views.


The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison in order to convince the American public to ratify the United States Constitution. The 85 essays argued for the federal government having more power than the states, and further argued for the need of a strong central government and the principles of the Constitution. The Federalist Papers were written in order to rally public support for the ratification of the Constitution.

what was bacon’s father’s role in the queen’s court?


Sir Nicholas Bacon was born in Drinks Tone, Suffolk, England around 1510. He is also the father of the well-known philosopher Francis Bacon.

Worked as a high officer in Queen Elizabeth I's government. In 1546, he was appointed as a court attorney. At this time, he collaborated with Elizabeth's Chief Minister. At the same time, he favoured actions aimed at undermining Catholic influence in Europe. Bacon served as President of the Royal Horticultural Society from 2013 to 2020, as well as a Council Member of the National Trust, and was named Deputy Lieutenant of Norfolk in 1998. He was appointed to the Duchy of Cornwall's Prince's Council in 2005 and served as High Sheriff of Norfolk.

learn more about Francis Bacon here.



most americans did not think the united states needed additional possessions in the caribbean and atlantic for industrial and defense purposes. true false


It is false that Most Americans did not think the united states needed additional possessions in the Caribbean and Atlantic for industrial and defense purposes.

When you hear the word "empire," you might think of ancient Rome, the Persian Empire, or the British Empire—powers that relied on military conquest, colonization, occupation, or direct resource exploitation, respectively. However, empires come in many shapes and sizes, and imperial processes can take place in a variety of settings. Have the United States established its own empire a century after gaining independence from the British Empire? The United States put forth effort in the decades following the American Civil War to advance American interests abroad. Under the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft, the United States built on a long history of exploration, trade, and cultural exchange to practice something that looked remarkably like an empire in the Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East, most explicitly during the Spanish-American War. Therefore, the question of American imperialism aims to comprehend not only direct American interventions in places like Cuba, the Philippines, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico, but also the deeper history of American engagement with the rest of the world and the subsequent ways in which American economic, political, and cultural power has shaped the choices, possibilities, and actions of other groups and nations.

Know more about Americans here:



the civil rights act of 1964 made it illegal to ____ against certain groups of people called protected classes.




What caused the establishment of independent states in the Balkans?


Combination of nationalist movements, ethnic and cultural aspects and geopolitical shifts and movements in the 19th and early 20th centuries led to the establishment of independent states in the Balkans.

All these factors not only caused the establishment of independent states in Balkans but also the gradual fall and breakup of the Ottoman Empire also.

Ottoman Empire ruled many of the region for even centuries and the emergence of independent nation-states such as Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and others.

Balkan Wars happened in 1912-13 and WorldWar-1 actually helped and reshaped every aspects of political and cultural landscape of the region. Many wars and conflicts and included in this.

Learn more about Balkans:



Read the following excerpt from The Objections of the Hon. George Mason to the Proposed Federal Constitution: Addressed to the Citizens of Virginia, written in 1787.

There is no declaration of rights: and the laws of the general government being paramount to the laws and constitutions of the several states, the declarations of rights, in the separate states, are no security.

According to Anti-Federalist George Mason, why would state rights no longer be protected?

State governments would no longer exist under the Constitution.
Local law enforcement would be too busy enforcing national laws.
Governors could choose not to enforce laws under the Constitution.
National laws and the new Constitution would be stronger than state laws.


According to Anti-Federalist George Mason, national laws and the new Constitution would be stronger than state laws, and therefore, state rights would no longer be protected.

Why was the Constitution a point of contention for anti-federalists like George Mason?

The Anti-Federalists opposed the passage of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they believed that, in the lack of a bill of rights, the new national government would be overly powerful and harm individual liberty.

What did anti-federalist George Mason hold dear?

He was an Anti-Federalist who thought that individual freedom would be compromised by a strong national government without a bill of rights. George Mason made substantial contributions to other documents that helped the First Amendment become more developed.

To know more about Anti-Federalist, visit:



what did alphonse bertillon contribute to forensics


French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon is credited with creating the first organised system of criminal identification, which is now known as "anthropometry."

In order to produce a unique identity record, Bertillon's method required taking accurate bodily measurements of people, such as height, arm length, and head circumference.

For many years, law enforcement organisations all around the world employed this strategy extensively since it made it possible to identify repeat offenders in a more accurate and dependable way.

Bertillon's contributions to the field of forensic science have had a lasting impact on the discipline, helping to establish the value of precise record-keeping and scientific approach in criminal investigations.

To know more about forensic science, visit:



what is a primary reason why hurricane katrina caused major destruction to new orleans in 2005?


The majority of Hurricane Katrina's fatalities were caused by floods brought on by disastrous engineering mistakes in the levee, which served as New Orleans' flood defence system.

Why did Hurricane Katrina harm New Orleans so severely?

In New Orleans, the failure and overtopping of the levee system is caused by the combination of surge and waves. Over 50 levee system breaches caused floods that eventually covered.

What key factor contributed to the 2005 August devastation in New Orleans?

In the afternoon of August 29, Katrina made its way inland into southern Mississippi, leaving behind a path of destruction that will never be forgotten. The number of fatalities and property losses increased.

To know more about Hurricane visit:-



How did established dynasties respond to pressures created by increased exchanges of goods, ideas, and peoples? To what degree did established elites respond by forging a partnership with "the people?" Who defined "the people," and on what terms?


Answer: it’s gay

Explanation: it’s gay

Read the passage from "Odysseus."

Odysseus, hearing that they had come, determined to trick them by pretending that he was out of his mind. He put on his richest garments, yoked an ox and a mule to his plow, and went out into his fields. As he plowed, he scattered salt into the furrows, pretending that he thought it was seed.

How do Odysseus' actions lead to the climax of the story?
When they see him throw salt in the fields, they realize that he is not a farmer.

Odysseus must leave his home to fight in the war.

When the soldier throws Odysseus' son in front of the plow, they learn he is not crazy.

He becomes one of the greatest heroes of the Trojan war.



what did you want me to do here you go if this helps


Interesting Facts about the Odyssey

Odysseus' dog Argos recognized him even though he was in disguise and it had been 20 years. Odysseus is called Ulysses by the Romans. Many of the stories in the Odyssey were passed down for hundreds of years orally before Homer wrote them down.He is the son of Laertes, the king of Ithaca, and Anticlea and the husband of Penelope and father of a child named Telemachus. Known for his leadership skills, wit, and intelligence, Odysseus is most famous for his ten-year journey had after the Trojan War.According to Homer, Odysseus was king of Ithaca, one of the Ionian Islands. His parents were Laertes and Anticleia. Odysseus's wife was Penelope, and they had a son, Telemachus. (In later tradition, Odysseus was instead the son of Sisyphus and fathered sons by Circe, Calypso, and others.)

how did the 9th amendment address federalist concerns about including a bill of rights in the constitution?


The 9th Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to address concerns by Federalists about the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

Federalists believed that listing specific rights in the Constitution would imply that the government could not infringe on other unlisted rights. This was seen as problematic because it would be impossible to list all of the rights that people possessed. The 9th Amendment was added to address these concerns by stating that the enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people. In other words, the 9th Amendment acknowledges that the Constitution cannot list every right, and that people have other rights that are not specifically mentioned. The 9th Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to address concerns by Federalists about the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

Learn more about Federalists :



Define "sectionalism summarize the conflicts and compromises between South Carolina and the federal government during this time.



Sectionalism refers to loyalty to one's own region or section of a country, rather than to the country as a whole. It was a major issue in the United States in the 19th century, particularly during the antebellum period, as different regions of the country had different economic, social, and political interests.

The conflicts between South Carolina and the federal government during this time were primarily centered around the issue of tariffs. South Carolina, which relied heavily on foreign trade, was heavily impacted by tariffs, which raised the prices of imported goods and made it more difficult for South Carolina to compete with other states. In response, South Carolina passed the "Nullification Ordinance," which declared federal tariffs null and void within the state. This act was seen as a direct challenge to federal authority and the U.S. government responded by sending military forces to South Carolina.

The conflict was ultimately resolved through the Compromise of 1833, which reduced the tariffs and provided relief to South Carolina. The compromise was seen as a victory for both sides, as it allowed South Carolina to maintain its sovereignty while also maintaining the authority of the federal government.

In conclusion, the conflicts between South Carolina and the federal government during this time were a result of sectionalism, as the different regions of the country had different interests and priorities. The Compromise of 1833 served as a resolution to these conflicts and helped to maintain the balance of power between the federal government and the states.


Who is the longest serving speaker of the House?


A majority may also be referred to as a simple majority or an absolute majority to distinguish it from related words.

Every representative in the House of Representatives has a two-year term, and each of the 435 seats is up for election after that time. There is no restriction on how many terms or years the Speaker can hold the job as long as he keeps winning re-election to his seat in the House, as long as his party maintains a majority of the seats in the House, and as long as they choose to keep electing him as Speaker. But it's always for a period of two years. To be selected as speaker, a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, the roll call is repeated until a speaker is selected.

Learn more about A majority here:



Who is the youngest child to win an Oscar?


Answer:   Tatum O'Neal won the youngest Oscar on this list with her performance in Paper Moon aged just 10 years old


In the early 1800s, road improvements began in Britain. Which event did not happen at that time?


John McAdam built roads on a foundation of crushed rock that drained well and held up to heavy traffic.

Passenger traffic increased rapidly between British cities.

Merchants began to haul heavier loads with fewer horses, leading to increased trade and lower prices.

The government took control of all private roads and used taxes to improve every road in Britain.

People began to build turnpikes - roads with gates and guards that could only be used after payment of a toll.



The government took control of all private roads and used taxes to improve every road in Britain.


Throughout the time of road construction, Britain underwent significant transformations with stronger connections to economic power. The economic change was clear because of a robust industrial revolution and the general growth of the companies.

Because it showed that politics and diplomacy were more crucial to the state as a whole than economics, the economic instability shocked the Europeans. The consequence was a steady stabilization of the economy.

Read lines 7-13. What sort of work is Washington encouraging African Americans to do?

And why?


Washington is urging African Americans to put aside their pride and strive for harmony with white people. He suggests that they should relinquish any resentment or dissatisfaction when he says "cast down your buckets" and aim to build friendships with white people.

He recommends that African Americans should work in industries favored by white people, even if it means starting at the lowest levels, since this can provide a path to growth and progress.

The phrase "cast down your bucket" is a metaphor used by Booker T. Washington in his 1895 speech to the Atlanta Cotton States and International Exposition. In the speech, Washington encouraged African Americans to let go of any resentment or anger towards the white population and to work together towards a common goal. He urged them to look for opportunities to work in industries that white people were involved in, even if it meant starting from the bottom.

By casting down their buckets, Washington meant that African Americans should make efforts to build bridges and establish relationships with white people in order to advance themselves and their communities. He believed that this approach would ultimately lead to greater opportunities for African Americans and a more harmonious society.

Learn more about Booker T here: brainly.com/question/13721792


where did the first official groundhog day take place?


On February 2, 1887, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA celebrated the first official Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog, emerges from his hole on this day, according to legend.

If the groundhog sees its shadow, it will go back into its burrow, and winter will last another six weeks. If it does not perceive its shadow, it will remain above ground, indicating an early spring. February 2, 1887, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA celebrated the first official Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog, emerges from his hole on this day, according to legend.  If the groundhog sees its shadow, it will go back into its burrow, and winter will last another six weeks. If it does not perceive its shadow, it will remain above ground, indicating an early spring. February 2, 1887, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

learn more about  groundhog  here:



Who has the most advanced technology in WW1?





what is the definition of anthropocene, the term that historians and scientists use to describe the impact of the industrial revolution?


The term "Anthropocene" is increasingly being used to describe a new planetary epoch in which humans have emerged as the dominant force shaping Earth's bio-geophysical composition and processes.

The term Anthropocene is derived from the Greek words for human ('anthropo') and new ('cene'), but its meaning is debatable. It was coined in the 1980s by atmospheric chemist Paul J Crutzen and diatom researcher Eugene F Stoermer, and it became popular in 2000.
The Anthropocene Epoch is a term used to describe the most recent period in Earth's history when human activity began to have a significant impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems.

The Anthropocene is a new, modern epoch in which scientists claim that human activity has significantly altered the Earth. Global warming, habitat loss, changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, oceans, and soil, and animal extinctions are examples of these changes.

To know more about Anthropocene refer to:-



One significant change to literature, as a result of the Renaissance, was

new works written in the vernacular
new religious works
a new focus on solely religious writing
the revival of the Latin language


Option A is correct. One significant change to literature, as a result of the Renaissance, was a new focus on works written in the vernacular.

What is Renaissance Vernacular?

There was a substantial shift in the way language was used in writing throughout the Renaissance, a time of immense cultural and creative resurgence in Europe. Vernacular, or regional languages, started to be used more frequently during this period for literary works. The Catholic Church and the educated elite had solely written in Latin; therefore this was a change from that tradition.

Writers were able to reach a larger audience by using the vernacular since it made literature more understandable to those who did not know Latin. The development of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for the widespread production of books written in the local language, which was particularly significant in Italy. Due to this, ideas and knowledge might spread.

To know more about Renaissance Vernacular visit:



who is the leader of the house and how is that person chosen?


The Speaker of the House is the chamber's chief officer in the US House of Representatives.

The Speaker of the House is chosen by the representatives who make up the chamber, and he or she is usually the head of the majority party. The primary duties of the Speaker are to preside over House discussions and votes, to uphold decorum, and to designate members to committees.

In terms of presidential succession, the Speaker comes after the Vice President. Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California who was first elected to the role in 2007, is the current Speaker of the House.

One of the most powerful positions in Congress is that of Speaker, and historically, experienced and prominent members of Congress have filled this position.

To know more about Vice President, visit:



Within the country, who were the power players?


The power players within the nation of France during the French Revolution included ;

The National Assembly The Jacobins The Committee of Public Safety

Which bodies were powerful in the French Revolution ?

This was a legislative body composed of representatives from all parts of France. It had the power to make laws and regulate government. The Jacobins were a political club that played a major role in the later stages of the Revolution. They were radical and advocated for sweeping reforms, including the execution of the king.

The Committee of Public Safety was a government body created during the Revolution to maintain order and ensure the security of the state. It was led by Maximilien Robespierre, who became the most powerful man in France during the Revolution.

Find out more on the French Revolution at https://brainly.com/question/1046744


explain the dingley tariff bill and the gold standard act of 1900, and explain how they are examples of the new republican dominance in american politics


The Dingley Tariff Bill of 1897 was a protectionist measure passed by the Republican-controlled Congress and signed into law by President William McKinley. The Gold Standard Act of 1900 was an act of Congress that established the gold standard as the basis for U.S. monetary policy.

The Republican-controlled Congress passed and President William McKinley signed the Dingley Tariff Bill of 1897, a protectionist measure. The bill raised average tariffs on imported goods from about 40 percent to over 50 percent. This bill was meant to protect American businesses from foreign competition and encourage domestic production.

The Gold Standard Act of 1900 was an act of Congress that established the gold standard as the basis for U.S. monetary policy. The act established the U.S. Dollar as the only currency legally allowed to be used as legal tender and required that all payments be made in either gold or silver. The act also provided for the minting of gold coins, which could be exchanged for paper money.

These two acts are examples of the Republican dominance in American politics during the late 19th century. The Republicans had come to power in 1896 and held a strong majority in Congress and the White House throughout the late 1890s.

As such, the Republican Party was able to push through legislation that favored protectionism, the gold standard, and other conservative economic policies. These two acts were part of a broader effort by the Republicans to promote a pro-business agenda and protect American businesses from foreign competition.

To learn more about Republican dominance link is here



the first president to hold regular press conferences in order to influence public opinion directly was theodore roosevelt. question 18 options: true false


true. the first president to hold regular press conferences in order to influence public opinion directly was Theodore Roosevelt. The Sixteenth Amendment made the income tax constitutional.

How did cultural protests cause changes in the status quo for African Americans


Cultural protests by African Americans in the form of protests, boycotts, and civil rights activism helped to challenge existing systems of racism and oppression. These protests helped to bring attention to the issues facing African Americans and to push for social, political, and economic change. This push for change helped to bring about significant changes in the status quo for African Americans, including the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the desegregation of public schools, and the end of Jim Crow laws.

How did life on the steppe impact Genghis Khan



Genghis Khan, Genghis also spelled Chinggis, Chingis, Jenghiz, or Jinghis, original name Temüjin, also spelled Temuchin, (born 1162, near Lake Baikal, Mongolia—died August 18, 1227), Mongolian warrior-ruler, one of the most famous conquerors of history, who consolidated tribes into a unified Mongolia and then extended his empire across Asia to the Adriatic Sea.

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences.
Under Suleymanv, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the
empire into
v. The Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient[
v system. Ottoman
sultans also promoted religious
One effect of Ottoman expansion was that almost all goods traded between merchants from
passed through Ottoman hands.


Under Suleymanv, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the empire into the Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient system.

What was the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and rather quickly expanded from its origins as one of many Turkish states that rose to power after the decline of the Seljuq Turks in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey).

Much of this success was a result of the Ottoman military and an elite fighting force called the Janissaries. They were raised in the Islamic faith and either became administrators for the sultan or members of the sultan's personal bodyguard and military.

Under Suleymanv, the Ottomans saw great advancement in the arts, architecture, and law. He also expanded the empire into the Ottoman Empire created a complex and efficient system.

Learn more about the Ottoman empire here:



one way that president roosevelt’s administration addressed the shortage of labor on the home front during world war ii was


The political Economy at the time of wars were not like the other Economy cycles.

It stated that the agriculture goods, money, Raw materials, labor,  production and shipping capacity,  etc must be provided adequately,  and should be protected from any kind of destination. It also requires extensive government interventions to deploy the resources in the national interest. As employment rose during the wartime,  president Franklin Roosevelt created a national war labor board to ease the labour's efforts during the war. His administration also set up various agencies so that they can meet up the shifting military and civilian strategic needs.

Learn more about wartime here.



Think about all of the inventions you've discovered
in this lesson. Which two inventions changed
Americans' lives the most? Explain your answer in
a few sentences.


The inventions I have discovered in this lesson that changed Americans' lives the most is the railroads and telegraph. The railroads changed Americans' lives the most because they made it possible for people to live in one part of the city and work in another and made the city feel more convenient. The telegraph changed Americans' lives the most because from a telegraph office, you could send a message to almost any place in the world instantaneously. They changed Americans' lives the most because they were the start of new technologies. They were made and than people kept up grading them and because of that we now have telephones and automobiles. It all started with railroads and telegraphs, and without them we wouldn't have all the things we have today.
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