Following is a list of tissue layers of the digestive tract. Which answer has them in correct order from lumen to external surface?
1. muscularis externa
2. muscularis mucosae
3. serosa
4. lamina propria
5. submucosa
a. 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
b. 3, 4, 5, 2, 1
c. 2,5,4,1,3
d. 4,5,2,1,3
e. 4,2,1,5,3


Answer 1

a. 4,2,5,1,3. The innermost tunic of the wall is called the mucosa, sometimes known as the mucous membrane layer. The gastrointestinal tract's lumen is lined with it.

Four layers, or tunics, make up the digestive tract's wall:

Mucosa\sSubmucosamuscle masssaline layer or serosa

The mucosa is made up of epithelium, a layer of loose connective tissue underneath termed lamina propria, and a thin layer of smooth muscle known as the muscularis mucosa. The mucosa in some areas becomes more surface area-rich by developing folds. The mucosa's specific cells secrete hormones, enzymes that aid in digestion, and mucus. The mucosa allows the lumen to be reached by ducts from other glands. The epithelium is composed of stratified squamous tissue in the mouth and anus, where thickness is required for abrasion protection.

Learn more about mucous membrane here:


Related Questions

which microbial control method best describes how an autoclave sterilizes material?


The microbial control method that best describes how an autoclave sterilizes material is heat sterilization.

An autoclave is a type of pressure cooker that uses steam to sterilize equipment and other objects. The autoclave works by heating the water inside it to create steam, which is then pressurized to create a high temperature environment that can kill microorganisms. The heat and pressure combination is effective in destroying most forms of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This method is commonly used in hospitals, laboratories, and other settings where sterile equipment is necessary.

In summary, an autoclave sterilizes material through the use of heat sterilization, which involves the use of high temperature steam and pressure to kill microorganisms.

Learn More About Microbial Control


what property of biological membranes describes the ability of individual molecules to move within the membrane?


Fluidity; The ability of individual molecules (both lipid and protein molecules) to freely rotate and move in lateral directions is a crucial characteristic of lipid bilayers.

A crucial characteristic of membranes, such fluidity is influenced by both temperature and lipid composition. For instance, shorter chains of fatty acids interact less strongly than longer ones, resulting in membranes with shorter chains of fatty acids being less rigid and maintaining their fluidity at lower temperatures. Because double bonds cause kinks in the fatty acid chains that make it harder for them to pack together, lipids containing unsaturated fats also increase membrane fluidity. Even though their triglycerides and proteins could indeed move in relation to one another, cellular membranes are referred to as fluid.

Learn more about “ Fluidity ” visit here;


1.What does Endocrine System your do? (Include the major organs in your organ system and explain what they do)

2. How does your organ system work with other systems to help you survive?

3. What are some disorders that could happen with your organ system (these can be rare or common placed occurances and are not limited to just genetic disorders for example the bubonic plague affect the lymphatic system or pneumonia affects the respiratory system) and how do we treat them?

please make it long its about the Endocrine System


Hormones in the endocrine system govern a wide range of vital body functions, including growth and development, metabolism, and reproduction.

Which of the following are the three basic endocrine organs?

Several glands comprise the endocrine system. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and pineal gland are all located in your brain. In the neck are the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The thymus gland is placed between your lungs, the adrenal glands are on top of your kidneys, and the pancreas is behind your stomach.

The endocrine system is made up of many glands. In the human brain are the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. The thyroid and parathyroid glands are found in the neck. The pancreas lies behind the stomach, while the adrenals are on top of the kidneys.

Learn more about Endocrine System



Why is cosmic background radiation used as evidence of the big bang theory of the origin of the universe?

a It is emitted from a black hole at the center of the universe.
b Its wavelength is getting shorter, so it must be very old.
c It corresponds to the temperature predicted by the big bang theory.
d It is not very common, so it must be running out.



i would say C...


How does the Big Bang explain this? well, in it’s initial moments, the universe was in an extremely hot dense state. It was so hot and dense that all matter was in the form of an opaque plasma, and light was not able to travel freely without scattering . As time went on the universe expanded and cooled until protons and electrons were able to combine to form hydrogen atoms, at which point the universe became transparent, and light was able to travel freely through space. The light that we measure now and call the CMB is that same light that has been traveling ever since. It is essentially a picture of the very early universe (called “the surface of last scattering.”) The Big Bang model, where the universe started in a hot dense state and has been expanding ever since, predicts the existence of this light, as well as its temperature and wavelength based on the subsequent expansion of the universe.

on isle royale in lake superior, moose are prey for wolves and hosts for a parasite known as the moose tick that causes them to lose fur. in this community, how does predation differ from the parasitic relationship?


Parasite and host population coevolve, whereas predator and prey populations do not. Hence, Option B is the correct answer.

What do we mean by parasite?

A mechanoreceptor cell found in the inner ear that responds to auditory stimuli. The arrangement of the accessory sensory structures ensures that the movement of the hair-like projections (stereocilia and kinocilia), which transmit information to the central processing unit of the nervous system, is triggered by the appropriate stimuli. The Organ of Corti, a sensory receptor located inside the cochlea, contains nerve receptors for hearing in sensory cells with hair-like structures (hair cells). The cochlea contains two fluids (endolymph and perilymph).

The Organ of Corti of the cochlea is a sensory organ that houses the hair cells that serve as nerve receptors for hearing.

Learn more about Parasite here:


Choose the best explanation as to why both consumers and producers perform cellular respiration.
Although they may obtain their sugars in different ways, both consumers and
producers rely on cellular respiration to make ATP.


Cellular respiration is a process that both consumers and producers engage in to produce energy for their metabolic processes in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Cellular respirationCells release energy through a process called cellular respiration, which breaks down organic molecules like glucose to power cellular functions including growth, movement, and reproduction.Cellular respiration takes place in the cells of consumers, like animals, to break down the organic molecules they eat, including proteins, lipids, and carbs, into smaller molecules that can be utilized to produce ATP. The animal's body temperature, mobility, and other activities are maintained by using this energy to drive cellular operations.Along with photosynthesis, cellular respiration also takes place in the cells of producers like plants.Although photosynthesis is the main way that plants make energy, it does not meet all of their needs; as a result, they also need to engage in cellular respiration in order to manufacture ATP for their cellular functions.Therefore, cellular respiration is a crucial activity in the functioning of living creatures and is carried out by both consumers and producers as a necessary way to generate energy and carry out their metabolic activities.

learn more about cellular respiration here


when does mitosis occur? when a parent cell divides to become two daughter cells. when a cell is dividing from the prophase to the metaphase stage. when a parent cell divides into two cells each containing 23 chromosomes. when the dna from the parent cell is replicated into the daughter cells.


Mitosis occurs when a parent cell divides to become two daughter cells. This process is a vital part of the cell cycle and allows for growth and repair of tissues.

The cell cycle is composed of four stages: G1, S, G2, and M. During the G1, S, and G2 stages, the cell prepares for mitosis by growing, replicating its DNA, and synthesizing the necessary proteins for cell division.

Mitosis occurs during the M stage of the cell cycle, which includes four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. During the prophase stage, the chromosomes condense and become visible, and the nuclear envelope breaks down.

In the metaphase stage, the chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell, and the spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes. During anaphase, the spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids apart and move them to opposite poles of the cell. Finally, during telophase, the nuclear envelope reforms, and the chromosomes decondense, resulting in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells.

Learn more about cell division at :


in cell membranes, carbohydrates in glycoproteins are oriented?


Carbohydrates in glycoproteins are normally orientated so that the carbohydrate portion of the molecule faces outward from the cell membrane and the protein portion faces inside.

Because of this orientation, the protein component of the molecule may interact with molecules inside the cell membrane, such as receptors and other proteins, while the carbohydrates can interact with molecules outside the cell membrane.

The glycoprotein's carbohydrate component also aids in cell identification and attachment to extracellular matrix elements or other cells.

This orientation also serves to protect the cell membrane from harm since the carbohydrate part of glycoproteins is frequently more resistant to proteolytic digestion than the protein portion of the molecule.

To learn more about glycoproteins visit:


Fill the Blank? food is moved through the gi tract by muscular waves called______


Food is moved through the GI tract by muscular waves called peristalsis.

Peristalsis is a radially symmetrical contraction and relaxation of muscles that travels anterogradely, in the form of a wave down a tube. Peristalsis is a coordinated progression of involuntary circular muscles that contract and relax at the same time in the gut lining. This process is preceded by a simultaneous contraction of the longitudinal muscle and relaxation of the circular muscle.

Most of the smooth muscle tissue in a digestive system, like the human gastrointestinal tract, contracts sequentially to create a peristaltic wave, which drives a ball of food along the tract. Circular smooth muscles relax first, then contract behind the chewed item to prevent it from traveling backward, and finally, longitudinal smooth muscles contract to drive the object forward.

To know more about Peristalsis


what earth layer has a temperature that runs as high as 6,600 Celsius


Answer: The inner core.

The inner core has the highest temperature

Which is not a characteristic of life?

1) grow and develop
2) homeostasis
3) ability to reproduce
4) Consisting of more than one cell



4. Consisting of more than one cell


All living organisms are made up of one or more cells, which are considered the fundamental units of life. Even unicellular organisms are complex! Inside each cell, atoms make up molecules, which make up cell organelles and structures. In multicellular organisms, similar cells form tissues.

living things have certain traits in common: Cellular organization, the ability to reproduce, growth & development, energy use, homeostasis, response to their environment, and the ability to adapt.

In humans, the allele for normal blood clotting, H, is dominant to the allele for

hemophilia, h. This is a sex-linked trait found on the X-Chromosome. A woman

with normal blood clotting has four children, a normal son, a hemophiliac son, and

two normal daughters. The father has normal blood clotting. What is the

phenotype of mom?



The maternal phenotype is XᴴXʰ. The mother does not have hemophilia but carries the gene for the disease (carrier).

Determine the hemophilia genotype

Determining the hemophilia genotype Hemophilia is linked only to the X gene and is in a recessive gene. There are several tips for determining the hemophilia genotype in parents:

1. Hemophilia in boys is influenced by the genes carried by the mother, so there are possibilities as follows:

If all the boys are born with hemophilia, then the mother is confirmed to have hemophilia. If all boys are born normal, then the mother is certain to be normal too. If a boy is born with hemophilia and the rest are not, then the mother is a carrier of hemophilia (carrier).

2. Hemophilia in girls is closely related to the father's genes, so:

If the daughter is born with hemophilia, then the father must have hemophilia. If the daughter is born normally (not a carrier) then the father does not suffer from hemophilia.

According to the clue from the question, according to tip number 1 part three, so that the mother is a carrier of hemophilia or a carrier.

Learn more about hemophilia at


What are the components of the hydrologic cycle?How is water transferred from each component to another?


Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation.

Evaporation from the oceans transfers water to the atmosphere. Precipitation returns water from atmosphere to the oceans. Runoff returns part of the precipitation that falls on land to ocean.
The remainder infiltrates the ground and forms groundwater.

Basically liquid water flowing across the land (runoff) then going into the ground (infiltration and percolation) and then through the ground (groundwater). Groundwater will be able to move into plants (plant uptake) and evaporates from the plants into the atmosphere (transpiration) leading to solid ice or snow which can turn directly to into gas (sublimation).

The components of the hydrologic cycle are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and surface runoff. The water is transferred by evaporating, condensing, infiltrating, and flowing.

The hydrologic cycle, also known as the water cycle, is the process of how water circulates between the Earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land. The components of the hydrologic cycle include:

Evaporation: This is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. It occurs when water from the Earth's surface, primarily from oceans, lakes, and rivers, is heated by the sun and rises into the atmosphere.Condensation: This is the process by which water vapor in the atmosphere cools and changes back into liquid water, forming clouds.Precipitation: This is the process by which water falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.Runoff: This is the process by which water flows over the land surface and into rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Water is transferred from one component to another through these processes. For example, water is transferred from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere through evaporation, from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface through precipitation, and from the Earth's surface to the oceans through runoff.

Learn more about hydrologic cycle at


microorganisms require phosphorus, sulfur, iron, and magnesium for metabolism. what specifically are these elements used for in microbial metabolism or cellular structures?


Particularly for final e-acceptors in cellular and microbial metabolism, these components are used.

What causes a slow metabolism?

Persistent diseases Numerous diseases, such as overweight, hypothyroidism, diabetes, particularly Cushing's syndrome, can reduce the metabolism. Obesity: Obese folks with higher fat mass & reduced muscle mass are more likely to have this sluggish metabolism.

How to test your metabolism?

The doctor can assess the effectiveness of your metabolism by using your BMP. This blood test can provide you with a number for your kidney function, blood glucose levels, and other variables. This could offer clues to help with diagnosing various diseases.

To know more about metabolism visit:


The process of producing glucose from noncarbohydrate sources is called:
a. glycolysis.
b. gluconeogenesis.
c. glycogenolysis.
d. lipolysis.


gluconeogenesis is the process of creating glucose from non-carbohydrate substrates. Lactate, amino acids, and glycerol are the three main non-carbohydrate precursors. Active skeletal muscle produces lactate when glycolysis occurs more quickly than oxidative metabolism.

When glucose is produced in the mitochondria of liver cells from non-carbohydrate components, this process is known as glucose synthesis. Additionally, the pancreas releases glucagon during fasting times, which triggers the glycogenolysis process. Both the kidneys and the liver engage in glucose synthesis. Between meals, gluconeogenesis meets the need for plasma glucose. The hormones that cause diabetes encourage the production of glucose (glucagon, growth hormone, epinephrine, and cortisol). Glycerol, lactate, propionate, and a few amino acids are examples of gluconeogenic substrates. In gluconeogenesis, PEP carboxykinase catalyses the rate-limiting process. Hydrocarbons are shuttled between pyruvate and PEP via the dicarboxylic acid.

To know more about gluconeogenesis click here:


What is the most important factor in assessment of the ability of the cardiovascular system to meet the body's metabolic demands?
A) Respiratory quotient (RQ)
B) Cardiac output
C) Oxygen uptake
D) Adequacy of perfusion


The most important factor in the assessment of the ability of the cardiovascular system to meet the body's metabolic demands is the adequacy of perfusion. Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

Perfusion is the process of delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissues through the blood vessels. Adequate perfusion ensures that the body's metabolic demands are being met and that the tissues are receiving the necessary oxygen and nutrients to function properly. Without adequate perfusion, the body's tissues may become damaged or die, leading to serious health problems. Therefore, assessing the adequacy of perfusion is crucial in evaluating the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

Learn more about perfusion at


what is the name of the method of processing coffee using these steps, cleaning, pulping, fermentation, drying, hulling?


The procedures involved in this wet technique of processing coffee include washing, pulping, fermentation, drying, and hulling.

The wet process include washing, pulping, fermentation, drying, and hulling.  Prior to depulping, dry processed (natural) coffees are dried in the whole cherry. Coffee that has been wet processed (washed) is dried without the cherry. Depulped coffee is frequently fermented to help break up any pectin that may still be attached to the bean and paper before being cleaned and dried. Water is used in the wet process to remove the peel and pulp from the coffee cherry fruit. The faulty beans are then separated from the coffee cherries by submerging them in enormous water tanks (those with less density which float on top). The mucilage layer, which is still sticky and delicious, is still covering the bean.

Immature and damaged cherries are separated from the coffee cherries after harvesting. The fruit portion of cherries is then preserved by drying them straight in the sun. The main distinction is that, while drying these cherries, the outer peel and mucilage are left on the beans.

To learn more about fermentation click here:


The above question is incomplete. Check complete question below-

What is the name of the method of processing coffee using these steps, cleaning, pulping, fermentation, drying, hulling?

A. Wet process

B. Dry process

C. Mixed process

D. none of the above

the tiny structure within cells, like mitochondria and lysosomes, that carry out a specific function for the cells are called.


An organelle is a subcellular structure that, like an organ, has one or more distinct duties to do in the cell.

The nucleus, which store genetic information, mitochondria, which provide chemical energy, and ribosomes, which build proteins, are among the more essential cell organelles. Organelles are small cell structures that perform distinct tasks within the cell.

Other organelles found in eukaryotic cells outside the nucleus include mitochondria, chloroplasts, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. Each of these organelles serves a distinct purpose that is essential to the cell's survival.

Learn more about mitochondria


list two body systems other than the digestive system, which are responsible for eliminating waste products from the body.


Similar to how the organs in an organ system collaborate to do their mission, the several organ systems work together to keep the body functioning. In order to provide oxygen to cells and remove the carbon dioxide they make, for instance, the digestive organs and the respiratory system collaborate closely.

The gastro-intestinal tract and the digestive organs make up the human digestive system (the tongue, glands of saliva, pancreas, liver, and gall-bladder). During digestion, food is broken down into ever-tinier pieces so that the body can absorb and digest it. The cephalic phase, the stomach phase, and the intestine phase are the three stages of the digestive process.

To learn more about digestive organs click on the given link:


Two geologists were conducting a dig in a set of horizontal, undisturbed rock layers. They both discovered fossils in the same area, however, they would like to determine the exact age of their fossils. What is the BEST method for them to use to determine a more precise age of their fossils? SC.7.E.6.3

A. Radiocarbon dating is the best way to determine the age of the fossils because it shows the amount of carbon decay in an organism that was once alive.

B. Using the fossil record is the best way to determine the age of the fossils because the fossil record has not changed over time.

C. The Law of Superposition is the best way to determine the age of the fossil because whoever dug deeper into the Earth obtained the older fossil.

D. Using an index fossil is the best way to determine the age of the fossil because all fossils of the same species will be the same age.
Tell me why you chose this answer





which of the following would be most likely to lead to cancer? see concept 18.5 (page) view available hint(s)for part a which of the following would be most likely to lead to cancer? see concept 18.5 (page) failure of both a proto-oncogene and a tumor-suppressor gene to produce proteins hyperactivity of both a proto-oncogene and a tumor-suppressor gene failure of a proto-oncogene to produce a protein and amplification of a tumor-suppressor gene amplification of a proto-oncogene and inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene hyperactivity of a proto-oncogene and activation of a tumor-suppressor gene


The most likely to lead to cancer would be (d) amplification of a proto-oncogene and inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene.

Amplification of a proto-oncogene results in an increase in the number of copies of the gene, which can lead to an overexpression of the protein it encodes, resulting in uncontrolled cell growth and division. Inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene, on the other hand, results in the loss of its normal function in regulating cell growth and division.

The combination of amplification of a proto-oncogene and inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene can result in the uncontrolled cell growth and division that is characteristic of cancer. The amplification of the proto-oncogene would promote cell growth and division, while the inactivation of the tumor-suppressor gene would remove the normal controls on cell growth and division, leading to uncontrolled proliferation of cells.

Learn more about proto-oncogene at :


classify the descriptions of keratin, collagen, and fibroin. some phrases may apply to more than one protein.nswer Bank contains hydroxyproline every third residue is glycine contains heptad repcals has intrachain hydrogen bonds has left-handed helices has interchain hydrogen bonds every second residue is glycine


Keratin contains intrachain hydrogen bonds, has left-handed helices Collagen contains hydroxyproline, every third residue is glycine, Fibroin contains intrachain hydrogen bonds, has left-handed helices.

Keratin is a fibrous protein that provides structural support and strength to skin, hair, nails, and other tissues in the body. It contains intrachain hydrogen bonds, which help to stabilize its structure, and has left-handed helices, which are a type of alpha helix that provide additional stability. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is a key component of connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. It contains hydroxyproline, a type of amino acid that is important for its stability, and every third residue is glycine, which helps to maintain its triple-helix structure. Collagen also has left-handed helices and interchain hydrogen bonds, which provide additional stability to the protein. Fibroin is a silk protein that is used by silkworms to produce their cocoons. It contains intrachain hydrogen bonds and has left-handed helices, which contribute to its stability. Fibroin also has interchain hydrogen bonds and every second residue is glycine, which help to maintain its overall structure.

Learn more about Collagen here:


Pollution: What's in the Citarum River?
What chemicals and objects are found in this river?.



dioxins and hydrocarbons

the body cells of scorpions have proteins that connect together. in one scorpion, the structure of the proteins in the body cells changed, but the amount of that type of protein in the cell stayed the same. what happened to the function of that type of protein?


It is likely that the function of a protein was altered if the structure of a protein in a scorpion's body cells changed but the amount of that protein in the cell remained the same.

Body cells of scorpionsThe function of a proteins is governed by its structure, which is made up of extensive amino acid chains that fold into particular three-dimensional configurations.The three-dimensional structure and hence the function of a protein can be altered by even minor alterations to its amino acid sequence. Therefore, if the protein's structure altered within the scorpion's body cells, this might have an impact on how the protein interfaces with other molecules and performs biological activities.The particular protein in question and its function in cellular processes would determine the precise impact of this alteration in protein structure on the scorpion's body cells. For instance, if the protein was an enzyme, the structural alteration might impair the protein's capacity to catalyze chemical reactions. If the protein changed structure, the physical characteristics of the cell or the organism as a whole might be impacted.In conclusion, even if the quantity of a protein in a scorpion's body cells remains constant, a change in the protein's structure could alter its function and possibly have an impact on the creature.

learn more about scorpion here


When a single fertilized egg divides into many separate embryos?


A single fertilized egg splits into two to produce monozygotic twins. Thereafter, two embryos develop into two children. This technique is referred to as monozygotic (where "mono" stands for one and "zygote" for fertilized egg).

What does embryo mean?

Early stages of human and other animal or plant development. This stage in creatures with a backbone or spinal column lasts from shortly after fertilization to the emergence of all main body parts. When an egg and sperm combine, a zygote is created, which immediately starts to divide to become an embryo. As the pregnancy develops, the embryo develops into a fetus.

What are embryos used for?

These stem cells are pluripotent, which means they can divide to create other stem cells or any form of cell in the body. Because of their adaptability, embryonic stem cells can be employed to replace or treat damaged tissue and organs. An embryo of a human is a fully developed, live individual of the Homo sapiens species.

To know more about Embryo visit:


Calculating the volume of a Rectangular Prism

Find the volume of a box with a length of 5 cm, a width

of 5 cm, and a height of 10 cm.



10 cm

5 cm

5 cm




The volume of a rectangular prism with a length of 10cm, a width of 5cm, and a height of 8cm is 500[tex]cm^{3}[/tex].

In general, if a rectangular prism has a length of l units, a width of w units, and a height of h units, we may calculate its volume using the formula:

lwh = volume

In other words, we calculate the volume of a rectangular prism by multiplying its length, width, and height. Our rectangular prism's length, width, and height are stated as 10cm, 5cm, and 10cm, correspondingly. As a result, we may calculate our volume by multiplying these numbers together.

10cm 5cm 10cm Equals 500[tex]cm^{3}[/tex] volume

The volume of our rectangular prism is calculated to be 500cm3.

A rectangular prism with a length of 10cm, a width of 5cm, and a height of 10cm has a volume of 500[tex]cm^{3}[/tex].

To learn more about Rectangular prism Please click on the given link:


Complete Question is:

What is the volume of a rectangular prism with length of 10cm, the width of 5cm and a height of 10cm?

are crossed to short plants producing oval fruit. what are the expected percentages of progeny phenotypes?


The expected percentages of phenotypes from the cross between F1 and short plants producing progeny oval fruit would be as follows:

25% of the progeny would be tall plants with oval fruit (DdRr), 25% of the progeny would be tall plants with round fruit (Ddrr), 25% of the progeny would be short plants with oval fruit (ddRr), 25% of the progeny would be short plants with round fruit (ddrr). This is based on the principles of Mendelian genetics, where each trait is independently inherited and follows the laws of phenotypes segregation and independent assortment. In the F1 generation, all the individuals are heterozygous for both traits, which will segregate during gamete formation. When the F1 individuals are crossed with short plants producing oval fruit, the expected phenotypes ratios can be determined using a Punnett square or by applying the product rule.

Learn more about phenotypes here:


The complete Question is:

In a diploid species of plant; the genes for plant height and fruit shape are syntenic and separated by 18 m.u: Allele D produces tall plants and is dominant to d for short plants, and allele R produces round fruit and is dominant to rfor oval fruit. Apure-breeding tall plant producing oval fruit is crossed to pure-breeding short plant producing round fruit to produce the F1 generation: If the F1 are crossed to short plants producing oval fruit; what are the expected percentages of progeny phenotypes?

what is the correct order for the breakdown and disposal of heme?


The correct order for the breakdown and disposal of heme is as follows:

Heme -> biliverdin -> bilirubin -> bilirubin diglucuronide -> urobilinogen -> stercobilin/urobilin.

1. Heme is broken down into biliverdin by the enzyme heme oxygenase.
2. Biliverdin is then converted into bilirubin by the enzyme biliverdin reductase.
3. Bilirubin is then transported to the liver, where it is conjugated with glucuronic acid to form bilirubin diglucuronide.
4. Bilirubin diglucuronide is then excreted into the bile and stored in the gallbladder.
5. When the gallbladder contracts, bile is released into the small intestine, where bilirubin diglucuronide is broken down by intestinal bacteria into urobilinogen.
6. Some urobilinogen is reabsorbed into the bloodstream and excreted in the urine, while the rest is converted into stercobilin and excreted in the feces.

Learn more about decomposition in:


a student asks the instructor what it means when the book states, skeletal muscles are syncytial or multinucleated? the instructor responds:


The teacher needs to explain that cell-mediated immunity refers to the body's attempt to defend itself against intracellular invaders by engulfing and eliminating the invader.

The term "neuromuscular junction" refers to the location in the body where a synapse develops as a result of the connection made between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. It aids in the signal's transmission from the motor nerve to the body's muscles. It also goes by the moniker "myoneural connection." In light of the circumstances, the instructor should explain the neuromuscular junction in order to respond to the query about motor neuron and skeleton muscle communication. Phagocytes are activated as part of cell-mediated immunity to protect against intracellular pathogens like viruses or bacteria. The first step in this mediation is the activation of T lymphocytes, which then triggers the activation of phagocytes to kill these bacteria.

Learn more about Neuromuscular junction here:


What would happen if the inside solution of a cell is hypertonic to the solution outside of the cell ( outside solution is hypertonic )?


Answer:water out of the cell, and the cell will lose volume

Explanation:If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, there will be a net flow of water out of the cell, and the cell will lose volume. A solution will be hypertonic to a cell if its solute concentration is higher than that inside the cell, and the solutes cannot cross the membrane

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