flat and layered clouds with horizontal development are classed as flat and layered clouds with horizontal development are classed as cumuliform. cirroform. stratiform. stratocumuliform. nimbocirroform.


Answer 1

Flat and layered clouds with horizontal development are typically classed as stratocumuliform clouds.

"Strato" refers to clouds that are low-level and "cumulo" refers to clouds that have a vertical development. Stratocumuliform clouds are therefore low-level clouds that have some vertical development but also appear flat and layered. They often have a puffy or lumpy appearance, with rounded tops and flat bases, and can cover much of the sky.

The other cloud types you listed are defined as follows:

- Cumuliform clouds are characterized by vertical development and a puffy, cauliflower-like appearance, with a flat base and rounded top.

- Cirroform clouds are high-level clouds that are thin, wispy, and composed of ice crystals.

- Stratiform clouds are flat and layered clouds that typically cover large portions of the sky and can produce steady precipitation over a long period.

- Nimbocirroform clouds are thunderstorm clouds that are composed of both ice crystals and water droplets, and are associated with heavy rainfall, thunder, and lightning.

To learn more about  Stratocumuliform, click here:



Related Questions

are the most prominent depositional features created by currents. group of answer choices headlands estuaries beaches spits


Since ocean waves have a lot of energy, they might cause a lot of erosion. Platforms, arches, and sea stacks are examples of landforms created by erosion.

Sand that has been transported will eventually end up on beaches, spits, or barrier islands.

What kinds of landforms does coastal deposition produce?

Sand dunes, spits, bars, and sandy and pebbled beaches are all coastal landforms created by deposition.

Is a spit deposited or eroded?

deposition A deposition bar or beach landform off the shores of lakes or coasts is known as a spit or sandspit. It develops as a result of longshore drift caused by longshore currents in locations where re-entry takes place, such as the headlands of a cove.

To learn more about ocean waves here:



what is the piece of infrastructure that connects the red sea to the mediterranean sea?


The Suez Canal is a marvel of engineering that links the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.

It connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea across a 120-mile man-made waterway. It is one of the most crucial shipping lanes in the world since it enables ships to go between Europe and Asia without having to go through Africa.

The Suez Canal Authority oversees the operation of the canal, which was built between 1859 and 1869. Ships with a draught of up to 160 feet may travel through the canal, which is maintained at a width of 205 feet and a depth of 79 feet.

The canal is a crucial commerce route that cuts the time it would take a ship to circle Africa and reach the Indian Ocean in half. The Suez Canal is also a significant source of cash for the Egyptian government, generating around $5 billion annually.

To learn more about Suez Canal visit:



the jet stream is a global pattern of atmospheric movement that influences patterns in local weather. based on the information provided in the weather map, which city shown most recently experienced a drop in temperature?


The information provided in a weather map showing the jet stream can be used to identify which city has experienced a drop in temperature.  

The jet stream is typically depicted as a narrow band of strong winds at high altitudes, often shown in bright colors or bold lines on weather maps.The position and direction of the jet stream can have a major influence on local weather patterns, as it can carry cold or warm air masses from one region to another.When the jet stream is positioned over a particular region, it can cause temperatures in that area to drop.By analyzing the position and direction of the jet stream on a weather map, it is possible to determine which cities are likely to experience changes in temperature.If the jet stream is flowing from west to east, for example, then cities located to the west of the jet stream will generally experience warmer temperatures, while cities to the east will be cooler.If the jet stream is meandering or fluctuating, then the impacts on local temperatures can be more complex and difficult to predict.

learn more about jet stream here:



what is the function of approacha and departure control during ifr


The function of approach and departure control during IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) is to provide guidance and separation for aircraft in the terminal area.

Approach control is responsible for handling aircraft arriving at an airport, while departure control is responsible for handling aircraft leaving an airport.

During IFR operations, approach and departure control use radar and other technology to provide instructions to pilots, including headings, altitudes, and speed adjustments, to ensure safe and efficient flight. These controllers also coordinate with other air traffic control facilities, such as en route centers, to ensure a smooth transition for aircraft entering or leaving their airspace.

In summary, approach and departure control play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations in the terminal area during IFR conditions.

Read more about IFR at https://brainly.com/question/28945270.


what percentage of earth is covered in snow and ice?


Approximately 10% of the Earth's surface is covered in snow and ice.

This includes both permanent ice and snow cover, such as the polar ice caps, and seasonal snow cover, which varies depending on the time of year and location.

The majority of the Earth's permanent ice and snow is located in Antarctica and Greenland, which together hold about 99% of the world's ice. The remaining 1% of permanent ice and snow is found in mountainous regions around the world, such as the Himalayas, Andes, and Alps.

Seasonal snow cover is more widespread and occurs in regions with colder climates, such as in high latitudes and elevations. This snow cover typically melts during the warmer months and reaccumulates during the winter.

The amount of snow and ice cover on the Earth's surface can vary due to factors such as climate change and natural climate variability. The melting of glaciers and sea ice due to rising temperatures has become a significant concern in recent years, as it can lead to rising sea levels and other environmental impacts.

To learn more about Earth's surface, click here:



Of the following, what is generally true regarding push factors?

They open up opportunity.

They are generally negative.

They are enticing.

They always involve international movement.


Answer:They are generally negative

Explanation:A push factor is what pushes somebody away from an area; the movement does not always have to be international, therefore, push factors are generally negative.

Push factors are generally involve international movement. Hence, option (b) can be considered as the relevant choice of answer.

Give a brief account on Human migration.

The movement of people with the intention of relocating, either temporarily or permanently, to a new location is referred to as human migration. Moving across great distances and from one country to another is common, but internal migration is also possible—in fact, it is the most common type of human migration worldwide. A second relocation may be made easier by the improved human capital that migration is frequently linked to, both at the individual and household levels, as well as through increased access to migratory networks. Studies have shown that migration is the most direct path out of poverty, and it has a significant potential to advance human development. Age has a role in migrating for both work and non-work reasons. Individuals, families, and big groups of people can all move. Migration can take the following four main forms: invasion, conquest, colonisation, and emigration/immigration.

To know more about, Human migration, visit :



where would you expect terrestrial planets to form in the solar nebula?


Terrestrial planets are expected to form closer to the sun in the solar nebula.

This is because the temperatures are higher closer to the sun, leading to the formation of rocks and metals. As a result, the building blocks for terrestrial planets, such as silicates and metals, would be more abundant in this region.

Additionally, the gas and dust particles are denser closer to the sun, providing more material for the planets to form. Conversely, the outer regions of the solar nebula are colder and have more gas, leading to the formation of gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.

The formation of planets depends on many factors, including distance from the star, temperature, and the abundance of building blocks, and the formation of terrestrial planets in the inner regions of the solar nebula is consistent with current theories of planetary formation.

For more questions like Terrestrial click the link below:



a break in the geologic record created when rock layers are eroded or when sediment is not deposited for a long period of time.


A gap in the geologic record, also known as an unconformity, is a break in the sequence of rock strata produced by erosion, non-deposition, or a combination of the two.

Unconformities might be erosional or non-depositional in nature. A record gap results from the erosion of rock strata, which is what causes an erosional unconformity. An unconformity that is not caused by sediment deposition does not result in the formation of new rock strata. There are several reasons for this, including a change in the temperature, a reduction in the sediment supply, or an increase in sea level.

Unconformities are significant identifiers in the geologic record because they allow geologists to estimate the age of the rocks in a specific location. They also provide us with hints about prior habitats and historical events.

To learn more about erosion visit:



Rank the following steps describing how a clastic sedimentary rock forms from its pre-existing parent rock.
1. weathering
2. erosion
3. transportation
4. deposition
5. lithification


Weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, and lithification are the five steps  how a clastic sedimentary rock forms from its pre-existing parent rock.

The five steps in the development of a clastic sedimentary rock from its pre-existing parent rock are eathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, and lithification.

The production of clastic sedimentary rocks begins with weathering. The breaking down of the parent rock into smaller fragments as a result of wind, water, and temperature changes is known as weathering.

The second stage of the development of clastic sedimentary rocks is erosion. Smaller fragments of the parent rock are removed from the surface during erosion and carried to new areas by the force of wind, water, and ice.

The third stage of the creation of clastic sedimentary rocks is transportation. Moving the smaller fragments of the parent rock from one place to another is referred to as transportation.

The fourth stage of the creation of clastic sedimentary rocks is deposition. Smaller fragments of the parent rock are deposited in a new area throughout the deposition process.

The fifth and last step in the production of clastic sedimentary rocks is lithification. Lithification is the process of compacting and cementing the tiny fragments of the parent rock to create a solid rock.

Learn more about sedimentary rock at :



Sort each item into the correct bin based on whether it describes lunar eclipses or solar eclipses. occurs when Earth's shadow falls on the Moon occurs when the Moon's shadow fails on Earth occurs when the Moon is on the direct opposite side of Earth from the Sun can be seen by anyone on Earth's night side at the time can be seen only along a relatively narrow path on Earth can occur only at full moon occurs when the Moon comes directly between Earth and the Sun can cour only at new moon lunar eclipse solar eclipse


When the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, its shadow creates a lunar eclipse.Lunar eclipses can occur only when the Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky.

The solar eclipse is one in which the moon is between the earth and the sun.The lunar eclipse is one in which the earth is between the sun and the moon.It happens once every 18 months. It happens twice a year.  During a lunar eclipse,the Earth's shadow obscures the Moon A solar eclipse occurs when,at just the right moment,the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. Sometimes the Moon only blocks part of the Sun's light.This is called a partial solar eclipse other times,the Moon blocks all of the Sun's light.A total lunar eclipse can last up to almost 2 hours,while a total solar eclipse lasts only a few minutes at any given location,because the Moon's shadow is smaller.Also,unlike solar eclipses,lunar eclipses can be viewed without eye protection or special precautions.

To learn more about lunar eclipse please click on below link.



The radius of a circle is 6 meters. What is the length of a 120° arc?


The length of a 120° arc is 12.58m

What is meant by circumference?

The circumference of a circle equals the length around it, however, this cannot be used as a definition of the distance is defined in terms of straight lines, as it is in many beginning lectures. Under these assumptions, the circumference of a circle may be defined as the limit of the perimeters of inscribed regular polygons with an increasing number of sides. Circumference may be used to define both real-world objects and abstract geometric forms.

The circle's overall circumference is = 2πr

The total circle has 360°.  

Given arc has only 120°.


= 2×22/7×120/360

= 88/7


To learn more about Circumference, click



How did they first measure the circumference of the Earth?



Measuring the Circumference of the Earth. More than 2,000 years ago Eratosthenes compared the position of the Sun's rays in two locations to calculate the spherical size of the Earth with reasonable accuracy. Eratosthenes was born in the Greek colony Cyrene, now the city of Shahhat, Libya.


What is the tenacity of a mineral, and how can it be described? Tenacity is the mineral's resistance to breaking, bending, or otherwise deforming.


The tenacity of a mineral refers to its ability to resist breaking, bending, or deforming under stress.

It is a measure of the mineral's physical strength and durability. Different minerals have different tenacity, which can be described in various ways such as brittle, malleable, ductile, flexible, sectile, and elastic.

Brittle minerals are easily shattered or broken, while malleable minerals can be hammered or flattened into thin sheets. Ductile minerals can be stretched or pulled into wires, and flexible minerals can be bent without breaking.

Sectile minerals can be easily cut into thin shavings, and elastic minerals can deform under stress but return to their original shape when the stress is released. Understanding the tenacity of a mineral is essential in determining its properties and potential uses in various industries.

For more questions like Minerals click the link below:



what region has about half of the world’s known oil reserves?


According to current estimates, OPEC Member Countries own 80.4% (1,241.82 billion barrels) of the world's proven oil reserves, with the Middle East holding the majority of these reserves at 67.1% of the OPEC total.

With an estimated 836 billion barrels of proven oil reserves in the Middle East in 2020, the region accounts for nearly half of the world's total proven oil reserves. The Americas retained reserves of more over 560 billion barrels that year, meanwhile.

However, there are also supergiant (>10 billion bbls) oilfields in Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Kazakhstan, and Russia. The majority of the world's largest oilfields are found in the Middle East.

learn more about oil reserves



city in arkansas where nine students integrate a public high school. what city is that?


The city is Little Rock, Arkansas, is a city where nine pupils attend a public high school.

The Little Rock, Arkansas, school board devised a strategy for the gradual integration of its schools in response to the Brown rulings and pressure from the neighbourhood NAACP branch. The high schools would be the first institutions to integrate, starting in September 1957.

The Little Rock Nine entered at Little Rock Central High School in the summer of 1957; the school had previously only had white students. The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which had ruled segregated schools to be unconstitutional, supported the students' effort to enrol. The altercation in Little Rock brought racism and civil rights in the United States to the attention of the world.

Learn more about Little Rock, Arkansas here:



historic french port located on the english channel is called___


The historic French port located on the English Channel is called Le Havre. It is a seaport and industrial  located one northwestern coast of France.

Le Havre was founded in 1517 as a fishing village and gradually developed into a major port during the 16th and 17th centuries, playing a key role in the expansion of French trade and commerce.During World War II, Le Havre was heavily bombed by the Allies, causing widespread destruction and displacement of its residents. However, the city was rebuilt in the post-war period, adopting a distinctive modernist architecture that was heavily influenced by the works of French architect Auguste Perret.Today, Le Havre is a thriving port city that serves as a major hub for the shipment of goods and raw materials, as well as a popular tourist destination. It is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, including the famous Saint Joseph Church and the Maison de l'Armateur, both of which were designed by Auguste Perret.The city is also home to a number of museums and cultural institutions, including the MuMa (Musée d'art moderne André Malraux), which is one of the largest modern art museums in France.

learn more about french port here:



how are fracture zones oriented relative to the axis of a mid-ocean ridge?


Fracture zones are orientated in relation to the mid-ocean ridge's axis because they run perpendicular to it.

A linear feature on the ocean floor called a fracture zone is created by the action of offset mid-ocean ridge axis segments. Fractures zones can be hundreds or even thousands of kilometres long. As a result of plate tectonics, they exist. When a transform fault is active, the lithosphere on each side of it shifts in the opposite direction; this is called strike-slip activity. Since both plate segments are moving in the same direction, the transform faults are seismically inactive, but fracture zones that extend past them provide signs of prior transform fault activity, particularly in the various ages of the crust on either side of the zone Although technically not "fracture zones," numerous transform faults linked with them are frequently regarded to informally as such.

learn more about fracture zones here:



what property of earthquakes does the richter scale measure? a. intensity. b. magnitude. c. damage and d. destruction caused by the earthquake.


Option b) magnitude  property of earthquakes does the richter scale measure

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor, or temblor) is the shaking of the Earth's surface caused by a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere, which produces seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in intensity from those that are so minor that they are not felt to those that are powerful enough to propel objects and people into the air, damage critical infrastructure, and devastate entire cities.

The frequency, type, and size of earthquakes experienced in a given area are referred to as its seismic activity. Seismicity at a specific location on Earth is defined as the average rate of seismic energy release per unit volume. Tremor is also used to describe non-earthquake seismic rumbling.

Learn more about  earthquakes



Why does the wind at A change direction from south east to south west


The wind at a change direction from South East to South West due to Coriolis effect.

In most cases, the winds that prevail blow from east to west rather than from north to south. The Coriolis effect is responsible for this phenomenon, which takes place as a direct result of the rotation of the Earth. Because of the Coriolis effect, wind patterns in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counter-clockwise, whereas wind patterns in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise.

A cyclone is a low-pressure phenomenon that draws air into its center, often known as its "eye." Fluids coming from high-pressure systems in the Northern Hemisphere go to the right, passing low-pressure systems on their way. When air masses are pulled into cyclones from all directions, they are deflected, and this gives the impression that the storm system, in this case a hurricane, is rotating in the opposite direction of clockwise. Currents are deflected to the left in the Southern Hemisphere because to the Earth's tilt. As a direct consequence of this, storm systems appear to rotate in a clockwise direction.

To learn more about Coriolis effect, click here:



An angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of earth is termed
A) longitude. B) latitude. C) zenith. D) Greenwich distance.





An angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of the Earth is called latitude. Latitude is used to specify a location's position on the Earth's surface relative to the equator. The equator is defined as 0° latitude, with latitudes increasing to 90° north or 90° south at the poles. Latitude is typically measured in degrees and is used along with longitude to determine a precise location on the Earth's surface.

A picture of a portion of barth taken from on aerial (bird's eye) view


The picture of Barth taken from the aerial view shows close buildings as well as a snakelike road.

What is meant by aerial view?

An aerial view refers to a view of a location or object from above, typically from the air. An aerial view can be achieved through various means, such as flying in an aircraft, using a drone, or looking at a map or aerial photograph.

Aerial views provide a unique perspective on a location, allowing you to see the layout, structure, and relationships between different elements. For example, an aerial view of a city can show you the location of roads, buildings, parks, and other features, and how they relate to one another. An aerial view of a landscape can show you the geography, topography, and natural features, such as rivers, mountains, and forests.

Read more on aerial view here:https://brainly.com/question/1444801


Individuals who opposed immigration to the United States because they
believed immigrants were inferior and threatened American culture were
known as:



The term "nativist" is used to describe individuals who believe in the superiority of their own country and culture and who advocate for restrictive immigration policies.

How does Augustus's inscription
relate to the claims made in the first


Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavian, was the first Roman emperor; he reigned from 27 BC until he died in AD 14.

Who was Caesar Augustus?

The first Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus, often known as Octavian, ruled from 27 BC until they died in 14 AD. He is regarded as one of the greatest leaders in human history and is best known for founding the Roman Principate, the first stage of the Roman Empire.

Assassination schemes were not unfamiliar to Augustus. Thankfully, Augustus avoided the fate that befell his adopted father, Julius Caesar. At the age of 75, Augustus passed away naturally on August 19, 14 CE.

Learn more about Caesar Augustus here:



3. The text states that fault block mountains are formed when, "pieces of rock are
broken off and driven upward by the force of the shifting plates." Based on this
evidence, what conclusion can you draw about the force of Earth's shifting plates?
A. The force of Earth's shifting plates is somewhat gentle.
B. The force of Earth's shifting plates is loud.
C. The force of Earth's shifting plates is very powerful.
D. The force of Earth's shifting plates is created quickly.iyyiuuh



I believe its C. the force of earths shifting plates is very powerful

the chicxulub crater is an impact crater buried underneath the yucatán peninsula in mexico. (True or False)


True. The Chicxulub crater is a massive impact crater beneath Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula.

One of the biggest known impact craters on Earth, the crater is thought to measure 180 kilometres (110 miles) in diameter. It is thought to have been created 66 million years ago by the collision of an asteroid or comet.

At the end of the Cretaceous epoch, the mass extinction of dinosaur species is largely believed to have been caused by this event. The crater is thought to have been produced by an asteroid or comet with a diameter of 10 to 15 kilometres (6 to 9 miles) striking the Earth at a speed of 20 kilometres per second (45,000 mph).

The heat from the collision destroyed the asteroid or comet and melted the rocks, producing a huge cloud of dust that obscured the sun and drastically reduced temperatures.

As a result, there was a period of significant climatic change, which is considered to be one of the main reasons for the mass extinction event.

To learn more about Earth visit:



2. The people of Cyprus have strong historical ties to
O Iran and Turkey.
O Israel and Iran.
O Yemen and Israel.
O Turkey and Greece.


the people of cyprus have a strong historical ties to turkey and greece

state the favorable position of France


France is a country that is located in Western Europe and is known for its rich culture, history, and diverse geography. Some of the favorable factors that contribute to its position include:

Geographical location: France has a strategic location on the western coast of Europe, making it a central hub for trade and commerce. It has access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, which allows it to be a major player in global maritime trade.
Strong economy: France has a strong and diversified economy, with a well-developed industrial sector and a thriving services sector. It is the sixth-largest economy in the world and a member of the European Union, which provides it with additional economic benefits.
Rich cultural heritage: France is home to some of the world's most famous landmarks and cultural heritage sites, including the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Palace of Versailles. This cultural heritage attracts millions of tourists each year, contributing significantly to the country's economy.
High quality of life: France is known for its high quality of life, with excellent healthcare, education, and social services. It is considered one of the most livable countries in Europe and offers a rich cultural experience to its citizens and visitors.
Overall, France's favorable geographical location, strong economy, rich cultural heritage, and high quality of life make it an attractive and desirable place to live, work, and visit.

a formal region is defined: conceptually - typically in terms of feelings, attitudes and images. in terms of its interdependent parts that are typically linked to a central node. in terms of the uniformity or homogeneity of certain characteristics. by the national geographic


Option C is Correct. There is a formal area. when it comes to the uniformity or homogeneity of particular characteristics. A formal region is an area where a particular cultural or physical characteristic is highly consistent.

Formal regions are uniform, homogenous areas with a common language, climatic conditions, or political system that are shared by all residents. Functional regions are made up of a focal point and the areas that are impacted by it. People's attitudes and feelings toward areas help define perceptual regions.

Formal regions are clearly defined geographic areas that are united by a characteristic like a common language, culture, religion, or economic activity. Political borders, like the one separating the US from Canada, or natural boundaries, like a river or mountain, can serve as the definition of formal regions.

Learn more about formal region Visit: brainly.com/question/26245431


Correct Question:

A formal region is defined:

A) In terms of its independent parts, typically tied to a central node

B) Conceptually, typically in terms of feelings, attitudes, and images

C) In terms of uniformity or homogeneity of certain characteristics

D) By the National Geographic Society.

the process in which a denser plate is pushed beneath a less dense plate
Choose matching term
1 Trenches
2 Tectonic Plates
3 Lithosphere
4 Subduction


Option (D) Subduction zone is the correct option.

It is a process where heavier/denser tectonic plate sinks underneath the lighter/less denser tectonic plate, forcing to melt and rise to the surface in the form of molten rock (known as magma).

The subduction zones are usually formed between convergent plate boundaries. such plates cause great destruction over the surface and often characterized by possessing large numbers/series of volcanoes. The 'Ring of Fire', located in pacific ocean is a classic example.

Hence, the overrun plate is subducted into the mantle and a part of which is melted.  It is generally believed that plates move around over the Asthenosphere.

The Theory of Plate Tectonics was devised by Alfred wegner in the 1920s. He tried to study the earth's dynamic interior structure.    

Learn more about Subduction zones: https://brainly.com/question/3239204

what are the three major types of fault boundaries?


Divergent boundaries — where new crust is formed as the plates pull apart.

Convergent boundaries are formed when one plate dives beneath another.

Transform boundaries — where the plates slide horizontally past each other, neither producing nor destroying crust.

Two tectonic plates moving horizontally in opposite directions away from a divergent boundary form a transform fault. As the plates move against each other, they create a lot of friction. Because the crust is rough, it will become stuck and create pressure. When the pressure becomes excessive, the energy is released, resulting in an earthquake.

A transform fault is a strike-slip fault that connects two tectonic plates moving away from a divergent boundary in opposite directions. San Andres Fault, Alpine Fault, and North Anatolian Fault are a few examples.

Learn more about fault boundaries



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