First person to answer will get Brainily!!!!
Please help me with this assignment. Make sure you put it in your own words please.

First Person To Answer Will Get Brainily!!!! Please Help Me With This Assignment. Make Sure You Put It


Answer 1


Explanation:just ask your family or friends

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Try It: Analyze Excerpt from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Analyze Excerpt from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
O The author thinks parents used family in the South as a way to abandon their children.
O The author believes African Americans were denied the Northern jobs they'd been promised.
O The author's view is that Northern businesses were going broke and had to let go of employees.
O The author believes that in those days, the North was just as segregated as the South
The author says children were sent north to the promise of wealthy parents and then sent back down south to grandmothers when the North reneged
on its economic promises."
What does the use of the word reneged imply about the author's viewpoint here?
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The answer is option b. The author believes African Americans were denied the Northern jobs they'd been promised.

Maya's personal uprooting mirrored the more general socioeconomic causes that uprooted black people across.

She understands that millions of other scared black children traveled in a similar way to newly wealthy parents in northern cities as she and Bailey, or they returned to southern villages when the North was unable to deliver the economic success it had promised.

Following the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, black people continued to struggle to find their place in a nation that was nonetheless hostile to their ancestry. African Americans are descended from slaves who were uprooted from their homes and homelands in Africa.

Learn more about I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings here:


Exercise 1 Use the spelling rules in this lesson to spell the words indicated.
full + -ly


The correct spelling is fully.

We add the suffix -ly to transform the adjective full into the adverb fully:

Peter is fully convinced about his ideals.

Generally, when forming an adverb with the suffix -ly, we simply add it to the adjective after the last syllable.

For example:

quick → quickly

wrong → wrongly

coward → cowardly

Fully is an exception to this rule: when adding the suffix -ly, if the root word ends with a double l we drop one l to form the adverb.

Other examples of double l adjectives + ly:

shrill → shrilly

chill → chilly

bull →  bully

You can learn more about suffix -ly in the link below:


Exercise 1 Use the spelling rules in this lesson to spell the words indicated.
rebel + -ion


The answer is rebellion

Exercise 1 Write a personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence. Underline the antecedent.
After gym on Monday, only one of the boys made it to ____________ next class on time.


The correct answer is; After the gym on Monday, only one of the boys made it to their next class on time.

A pronoun must match its antecedent in terms of number, gender, and person. An antecedent is a word or verb.

a pronoun to which it refers or substitutes.

If the preceding is singular, the pronoun should also be. If it is plural, use a plural pronoun.

When an ambiguous pronoun precedes a personal pronoun, their numbers must match. To refer to a singular indefinite pronoun, use a singular pronoun. The singular pronoun "his or her" is commonly used.

The name of the car's sponsor is painted there. (singular)

To refer to a plural indefinite pronoun, use a plural pronoun.

Many of the vehicles are taking part in their debut race. (plural)

Singular and multiple forms are possible for some indeterminate pronouns.

Learn more about verbs here:


Part B Which line from the passage supports your answer in Part A? woodsong


"In the midst of poverty and want, Felix carried with pleasure to his sister the first little white flower that peeped out from beneath the snowy ground." is the line from the passage supports your answer in Part A.

What is passage?

A passage can be referred to as a section of a paragraph, a section of a sentence, or even a section of several paragraphs. A passage is essentially an excerpt from any writing that is used to support a claim made in the currently being developed text.

As a result, you can use it as a brief excerpt from a longer work to draw attention to, divert attention from, or provide evidence for, the subject or topic under discussion in another piece of writing. The length of a passage varies depending on the context and the purpose of the extraction.

Learn more about passage


Exercise 2 Underline the adjective clause in each sentence. Write N next to the nonessential clauses and E next to the essential clauses.
Stephanie studied every night, which helped her become a better student.


An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of a structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

Stephanie studied every night, which helped her become a better student. is a nonessential clause.

What helped her become a better student is an essential clause.

What helped her become a better student is an adjective clause.

A nonessential clause is essentially an aside or provider of superfluous information about a preceding word that might be interesting but is insignificant to the sentence's main point.

Essential clauses modify keywords and are important to the main point of a sentence. Nonessential clauses provide superfluous information that, while interesting, does not change the main point of a sentence.

Learn more about adjective clauses here


The fact that language learning is achieved by typically developing infants across the globe indicates that language is?


Answer: The first signs of communication occur when an infant learns that a cry will bring food, comfort, and companionship. Newborns also begin to recognize important sounds in their environment, such as the voice of their mother or primary caretaker. As they grow, babies begin to sort out the speech sounds that compose the words of their language. By 6 months of age, most babies recognize the basic sounds of their native language.

Children vary in their development of speech and language skills. However, they follow a natural progression or timetable for mastering the skills of language. A checklist of milestones for the normal development of speech and language skills in children from birth to 5 years of age is included below. These milestones help doctors and other health professionals determine if a child is on track or if he or she may need extra help. Sometimes a delay may be caused by hearing loss, while other times it may be due to a speech or language disorder.


Exercise 2 Underline the linking verb (or verbs) in each sentence. Then circle the word or words after the linking verb that identify or describe the subject.
After the war ended, Kennedy became a politician.


After the war ended, Kennedy became a politician. In this given sentence the linking verbs are after and became. The words after the linking verbs that describe or identify the subject are ended and politician.

What do you mean by linking verbs..??

"A linking verb is a traditional term for a type of verb that joins the subject of a sentence to a word or phrase, and that tells something about the subject. Linking verbs are verbs that don't show an action but rather describe the subject.

For example-  'The boss is unhappy' In this sentence the linking verb is 'is'.

To know more about linking verb click below:


Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
The best goalies on the soccer team, Amy and (she, her), both wanted to play in the championship game.


The best goalies on the soccer team, Amy and (she, her), both wanted to play in the championship game. [obj.]

What are nominative and objective pronouns?

Nominative Pronouns

A nominative pronoun acts as the sentence or clause's subject. Susan, for instance, is a noun illustrating the state of being fatigued in the statement, "Susan seems quite tired today." Susan becomes the sentence's subject when the pronoun "she" is used in place of "Susan." The nominative pronouns "I," "he," "we," "they," "you," and "it" are further examples.

Objective Pronouns

Objective pronouns are the objects of an action or preposition, whereas nominative pronouns show a state or an action. The objective pronoun "them" is used in the second sentence, which is what a person may say in response to the question "Where are the cookies?" Someone on a date might say to the waiter, "She is with me," where "me" is the object of the preposition "with," and has replaced the noun "cookies" and is the subject of the verb "eating."

Learn more bout Nominative Pronouns


Change it was such an exciting match to interrogative sentence


was it an exciting match?
was the match exciting?

Exercise 1 Underline the word that is spelled correctly.

To reduce the fat content of your diet, look for (leaness, leanness) in the cuts of meat you buy.


The word that is spelled correctly is leanness. To reduce the fat content of your diet, look for leanness in the cuts of meat you buy.

Fat is typically defined as any ester of fatty acids or a combination of such compounds, most frequently those that occur in living things or in food, in the fields of nutrition, biology, and chemistry.

'Fatty acids' or 'lipids' are other names for fats. Three molecules are linked to form the fat molecules in our bodies. Triglycerides are structures made up of three molecules. Our bodies produce the majority of the fat we require, but there are some types of fat that they cannot. Only by consuming them can we get these lipids. the trait of being slender and physically fit; the trait of not having much body fat. The leanness of his body was highlighted by the dark clothing.

To know more about fats refer to:


Exercise 1 Underline each pronoun. In the blank, write int. if the pronoun is interrogative, rel. if it is relative, dem. if it is demonstrative, and ind. if it is indefinite.
Twain’s most famous book is one many people love.


A sentence or phrase is linked to a noun or pronoun by a demonstrative pronoun. The relative pronoun is used in this statement.

The same words are employed as demonstrative adjectives when they modify nouns or pronouns: "this apple," "those boys." Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns used to point to specific people or things, such as in "This is an apple," "Those are guys," or "Take these to the clerk." To symbolize or identify a person, location, animal, or item, a demonstrative pronoun is used. In this sentence we are talking about famous book.

To learn more on demostrative pronoun


Shakespeare wrote most of his plays and poems in a set ___ with five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables per line.


Shakespeare wrote most of his plays and poems in a set of sonnet with five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables per line.

What is a sonnet..??

"Sonnets are lyrical poems of 14 lines that follow a specific rhyming pattern. Sonnets usually focus on two different characters, events, beliefs or emotions."

Sonnet is derived from the Italian word 'sonetto' which means 'a little sound or song'. A sonnet can be broken into four sections called quatrains.

All sonnets are have similar characteristics-

They all are written in 14 lines.

Sonnets have a strict rhyme scheme

All are written in iambic pentameter.

To know more about sonnet click below


Exercise 1 Draw a vertical line between the subject and predicate of each sentence. Underline each noun. Circle each verb. Label each participle P, each gerund G, and each infinitive I.
They enjoy riding, too.


Answer: The given sentence is "They enjoy riding, too." The parts of speech are as follows.

Explanation:The subject is what the sentence is about. The subject here is "They".

The predicate is a part of a sentence that tells what the subject is  or what it is doing. The predicate here is "enjoy riding, too".

A verb is a word that expresses an action. The verb here is "enjoy".

A gerund is the present participle of the verb. It is used to replace the subject or object of a sentence. The gerund here is "riding".

To learn more about the parts of speech, refer to this link:

24 Which of the following best completes the analogy?
• Skagway White Pass Trail
Chilkoot Trail
• A Dyea
B Dawson City
C Thron-dluck
D Klondike


Skagway and Dyea are  crucial access points into the interior of Canada because of their place on the cease of the inner Passage. Whilst the first gold prospectors arrived on the quit of the Lynn Canal in 1897 they had to make a selection. they could pick the 45 mile White bypass trail out of Skagway or the 33 mile Chilkoot trail out of Dyea. the two trails cease on the seashores of Lake Bennett inside the Yukon Territory at the headwaters of the Yukon River. both trails are ice loose and low in elevation making them the most sensible manner to go over the Coastal Mountains into the indoors of Canada. The White skip path lacked the steep slopes of the Chilkoot, however it was 10 miles longer and had its personal barriers. The trail have become clogged with dust all through the moist fall months of 1897, making it impassable at some spots.

Captain William Moore and his sons Billy and Ben were the first Euro American settlers to make Skagway Bay their home. Ten years earlier than the Klondike Gold Rush the Moore own family claimed a 160 acre dwelling house in the valley and called it Mooresville. Although the Tlingit people had lived in Southeast Alaska for hundreds of years, they lived in Skagway only seasonally. The Moores were the primary settlers that supposed to make Skagway their yr spherical home. For the following 8 summers they lived in Skagway and constructed a small cabin, sawmill, and wharf in anticipation of the subsequent big gold rush. Nobody knew if and when a big gold strike could happen, but the Moores could be prepared in Mooresville. while the gold become determined near the Klondike in August of 1896 it took numerous months before information of the north got out to the relaxation of the arena.

Learn more about Chilkoot trail here:-


Exercise 1 Write a personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence. Underline the antecedent.
Someone took the wrong jacket. If _____________ returns it, please call me.


The correct answer is;

Someone took the wrong jacket. If they return it, please call me.

A word that replaces one or more nouns is known as a pronoun. A pronoun's number must correspond to that of its antecedent, or the word it refers to. Normally, pronouns and their antecedents appear in the same sentence.

A word that replaces one or more nouns is known as a pronoun. There are relative, personal, and ambiguous pronouns.  The word to which the pronoun refers is known as an antecedent. Both the gender and the number of its antecedent must match. The pronoun "I" is capitalized at all times. If a pronoun reference is ambiguous, repeat the noun or reword it.

Learn more about the antecedents here:


Someone please help me with this:

Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against health care for everyone.


Answer: Health care should be free for everyone. Not everybody can afford this and because of that, not only individuals, but families as a whole suffer. If health care was free and accessible to everybody, there would be a decline in the spread of diseases as more treatment would be available.

Some people might say that health care should not be free for everyone, seeing as that could potentially bring down our economy. However, the opposition against free health care is not a valid fear because many European counties have free health care and their economy functions fine.

In conclusion, free healthcare would benefit and protect many citizens. It helps the majority of people and is the best solution.


omen of the stars


Exercise 1 Write P above each proper noun and C above each common noun.
One of the best games in the second round was Holland against Brazil.


One of the best games in the second round was Holland against Brazil.

one, games, second, round : common noun

Holland, Brazil : proper noun

What are nouns?

A noun is a term that names someone, somewhere, or something. Nouns have a variety of functions in sentences, including subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, and adjective. A distinct person, place, or thing is denoted by a proper noun. A common noun refers to a group of individuals, locations, or objects.

Thus, here,

one, games, second, round : common noun

Holland, Brazil : proper noun

To learn more about nouns from the given link below,


1. If Janie calls tonite, tell them I'm not home.
What is the mistake?


Answer: Tonite

Explanation: It's spelled tonight

Exercise 2 Underline the adverb or adverbs in each sentence.
The referee blew his whistle loudly.



the answer of the question is loudly

Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
The students were encouraged in their efforts.


The students were encouraged (in) their efforts.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word—usually a simple and frequent word that conveys direction like 'to' in "a letter to you," location like 'at' in "at the door," or time like 'by' in "by noon," and that introduces an accompanying object like 'of' in "a basket of apples." Prepositions are followed by an association object, which could be a noun (noon), a phrase (the door), or a closed-class word (you).

Some examples of prepositions

The most frequently used prepositions are at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with. Concerning, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, close to, down, during, except, inside, instead of, into, like, near, off are other common prepositions.

Learn more about preposition


Exercise 1 Draw one line under each compound subject and two lines under the simple predicate they share. Circle the conjunction or conjunctions.
Interest and enthusiasm for drama clubs are their topics.


Interest and enthusiasm for drama clubs are their topics.

Simple Subject: Interest

Simple predicate: are

Complete subject: Interest and enthusiasm for drama clubs

Complete predicate: are their topics

Conjunctions: and

What is subject and predicate?

The noun or the pronoun is the major focus of the sentence. A verb or verb-phrase serves as the sentence's primary predicate. The subject is comprised of the central thought and any auxiliary or escalating notions. To construct the complete predicate, the simple predicate is coupled with additional words that either elaborate on or complete its meaning.

A phrase is a group of words used to succinctly communicate a single idea or problem. A sentence's subject is the noun or pronoun that acts as the story's central focus.

Predicate is the term used to describe the entire group of words in a sentence that have nothing to do with the topic. If a sentence's subject can be inferred from a single phrase, the predicate can be inferred from whatever the subject is not.

A sentence's clauses, words, and phrases are joined or connected by the word conjunction. Conjunctions are words that link together other words in a sentence. Conjunctions can be categorised as coordinating, correlative, or any combination of the three. Thus for the above given statement,

Simple Subject: Interest

Simple predicate: are

Complete subject: Interest and enthusiasm for drama clubs

Complete predicate: are their topics

Conjunctions: and

To learn more about subject and predicate and conjunctions from the given link below,


Riddle: What can go through glass without breaking it?



Answer: Light (or photons)

Explanation: It is able to go through glass and not break it.

Exercise 1 Write who or whom in the blank to make each sentence correct.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ______________ was elected the thirty-second president of the United States, was born in 1882.


The correct sentence is "Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was elected the thirty-second president of the United States, was born in 1882.

Nominative pronouns function as the subject of the sentence. This is why they are also known as subjective pronouns. Common nominative pronouns are I, you (both singular and plural), he, she, it, we, they and who.

Objective pronouns are used when something is being done to the subject. Common objective pronouns are me, you (both singular and plural), him, her, it, us, them and whom.

In the given sentence, the correct pronoun is "who". It is a nominative pronoun.

The subject in this sentence is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and since the pronoun refers to him, it has to be nominative. Of the given options, "who" is the nominative pronoun and thus it is correct.

To learn more about pronouns, refer to this link:

imagine that you recently went to a week end trip. Something completely unexpected happened - you boarded the wrong train got off at the wrong station / mistook someone else's bag

Write a diary entry ​



It was on a bright summer’s day in 1982 that I boarded the ‘KK’ Express bound for Delhi at the Trivandrum Central railway station, on my way back to Vijayawada after a short sojourn at home. The train was flagged off on time and I settled down comfortably with a book. I shared the air-conditioned second class cubicle with a couple and their two children who were quite friendly. They attempted to make small conversation with me though I tried to keep to myself and my book. The Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) came around and checked the tickets.

Just after the train left the next major station, Quilon, I went to the toilet to change into more comfortable dress for the long journey ahead. However, during the process I watched in horror my wallet falling through the toilet outlet.

In panic, since all my money and the train ticket were inside the wallet, I pulled the emergency chain inside the toilet. The chain just came off in my hand. I came out and pulled the first chain that I saw. This time the train screeched to a halt, after maybe 500 more metres.

How does paragraph 6 from "The Awakening" contribute to the overall structure and theme of the overall text?


The society and customs of the 1899 American South that the text's protagonists are set in are depicted in The Awakening's sixth paragraph.

How does Edna feel about herself?

Just taking care of her kids isn't enough for Edna to feel fulfilled in life. Her spouse portrays society's viewpoint by asserting that men and women had distinct responsibilities inside the family: the male was in charge of providing for the household financially, while the woman was in charge of nurturing the kids.

in The Awakening's sixth paragraph, Edna is not playing the parts she should be acting, as evidenced by the way this paragraph is structured, which reads, "He talked in a monotonous, persistent way." This sentence illustrates how she and everyone else has been told by society.

To learn more about "The Awakening" from the given link


Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences below by inverting the order of the subjects and predicates.
Past the crowd sped the wheelchair racers.


Inverted order - Sped the wheelchair racers past the crowd.

What are the types of subject - verb inversion?

In English, subject-verb inversion is indicated by a predicate verb appearing before the corresponding subject, as in the phrase "Beside the bed stood a lamp." Subject-verb inversion is distinct from subject-auxiliary inversion since the verb in question is not an auxiliary verb.

There are many varieties of subject-verb inversion that may be distinguished based on the phrase type that occurs before the verb and the type of verb(s) involved. The four forms of subject-verb inversion are as follows:

directional inversionInversion of directionhomologous inversionconstructive inversion

To learn more about subject - verb inversion from given link


Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by filling in an appropriate pronoun of the type indicated.
__________ Which of the rivers in Africa is the longest? (interrogative)


The appropriate pronoun of the type indicated in the sentence- 'Which of the rivers in Africa is the longest?' is the word 'which'. The word 'which' is an interrogative pronoun.

What is an interrogative pronoun?

"An interrogative pronoun, like the name suggests, is used to ask questions." It refers to something or someone. There are just five interrogative pronouns, that are What, which, who, whom and whose

A pronoun is an Interrogative pronoun when its used in an inquiring way, because interrogative pronouns are found only in questions        Examples of interrogative pronoun are :

I wonder what we’re doing tomorrow.

Which of these ladies is your mother?

To know more about interrogative pronoun click below:


Exercise 3 Proofread each sentence for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors.
Jack considered mr. Han, his Algebra teacher,among his personal heros.


Jack considered his algebra teacher Mr. Han, among his personal heroes.

The sentence requires only one alphabet to be capitalised that is "Mr" Han. Algebra is a common noun so it will be algebra not "Algebra". The spelling of "heros" is wrong, it's heroes. We also need to add his introduction before his name.

To know more about "proofreading" refer to the link here:

In this passage, the author’s viewpoint is that the situation is so terrible, everyone is impacted by the despair. What evidence supports this?

“detention had been easier on him.”
“the sturdiest of us all, began to cry.”
“he had been put in charge of our wagon.”
“there was a friend of my father’s, Meir Katz.”


In the passage, the author’s viewpoint is that the situation is so terrible, everyone is impacted by the despair and the evidence that supports this is B. “the sturdiest of us all, began to cry.”

What is the viewpoint?

A topic or the concepts being conveyed are viewed from the author's point of view. Viewpoint encompasses both the data's presentation's language and content. An author's point of view, beliefs, theories, presumptions, and potential bias are discerned by thoughtful readers.

A story's point of view establishes who is telling it and how the narrator feels about the characters. In first person point of view, the narrator takes the role of a character and tells the tale from their viewpoint.

In this case, in the the passage, the author’s viewpoint is that the situation is so terrible, everyone is impacted by the despair and the evidence that supports this is that “the sturdiest of us all, began to cry.”

In conclusion, the correct option is B.

Learn more about view point on:


In this passage, the author's viewpoint is that the

situation is so terrible, everyone is impacted by the

despair. What evidence supports this?

In our wagon, there was a friend of my father's, Meir Katz

.... Less undernourished than the rest of us, detention

had been easier on him. Because he was stronger than

most of us, he had been put in charge of our wagon....

And Meir Katz, the strong one, the sturdiest of us all

began to cry. His son had been taken from him during the

first selection but only now was he crying for him. Only

now did he fall apart. He could not go on. He had reached

the end


Elie Wiesel

"detention had been easier on him."

"the sturdiest of us all, began to cry."

"he had been put in charge of our wagon."

"there was a friend of my father's, Meir Katz.


option B, “the sturdiest of us all, began to cry.”, is correct


i selected it in my assignment

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