does aseptic technique mean you do media preparation or transfer of live microbes?


Answer 1

Aseptic technique refers to a set of practices that are designed to minimize the risk of introducing unwanted microorganisms into a sterile environment. This can include various activities such as media preparation, transfer of live microbes, and many other laboratory procedures that require a sterile working environment.

When performing media preparation, aseptic technique involves using sterile equipment and working in a way that minimizes the risk of contaminating the media with unwanted microorganisms. Similarly, when transferring live microbes, aseptic technique involves using sterile equipment, working carefully to avoid introducing contaminants, and minimizing the risk of unintentionally transferring unwanted microorganisms.

Aseptic technique is important in many areas of microbiology, including medical microbiology, food microbiology, and industrial microbiology, among others. By following good aseptic technique practices, researchers and technicians can ensure that their experiments and processes are reliable and accurate, and that they are able to obtain valid results.

To learn more about aseptic technique, visit here


Related Questions

What is sensation and example in psychology?


Sensation is the input of sensory information from our external environment that is received by our sensory receptors.

Sensation is the the ability to feel something physically, especially by touching, or a physical feeling that results from this ability.

The physical process during which our sensory organs (e.g., eyes, ears, nose among others) respond to external stimuli is called sensation. Sensation happens when you eat noodles or feel the wind on your face or hear a car horn honking in the distance.

Our sense organs provide us with first-hand information about our external or internal world. The initial experience of a stimulus or an object registered by a particular sense organ is called sensation. It is a process through which we detect and encode a variety of physical stimuli.

Example in psychology include aviation psychologists, engineering psychologists, industrial-organizational psychologists, and human factors psychologists. Research psychologists conduct studies and experiments with human or animal participants.

Sensation can be divided into four types: superficial, deep, visceral, and special.

Psychological means mental or emotional rather than physical. After a shock, your problems, and even your physical pain, stem from psychological sources rather than any bodily ailment.

Learn more about  sensory here:-


describe the signs of impending death for black plague victims!


Black death plague includes the signs such as fever, chills, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, shock and bleeding into the skin and other organs.

There are three types of black death plague in humans. Those are bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. These three played some role in the pandemic. Bubonic plague causes fever, chill, fatigue, shivering, vomiting, headaches, giddiness, intolerance to light, pain in the back and limbs. Pneumonic plague affects the lungs. It causes symptoms similar to those of severe pneumonia like fever, weakness, and shortness of breath. In this type of plague, fluid fills the lungs and can cause death if untreated. It may include symptoms like insomnia, stupor, a staggering gait, speech disorder and loss of memory. Septicemic plague is an infection in the blood. It has the symptoms like fatigue, fever, and internal bleeding.

To learn more about Black death Plague please visit:


it is not necessary to wear a lifejacket on a boat as long as there is one available. t/f


The statement is False. It is not only necessary to have a lifejacket on a boat, but it is also required by law in most places to have enough properly fitting lifejackets for all passengers onboard.

Additionally, it is recommended that everyone wear a lifejacket while on the boat, as accidents can happen quickly and unexpectedly. A lifejacket can greatly increase your chances of survival in an accident or emergency.

Laws and regulations may vary from place to place, but in general, lifejacket requirements are based on the type and size of the boat, as well as the number of passengers onboard. Failure to comply with these laws and regulations can result in fines, penalties, and legal consequences.

To learn more about laws and regulations, visit here


the two most obvious physical changes seen in early childhood include growth in height and an increase in ____


The two most obvious physical changes seen in early childhood stage include growth in height and an increase in weight.

In early childhood stage, the body’s physical development is rapid. Newborns weigh between 5 and 10 pounds and a newborn’s weight typically doubles in six months and triples in one year. By 2 years old the weight will have quadrupled. We can expect that a 2 year old should weigh between 20 and 40 pounds. The average length of a newborn is 19.5 inches. This increasing to 29.5 inches by 12 months and 34.4 inches by 2 years old. The size of our brains increases rapidly from childhood. The nervous system continues to grow and develop during childhood. Each neural pathway forms thousands of new connections during this period. The period of rapid neural growth is called blooming. Neural pathways during childhood continue to develop through puberty. The blooming period of neural growth is followed by a period of pruning where neural connections are reduced.

To learn more about Early childhood stage please visit:


what is the correct area of the chest to perform chest thrusts?


Just over the abdominal button, place your fist. Up to five fast, upward, inward thrusts should be given. With your thumb pointing inside, make a fist in the centre of the target's chest and cover it with your other hand. Give five chest thrusts while pulling back obliquely.

What is the best way to perform chest thrusts?

Place your hands slightly above the point where the lowest ribs unite at the base of the breastbone. Press hard into the chest with a quick shove. The Heimlich maneuver is the same as this move. Continue until the airway is clear of the obstruction.

Obese people should be handled with chest thrusts if the rescuer is unable to encircle the victim's abdomen. If the choking victim is in the last stages of pregnancy, the rescuer should use chest thrusts rather than abdominal ones.

Therefore,  Abdominal thrust is more likely to result in regurgitation than the chest.

Learn more about chest here:


the conduction system is disrupted, and electrical signals move erratically around the atria. What is that mean ?



Atrial fibrillation


How Long Does It Take to Show Rabies Symptoms?


This time between exposure and appearance of symptoms is the incubation period. It may last for weeks to months

Judy believes that her fate is determined by her own actions. what is judy's belief best illustrates


Judy's belief that her fate is determined by her own actions is a reflection of her adherence to the philosophy of determinism.

Determinism is a philosophical perspective that argues that every event or action is causally determined by preceding events or causes. In other words, everything that happens is the result of a chain of cause and effect that began with the first cause.

Judy's belief in determinism suggests that she subscribes to the idea that her own choices and actions are the primary factors in shaping her life's trajectory. She recognizes that the outcomes of her life are not predetermined by some external force or divine intervention, but rather by her own choices and actions.

Judy's belief in the power of personal agency and responsibility is a hallmark of the determinist philosophy. This perspective suggests that individuals have the power to shape their own lives through their actions, and that their choices have a direct impact on the trajectory of their lives. According to determinism, our choices are not arbitrary or random, but rather are determined by a complex interplay of internal and external factors such as our beliefs, values, and experiences.

Learn more about philosophical perspective at :


What are foods that lower blood sugar instantly without insulin?


Beans and Lentils
Salmon and other fatty fish
Nuts and nut butters
Seeds and seed butters
Fermented Vegetables



Beans and lentils.

Salmon and other fatty fish.


Nuts and nut butters.

Seeds and seed butters.

Unsweetened yogurt and kefir.

Fermented vegetables.


____is the junction or point of close contact between neurons.


Synaptic cleft is the junction or point of close contact between neurons.

Synaptic cleft is known as the junction or point of close contact between neurons. Neurotransmitters are released into this to transmit signals from one neuron to another. The synapse between a neuron and a muscle cell is known as the neuromuscular synapse. It separates two neurons. Synaptic cleft forms a junction between two or more neurons and helps nerve impulse pass from one neuron to the other. Depending on the type of nerve fiber participating in the formation of synapse there are three types of synaptic clefts. Those are axoaxonic synapse, axodendritic synapse and axiomatic synapse. In the case of axoaxonic synapse, the synaptic cleft is present between two axons.  In the case of  axodendritic synapse, the synaptic cleft is present between axon and dendrite. In the case of Axiomatic synapse, the synaptic cleft is present between axon and cell body or soma.

To learn more about Synaptic cleft please visit:


staphylococci bacteria can cause a skin infection called


The Staphylococci bacteria can cause skin infection called as impetigo, which is kind of painful rashes on the skin.

Bacteria are generally of tow types one which assist in human functions such as those present in our mouth and gut and one which causes diseases in human beings. The Staphylococci bacteria is a gram positive bacteria and facultative anaerobic in nature. It can cause numerous skin and soft tissue infections such as abscesses, furuncles, and cellulitis.

In Impetigo, red colored blisters like sores appear on the face and other body parts which is painful and when they burst, it used to form brown colored crust layer. It is usually treated using antibiotics which are prescribed only by doctor.

Learn more about impetigo at:


why is memory crucial for behaviors and mental operations that don’t in any direct or explicit way ask you to ""remember""?



Memory is crucial for behaviors and mental operations that don't in any direct or explicit way ask you to remember because it helps to store information that can be used to solve problems and make decisions. For example, when you are trying to solve a complex problem, you are likely to draw on past experiences and knowledge stored in your memory. This allows you to think more quickly and accurately, and to come up with creative solutions. In addition, memory helps to store information about the environment, which can be used to inform decisions and behavior.


Memory is crucial for behaviors and mental operations that don’t require explicit recall because it provides a foundation for many cognitive processes.


For example, our past experiences, knowledge, and habits are stored in memory and influence our perception, attention, decision making, problem solving, language, and motor skills. Memory enables us to recognize patterns, build schemas, make predictions, and generalize information, which are essential for adapting to new situations, forming relationships, and solving everyday problems. In short, memory helps us to build a model of the world and shape our behavior in a way that is appropriate and effective, even if we are not consciously aware of its role.


adults born between 1945 and 1965 should be screened for


the answer is hepatitis C virus

Someday, some of you will prescribe and/or administer bags of iv saline to patients. those bags are 0.9% sodium chloride solutions in water. What is the molarity of sodium in the saline solution?


A 0.9% solution of sodium chloride in water has a sodium molarity of 0.154 M.

What is the purpose of 0.9% normal saline?

Normal saline infusion is used to treat metabolic alkalosis when fluid loss, extracellular fluid replacement (such as in cases of dehydration, hypovolemia, haemorrhage, or sepsis), and mild sodium depletion are present. Inhalation solutions and other medications, such as those, are also diluted using it. It should not be injected or consumed because it is only intended for external usage.

What distinguishes saline from sodium chloride?

The 0.9% strength sodium chloride (salt) solution in water is referred to as "normal saline." Because its osmolarity is so close to that of blood, only this concentration of sodium chloride solution is referred to as "normal" saline.

To know more about solutions visit:-


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Complete each statement about food and drug interactions.
Someone who is taking a diuretic should
A disadvantage of a drug-nutrient interaction is


Someone who is taking a diuretic should:

A) Avoid excessive intake of sodium.

A disadvantage of a drug-nutrient interaction is:

C) Reduction in the effectiveness of either the drug or the nutrient.

Christina, now six years old, was born to a teenage mother and a teenage father.
Which statement is statistically true for Christina?
She is likely to score as well as her peers on reading assessments.
She is unlikely to become a teen parent someday herself.
She is less likely to finish her high school education on time.
O She is more likely to be employed while still in her teens.


She is less likely to finish her high school education on time

What reason BEST explains why more people get colds in colder temperatures?
A. Viruses need colder temperatures to survive.
B. Viruses need colder temperatures to infect people.
C. Colder temperatures lower a person's body temperature.
D. Colder temperatures cause people to stay inside, closer together.


The reason BEST explaining why more people get colds in colder temperatures is: D. Colder temperatures cause people to stay inside, closer together.

In the colder months, people tend to spend more time indoors in close proximity to one another, which increases the likelihood of transmitting respiratory viruses like the cold virus. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, droplets containing the virus can easily spread to others in close proximity, increasing the risk of infection.

A. Viruses do not need colder temperatures to survive or infect people, but they can be more easily transmitted in crowded, indoor environments.

B. Colder temperatures do not directly lower a person's body temperature, but a lower body temperature can make a person more susceptible to illness by reducing the effectiveness of the immune system.

C. Colder temperatures do not play a direct role in increasing the risk of colds. However, colder weather can make a person more susceptible to illness by reducing the effectiveness of the immune system, which can be weakened by exposure to cold temperatures.

To learn more about Colder temperatures  here:


Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The most common injuries associated with exercise are sprains
and strains.
B. Sprains are caused by the stretching of a ligament that surrounds
a joint.
C. Strains are caused by the stretching of a tendon or muscle.
D. You should treat sprains and strains by applying heat as soon as





I think it is B.

vasoconstriction is to shivering as vasodilation is to


Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of blood vessels, which can occur in response to cold temperatures as a way to conserve heat and maintain body temperature. Shivering is a muscle contraction that generates heat, also as a response to cold temperatures.

Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels, which can occur in response to warm temperatures as a way to dissipate heat and regulate body temperature. Sweating is the production of sweat, which helps cool the body through evaporation, also as a response to warm temperatures. Both vasoconstriction and vasodilation are important mechanisms that help regulate body temperature. Shivering and sweating are two of the body's many responses to changes in temperature, and together with blood vessel changes, help keep the body within a narrow, optimal temperature range.

To learn more about vasoconstriction here:


Psychologists use the term stress to describe a state of mental or emotional tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. (true or false)


This statement is ruled at True

When assessing a patient with signs and symptoms of shock, it is MOST important to remember that:
A) the patient's respirations are deep during the early stages of shock.
B) blood pressure may be the last measurable factor to change in shock.
C) multiple fractures are the most common cause of hypovolemic shock.
D) irreversible shock often responds well to a prompt blood transfusion.


When assessing a patient with signs and symptoms of shock, it is MOST important to remember that blood pressure may be the final measurable factor changing in shock.

When assessing a patient with symptoms of shock, it is important to keep in mind the patient's blood pressure. This is because the body will try to compensate for the loss of blood volume by constricting blood vessels and increasing heart rate to maintain blood pressure. However, once these compensatory mechanisms fail, blood pressure drops rapidly which can be a sign of severe shock. Because of this, it is important to monitor a patient's blood pressure closely and not rely on it as the only indicator of shock.

So, the correct answer is B.

Learn more about shock at


______ is a focused an usually instrumental type of listening that is primarily physiological and occurs mostly at the receiving stage of the listening process.



Discriminative listening


What Is Discriminative listening?

Discriminative listening is a type of listening in which the listener assigns meaning to sounds rather than words. Discriminative listening is therefore mainly about hearing nuances and differences in sounds and body language. The listener focuses on characteristics such as speed, intonation and pitch.

Four family members are living in a home together, and one of them is abusing
prescription drugs. According to statistics from the National Institute on Drug Abuse,
who is MOST likely to be misusing prescription drugs?
(1 point)
O the oldest brother, Mark, who is 22 years old
O the youngest brother, Dwayne, who is 14 years old
O the mom, a professor, who is 53 years old
O the dad, a chef, who is 50 years old


The oldest brother, Mark, who is 22 years old

What age of people are more prone to abusing prescription drugs?

Prescription drug abuse can affect people of all ages, but certain age groups may be more prone to it than others. In general, young adults aged 18 to 25 are at a higher risk of prescription drug abuse compared to other age groups.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, young adults in this age range are more likely to misuse prescription opioids, stimulants, and sedatives than older adults. Factors that may contribute to this include peer pressure, stress, easy access to prescription drugs, and a lack of awareness about the potential risks and consequences of prescription drug abuse.

Learn more about drug abuse:


_____ is a method of obtaining a detailed account of past and present mental and emotional experiences and repressions.


Psychoanalysis is a method of obtaining a detailed account of past and present mental and emotional experiences and repressions.

Psychoanalysis is a set of theories and therapeutic techniques, some dealing with the unconscious, that form treatments for mental disorders. The field was founded by Sigmund Freud in the early 1890s. Freud's research derives in part from the clinical studies of Joseph Breuer and others.

Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that aims to release repressed emotions and memories, and to guide clients toward catharsis and healing (McLeod, 2014). In other words, the goal of psychoanalysis is to make one conscious of what exists at the unconscious or subconscious level.

A major assumption of psychoanalysis is the belief that all humans have unconscious thoughts, emotions, desires and memories. The goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences.

For more information on Psychoanalysis , visit :


A nurse is caring for a client who is prescribed lithium (Eskalith). What medical findings should be reported to the provider immediately?


Regarding your question, a nurse caring for a client prescribed lithium (Eskalith) should be aware of the medication's potential side effects and complications. Some of the medical findings that should be reported to the provider immediately include:

Signs of lithium toxicity include tremors, confusion, seizures, slurred speech, and increased urination.

Symptoms of dehydration, including dry mouth, increased thirst, and decreased urine output.

Any changes in mood or behavior, as lithium is commonly used to treat bipolar disorder.

Signs of infection, such as fever, chills, and sore throat, as lithium can lower the body's ability to fight infections.

Any signs of kidney or thyroid problems, such as decreased urine output, swelling in the legs or feet, or weight gain.

It is essential for the nurse to closely monitor the client's condition, report any abnormal findings immediately, and follow the prescribed dosage and monitoring schedule to ensure the client's safety and well-being.

To learn more about  lithium toxicity, visit here


which major electrical hazard happens by electricity in tissues, high temperatures of an explosion, or overheated equipment?


Electrocution is the main electrical risk brought on by electricity in tissues.

When a human comes into touch with a high-voltage electrical current, which can result in electric shock, burns, and other forms of injuries, this happens. High temperatures during an explosion can result in fire and other harm to persons and property, making them a significant electrical hazard. Equipment that is overheated is a risk since it increases the risk of fires, explosions, and equipment damage. The cause of death from electric shock brought on by exposure to high-voltage electricity is electrocution. Another name for it is electrocution. When an electric current travels through the body, the tissues and organs are damaged.

learn more about tissues


how long does it take to make a safe riding decision?


The time it takes to make a safe riding decision can vary depending on the situation and individual factors.

It is important to make thoughtful and informed decisions to ensure safety while riding. Here are some factors:

Experience: Experienced riders who are familiar with road conditions, traffic rules, and potential hazards may be able to make safe riding decisions more quickly compared to novice riders.

Familiarity with the route: If riding on a familiar route, may be able to assess potential risks and make safe decisions more quickly.

Visibility and weather conditions: Poor visibility due to factors such as fog, rain, or darkness may require additional time to assess the road conditions and make safe decisions.

Traffic situation: The level of traffic and complexity of the road environment can influence the time it takes to make safe decisions. In congested or busy areas, riders may need to take extra time to observe traffic patterns.

Risk assessment: Safety-conscious riders typically assess potential risks before making riding decisions. This may involve considering factors such as speed, road conditions, visibility, and the behavior of other road users.

Therefore, it is important to prioritize safety over speed when making riding decisions.

To know more about Risk assessment, click here:


2. Pilihan ganda30 detik1 ptQ. excelling in one area to make up for a weakness in another areaPilihan jawabanregressionprojectioncompensationrationalization


Compensation is defined as excelling in one area to make up for real or perceived deficits in another area,thus excelling in one area to make up for a weakness in another area Pilihan.

Compensation is defined as excelling in one area to make up for real or perceived deficits in another area,thus excelling in one area to make up for a weakness in another area Pilihan.. It is often used synonymously with the term overcompensation, although overcompensation often suggests that a person is going far beyond what is necessary to make up for their deficiency.

The willingness to accept your weaknesses in the interest of self-improvement is actually a vital strength. It will play a central role in your personal and professional success.

Question)-excelling in one area to make up for a weakness in another area Pilihan.

Learn more about pilihan here:-


what is the most common cause of high platelet count?



Inflammatory conditions like autoimmune diseases, cancer or trauma, as well as certain infections and iron deficiency.


what is approximately the average age of a first-time mother in the us?




Most common new mom rises in the U.S are at age 30.

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