Do the students follow the rules of collegial discussions, and track their
progress toward specific goals? Cite evidence from the video in your


Answer 1


Yes, the students in the video do follow the rules of collegial discussions and track their progress toward specific goals. For example, at the beginning of the video, the students discuss the goals they have set for themselves and how they plan to achieve them. They also take turns speaking and actively listen to each other's ideas. Additionally, they provide constructive feedback to each other and work together to come up with solutions.

Related Questions

Your influence can be something as simple as instilling inspiration into others through a positive attitude. Your example of service could be the reason another person begins to do the same thing. Your love of reading can inspire a younger brother or sister to also read. Your encouragement can give motivation to others during a difficult task. Your planning skills can demonstrate to someone that it is possible to be organized and efficient. Your ability to laugh and find humor may show a sad or depressed person that there are good aspects of life.

Give some thought to the concept of influence because you are now going to write a one-to-two-page reflection essay about how you can use your influence for good. Use the following questions to structure your paper.

First, identify the talents or gifts you have. Do you currently use them, or is it possible that you can use them in the near future?

Next, determine how your talents and gifts can be used to help others. Where would you choose to offer your services, and in turn, your influence?

Then, describe in writing three different situations where you can make a difference through your influence. Who would benefit from your influence (older or younger people, guys or girls, etc.)? Why would these people benefit from your influence?

Last of all, do you think it is possible to force influence on people? Why or why not?


Influence can be a powerful tool that can be used for both good and bad purposes. When used wisely and responsibly, it can have a positive impact on individuals and communities. In this essay, I will reflect on how one can use their influence for good.

How to convey the information

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that having influence means having responsibility. When we have influence, we have the power to shape the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of others. This means that we must be careful about what we say and do, as our words and actions have the potential to impact many people.

One way to use our influence for good is by spreading positivity and kindness. This can be done by speaking and acting in ways that uplift and encourage others. By spreading hope and optimism, we can help others see the good in the world and inspire them to make positive changes.

Another way to use our influence for good is by using our platform to advocate for important causes.

Learn more about essay on:


From the story "How you see Yourself" by set to go

What is the authors purpose in paragraph 9:
A: To explain the dangers of talent show televition
B: To illustrate the importance of sharing talents with others
C: To show how self-image is a difficult idea for most people to grasp
D: To highlight an example of gaps between self-image and actual self


The author of this informative text shows how a solid self-image helps a person build positive decision-making abilities and maintain positive relationships and read about the importance of maintaining a solid self-image.

How do you see yourself as a person?

Self-image refers to both our conscious and subconscious perceptions of ourselves. It is the emotional assessment we make of our own worth. We create our self-image through interactions with others, taking into account how they react to us and how they classify us.

What is the central idea of the poem explain in your own words?

The subject of a poem, or 'what it's about,' is the primary concept of the poem. While many people object to poetry being 'about' something, at the end of the day, the poet had something in mind when it was written, and whatever it was is the fundamental theme.

To know more about How you see yourself visit:


Select the abstract nouns. Select all that apply.









By the time my brother finally graduated from high school, he seven different schools.​





views on politicians


President Trump would have been a better president and was a better president than Joe Biden, gas prices were low, the dollar was worth more, and America was more respected.
As persons having the power to legislate and who represent the people, politicians will carry out their responsibility for oversight, to ensure that public administration is conducted impartially and neutrally.

Paragraph that describes Romeo or Juliet (emotions, personality) with evidence (citations where they say or demonstrate it) help

Parrafo que describa a Romeo o a julieta (emociones,personalidad) con pruebas (citas donde lo digan o demuestran)


Answer: Romeo Montague, the male protagonist in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," is depicted as a passionate and impulsive young man. Throughout the play, he experiences intense emotions, ranging from infatuation and love to despair and grief. In Act 2, Scene 2, Romeo famously declares his love for Juliet when he says, "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night / As a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear." This line showcases Romeo's fervent admiration for Juliet and his ability to express his emotions through poetic language.

Additionally, Romeo is often portrayed as being fickle and indecisive, as demonstrated in his sudden shift from loving Rosaline to loving Juliet. In Act 1, Scene 1, Romeo says, "Out of her favour, where I am in love." This line shows how easily Romeo's emotions can change, and his tendency to fall in and out of love quickly.

Juliet, the female protagonist in the play, is similarly depicted as a young woman with intense emotions. Despite her youth, she is depicted as mature, independent and decisive. In Act 3, Scene 2, when she learns of Romeo's banishment, she laments, "What's here? A cup, closed in my true love's hand? / Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end." This line showcases her resolve and her ability to take action, even in the face of overwhelming emotions.

Furthermore, Juliet is often portrayed as being strong-willed and resolute, as demonstrated in her refusal to marry Paris, even though it goes against her family's wishes. In Act 3, Scene 5, she says, "My lord, I will be silent and obey." This line showcases Juliet's loyalty and her unwavering commitment to her love for Romeo.

Overall, Romeo and Juliet are both complex characters, with strong emotions and dynamic personalities that shape the events of the play.


It is important to note that audiences don't function in a vacuum and that contextual variables will dramatically impact how your message is received. Let's assume that the boss asked you to go over the new sexual harassment guidelines at this week's staff meeting scheduled from 11:00-12:00. Unfortunately, she put you at the end of the agenda. Obviously, your specific purpose is to persuade everyone to avoid creating a hostile workplace by educating them on the standards and the consequences of misbehavior. But, having taken Dr. Kessel's Public Speaking class, you know in the back of your mind that you have another objective based on the context. What is that? write it in detail.​


Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship, whether it be personal or professional. Communication really needs to happen on a regular basis in order for an organization to grow and thrive.

Business communication is vital at every level within an organization: from top management down through all levels of staff, as well as in between departments which need coordination with each other.

Communication in an office setting can make or break professional relationships outside work hours as well. If your boss asks you if something was delivered on time, but he forgot to mention who else needed this information, you will have lost an opportunity at promotion should things go south elsewhere–even though ultimately it may all boil down to communication problems between co-workers themselves.




Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?


Answer: A


My son is sick, I am taking him to the doctor later.

Is correctly punctuated with a comma and a full stop.

A. My son is sick, I am taking him to the doctor later.

which term best fits the following sentence? you are being in a summary when you have given the facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion. (1 point)


The correct option is (1) Objective. You are being objective in a summary when you have given the facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion.

They present information in neutral manner which is without any biasness or judgment. They simply present the facts that are actually a truth and details of the story without making any conclusions or interpretations by themselves, they give only interpreted information by the actual ones.

This allows reader to draw their own conclusions about the story without being swayed by their opinion. You make no value judgments or express your opinions or the feelings about the story.  And that give factual account of what happened without taking sides or showing personal bias. You are being objective in your summary when you present the information as it is, without adding personal opinions or interpretations.

Full Question:

You are being ________ in a summary when you have given the facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion.


To know more about Opinion and judgement:


The slaves labored in the fields from sunup to sundown. The owner of the slaves callin’ himself their Master. Say he was a hard lump of clay. A hard, glinty coal. A hard rock pile, wouldn’t be moved. His Overseer on horseback pointed out the slaves who were slowin’ down. So the one called Driver cracked his whip over the slow ones to make them move faster. That whip was a slice-open cut of pain. So they did move faster. Had to.


The slaves toiled until their hands became calloused and their backs curved. Their bodies hurt from working in the sweltering sun.

They risked being whipped or spending the night in the stocks if they failed to complete the duty. They worked nonstop until their bodies gave out, with no breaks. However, they persisted because they were compelled to labor in order to survive—they had no other option. The slaves slept in the mud that night, worn out from the day's labor. They had no food or drink to support them, so they were both hungry and thirsty. Some of them remembered their family and the freedom they were denied as they gazed to the heavens for courage and hope.

To know more about slaves refer to the link below :


select the verb.
We rode the car



bro hmu frrrr

and its rode


What literary devices are in "The Far and Near" by Thomas Wolfe?​


"The Far and Near" contains a number of literary tropes, such as imagery, metaphor, etc. by Thomas Wolfe. Together, these literary strategies paint a vivid and lasting picture of the passing train and its effect on the locals.

Wolfe describes the passing train and its effects on the residents who live close to the lines using evocative images. He calls the train itself "a big, heaving, rushing, roaring monster" and the whistle "a long, loud, piercing wail that appeared to tear through the air like some sharp-edged weapon."

Wolfe compares the train to life itself using metaphor to convey it. He claims, "Life was like the train, and the train was like life. It had a beginning and an end, and it carried everything along with it as it advanced quickly and unabatedly."

Personification: Wolfe gives the passing train a personality by using words like "roaring," "heaving," and "rushing" to describe it as though it had a mind of its own.

The passing train represents the fleeting nature of existence and the inevitable nature of change. It serves as a reminder that time moves quickly and that we should value the time we have.

Irony: The story's irony is that the train with the ability to transport passengers does not do so.

To learn more about The Far and Near here:


Which detail from the passage helps to develop the idea that many Americans are unaware of the greatness of the nation's national parks?


The sentence, "For most people, however, the greatness of our national parks remains unknown," helps to develop the idea that many Americans are unaware of the greatness of the nation's national parks by suggesting that the majority of people are not familiar with the parks' beauty and grandeur.

What is majority?

Majority is a term used to refer to the greater number or quantity of something, typically a group or person. It is primarily used to describe a numerical superiority or a dominant group in a given situation. In politics, majority is used to refer to the greater number of votes cast in a particular election or referendum. It is also used to describe a group that holds the majority of seats in a legislature or to refer to a dominant opinion in a certain social setting. In law, majority is also used to refer to the age of majority, which is the age at which a person is legally considered an adult.

To learn more about majority


What happens to the points if an answer gets deleted? If two people answer, who gets the points? Do they both get the same amount of points?



In Brainly, if an answer gets deleted, the points associated with that answer are also removed. If two people answer the same question, the first person to provide a correct answer will receive the points for that question. Both people will not receive the same amount of points, only the person who provided the correct answer first will receive the points.

It is important to note that the amount of points a user can receive depends on the difficulty level of the question. More difficult questions typically award more points than easier questions. Additionally, the accuracy and quality of the answer also play a role in determining the number of points a user will receive.

how does gatsby’s connection with dan cody begin to develop the motif of wealth?


The following summer, he worked on Lake Superior, fishing for salmon and digging for clams. He rode out to warn Dan Cody, a powerful copper magnate, of a storm when he saw a yacht owned by him one day.

The young Gatz, who went by the name Jay Gatsby, was taken aboard the yacht by the grateful Cody as his personal assistant.

What role does wealth play in The Great Gatsby?

We see throughout the novel that materialistic depictions of wealth can lead to the demise of the American dream. Cars, a status of wealth, and self-identity are frequently used to illustrate this concept.

What is The Great Gatsby's recurring theme?

Judgment, wealth, and infidelity are motifs that contribute to and support the overall morality theme in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. These can be recognized by the plot, the interactions between the characters, and the narration.

To learn more about copper magnate here:


Johnson was inquisitive, always asked why,And in the face of barriers, her dream didn't die.She never gave in, no, she wouldn't relent,Though some meetings seemed only for men.Johnson asked if there was a law againstWomen attending them, and then she went.How did Katherine Johnson respond when it seemed that certain meetings at NASA were only for men?a. She accepted that the meetings were only for men and didn’t ask to attend.b. She created special meetings that were only for women.c. She brought NASA to court and won the right for women to attend all meetings.d. She asked if there was a law against women attending and then attended the meetings.


The appropriate choice is d. She[Johnson] inquired as to if there was a legislation prohibiting women from attending and then participating in the meetings.

Johnson enquired as to if women weren't allowed to attend meetings. When she learned there weren't any meetings, she made the decision to go regardless. An American mathematician named Katherine Johnson worked for NASA during the space race. She is most known for her orbital mechanics calculations, which were essential to the success of the first and subsequent manned spaceflights by the United States. Johnson calculated the path of the 1969 Apollo 11 mission to the Moon while employed by NASA. Obama presented Johnson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015.

To know more about Katherine Johnson refer to the link below :


Which details help develop the central idea that the Iliad and the Odyssey were shared from generation to generation until they were recorded for future generations?

Select all correct answers.

Question 3 options:

The Iliad and the Odyssey belong to the time long before written history, when the stories of heroes' deeds were sung and recited.

Others believe that he had much less to do with the making of the poems.

The Iliad and the Odyssey were "added to and gradually shaped" over "a good many years before they were finally written down."

Some people believe that such a poet really lived, and that he composed the Iliad and the Odyssey himself.

And it is wonderful that through all these hundreds of years, the fame of a man of whom so little is known has persisted so strongly.



could some of you help me with these questions? I'll mark you as brainliest and Ill give you 5 points for each question, and there's only three questions so I'll give you 15 points. Thank you!


my answer got deleted so here is the answers again:

1. The line from the excerpt that is an example of objective language is "Let us give our meed of praise to-day to the humblest workman who has here done his duty well, no less than to the great engineer who told him what to do." This line is an example of objective language because it is not expressing an opinion or emotion, but rather it is making a factual statement about praising the work of the laborers and engineers.

2. The conclusion that can be drawn from the details in this excerpt is that Dean Kamen was able to use his creativity and resourcefulness to solve the problem of getting his heavy machinery into the basement, and to create a space for himself to pursue his passion for inventing and creating electronic devices. He was able to use his ingenuity and financial resources to create a space to work in and to make enough money from his inventions to pay for it.

3. The central idea of this excerpt is that the completion of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge [1][2], after fourteen years of work, is a source of great joy and pride to the city, and that the city gives its acknowledgment and thanks to John Roebling, the engineer who has overseen the project from the beginning.

8. Imagine
You are
= Write three journal enteries.
Writing fous
Write with dates,
for winter
from freezing sew to abandoned ship.
Write 300 words.
Captain Bob Bartlett
period of 1913-14


January 1st, 1913
Today is the start of a new year, and a new adventure for me and my crew. We set sail from the freezing shores of Newfoundland to embark on a journey that will take us to the Arctic Circle and beyond. The winter here is brutal, but we are a hardy bunch, and we are well-prepared for the journey ahead.The weather has been clear so far, but I expect that will change as we progress further north. The ocean here is unforgiving, and I know that we will face many challenges along the way. But I also know that this is what we signed up for, and we will not be deterred by the hardships that we will surely encounter.

January 15th, 1913

The journey so far has been eventful to say the least. We have encountered some rough seas, but thankfully, my crew and I are all experienced sailors, and we have managed to navigate our way through the storms with ease.We have also seen some truly stunning sights along the way, from the Northern Lights that dance in the sky at night, to the majestic ice floes that surround us on all sides. Despite the harsh conditions, I cannot help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty of this frozen wilderness.

February 1st, 1913

Today, we came across an abandoned ship that had been adrift for some time. It was a ghostly sight, with the remnants of the crew still on board. It was a sobering reminder of the dangers that exist in these waters, and the fragility of life at sea.I ordered my crew to pay their respects to the fallen sailors, and to take what supplies we could from the ship to aid in our journey. It was a somber moment, but it also reinforced our resolve to complete our mission, and to return home safely.These journal entries serve as a testament to the bravery and resilience of Captain Bob Bartlett and his crew, as they navigated the treacherous waters of the Arctic in the winter of 1913-14. Their journey was a true testament to the spirit of exploration and the human desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Why does the stranger feel that the polar region is the appropriate setting for the telling of his tale?



polar region since it is mysterious dark and eerie.


Why does the stranger feel that the polar region is the appropriate setting for the telling of his tale? Victor the stranger felt is appropriate for the setting to be the polar region since it is mysterious dark and eerie.

The stranger feels that the polar region is the appropriate setting for the telling of his tale because it is a remote and isolated place.

This allows for the tale to be told without any interruptions or distractions. Additionally, the harsh and unforgiving nature of the polar region adds to the intensity and drama of the tale, making it more impactful and memorable. The stranger is able to fully immerse himself and his audience in the story, creating a more engaging and captivating experience.

Overall, the polar region provides the perfect setting for the stranger to tell his tale and fully capture the attention of his audience.

Learn more about tale here:


In 3-5 sentences, explain one characteristic of a gothic theme present in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.



One characteristic of a Gothic setting is that it imprisons and possesses its occupants, and this is the case two-fold in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll's laboratory and living space meet this criteria, especially as his transformations into Hyde become unpredictable. London in the 1880s also serves as a Gothic setting, as Jekyll is imprisoned and possessed by his need to fulfill the social requirements for respectability in this time and place.

What is Shakespeare's purpose, audience, and message in the excerpt from Julius Caesar? What is the artist's purpose,
audience, and message in the statue of Julius Caesar?


Shakespeare' purpose of Julius Caesar is the believe he wrote the play partially to express his worry that Queen Elizabeth I's impending death could bring about civil war to their country.

Shakespeare's audience and message in Julius Caesar is fate vs freewill. Julius Caesar raises many questions about the force of fate in life versus the capacity for free will. Cassius refuses to accept Caesar's rising power and deems a belief in fate to be nothing more than a form of passivity or cowardice.

Julius Caesar

Jealous conspirators convince Caesar's friend Brutus to join their assassination plot against Caesar. To stop Caesar from gaining too much power, Brutus and the conspirators kill him on the Ides of March. Mark Antony drives the conspirators out of Rome and fights them in a battle. Julius Caesar revolves around the question of what constitutes a tyrant

Learn more about julius caesar here


Write an article to your school magazine about reptiles


Reptiles are a diverse and ancient group of animals that have been around for over 300 million years

Reptiles: An Overview of the Ancient and Diverse Class of Animals

Reptiles are a diverse and ancient group of animals that have been around for over 300 million years. They are found in almost every part of the world, from deserts to jungles to the Arctic. Reptiles belong to the class Reptilia and are characterized by their scaly skin, bony skeleton, and ability to lay eggs.

There are four main groups of reptiles: turtles, lizards, snakes, and crocodilians. Turtles are known for their hard shells that protect their bodies, and they are found both in water and on land. Lizards, on the other hand, come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and are found in many different habitats. Snakes, despite their reputation as dangerous predators, play an important role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling rodent populations. Lastly, crocodilians are large and powerful predators that are found in freshwater habitats.

Reptiles have many adaptations that help them survive in their environments. For example, many reptiles are able to regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun or hiding in the shade, and some species are able to change color to blend in with their surroundings.

Learn more about reptiles on:


The animals who refused to work were given a severe ______________ that they did not recover from for days.

(A) Flogging
(B) Disinter
(C) Retribution
(D) Malignity


Flogging is the most suitable word in this sentence, as flogging means to whip on an animal or person, disinter means to dig, retribution means to punish someone for a crime (they clearly did not do a crime), and malignity means to have an urge to hurt others.

In this poem, Michelangelo reflects on the challenging experience of creating one of the world’s most famous pieces of art. Clearly, the process of his art was not as pleasant as the product, which raises certain questions: Why was this experience so challenging? Why did he stick with the project until it was finished? Conduct brief research to answer one of these questions and then apply what you learned to your reading of the poem. In your response, write about how what you learned in your research shifted your understanding of the poem.


Michelangelo wrote poetry in addition to art. This poetry explores Michelangelo's life and the relationship between poetry and the visual arts as self-expression.

It's hard to tell what's factual and what's propaganda about Michelangelo's motivations and actions. Without understanding Michelangelo as a man, you can't tell what's true. Examining his work is best.

Like an author's writings, Michelangelo's poetry and art reveal his personality. This essay will briefly address Michelangelo's self-expression through poetry and the visual arts and how it reveals his character.

The reader must know a few things about Michelangelo's poetry and personality. First, the poetry is full of ellipsis and inverted word order and requires a lot of rereading and consideration.

Additionally, Michelangelo's poetry was written in Italian, not English, thus the translation lost some of its beauty and subtlety. This means explaining unclear parts of the poetry.

To know more about the poet, Michelangelo:


originated with the eleventh-century church theologian Peter Abelard. According to the moral influence theory, the death of Jesus provides humanity with an example of the great love of God.


The moral influence theory of atonement is indeed attributed to Peter Abelard, an 11th-century French philosopher and theologian.

According to this theory, the significance of Jesus' death on the cross is not primarily to satisfy divine justice or to offer a substitutionary payment for human sin, but rather to demonstrate the great love of God and provide an example for humanity to follow. By willingly suffering and dying for the sake of others, Jesus' death inspires and motivates people to live more compassionate, selfless lives. This theory emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus' teachings and the moral impact of his life and death.

for more information on  theologian see:;


Book “Eragon”

. What does Eragon find when he wakes up?
(a) Garrow dead
(b) Roran has returned
(c) Saphira calling him
(d) The Shades attacking




In the book "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini, when Eragon wakes up, he finds (c) Saphira calling him. Saphira is a dragon and Eragon's companion throughout the series. In the first book, Saphira hatches from an egg that Eragon finds while hunting in the Spine, a range of mountains near his home. When Eragon wakes up, he hears Saphira's telepathic call, and begins the journey that will change his life forever.

Click to select dietary strategies to increase the phytochemical content of your dietary pattern .1. Add chopped apples and grapes to your chicken salad
2. Incorporate one or two vegetarian dinners in your weekly menu
3. Season a baked potato with fresh copped chives instead of salt
4. Layer sliced zucchini and mushrooms into your lasagna


Plants naturally contain substances called phytochemicals that have a number of positive health effects. Here are several dietary tactics to raise your diet's phytochemical content:

Consume a range of fruit and vegetable colors: Berries, cherries, red grapes, carrots, and sweet potatoes are just a few examples of the colorful fruits and vegetables that are high in phytochemicals and antioxidants. Include whole grains in your diet since they are a wonderful source of fiber and phytochemicals.

Some examples of whole grains are oats, brown rice, and whole wheat. Consume legumes frequently since they are high in phytochemicals and can serve as a healthy source of protein. Legumes include beans, lentils, and peas. Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds, are excellent sources of protein, healthy fats, and phytonutrients.

To learn more about phytochemicals here:


this asks a question. it is easily identified because the end punctuation is a question mark.A. Interrogative SentenceB. Imperative SentenceC. Exclamatory SentenceD. Declarative Sentence


In this sentence, the question mark also comes before the quote mark because it ends the Interrogative sentence.

Because it completes the interrogative clause in this sentence, the question mark appears before the quote mark. Indirect inquiries: In general, a declarative sentence that reports a question and concludes with a period as opposed to a question mark should not have a question mark at the conclusion. Because the final punctuation is a question mark, it is simple to spot. This poses a query. Because the final punctuation is a question mark, it is simple to spot. An author wants their readers to feel this while they are reading. This is an adjective-style verb form. A comma and a question mark should never be used together, either before or after quote marks. The question mark in the preceding clause.

To know more about punctuation refer :


The waiter asks for our order. Rewrite and direct these sentences


The direct speech of the given statement is "The waiter inquired to customer, "What can I do for you?"

When transforming indirect speech to direct speech, the following guidelines must be followed:

Use the reporting verb (say, said to) in the correct tense.

Put a comma before the statement, and the first letter of the statement should be capitalized.

Depending on the mood of the sentence, use a question mark, quotation marks, exclamation mark, or full stop.

Wherever possible, remove the conjunctions like (that, to, if, or whether).

Where the reporting verb is in the past tense in indirect speech, change it to the present tense in direct speech.

If necessary, change the past perfect tense to the present perfect tense or the past tense.

The statement is:

The waiter asks for our order.

So the direct speech of that statement is:

The waiter inquired to customer, "What can I do for you?"

To learn ore about direct and indirect speech link is here


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