discover a wild beauty unlike any you've experienced before. discover costa rica. soar to great heights through misty cloud forests. trek over lush jungle trails to spectacular waterfalls. explore hidden mysteries in coastal rain forests. let the experienced guides at nolan travel lead you on a five-day hiking adventure through the untamed and unexpected terrain of costa rica. call now to book your journey of a lifetime. which best indicates that the primary audience is physically active adventure travelers?


Answer 1

The advertisement for a five-day hiking adventure in Costa Rica is specifically targeting physically active adventure travelers.

This can be inferred from several key points mentioned in the advertisement:

Hiking Adventure: The advertisement mentions a "five-day hiking adventure" which is a clear indication that the target audience is individuals who enjoy outdoor physical activities and are interested in exploring new and challenging terrains.Lush Jungle Trails: The mention of "lush jungle trails" highlights that the adventure is not just limited to hiking but also includes exploring the natural beauty and diverse landscapes of the jungle. This kind of activity would be of great interest to individuals who are seeking an adventurous experience.Spectacular Waterfalls: The advertisement also mentions "spectacular waterfalls" which are a common destination for adventure travelers and hikers. The promise of breathtaking natural beauty is sure to attract individuals who enjoy exploring nature and taking in its beauty.Experienced Guides: The mention of "experienced guides" further reinforces the fact that this adventure is aimed at physically active adventure travelers. The presence of knowledgeable and experienced guides would provide comfort and safety to individuals who may be seeking a challenging hiking experience.Journey of a Lifetime: The use of the phrase "journey of a lifetime" emphasizes that this is a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity for individuals who are seeking an adventurous travel experience. This would be of particular interest to individuals who are looking to take a break from their daily routine and explore new and exciting destinations.

To know more about advertisement:


Related Questions

identify the true and false statements about tech-induced anxieties.


True Statement(s)

Some researchers think that GAD is a way for the patient to avoid extreme levels of anxiety.

False Statement(s)

Those with GAD often have a specific worry in mind.

GAD typically only results in cognitive symptoms.

As was the case with television, video games, smart phones, and social media, the public has frequently been concerned about new technologies and their effects on society. Are these worries justified and supported by evidence showing a link between technology use and poor mental health?

The misuse or addiction of technology, but not regular use, was linked to a decline in mental health, particularly in relation to anxiety and depression, according to a 2016 study of college-age students. In a 2017 study of 254 college students, it was discovered that internet addicts had abnormally high levels of anxiety and had trouble reining in their impulses and effectively managing their time.

These studies were unable to establish whether people with anxiety were more likely to become internet addicts.

To know more about anxieties  here


Identify the true and false statements about tech-induced anxieties.

Some researchers think that GAD is a way for the patient to avoid extreme levels of anxiety.

Those with GAD often have a specific worry in mind.

GAD typically only results in cognitive symptoms.

Fill the blank! in order to determine causal effects between variables researchers use ______.


In order to determine any causal effects among the variables researchers which make use of true-experiment. Researchers employ real experiments to establish the causal relationships between variables.

As we learned previously in the book, an experiment is a special kind of study created to determine whether a causal relationship exists between two variables. If a dependent researchers variable changes as a result of changes in an independent variable.

An empirical (or observed) relationship, often known as a correlation, between the independent and dependent variables is the first requirement for proving a causal effect. They must fluctuate together, so as one goes up (or down), the other must also go up (or down).

Learn more about researchers Visit:


Why would parties use accord and satisfaction regarding a negotiable instrument?


Accord and satisfaction is when parties mutually agree to settle a dispute or alter the terms of a negotiable instrument.

A negotiable instrument is a legal document that serves as a  evidence of a  fiscal  sale between two parties. It's a document of title,  generally a check, draft, or promissory note that's  transmittable from one party to another. It serves as a medium of exchange between the parties involved and can be used to transfer  plutocrat,

goods, or services. Negotiable instruments are  frequently used in business deals and are  fairly binding. They're also used by banks,  fiscal institutions, and other investors to buy and  vend securities or other  means. Negotiable instruments are generally regulated by the Livery Commercial Code in the United States.

To know more about negotiable instrument. visit:


one weakness of functionalist theory is that it overstates the positive aspects of sport
True or False


The statement "one weakness of functionalist theory is that it overstates the positive aspects of sport." is True because it tends to lead to exagge-rated accounts of positive consequences of sports and sports part-icipation.

The functionalist theory also ignores the power-ful historical and economic factors that have influenced social events and social relation-ships. Functionalist theory is center-ed on the idea that there is a consensus in the values and norms of society and that social institutions found with in a society are integrated and funct-ion together.

Functionalist theory in sport gene-rally leads to the conclusion that it is pop-ular in society because it can main-tain the values of char-acter that help to preserve stability and or-der in social life.

To know more about Functionalist theory click below:


How did the McCulloch v Maryland case increase the powers of Congress?


In the McCulloch v. Maryland decision, the Congress had the authority to create a national bank and that states lacked the authority to impose taxes on federal agencies.

The U.S. Supreme Court made a significant ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland that clarified the extent of the legislative authority of the U.S. Congress and how it related to the legislative authority of American legislatures. The legitimacy of the federal bank and a tax that the Maryland state levied on it were at issue in McCulloch.. The case defines the boundaries of Congress's authority and the relation between the federal and state governments. Two significant constitutional law doctrines were established by the case. First, the Constitution gives Congress implied authority to carry out the express powers to establish a working national government. The extent of the American government's authority was ambiguous prior to the Court's decision in McCulloch. Secondly, state interference with legitimate constitutional federal government power exercises is prohibited.

Learn more about Maryland here


the most populous segment of french society was the


The Third Estate, or the commoners of society, constituted the overwhelming majority of the French population.

The French Revolution had a number of long- and short-term causes, according to historians. Early royalist and clerical interpretations of the Revolution painted it as an Enlightenment philosophes-led plot. Karl Marx's theories-based explanations started to predominate in the late nineteenth century.

According to this interpretation, the old feudal nobility, whose status was based on land ownership, and the bourgeoisie, who amassed wealth through trade, finance, and the professions, engaged in a power struggle that led to the Revolution. The bourgeoisie joined forces with the peasantry and the urban working classes in 1789 to launch the Revolution.

After 1945, there was a growing backlash against the Marxist interpretation of the French Revolution. Many nobles were among the clamoring crowd, critics noted,

To know more about  The Third Estate here


during the later middle ages, polyphonic developments in sacred music carried over to the secular realm. t/f


It is TRUE that Polyphonic advances in holy music made their way into secular music in the later middle ages.

The Church played a major role in the ownership and creation of music during the Middle Ages. At least church clergy members composed the music that was preserved as manuscripts and was recorded. Plainsong, Gregorian chant, and liturgical melodies were all supported by the Church as sacred music. By the fourteenth century, profane music had surpassed sacred music in popularity. Because it dealt with topics that were not spiritual, or non-religious, this genre of music was different from sacred music. Throughout this time, composers experimented with freer forms. Choral music first appeared in the 15th century after a period of thriving secular music.

To know more about secular music


how many gallons of water is used for residential outdoor water each day across the united states?


More than 300 gallons of water are used for residential outdoor water each day across the united states. The average U.S. household uses more water outdoors than for showering and washing clothes combined.

Around 70% of this utilization happens inside. Broadly, outside water use represents 30% of family use yet can be a lot higher in drier pieces of the nation and more water-serious scenes.

The typical American purposes are around 82 gallons each day for every individual in the family. That implies a group of four would involve around 10,000 gallons in a 30-day time frame. In any case, utilization shifts an extraordinary arrangement the nation over, for the most part in light of contrasts in weather conditions.

Learn more about gallons of water:


choose an example of a divine intervention of some kind in the first half of the iliad (and there are many, many examples). what does this intervention tell you about the gods/fate/destiny, and what does it tell you about human agency?


One example of divine intervention in the first half of the Iliad is when the god Apollo intervenes to help the Trojans against the Greeks.

Apollo is  infuriated by the Greeks ’ treatment of his son, the Trojan  Napoleon, and sends a pest to their camp. This  godly intervention reveals the gods ’ power over the human characters and their capability to  impact events. It also speaks to the idea of fate, as the gods can change the  outgrowth of events. Despite this,  human agency still matters as the

Human can choose to defy the gods, as the Greek idol Achilles does when he decides to fight despite Apollo’s pest.

To know more about divine intervention  visit:


19. while doing fieldwork in a newfoundland fishing village in canada, what did joonas plaan say frustrated and worried him?


Joonas Plaan was a researcher who conducted fieldwork in a Newfoundland fishing village in Canada. He was frustrated and worried about the changing ways of life and culture in the fishing village due to modernization and globalization.

Plaan noted that traditional fishing practices were slowly disappearing as the village increasingly relied on technology and modern fishing equipment. He also observed that young people were moving out of the village to pursue education and work in cities, which was causing a decline in the population and a loss of the village's cultural heritage.

Plaan's concerns reflect the challenges facing many traditional communities around the world as they struggle to adapt to the demands of modernization and globalization. Plaan's research highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage and traditional ways of life in the face of rapid social and economic changes.

To learn more about fieldwork


Which of the following laws made it illegal for enslaved Black people to learn to read and write?

Fugitive Slave Act
Negro Act of 1740
Compromise of 1877
Three-Fifths Compromise


The answer is B: The Negro Act of 1740

in recent years the supreme court has applied the decision across all states that individuals have the right to possess a firearm in the home for self-defense. which of the following is a reason for this? choose 1 answer: choose 1 answer: (choice a) a the fourteenth amendment applies the second amendment to the states (choice b) b the commerce clause guarantees the right for an individual to bear arms at the state level (choice c) c the supreme court redefined what constitutes a handgun under the second amendment (choice d) d the supreme court changed its interpretation of what constitutes quartering of soldiers under the third amendment


A) The Supreme Court's decision that individuals have the right to keep a firearm in their home for self-defense has been applied to all states in recent years.

The states are covered by the second amendment under the fourteenth amendment.

Is it permitted under the Second Amendment to own firearms for self-defense?

The United States Supreme Court came to the conclusion in the landmark case District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008 that the right to bear arms for self-defense is included in the Second Amendment. What right guarantees private citizens the right to own guns in McDonald v.

Second Amendment: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be violated because a well-regulated militia is essential to the security of a free state.

A majority of six justices agreed in an opinion written by Justice Clarence Thomas that the Second Amendment means what it says: "the people" have the right to keep and bear arms, including in public places for self-defense.

To learn more about Supreme Court's here:


A company makes $200,000 in a year and has $150,000 in production costs, leaving them with $50,000. The $200,000 represents what


The $200,000 represents the total revenue of the company for the year. The $150,000 in production costs represents the total cost of producing goods or services for the year. The difference between the two, $50,000, is the company's net profit for the year.

What are shortcut strategies or guidelines that suggest a solution to a problem?


Heuristics is the shortcut strategies or guidelines that suggest a solution to a problem . Heuristics are shortcut strategies that people can use to solve a given problem.

Heuristics are part of how the human brain evolved and are wired to allow people to quickly draw logical conclusions or solutions to complex problems.

Heuristics can be thought of as general cognitive frameworks that people regularly rely on  to arrive at a solution quickly. For example, if a student was deciding what subject to study at university, their intuition would probably pull them towards the  most rewarding, practical and interesting path.

To know more about Heuristics visit :


what is spaced practice


Spaced practice, also known as spaced repetition or distributed practice, is a learning technique that involves spacing out study or practice sessions over a period of time rather than cramming all the material into one long session.

What is Spaced practice about?

With spaced practice, learners spread out their study sessions, revisiting and practicing the material over an extended period, allowing time for the information to be consolidated and committed to long-term memory. This technique has been shown to be more effective than cramming in the short term, and can lead to better retention and retrieval of information in the long term.

Spaced practice can be used in a variety of learning settings, including language learning, studying for exams, and professional development. It involves breaking up study or practice sessions into smaller, more manageable chunks, and spacing these sessions out over time.

Hence, this can help to improve learning efficiency and long-term retention of knowledge.

Learn more about Spaced practice from


how the distribution of central governmental powers to local and regional governments can affect political stability in a country.


The distribution of central governmental powers to local and regional governments can affect political stability in a country through federation.

Typically, the federation is associated with the emergence of states that result from the fusion of various political and territorial entities. It is also known as the federal state or the federal republic, and its political system is typically republican and extremely monarchical. The concept is in opposition to the centralized or unitary state.

The union of states that maintain their sovereignty while adhering to a set of common laws constitutes a confederation. When referring to a permanent alliance of states or an association or commonwealth of states, the term "confederation" is much more relevant. It is a permanent union of sovereign states for the purpose of collective action in contemporary politics.

Learn about government


hector is in second grade. he has just finished his first science fair project and is very proud of it. although he did not know anything about gravity before his project, he now feels confident that he understands the concept. which of erikson's psychosocial stages is hector in?


Based on the information provided, Hector is likely in Erikson's psychosocial stage of "Industry vs. Inferiority," which typically occurs between 6 to 11 years old.

During this stage, children develop a sense of competence and confidence in their abilities by mastering Industry vs. Inferiority. They may feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments, such as completing a science fair project and gaining a better understanding of a new concept like gravity.

It's important for children in this stage to receive positive feedback and support from their parents, teachers, and peers to continue developing a sense of industry and avoid feelings of inferiority. By completing his science fair project and feeling confident in his understanding of gravity, it seems that Hector is on track in this stage of psychosocial development.

To learn more about  Industry vs. Inferiority, visit here


1. How was the Spanish American war beneficial for America to pursue their imperialistic ways?

2. Explain why the United States left their isolationist policy to enter into WWI.

3. The Treaty of Versailles and Wilson’s 14 points were options to end WWI. Describe each and explain why the European leaders ended up choosing the Treaty of Versailles.

4. Explain how the Treaty of Versailles was not good for the world.

5. What was life like in the 1920's? Be as specific as possible. Include all groups and movements (ex: Harlem Renaissance).


The conflict gave the US the chance to dominate the Caribbean and further its strategic and commercial interests in Asia. Because of the Spanish American War, the United States was able to expand its economic dominance while being protected by the navy.

Explain why the United States left its isolationist policy to enter into WWI.

The Great Depression and the memories of the catastrophic losses in World War I combined in the 1930s to push American public opinion and policy in the direction of isolationism. Isolationists favored staying out of international affairs and staying out of conflicts in Europe and Asia.

The Treaty of Versailles and Wilson’s 14 points were options to end WWI.

Nevertheless, there were several aspects of the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson's 14 Points that were similar. Specifically, both demanded a decrease in Germany's armed forces. Additionally, German troops would be withdrawn from their holdings, and any lands seized from France would be returned.

What impact did the Versailles Treaty have on the world?

Germany was compelled by the treaty to give up colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, cede territory to other countries like France and Poland, lower the strength of its military, pay war reparations to the Allies, and admit responsibility for the conflict.

To know more about world war visit:


because a donee beneficiary is merely receiving a gift, a donee beneficiary cannot win a lawsuit if the contract is not performed.t/f


It is false that because a donee beneficiary is merely receiving a gift, a donee beneficiary cannot win a lawsuit if the contract is not performed.

The donee beneficiary differs from other categories of third-party beneficiaries due to their connection to the agreement's parties. Specifically, a donee beneficiary's claim to receive benefits under the contract is treated as a gift from one of the parties to the deal. In the case of a 5 by 5 Power in Trust, donee successors are also permitted to transfer the promised assets into their own inheritance. The benefit of a contract signed by two other parties is given to a donee benefactor by one of the contract's signatories. Even if donee beneficiaries stand to gain from an agreement's fulfilment, they are not considered parties to the agreement.

learn more about donee benificiary here:


what elements of the life of jesus were included in the preached gospel message of the early church?


The components of Jesus' life, from his preexistence to his birth, life, death, resurrection, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, were incorporated in the gospel message that the early church taught.

Jesus frequently used parables in his sermons to discuss the experience of poverty among his audience. Scenes of the early Church wrestling with how to think about property, underprivileged widows in the neighborhood, and the correct attitude toward material wealth may be found in the Acts of the Apostles.

Because the Atonement of Jesus Christ is at the heart of this strategy, it is known as the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father brought His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world as part of His plan to demonstrate to us how to lead fulfilling lives.

Learn more about Jesus Visit:


Both Yousafzai’s "Speech at the United Nations" and the video "Diane Sawyer Interviews Malala Yousafzai" shows Yousafzai’s fear of the Taliban before the shooting.What did she do about that fear?A) She protected herself but continued to hide and be afraid.B) She was held back from her dreams because of that fear.C) She did not let her fears prevent her from pursuing her goals.D) Her fears were crippling her from life.


Both Yousafzai’s "Speech at the United Nations" and the video "Diane Sawyer Interviews Malala Yousafzai" shows Yousafzai’s fear of the Taliban before the shooting. She protected herself but continued to hide and be afraid. Option (A) is correct .

What is the topic of Malala Yousafzai's speech?

Malala claims in her address that she has no ill will against the Taliban who shot her. According to her, she is speaking out in favor of "every child's right to education" and even for the "sons and daughters of all radicals."

                                  The problem of poverty, ignorance, prejudice, and injustice, according to Malala, has only one solution.

What is the primary goal of Yousafzai's address before the UN?

Malala Yousafzai's speech, which she gave on Malala Day in front of the United Nations Youth Assembly, is the text of this article.

                            The speech's objective is to increase audience understanding of the value and significance of education. In order to capture the audience's interest, she employs a number of effective literary strategies.

Learn more about Malala Yousafzai


help me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Note that the option that best illustrates a focused student in an online school is "A student who schedules a block of time to work on school work in an environment with minimal distractions."  (Option D)

What is the rationale for the above response?

The above statement is correct because it demonstrates a deliberate and planned approach to school work, which is essential for success in an online learning environment.

Scheduling a dedicated time for school work, in a focused environment, enables students to manage their time better, eliminate distractions, and produce quality work. This helps students maintain engagement and do well with their academic work.

Learn more about Online Schools:


w.e.b. du bois was the first african-american to...?


W.E.B. Du Bois was the first African-American to earn a PhD from Harvard University. He received his degree in history in 1895.

Du Bois was also a prominent civil rights leader, sociologist, historian, and writer who made significant contributions to the study of race and racism in America.

He co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and was a leading voice in the fight for equal rights and social justice for African Americans.

Several of these concepts were not shared by W.E.B. DuBois. He was in favour of total equality. Furthermore, he didn't think Black people should give in on this. He thought Black people should be able to demand this right without any limitations.

For such more question on W.E.B. Du Bois


True/False: in response to his friends’ advice, job admits that he is a sinner but that his sins are not categorically vile. job asserts that he may have committed mortal sins but he certainly did not commit venial ones.


The statement '' In response to the advice of friends, work admits that he is a sinner, but his sins are categorically not low. Job claims that he may have committed mortal sins, but he certainly did not commit venial sins '' is false because

Bildad, one of Job's three friends, suggests that God could use suffering  to keep people from sinning, to discipline them, and to maintain the awe of  the Almighty.

The Lord answered Job's prayers and reminded him that He is omniscient and omnipotent. Job  humbly responded and received further instructions from the Lord. The Lord rebuked Job's friends, accepted Job's repentance and made the rest of Job's life more successful than  the beginning.

His first response was to stand up in shock, tear his clothes and shave his head. Over time, he searched for answers to the question of why this had happened to him, and then despaired when he could not find them.

To know more about sins visit :


in order to override the president's veto, what percentage of house and senate members must vote in opposition?


In order to override an ordinary veto, both the the House and the Senate must vote by two-thirds. The veto is frequently only effective in stopping status quo modifications.

The legal right to unilaterally halt an official action is known as a veto. A head of state or emperor vetoing a bill to prevent it from being made law is the most frequent scenario. The constitution from several nations establishes the right to veto actions. A veto is the authority of one branch or department of the government to prevent an action by another branch or department. Most frequently, a law approved by the state can be overruled by the head of state.

Learn more on veto


Why does eliezer’s hospital neighbor refuses to be fooled, and what does he say that is sarcastic? he feels that nazis will kill all the jews before allowing them to be liberated.


In the Night, Eliezer's hospital neighbor refuses to be fooled because he believes that the Nazis will never allow the Jews to be liberated. He sarcastically says "Oh, you're going to be liberated? That's great. I'm sure the Nazis will just let you all go."

Night is a memoir written by 1960 by a survivor of the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, based on his experience along with his father in the Nazi German concentration camps during 1944–1945. In chapter 5, Eliezer's hospital neighbor refuses to be fooled as he believes that they will kill all the Jews before allowing them to be liberated. As a result, he is very cynical and does not have any hope for the future.
One of the things that the hospital neighbor says that is sarcastic is when he says, "Oh, you're going to be liberated? That's great. I'm sure the Nazis will just let you all go." This is an example of sarcasm because he is saying the opposite of what he actually believes. He does not believe that the Jews will be liberated, but he is pretending to be excited about it in a sarcastic way.
Overall, Eliezer's hospital neighbor is a very cynical and pessimistic person who does not have any hope for the future. He believes that the Nazis will kill all the Jews before allowing them to be liberated, and he uses sarcasm to express his disbelief and cynicism.

Learn more about Night:


the living conditions of early nomadic humans, with close proximity to others and exploration of new environments, was favorable to widespread and frequent epidemics. group of answer choices true false


The living conditions of early nomadic humans, with close proximity to others and exploration of new environments, were favorable to widespread and frequent epidemics is true.

Nomadism is a way of life for people who do not live in the same place all the time but keep moving cyclically or sporadically. It differs from relocation, which is noncyclic and tends to involve a complete change of habitat.

Nomads are divided into two cultural groups: Slavic and Mongolian. Turkic-language-speaking nomads include  Uzbeks, among others. They traveled the riverine hillsides and grasslands with their own animals for centuries, including horses, Nomads' camels, and function is generally, yaks, draft animals, mules, and donkeys.

A nomad is someone who makes a living by moving from one place to another. Thus, nomadic refers to anything that requires a lot of movement. Nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes carry tents with them as they follow the animals they hunt. To live a nomadic lifestyle, you don't have to be a nomad.

Learn more about nomadic humans here:


1. How did the Bonus Army's encampment in Washington, D.C. affect the national government?

Major Dwight Eisenhower was court-martialed after setting fire to the veterans' camp.

President Hoover lost popularity when he ordered the military to remove the veterans.

Major George Patton was removed from duty when he used force against the veterans.

Congress lost support after they refused to advance the money promised to the veterans.

2. What happened to the money customers deposited in banks when the banks failed at the start of the Great Depression?

the customers lost the money they deposited and were repaid in government bonds

the customers received settlements from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

the customers lost the money they deposited and were not compensated for their loss

the customers received settlements from the central bank of the Federal Reserve System



1. President Hoover lost popularity when he ordered the military to remove the veterans.

2. the customers lost the money they deposited and were not compensated for their loss

as consequences to stopping drug use, headaches, nausea, shaking, and elevated blood pressure are all signs of a. psychological dependence. b. withdrawal. c. overdose. d. amphetamine toxicity.


The consequences of stopping drug use such as headaches, nausea, shaking, and elevated blood pressure are signs of withdrawal, which is answer choice (b).Withdrawal is a set of symptoms that occur when a person abruptly stops or reduces their use of a drug or medication to which they have developed a physical or psychological dependence.

Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the drug or medication, but common symptoms can include headaches, nausea, shaking, sweating, and changes in blood pressure. Psychological dependence, on the other hand, refers to the emotional or mental reliance on a substance or behavior. It is a subjective experience and may not necessarily involve physical withdrawal symptoms.Amphetamine toxicity is a condition that can occur when a person takes a toxic amount of amphetamines, which can cause symptoms such as agitation, hallucinations, seizures, and coma.

To learn more about Amphetamine toxicity here:


A. Romeo has been crying and shutting himself away in his darkened room.
Montague states that he is worried about his son, Romeo. He claims that he often looks sad, with tears in his eyes, and constantly sighing. He also draws the curtains as soon as the sun comes out, and always wants to be in the dark.
A. the servants of both houses.
Benvolio explains that he saw the servants of both houses fighting. It was them who initiated the fight. However, as Benvolio wanted to separate them, Tybalt wanted to join them.


The correct answer is as follow,

Romeo had been sobbing and isolating himself in his room's darkness. and  both houses' servants.

A. Romeo had been sobbing and isolating himself in his room's darkness.

Romeo, the father's son, is the subject of Montague's concern. He reports that he frequently has tears in his eyes, a sighing expression, and a melancholy expression. Additionally, he always likes to be in the dark and closes the drapes as soon as the sun comes out.

A. both houses' servants.

Benvolio explains that he witnessed a dispute between the servants of the two households. The conflict was started by them. Benvolio sought to split them apart, while Tybalt wished to reunite them.

For such more question on Romeo.


Note: The complete question would be as bellow,

According to this excerpt, what is causing Montague’s concerns about Romeo?A.Romeo has been crying and shutting himself away in his darkened room.

B.Romeo has been causing many fights in the streets of Verona.

C.Romeo has been keeping many secrets from his mother and father.

D.Romeo has been avoiding his friends and family members.

According to Benvolio, who caused the fight?

A.the servants of both houses

B.the Capulet servants and Tybalt

C.the Montagues and Benvolio

D.the people of Verona

Other Questions
In the early 1900s what type of government did most Europeans have? define what is holoendemic 4. Reread Nick's first sight of Daisy and Jordan. Annotate the passage, focusing on repeatedimages, possible color symbolism, and the implications of any other portions of the imageyou think might be significant.We walked through a high hallway into a bright rosy-colored space,fragilely bound into the house by French windows at either end. Thewindows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside thatseemed to grow a little way into the house. A breeze blew through theroom, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twistingthem up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippledover the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormouscouch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon ananchored balloon. They were both in white, and their dresses were ripplingand fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flightaround the house. I must have stood for a few moments listening to thewhip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall. Thenthere was a boom as Tom Buchanan shut the rear windows and the caughtwind died out about the room, and the curtains and the rugs and the two.young women ballooned slowly to the floor.The younger of the two was a stranger to me. She was extended fulllength at her end of the divan, completely motionless, and with her chinraised a little, as if she were balancing something on it which was quitelikely to fall. If she saw me out of the corner of her eyes she gave no hint ofindeed, I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for havingdisturbed her by coming in.The other girl, Daisy, made an attempt to rise she leaned slightlyforward with a conscientious expression - then she laughed, an absurd,charming little laugh, and I laughed too and came forward into the 'X' is a compound has very high melting point and is brittle while 'Y' has low melting point and is a gas. What are the types of compounds 'X' and 'Y' and differentiate them by the following two properties:a) conductivityb) solubility in water a medical linear accelerator is used to accelerate electrons to create high energy beams that can destroy tumors with minimal impact on surrounding healthy tissue. the beam energy fluctuates between 200 and 210 mev. the cumulative distribution function is the chicxulub crater is an impact crater buried underneath the yucatn peninsula in mexico. (True or False) HELPP!!! PLEASE answer choices below cupid apollo artimis aphrodite zeushera athena bacchus The parent function f(x)=x and a transformation of the parent function g(x) are reflections of each other over the x-axis. Write the function g(x).g(x) = On the following scale drawing, the scale is 2 centimeters-1 meter.1. Make a new scale drawing of this rectangular figure using the scale 3 centimeters-1 meter. Make sure to label thenew dimensions.2. What are the actual dimensions of the figure?7.8 cm4.2 cm Put a decimal point in the number 26583 so that the 5 has a value of10050 7. Why were the French and British determined to keep the forts in the Ohio Valley?French8. What happened when Washington tried to persuade the French to leave the Ohio Valley in 17533British9. What happened when Virginians made their way to the forks to build their trading post?10. Why did the half-king decide to help Washington?11. What was Fort Necessity? 6. Write the equation of a circle whose center is (0,.-5) and radius is 7. Triangle ABCtriangle, A, B, C is translated 999 units to the left and 333 units up to create A B C triangle, A, prime, B, prime, C, prime. martin company currently produces and sells 40,000 units of product at a selling price of $12. the product has variable costs of $6 per unit and fixed costs of $150,000. the company currently earns a total contribution margin of: Question 15 of 20Which statement best describes President Calvin Coolidge's position on civilrights during his presidency?O A. Coolidge ignored the challenges faced by ethnic and religiousminorities.B. Coolidge focused on universal voting rights, especially forIndigenous people.C. Coolidge spoke out against racism and discrimination but tooklittle action.D. Coolidge enacted the first laws that protected the rights of BlackAmericans What is your overall impression of the guidelines on assessment and grading this school year?? the price of demand measures the responsiveness, or sensitivity, of consumers to a price change. (True or False) Discuss examples of code-meshing and/or code-switching in your own life. Discussthese in terms of what we've discussed about literacy and discourses. a buffer consists of equal concentrations of hf and . what happens to the ratio of actually in solution as a strong base, , is added to the equilibrium? A picture of a family crest is 5.1 inches wide. The family needs a reduced copy for the front page of the familynewsletter. The copy must fit in a space 1.3 inches wide. What scale factor should be used on the copy machine toadjust the size of the picture of the crest?