Despite a reputation for _____ output, he had the ____ to take credit for work he clearly was incapable of doing


Answer 1

The sentences in the blank space can be completed as follows:

D. Slapdash... audacity

Despite a reputation for splashdash output, he had the audacity to take credit for work he clearly was incapable

How to complete the sentence

In order to complete this sentence with the right word, the reader must try to understand the tone of the sentence. The person being spoken about produced work that was not satisfactory but was still demanding credit for the work.

This means that he had the audacity to demand credit for work that he was not capable of doing. Thus, the correct option to fill the sentence is option C.


A. lackadaisical... prerogative

B. stellar... misgiving

C.slipshod... authority

D. slapdash... audacity

E. impeccable ... intuition

Learn more about audacity here:


Answer 2

The correct answer is D. slapdash... audacity.

"Slapdash" means done hastily and carelessly, which fits the context of him having a reputation for sloppy or careless output.

"Audacity" means boldness or daring, which aligns with him having the boldness to take credit for work he clearly was incapable of doing.

So, the correct sentence would be:

Despite a reputation for slapdash output, he had the audacity to take credit for work he clearly was incapable of doing.

Related Questions

After all the reality TV shows that people willingly take part in, you’re probably thinking, well, what’s the big deal? After all, there’s even a show called Big Brother. So, what’s the big deal with being monitored 24/7? Is it a source of entertainment? Of control? How does surveillance function in 1984, specifically? How do you feel about being monitored?



Sample answer: If I was being monitored I think it would be cool but I would also be worried. Like what if I say or do the wrong thing I would not want to be filmed.


Its in your opinion

1.1 DIALOGUE Young people have different views on brand names. Wearing branded clothing is often seen as a status symbol. Write a dialogue between two friends who have opposing views on this growing trend.​


The dialogue between two friends who have opposing views on this growing trend is given below

What is dialogue?

Friend 1: Hey, did you see the new designer clothes that just came out? I am so excited to get my hands on them!

Friend 2: Really? I don't understand why people are so obsessed with brand names. It's just a waste of money to me.

Friend 1: What do you mean? Branded clothes show that you have good taste and that you're successful.

Friend 2: I don't agree. Wearing a designer label doesn't define who you are or your success. It's just a marketing tactic to make people feel good about themselves.

Friend 1: That's not true. Branded clothing is made with high-quality materials and has unique designs. It's worth the extra money.

Friend 2: I just think it's more important to focus on being comfortable and confident in your own skin, not what brand you're wearing. It's about being yourself and not following the latest trends.

Friend 1: That's a good point, but for me, it's about expressing my personality and style. Wearing branded clothes is just a part of that.

Friend 2: To each their own, I guess. But I'll stick to my budget-friendly outfits.

Learn more about dialogue from


Question 2
Which detail supports the central idea that concrete ships were not very practical to use as

A. They used up materials that were needed to build steel ships.
B.They were sunk by the enemy more often than were steel ships.
C.They carried fewer soldiers than did steel ships.
D.They required more fuel to run than did steel ships.


The detail supports the central idea that concrete ships were not very practical to use as warships are they used up materials that were needed to build steel ships. Option (A) is correct.

What do you understand by concrete ships?

Instead of using more conventional materials like steel or wood, concrete ships are constructed out of steel and ferrocement (reinforced concrete).

Instead of using more conventional materials like steel or wood, concrete ships are constructed out of steel and ferro cement (reinforced concrete). Ferro cement construction has the benefit of inexpensive and easily accessible materials; however, there are drawbacks, including high labour and operational costs. (Ships used for ferro cement must have thick hulls, which reduces cargo room or increases the cross-sectional area, which is bad for hydrodynamics).

Therefore, Option (A) is correct.

Learn more about concrete ships, here;


In Chapter One, Gandalf tells the dwarves about Bilbo, "There is a lot more in him than you guess, and deal more than he has any of idea of himself." Identify and discuss three key events where Bilbo proves Gandalf's words to be true.

You will use a combination of summarizing and direct quotes from the text ti prove your points.

To whoever can do it, gets 30 points and brainliest!


The three key events where Bilbo proves Gandalf's are the freedom from trolls, the Goblins, the riddles for the ring.

What is the summary of three events?

Trolls kidnap Bilbo and the dwarfs near the beginning of the journey. They were supposed to be cooked and eaten, but Gandalf delays them until the morning. Trolls in The Hobbit turn to stone in daylight, so the company continues from there.

Gandalf appears and slays the Goblin King when he decides to eat the dwarfs and hobbits. While fleeing the goblins, Bilbo falls into a dark pit and is abandoned. The dwarfs continue to flee the goblin caves, unaware that Bilbo has gone missing.

After his eyes adjust to the darkness of the pit, Bilbo discovers a gold ring on the cold floor and pockets it, oblivious to what it was. He then encounters a slimy, repulsive creature known as Gollum.

Therefore, the three key events where Bilbo proves Gandalf's are:

The  freedom from trolls.The Goblins.The riddles for the ring.

To know more about the key events of Bilbo and Gandalf's, visit:


1. Which statement best explains why the sequence text structure in paragraphs 11-14 is
OA. The text structure describes in detail Kossula's life in Africa and his voyage to
OB. The text structure reveals the strength of Kossula's religious views.
O C. The text structure shows the steps in the process Hurston follows to encourage
Kossula to reveal his story.
OD. The text structure reveals that Kossula came to America so that his family would
have religious freedom.


The text structure describes in detail Kossula's life in Africa and his voyage to America. Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What is a text structure?

The way that information is organized in writers' writings is explained by text structures. Students may concentrate on important ideas and relationships, make predictions regarding what will happen next, and maintain track of their knowledge as they read by understanding the basic structure of texts.

The text structure is the framework of a text's origin, middle, and end. Different text structures are required by the objectives and target audiences of different narrative and explanatory genres. Beginnings and endings help the text to become a cohesive whole.

Learn more about text structure here:


Gawain's response after the Green Knight's revelations is to
O Deny having the belt
Strike angrily at the knight with his sword
O Blush in shame and throw the belt at the knight
O Laugh appreciatively at the Green Knight's cleverness


Laugh apparently and you will get answer and answer is A B C

Write 20 words 10 for prefix and 10 for suffix and decode its meaning
Plss help i need this tom 50pts and brainlist


Let's start by: what is prefix?

Prefixes are word parts which are added to the start of a term or word. Example:

Happy -> Unhappy.

Prefix + word

What is a suffix?

Suffixes are letters that are placed towards the end of a word to create a new word. Example:

Pain -> painful

Word + Suffix


Now that we are done with that, let's write the words.



Im: Not.


Dis: Opposite of.


In: In, on, or not.


Co: Together.


Re: Again.


Anti: Opposite.                                                                                                      


Mis: To miss


Dis: Not, none.


Mid: Middle.


Over: Too much.




Ness: To be.


Ly: In a manner


Ment: Action.


Ious: Characterized by.


Wise: With respect to.


Al: Of the kind of.


Ful: Full of.


Ize: Make.


Ant: A person.


Ous: Full of.


Also, I love the Klee pfp-

I apologize if this was wrong. Hope you have a lovely day! :)

According to the text, what was the Federal Emergency Management Agency created to do?



which text there's no text here

Write a thesis statement in response to the following prompt.

Prompt: Read the letter to the editor "I, Too, Have a Dream." How does the writer use structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration?
Dear Editor,

I have never taken the time to write a letter to the editor, but something happened that lit a fire in me. Last week, as my best friend Areliss and I headed to class, a group of college protesters blocked our path. Their signs read "GO HOME" and "ILLEGALS LEAVE." They shouted, "Send them home!" These protesters couldn't have known what Areliss felt as they shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags. But, I know their words were bullets to Areliss's heart. I wanted to fire back to the protestors: Where are your ancestors from?

Areliss came to the United States illegally, but she didn't do it intentionally. She was a baby. Her parents, seeking a better life, failed to follow the established immigration procedure, and they slipped into our country undetected. Once here, they raised Areliss, who would grow up never knowing any other home but America.

Under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Areliss has been granted the temporary opportunity to remain here while she completes her college education. DACA ensures, at least for a while, that she will not be deported to a country she has never visited in her entire life.

The term "DREAMers" refers to an act that would have protected these immigrant children if they attended college or served in the military. The DREAM Act did not pass, but its name has remained. DACA recipients have a dream: they dream that their lifelong contribution to the United States will one day be recognized, and they will be permitted to stay in the country they have always called home.

Now, DACA is ending. Those who oppose DACA say it encourages illegal activity, weakens our borders, and goes against the Constitution. I understand their concerns. In an era of heightened security, we must do our utmost to keep this great nation safe. That includes establishing a healthy monitoring system for immigration.

But, those who oppose DACA, who wield protest signs and who want to build walls, have never felt the dreaded doom of deportation. They forget that our long and colorful history has been built by many immigrants—including the immigrants who fought for and founded our country. They forget that Lady Liberty stands as a beacon, asking for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We have a responsibility to them.

To send DREAMers away is to deny that responsibility. Programs like DACA exist to keep the American dream alive.

Yes, Areliss is a DREAMer. But I, too, have a dream. My dream is that DACA will be reinstated. My dream is that Areliss will be invited to stay in the country she has known as home since she was a baby and live out her dreams in the country she loves.


Brittany Taylor


In her letter to the editor, "I, Too, Have a Dream," the author uses structure and language to persuade her readers to support the reinstatement of DACA and to empathize with the experiences of DACA recipients like her best friend, Areliss.

What are thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a clear and concise sentence that presents the main argument or point of an essay or research paper. It usually appears at the end of the introduction and provides a roadmap for the reader to understand the main ideas and arguments presented in the rest of the paper. A good thesis statement should be specific, debatable, and supported by evidence and reasoning throughout the paper. It helps to focus and guide the writer in developing their arguments and ideas, and it also helps the reader to understand the purpose and direction of the paper.

To know more about thesis statement ,visit:


In "I, Too, Have a Dream," the writer uses structure and language to support her feelings about immigration and persuade her readers that DACA recipients should be allowed to stay in the United States, ultimately arguing that the American Dream is built on the contributions of immigrants and denying DREAMers their place in the country goes against this fundamental principle.

Read the following passage from Lady Mary Montagu's 1734 poem "The Dean's Provocation for Writing The Dressing Room." The poem is Montagu's response to Jonathan Swift's poem "The Lady's Dressing Room."

The Doctor, in a clean starch'd band,

His golden snuff box in his hand,

With care his diamond ring displays

And artful shows its various Rays,

While grave he stalks down----Street

His dearest----to meet.

Long had he waited for this hour,

Nor gained admittance to the bower;

Had joked and punned, and swore and writ,

Tried all his gallantry and wit;

. . .

But bawdy, politics nor satire

Could move this dull hard-hearted creature.

Jenny her maid could taste a rhyme

And, grieved to see him lose his time,

Had kindly whispered in his ear,

"For twice two pound you enter here:

My lady vows that without that sum

It is in vain you write or come."

The destined offering now he brought

And in a paradise of thought

With a low bow approached the dame,

Who smiling heard him preach his flame.

What is Montagu's view of Swift in the passage, and how does she use sarcasm, satire, or irony to convey that point of view? Use specific details from the passage to support your ideas.


The poem satirizes upper-class women in the dressing room and their persistent attempts to seem beautiful. It is about toilet humor.

What is Montagu's opinion of Swift in this passage, and how does she portray it through sarcasm, satire, or irony?

She spends five hours on herself. This is supposed to be satirical. The iron is seen when a man approaches a prostitute but is ineffective. He allegedly questions Swift, claiming that Montagu knows more about prostitutes. As a result, the poetry is typically satirical and nasty since it singles out particular characters in the environment.

To know more about Montagu's visit:-


1. Have you experience to go in different country or in different town with different culture? How was the experience?
2. What treatments you experienced in the country/town you've been?
3. After watching the video, what do you think the author wants to say to the readers?

pls watch this video https:/1MhU1ruh8


1. I have experienced going to a different country. It was an amazing experience.

2. I was treated well and the people are lovely.

How to convey the information

The experience of an individual in a different country can vary greatly depending on several factors, including their reasons for being there, the country they are visiting, the individual's own background and personality, and the support system they have in place. Some people may find living in a foreign country to be a wonderful and enriching experience, filled with new opportunities and cultural experiences. They may find the local people friendly and welcoming, and may quickly feel at home in their new surroundings.

On the other hand, some people may struggle with the adjustment to a new country and may experience feelings of homesickness, loneliness, or culture shock. They may also face practical challenges, such as language barriers or difficulty finding work or housing.

Ultimately, the experience of living in a foreign country is subjective and depends on a variety of individual factors.

Learn more about culture on:


Which fact about Hardy's background contributes most to the understanding of "I Look Into My Glass"?


His muse, Maud Gonne, refused his offer of marriage is the fact about Hardy's background contributes most to the understanding of "I Look Into My Glass".

What happens in "From Blossoms"?

In "From Blossoms", by Li-Young Lee, the fact about the author's background that most likely influenced the theme of appreciating the joys of the present, is B. His family moved constantly, fleeing political persecution.

Lee was born in Indonesia. His father was Mao's physician and when anti-Chinese feelings arose, his father was imprisoned and kept as a political prisoner for a year. When he was released they traveled to many countries until the arrived in the U.S.

Therefore, His muse, Maud Gonne, refused his offer of marriage is the fact about Hardy's background contributes most to the understanding of "I Look Into My Glass".

Learn more about Maud Gonne on:


which of the following passages from the same paragraph is explaining the data (the citation) that was
What’s the correct answer asap for brainlist


He observes, the older, wiser, and better people.. prove to be in error is the passages from the same paragraph is explaining the data. Hence, option C is correct.

What is the moral of the story the lumber room?

The interaction between those in authority and those who are subject to that power is the story's most important theme. The punishment is administered by Nicholas' aunt, who also sets the regulations. Having authority and influence does not automatically make a person deserving of that power, as this example illustrates.

A toddler who is too intelligent for the adults is the subject of the timeless short story "The Lumber-Room." In particular, it tells the story of Nicholas, a cunning yet mischievous youngster, who plots to trick his aunt in order to access the lumber room and all of its hidden riches and oddities.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about moral of the story the lumber room, click here


auto = "self"
crat/cracy = "rule"
dem = "peopla"
Which sentence uses the underlined word correctly?
• As the sole decision maker, the CEO considered himself the democratic leader of his company.
• Since the leader consolidated all the power for his own use, the country is now essentially an autocracy
• The solitary queen ruled the democracy with an iron fist and allowed no interference with her decisions.
• The autocratic government was particularly popular for its habit of implementing citizens' suggestions.


The sentence uses the underlined word correctly is  Since the leader consolidated all the power for his own use, the country is now essentially an autocracy. Thus the correct option is B.

What is Inference?

Any work of literature that uses inference draws conclusions about a subject using facts and evidence that are specifically present in that work which helps to determine the reader about the actual intentions of writing the text.

The phrase "autocracy" is used effectively since in this context, it refers to a government that is controlled by a single individual or organization and hence has unconstrained power.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Inference, here:


The complete question is Probably

auto = "self"

crat/cracy = "rule"

dem = "peopla"

Which sentence uses the underlined word correctly?

• As the sole decision maker, the CEO considered himself the democratic leader of his company.

• Since the leader consolidated all the power for his own use, the country is now essentially an autocracy

• The solitary queen ruled the democracy with an iron fist and allowed no interference with her decisions.

• The autocratic government was particularly popular for its habit of implementing citizens' suggestions.

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


The context clues show that the mention of "interlopers" both here and in the title of the story indicates that there may in fact be interlopers that come between the men later in the narrative. belongs in B. Explanation 1

How to explain the information

Topic sentence is that Saki's use of foreshadowing helps push his belief that the mantra of 'better late than never' is not always so true.

Georg mentions interlopers when he says, "We fight this quarrel out to the death, you and I and our foresters, with no cursed interlopers to come between us" In this case, the correct option is B.

Learn more about context clues on:


What group is targeted negatively but indirectly by Swift in "A Modest
A. Wealthy Protestants
B. Practicing Catholics
C. Anglicans
D. Immigrants

answer: A. wealthy Protestants


Wealthy Protestants were the ones that will be negatively targeted but not directly in "A Modest Proposal". Thus, option A is correct.

What is "A Modest Proposal?

The essay, which is disguised as an economic dissertation, suggests that France's poverty be reduced by killing its underprivileged kids and selling them to the English landowners as food.

Satire is typically used to ironically and subtly point out flaws, abuses, and wrongdoings in culture while advocating for change. In this, it was generated by the Wealthy Protestants who were present.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about A Modest Proposal, here:


This poem is about a person the speaker cares
a lot about. What is the speaker comparing the
person to?
• a summer's day
the moon
• his beloved
• his beloved
• the sun



• a summer's day


The speaker is comparing the person they care about to "a summer's day." This comparison likely means that the speaker finds the person to be warm, bright, and joyful, much like a summer's day is typically seen as a time of happiness and light. The use of this comparison suggests that the speaker holds this person in high esteem and sees them as a source of comfort and joy in their life.

How can headings and subheadings help you when you are reading a textbook?

A) If you read the headings and subheadings, you will not need to read the rest of the text to understand the information.

B) Headings and subheadings are not useful, and you do not need to pay attention to them as you read a textbook.

C) Headings and subheadings are often written in boldface.

D) You can use headings and subheadings to easily locate information that will be useful for you to know.


Headings and subheadings help you when you are reading a textbook in the following way;

D) You can use headings and subheadings to easily locate information that will be useful for you to know.

What should you know about headings and subheadings?

Headings and subheadings are designed to organize the content of a textbook, making it easier for readers to navigate and locate specific information. By using headings and subheadings, readers can quickly identify the main topics and ideas covered in the text, and locate the information they need without having to read the entire passage. Therefore, headings and subheadings can be very helpful in saving time and increasing understanding when reading a textbook.

Find more useful information on headings and subheadings here;


The competition between the United Kingdom and Germany for naval supremacy embodies what two broad causes of World War I most?

Alliances and nationalism
Militarism and the alliance system
Nationalism and militarism
Nationalism and imperialism


By maintaining an enemy blockade, Britain's powerful fleet was meant to starve Germany and Austria-Hungary into submission during the First World War.

Who exactly is our enemy?

Adversaries are those who actively oppose a person or thing. The prefix in-, which means "not," and the Latin word amicus, which means "friend," combine to form the term inimicus, which means "hostile, unfriendly." It means that someone who opposes you is "not a friend." When two armies are at war, both forces view the other as the enemy.

Old English's "fond" had a different connotation than Middle English's and Modern English's "fend."

Betrayed feelings frequently result in the formation of enmity.

Know more about  submission Visit:


What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


The iironical situations that can be found in sections 5-8 and 36 is B. The children being rewarded (being taken to Jagborough sands) had a terrible day, and the child being punished (staying at home) had lots of fun.

What is situational irony?

Situational irony is the irony of something occurring that is drastically out of the ordinary. An ordinary fire station catching fire or someone tweeting that social media is a waste of time are two instances of situational irony.

A literary device known as situational irony occurs when the opposite of what is expected occurs. The correct option is B.

Learn more about irony on;


Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

_______cum advenisti?





which symbol from a raisin in the sun most likely represents following society’s expectations


The symbol from a raisin in the sun most likely represents following society’s expectations is "Eat your eggs!"Thus the correct option is C.

What is the story of a raisin in the sun?

The play "A Raisin in the Sun" is written by Lorraine Hansberry that highlighted about Challenges of a black family as they struggle to get out of their bad financial situation by receiving an insurance settlement after the father's passing.

The symbol of the egg indicates concepts that are developing in his mind but are never carried out. eggs are a symbol for Walter's children as they also reflect his desire, hope, and dreams.

Therefore, option C is appropriate.

Learn more about a raisin in the sun, here:


Which symbol from a raisin in the sun most likely represents following society's expectations?

A. Mama's plant

B. Asagai

C. "Eat you eggs!"

D. Beneatha's natural hairstyle

what are the similarities between natural science and social science


As in the difference between natural science and social science is referred, to as natural science is the branch of science that deals with the natural world.

What is nature?

The term Nature refers that the broadest sense of was physical world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large, if not the only, part of science.

As in the other hand, The term social science was referred to a branch of science that is referred to deal with human society as well as social relationships. As we study the social life of humans.

Therefore, As a result, They both have their differences and similarities.

Learn more about nature here:


I need help. Write a poem about this picture!
Please make sure it includes:
- Rhyme
- Meter/ Rhythm
- Line and Stanza
- Density
- Imagery
- Sound


Answer: Along the road, so winding and free,

A trunk so full, with children so young and glee,

Their laughter and chatter, a symphony heard,

As they journey, with joy, so full and absurd.

The trunk, so strong, a shelter and more,

A place of comfort, forever to explore,

With children, so carefree, so full of life,

Their journey, a story, without any strife.

Their eyes, so bright, with wonder and gleam,

As they gaze, at the world, so vast and serene,

The trunk, a refuge, a place of peace,

Their laughter, a sound, that will never cease.

The road, so rough, a test of might,

But the children, they grin, with delight,

Their journey, a tale, of courage and hope,

Their laughter, a sound, that helps them cope.

The wind, in their hair, a cool summer breeze,

As the children, their journey, with such ease,

The trunk, a treasure, full of love and laughter,

Their journey, a bond, that will last forever.

So here's to the children, in the trunk, on the road,

With laughter and love, to carry their load,

Their journey, a story, of bravery and grace,

A tale, of their journey, forever to trace.

And may their laughter, always be bright,

With joy and peace, as their guiding light,

For in this world, so full of pain,

The children, in the trunk, will bring new gain.


What are the settings, motivations, or societal values in which the crucible was written?





During the tense era of McCarthyism, celebrated playwright Arthur Miller was inspired to write a drama reflecting the mass cultural and political hysteria produced when the U.S. government sought to suppress Communism and radical leftist activity in America.

societal values:

Analyzes how arthur miller's the crucible raises many thought-provoking issues throughout the play, including the importance of personal integrity, injustice in society, and the rights of the community versus individual rights.

4. Reread Nick's first sight of Daisy and Jordan. Annotate the passage, focusing on repeated
images, possible color symbolism, and the implications of any other portions of the image
you think might be significant.
We walked through a high hallway into a bright rosy-colored space,
fragilely bound into the house by French windows at either end. The
windows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside that
seemed to grow a little way into the house. A breeze blew through the
room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting
them up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippled
over the wine-colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.
The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous
couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an
anchored balloon. They were both in white, and their dresses were rippling
and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight
around the house. I must have stood for a few moments listening to the
whip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall. Then
there was a boom as Tom Buchanan shut the rear windows and the caught
wind died out about the room, and the curtains and the rugs and the two.
young women ballooned slowly to the floor.
The younger of the two was a stranger to me. She was extended full
length at her end of the divan, completely motionless, and with her chin
raised a little, as if she were balancing something on it which was quite
likely to fall. If she saw me out of the corner of her eyes she gave no hint of
indeed, I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for having
disturbed her by coming in.
The other girl, Daisy, made an attempt to rise she leaned slightly
forward with a conscientious expression - then she laughed, an absurd,
charming little laugh, and I laughed too and came forward into the room.


We can see here that annotating the given passage, we have:

Nick Carraway's first sight of Daisy and Jordan in "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald is described in a way that emphasizes their beauty and elegance, but also their ephemeral and flighty nature.

What is annotation?

Annotation is the act of adding notes or comments to a text, often for the purpose of clarification, analysis, or interpretation. In literature, annotation is often used to highlight significant passages, identify symbols, themes, and other literary elements, and to develop a deeper understanding of the author's intention and the meaning of the work as a whole.

We see that in the passage, the repetition of the word "white" for both women and the room's windows creates a sense of purity and innocence, but also a blankness that makes it difficult to read the characters' true intentions.

The image of the "wine-colored rug" adds depth and richness to the room, but also the suggestion of indulgence and decadence.

Learn more about annotation on


Fill in the correct passive form of the verb.
1. Romeo and Juliet
by Shakespeare. (WRITE)



Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.

Please mark it the brainliest.


Cassio’s lines, “Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation!” (2.3.261-262) are among the most famous in the play. Evaluate Cassio and Iago’s states opinions about reputation. Do you agree with Iago or with Cassio? Explain.


In Shakespeare's play "Othello," Cassio and Iago have different opinions about the importance of reputation. Cassio, who is a gentleman and an officer in Othello's army, is deeply concerned about his reputation. He believes that his reputation is everything and laments that he has lost it after being caught in a brawl.

Cassio's lines "Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation!" reflect his distress over the situation and his belief that his reputation is essential to his status and future prospects.

What is Reputation?

Lago, who is the play's villain, appears to have a different view of reputation. He is manipulative and cunning, and seems to be more interested in gaining power and control over others than in maintaining a good reputation.

Therefore, As for whether I agree with Iago or Cassio, I would have to say that I agree with Cassio. Reputation is an important aspect of one's character and standing in society. It reflects the way that others perceive us and can have a significant impact on our future prospects and opportunities.

Learn more about Reputation from


Pick the word or words that make the following sentence parallel:
Joe's daughter will either attend Harvard, or
A) she plans to go to Stanford.
B) Stanford.
C) will attend Stanford.


The correct answer is C will attend Stanford

Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

______ mater adest.



Quis mater adest. The first option, Quis is the word or phrase that best completes the sentence which means whose mother is this?

Is a phrase considered a sentence?

A phrase is a short passage of words used to convey an idea but which does not constitute a complete sentence. A combination of words known as a phrase lacks a subject and a verb. Because of this, a phrase cannot stand alone as an entire thought or statement.

English uses a variety of phrases kinds. These words will take many different forms and have many purposes in a sentence. The sentence is a clause if both can be found. A sentence is what you have if you can only find one or the other.

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