Describe the significance of plessy v. Ferguson (1896) in one brief sentence


Answer 1
A state law that allowed for “ equal but separate residences for white and colored people.

Related Questions

How was Ronald Reagan as chief executive and what were some of the things he did and how would he be graded as chief executive?



Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, is widely regarded as a successful chief executive. He served two terms in office, from 1981 to 1989, and implemented a number of policies and initiatives during his tenure.

One of Reagan's key achievements was his economic policy, known as "Reaganomics," which focused on reducing taxes, deregulation, and increased defense spending. This policy is credited with revitalizing the American economy and contributing to a period of sustained economic growth during the 1980s.

Reagan also played a significant role in the Cold War, adopting a tough stance against the Soviet Union and implementing a policy of military buildup and containment. He famously called for the Soviet Union to "tear down this wall" in a 1987 speech, referring to the Berlin Wall that separated East and West Berlin.

However, Reagan's presidency was not without controversy. Critics have accused him of ignoring the growing AIDS epidemic and of engaging in illegal activities, such as the Iran-Contra scandal, in which members of his administration sold arms to Iran and used the profits to fund anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua.

Overall, Reagan is generally regarded as a successful chief executive, particularly for his economic policies and his role in ending the Cold War. However, his presidency was not without its flaws, and he would likely receive a mixed grade as a chief executive.


Ronald Reagan was one of the most popular presidents in modern U.S. history. As chief executive, Reagan sought to reduce taxes and increase military spending, as well as cut social programs and regulations. He also worked to build strong relationships with foreign countries, facilitating arms control agreements and speaking out against the Soviet Union. Reagan's legacy is still debated today, but his supporters view him as a strong leader who brought the country out of economic recession and restored confidence in American ideals.

Which best describes president andrew jackson’s policy around indigenous people? a. president jackson believed indigenous people and settlers should be able to peacefully coexist. b. president jackson believed indigenous people had to give up their territory to white settlers. c. president jackson believed expansion should be restricted to lands not used by indigenous people. d. president jackson believed white settlement should be restricted to lands west of the mississippi river.


Option - B : President Andrew Jackson's policy around Indigenous people was that they had to give up their territory to white settlers.

President Andrew Jackson was a fervent supporter of westward migration and thought that the economy and destiny of the United States depended on its continued development. He thought that Indigenous people had to cede their land to European settlers in order to achieve this expansion. He approved the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which allowed for the forcible transfer of the southern tribes to Indian Territory, which is now Oklahoma. Due to this strategy, thousands of Indigenous people were compelled to migrate, leading to the Trail of Tears and the subsequent death of thousands of people. Jackson's administration's treatment of Native Americans was characterised by a disrespect for their rights and a conviction in the superiority of white colonisation.

For such more questions on president andrew jackson:


Answer: B. president jackson believed indigenous people had to give up their territory to white settlers


in 1870, this person was the first black to serve in the u.s. house of representatives.


From slave to citizen to representative, Joseph Rainey traveled a unique route before becoming the first African-American Representative in December 1870.

Politician Joseph Hayne Rainey was from the United States. He was the second black person to serve in the US Congress and the first to hold office in the US House of Representatives. He served as the House of Representatives' presiding officer for a time.  

The legislative of the U.S. federal government is known as the United States Congress. It is bicameral, with the House of Representatives as its lower body and the Senate as its upper body. It convenes in Washington, D.C., at the Capitol building.

Learn more about US Congress here


How were married and older women distinguished from unmarried younger women in the Middle Ages?


Unmarried women have different sense of dressing as they wore their hair loose and uncovered, and married women have their head covered and hair tied.

Forgein visitor reported the difference Among the distinctive characteristics of the dress of Venetian women  in the 16th century were: A preference for bleached, blonde hair. High, platform soled shoes that affected their balance when walking. Hair arranged in the shape of two horns at the forehead.

Women's clothing mostly consisted of an undertunic called a chemise, chainse or smock. Which were  usually made of linen.  Women wore one or more ankle-to-floor length tunics over the chemise they wear  (also called gowns or kirtles). Working class women have a bit different way to style tunic they wore ankle-length tunics belted at the waist.

Dates are uncertain, but it is believed that by the bra which was known as  High Middle Ages,  garments meant to support and restrain the breasts were already being  in use by at least some women in western Europe while others where known about it.

Unmarried women keep their hair loose and uncovered, and married women have their head covered and hair tied this is one way that differentiate married and unmarried women.

Learn more about unmarried here:-


What were the characteristics of trade between Rome and the east


A network of roadways that is now referred to as the Silk Road was used to transport goods across the Mediterranean Sea to Rome. The Silk Road facilitated the diffusion of cultural ideas.

Less is known about the silk trade that took place between ancient Rome and the East. According to Roman sources, silk originated in Seres, which is Latin for China and meaning "the land of silk." In Rome, silk was both a necessary and fashionable fabric. Rome and China both benefited from the best commercial prospects available on the Silk Road. It connected the inhabitants of the east and west. China sent Rome glass objects in return for silk. Chinese silk was very well-known and traded the most throughout the Silk Road, therefore it.

Learn more about Rome here:


How did the location of Yorktown make it a perfect place for Washington and the French to surround Cornwallis


According to Fleming, Cornwallis was encircled by enemy fire and unable to receive assistance due to the French fleet's presence in Chesapeake Bay.

It was more than just a military victory when British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and his army submitted to General George Washington's American Army and its French allies at the Battle of Yorktown on October 19, 1781. The outcome in Yorktown, Virginia, signaled the end of the last significant conflict of the American Revolution and the beginning of the independence of a new country. Additionally, it helped Washington win the presidency of the United States and solidified his standing as a great leader. Hamilton's 400 infantrymen suffered merely nine casualties and 30 wounds in the assault, whereas the 400 soldiers under French command suffered 27 casualties and 109 wounds. The effective siege "snuffed out the final dregs of resistance among the British" and allowed the allies to build the second parallel trench. On October 16, Cornwallis made one last effort to escape by water during the night, but a storm prevented him from doing so.

To know more about Battle of Yorktown


What territories did japan acquire in the 1750 to 1900 time period?


The first over-seas territories that Japan acquired were the islands of its surround-ing seas. During the early Meiji era, Japan establish-ed control over the Nanpō, Ryukyu, and Kuril Islands; it also strength-ened control of the naichi.

Japan's government began to encourage agricultural workers to take seasonal contract work on Hawaii, Guam, and other locations. Through a Coloni-zation Society established in 1893, lead-ers began plans to establish colon-ies in Mexico and Latin America.

In 1750-1900, Provincial lead-ers in Japan started to not li-ke the Europeans and because he start-ed the trading with Europe Tokugawa was over-thrown. He was replaced by a emperor th-at had all of the power.

To know more about 1750-1900 click below:


what is the name of a minister of the Islamic nation whoat one time, this person was assassinated while giving a speech in 1965?


Malcolm X, original name Malcolm Little, Muslim name el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz,

What happens between the US and France in the XYZ Affair?


The XYZ affair between France and United States was a political incident in the year 1797 -98. Early during the presidency of Jahn Adams.  That led to a limited Undeclared war that was also known as the quasi war.

An American political commission was sent to France during 1797 to look for the solutions that were threatening to break out during the war. The leaders, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry, were proposed for the solutions. But they demand for loans before atarting any kind on negotiation.  And this offended the America.

And further, the failure of all this led to an Undeclared Quasi- war.

Learn more about Quasi-war here.


what are the steps taken by roosevelt during the first 100 days of his administration?


Answer: 1. Emergency Banking Act (March 9, 1933)

2. Cullen–Harrison Act (March 16), modifying the Volstead Act.

3. Economy Act (March 20)

4. Civilian Conservation Corps (March 31)

5. Federal Emergency Relief Act (May 12)

by the year 1600, it was already widely accepted that fossils are the remains of past life. (true or false)


By 1600, it was already widely accepted that fossils are the remains of past life, false People did not widely accept that fossils are the remains of past life until the 1700s.

Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the past. Fossils are important evidence for evolution because they show that life on earth was once different from life found on earth today.

It took years for Mendel's work to become broadly known after Darwin published his theory of evolution. The religious establishment in Britain was astonished when Darwin's work was first made public in 1859.

Evolution leaves observable signs. There are five lines of evidence that support evolution: the fossil record, biogeography, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and molecular biology.

The synthetic theory of evolution, commonly known as Neo-Darwinism or the modern notion, is the evolution theory that is most widely accepted.

By 1600, it was already widely accepted that fossils are the remains of past life, false People did not widely accept that fossils are the remains of past life until the 1700s.

Learn more about fossils here:-


why did british parliament transfer power from the british east india company to queen elizabeth


Answer:Why did British Parliament transfer power from the British East India Company to Queen Victoria? British Parliament gave full power to Queen Victoria because India tried to stage a rebellion in protest of Britain's colonial rule over the region.

Explanation:Why did British Parliament transfer power from the British East India Company to Queen Victoria? British Parliament gave full power to Queen Victoria because India tried to stage a rebellion in protest of Britain's colonial rule over the region.

The British Parliament transferred power from the British East India Company to Queen Victoria because the company had become corrupt and had lost control of its Indian territories.

This transfer of power took place in the first half of 19th century, during a time of significant political and economic changes in both England and India.

The Sepoy Rebellion

One of the key reasons for this transfer of power was the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, which was a major uprising against British rule in India. The rebellion was sparked by the British East India Company's policies, which were seen as oppressive and exploitative by many Indians. The rebellion was brutally suppressed by the British, but it exposed the weaknesses of the company's control over India.

As a result of the Sepoy Rebellion and other factors, the British Parliament decided to transfer control of India from the British East India Company to Queen Victoria. This marked the beginning of direct British rule in India, which would continue until India gained independence in 1947. The transfer of power was an important event in the history of both England and India, and it had a lasting impact on the relationship between these two countries.

Learn more about the British East India Company:


who was the african american woman who ran for president in the 1970s?
a. Shirley Chisholm
b. Margaret Chase Smith
c. Charlotta Spears Bass
d. Ellen McCormack


Jesse Jackson ran for president in 1984 and 1988, being the first African American man to do so.

In a democracy, the president is the person with primary executive authority over the country. In a republic, the president serves as the head of state, albeit each nation has its own definition of what that position entails. The office of the president is primarily ceremonial in the United States, Latin America, and Africa, in contrast to Europe and many other countries where the prime minister serves as the head of state. First, the highest magistrate of various British colonies in North America was given the title of president. Other countries, like those in Africa and Central and South America, also use the presidency. As democratically chosen political representatives, these presidents typically carry out their duties in accordance with democratic principles.

Learn more about The president here:


When is Black History Month celebrated in the UK?


Black History Month is celebrated in the UK in the month of October.

Black History Month now covers the history of individuals from the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa as well as their contributions to Britain's "island story," having broadened its scope throughout the years. Some people have criticized this change for attempting to advance multiculturalism rather than raising knowledge and understanding of the history of the African Diaspora.

A common criticism of Black History Month is that it is patronizing, serves as an excuse to disregard Black history for the rest of the year, and serves to separate Black history from British history. Whatever the merits and flaws of these arguments, they all emphasize the necessity of using history to comprehend the present and potential futures.

Black History Month occurs in October. This national holiday seeks to increase awareness of Black history generally and to commemorate the contributions that Black people have made to British society.

To know more about Black History Month


How did Constantine change the religious policy of the Roman Empire?


Constantine change the religious policy of the Roman Empire was that he made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Constantine the Great credited his triumph over the Eastern Roman Realm to God because of the way that he got a dream ahead of time that gave him directions for triumph.He then lifted up Christianity to the place of the authority religion of the Roman domain which made the Congregation essentially strong.It was a critical shift from the overarching view at the hour of Christians waiting be oppressed.

In 313 C.E., Roman sovereign Constantine the Incomparable finished all oppression and proclaimed lenience for Christianity. Sometime thereafter, Christianity turned into the authority state religion of the Realm. This uncommon change in approach spread this generally new religion to each side of the Domain.

To know more about Constantine,visit here:


Answer:(D) He made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.


Read the passage from Garrison's message “To the Public” from The Liberator.

Which of these statements best describes how Garrison feels about slavery?

It is a problem that should be solved immediately.

It is a problem best solved gradually.

It is a problem with no solution.

It is not a problem for America.


The idea that slavery should be abolished right away best captures Garrison perspective on the issue. The right response is a.

What is Garrison?

A garrison is a group of soldiers stationed at a certain site, initially to secure it. The phrase is frequently used to describe certain buildings that make up a military base or fortified military headquarters. A garrison is typically located in a city, town, fort, castle, ship, or other place like that. A garrison is a town that houses a military installation.

Arab-Muslim armies utilised garrison towns to strengthen their control over local inhabitants during their conquests of Middle Eastern territories.

Learn more about Garrison, here:





How did World War 2 end?​


The second world war ended in victory for the allied powers.

How did World War 2 end?​

World War 2 ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. The war in Europe came to an end on May 8th, 1945, when Germany signed the instruments of surrender. In the Pacific, Japan continued to fight until August 15th, when Emperor Hirohito made a radio address announcing Japan's acceptance of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and effectively surrendered to the Allies.

The formal signing of the instrument of surrender took place on September 2nd, 1945, aboard the USS Missouri, a U.S. battleship anchored in Tokyo Bay. The end of World War 2 marked a significant turning point in world history, leading to the formation of the United Nations and the beginning of the Cold War.

Read more on world war 2 here:


What were the three goals of the Spanish colonization in the Americas?


Spanish colonization ambitions were to take gold and silver from the Americas, strengthen the Spanish economy, and make Spain a more powerful country.

The aims of Spanish colonization in the Americas were to propagate Catholicism, gain riches, and expand the Spanish empire. The Spaniards in the Americas had three goals: to amass vast sums of wealth, to establish claims on as much territory as possible, and to colonies as much area as possible. Spain established the Encomienda system and enslaved indigenous peoples. While it was a lawful regime in principle, many locals were compelled to labor as slaves.

Learn more about Spanish colonization here


In an experiment, an object is released from rest near and above Earth's surface. A student must determine the relationship between the direction of the gravitational force
exerted on the object and the change in momentum caused by that force. What data could the student collect to determine the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force
and the change in momentum of the object? Justify your choices. Select two answers.


The mass of the object because it is required to determine the force due to gravity carried on the object and the distance fallen by the object is the data could the student collect to determine the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force and the change in momentum of the object. Hence, option B is correct.

What is gravitational force?

The gravitational force, which is what pushes mass-containing objects toward one another. We frequently consider the pull of gravity from the Earth. Your body is kept on the ground by this force. However, all mass-bearing objects are pulled toward one another by gravity.

The attraction that the earth has on a body is known as gravitational force. Example: Because of gravity, leaves and fruits fall from a tree and land on the ground.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about gravitational force, click here:


The options are attached below-

What was the first target of the huac hearings?a. communist infiltration in the u.s. state department b. communist infiltration in the entertainment industry c. communist influence in the democratic partyd. communist influence in non-governmental organizations


"Infiltration of communists into the entertainment industry" HUAC was established in 1938 to investigate allegations of disloyalty and rebel activity on the part of private citizens, government employees, and organizations suspected of having Communist ties.

Citizens suspected of having ties to the communist party would face legal proceedings.

The HUAC investigations resulted in Hollywood blacklists.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was established in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities by private citizens, government employees, and organizations suspected of having Communist ties.

It investigated alleged Communist Party influence in Hollywood and the motion picture industry in 1947 and 1951.

As a result of these and subsequent hearings, nearly 300 actors and other movie industry workers were blacklisted or barred from working.

Learn more about communist here


How was Hamilton and Jefferson’s disagreement about the payment of the national debt resolved? The federal government repaid the war debts, and the national capital was moved. The Bank of the United States was created, and factories were built in southern states. The states repaid the debt, and northern merchants agreed to higher taxes


Alexander Hamilton came a  commanding voice of the Federalists who accepted that the civil government should have areas of strength for been. On the  contrary side, Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, argued that an excess of force in the hands of the civil government would lead to  despotism.  

In September 1789, President George Washington assigned Alexander Hamilton the task of  diving  the nation's obligation. As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton had exactly 110 days to prepare a report on the nation's credit status, which he'd present to Congress in January.  

This was a daunting assignment, to say the least. Between  strange, homegrown and state  scores, the United States owed  nearly$ 80 million, to a great extent because of the pay and  force of the Continental Army.

Current pay from civil tariffs and excerpt  levies amounted to simply$4.4 million, enough to cover current government operations. Adding to the intricacy of his task, the French were presently in a  delicate situation politically and financially, and an unknown number of original bond  possessors had offered their administration  scores to bookmakers.

to know more about tariffs click here:


how was stowe’s novel uncle tom’s cabin influential in the period leading up to the civil war?


Due to its emphasis on the brutality of slavery in the South, Uncle Tom's Cabin helped the abolitionist cause get more attention and support.

The abolitionist movement was flourishing at the time of the Civil War, and Harriet Beecher Stowe's book Uncle Tom's Cabin served as a crucial catalyst by portraying the cruelty of slavery. The book showed how cruelly slaves were treated, particularly Uncle Tom, a slave who refused to desert his master. It received a lot of reading and translation, reaching a wide audience and bringing the atrocities of slavery to light. The Civil War was sparked by Uncle Tom's Cabin, which swayed public opinion and stoked anti-slavery emotions. In the years that followed, it also had a big impact on how people thought about slavery and Black Americans.

learn more about Tom's Cabin here:


Some Japanese Americans refused to pledge loyalty and fight for the United States until the government released the internees. Were they justified in their protest? Explain why or why not.



The decision to refuse to pledge loyalty and fight for the United States by some Japanese Americans during World War II, until the government released the internees, was a complex issue that had valid arguments on both sides.

On one hand, the internment of Japanese Americans was a gross violation of their civil liberties and human rights. The internment camps were overcrowded, unsanitary, and lacked basic necessities. Families were separated, and people were forced to give up their homes and businesses without due process. Under these circumstances, it is understandable why some Japanese Americans would be reluctant to pledge loyalty and fight for a country that was treating them so unjustly.

On the other hand, refusing to fight for the United States during a time of war could be seen as unpatriotic and potentially harmful to the war effort. Additionally, the government argued that the internment of Japanese Americans was a necessary security measure in response to the threat of Japanese espionage and sabotage.

In the end, the decision of whether or not to pledge loyalty and fight for the United States during World War II was a personal one for each individual, and it is difficult to say whether or not their protests were justified. However, it is clear that the internment of Japanese Americans was a dark moment in American history, and it is important to learn from these past mistakes to ensure that they are not repeated in the future.


what are the pros and cons of the one and two-state solutions?



One-State Solution Pros

A one-state solution could solve the Israel-Palestine conflict by creating a single, binational state in which Palestinians and Israelis are equal citizens and share the same rights and responsibilities.It would end the occupation of Palestinian territories, provide a safe and secure environment and create a more stable region.This solution could also bring economic and social benefits, including greater access to resources and services for both Israelis and Palestinians.It could reduce tensions and create a more peaceful and prosperous region.

One-State Solution Cons

It could lead to greater social and political tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.This could create a situation where one side dominates the other, leading to a lack of true equality and freedom.It could also lead to a lack of political representation for both sides, as well as an erosion of religious and cultural identity.

Two-State Solution Pros

A two-state solution would create separate, independent states for Israelis and Palestinians, allowing each side to have its own government and sovereignty.This could lead to greater political stability in the region, as well as improved security and safety for both sides.It could also help to improve economic conditions by allowing each side to access resources and services more easily.It could also lead to improved diplomatic relations between the two sides, which could help to reduce tensions and create a more peaceful atmosphere.

Two-State Solution Cons

It could lead to a lack of cooperation and compromise between the two sides, as each side would be vying for its own interests.It could also lead to an increase in violence, as each side would be able to pursue its own goals without the need to compromise.It could also lead to the further fragmentation of Palestinian territory, as the two states would not necessarily be contiguous.

how did European culture change life in the Americas?


As Europeans moved beyond exploration and into colonization of the Americas, they brought changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people, from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property. European goods, ideas, and diseases shaped the changing continent.

Hopefully I helped you out.

in new york, a group of native americans joined together to resist anglo encroachment. they were known as the


A group of native Americans that joined together to resist anglo encroachment were known as the Iroquois League.

Speaking of the Iroquoian language, the Iroquois are a group of First Nations people who inhabit Turtle Island in northeastern North America. During the colonial period, the French originally referred to them as the Iroquois League and later as the Iroquois Confederacy. They were known as the Five Nations by the English and included the Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes (listed geographically from east to west). The Iroquoian-speaking Tuscarora tribe from the southeast was admitted to the confederacy, which later took the name Six Nations, after 1722. According to legend, the Confederacy was founded on the Great Law of Peace, which is attributed to Hiawatha, Jigonsaseh, and Deganawidah the Great Peacemaker. The Six Nations/Haudenosaunee Confederacy had a significant influence on North American colonial politics for about 200 years. Several academics have argued for the Middle Ground theory, which holds that the Iroquois used European powers just as much as Europeans did. Around 1700, the Iroquois Empire reached its height, spanning from what is now New York State north into what is now Ontario and Quebec along the lower Great Lakes-upper St. Lawrence, and south on both sides of the Allegheny Mountains into what is now Virginia and Kentucky and into the Ohio Valley.

Know more about The Iroquois League here:


by the mid-eighteenth century, a distinct colonial merchant class came into existence, in part because of:______.


By the mid-eighteenth century, a distinct colonial merchant class came into existence because of illegal colonial trade in markets outside of the British Empire. The correct option is C.

Between the 1760s and the 1870s, western Europe's global expansion was significantly different from the expansionism and colonialism of earlier eras. The strategy of trading with the colonial world changed along with the development of the Industrial Revolution, which economic historians typically date to the 1760s, and the continued spread of industrialization in the countries that were creating empires.

The industrialising nations began to shift from being predominantly consumers of colonial commodities, as they had in the past, to becoming sellers as they looked for markets to sell the rising amount of goods that their factories were producing.

To know more about Industrial Revolution, click here:


The complete question is-

By the mid-eighteenth century, a distinct colonial merchant class came into existence because of

A. the abolishment of the British Navigation Acts.

B. the development of a substantial colonial manufacturing industry.

C. illegal colonial trade in markets outside of the British Empire.

D. ready access to manufactured goods.

E. All these answers are correct.

Did Marshall Bond and Stanley Pearce stake claims in the Klondike?


In the late 1800s, Marshall Bond and Stanley Pearce travelled north to stake their claims in the Klondike goldfields.

Both have mining sector expertise, and their father contributde funding for what they are confident would be a very successful expedition.

Marshall Bond and Stanley Pearce were in Seattle, Washington, at the time. On July 17, 1897, sixty-eight tough miners pushed their way past the ecstatic audience after stepping off the S.S. Portland vessel. They were transporting huge bags that were packed with gold, the most valuable metal in existence.

The Tagish First Nation members Keish (also known as Skookum Jim Mason) and Kaa Goox (also known as Dawson Charlie), into whose family American prospector George Carmack had married, made the discovery of gold in the middle of August 1896. The little Klondike River tributary known as Rabbit Creek is where the find was found.

To learn more about Klondike, refer


how did mao try to change education in china during the cultural revolution?




He made school a place for kids to be told to torture intellectuals and attack people in opposition to him.

which reform measure could voters used to approve an amendment to their state constitution?


A reform measure that could be used by voters to approve an amendment to their state constitution is a referendum.

What is a referendum?

A referendum is a direct vote on a proposal, law, or political issue by the electorate. This is in contrast to a representative voting on an issue. The referendum may result in the adoption of a new policy or specific law, or it may be merely advisory.

The referendum process allows citizens to put a law that has passed the legislature on the ballot for voters to decide whether to keep or repeal it.

Therefore, the referendum is the appropriate reform measure.

To learn more about referendum, click here:


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All this is due today by 12 and I'm stuck. I can do the paragraph but I just need help with the rest. p.s. these are all the points I have :') HELLPP IM CONFUSED :( Are the apical plasma membrane of simple squamous epithelial cells are often folded into microvilli? = 1.2M// then taking a penedy A constant force of 5N ads to 5 sec. on a mass of 5 kg initially at rest. calculate the final momentum! What is vertical reading?examining elements of a source to determine its reliabilityO looking outside a source for information to judge its accuracycomparing two sources to determine if both sources are validO using outside sources to determine if a source is valid and reliable if the united states imposes an import quota on imported soybeans of q4 - q2, how much are the quota rents? Magnets and electric charges show certain similarities. For example, both magnets and electric charges can exert a force on their surroundings. This force, when produced by a magnet, is called a magnetic field. When it is produced by an electric charge, the force is called an electric field. It has been observed that the strength of both magnetic fields and electric fields is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between a magnet or an electric charge and the objects that they affect. Below, three scientists debate the relationship between electricity and magnetism.Scientist 1:Electricity and magnetism are two different phenomena. Materials such as iron, cobalt, and nickel contain magnetic domains: tiny regions of magnetism, each with two poles. Normally, the domains have a random orientation and are not aligned, so the magnetism of some domains cancels out that of other domains; however, in magnets, domains line up in the same direction, creating the two poles of the magnet and causing magnetic behavior.In contrast, electricity is a moving electric charge which is caused by the flow of electrons through a material. Electrons flow through a material from a region of higher potential (more negative charge) to a region of lower potential (more positive charge). We can measure this flow of electrons as current, which refers to the amount of charge transferred over a period of time.Scientist 2:Electricity and magnetism are similar phenomena; however, one cannot be reduced to the other. Electricity involves two types of charges: positive and negative charge. Though electricity can occur in a moving form (in the form of current, or an electric charge moving through a wire), it can also occur in a static form. Static electricity involves no moving charge. Instead, objects can have a net excess of positive charge or a net excess of negative chargebecause of having lost or gained electrons, respectively. When two static positive electric charges or two static negative electric charges are brought close together, they repel each other. However, when a positive and a negative static charge are brought together, they attract each other.Similarly, all magnets have two poles. Magnetic poles that are alike repel each other, while dissimilar magnetic poles attract each other. Magnets and static electric charges are alike in that they both show attraction and repulsion in similar circumstances. However, while isolated static electric charges occur in nature, there are no single, isolated magnetic poles. All magnets have two poles, which cannot be dissociated from each other.Scientist 3:Electricity and magnetism are two aspects of the same phenomenon. A moving flow of electrons creates a magnetic field around it. Thus, wherever an electric current exists, a magnetic field will also exist. The magnetic field created by an electric current is perpendicular to the electric current's direction of flow.Additionally, a magnetic field can induce an electric current. This can happen when a wire is moved across a magnetic field, or when a magnetic field is moved near a conductive wire. Because magnetic fields can produce electric fields and electric fields can produce magnetic fields, we can understand electricity and magnetism as parts of one phenomenon: electromagnetism.In an experiment, an iron bar that showed no magnetism was heated and allowed to cool while aligned North-South with the Earth's magnetic field. After it cooled, the iron bar was found to be magnetic. Scientist 1 would most likely explain this result by saying which of the following?Possible Answers:1. Interference occurred between the electric field of the bar and the magnetic field of the Earth, causing the bar to become magnetic.2. The experiment caused the magnetic domains of the bar to move out of alignment with each other.3. The experiment induced an electric current in the bar, causing the bar to become magnetic.4. The experiment allowed the magnetic domains of the bar to line up, causing the bar to become magnetic.5. The experiment caused the two magnetic poles of the bar to move so that they were aligned with the Earth's magnetic field. Principal: $250Annual Rate: 5%Time (years): 10Find the simple interest 3) we have 2 engineers and 10 computer scientists. we need to create a committee of 10 people with at least one engineer represented there. how many different ways are there to create such a committee? show at least 2 different ways to solve this problem. PLS EXPLAIN THIS TO ME I DONT UNDERSTAND when veterinarians can find the cause of the seizure, such as a tumor in the brain, the animal is said to have any physical object that has social meaning can be considered a part of material culture. (T/F)