Could someone help me with this?

15 grams of hydrogen and 7.5 grams of oxygen were placed in a beaker. An explosion happened inside the baker that produced water. The beaker was never opened. How many grams of water were produced?


Answer 1



Answer 2
the answer should be 16.8768g

Related Questions

An organism has a diploid number of 60. What is the organism's haploid



Α. 120

Β. 15


C. 30


D. 60


If an organism has a diploid number of 60, then its haploid number is 30. Thus, C is the correct option.

The term "diploid" describes how many complete sets of chromosomes there are in each cell of an organism: diploid cells have two entire sets(or 2n number). On the other hand, haploid organisms only have one complete set of chromosomes (or n number).

So if diploid number is 60, i.e., 2n=60, then the haploid number is

n=[tex]\frac{60}{2}[/tex] ⇒ n= 30.

Learn more about chromosomes at:

If an organism has a diploid number of 60, its haploid number would be 30. Therefore, the correct statement is option C.

What is diploid number?

The diploid number is the total number of chromosomes present in a cell equal to the number of chromosomes present in each homologous pair. If  the organism has 60 diploid number, then 30 chromosomes are inherited from each parent.

The haploid number to the number of chromosomes present in a gamete of the organism. Gametes only contain one set of chromosomes, therefore, the haploid number will be half of the diploid number, i.e. 30.

The haploid number is half the diploid number because during meiosis, the number of chromosomes is reduced by half. The haploid number is important because it determines the number of chromosomes in the offspring of sexual reproduction.

Therefore, if an organism has a diploid number of 60, its haploid number would be 30.

Learn more about diploid number here:


Write an essay on analyzing Earths seasons.


Answer: Hope this helps

The Earth experiences four distinct seasons - spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter. These seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis and its orbit around the sun. The tilt of the Earth's axis is responsible for the variation in the amount of sunlight received at different latitudes, which in turn causes the seasons. In this essay, we will analyze the Earth's seasons and how they affect the environment, flora, and fauna.

Spring is the season that marks the transition from winter to summer. It is characterized by the melting of snow, the sprouting of new growth on trees and plants, and the blooming of flowers. This season brings new life and energy to the environment as the sun shines for longer periods and the temperature rises. During spring, the Northern Hemisphere experiences longer days and shorter nights, while the opposite is true for the Southern Hemisphere. This season is a time of growth and renewal, and it provides the perfect conditions for new plants and animals to flourish.

Summer is the warmest season and is characterized by longer days and shorter nights. During this season, the sun is at its highest point in the sky, and its rays are the most intense. Summer is a time of growth and productivity, as the warm temperatures and long days provide the perfect conditions for plants and animals to grow and reproduce. In many regions, summer is also the time for outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, and swimming, as people enjoy the warm weather and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Fall (autumn) is the season that marks the transition from summer to winter. During this season, the leaves on trees change color and eventually fall off, and the temperatures become cooler. Fall is a time of change and transformation, as the environment prepares for the upcoming winter. The shorter days and longer nights signal the end of the growing season, and many plants and animals begin to prepare for the cold winter months ahead.

Winter is the coldest season, characterized by shorter days and longer nights. During this season, the Earth is tilted away from the sun, and the sun's rays are weaker. Winter is a time of rest and renewal for many plants and animals, as the harsh conditions make it difficult for them to grow and reproduce. However, some animals, such as penguins and polar bears, have adapted to the cold winter conditions and are able to thrive during this season.

In conclusion, the Earth's seasons are caused by the tilt of its axis and its orbit around the sun. Each season brings its own unique characteristics and affects the environment, flora, and fauna in different ways. From the renewal and growth of spring, to the warmth and productivity of summer, to the change and transformation of fall, to the rest and renewal of winter, the Earth's seasons play a crucial role in the balance of our planet's ecosystem. Understanding the Earth's seasons and their effects is essential for understanding the complex and interconnected web of life on our planet.

Earth experiences four distinct seasons throughout the year that are caused by the planet’s tilt on its axis. This tilt causes the sun’s rays to hit the Earth at different angles throughout the year and creates unique weather conditions for each season. During the winter, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, causing cooler temperatures and shorter days. In the summer, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, resulting in warmer temperatures and longer days. In the spring and fall, the temperatures tend to be milder and the days become progressively shorter or longer.

Each of these seasons also bring along with them unique environmental changes. During the winter, most trees and plants lose their leaves, grasses turn brown, and animals migrate to warmer climates or enter hibernation. In the spring, the trees and plants begin to bloom and the days become longer and warmer. In the summer, crops ripen, insects become more active, and the days are at their longest. In the fall, the leaves begin to change color and the days become shorter and cooler again.

The changing of the seasons is a cycle that has been happening since the beginning of time and will continue to do so indefinitely. This cycle affects everything on the planet, from the weather to our daily lives. It is important for us to understand and appreciate this cycle in order to better prepare for the changing weather and seasonal events.

In conclusion, the changing of the seasons is a cycle that has been happening for centuries and will continue to do so indefinitely. This cycle affects everything on Earth, from the weather to our daily lives. Understanding and appreciating this cycle can help us better prepare for the changing weather and seasonal events. By recognizing and understanding the shifts in the seasons, we can be better prepared for what changes may come our way.

Match each air mass type with the source region where the air mass is most likely to have formed.


Answer: Wow that is hard


Scientists study how radioactive isotopes in rocks, such as carbon-14, decay to tell the age of the rock.

Does knowing the half-life of carbon 14 help scientists determine the absolute or relative age of a rock? State your claim. Use evidence to support your claim and explains your reasoning.

Please help before Feb 14 (thats when this is due) thank you!

there are 5 lines for me to write so try to stretch it out



When the isotopes decay, scientists can find out how old the rock is depending on the radioactive isotope's half-life.


Radioactive isotopes are unstable and will decay. For example, when humans die carbon-14 decays. The isotopes will decay into a stable isotope over time. Scientists can tell how old the rock was from looking at the radioactive isotope's half-life, which tells them how long it would take for there to be half the radioactive isotope and half the stable isotope. At the next half-life there will be 25% of the radioactive isotope and 75% of the stable isotope. At the next half life there will be 12.5% radioactive and 87.5% stable.


Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope with a half life of 5,730 years. How old would carbon-14 be when there is 75% carbon-14 in the rock?

75% is half of the time before the half-life, so it would be 2,365 years.

Hope this helps. Half life helps scientists find how much the isotope has decayed and the age of the rock.

Whatever is ⬆️ there

Use the Punnett square to determine the ratio of offspring with: Brown body and red eyes : Brown body and brown eyes : Black body and red eyes : Black body and brown eyes :


The Punnett square shows us how te genes are distributed among the offsprings.

What does the Punnett square show?

Your question is incomplete but I will tell you something about how the  Punnett square  works.

A Punnett square is a graphical representation of the possible genetic outcomes of a cross or mating between two individuals. It is used in genetics to predict the frequency of different traits in the offspring produced from a genetic cross.

The Punnett square is set up as a grid, with one parent's alleles along the top and the other parent's alleles along the side. The alleles from each parent are combined in each box of the grid to represent the possible genetic outcome for a single offspring. The frequency of each outcome can be determined by counting the number of times that each combination appears in the grid.

Learn more about Punnet square:


The central dogma of molecular biology states that DNA İS

into mRNA, which

is then translated into polypeptides,

2 Eukaryotic ribosomes exist freely floating in the and membrane-bound.

3. In peptide synthesis, after an amino acid has been added to the polypeptide chain,

the empty exits the ribosome.

Pen foster



is then translated into polypeptides,


The central dogma includes two processes: Transcription where the sequence of genes found in the double strand of DNA is transcribed to sequences of single-strand RNA forming mRNA. Translation where the mRNA sequence is translated to amino acids. Amino acids are then linked together to form polypeptides.

please answer these question


The door was able to stay closed because of the magnetized strip.

The door stays closed because of the magnetized strip

Can someone please describe in four sections what is happening in the images below. I think it is active transport



Explanation: energy is transferring to the sun

energy is being transferred to sun

Could someone help me with this?

Rigo left 62 grams of ice in a closed container. When's he came back he found that the ice had melted. How much water would he be expected to have in the container?


62grams of water should be there
62gs as well as what he said

The addition of yeast into bread dough makes it raised by increasing its volume, and the growth of fungus takes place on bread slide when it is left for a longer time in moisture. A researcher took samples from the dough of bread on slide A, and from old bread on slide B. The researcher observed the growth of these organisms under the microscope. What type of asexual reproduction might have been observed by the researcher on both the slides?



The correct answer is 'Saccharomyces cerevisiae'.


Bread dough is made using yeast. As the dough ferments, carbon dioxide is created and trapped as microscopic air bubbles. It increases as a result. The expansion of carbon dioxide during baking allows the bread to rise higher. Baker's yeast, commonly known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is used to make many different bakery goods in addition to bread.

It is employed in the fermentation process, which yeast performs on the sugar and starch in the flour. Fermentation transforms the starch into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

After baking, the carbon dioxide in the dough gives the bread its softness and fluffy texture. It also causes the dough to rise.


Write a testable question that could be used to further investigate the topic of resources and populations of organisms.

Are there any other questions you can test about resource use in another ecosystem? Resources include air, space, water, mates, and shelter too.


Question: What is the correlation between resource availability and population size of organisms in a different ecosystem?
Question: Do animals not having shelter affect their survival?

Can someone help me with this description of active transport.

You have to describe what is happening in the picture.


Answer: Just explain what you see and how it effects your description.

Explanation: I'm pretty sure all you have to do is show how energy effects the positions and movement of active transport.

1st image: the molecules are forcing their way through the protein channel
2nd image: the molecules that are passing through the protein channel are using the energy to make the pathway bigger for them to fit
3rd image: the pathway became bigger
4th image: after the molecules got passed through the protein channel, it came back to its normal size

This weather map showed the temperature (in °F) in the United States on a winter day. It also includes two pressure systems, labeled "H" and "L." Explain where weather fronts are most likely located, and predict the weather at each pressure system.

Read the assignment carefully and make sure you answer each part of the question or questions.

After you've written your response, go back and read it again to make sure your thoughts are clear.
Please someone answer I need help.


Answer: The Low Pressure systems will usually be found more North where it gets verycold but can really happen anywhere, and High pressure systems are usually found in the Southwest during winter.


High Pressure:

A high pressure system has higher pressure at its center than the areas around it. Winds blow away from high pressure. Swirling in the opposite direction from a low pressure system, the winds of a high pressure system rotate clockwise north of the equator and counterclockwise south of the equator. This is called anticyclonic flow. Air from higher in the atmosphere sinks down to fill the space left as air is blown outward. On a weather map, you may notice a blue H, denoting the location of a high pressure system.

Low Pressure:

A low pressure system has lower pressure at its center than the areas around it. Winds blow towards the low pressure, and the air rises in the atmosphere where they meet. As the air rises, the water vapor within it condenses, forming clouds and often precipitation. Because of Earth’s spin and the Coriolis effect, winds of a low pressure system swirl counterclockwise north of the equator and clockwise south of the equator. This is called cyclonic flow. On weather maps, a low pressure system is labeled with red L.

A solid is a state of matter that has a(n) a. Indefinite volume and an indefinite shape. B. Definite volume and a definite shape. C. Definite volume and an indefinite shape. D. Indefinite volume and a definite shape



B . Definite volume and definite shape


B bc that’s the answer

Could someone help me with this?

Rust is formed when iron reacts with the oxygen in moist air. Suppose 100 g of iron metal rusts. We weigh the rust and find that the rust has a mass of 143 g. What mass of oxygen reacted with the iron?



Rust is a type of corrosion that occurs when iron reacts with the oxygen in moist air. Rust forms an oxide layer on the surface of metal objects, which can weaken them and cause them to break down over time. In order for rust to form, a reaction must take place between iron and oxygen molecules in the presence of water or moisture.

Suppose 100 g of iron metal rusts and we weigh it afterwards find that the mass has increased by 43 g; this means that 43g worth of material was added during this reaction process - i.e., 43g worth of oxygen reacted with 100g worth if iron during this particular instance! This calculation can be used as an example for any other similar scenario where one wishes to calculate how much mass (in grams)of oxygen reacted with some given amount (in grams)of Iron metal: simply subtracting initial weight from final weight yields us our desired result!

In conclusion, when Iron reacts with Oxygen in moist air it forms Rust; using basic math concepts such as subtraction we are able to determine how much mass (in grams)of Oxygen actually reacted with some given amount(also measured in terms if Grams!) Of Iron Metal - so long as we know both initial & final weights before & after oxidation takes place respectively!.


mark me as brainly plsssssss

Answer:Rust is a type of corrosion that occurs when iron reacts with the oxygen in moist air. Rust forms an oxide layer on the surface of metal objects, which can weaken them and cause them to break down over time. In order for rust to form, a reaction must take place between iron and oxygen molecules in the presence of water or moisture.

Suppose 100 g of iron metal rusts and we weigh it afterwards find that the mass has increased by 43 g; this means that 43g worth of material was added during this reaction process - i.e., 43g worth of oxygen reacted with 100g worth if iron during this particular instance! This calculation can be used as an example for any other similar scenario where one wishes to calculate how much mass (in grams)of oxygen reacted with some given amount (in grams)of Iron metal: simply subtracting initial weight from final weight yields us our desired result!

In conclusion, when Iron reacts with Oxygen in moist air it forms Rust; using basic math concepts such as subtraction we are able to determine how much mass (in grams)of Oxygen actually reacted with some given amount(also measured in terms if Grams!) Of Iron Metal - so long as we know both initial & final weights before & after oxidation takes place respectively!.


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