compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes is nutrition. true or false?


Answer 1

False. Nutrition, which aids in the regulation of several bodily functions, is not one substance but rather a combination of nutrients and other substances included in meals.

Macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients are two categories of nutrition (vitamins and minerals). The breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and galactose gives the body energy.

While lipids provide the body energy and insulation, proteins are in charge of cell development and repair. Numerous biological processes, including metabolism, the generation of red blood cells, the operation of the immune system, and defence against infection, depend on vitamins and minerals.

Finally, dietary fibre is crucial for a balanced diet since it helps to control blood sugar levels and avoid constipation. All of these ingredients and nutrients from food are crucial for keeping the body healthy.

To learn more about Macronutrients visit:


Related Questions

What cell organelle is the site of aerobic cell respiration?



Explanation:The Mitochondria is known as the powerhouse of the cell and it is the site of aerobic cell respiration.

Answer: Mitochondria is the site of aerobic cell respiration.

Explanation:   Aerobic respiration is the biological process in which food glucose is converted into energy in the presence of oxygen. This type of respiration is common in most plants, animals, birds, humans, and other mammals.

Mitochondria are organelles that have membranes specialized for aerobic respiration. Oxidation of chemical substances takes place in mitochondria. It absorbs oxygen and releases energy and carbon dioxide. So, that is why respiration takes place in Mitochondria.

To learn more about Mitochondria

the two most obvious physical changes seen in early childhood include growth in height and an increase in ____


The two most obvious physical changes seen in early childhood include growth in height and an increase in weight.

During early childhood, which is typically defined as the period between ages 2 and 6, children experience a rapid growth phase. This growth phase is characterized by an increase in height and weight, as well as other physical changes such as the development of fine motor skills and improved coordination. In terms of height, children in early childhood typically grow at a rate of around 2-3 inches per year. This growth is largely due to an increase in bone length and density, as well as changes in the musculature and connective tissue. In terms of weight, children in early childhood typically gain an average of 4-5 pounds per year. This weight gain is largely due to an increase in muscle mass, as well as an increase in body fat, which is important for energy storage and insulation. These physical changes are important for a child's overall development, and are closely linked to other aspects of growth and development such as cognitive and emotional development. By monitoring a child's growth and development, parents and caregivers can help to ensure that the child is healthy and developing at an appropriate pace.

To learn more about growth refer to this link


What type of molecule did you make?



AUG GGU UGU UAA is an amino acid sequence, which further forms proteins.

What are amino acids?

Proteins are made up of substances called amino acids. Proteins and amino acids are the components of life. Amino acids are the byproducts of the digestion or breakdown of proteins.

Amino acids are used by the human body to create proteins that aid in dissecting food.

There are mainly 20 types of amino acids. 10 are essential amino acids, while 10 are non-essential amino acids. Our body synthesizes non-essential amino acids, while we have to include essential amino acids in our diet.

Learn more about amino acids, here:


calculate the purification of the target protein when there is a 30% decrease in activity and a 55% decrease in total protein after centrifugation.


The purification of the target protein when there is a 30% decrease in activity and a 55% decrease in total protein after centrifugation is 1.6-fold.

Total activity is the total number of enzyme activity units (U) recovered at each step (and present in samples from that step). Proteins are lost at various steps and are also denatured during manipulation, so they are usually depleted during purification. The goal of any protein purification process is to obtain a highly pure, stable and active protein for subsequent experiments. The exact nature of the downstream application will dictate the level of purity that must be achieved, compatible buffer/storage conditions, and required quality control testing.

To extract protein from cells containing protein, the cells must be separated using centrifugation. Centrifugation with varied densities of medium, in particular, can aid in the separation of proteins produced in specific cells. Generally, the first step after forming a crude extract is simple filtration or centrifugation to remove bulky material. Centrifugation is the process of using a centrifuge to sediment a mixture using centrifugal force.

For more information on protein purification , visit :


What does deliver oxygenated blood to the body's cells?


Blood that is oxygenated and other nutrients are delivered to body cells by the circulatory system.

The heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries are all parts of the circulatory system, which is a network of blood vessels. The arteries, which divide into smaller arterioles and finally into capillaries, carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body's tissues and organs. The tiniest blood vessels, called capillaries, are in charge of transferring nutrients, waste products, and oxygen from the blood to the body's cells. Whilst also waste materials, such as carbon dioxide, disperse from the tissues into the capillaries, oxygen and nutrients diffuse from the capillaries into to the surrounding structures. The blood returns to the coronary thru the veins, merging into larger venous system and then into the heart after swapping materials with the cells.

Learn more about “ circulatory system ” visit here;


What is the definition of Active transport?


Active transport entails the use of energy to transfer molecules across such a cell membrane from one area with a low concentration to another.

What are active and passive modes of transport?

With the use of energies in the form of ATP, active transport transports atoms and ions from a lower concentration to a higher concentration. In contrast hand, passively transport does not require any energy to move molecules or ions from one concentration to another.

What is Toppr active transport?

Moving molecules all over a cell membrane against their gradient of concentration, from a low to a high concentration, is known as active transport.

To know more about Active transport visit :


which phenomenon(a) best explains the fact that, in similar habitats, similar growth forms and similar physiological adaptations have evolved repeatedly in unrelated plant clades?


Convergent evolution, as used in evolutionary biology, is the process by which unrelated organisms independently develop similar traits as a result of having to adapt to related environments or ecological niches.

Convergent evolution is the independently occurring evolution of comparable traits in species from various epochs or periods of time. Analogous structures that have a similar form or function but were absent from those groups' most recent common ancestor are created by convergent evolution. Homoplasy is the cladistic name for the same phenomenon. The independent evolution of the useful ability of flight in flying insects, birds, pterosaurs, and bats is a classic example of recurrent evolution.

Analogous features are those that have developed through convergent evolution and have similar functions, whereas homologous structures or traits may share a common ancestor but serve different purposes. In spite of having different functions, the forelimbs of birds, bats, and pterosaurs are homologous, sharing an ancestral state.

Learn more about “ Convergent evolution,  ” visit here;



Which phenomenon(a) best explains the fact that, in similar habitats, similar growth forms and similar physiological adaptations have evolved repeatedly in unrelated plant clades?


genetic drift

convergent evolution



natural selection

When you use a field guide to identify a species by its appearance, you are applying the _____ conceptA. morphospeciesB. biological speciesC. ecological speciesD. evolutionary species


Applying the morphospecies theory or morphological species concept, you can identify a species by looking at it in a field guide.

The morphological species concept applies to both asexual and sexual organisms and describes a species according to its body shape and other structural characteristics. It differs from the modern definition of a species, where a collection of organisms that can breed with one another and produce fertile offspring are considered to belong to the same species. The Morphospecies concept seeks to explain speciation by examining structural similarities between different species. The forelimbs of mammals are an illustration of this. The forelimbs of a human, a cat, a whale, and a bat are similar.

It defines species as groups of individuals that share morphological characteristics and differ from other groups of similar individuals. When two organisms meet certain morphological (anatomical) requirements, they are categorised as belonging to the same species. When a species cannot reproduce sexually—some of which are only known from fossils—this is used.

To learn more species click here:


Imagine that a volcano starts to emit a lot of gas and has an increase in shallow earthquakes, indicating that magma may be rising towards the surface. A couple of days later the activity ceases before an eruption occurs. Which of the following could explain why the activity shut off?
A)The rising magma encountered a very strong rock layer.
B)There was probably a large landslide on the volcano that increased the lithostatic pressure?
C)The number of bubbles in the magma increased and stopped the magma from rising.
D)The magma encountered water which made it stop erupting.


Imagine that a volcano starts to emit a lot of gas and has an increase in shallow earthquakes, indicating that magma may be rising towards the surface. A couple of days later the activity ceases before an eruption occurs.

The activity that explains the scenario above is the magma encountered water which made it stop erupting.

Option D is correct.

What is a volcano?

A volcano is described as a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface

From the scenario above, when magma encounters water, it may bring about  an explosive reaction, leading to the rapid release of pressure,  causing the magma to stop rising and erupting.

Learn more about volcano at:


the double coiled, staircase shape of dna is called a


The double coiled staircase shape of DNA is called a double helix .

The DNA double helix biopolymer of nucleic acid is held together by nucleotides which base pair together. In B-DNA, the most common double helical structure found in nature, the double helix is right-handed with about 10–10.5 base pairs per turn. Each molecule of DNA is a double helix formed from two complementary strands of nucleotides held together by hydrogen bonds between G-C and A-T base pairs. Duplication of the genetic information occurs by the use of one DNA strand as a template for formation of a complementary strand . DNA is a double helix formed by base pairs attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone. The double helix of DNA has these features: It contains two polynucleotide strands wound around each other. The backbone of each consists of alternating deoxyribose and phosphate groups. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure. DNA in each human cell is packaged into 46 chromosomes arranged into 23 pairs.

Learn more about double coiled here:


which organelle receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum and glycosylates them before sorting the proteins to other organelles?


The organelle that receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum and glycosylates them before sorting the proteins into other organelles is the Golgi apparatus.

Proteins obtained from the endoplasmic reticulum are processed and sorted in the Golgi apparatus, or Golgi complex, where they are eventually transported to lysosomes, the plasma membrane, or secretion. The extensive range of cellular components that go down the secretory pathway is thus processed by the Golgi apparatus.

The Golgi apparatus, or cisternae, is a group of connected, flattened membrane-enclosed disks that originate from vesicular clusters that branch off the endoplasmic reticulum and are found in the majority of eukaryotes.

The Golgi apparatus' composition and purpose are closely related. Enzymes are distributed differently across each stack, enabling cargo proteins to be processed gradually as they go from the cisternae to the trans-Golgi face. Only in the vicinity of the Golgi stacks' membrane surfaces, where the enzymes are attached, do enzymatic processes take place.

To learn more about the Golgi apparatus, click below:


Cyanobacteria is a bacterium that uses the process of _______________________________ to make its food.
Cellular Respiration
Cell Processes
Chemical Reaction


Blue-green algae, also referred to as cyanobacteria, are some of the most prevalent creatures in both fresh and salt water. They resemble green plants in that they can employ photosynthesis to produce their own sustenance using solar energy. 

Carotenoids, phycobilins, and various types of chlorophyll are photosynthetic pigments used by cyanobacteria to absorb light energy. Cyanobacteria are heterotrophic prokaryotic organisms that lack internal membranes. These are thylakoids, which are flattened sacs where photosynthesis occurs.

Green plants, which are phototrophic eukaryotes, perform photosynthesis in plastids that are thought to be cyanobacterial in origin and were acquired long ago via a process known as endosymbiosis. Following this evolution and differentiation, these endosymbiotic cyanobacteria in eukaryotes become specialised organelles known as plastids, which include chloroplasts, chromoplasts, etioplasts, and leucoplasts.

To know more about Photosynthesis click here:


According to the concept of punctuated equilibrium, the "sudden" appearance of a new species in the fossil record means that a. the species is now extinct. speciation occurred instantaneously. b. speciation occurred in one generation. c. speciation occurred rapidly in geologic time. d. the species will consequently have a relatively short


The correct answer is C. speciation occurred quickly in geologic time.

According to the notion of punctuated equilibrium, the process of species development takes place in brief bursts, followed by stable intervals.

Contrary to the conventional theory of evolution, which contends that species evolve gradually over extended periods of time, this is the case. In accordance with this view, new species unexpectedly arise in the fossil record and are then preserved.

Punctuated equilibrium does not, then, imply that speciation happens within a single generation or that the species is already gone. Instead, it implies that diversification happens quickly across geologic time and that the questioned species could still exist.

To learn more about equilibrium visit:


describe how the immune system defends the body against diseases



The acquired immune system, with help from the innate system, makes special proteins (called antibodies) to protect your body from a specific invader. These antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after the body has been exposed to the invader. The antibodies stay in your child's body.

What does appositional growth of cartilage occur when chondrocytes begin to divide and secret?


Chondroblasts secrete new matrix along preexisting surfaces, resulting in appositional growth, which causes the cartilage to enlarge and broaden. Chondrocytes within the cartilage secrete a new matrix during interstitial growth, which causes the cartilage to lengthen.

Although bone length stops growing in early adulthood, stress from increasing muscle activity or weight can cause bones to thicken or dilate over the course of a person's lifetime. The diameter increase is known as appositional growth.

The process by which cartilage-forming cells in the matrix secrete a fresh matrix in opposition to the exterior face of the preexisting cartilage tissue is known as appositional growth. When chondrocytes divide and create a new matrix, interstitial growth takes place, causing the cartilage tissue to develop from inside.

To know more about chondroblasts please check the following link


what defect causes pituitary dwarfism? view available hint(s)for part a what defect causes pituitary dwarfism? neurodegeneration one defective allele lack of growth hormone lack of a pituitary gland


The pituitary gland is destroyed by a malignant, degenerative, or aberrant process, which results in pituitary dwarfism. As a result, the production of additional pituitary hormones such growth hormone (GH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) may also decrease.

The most common and easily recognisable form of dwarfism in humans is achondroplasia, a congenital disorder in which the limbs are short (in around 70% of cases). In most other situations, a shortage of growth hormone is to blame. The type of treatment depends on the underlying cause. Patients with hereditary disorders occasionally need physical therapy or surgery. Hormone imbalances can also be treated with growth hormone therapy prior to the child's growth plates merging. Custom-made furniture is regularly used as personal accommodations by people of modest size. Many support groups provide services to assist people in coping with any potential discrimination they may experience.

To learn more about dwarfism click on the given link:


Without autonomic nervous system input resting heart rate would be approximately
O 70−80 beats/min O 50−60 beats/min O 100−120 beats/min O 200−220 beats/min


Without autonomic nervous system input, the resting heart rate would be approximately c. 100-120 beats/min.

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the heart rate, among other functions. It consists of two branches, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which work together to maintain a balance in the body's internal environment.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for increasing the heart rate and preparing the body for physical activity or stress, while the parasympathetic nervous system helps to slow down the heart rate and promote relaxation.

Know more about nervous system here:


(complete question)

Without autonomic nervous system input resting heart rate would be approximately

a.  70-80 beats/min

b. 50-60 beats/min

c. 100-120 beats/min

d. 200-220 beats/min

Classify each feature as describing euchromatin, heterochromatin; Or both. Euchromatin Both Heterochromatin A) is a state of DNA organization B) inaccessible to transcription machinery C) found in prokaryotes D) is accessible to transcription machincry E) is the major state of the human chromosomc F) is tightly packed G) is looscly packed H) is the major slate of most genes


Based on the given features, the classification of euchromatin, heterochromatin, or both is:  is a state of DNA organization , B) inaccessible to transcription machinery , C) found in prokaryotes: Euchromatin is not found in prokaryotes

D) is accessible to transcription machinery: Euchromatin is accessible to transcription machinery.

E) is the major state of the human chromosome: Euchromatin is the major state of the human chromosome.

F) is tightly packed: Heterochromatin is tightly packed.

G) is loosely packed: Euchromatin is loosely packed.

H) is the major state of most genes: Euchromatin is the major state of most genes.

In summary, euchromatin and heterochromatin are both states of DNA organization, but they differ in their accessibility to transcription machinery and their level of compaction. Euchromatin is loosely packed and accessible to transcription machinery, making it the major state of most genes. Heterochromatin, on the other hand, is tightly packed and inaccessible to transcription machinery, serving a role in gene silencing and chromatin condensation.

Learn more about Heterochromatin  here:


a cell has a higher potassium concentration inside than outside. at the nernst equilibrium, which is true for the ion flow through the selectively permeable membrane?


For the ion flow across the selectively permeable membrane, the net flow of potassium ions will be zero at the Nernst equilibrium.

The value of the equilibrium potential for any ion depends upon the concentration gradient for that ion across the membrane. At the Nernst equilibrium, the ion flow through the selectively permeable membrane is equal in both directions, meaning that the net flow of potassium ions will be zero. This is because the concentration gradient, which drives the movement of potassium ions from an area of high concentration (inside the cell) to an area of low concentration (outside the cell), is balanced by the electrical potential, which acts to repel positively charged potassium ions back into the cell.

For such more questions on Nernst equilibrium


A plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor hours is ______ appropriate.


A plantwide overhead rate based on direct labor hours is sometimes appropriate

The department allocation method is an allocation method that has a separate cost pool for each department, which has its own overhead allocation rate or set of rates. o The choice of whether to use a plantwide rate or departmental rates depends on the products and the production process. The cost object of the plantwide overhead rate method is: The unit of product. From an ABC perspective, what causes costs to be incurred? A company estimates that overhead costs for the next year will be $9,234,000 for indirect labor and $156,800 for factory utilities. The plantwide overhead rate is a single overhead rate that a company uses to allocate all of its manufacturing overhead costs to products or cost objects. It is most commonly used in smaller entities with simple cost structures.

Learn more about Plantwide here:


Most bacterial cells are encased by a strong cell wall composed of ___________________ which is a carbohydrate matrix cross-linked by polypeptides.


Most bacterial cells are encased by a strong cell wall composed of peptidoglycan, which is a carbohydrate matrix cross-linked by polypeptides.

What is the role of peptidoglycan in bacterial cell?

Peptidoglycan provides strength and rigidity to the bacterial cell wall and also helps to protect the cell from osmotic stress. Peptidoglycan is a critical component of the cell wall in bacteria, providing structural support and protection against osmotic stress. The peptidoglycan layer forms a mesh-like structure that encases the bacterial cell, providing rigidity and shape. The layer also helps to protect the cell from bursting due to changes in osmotic pressure, such as when the concentration of solutes is higher outside the cell than inside. Additionally, the peptidoglycan layer is a key target for antibiotics, which can interfere with its synthesis and cause bacterial cell death.

To know more about Peptidoglycan, visit:


If human activity continues at its present rate, what will probably happen to the levels of carbon dioxide and the other gases?


If human activity continues at its present rate, the levels of carbon dioxide and other gases increases.

What are the effects of human activities on the environment?

The effects of human activities on land and in the sea can have a significant impact on ecosystems.

Among the various issues that ecosystems face include climate change, ocean acidification, habitat loss, eutrophication, stormwater runoff, air pollution, pollutants, and invasive species.

Therefore, If human activity continues at its present rate, the levels of carbon dioxide and other gases increases.

Learn more about the environment, here:


Explain: How would you explain this scientific
concept or process to someone who has never
heard of this before? Use details from the article to
explain the concept or process. (NEWSELA article: what are mitochondria and how did we come to have them?)


Mitochondria are organelles found in the cells of all living organisms. They are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell because they are responsible for generating most of the cell's supply of energy in the form of a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

The interesting thing about mitochondria is that they have their own DNA and are believed to have evolved from a symbiotic relationship between two different organisms. Scientists believe that early in the evolution of life on Earth, a primitive cell engulfed another organism and over time, the two became mutually dependent on each other. The engulfed organism eventually evolved into the mitochondria, while the host cell evolved into the nucleus.

In this symbiotic relationship, the mitochondria would provide the energy needed by the host cell to carry out its functions, while the host cell would provide a safe environment and nutrients for the mitochondria. This relationship was so successful that it has been passed down from generation to generation in most eukaryotic cells (cells with a nucleus).

In summary, mitochondria are organelles that play a crucial role in generating energy for the cell and have an interesting evolutionary history. They are believed to have originated from a symbiotic relationship between two different organisms and have been passed down from generation to generation in most eukaryotic cells.

what is the name of the differentiation technique that causes bacteria to turn either pink or purple?


Gram staining is a method frequently used to distinguish between two sizable groups of bacteria based on the distinct components of their cell walls. By staining these cells red or violet, the Gram stain method distinguishes between Gram positive and Gram negative groupings.

Although the microscope is a crucial instrument in microbiology, there are restrictions when it comes to viewing cells in general and bacterial cells in particular through one. Resolution and contrast are two of the most crucial issues. Since most bacterial cells are already very close to the resolution threshold of most light microscopes, resolution is a limitation that we can't do much about. But contrast can be enhanced by switching to a new kind of optical system, like phase contrast or differential interference contrast.

To know more about staining technique click here:


96 The diagram shows how the volume of the left ventricle changes over a time period of 1.3 seconds.
Volume of
left ventricle
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Time in seconds
How many complete heart beats are shown in the diagram?
Use the graph to calculate how long one heart beat takes. Show your working.
Use your answer to bi to calculate the heart rate. Show your working.


96 The diagram shows how the volume of the left ventricle changes over a time period of 1.3 seconds.


Volume of

left ventricle








0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Time in seconds

How many complete heart beats are shown in the diagram?

Use the graph to calculate how long one heart beat takes. Show your working.

Use your answer to bi to calculate the heart rate. This is the answer

what is the microscopic appearance of rbcs when stained with a romanowsky stain?


The microscopic appearance of red blood cells (RBCs) when stained with a Romanowsky stain is typically described as pink to red and measures 6 to 8 µm in diameter with a zone of pallor that occupies around one-third of their center.

The Romanowsky stain is a type of staining technique that is commonly used in the field of cytology and hematology. It is used to differentiate and identify different types of cells, particularly in blood smears and bone marrow samples. The Romanowsky stain is composed of a mixture of eosin and methylene blue dyes, which stain different cellular components in varying shades of pink, purple, and blue. This allows for the identification of different types of blood cells, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, as well as the detection of any abnormalities or diseases.

Learn more about Romanowsky stain at


which is the only reaction in the citric acid cycle that produces atp by substrate-level phosphorylation?


Oxidative phosphorylation is the only reaction in the citric acid cycle that produces ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation.

The citric acid cycle (CAC), often referred to as the Krebs cycle or the TCA cycle, is a sequence of chemical reactions that oxidize acetyl-CoA, which is obtained from carbs, lipids, and proteins, to release stored energy. Instead of fermenting, organisms that respire use the Krebs cycle to produce energy, whether through anaerobic or aerobic respiration. The cycle also supplies precursors of certain amino acids and NADH, a reducing agent that is employed in a variety of other processes.

The electron transport chain is where NADH and FADH₂ are transferred during oxidative phosphorylation, where their high-energy electrons will ultimately fuel the synthesis of ATP.

To know more about citric acid cycle


1.what observations led mendel to conclude that traits were inherited as discrete particles from each parent?


The observations that led Mendel to conclude that traits were inherited as discrete particles from each parent are, that trait were inherited as dominant and recessive, which led him to propose the conclusion that they were particles inherited from each parent.

Mendel did studies on inherited genes that lead him to accept some traits were dominant and recessive. Through this, he found that some genes had ratios of being generated, relating to the maternal and paternal traits they have.

This observation states that traits are inherited as dominant and recessive, and not all blended, which made him to propose the conclusion that they were particles inherited from each parent.

As per Mendelian inheritance, all the traits which are present in an offspring are determined by the specific which exist in alternate forms called as alleles.

To learn more about  Mendels law,


due to its hydrophilic channels, porins allow the passage of group of answer choices small water-soluble nutrients. sugars. amino acids. inorganic ions. all of the above.


Hydrophilic channels the passage of small macromolecules, such as glucose or maltose amongst others.

Porins also possess an internal hydrophilic channel or pore that permits the passage of small macromolecules, such as glucose or maltose amongst others, from the external environment to the cell interior.

Channel proteins can aid in the facilitated diffusion of substances by forming a hydrophilic passage through the plasma membrane through which polar and charged substances can pass.the bilayer has a hydrophobic core that prevents the passage of polar molecules while allowing the relatively free diffusion of non-polar molecules. This is important because it allows the bilayer to select which molecules it will allow into and out of the cell.

The molecules or proteins are considered hydrophilic. These molecules are also referred to as water-loving molecules. There is an association of the proteins with the membrane of the cell. The location of a protein is in the lipid bilayer.

Learn more about hydrophilic here:-


substance or material that causes pollution.​



lead,carbon monoxide,nitrogen oxides,ground levels,particle pollution

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