Compare and contrast. what three elements do all macromolecules share? explain how the chemical properties of lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and amino acids differ from carbohydrates.


Answer 1

All macromolecules have carbon atom and the hydrogen atom.

What are macromolecules?

The term macromolecules refers to the molecules that are composed of smaller units. These smaller units are called monomers. The macromolecules that we are concerned with here are the macromolecules that could be found in the human body.

The biological macromolecules are often very large as we can see. This is because the number of units that are joined to form the macromolecules are usually very much. There are thousands of monomer molecules that are joined together to give proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and the nucleic acid macromolecules.

All the macromolecules have the carbon atom and the hydrogen atom. These are found across all the macromolecules. The carbohydrates are reducing sugars thus they contain the carbonyl bond. The carbonyl group is absent in lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and amino hence they do not undergo carbonyl reduction reactions.

Learn more about macromolecules:


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According to ecological theory, the people closest to a developing child represent his or her?



According to ecological theory, the people closest to a developing child represent his or her microsystem.

What is a child's microsystem development?The immediate surroundings of a child is referred to here, including their family, playgroup, neighborhood, and peer group. Meosystem: This term describes the links that young children establish between their immediate surroundings, such as their home and playgroup.

Which exemplifies a child's microsystem the best?The family, school, religion, peer groups, and neighborhoods are a few examples of microsystems. The closest stimuli to a child that have a direct impact on their psychosocial development are called microsystems.

How does a child's microsystem effect them?Children do not often connect with significant adults, which is essential for development. The ecological hypothesis states that if the connections in the immediate microsystem fail, the youngster will lack the resources to investigate other areas of his surroundings.

To learn more about microsystem visit:


What senses can we use to make observations?



You can use all five of your senses to make observations: your sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste


Which of the following is true about an electric current moving through a wire in a circuit?
It generates the most energy when the circuit is open.
It must be in contact with objects to make them move.
It can produce a force on a nearby magnet.


A. It generates the most energy when the circuit is open.

We all start out as one cell. cell differentiation, or specialization, occurs when early embryo cells _________.


We all start out as one cell. cell differentiation, or specialization, occurs when early embryo cells switch off certain unneeded genes.

Cell differentiation is the process in which the cell divides and changes their functional or phenotypical type. They are specialized and differentiated to perform a particular function. For example, epithelial cells, nerve cells, smooth muscle cells.

The cells in the embryonic stage are pluripotent and can divide to form the whole body. They are not specialized and have the ability to differentiate into any cell of the body.

In embryonic stage, some of the genes are switched off in certain cells which enable them to differentiate into a particular type of cell.

To learn more about cell differentiation here


Choose the correct scientific name for a microbial species. multiple choice
a. staphylococcus aureus
b. streptococcus pyogenes
c. klebsiella pneumoniae
d. escherichia coli


streptococcus pyogenes is the correct scientific name for a microbial species.

A species of aerotolerant, gram-positive bacteria belonging to the genus Streptococcus is called Streptococcus pyogenes. These bacteria are extracellular and composed of cocci (round cells), which are not spore-producing or motile and frequently form chains. Since they are a rare but typically pathogenic component of the skin microbiota that can result in Group A streptococcal infection, they are clinically significant for humans. According to the type of hemolysis performed on blood agar, they are separated into three groups: beta-hemolytic (full red cell lysis), a hemolytic (green hemolysis), and gamma-hemolytic (no hemolysis). A specific type of bacteria, such as staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella pneumoniae, and escherichia coli, causes a particular disease.

To learn more about microbial species. Click,


The discovery of ribozymes provide evidence that life on the early earth may have been based on:________


The discovery of ribozymes provide evidence that life on the early earth may have been based on RNA.

Ribozymes are the RNA molecules with the capability of  performing catalysis. They are, therefore, also called catalytic RNA.  Ribozymes are present in ribosomes where the catalyze the joining of amino acids to form polypeptides.

RNA is the transcript of DNA. These are usually single-stranded structures. There are majorly three types of RNA: m-RNA, t-RNA and r-RNA.  The difference from DNA is that in RNA, ribose sugar is present instead of deoxyribose and it consists of uracil as the nucleotide. Translation of m-RMA forms the protein.

To know more about ribozymes, here


Animals, plants, and fungi are all multicellular eukaryotes. What unifying characteristics distinguish animals from members of these other two kingdoms?

please help me with this question ​


Animals, Plants, and Fungi are multicellular, meaning that they have more than one cell in their body. Each cell also has a nucleus in it, a property which the other two kingdoms, Bacteria and Eubacteria don't have.

Pls give brainliest.

The number of deltas found in an arch pattern is _____ the number of deltas found in a loop pattern.


In a fingerprint, the number of deltas found in an arch pattern is less than the number of deltas found in a loop pattern.

A fingerprint is a detailed pattern of friction ridges comprised of low points called valleys or depression and high points called ridges that can be found on our hands, feet and toes. The ridges and valleys combine to form a unique pattern on the fingertips called prints. Fingerprints can be classified into three patterns: loop, arch and whorl.

All fingerprints contain a core and a delta. The core is found in the approximate center of the print. The delta is the point where the ridges form a triangular shape, usually in front of the core.

A fingerprint with an arch pattern usually has no delta, while loop patterns have one delta. The whorl pattern has two deltas.

Learn more about fingerprints here:


The __________ conveys information about movement from the cerebral hemispheres to the cerebellum


The pons conveys information about movement from the cerebral hemispheres to the cerebellum.

What is brain?

Brain is defined as an important organ of body which controls all the functions of the body and have command on all the body organs.

The outermost part of brain is known as dura mater which consist of a strong membrane layering and it is thick located just beneath the skull and vertebral column.

The outermost part or cerebrum has billions of neurons and glia that are responsible for the formation of cerebral cortex, the outermost part.

Whenever body stuck in a dangerous situation, the signal in the form of information is conveyed to brain and the particular part that receives the signal is known as amygdala.

Therefore, The pons conveys information about movement from the cerebral hemispheres to the cerebellum.

Learn more about brain here:


After a major crude oil spill, a variety of specific microbes is distributed in the area of the spill. this would be an example of:________


After a major crude oil spill, a variety of specific microbes is distributed in the area of the spill. this would be an example of Bioremediation

What is Bioremediation ?

A subfield of biotechnology called "bioremediation" uses living things like bacteria and microorganisms to clean up contaminated environments. It is used to clean up poisons, pollutants, and other contaminants from water, soil, and other habitats.

Bioremediation refers to the removal of biological fluids and blood that may include pathogens like hepatitis, HIV, and MRSA or pose other health problems. Crime scene cleaners employ enzyme cleansers rather than conventional cleaning products like bleach or ammonia to get rid of dangerous compounds from the site.

Microbial bioremediation, phytoremediation, and mycoremediation are a few of the most popular types of bioremediation.

Learn more about Bioremediation here:


They found that some mutations that each produced ____________ phenotypes separately yielded ____________ phenotypes when present together in the same dna.


They found that some mutations that each produced mutant phenotypes separately yielded wild-type phenotypes when present together in the same DNA.

A mutation is a change in the nucleic acid sequence of an organism's genome, a virus' genome, or extrachromosomal DNA. DNA or RNA can be found in the viral genome. Errors that occur during mitosis, meiosis, or viral replication led to mutations. The term phenotype refers to all of an organism's observable traits that emerge from the interplay of its genotype (total genetic inheritance) and environment or mutation.

There are two different sorts of phenotypes: wild type and mutant phenotype. Wild type refers to people who have the normal phenotype that the bulk of the natural population possesses, whereas mutant refers to people who have a phenotype that differs from the normal population.

To learn more about mutations and phenotype. Click


Distended neck veins, difficulty breathing, cough, severe headache, and tachycardia represent which type of blood transfusion reaction?


Transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO)

The scientist who formulated the three laws of planetary motion by analyzing the data on the precise location of planets in the sky was:________


The scientist who formulated the three laws of planetary motion by analyzing the data on the precise location of planets in the sky was: Johannes Kepler

What was the finding of Johann Kepler?

German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler made the discovery that the Earth and planets had elliptical orbits around the sun. He listed the three guiding principles of planetary motion.

Planets circle the sun in an elliptical pattern, which is explained by Kepler's first rule, sometimes known as the law of ellipses. A pencil, two tacks, a rope, a sheet of paper, and a piece of cardboard may all be used to create an ellipse.

According to Kepler's second rule, a planet travels in its orbit so that a line drawn between it and the Sun and focused on it covers the same amount of space in the same amount of time.

Learn more about planetary motion refer


Which organelle is involved in the destruction of bacteria, old organelles, and the liberation of enzymes?


An animal cell's organelle recycling facility, the lysosome is an organelle that houses digestive enzymes. It disassembles dated and pointless structures so that their molecules can be recycled. Some vesicles that exit the Golgi are directed to lysosomes, which are a component of the endomembrane system.

What are Enzymes ?

Proteins called enzymes aid in accelerating our bodies' chemical reactions, or metabolism. Some compounds are created, while others are broken down. Enzymes are a part of all living things. Enzymes are created by our bodies spontaneously. However, food and manufactured goods both contain enzymes.

Based on the type of process they are employed to catalyse, enzymes are categorised into six functional classes. Hydrolases, oxidoreductases, lyases, transferases, ligases, and isomerases are the six different categories of enzymes.

Learn more about Enzyme here:


Which organelle plays a role in intracellular digestion?
a) lysosome chloroplast
b) ribosome golgi
c) apparatus plasmodesmata


Lysosome organelle plays a role in intracellular digestion.

What is intracellular digestion?

To function, every living thing needs energy. Cells must not only take molecules from their surroundings but also degrade them in order to obtain energy from their external environment. Intracellular digestion is the term for this process.

Intracellular digestion is the process where food is taken directly into the cells and digested there. It happens in unicellular organisms like amoebas.

In intracellular digestion, food components are broken down into small molecules inside the food vacuoles of the cell. In extracellular digestion, food components are broken down into small molecules outside of the cell, either on the organic matter that is decomposing or in the alimentary canal lumen.

To learn more about intracellular digestion visit:


The submucosa houses numerous ______ glands that provide a thick, lubricating mucus for the epithelium. multiple choice question.


The submucosa houses numerous mucous glands that provide thick, lubricating mucus for the epithelium.

What is a mucous gland?

Mucous gland, also known as muciparous glands, are found in several different parts of the body, and they typically stain lighter than serous glands during standard histological preparation.

To know more about mucous gland go to the given link:

When a person is in a state of fear, the hormone epinephrine is released. This stimulates the activation of energy-generating catabolic pathways in order to provide the body with energy for a response to danger. How would that be helpful to a person who encounters a lion?.


The release of the hormone epinephrine will be helpful to a person who encounters a lion because it will lead to the supply of more energy to the muscles in the body and increased blood supply due to which the person can run away from the place of danger to a safe place.

The adrenal gland is a part of the endocrine system of the body.

It consists of two parts- the adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla.

The adrenal medulla secretes two hormones- adrenaline/epinephrine and noradrenaline/norepinephrine.

These hormones are released in response to any stressful situation and during emergency conditions, so they are called emergency hormones or hormones of Fight or Flight.

These hormones have the following effects on the body:-

They increase alertness.

They increase the heartbeat, the strength of contraction of the heart, and also the respiratory rate.

They also stimulate the activation of energy-generating catabolic pathways.

The above-mentioned effects help a person to escape a stressful situation.

Thus, the release of the hormone epinephrine will be helpful to a person who encounters a lion because it will lead to the supply of more energy to the muscles in the body and increased blood supply  due to which the person can run away from the place of danger to a safe place.

To know more about "adrenal glands", refer to the following link:


How does the shape of red blood cells best represent the relationship between structure and function?


A purple blood mobileular has what's referred to as a biconcave form. Both facets of the mobileular's floor curve inward just like the indoors of a sphere. The shape is known as biconcave disk.

This form aids in a purple blood mobileular's cappotential to move via tiny blood vessels to supply oxygen to organs and tissues.The round erythrocyte is synthesized with inside the bone marrow with inside the mammals that's biconcave in shape.

After synthesis, the nucleus is eliminated through the manner known as nucleation. The absence of a nucleus lets in the crimson blood cells to incorporate greater hemoglobin and as a result convey greater oxygen.

To learn more about nucleation here


A flowerless, seed-bearing plant is called a(n) ____. group of answer choices
a. angiosperm
b. gymnosperm
c. crinoid
d. echinoid
e. sponge


Gymnosperms are flourless, seed-bearing plants. Therefore, the answer is option B.

Gymnosperms are seed bearing plants. Since gymnosperms do not have flowers, their seeds are not usually encased in an ovary, unlike the angiosperms. Instead, their seeds are open on the surface of bracts (leaf like structures).

Gymnosperms grow mostly in temperate forests and cold boreal forests. There are four main divisions of gymnosperms which include:

Coniferophytes: They are evergreen trees that bear cones. They include trees with needle-like leaves like pines, firs, hemlock and sequoias.Cycadophytes: They include the cycads and grow in subtropical and tropical forests.Ginkgophytes: They only grow in China and can live for thousands of yearsGnetophytes: It is divided into three genera; Ephedra, Gnetum and the Welwitschia.

Learn more about gymnosperms here:


This type of signaling has a memebrane-bound signalling molecule that is created by one cell and is intended to reach another cell to cause an effect.



Paracrine type of signaling has a membrane-bound signalling molecule that is created by one cell and is intended to reach another cell to cause an effect.


Cell signaling is a sort of communication system in which a cell generates a signal to cause changes in neighboring cells, changing the behavior of those cells. Paracrine signaling is one type of cell signaling.

The substance sent from a neuron to a muscle that enables the muscle to constrict is just an example of the paracrine signal.

Are paracrine and endocrine the very same thing?

While autocrine signaling affects the signaling cell directly, endocrine signaling transports chemicals through the circulatory system. Through gap junctions, signaling molecules can travel directly between neighboring cells.

The phenomenon is known as a paracrine relationship, as well as the diffusible proteins are known as paracrine factors or differentiation plus growth factors when they can disperse across short distances to affect nearby cells (GDFs).

You can learn more at:


In an environmental issue such as offshore oil exploration, which group is most likely to change its opinion when socioeconomic conditions change?.


The organizations who would presumably have the most divergent opinions on offshore oil drilling are environmentalists and oil businesses.

How is oil benefit the environment ?

Oil drilling lowers the pressure in subterranean oil reservoirs, which significantly lowers seepage of hydrocarbons and atmospheric methane gas. Increased drilling activities, according to scientific theory, may continue to improve atmospheric and aquatic conditions.

Boost your mood.Boost work performance by lowering stress and improving focus.Boost your sleep.annihilate viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

To learn more about oil exploration , visit


When the art of one age has so defined the characteristics of human beings that it can speak eloquently to another age, we call this ________.


When the art of one age has so defined the characteristics of human beings that it can speak eloquently to another age, we call this universal. The most numerous and ubiquitous species of primates, humans (Homo sapiens) are distinguished by their bipedalism and enormous, complex brains. This has made it possible for the advancement of culture, language, and tools.

Humans are highly social creatures who want to live in elaborate social systems made up of a variety of coexisting and conflicting groupings, ranging from families and kinship networks to political states. Human social interactions have produced a vast range of values, social conventions, and eloquently that support human society.

To learn more about Humans, click here.


The surface of the nucleus is bounded by two phospholipid bilayer membranes, collectively called the.


The boundary of the nucleus is known as the nuclear envelope. It includes  phospholipid bilayers: an outer membrane and an internal membrane. The nuclear membrane is non-stop with the endoplasmic reticulum.

It includes  phospholipid bilayers an outer and an internal membrane. The nuclear membrane is non-stop with the endoplasmic reticulum. Nuclear pores permit materials to go into and go out the nuclues.

The essential shape of the membrane is the phospholipid bilayer, which bureaucracy a strong barrier among  aqueous booths. In the case of the plasma membrane, those booths are the internal and the out of doors of the cell.

To learn more about nuclear envelope here


Note that common tasks are listed toward the top, and less common tasks are listed toward the bottom. according to o*net, what are common tasks performed by veterinarians? check all that apply. advising animal owners operating equipment treating sick or injured animals feeding and watering farm animals examining animals training animals


Common task such as examine animals to assess their health and diagnose problems,Treat and dress wounds,Perform surgery on animals,Test for and vaccinate against diseases,Operate medical equipment, such as x-ray machines,Advise animal owners about general care, medical conditions, and treatments,Prescribe medication.

Treat unwell or injured animals through prescribing medication, placing bones, dressing wounds, or acting surgery. Inoculate animals towards numerous sicknesses, inclusive of rabies or distemper. Examine animals to come across and decide the character of sicknesses or injuries.

Medical specialists regularly speak approximately the “Standard of Care,” a hard and fast of recommendations that outline the suitable remedy for a selected fitness problem. The fashionable of care is what facilitates make certain that sufferers obtain a comparable primary stage of care regardless of wherein they are treated

To learn more about Medical specialists here



Explanation:Just did It.

A function of the large intestine is to absorb:_________
a) vitamins and minerals
b) fats and proteins
c) water and minerals
d) proteins and carbohydrates


C. Water and minerals

What are the most important factors influencing hair growth?
a. age and glandular products
b. nutrition and hormones
c. sex and hormones
d. the size and number of hair follicles



nutrition and hormones

Explanation: hope it helps

What is the cause of surface tension? the collapse of alveoli the stretchiness of the lung tissue the fluid located between the pleural membranes


The correct option is (D) the attraction between water molecules.

The attraction between water molecules cause surface tension.

What causes the water molecules' surface tension?Cohesive interactions between the liquid's molecule's cause the surface tension to develop. The molecules at the center of the liquid are surrounded by other molecules on both sides. The net force is zero because molecules are tugging on one another equally in all directions. In contrast to the majority of the liquid, the liquid molecules at the interface only have half as many nearby molecules. This results in a net inward pull toward the liquid and a stronger association of the molecule with the molecules on either side of it. The force preventing the surface from breaking is surface tension.

Learn more about the surface tension with the help of the given link:


I understand that the question you are looking for is "What is surface tension?

A.) the fluid located between the pleural membranes

B.) the stretchiness of the lung tissue

C.) the collapse of alveoli

D.) the attraction between water molecules"

The actual length of an animal cell is 0.01 mm. If you wanted to draw a
diagram of the cell to scale using a magnification of x2500, what would
the length of your drawing have to be? Use the following formula:
Observed cell length
Actual cell length


The actual length of an animal cell is 0.01 mm. If you wanted to draw adiagram of the cell to scale using a magnification of x2500, the length of your drawing have to be 25mm.

Magnification = Image size ÷ Actual size


Actual size, A = 0.01mm

Magnification, M = x2500


            [tex]I = MX A\\I = 2500 X 0.01\\I = 25[/tex]

The Image size, I = 25mm.

Magnification is the method of increasing the alleged size, not the actual size, of an object. This increase is quantified by a premeditated number called magnification. When the magnification number is smaller than one, it directs to a decrease in size, occasionally called de-magnification.

To learn more about magnification here


What will happen with regard to eutrophication in an area that has a large impermeable surface?


The correct answer is eutrophication.

Eutrophication is an improvement of the water caused by nutritional salts that causes some restructuring of the ecosystem, including increased growth of algae, fish species extinction, general worsening of water quality, and other negative impacts that discourage and limit the use of water.

The majority of water bodies are susceptible to the gradual and natural eutrophication process, but owing to human activity, it is happening more quickly presently. We refer to this as cultural eutrophication.

Unwanted effects and environmental inequities are created when this eutrophication process is very vigorous.

noxious smells caused by decaying organic materials that are resistant to chlorination in drinking water.Reduction in fish quality generating loss on fishing.potential harm to the water supply.Bathing in lakes where particular algae are present can be risky and cause skin discomfort.reduction in oxygen content, especially near the lake's bottom throughout the summer and the tail end of the fall season.

To learn more about Eutrophication refer the link:


3. Which field of science helps one to understand living things and how they interact in their environments?
O meteorology
O geology






Biology is the study of life

Hope It Helps

Sorry If I'm Wrong

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