Chose a pair of correlative conjunction from the box to complete these sentences whether / or either :or both :and im not sure —- I’m going to the match


Answer 1

The correlative conjunction is:

I'm not sure whether I'm going to the match or not.

What is correlative conjunction?

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work together to join words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Some common examples of correlative conjunctions include "either...or," "neither...nor," "both...and," and "not only...but also."

These conjunctions are called "correlative" because they must be used in pairs and work together to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence.

Therefore, They help to show the relationship between the words, phrases, or clauses that they are joining and to express different shades of meaning. Correlative conjunctions play a crucial role in creating grammatically correct and logically sound sentences in English.

Learn more about correlative conjunction from


Related Questions


Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell.

So intent was the Cossack on his stalking that he was upon the thing Rainsford had made before he saw it. His foot touched the protruding bough that was the trigger. Even as he touched it, the general sensed his danger and leaped back with the agility of an ape. But he was not quite quick enough; the dead tree, delicately adjusted to rest on the cut living one, crashed down and struck the general a glancing blow on the shoulder as it fell; but for his alertness, he must have been smashed beneath it. He staggered, but he did not fall; nor did he drop his revolver.

How is this scene different in the film adaptation of "The Most Dangerous Game”?

Rainsford hides instead of trying to wound General Zaroff.
Rainsford’s female companion sets the trap for General Zaroff.
General Zaroff injures Rainsford with an arrow.
General Zaroff avoids the trap Rainsford sets.



D. General Zaroff Avoids the trap Rainsford sets.


I'm hoping this is the answer and I do believe it is.


d d d d  d d d d d d d d d d  d


2. We are both tall, and
3. He is very creative, but.
4. I was born a few minutes before my brother, so
5. Our mother used to tell us, "Stop fighting, or.
6. We fought a lot as children, but now


We are both tall, "and". 'And' is a coordinating conjunction. To join two words, phrases, clauses, or prefixes together, we employ the conjunction "and".

What is a coordinating conjunction?

A conjunction serves as the binding agent between independent and dependent words, phrases, and sentences. A coordinating conjunction is a connecting word, phrase, or clause that is equivalent to or coordinated with another. For, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so are the seven coordinating conjunctions.

A coordinating conjunction, also known as a coordinate conjunction, is a type of conjunction that joins clauses, sentences, and words together. Aaron speaks both English and Scottish, for instance, where the word and serves as a coordinating conjunction.

Learn more about conjunction here:


what is another word for perspective is__________
will mark brainiest who ever askes 1 or 2


outlook viewpoint standpoint point of viewviewangleposition opinion

In Chapter One, Gandalf tells the dwarves about Bilbo, "There is a lot more in him than you guess, and deal more than he has any of idea of himself." Identify and discuss three key events where Bilbo proves Gandalf's words to be true.

You will use a combination of summarizing and direct quotes from the text ti prove your points.

To whoever answers gets 100 points and brainliest!


The liberation from the trolls, the goblins, and the ring's riddles are the three main incidents where Bilbo shows Gandalf's abilities.

What is the synopsis of the three actions?

Close to the start of the adventure, trolls take Bilbo and the dwarfs. Gandalf pushes back their preparation and consumption until the next day. The firm goes on from there since trolls in The Hobbit turn to stone when exposed to sunlight.

When the Goblin King decides to eat the dwarfs and hobbits, Gandalf shows up and kills him. Bilbo is abandoned after falling into a dark abyss while running from the goblins. Even after Bilbo vanished, the dwarves kept escaping the goblin tunnels.

Bilbo finds a gold ring on the chilly floor and pockets it as his eyes adjust to the darkness of the pit. He had no idea what the ring was. He then comes across a disgusting.

To know more about Gandalf visit:


Which statment best summarizes the texts central idea from “the third wave”?


The central idea of "The Third Wave" is that democracy and freedom are not guaranteed and must be nurtured and protected by citizens.

The central idea of "The Third Wave" is that democracy and freedom are not guaranteed and must be nurtured and protected by citizens.

What is the Third Wave?

The post-industrial civilization represents the Third Wave. According to Toffler, most nations have been making the transition from a Second Wave civilization to a Third Wave society since the late 1950s. In addition to using his own phrases, he sometimes uses names created by others, such as the Information Age.

In order to explain how the German populace might have supported the Nazi regime's acts during the advent of the Third Reich and the Second World War, California high school history teacher Ron Jones developed the Third Wave in 1967.

This encounter combines hospitality, knowledge, and education. The third wave is focused on giving the consumer a sense of exclusivity. Customer service plays a role in it, but sharing also plays a role.

Learn more about the Third Wave here:


How does Kant's essay or story fit into the Age of Enlightenment?



Immanuel Kant's essay "An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?" was a defining text of the Age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a cultural movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized reason, individualism, and scientific discovery. Kant's essay sought to define the idea of enlightenment and to promote the idea that individuals should use their own reason to discover truth and meaning, rather than blindly accepting the beliefs and traditions of others. He argued that enlightenment was a process of individual liberation, and that individuals had a moral obligation to seek it out. This idea was central to the Enlightenment, and Kant's essay helped to popularize and solidify the values and goals of the movement.

Sometimes the hardest part of studying is just starting; go ahead and begin.


It's okay to start studying because sometimes that's the hardest part. a true statement

I want to go to the movies, but I have to study tonight.

What word in the sentence that is underlined is to study tonight?

adjective, adverb, noun, or verb?

The verb "to study" has the infinitive form.

What verb tense is used to show present perfect? verbs or verbs in -s will verb -ed verb have have the verb "is"

Have + verb -ed is the verb form that is used to denote the present perfect tense.

For instance: I created a stunning painting.

To know more about verb visit:


What’s the metaphor and simile in this poem? Help me please.


Answer:  The metaphor in the poem is:

"Rose candles flicker on the lilac wall / Reflecting in a million flagons' shine."

In this line, the candles are compared to rose and the reflection of the candlelight in the flagons is compared to shine.

This poem contains one simile:

"Guests slide gliding into light like wine."

In this line, the movement of the guests is compared to the flow of wine.


9. Daisy says that Jordan is "going to spend lots of week-ends out here this summer. I think
the home influence will be very good for her" (19). Why is her statement ironic? Explain.


Daisy's statement about Jordan spending weekends at her home and the home influence being good for her is ironic because Daisy herself is not a good role model and has a loose and careless lifestyle. The home influence she is referring to is not actually good, and the parties and social events that take place at her home are often wild and morally questionable. The idea that Jordan will be positively influenced by such an environment is therefore ironic.

If the day, two days after tomorrow be Thursday, what day would have been two days before yesterday?a. friday b. tuesday c. monday d. saturday





Which answer best states a central idea of "Equal Justice Under the Law": Thurgood
Thurgood Marshall took his fight all the way to the Supreme Court to overturn
an unjust rule that denied black children the same opportunities as white
Thurgood Marshall understood the law "separate but equal" because he was
denied admission to law school in the south.
Thurgood Marshall, an African American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice, used
his understanding of law to gain equality for African Americans.
Thurgood Marshall earned the nickname "Mr. Civil Rights" by fighting racial
injustice in the workplace. in public schools, and in places of higher education.


Answer: Just look in explanation


The answer that best states the central idea of "Equal Justice Under the Law" is:

Thurgood Marshall, an African American lawyer and Supreme Court Justice, used his understanding of law to gain equality for African Americans.

Read the passage.

From Morte D’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory And thus they fought all the long day, and never stinted till the noble knights were laid to the cold earth. And ever they fought still till it was near night, and by then was there a hundred thousand laid dead upon the down.

What element of medieval romance is illustrated by the bolded words?

supernatural event





We can see here that the element of medieval romance that is illustrated by the bolded words is: C. Legend.

What is  medieval romance?

Medieval romance refers to a genre of European literature that was popular during the Middle Ages. It typically features stories about chivalry, adventure, and courtly love. These tales often revolve around the exploits of knights and other noble characters, and often involve elements of the supernatural, such as magic and mythical creatures.

The stories were often written in verse or prose and were designed to entertain and inspire their audiences. Medieval romance has had a lasting impact on literature and popular culture, and its themes and characters continue to be popular to this day.

Learn  more about medieval romance on


Is the TV industry’s manipulation of our minds and emotions a danger to us?



it depend on how strong your will is

Yes, All media outlets can twist and manipulate your reality about life and plays with your emotions. The 1% that control these outlets have influence and power over the United States.

Your list is missing history books, music, advertisements, radio, politics, religion and etc . . .

For instance, watch Hollywood movies and pay attention to the race of the good guys and bad guys. It tells you what is attractive in men and what is not and you may not be coming up with it. You were conditioned when you were young and it may be babysitting you while your parents were working. That's what you grew up seeing and was told. Eventually you will accept it as your own beliefs. It may or may not be your best interest

What is the central idea of the story "Target Rock" by Jesse Kohn?




The central idea of Target Rock by Jesse Kohn is that

Ideas are born in unusual places.

In this story, we learn how the narrator and Bennett his friend set out on an outing to Target Rock National Wildlife Refuge where he gained some ideas for the story he was to submit to a magazine.

He also gained some ideas from the title of the email he had received that day from his friend Bennett.

Even though the narrator failed to understand how some of the things he experienced during the outing were connected to the story he wanted to write, Bennett helped him to identify them.

"A Boy of Unusual Vision," by Alice Steinback, The Baltimore Sun

First, the eyes: They are large and blue, a light opaque blue, the color of a robin's egg. And if, on a sunny spring day, you look straight into these eyes—eyes that cannot look back at you—the sharp, April light turns them pale, like the thin blue of a high, cloudless sky.

Ten-year-old Calvin Stanley, the owner of these eyes and a boy who has been blind since birth, likes this description and asks to hear it twice. He listens as only he can listen, then: "Orange used to be my favorite color but now it's blue," he announces. Pause. The eyes flutter between the short, thick lashes, "I know there's light blue and there's dark blue, but what does sky-blue look like?" he wants to know. And if you watch his face as he listens to your description, you get a sense of a picture being clicked firmly into place behind the pale eyes.

He is a boy who has a lot of pictures stored in his head, retrievable images which have been fashioned for him by the people who love him—by family and friends and teachers who have painstakingly and patiently gone about creating a special world for Calvin's inner eye to inhabit.

Picture of a rainbow: "It's a lot of beautiful colors, one next to the other. Shaped like a bow. In the sky. Right across."

Picture of lightning, which frightens Calvin: "My mother says lightning looks like a Christmas tree—the way it blinks on and off across the sky," he says, offering a comforting description that would make a poet proud.

"Child," his mother once told him, "one day I won't be here and I won't be around to pick you up when you fall—nobody will be around all the time to pick you up—so you have to try to be something on your own. You have to learn how to deal with this. And to do that, you have to learn how to think."

There was never a moment when Ethel Stanley said to herself, "My son is blind and this is how I'm going to handle it."

Calvin's mother:

"When Calvin was little, he was so inquisitive. He wanted to see everything, he wanted to touch everything. I had to show him every little thing there is. A spoon, a fork. I let him play with them. The pots, the pans. Everything. I showed him the sharp edges of the table. 'You cannot touch this; it will hurt you.' And I showed him what would hurt. He still bumped into it anyway, but he knew what he wasn't supposed to do and what he could do. And he knew that nothing in his room—nothing—could hurt him.

And when he started walking and we went out together—I guess he was about 2—I never said anything to him about what to do. When we got to the curbs. Calvin knew that when I stopped, he should step down and when I stopped again, he should step up. I never said anything, that's just the way we did it. And it became a pattern."

What is the order of events of Calvin Stanley's story? Briefly explain in two or three sentences. Use proper spelling and grammar. (10 points)


The story "A Boy of Unusual Vision" by Alice Steinback tells the story of Calvin Stanley, a 10-year-old boy who has been blind since birth. The story describes how Calvin's mother and other loved ones have helped create a special world for Calvin's inner eye to inhabit, using descriptions and images that help him understand and imagine the world around him.

Throughout the story, the author focuses on how Calvin's mother, Ethel Stanley, has encouraged him to be independent and to learn how to think for himself, despite his blindness.

What is Vision?

The story "A Boy of Unusual Vision" by Alice Steinback is a feature article about a 10-year-old boy named Calvin Stanley, who has been blind since birth. The article focuses on Calvin's unique relationship with his mother and the special world she has helped to create for him.

Therefore, Throughout the story, Calvin's mother recounts her experiences raising her son and the various steps she took to help him navigate the world and develop his sense of independence despite his blindness. The article highlights the resilience and adaptability of both Calvin and his mother and underscores the importance of their loving relationship in helping Calvin to overcome his challenges.

Learn more about Vision from


Chapter 7- Unexpected Answer
Claire, an early childhood teacher, circled through her classroom of four-year-olds during the first week of school., trying to make conversation and listen intently to each child at free choice. When she noticed Anna painting at the easel, Claire stood by and admired her work before saying, “I can see many different colors in your painting. There is blue paint and an alphabet letter too. It's like an a. Anna, a tiny child, barely able to reach the top of the paper with her paintbrush, responded, “Actually it is a lowercase a that makes a long vowel sound, and this color is aquamarine.”
Question to ponder:
1. When children know more than you expect them to do, what is the prudent course of action?
2. How should Claire respond to being corrected by Anna?
3. What has Anna told the teacher about herself in this exchange?


Based on the given passage, When children know more than you expect them to do, in thus their knowledge should be appreciated.

Based on the conversation, Claire responds to being corrected by Anna in a positive manner and tries to push the conversation further for better engagement.

When the teacher asked Anna told the teacher about herself in this exchange as she has an interest in painting so she learns new things always.

What is a Context clue?

Any hint or idea that emerges from the statements and helps the reader understand the particular context in which the word is used is known as a context clue. With the help of this suggestion, the reader can determine the correct meaning.

In the given case, the scenario of the class is described where a Teacher named Claire is surrounded by children of small age and found a small kid painting with concentration and appreciated her work and is surprised to know her knowledge of colors.

Learn more about Context clue, here:


Which quote from the text least shows
that the narrator feels nervous and
unexcited about entering frog-sleep and
leaving Manchester Prime?


The quote from the text that least shows that the narrator feels nervous and unexcited about entering frog-sleep and leaving Manchester Prime is "The idea of leaving Manchester Prime, while exciting, was tempered by the knowledge that I would be entering a dream-like state for an indeterminate amount of time." This quote shows that the narrator is excited about the prospect of leaving Manchester Prime, but is aware of the potential risks and is not overly enthusiastic about the prospect.

How dose the process of the last paragraph of “where I lived and what I lived for” communicate the main idea of Walden


Thoreau moves from gazing at the water to burrowing into the earth, just as the excerpt shows progress from observation to contemplation. Thus, option 'B' is the correct option.

What was Thoreau's purpose in writing Walden?

Henry David Thoreau's experience at Walden Pond and the influence of his book were discussed by Concord Museum curator David Wood. Henry David Thoreau, a writer and transcendentalist, resided on the pond's beaches for two years starting in 1845.

The goal was to find an escape from the outside world and develop a greater appreciation of nature. In the book Walden; Or, Life in the Woods, he detailed his experiences.

Learn more about Thoreau here:


Why are there so many
references to sickness and
fever in A
Doll's House? Trace these
references throughout the
What broader concern for
society might Ibsen be

The play/novel is a dolls house by henrik Ibsen.

PLEASE HELP ME will give brainiest hahahah



In Henrik Ibsen's play "A Doll's House," there are multiple references to sickness and fever, which can be traced throughout the play. These references are used to illustrate the characters' physical and emotional states, as well as to reflect larger societal concerns. For example, Nora is depicted as feeling unwell during several moments of the play, which can be seen as a manifestation of her internal struggles and unhappiness in her marriage. In addition, the recurring references to sickness and fever can be interpreted as a metaphor for the broader societal concern of illness and disease, particularly as it relates to women and their lack of autonomy in society.

Ibsen, through the references to sickness and fever, is expressing his concern for the plight of women in society. He was known for addressing societal issues through his writing and was a pioneer in the development of modern realistic theatre. With the recurring references to illness and disease, Ibsen is highlighting the oppressive and limiting nature of traditional gender roles, and the negative impact this has on women's physical and mental health.

In conclusion, the references to sickness and fever in "A Doll's House" are an important aspect of the play and serve to reflect larger societal concerns. Through these references, Ibsen is shedding light on the oppressive nature of traditional gender roles and the negative impact they have on women's physical and mental well-being.

Why does Aaron feel guilty about
getting an A+ on the test?
because he had taken the same exam
two years ago
because he got a better grade on the
test than Arta
because he had seen the test answers
ahead of time




It's not clear from the information provided why Aaron feels guilty about getting an A+ on the test. The statement mentions that he had taken the same exam two years ago, but it doesn't mention whether he received a different grade or if this has any bearing on his guilt. It also mentions that he got a better grade than Arta, but again, it's unclear why this would make him feel guilty. The statement doesn't mention anything about Aaron seeing the test answers ahead of time, so it's possible that he feels guilty for another reason not mentioned in the information provided.


C. Because he had seen the test answers ahead of time


I got it right on I-ready, but thats beside the point. The story is about a kid named Aaron and a kid named Arta. One is organized, one is not. The girl Arta finds a test she already took. She gives her brother Aaron the answers to the exam to study. He is scared he is cheating but he studies anyway.

I hope this helps, Have a good day!

What are the two main settings in this story? Jesse’s house and an airfield near Roswell, A. New Mexico a school bus and an airfield near Roswell,
B. New Mexico a school bus and the desert near Roswell,
C. New Mexico the desert near Roswell,
D. New Mexico, and Jesse’s house


The correct answer for the two main settings of the story is D. New Mexico, and Jesse's house.

What is a setting of a story?

A setting in literature refers to the age, location, and surrounding circumstances of a story. It comprises the story's physical setting (such as a particular town, city, or structure), chronological setting (such as a historical era or year), and social, cultural, and historical setting. The environment may have a big influence on the setting, affecting the characters, what they do, and what happens. It may also be utilised to highlight themes or concepts in the story as well as to assist set a specific mood or environment. Because it may be so important in determining the setting and the experiences of the characters, the setting may occasionally be considered a character in and of itself.

To learn more about the setting of a story from the given link

What are the two main settings in this story? Jesse’s house and an airfield near Roswell, A. New Mexico a school bus and an airfield near Roswell,B. New Mexico a school bus and the desert near Roswell,C. New Mexico the desert near Roswell,D. New Mexico, and Jesse’s house

What does “ Speak in French when you can’t think of the English for a thing-turn out your toes as you walk- and remember who you are! “


Answer: This quote is from Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The quote is part of a conversation between Alice and the Duchess in the story. The Duchess is advising Alice to maintain her identity and dignity, even when she finds herself in difficult or confusing situations. Speaking in a language she is not fluent in (French), and turning out her toes as she walks are physical representations of this advice. The Duchess is reminding Alice to stay true to herself and remember who she is, even when everything around her seems strange and unfamiliar.


how does nick react to meeting gatsby for the first time? was he impressed or was he disappointed? if he was disappointed what do you think inspired this big let down? how does jordan feel about gatsby and why? has someone you met not lived up to your expectations ? explain


In Great Gatsby Nick was very impressed after meeting Gatsby. He was surprised to see such a young man could having immeasurable wealth.

How does Jordan  feel about Gatsby

Jorden felt  Gatsby was innocent young soldier, who was in desperately love and was trying to win the woman of his dreams because Gatsby has asked her to convince Nick to arrange a reunion between him and Daisy

The summary of the book;

The Great Gatsby centers around Jay Gatsby, a man who orders his life around his main one desire: to be reunited with Daisy Buchanan, the love he lost five years earlier. This quest leads him from poverty to wealth, into the arms of his beloved, and eventually to his death.

Learn more about The Great


What is the meaning of "aren’t as obvious on paper"?


Answer: The phrase "aren’t as obvious on paper" is a common idiom that means that certain advantages or disadvantages of a situation or proposal are not immediately apparent or visible when they are written down or documented. In other words, when something is "on paper," it can be difficult to fully grasp its true nature or potential impact without actually experiencing it or considering other factors. This phrase is often used to suggest that the limitations or drawbacks of a plan or idea become more apparent when they are put into practice, rather than when they are simply written down or described in writing.

Explanation: The phrase "aren't as obvious on paper" means that the improvements to CorelDRAW in version X5 are not immediately evident when simply reading the list of enhancements. They are more effectively experienced and appreciated when using the software itself, as opposed to being described on a list or written down on paper.

My mother has mango for me (mango/mangoes)





If in singular form it would be

My mother has a mango for me

You have already written your introduction and body paragraphs for your argumentative essay. Now you will write your conclusion. After your conclusion is written, make sure to combine your introduction, body, and conclusion into one essay. Remember, you are writing the rough draft of your argumentative essay about one of these prompts:


The written on the conclusion of the argumentative essay a topic is human v/s machine. The main points are:

No one can operate the human, but, the machine was operated the human.Human understand the situation, but machine not understand. What is essay?

The term essay refers to the short piece of writing on a particular subject of the topic. The essay is writing for someone is convinced for someone. They simply inform the reader on particular topic. There are different types of essay such as argumentative, narrative, descriptive, and expository essay.

According to the argumentative essay a topic is human v/s machine as the concluded as following points are:


No one can replace the human.No one can operate the human.


Human are operated the machine.Machine are the work quickly, but not to understand the situation.

As a result, the significance of the essay are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on essay, here:


Does plan and strategy are same thing?


There are strong differences between these words. A plan is an arrangement, pattern, program or scheme for a definite purpose. A strategy, on the other hand, is a blueprint, layout, design, or idea used to accomplish a specific goal that is open for adaptation and change when needed.

Douglass' is an autobiographical account of the life of a former slave. Consider Douglass' portrayal of slavery, and of his life afterward. Compare Douglass' vision of the world, freedom, and civility to that of Jefferson's. What parallels so you see in their writing?

Find at least one professional review of Douglass's Narrative of the Life. What value do the Professionals see in Douglass's Narrative? What faults do they find with is? Do you agree? Why or why not? Use quoted evidence from the review and from Douglass's Narrative to prove your assertions. You must also include an MLA citation with a URL that will lead readers to the review.


Frederick Douglass's "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" is widely recognized as one of the most important works of African-American literature. In the book, Douglass recounts his experiences as a slave and his journey to freedom. He portrays slavery as a brutal and inhumane institution that dehumanized both the slave and the slaveholder.

In contrast, Thomas Jefferson's vision of the world, freedom, and civility is based on his beliefs in individual liberty and the principles of the Enlightenment. He believed that all people have a natural right to freedom and that slavery was a violation of this right.

What is the Douglass's Narrative of the Life?

There are parallels between Douglass's vision of the world and Jefferson's in that both men believed in the importance of freedom and individual liberty. However, their views on slavery differ greatly. While Jefferson saw slavery as a violation of natural rights, Douglass experienced it as a reality of life and saw the need for immediate abolition.

Therefore, In a review by William L. Andrews of the University of North Carolina, he praises Douglass's "Narrative" for its vivid portrayal of the brutalities of slavery and its impact on the lives of enslaved people. According to Andrews, Douglass's narrative is a powerful and deeply affecting account of slavery and its legacy.

MLA citation with a URL that will lead readers to the review:

Andrews, William L. "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass." Journal of American Culture, vol. 9, no. 1, 1986, pp. 143-148. JSTOR,

Learn more about freedom from


Question 2 (33.4 points)
From question 1 to 27, total up all of the B choices you selected on your test.
was the total number?
Your Answer:


Based on the presumptive numbers, the total number of choices made during the test is 891.

How do you calculate the value?

To compute anything implies figuring it out. You compute the solution when you solve a mathematical issue. Either literally or figuratively, to compute is to calculate. Values are definite objects in algebra, logic, and computer programming. finding a solution utilizing logic or math. When you multiply, add, or subtract, you are performing simple calculations.

Your query is incomplete, and a web search turned up nothing like it. There will be an overview. The range of numbers from 20 to 46 is included in the presumed values for A options.

Hence, the total of the given numbers will be:

= 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 till 46.

= 891

To learn more about logic, visit:


The complete question is attached below:

Which sentence best expresses one of the main themes of the poem?
Historical events prove that injustice
can be overcome.
Wealthy landlords will be overthrown
in the future.
Society will always have oppressed
nations and people.
Humiliated people hope angels can
give them peace.




Martin Espada is a Brooklyn-born professor at the University of Massachusetts who writes poetry in an attempt to humanize the abstract in life and “make the general specific and particular.”  He writes about things he has experienced in life, such as the suffering he pens in his poem “Imagine the Angels of Bread.”  Espada uses repetition via a contrast of realistic imagery and figurative language to pull the reader in and ensure empathy with his subject through his depictions of current and historical social injustices.

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