Can you translate the poem the poison tree? Do not read into the poem.
Pls help


Answer 1

The translate of  poem the poison tree ;

I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water'd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veil'd the pole;

In the morning glad I see;

My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.

What is the wrath?

The wrath of God is a term used to describe God's anger and hostility towards sin and evil. It is usually associated with the punishment that God gives to those who have committed wrongdoings or have failed to follow His will. Wrath is a major theme throughout the Bible, and it is seen as the result of sin, disobedience, and rebellion against God. Wrath is the ultimate expression of God's displeasure and can take many forms, such as natural disasters, wars, and other disasters.

To learn more about wrath


Answer 2

The wrath of God is a term used to describe God's anger and hostility towards sin and evil.

What is the wrath?

The translate of  poem the poison tree ;

I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I water'd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veil'd the pole;

In the morning glad I see;

My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.

It is usually associated with the punishment that God gives to those who have committed wrongdoings or have failed to follow His will. Wrath is a major theme throughout the Bible, and it is seen as the result of sin, disobedience, and rebellion against God.

Wrath is the ultimate expression of God's displeasure and can take many forms, such as natural disasters, wars, and other disasters.

To learn more about wrath


Related Questions

In a well-written paragraph of 5-7 sentences, describe the exposition of your selected narrative text and explain the literary elements that are present. our response
should reference the title and author of your text. should also mention character, conflict, point of view, and setting and cite specific evidence of each from the text.
The narrative texts you selected from are:
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl
The War of the Worlds
Black Beauty
Copper Sun
White Fang


The exposition of Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is set in Amsterdam during World War II and follows the life of a young Jewish girl, Anne Frank, and her family as they hide from the Nazis. The conflict of the story is the Frank family's struggle to survive Nazi occupation and Anne's struggle to come to terms with the world around her. The point of view is from Anne's perspective as she writes in her diary. The characters include Anne and her family, as well as other people they interact with while in hiding. The setting is in Amsterdam, where Anne and her family are in hiding.

The literary elements present in Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl include characterization, theme, and imagery. Anne's characterization is developed through her diary entries, which provide insight into her thoughts and feelings about the events she experiences. The theme of the book is about the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity and the importance of hope. Imagery is used to bring the setting and characters to life, with vivid descriptions of Amsterdam and the people Anne interacts with.

im wrighting a poem for my English class and this is also supposed to be a valentine gift for my girl, so its like a song and a poem at the same time. but i need to say this in front of my class and its just supposed to be for her, but its the only thing i got right now so tell me how it sounds?

I tell her that I love her, then she said, swear

So here I am singing this love song showing I care

To fall in love is to take a risk and baby, I'm not scared

I'm only scared when you're not here, do I make myself clear?

F-O-R-E-V-E-R my love, these other girls get no response

You're the only one that I want

Without you, I cannot do much

I'm paralyzed, no I can't move too much

Know I make mistakes sometimes, I'm a screw-up

But I'ma kill the old me then celebrate the new us

She's my Medu$a, but she don't turn me to stone

She turns a house into a home

She's been where the devil roams

Wear and tear, she repairs my soul

Wear and tear, she repairs my soul

I'ma hold on to what we got, never let go

It's called plantin' the seed, it's called lettin' it grow

And if she ever leave, I'm loadin' up and love go

She my forever, I'm just lettin' her know, you know


Sounds super cute, I’m sure your girl will love it

Find three quotations from chapters 22 and 23 which link to the topic of womanhood and Scout's exploration of her feminine identity


Three quotations from chapters 22 and 23 which link to the topic of womanhood and Scout's exploration of her feminine identity are - 1. "I am a Girl Scout." 2. "I am a girl." 3. "I am a woman."

Scout provides the connect-ion to the theme of femininity and the pow-er of women. Scout remains steadfastly opposed to conventional femininity. In general, Scout is a tom-boy because she prefers masculinity over femini-nity. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout Finch challenges gender stereotypes in her determination to remain a tomboy. Scout’s exploration of her identity as a tomboy functions as her coming of-age journey.

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When Johnny is at buck merrils door the author chooses the words buck glared down at us and dally Johnny gulped by choosing the verbs glared and gulped what feeling does the author try to get across in this event what connection do these words have


The author's tone towards this event is option A: The author's tone is that of warning, cautious, and nervous in this scene. The young boys should't be there at Buck's house interrupting the party.  It's not a place for young boys to go because it is dangerous.

What is the tone  about?

The choice of words such as "glared down" and "gulped" suggests that the situation is tense and dangerous. The author is implying that Buck is a dangerous individual and the young boys, Johnny and Dally, should not have gone to his door.

Therefore,  The fact that Buck is glaring down at them reinforces this notion. This tone conveys the message that this is not a safe or appropriate place for the young boys to be and they should be cautious.

Learn more about Johnny from


See full question below

When Johnny is at Buck Merril's door, the author chooses the words, "Buck glared down at us" and, " Dally! Johnny gulped."

What is the author's tone towards this event?

answer choices

The author's tone is that of warning, cautious, and nervous in this scene. The young boys should't be there at Buck's house interrupting the party.  It's not a place for young boys to go because it is dangerous.

The author's tone is dismissive and interruptive.  Buck is a dangerous guy, but able to help the boys if they are willing to come in.  However, he shouldn't be bothered.

The author's tone is confident and robust.  Buck is the right guy to visit in a situation like this.

The author's tone is humiliating and embarrassing.  The fact that these young men got themselves in so much trouble is down right embarrassing.  They have no right visiting Buck just like they had no right fighting the Socs.

Catherine tells lieutenant Henry the two of them are going to have a “strange life” after she slaps him for nearly kissing her. Why doesn’t Henry sence the crazy and run for the hills? No


In "A Farewell to Arms," Lieutenant Henry doesn't sense the "crazy" in Catherine and run for the hills because he is deeply in love with her. Despite the unexpected slap, he is still drawn to her and wants to pursue a relationship with her.

What is the issue about?

Henry is a war-weary soldier who has been living a chaotic and unpredictable life. Catherine, on the other hand, represents stability and security to him. He sees in her the potential for a peaceful and happy life after the war. This desire for a normal life, combined with his love for Catherine, makes him willing to overlook her eccentricities and emotional outbursts.

Furthermore, Henry himself is not entirely stable, as evidenced by his heavy drinking and occasional emotional outbursts. So, in a sense, he sees in Catherine a kindred spirit, someone who understands the emotional toll of the war and the need to find comfort and meaning in life.

Learn more about A Farewell to Arms from


Narrative essay the last time I saw them




Bro this makes no sense please be more clear

Please I need help .03 Begin Your Story about the Great North America circus Using the information from your Narrative Organization Chart, you will begin your story by writing the introduction (exposition). View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission. 1. Using the ideas from your Narrative Organization Chart, write the introduction to your narrative. 2. Review the story on which your chart was based. 3. Write an introduction of 75 words or more. Be sure to include: description of setting introduction to main characters hook your reader with vivid description or interesting quote​


Answer: The Great North America Circus was a wondrous spectacle, traveling from town to town and delighting audiences with its incredible acts and charismatic performers. The setting was a sprawling tent city, with colorful flags fluttering in the wind and the smell of sawdust and excitement in the air. The main characters were a cast of larger-than-life figures, each with their own unique talents and personalities. From the fearless tightrope walker, Maria, who soared high above the crowds, to the charming ringmaster, Max, who held the audience in the palm of his hand, the circus was a true celebration of human ingenuity and spirit.

"Step right up, folks! Welcome to the greatest show on earth!" Max shouted, his voice ringing out across the packed crowds. "From acrobats to animals, clowns to contortionists, we have it all!" With that, the music began, and the show was underway.


What is the purpose of Valencia's letter to the editor? A. to describe the problem faced by the neighborhood and suggest solutions to manage the problem B. to convince people to stop building malls and invest in other ventures C. to inform people about the ill-effects of air pollution and explain its long-term effects D. to explain the meaning of noise pollution and describe the dangerous effects of noise pollution


The purpose of Valencia's letter to the editor is option C i.e. to describe the problem faced by the neighborhood and suggest solutions to manage the problem.

What do you understand by noise pollution and what are its effects?

Noise contamination happens when we have a house which is in excess of decibels. The impacts of commotion contamination incorporate actual impacts which can be respiratory disturbance, migraines, hypertension, and so forth.

Another impact is the mental impact, for example, discouragement, tension, exhaustion and so on. Stress can likewise prompt rest problems and absence of focus.
The ways of decreasing commotion contamination are utilizing mindfulness crusade people ought to be told about the destructive impacts of commotion.

This will be fundamental in decreasing commotion.Government can assume their part by telling the people who doesn't comply with spread out rules in regards to commotion to pay a fine. Anybody found needing ought to pay a fine.

Hope This Helps!

Caesar had just ended a battle against Pompey.


You're referring to Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general and statesman who lived from 100 BC to 44 BC.

How to explain the information

After a long and intense civil war, Julius Caesar emerged victorious against his rival Pompey and established himself as the ruler of the Roman Empire.

The Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC marked the end of the Caesar-Pompey conflict and established Julius Caesar as the dominant figure in the Roman world. This event marked a significant turning point in Roman history, as Julius Caesar went on to establish a new type of government, known as the Roman Empire, and lay the foundations for a new era of Roman rule.

Learn more about Caesar on:


Create your own propaganda using the techniques from the Knowledge Article. Start by brainstorming your ideas for a slogan that reflects or summarizes your propaganda message. Once you have a slogan, create a poster using materials or technology available to you. Use your artwork to accentuate the message.

Paste an image of the poster in the space provided.


The propaganda  is: School is good but education is not restricted to school

"Expand Your Horizons: Education Beyond School Walls"

"Embrace Diversity: Unite in Our Differences."

What is the propaganda?

Propaganda is a form of communication that is used to influence people's beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors towards a particular cause or idea. It often involves the use of persuasive language, emotional appeals, and manipulation of information to achieve a specific goal or outcome.

Therefore, Propaganda can be used for various purposes, including political, social, or commercial gain, and can take many forms, including posters, advertisements, speeches, and media content.

Learn more about propaganda  from


Can y’all help me in this question pls pls


The authors purpose for writing the selection is to teach readers how to schedule their time. Option D.

what's the importance of time management to students?

Time management is important to students for several reasons:

Stress reduction: Effective time management can reduce stress levels for students and allows them to complete their work on time and avoid last-minute cramming.Improved well-being: Good time management can lead to a better work-life balance, leaving students with enough time for rest, relaxation, and other activities that promote physical and mental health.Adequate preparation for the future: Effective time management is a valuable life skill that will serve students well in their future careers, helping them to meet deadlines, prioritize tasks, and manage their workload.

Learn more about time management here;


Match the description to the term.

Click the item in the left column. Use the plus sign to move it up or the minus sign to move it down until it matches the correct entry in the right column. Lock your answer in place by clicking the square beside the item. (A checkmark means it is locked.)

comparative degree subject names actor
active voice such helping verbs as to have and to be
imperative has a receiver of the action named
subjunctive presents a condition contrary to fact
a transitive verb is used when two persons, objects, or actions are compared
passive voice expresses a command
auxiliary is used when the subject names the receiver


Just determining whether the verb has an object will tell you whether it is being used transitively or intransitively.

What are the answers for the grammar?

The comparative degree is the first level of comparison that can be used to evaluate and make comparisons between a specific quality or set of characteristics that participants in a particular setting possess.

Subject names voice - Active Voice

such modal verbs as have and be - auxiliary

Name the recipient of the action - transitive verbs

Presents a condition contrary to fact - subjunctive

Is utilized when contrasting two individuals, things, or actions - comparative degree

Expresses a command - imperative

Is used when subject names receiver - passive voice

To know more about passive voice, visit:


What is an argument or reasoning process in which the conclusion follows from the premises with logical necessity?


Answer: The argument or reasoning process you are referring to is called Deductive Argument. In deductive argument, the conclusion must logically follow from the premises. The conclusion is a necessary consequence of the premises, and if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true. Deductive argument is often used in mathematics, logic, and scientific inquiry, where the goal is to arrive at a certain conclusion based on established facts and principles. In deductive reasoning, the conclusion is not just probable, but certain.


to prevent all these inconveniences they have fallen upon an expedient which, as it agrees with their other policy, so is it very different from ours, and will scarce gain belief among us who value gold so much, and lay it up so carefully. they eat and drink out of vessels of earth or glass, which make an agreeable appearance, though formed of brittle materials; while they make their chamber-pots and close-stools of gold and silver, and that not only in their public halls but in their private houses. of the same metals they likewise make chains and fetters for their slaves, to some of which, as a badge of infamy, they hang an earring of gold, and make others wear a chain or a coronet of the same metal . . . what is the central idea of this excerpt? utopians use gold and silver chamber pots. enslaved people wear chains of gold and silver. it is not an honor to wear gold jewelry. gold and silver are not valued in utopia.


The central idea of this excerpt is that the Utopians have a very different attitude towards gold and precious metals compared to the people in the speaker's society.

The Utopians use simple vessels made of glass or earth for eating and drinking, but they make their chamber pots and close-stools of gold and silver. The Utopians also use gold and silver to make chains and fetters for their slaves, and sometimes to mark them with a badge of infamy.

The speaker notes that this is a stark contrast to their own society, where people value gold highly and use it for jewelry and other decorative purposes. So, the central idea is that the Utopians have a very different perspective on the value and use of precious metals than the speaker's society.

For such more question on Utopians


Comparative Analysis Essay Compare and contrast how the author of each story uses rhetorical appeals in their speeches. Identify the issue in each speech. Explain how the different speakers used rhetorical appeals. Tell which speaker you think was most effective in their speech and why. Be sure to use all rules pertaining to English writing (spelling, capitalization, grammar, and structure).


Speech obstacle takes place whilst your infant cannot communicate or cannot communicate so humans recognize what they may be saying. In a few cases, a speech obstacle is an indication of bodily or developmental differences.

Left untreated, a speech obstacle could make it tough for youngsters to discover ways to examine and write. Types of speech disease consist of stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. There are many feasible reasons of speech issues, such as muscle tissue weakness, mind injuries, degenerative diseases, autism, and listening to loss. Speech issues can have an effect on a person's vanity and their typical great of life. Dysarthria regularly reasons slurred or gradual speech that may be tough to recognize. Common reasons of dysarthria consist of fearful machine issues and situations that reason facial paralysis or tongue or throat muscle weakness. Certain medicines can also reason dysarthria.

To learn more about communicate check the link below:


"After that he yawned until it seemed as

If his jaws would crack. " This sentence

is a(n):


"After that he yawned until it seemed as if his jaws would crack", is the line taken from the book called The Adventures of Buster Bear by Burgess.

Describe buster bear and who is burgess?

From the animated series Fables of the Green Forest comes Buster the Bear.

Farmer Brown and his Boy are the actual antagonists in the stories. Little Joe Otter, Sammy Jay, Blacky the Crow, and Grandfather Frog, the wise man of Green Forest, are some of the other characters.

American naturalist and children's book author Thornton Waldo Burgess (January 17, 1874 – June 5, 1965) was born in the United States. Because of his weekly column Bedtime Stories, he was occasionally referred to as the Bedtime Story-Man. More than 170 books and 15,000 tales for the daily newspaper column had been written by the time he resigned.

The Adventures of the Buster Bear, a well-known novel, was authored by Burgess.

To know more about buster bear, check the link below:


after visiting the witches in the tragedy of macbeth, act iv, why does macbeth initially change his mind and decide not to have macduff killed?


The reason why Macbeth initially change his mind and decided not to have Macduff killed after visiting the witches after Act IV is because he knows Macduff has fled to England.

Summary of tragedy of Macbeth, act IV:

Act 4 is about Macbeth's growing doubts about Macduff's loyalty, which are heightened by the witches' prophecies and Macduff's decision to travel to England. Macbeth eventually brings himself down by murdering Macduff's family, as Macduff is now desperate for vengeance. Take note of how Shakespeare builds the drama as the forces opposing Macbeth grow stronger.

The structure of the scene is meant to evoke the play's opening scenes. Macbeth's fate is in doubt once more. He is given three prophecies once more. He is once again left to his own devices to decide how to interpret the prophecies.

Read more about Macbeth


why are the dover mail drivers and passengers so apprehensive of each other


The Dover mail drivers and passengers are so apprehensive of each other because of the dangerous and uncertain times they are living in.

In the novel "Tale of 2 Cities" by Charles Dickens, the story is set during the French Revolution, a time of great political and social upheaval. During this time, there was a lot of suspicion and mistrust between people, as anyone could be accused of being a traitor or a spy. This is why the Dover mail drivers and passengers are so apprehensive of each other; they are afraid that someone among them might be an enemy or a threat.

Furthermore, the Dover mail coaches were often targeted by highwaymen and robbers, adding to the sense of danger and apprehension among the drivers and passengers. Overall, the apprehension between the Dover mail drivers and passengers is a reflection of the tense and volatile atmosphere of the French Revolution.

Learn more about Tale of 2 Cities:


Read the following sentence. Decide if the verb is used as transitive or intransitive.

Denise slipped on the ice patch behind her garage.






What is creature that may shelter clownfish crossword clue ?


SEA ANEMONE  is creature that may shelter clownfish crossword clue.

The Actiniaria phylum of predatory marine invertebrates includes sea anemones. They are called after the Anemone, a terrestrial flowering plant, due to their colourful look. The phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, and subclass Hexacorallia are where sea anemones belong. Sea anemones are connected to corals, jellyfish, and other cnidarians as The majority of sea anemones consist of a base and an oral disc that is encircled by tentacles. The animal's base is a stalk that anchors it to a rock or other object. The oral disc resembles the face of a sea anemone; it is a flat disc with a mouth in the centre and predator-catching tentacles on either side. Sea anemones can be found in almost any shape.

To know more about resembles refer :


did the mistress iinital kindess or her eventual cruelty have a greeater effect on freddrick douglass? explain


Answer: Frederick Douglass, a former slave and abolitionist, wrote about his experiences in his famous narrative "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave." In the narrative, Douglass describes how the initial kindness shown to him by a slave owner's mistress had a profound impact on him, but ultimately, her cruelty had a greater effect on him.

The mistress initially showed kindness to Douglass by teaching him how to read, which was a forbidden activity for slaves at that time. This act of kindness inspired Douglass and gave him hope for a better future. He saw the mistress as a symbol of compassion and kindness in a world that was otherwise filled with cruelty and oppression.

However, despite this initial kindness, the mistress eventually became cruel towards Douglass. When her husband discovered that she was teaching Douglass how to read, he punished both the mistress and Douglass severely. This event shattered Douglass's hopes and dreams, and he realized that the cruelty of slavery was systemic and that even those who showed kindness could eventually become cruel.

In conclusion, while the initial kindness shown to Douglass by the mistress was significant and had a profound impact on him, her eventual cruelty had a greater effect on him. It demonstrated to Douglass the reality of slavery and the need for its abolition.


what news of the outside world does mr. dussel bring? Why does this news make anyone feel guilty about living in the annex


In the context of Anne Frank's diary, Mr. Dussel is one of the Jewish people who are in hiding in the annex during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Who was Anne Frank?

In the context of Anne Frank's diary, Mr. Dussel is one of the Jewish people who are in hiding in the annex during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. In one entry of her diary, Anne writes that Mr. Dussel brings news of the outside world, including reports of the persecution and deportation of Jews to concentration camps, the rationing of food and supplies, and the Allied bombings of German cities. This news makes the people in the annex feel guilty about living in hiding while others are suffering and dying. They also feel frustrated and helpless, as they are unable to do anything to help those who are being persecuted and killed. The news from the outside world serves as a constant reminder of the danger they are in, and the harsh reality of the war that is being waged around them.

To know more about Anne Frank , visit:


Wnite an interpretive essay that analyzes literature from the perspective of a quotation. In your essay, interpret the quotation and explain
how it applies to literature you have read. Support your viewpoint with evidence from a variety of literary texts that you have read. Include
precise anguage and literary terms
"That's what literature is. It's the people who went before us, tapping out messages from the past, from beyond the grave, trying to tell us
about life and deathl Listen to them!"
Connie Willis


The above quote by Connie Willis highlights the significance of literature as a medium of communication from the past to the present.

An Interpretative Essay on Connie Willis Quote?

The authors and characters from literary texts are like messengers, who have left behind their experiences, observations and insights about life and death for us to discover and learn from. In essence, literature acts as a bridge between the past and the present, and provides a rich source of knowledge and wisdom that can help us navigate the complexities of life.

One of the most powerful ways in which literature can help us understand life and death is through its ability to create empathy. By reading about the experiences and emotions of characters in a text, we can learn to understand and relate to their perspectives. For example, in John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," the character of George is torn between his loyalty to his friend Lennie and his own dreams of a better life. Through Steinbeck's poignant portrayal of George's internal conflict, readers are able to experience the emotional weight of his situation and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges of friendship and loyalty.

Another important aspect of literature is its ability to shed light on the human condition. Through their works, authors can offer us a glimpse into the universal experiences and emotions that define our existence. For example, in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet," the titular character grapples with grief, revenge, and the meaning of life. Through this exploration of the human psyche, Shakespeare illuminates the timeless and enduring questions that have plagued humanity for centuries.

Learn more about Connie Willis here:


how do fences protect how do fences prevent or prohibit


Fences protect by making sure that the privacy, security and safety is secured. Fences prevent or prohibit by providing barriers to keep unauthorized personnel from entering the area.

Fences are a type of barrier that is used to protect privacy, security, safety, and boundary from happening. There are several ways that fences can protect or prevent:
1. Privacy: Fences can provide privacy by blocking the view of outsiders into a property or area. This can help to prevent unwanted attention or intrusion.

2. Security: Fences can also provide security by preventing unauthorized access to a property or area. This can help to protect against theft, vandalism, or other criminal activity.

3. Safety: Fences can also be used to keep people or animals safe by preventing them from entering or leaving a certain area. This can be especially important for keeping children or pets safe from potential dangers.

4. Boundary: Fences can also be used to mark the boundary of a property or area. This can help to prevent disputes over property lines and can also help to keep people or animals from wandering onto someone else's property.

Overall, fences can be an important tool for protecting privacy, security, safety, and boundaries. Whether you are looking to protect your home, business, or other property, a fence can be a valuable investment.

Learn more about security


What is the indepent and dependent variable?
During the last quarter of the 20th century, the annual (biennial since 1996) General Social Survey (GSS) investigated a wide range of characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors. Each year, more than 1,000 adults in the United States completed GSS phone interviews; many questions repeated from year to year so that trends could be identified. Robert Putnam often used GSS data in his famous Bowling Alone investigation of social ties in America. Survey responses indicated that "neighboring" declined throughout this period. As indicated in Exhibit 1. 4 (Putnam 2000: 106), the percentage of GSS respondents who reported spending "a social evening with someone who lives in your neighborhood. . . About once a month or more often" was 60% for married people in 1975 and about 65% for singles. By 1998, the comparable percentages were 45% for married people and 50% for singles


The variable that is changed or controlled in an experiment is known as the independent variable.

And the variable that is observed or measured as a result of that change is known as the dependent variable. To forecast or explain the value of the dependent variable, independent variables are used. They are applied to determine causal links between two or more variables. The outcomes or findings of a study or experiment are known as dependent variables. They serve as the variable in an experiment or study that is being measured or tested. The independent variables have an impact on them, and their values are influenced by those of the independent variables.

To know more about independent variables refer to the link below :


Which sentence includes a semi colon use error?


Answer: A

Sorry if you get it wrong but I’m sure it’s A

college assignments usually require extensive writing. there are several strategies that help you to be successful across many varieties of writing assignments. what are those successful strategies? (check all that apply)


By implementing the bellow strategies, you can improve your writing skills and become more successful with college writing assignments.

Understand the assignment requirements: Before you start writing, make sure you understand the assignment requirements. This includes the formatting, length, and the main focus of the assignment.

Brainstorming and outlining: Start by brainstorming and outlining your ideas. This can help you to organize your thoughts and structure your writing. A well-organized outline will help you to stay on track and ensure that you cover all the necessary points in your writing.

Conduct thorough research: Do your research to gather relevant and reliable information that supports your argument or topic. Use academic sources such as peer-reviewed articles, books, and scholarly journals to gather credible information.

Write in clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language to express your ideas. Use precise vocabulary and avoid wordiness, jargon, or complicated sentence structures.

Edit and proofread: Editing and proofreading is an essential part of the writing process. After you have written your draft, read through it carefully to catch any errors, typos, or mistakes in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Use writing tools like Grammarly or Hemingway to help you with this.

Seek feedback: Getting feedback from your professors or peers can help you to improve your writing. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to improve your writing skills.

For such more question on strategies


the school has gotten funding to improve the school library
your teacher has asked you to make a report on the library

you should mention what students use it for and improvements that can be made




The school library is an essential resource for students and is used for a variety of purposes. It is a place for students to research, study, and find information for their assignments. The library also provides access to a wide range of books, both fiction and non-fiction, which are used for leisure reading and learning.

To improve the library, there are several areas that can be considered:

Technology: Updating the technology in the library, such as computers and printers, can provide students with access to the latest tools and resources.

Furnishings: Replacing outdated furniture, such as desks and chairs, with ergonomic options can provide a more comfortable and conducive learning environment for students.

Lighting: Improving the lighting in the library can create a more inviting atmosphere and increase visibility, making it easier for students to read and study.

Book Collection: Increasing the library's book collection by adding new titles, especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), can provide students with a broader range of resources and knowledge.

Study Areas: Adding additional study areas, such as group study rooms, can provide students with a quiet space to collaborate and work on projects.

Overall, there are many ways in which the school library can be improved to better serve the needs of students. By incorporating these changes, the school library can become a more effective and efficient resource for students and help them achieve their academic goals.

Write a composition of at least 500 words, using the illustrative pattern. You may use example, definition, comparison or contrast, details, or any combination of these in your paper. You may use either the pendulum or the extended (block) method.

You may use one of these suggested topics or one of your own:

How dogs communicate with humans
How knowing English can help people
How advertisements affect people
How crime can be eliminated
If your topic requires research support, remember to document your source(s) properly



English has become a global language in the 21st century, and its importance cannot be overstated.

How knowing English can help people ?

In today's world, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become a necessity, and it opens up a world of opportunities for individuals who possess this skill. Knowing English can help people in several ways, including improving career prospects, expanding social circles, and increasing cultural understanding. Thirdly, knowing English can increase cultural understanding and appreciation. English is a language that has spread across the world and is spoken by people of various cultures and backgrounds. When individuals learn English, they have access to a vast amount of literature, movies, and music that can provide insight into different cultures. It can also help individuals to appreciate the cultural differences and similarities between people.

Furthermore, knowing English can help individuals to better understand and communicate with people from different backgrounds. This can lead to increased tolerance and understanding of diverse perspectives.

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Using at least 10 of these words on how are these terms used to make meaning of the claim regarding the value of homework? Write sentences using 10 of those words for how the term relates to the topic of homework .


Homework encompasses to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons. The greatest value of homework is in cultivating standardized beliefs about learning.

What is the value of homework?

Homework reinforce skills associated with academic success. Homework teaches students how to problem solve. Homework gives student another opportunity to review class material and subtests of different streams. Homework gives parents the autonomy to see what is being learned in school. Homework teaches students how to take the accountability for their part in the educational process.

Homework has an impact by enabling pupils to marginalize independent learning to practice. Hence students becomes self-regulatory by being able to consolidate skills, conduct in-depth inquiry, prepare for lessons or revise for exams. Homework helps students internalize good study habits and life skills. They become immediate respondents for  assignments completion that helps students practice organization, time management, following directions, critical thinking and independent problem-solving.

To learn more about academic success, visit:


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