FDR and Migrant Farmer Dialogue


Answer 1

Human history is the tale of agricultural productivity advancements that enable fewer farmers to feed more people, paving the way for the development of cities and aristocratic rule. Mechanization in agriculture that saves labour is a response to risk and economic factors in modern times. When hand labour is more expensive than using a machine and there is a chance that farm employees won't be available, farmers mechanise. Workers leave farmland due to rising nonfarm earnings, while technological advancements in biology and engineering make it possible to replace humans with machines.

There have been multiple waves of mechanisation in US agriculture. In the 1920s, tractors took the place of horses, and Mexican Braceros who hand-picked cotton were replaced by cotton harvesters and sharecropper families.

learn more about Migrant Farmer Dialouge



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d) ford


I think that the correct answer will be D)

Which of the following statements best characterizes the house un-American activities committee in 1950


The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people. The correct option is C.

What is HUAC?

The HUAC was created in 1938 with the intention of looking into alleged subversive activity in the US.

The committee rose to prominence in the 1950s Cold War era for its investigations into communism and communism-related activities, frequently focusing on actors, playwrights, and other creatives in the entertainment sector.

The HUAC was notorious for forcing witnesses to testify against their coworkers and friends by utilizing forceful and occasionally immoral tactics, including as blacklisting and public humiliation.

Numerous people were wrongfully charged, which resulted in serious harm to their reputations, professional careers, and personal lives.

The most realistic description of the HUAC's 1950s actions is hence the claim that many people were falsely accused by the committee.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding HUAC, visit:



Which of the following statements best characterizes the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s?

The House Un-American Activities Committee ended the era of espionage.

The House Un-American Activities Committee kept the United States out of war.

The House Un-American Activities Committee wrongly accused many people.

The House Un-American Activities Committee questioned only private citizens

was the movement of people, animals, plants, and
diseases between Europe and the Americas.
OA. Transatlantic Passage
OB. Colonial Exchange
OC. Columbian Exchange
OD. Middle Passage



The Columbian Exchange


The Columbian exchange, also known as the Columbian interchange, was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, precious metals, commodities, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas

Please reflect on the changes across history regarding the behavior society considers criminal using the Consensus View of Crime, Conflict View, and the Interactionist View.
What about the Interactionist view on deviant acts; does society seem to be more acceptable to some today? Identify some.


According to the Interactionist view, deviant acts are seen as being a result of the labels that society places on certain behaviors and activities. Society seems to be more accepting of some deviant acts today compared to the past. Examples include acceptance of marijuana use, increased acceptance of same-sex marriage, and a greater tolerance for public nudity.
Final answer:

The Consensus View of Crime, Conflict View, and Interactionist View offer different perspectives on criminal behavior and societal reactions to deviant acts. The Interactionist View recognizes that societal acceptance of certain acts may change over time.


The Consensus View of Crime is a perspective which suggests that behaviors are considered criminal because they are deemed harmful to society and there is a general consensus among people that these actions should be prohibited. The Conflict View, on the other hand, asserts that what is considered criminal is determined by those in power who use the criminal justice system to maintain control and protect their interests. The Interactionist View focuses on the labeling and societal reaction to deviant acts, suggesting that whether an act is considered deviant or criminal depends on how society responds to it.

Regarding the Interactionist View on deviant acts, the level of societal acceptance towards certain acts can vary over time. For example, in the past, homosexuality was considered deviant and criminal, but in modern society, there has been a significant shift towards acceptance and inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community. Similarly, the use of marijuana has been increasingly decriminalized in many places, reflecting a change in social attitudes towards this once highly stigmatized act.

Learn more about The Consensus View of Crime, Conflict View, and Interactionist View on criminal behavior here:



_____ 1. urged state legislatures to reject the Fourteenth Amendment ____ 2. granted full citizenship to African Americans _____ 3. prohibited state and federal governments from denying the right to vote to any male citizen because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude” _____ 4. Secretary of War suspended by President Johnson without Senate approval _____ 5. exploited African American workers _____ 6. required the military commanders of Southern districts to begin registering voters ____ 7. Congress took over Reconstruction. ____ 8. allowed special courts to prosecute those who violated the rights of African Americans _____ 9. Civil War hero, elected president in 1868 _____ 10. divided ten Southern states into five military districts _____ 11. granted full citizenship to all individuals born in the United States ____ 12. prohibited the president from removing government officials without the Senate’s approval A. black codes B. Freedmen's Bureau bill C. Civil Rights Act of 1866 D. Fourteenth Amendment E. Andrew Johnson F. Radical Reconstruction G. First Reconstruction Act H. 2nd Reconstruction Act I. Tenure of Office Act J. Edward Stanton K. Ulysses S. Grant L. Fifteenth amendment


Black codes urged state legislatures to reject the Fourteenth Amendment

What are Black codes?

Black codes were laws that were enacted in the Southern United States after the Civil War to restrict the rights and freedoms of African Americans. These codes were designed to regulate the labor, behavior, and movements of the newly-freed black population and to ensure that they remained in a state of subservience to white landowners. Black codes varied by state but generally included provisions that restricted the ability of African Americans to own property, work in certain occupations, travel without permission, and vote. Black codes were a precursor to the more restrictive Jim Crow laws that would emerge later in the 19th century.

Urged state legislatures to reject the Fourteenth Amendment: This refers to the actions of President Andrew Johnson, who encouraged the Southern states to reject the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment, among other things, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States and prohibited states from denying the equal protection of the law to any person. Johnson believed that the amendment was too radical and would impose too much federal control over the states.

To know more about Civil war, check out:



Why are children considered so important in any consideration of problems and reform in the Gilded Age?



Most reformers agreed that one of the nation’s top priorities should be its children and youth, who, they believed, suffered more from the disorder plaguing the rapidly growing nation than any other group.


How does the basic outline of the constitution reflect a right balance of power ? Paragraph organized claim:data:explain



The U.S. Constitution is one of the most important documents in American history, outlining the structure of the U.S. government and establishing the rights of American citizens. One of the key features of the Constitution is the system of checks and balances it creates, which ensures a right balance of power among different branches and levels of government.

The Constitution divides power among three branches of government: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch is responsible for different functions and has its own unique powers. The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the laws, the legislative branch is responsible for creating laws, and the judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws. This separation of powers ensures that no single branch can become too powerful or dominant, and each branch is able to check the power of the other branches.

The Constitution also establishes a federal system of government, in which power is shared between the federal government and the states. This system allows for local control over certain issues while also ensuring that the federal government can act in the best interests of the entire country. The federal government is responsible for national issues such as defense, foreign policy, and the economy, while state governments are responsible for issues such as education, transportation, and law enforcement. This system of federalism ensures that both the federal government and the states have a say in important decisions, and that neither is able to dominate the other.

Another important aspect of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights, which outlines specific individual rights that the government cannot infringe upon. This protects individual freedoms and limits the power of the government. The Bill of Rights includes important protections such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial. These protections ensure that the government does not become too powerful and that individual rights are protected.

Finally, the Constitution establishes the principle of popular sovereignty, which means that the people are the ultimate source of government authority. This ensures that the government remains accountable to the people it serves. The Constitution also includes a system of checks and balances that ensures that each branch of government is accountable to the others, and that the government as a whole is accountable to the people.

In conclusion, the basic outline of the U.S. Constitution reflects a right balance of power among different branches and levels of government. The separation of powers, federalism, the Bill of Rights, and the principle of popular sovereignty all work together to ensure that the government remains accountable to the people, protects individual rights, and maintains a balance of power. This system of checks and balances has helped to ensure the stability and continuity of the U.S. government for over two centuries, and remains a model of democratic governance for countries around the world.


The basic outline of the U.S. Constitution reflects a system of government that is designed to balance power among different branches and levels of government. Here are some ways in which the Constitution achieves this balance:

Separation of Powers: The Constitution divides power among three branches of government - the executive, legislative, and judicial branches - each with its own unique responsibilities and powers. This system of "checks and balances" ensures that no one branch can become too powerful or dominant.

Federalism: The Constitution establishes a federal system of government, in which power is shared between the federal government and the states. This system allows for local control over certain issues while also ensuring that the federal government can act in the best interests of the entire country.

Limited Government: The Constitution includes a Bill of Rights that outlines specific individual rights that the government cannot infringe upon. This protects individual freedoms and limits the power of the government.

Popular Sovereignty: The Constitution establishes the principle of popular sovereignty, which means that the people are the ultimate source of government authority. This ensures that the government remains accountable to the people it serves.

Overall, the basic outline of the Constitution reflects a careful balancing of power among different branches and levels of government, and aims to protect individual rights and limit the power of the government. This system of checks and balances has helped to ensure the stability and continuity of the U.S. government for over two centuries.

Arrange the events that came before the formation of ISIS in the correct sequence.
-The US Congress passes
the Patriot Act.
-The United States invades
-Saddam Hussein is executed
by an Iraqi military court.
-Osama bin Laden forms
-In Iran an Islamic revolution
overthrows the Shah.
-September 11 attacks take
-A group of Islamic militants
called ISIS emerges.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or simply the Islamic State.

What was formation of ISIS ?

Islamic State is a Salafi jihadist activist group and former unrecognised proto-state that upholds a fundamentalist Salafi interpretation of Sunni Islam. Its formal name is the Islamic State (IS), and its Arabic abbreviation is Dais.

The remains of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a regional branch of al Qaeda established by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004, gave rise to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh. It vanished into obscurity for a while following the rise of U.S.


1. Al-ascent Qaeda's in Iraq,

2. Iraqi Al-Qaeda leader's death,

3. The attacks of September 11,

4. Saddam Hussain's passing,

5. The rise of ISIS

6. Iraq was invaded by the US .

Learn more about ISIS here



Which phrase describes the power of ordinary citizens
to rule themselves?
A. popular self-determination
B. survival of the fittest
C. divine right
D. manifest destiny


The phrase that describes the power of ordinary citizens to rule themselves is A. Popular self-determination. This is the idea that the people themselves should have the power to make decisions regarding their lives and their society, without interference from outside forces or authorities.

In the second paragraph, the author describes a number of symbols in the painting. Did you notice all of these symbols? How does his interpretation differ from yours? Does the author answer any of your questions about the image?


Due to the fact that some symbols are conventional and others are natural, the answer is not the same for all symbols. Christianity uses the cross as a symbol, yet it is also a traditional sign of suffering. For the cross to be adopted as a symbol, people have to understand that it represents suffering.

What is meant by Statutory interpretation?

Courts interpret and implement laws through a process known as statutory interpretation. When a case includes a statute, some kind of interpretation is frequently required.

A statute's language may occasionally have a clear and unambiguous interpretation. Nonetheless, there is frequently some ambiguity in the statute's language that the court must clarify.

Judges employ a variety of statutory interpretation techniques and instruments, such as the classic statutory interpretation canons, the legislative history, and the intent

Learn more about Statutory interpretation, from :



Please help me I am sick and I have to turn in this now and I feel bad please.

what are the differences and similarities between " Should women have equal treatment under the law?" and "Who should be allowed to vote?"



I developed this series as part of my work with Prentice-Hall supporting Daniel Boorstin’s A History of the United States.

Originally it was suggested that I develop lessons on questions such as “Should slavery be extended into the territories?” I argued that most of these issues had been answered, and that it would be more engaging to frame the debates around essential questions. Thus the typical question – “Should the Constitution be ratified?” became “How powerful should the national government be?” Anyone following the reauthorization of NCLB or the proposed health care legislation knows the enduing relevance of that question.

The Great Debates feature consists of twelve debates, one for every unit of the text. Each of these debates contains an introduction that states the topic of the debate, examines the background of this issue, provides information about both the readings and the debaters, and discusses the debate topic from a contemporary perspective. Units feature the conflicting viewpoints of two or more historical figures or organizations and a worksheet that helps students analyze the debate through a series of comprehension and critical thinking questions.


Hopes it helps :) #CarryOnLearning

P.S. If my grammar is wrong, use grammarly

Who was J.D. Cameron



He was An American author


David L. Robbins is an American author of English and Pennsylvania Dutch descent. He writes both fiction and non-fiction

Why were there many rebellions after the thirty years war?
-taxes and famine
-too much power by the king
-fight for democracy


There were many rebellions after the thirty years war because of too much power by the king. The Option B is correct.

What was the Thirty Years' War all about?

Thirty Years' War, (1618-48), a series of wars fought by various nations for various reasons, including religious, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries, in European history. Its destructive campaigns and battles spanned most of Europe, and when it ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia, the map of Europe had been irreversibly altered.

Though the Thirty Years War began some years earlier, it is widely assumed that the war began in 1618, when the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II attempted to impose Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, and the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rose up in rebellion.

Read more about Thirty Years' War



What permanent colony was established by the group aboard this ship?




The Jamestown Colony

discuss Perikles’ vision for the Akropolis. Consider the construction of the Parthenon, its use of proportions and symbolism of the sculpture.



Perikles, who was a prominent Athenian statesman and general during the 5th century BCE, had a vision for the Akropolis (Acropolis) of Athens that centered on the construction of monumental buildings and the use of art and architecture to glorify Athens and its gods.

The Parthenon, which was built during Perikles' rule, is considered the most significant expression of his vision for the Akropolis. The Parthenon was constructed as a temple dedicated to Athena, the goddess of wisdom and the patron goddess of Athens. It was designed to be the centerpiece of the Akropolis, and its construction was intended to demonstrate the power, wealth, and cultural achievements of Athens.

The Parthenon is notable for its use of proportions and its careful attention to detail. The temple was designed using the principles of classical Greek architecture, and its designers employed mathematical ratios to ensure that the building had a harmonious and balanced appearance. The columns, for example, are arranged in a way that creates the illusion of perfect straightness, even though they are slightly curved.

The sculptures that adorned the Parthenon also played an important role in Perikles' vision for the Akropolis. The frieze that runs along the top of the temple, for example, depicts a procession of Athenian citizens, gods, and horse-drawn chariots, symbolizing the city's power and religious devotion. The sculptures of the pediments, which are located at the front and rear of the temple, depict mythical scenes that were meant to evoke a sense of awe and reverence.

In conclusion, Perikles' vision for the Akropolis of Athens was centered on the construction of monumental buildings that glorified Athens and its gods, and the use of art and architecture to demonstrate the city's power, wealth, and cultural achievements. The Parthenon, with its careful attention to proportion and its use of symbolism, is considered the greatest expression of this vision.

Warfare in World War I saw the rise of poisonous gases used as chemical weapons mainly because
A. tank-based weaponry had not yet been developed
B. traditional weapons were not successful in trench warfare
C. submarines required weapons that were easy to store
D. machine guns were not effective against frontal assaults


According to estimates, phosgene or the related chemical, diphosgene, was to blame for up to 85% of the 91,000 gas deaths during Warfare in World War I  (trichloromethane chloroformate).

Why did poison gas get used by World War 1 armies?

German mustard gas, which was first used in 1917, caused blisters in the skin, eyes, and lungs and killed hundreds of people. Military planners rationalized the use of poison gas by arguing that it decreased the enemy's capacity to retaliate.

Which deadly gas was the most often employed chemical weapon during the conflict?

In the First World War, mustard gas received the most media attention. It is an ephemeral oily liquid. On July 12, 1917, a few weeks before the Third Battle of Ypres, Germany launched it as a vesicant.

To know more about Warfare in World War I visit :-




How have the Declaration of Independence’s key principles grown in importance to become unifying ideas of American political philosophy?


These concepts, that all men are created equal and that government is founded on the consent of the governed, were the foundation for the United States' political ideal of popular sovereignty: that the government exists to serve the people, who elect representatives to express their wishes.

What major American principles are reflected in the Declaration of Independence?

They symbolize American values, or the entire picture of what America should be. They merit careful examination. Consider the Declaration of Independence's four core ideals: equality, unalienable rights, consent of the governed, and the right to change or abolish government. The paper was read to the army by General George Washington, and its ringing lines boosted morale among his troops. The Declaration of Independence helped to unite the colonies so that they could fight together rather than separately with Britain.

Learn more about unalienable rights from here;



Use what you know about the North and the South to answer the following question.
What factors could cause two regions to develop with such different economies?
Check any of the boxes that apply.
different land resources
different climate
different water resources
different natural resources
different populations


Answer:natural resources populaton and climate I believe.


why would a government want 100% employment?




During a recession, the government lowers interest rates to encourage spending and stimulate the economy. Conversely, when we reach the point of full employment, the government raises interest rates to control inflation. This is the type of unemployment on which government policies have the greatest effect.

Write a diary entry from the point of view of the man in this cartoon.​


AY, Its yo boy Johnny Sins BACK with another answer of the day,

20 points aight bet lets see what we got,

Today I was sitting on my usual bench in the park, enjoying my cigar and reflecting on life. Suddenly, a squirrel appeared and started talking to me. It was a strange experience, but it made me laugh. The squirrel asked me why I don't save some money for the future, since times were good. I told the squirrel that I did save money, but it turns out I was a victim of a bank failure.

I still can't believe it. All my hard-earned savings, gone in an instant. I thought I was doing the right thing by putting my money in the bank, but I was wrong. I feel so foolish and helpless. I never imagined that something like this could happen to me. I always thought that the banks were safe and trustworthy.

I feel like I have lost everything, but at least I have my cigar to keep me company. I will have to start from scratch and rebuild my life, but I don't know how. I just hope that this is not the end and that I will find a way to recover from this setback.


5 stars my boy!

he Constitution’s creation of a national government with separation of powers


The Constitution created a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and ensure the government operates in the best interests of the people.

How does the separation of powers prevent one branch from becoming too powerful?

The separation of powers within the constitution creates 3 awesome branches of government, every with its personal powers and responsibilities. By dividing electricity in this way, the charter establishes a machine of checks and balances that forestalls any one department from turning into too effective. For instance, the legislative branch can pass laws, however the executive branch can veto them. In addition, the judicial department can claim laws unconstitutional, however the legislative branch can impeach and put off judges. This system creates a sensitive stability of strength that guarantees that no department can dominate the others, which allows to shield person liberties and promote excellent governance.

To know more about Judicial Department visit: https://brainly.com/question/8871752


How did changes in japan differ from those in the ottoman empire at the end of the 19th century?.


The changes in Japan and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century were quite different in terms of their causes, nature, and outcomes. Here are some key differences:


Causes: Japan's modernization was largely driven by the country's desire to become a major player on the world stage and to avoid being colonized by the West. To achieve this goal, Japan adopted a policy of rapid modernization and Westernization, known as the Meiji Restoration.

Nature of changes: The Meiji period saw sweeping changes in Japanese society, including the modernization of the economy, military, and education. Japan adopted a constitutional monarchy, with a parliamentary system modeled after that of Europe. The country also abolished the feudal system and established a modern legal code.

Outcomes: Japan's modernization was successful, and by the early 20th century, the country had become a major power in Asia and the Pacific. Its economy had grown rapidly, and its military was strong enough to defeat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

Ottoman Empire:

Causes: The decline of the Ottoman Empire was caused by a number of factors, including military defeats, economic decline, and internal political instability. The empire was also facing challenges from nationalist movements among its ethnic and religious minorities.

Nature of changes: The late 19th century was a period of decline for the Ottoman Empire, as it lost control of much of its territory and faced increasing challenges to its rule. The empire attempted to modernize and reform its institutions, but these efforts were often unsuccessful, and the empire was unable to stem its decline.

Outcomes: The decline of the Ottoman Empire continued into the early 20th century, and by the end of World War I, the empire had been defeated and dissolved. Its territory was divided among the victorious powers, and its ethnic and religious minorities established their own independent states.

In conclusion, while both Japan and the Ottoman Empire underwent significant changes at the end of the 19th century, the nature and outcomes of these changes were quite different, reflecting the unique challenges and opportunities facing each country.

The term citizenship helps explain: A. how ideas from the Enlightenment shaped the U.S. government. B. what citizens should give to and receive from their country. C. why the United States has state, local, and federal elections. D. the steps noncitizens can take to become naturalized.


The term citizenship helps explain D. the steps noncitizens can take to become naturalized.

What is  citizenship all about?

The rights and responsibilities of individuals in relation to their government and society. Citizenship is the legal status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a state or nation. It is usually acquired through birth or naturalization.

Citizenship carries with it certain rights, duties, and responsibilities, such as the right to vote, the right to own property, the responsibility to obey laws, and the responsibility to pay taxes.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about citizenship at:



why did German people follow Hitler's Nazi ideas during the Great Depression


Answer: They thought it would lead them to a great future and thought they get their jobs



Step 2: Make your Decision

Now it’s time to pretend you are a judge! Explain, like a judge, your thoughts on the case and why you feel this way. For each question you should explain your answer in at least two to three complete sentences.
• • Why did the school believe they had the right to suspend the students who began the campaign?

• • Why did the students believe they had the right to wear the t-shirts?

• • Should the students be allowed to wear the t-shirts? Why or why not? Give three reasons to support your decision. At least one of your reasons should be based on what you learned about the Tinker v. Des Moines case.

Reason #1:

Reason #2:

Reason #3:

• • Is there any time when students should not be allowed to wear something to school? If so, what should not be allowed and why? Be sure to use what you know about the First Amendment to support your answer.



I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide information and analysis to help you make your decision.

Why did the school believe they had the right to suspend the students who began the campaign?

The school may have believed they had the right to suspend the students because they felt that the message on the t-shirts was disruptive to the educational environment or potentially offensive to other students. The school may have also believed that the t-shirts could cause a substantial disruption to the educational environment, which would justify the suspension under the Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District.

Why did the students believe they had the right to wear the t-shirts?

The students likely believed that they had the right to wear the t-shirts because they believe in the message they were trying to convey and feel that it is protected by their First Amendment rights. They may also feel that wearing the t-shirts is a way of expressing their opinions and participating in the political process.

Should the students be allowed to wear the t-shirts? Why or why not? Give three reasons to support your decision.

Yes, the students should be allowed to wear the t-shirts.

Reason #1: The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, which includes the right to express political opinions.

Reason #2: The Tinker v. Des Moines case established that students do not lose their constitutional rights when they enter a school.

Reason #3: Wearing the t-shirts does not cause a substantial disruption to the educational environment.

Is there any time when students should not be allowed to wear something to school? If so, what should not be allowed and why?

Yes, there are some circumstances when students should not be allowed to wear something to school. For example, clothing or symbols that are disruptive to the educational environment, promote violence or hate, or are obscene or vulgar, should not be allowed. These types of clothing or symbols can undermine the educational environment and create a hostile environment for other students. The First Amendment does not protect speech that incites violence or creates a substantial disruption to the educational environment.

Although it appears that students' First Amendment freedom of speech have been maintained in this case, we should remember that when we violate someone else's rights, our rights expire.

What made the students think it was okay for them to wear the t-shirts?

Because they believed that food was being wasted and wasted because no one was buying it, and because their employees had a different workload. It promotes freedom of expression.

The right to clothing, also known as the right to adequate clothing, is recognised as a human right in a number of international human rights instruments; it is a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, which is guaranteed by Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

To know more about human rights, visit:



postpartum depression is a depression that begins ___ the first___. Of pregnancy. It can even begin ___ pregnancy




i think its (at, few, months, during)

The period before civilizations is called .


Prehistory is the answer I believe.

How many slaves were sold to brazil during the trans atlantic trade



During the Atlantic slave trade era, Brazil imported more enslaved Africans than any other country in the world. An estimated 4.9 million enslaved people from Africa were imported to Brazil during the period of 1501 to 1866.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the mobility of the social classes of the middle ages?
A. Lords could become nobles
B. The class one was born into was where they remained
C. Serfs had the ability to become knights
D. Lords had the potential to inherit the throne


B. The class one was born into was where they remained

Which of the following best characterizes Harappan settlements?
A. Sprawling and Disorganized
B. Tight and Diverse
C. Uniform and Dirty
D. Organized and Sanitary





They were built on a grid and very organized

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They know they want a 30-year term, but they aren't sure which institutiwould be a better fit. Mortgage B institution is closer to their home, and they aren't sure the difference in monthly paymis worth partnering with someone farther away.Mortgage A: 4.5% with monthly payments of $1621.39 and a total payback of $583,700.40Mortgage B: 5% with monthly payments of $1717.83 and a total payback of $618,418.80How much will Andrea and Stanley save by choosing Mortgage A?Provide your answer below:They will save $ by choosing Mortgage AContent attributionFEEDBACKMORE INSTRUCTIONSUBM you just welcomed a new baby girl to your family today. you want your daughter to go to harvard in 18 years for her college education. this year, tuition and fee are $60,000 if she were attending today. you expect the cost to increase by 4% each year. assume the full amount is payable at the beginning of each year. your savings account earns an annual rate of 6% but is compounded monthly. (challenge problem) if you are going to make a monthly deposit at the beginning of each month starting a month from today until the first month your daughter starts college in 18 years, how much do you have to put in every month? Write the linear equation given slope is -1/3 and the point (-9,-1) Groundhog Day predictions have a 39% accuracy. How baby times should we expect to be correct over the next 38 years? *PLEASE HELP* Find b and then solve the equation 2x^2+bx-10=0 if one of its roots is 5 shirley returned to full-time employment six weeks after her baby's birth. she exclusively breast-fed during her maternity leave, and then she pumped her breast milk when she returned to work. now her baby is 3 months old and drinks some formula when at day care. shirley is weighing the pros and cons of continuing breast-feeding. if you were a pediatric nurse, what would you say to her? One in_________Americans order takeout during the Super Bowl?A. 7B. 15C. 33 Two numbers are in the ratio of 2:3. If 15 is added to both the numbers, then the ratio betwee two numbers becomes 11: 14. Find the greater number. Examples of upper and lower middle developing economies 34 on april 18, 1775, paul revere set off on his midnight ride from charlestown to lexington. if he had ridden straight to lexington without stopping, he would have traveled 11 miles in 26 minutes. in such a ride, what would the average speed of his horse have b Upon enlisting in the Marine Corps. I was given the)opportunity to create a College Sovings fund for every$1.00 I deposited the government would depositan additional $2.00 with a max of $100.00/month.If I deposited the max each month how much money did I haveat the end of 5 years if I started with $100.00