Exercise 3 Insert an adjective clause to modify the noun or pronoun in italics.
The video game ___________ is difficult for beginners.


Answer 1

The video game which is difficult for beginners.

An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun, which connects them to the phrase they describe. Relative pronouns encompass the phrases that, where, when, who, whom, whose, which and why. when you don't forget the relative pronouns, it's easy to pick out out an adjective clause in a sentence.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


Related Questions

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
O "According to the U.S. Constitution." She said, "we all have the right to speak our minds."
O "According to the U.S. Constitution" She said. "we all have the right to speak our minds."
O "According to the U.S. Constitution," she said, "we all have the right to speak our minds."
O "According to the U.S. Constitution," she said. "We all have the right to speak our minds."


The sentence which is punctuated correctly is: C. "According to the U.S. Constitution," she said, "we all have the right to speak our minds."

What is a sentence?

A sentence can be defined as a group of words or phrases that comprises a subject and predicate, which are typically used by an author (writer) or speaker to convey a logical information about a subject matter to an audience (readers or listeners).

What is a comma?

A comma can be defined as punctuation mark that is typically used for indicating a break in elements of a series or list in a sentence. Also, it's used to indicate the shortest pause in a sentence.

By using my knowledge of how to properly punctuate dialogue, the sentence which is punctuated correctly is: C. "According to the U.S. Constitution," she said, "we all have the right to speak our minds."

Read more on sentences and punctuation here: https://brainly.com/question/23908040


Exercise 2 Write a complete thesis statement from the theme given below.
theme: the variety of events in track and field


These 44 events can be separated into their many event categories, starting with the track events (all of the running and walking events), and moving on to the field events (all of the throwing and vaulting events).

How many events are there in track and field?

These 44 events can be separated into their many event categories, starting with the track events (all of the running and walking events), and moving on to the field events (all of the throwing and vaulting events). The decathlon and heptathlon are two other multi-events that incorporate both track and field disciplines. The sprint, middle distance, hurdle, and steeplechase events are all track events.

Sprints (100m, 200m, 400m) Middle distance (800m, 1500m) Long distance (3000m Steeplechase, 5000m, 10,000m) Hurdles (110/100m, 400m).

It is an activity that consists of athletic competitions based on throwing, jumping, and running abilities. The workouts assist burn body fat and speed up metabolism which helps athletes reach and maintain healthy a body weight. In the area of the brain that manages anxiety, exercise produces new neurons.

Field events are jumps and throws, while combined events are the pentathlon, heptathlon, and decathlon. Track events include sprints, middle distance, long distance, hurdles, and relays. In stadiums, track and field competitions are typically held.

To learn more about Events in track and field refer to:



Exercise 3 Use the spelling rules in this lesson to spell the words indicated.
guide + -ance


The answer is guidance.

Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
Inside the auditorium people talked loudly until the end of the show.


(Inside) the auditorium people talked loudly (until) the end (of) the show.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



Exercise 1 Identify the phrase in italics as I for infinitive, G for gerund, or P for participial.
The science lab contains many jars labeled as dangerous.


The science lab contains many jars labeled as dangerous.



labeled , is participle

What Are Participles?

A form of a verb used to indicate a past or ongoing action and that can be used like an adjective is participle.

What Do Gerunds Mean?

A gerund is a verb form with an ending of "ing" that serves as a noun in a sentence. Although the -ing ending is used to create both the present participle and the gerund, the participle serves as an adjective while the gerund serves as a noun.

What Are Infinitives?

A verb form known as an infinitive, which is frequently followed by the particle to, can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

To learn more about Gerunds, infinitives, and participles, click below



Exercise 1 Underline the word that is spelled correctly.

Even though I was (annoyed, annoid), I remained calm and collected.


Answer:Even though I was (annoyed, annoid), I remained calm and collected.


Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate of each sentence below.
He drove the van to a nearby game preserve.


He drove the van to a nearby game preserve.

Simple subject: He

Simple predicate: drove

Complete subject: He

Complete predicate: drove the van to a nearby game preserve.

What is subject?

According to an Aristotelian tradition, the subject is technically one of the two essential components of a clause, together with the predicate, which describes the subject (associated with phrase structure grammars). The subject is the main overt argument of the predicate, according to a tradition connected to dependency grammars and predicate logic. According to this idea, there are arguments-enabling subjects in every language, but it is difficult to define subjects in every language. Even in languages like English, the semantic predicand and the subject are not always perfectly matched because a predicate may be dependent on an argument in another phrase.

In this sentence which is given in the question, "He drove the van to a nearby game preserve.", "drove" is the verb so it is working as a simple predicate. and the word "he" is the noun or pronoun so it is working as a simple subject.

To know more about subject, go to URL



Exercise 2 Write the plural form of each noun.



The plural form of the given word (noun), staff is - "staffs" or "staves"

Plural form of nouns- The form of a word (noun) used to indicate that there are multiples is known as a plural word or noun. Most nouns can be made plural by simply adding -s or -es to the end.

Depending on what letter a noun finishes in, pluralization rules can vary greatly. Irregular nouns must be learned or looked up in a dictionary because they do not adhere to the plural noun rules.

Steps of Pluralization of a noun are as follows-

Add 's' to the end of normal nouns to make them plural.Add the letter "es" to the end of the single noun if it ends in s, ss, sh, ch, x, or z to make it plural.Some singular nouns with -s or -z endings need to have the -s or -z doubled before the -es is added to make them plural.If the noun ends in f or fe, the f is frequently altered to -ve before the -s is added to create the plural form.If the letter before the -y in a singular noun ends in y, modify the ending to ies to make the noun multiple.

Learn more about plural noun here-



Exercise 2 Underline the adverb or adverbs in each sentence.
We had scarcely arrived at the park when the storm began.


We had scarcely arrived at the park when the storm began. Scarcely is the adverb here.

An adverb is a word that modifies or describes another word, such as an adjective (he sings loudly), a verb (ended too fast), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Although many adverbs finish in -ly, some, like swift, appear exactly like their adjective equivalents. Adverbs frequently alter verbs. This indicates that they describe how an action is taking place.

1) While in the shower, Phillip sings aloud.

2) My cat is impatiently awaiting his meal.

Adverbs can respond to various inquiries concerning the manner of an activity. Additionally, they can provide information about the time and location (we arrived early) (Turn here).

To learn more about Adverbs here



Exercise 1 Circle the prepositions in each sentence. Sentences can have more than one preposition. If the sentence has no prepositions, circle nothing.
Roberto Clemente was one of the greatest baseball players of all time.


Roberto Clemente was one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

In the given sentence, there is one preposition present which is used twice that is “of”.

What are prepositions and give three examples ?

To indicate direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object, a preposition is a word or set of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Examples of prepositions are:  "at," "on," "of," and "to."

English prepositions are quite idiomatic. Although there are some usage guidelines, fixed expressions often determine how prepositions are used. In these situations, it is preferable to memories the entire phrase rather than each individual preposition.

To know more about Prepositions, visit



Exercise 1 Identify the phrase in italics as I for infinitive, G for gerund, or P for participial.
My younger sister likes to slide down the big hill.


My younger sister likes to slide down the big hill.



to slide , is infinitive

What Are Infinitives?

A verb form known as an infinitive, which is frequently followed by the particle to, can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

What Are Participles?

A form of a verb used to indicate a past or ongoing action and that can be used like an adjective is participle.

What Do Gerunds Mean?

A gerund is a verb form with an ending of "ing" that serves as a noun in a sentence. Although the -ing ending is used to create both the present participle and the gerund, the participle serves as an adjective while the gerund serves as a noun.

To learn more about Gerunds, infinitives, and participles, click below



Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences below by inverting the order of the subjects and predicates.
Up the falls swam the salmon.


Inverted order - The salmon swam up the falls.

What is meant by subject - verb inversion?

In English, a predicate verb that comes before a matching subject is a sign of subject-verb inversion, as in the sentence "Beside the bed stood a lamp." Because the verb in question is not an auxiliary verb, subject-verb inversion differs from subject-auxiliary inversion.

Based on the type of phrase that comes before the verb and the type of verb(s) involved, several types of subject-verb inversion can be recognized. The locative inversion, directional inversion, copular inversion, and quotative inversion are four different categories of subject-verb inversion that are listed in the following subsections.

To learn more about subject - verb inversion from given link



Exercise 2 Correct the word in italics. If the word is correct, write C.
The architect was already to present his design to the construction company.



already ==> ready


The architect was ready to present his design to the construction company.

Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
That television drama was very unrealistic.


That television drama was very unrealistic.

Simple Subject: television

Simple predicate: was

Complete subject: That television drama

Complete predicate:  was very unrealistic

What is subject and predicate?

A noun or a pronoun serves as the sentence's fundamental subject. A verb or verb-phrase serves as the sentence's primary predicate. The topic is made up of the main idea and any supporting phrases that clarify or deepen it. The complete predicate is created by combining the simple predicate with additional words that either clarify or complete its meaning.

A phrase is a group of words used to convey a full idea or meaning. The subject of a complete sentence is the person or thing that the sentence is about. The noun or pronoun that is employed in a sentence as the object of the story is referred to as the subject.

The complete group of words in a sentence that have nothing to do with the subject is known as the predicate. The predicate can be inferred from whatever the subject is not if the subject of a sentence can be identified from just one phrase.

Thus for the above given sentence,

Simple Subject: television

Simple predicate: was

Complete subject: That television drama

Complete predicate:  was very unrealistic

To learn more about subject and predicate from the given link below,



Exercise 1 Circle the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence.
Leafing through photos is a good way to remember old times.


Gerund Phrase in the given question is: "LEAFING"

A gerund phrase is a sentence that consists of the gerund and any accompanying objects or modifiers. When ing is added to a verb root, a noun called a gerund is generated (a present participle).

How to spot a Gerund Word:

1) The sentence will always start with a gerund.

2) The gerund expression will have a modifier, an object, or both.

3) The sentence will function as a noun throughout.

4) The term will complement a verb in the singular.

To learn more about Gerund Phrase, visit the following link:



Exercise 1 Circle the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence.
Quitting is almost never the best solution.


The gerund or gerund phrase in the sentence is "Quitting".

What are gerund and gerund phrase ?

A verb with a -ing ending that is used as a noun is called a gerund. A gerund plus one or more modifiers, objects, or complements makes up a gerund phrase (s). Almost never do gerunds or gerund phrases need to be punctuated.

How are gerunds and gerund phrases recognized?

A gerund will always be used to begin the sentence.There will either be a modifier, an object, or both in the gerund phrase.The entire sentence will serve as a noun.The word will agree in the singular with the verb.

To learn more about gerunds and gerund phrases click on the link below:



We (had,didn't had,weren't having) an umbrella.



The correct sentence would be...

We had an umbrella.


(a) We had an umbrella is grammatically correct.

(b) We didn't had an umbrella is grammatically incorrect. To make that sentence grammatically correct you would have to change the word had to have making the sentence We didn't have an umbrella.

(c) We weren't having an umbrella is grammatically incorrect.

Exercise 1 Place a check next to each sentence that contains an auxiliary verb. In the sentences that contain an auxiliary verb, underline the verb phrase. Then circle the auxiliary verb.
Richard Petty’s father, Lee, had been one of the first great stock car drivers.


Richard Petty’s father, Lee, had been one of the first great stock car drivers.

Verbs are words that describe an action, an occurrence, or a state of being (exist). There must be a verb in almost every sentence. The infinitive is a verb's fundamental form. Infinitives are used for the forms call, love, break, and go.

The verbs in a sentence are the action words that describe what the subject is doing. Verbs and nouns together make up the majority of a phrase. Words that indicate action in a sentence are called verbs. They belong to the same category of the eight components of speech as nouns and adjectives.

To learn more on Verbs



What do we learn about Jacqueline's qualifications from her résumé that we
don't learn from her cover letter?


Qualifications that we can see in the résumé and that cannot be seen in the cover letter are extracurricular activities, permanence in previous jobs, and the duration of academic activities.

Why is this possible?The cover letter is a more summarized text.The cover letter doesn't show much detail.The résumé presents longer information.The résumé presents everything the individual has done in academic and professional life.

If Jacqueline needs to do a résumé and a cover letter, she needs to know what information goes into each of those documents. That's because the cover letter is a summarized text, which goes straight to the point and does not present details about it.

In this case, a cover letter will only show the most relevant qualifications and without much detail.

However, the résumé will show all the activities that Jacqueline has been involved in, whether in the academic or professional field. In addition, the résumé shows very detailed and descriptive information.

Learn more about résumés:



Exercise 1 Underline each pronoun.
She told him skipping breakfast was a bad idea.


She told him skipping breakfast was a bad idea.

Pronouns are words substituted in the place of noun and noun phrases, to avoid repetition of the same noun phrases again and again. They are the building blocks of a sentence and can act as both subject and object in a sentence.

Different classifications of pronouns are relative, reflexive, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, personal, indefinite, subject, object, reciprocal and intensive.

Personal pronouns are used on the behalf of a person. They are used instead of repeating the name of a person repeatedly in close sentences.

She is an example of First Person pronoun.

Him is an example of Third Person pronoun.

Learn more about personal pronouns here



Which of the two statements that follow reflects the more rational and objective tone toward a photographic exhibit? Identify the vocabulary that makes the difference.

This photographic exhibit is a wonderful gallery of varied portraits—politician, seamstress, drifter, ballet dancer, mother, and much more. Each portrait has been shot against a starkly white background, which seems to allow no place for the subject to hide and therefore suggests a confrontational intimacy between the photographer and the subject. Because of the backlighting involved, each head appears to sprout a halo that contrasts paradoxically with the shadows on the face, lending a beguiling mystery to the facial features in each frame.

After staring at this portrait gallery for almost an hour, I decided that it was all meaningless trash. Who wants to waste time looking at this sort of nightmare? This is not art; it is the revelation of a sick mind. All I could see were men and women photographed against a white wall. Some kind of weird circle of light surrounded their heads, but their faces were dark and wrinkled. The ugliness of these faces really bugged me. I felt depressed to think that this Halloween-type exhibit was considered great modern art and was shown at the local museum.


Two statements that reflect the more rational and objective tone toward a photographic exhibit:

Each portrait has been shot against a starkly white background, which seems to allow no place for the subject to hide and therefore suggests a confrontational intimacy between the photographer and the subject. Because of the backlighting involved, each head appears to sprout a halo that contrasts paradoxically with the shadows on the face, lending a beguiling mystery to the facial features in each frame.What is a rational and objective tone?

A rational and objective tone is one that simply says the fact without being overly critical. In the text, we can see that the description of the photographic exhibit that simply states the fact are the sentences selected above.

From these, we can see that the writer simply states the ways in which the portraits were formed at the exhibit. The objective tone that does not have emotional undertones and the statements above reflect objectivity.

Learn more about the objective tone here:



In the arena, what visually differentiated the door with the tiger from the door with the lady?


We can actually deduce here that in the arena, what visually differentiated the door with the tiger from the door with the lady is the innocence or guilt of the accused.

What is "The Lady, or the Tiger"?

"The Lady, or the Tiger" is actually known to be a short story that was written by  Frank R. Stockton. The story reveals the justice system that was adopted by the king. The fate of any accused person was judged in the public arena.

The king made two doors, one an angry tiger and the other a lady. The accused is usually allowed to open any door of his choice. If he opens the door with the tiger, he is devoured by the tiger. This then means that he is guilty. But if he opens the door with the lady, he ends up marrying the lady as a way to show his innocence.

So, we see that in the arena, the innocence or guilt of the accused is what differentiates the door with the tiger from the door with the lady.

Learn more about "The Lady, or the Tiger" on https://brainly.com/question/15010341


Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used. S-subject, DO-direct object, PN-predicate noun, OP-object of preposition Our charitable contributions should go to whatever groups seem most worthy.


There are no italicized noun clauses here.

However, there is something that can be explained: The subject is the one who performs the action. The main verb has an immediate effect on the direct object.The predicate noun is a noun or phrase noun that renames the subject of a sentence after it has taken any of its various forms. The noun or pronoun ruled by a preposition is the object of the preposition.A noun clause could be a clause (a cluster of words that has a topic and a verb) that functions as a noun in a very sentence. within the English, nouns are the words accustomed talk to individuals, places, or things.A noun clause could be a clause that replaces any noun within the sentence, whether or not it's a topic, an object, or a topic complement. She was saddened by what she had browse, for instance.

Thus this is the meaning of noun clause.

To learn more about noun clause, refer: https://brainly.com/question/13831763


(PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!! SUPER IMPORANT! 100 PTS ) Write a small essay or 2-3 paragraphs answering the following question while incorporating the following ten words in your answer.

Question: "Do you think that while covid was at its worst the mask mandate was necessary in public places and schools? Explain."

Words: 1. Baffle 2. Ephemeral 3. Despicable 4. Rejuvenate 5. Exaggerate 6. Exhort 7. Finicky 8. Complacent 9. Peruse 10. Versatile

*You are allowed to change the structure of the word for example adding "ed", "y", "s", etc. at the end*


I tried . Good luck!

When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one’s commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted.

Source: Carter, Stephen L. “The Insufficiency of Honesty.” Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print.

Based on the passage above, which of the following reflects the correct use of the colon?

At the beginning of his essay “The Insufficiency of Honesty,” Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity: “discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.”
At the beginning of his essay: “The Insufficiency of Honesty,” Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity, “discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.”
At the beginning of his essay “The Insufficiency of Honesty”: Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity “discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.”
At the beginning: of his essay “The Insufficiency of Honesty,” Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity, “discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.”


The option from the list that reflects the correct use of the colon is:

At the beginning of his essay “The Insufficiency of Honesty,” Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity: “discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong.”

How is the colon best used?

One of the uses of the colon is to add additional information about something. In the first sentence, we can see that the colon was used to introduce the definition of the word, integrity. The additional meanings were added using the semi-colon.

A semi-colon can be used to distinguish the items being listed. The first option uses the colon and semi-colon in their correct forms. We can see that the colon was used to separate the items in the list.

Learn more about the colon here:



1. In the beginning (EXPOSITION):
1. What is Beowulf's STATUS QUO and where does he head to in order to fulfil his CALL TO
2. Who receives and tells him about the MAIN CONFLICT of this part of the story?


Beowulf's STATUS QUO was a renowned fighter who had remarkable strength and ability to slay monsters and men. He lands in Daneland.

The person that receives Beowulf when he comes to kill Grendel is a watchman at the sea-cliff who challenges him to prove himself as Beowulf before he is allowed to enter Denmark.

What is Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done with the aid of a narrator in order to advance a plot.

Hence, we can see that Beowulf's STATUS QUO was a renowned fighter who had remarkable strength and ability to slay monsters and men. He lands in Daneland.

The person that receives Beowulf when he comes to kill Grendel is a watchman at the sea-cliff who challenges him to prove himself as Beowulf before he is allowed to enter Denmark.

Read more about Beowulf here:



How can you show your focus in your writing?


Answer: By not getting sidetracked in your words.

Explanation: I always get sidetracked when I'm writing, remember to stay on the subject and try not to use words such as, like, good, nice, or happy. try to use words like, prefer, courteous or cheerful!

Fix the verb that doesn't match the tense of the verb in bold.

While her husband checks into the hotel, Mrs. Petersen wrote postcards
to their friends.



While her husband checked into the hotel, Mrs Petersen wrote postcards


the word checked is in the wrong tense because wrote was in past tense. This yherefore indicates that the whole sentense is in simple past tense. You cannot have 2 different tenses in one sentence.

Exercise 3 Underline the correct word given in parentheses. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies.
We couldn’t find (any, no) birdseed at the hardware store.





Any is a preposition thats means 'one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many'. This is appropriate for the context about the amount of birdseed at the hardware store.

No is the exact opposite of any, so it's obviously wrong.

How does the news that Elizabeth receives about Lydia most affect Elizabeth personally? It brings her closer to Darcy. It damages her relationship with Lydia. It complicates her own ability to find a husband. It forces her to focus her life on helping Lydia.



The news Elizabeth receives about Lydia in "Pride and Prejudice" affects her personally because it complicates her own ability to find a husband.

Elizabeth vs. Lydia

In "Pride and Prejudice," Elizabeth and Lydia are sisters. Since the story is set in the 1800s, societal demands and rules were quite different from what they are today. If a girl eloped with a man, that is, ran away with him without being married to him, she would compromise her sisters' future. No man would want to marry into their family anymore.

That is precisely what Lydia does to her sisters for a moment. She elopes with Mr. Wickham, and leaves Elizabeth and the others to suffer the consequences. Elizabeth, who has finally admitted to herself that she is in love with Mr. Darcy, realizes that it is now too late. She will not be able to have him as a husband with a "fallen sister."

Luckily, Darcy himself helps Lydia marry Wickham and, in the end, marries Elizabeth. Had he not done so, Elizabeth and her other sisters would most likely never find husbands.

With the information above in mind, we can choose option C as the correct answer:

It complicates her own ability to find a husband.

Learn more about Elizabeth here:



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