Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The trail they followed was marked with handkerchiefs.


Answer 1

The trail they followed was marked with handkerchiefs.

The adjective clause is they followed was and the noun is the trail. A clause is a set of words that includes both a subject and a predicate. despite the fact that a clause can once in a while act as a sentence because it consists of each a topic and a verb it isn't always a whole sentence. this is to say now not each clause is an entire sentence.

A dependent clause carries a subject and verb, but can not stand on its own as a complete sentence an unbiased clause consists of a topic and a verb and expresses a complete notion. An independent clause is a complete sentence in itself but may additionally appear collectively with different clauses in compound or complex sentences. A phrase is a group of phrases but it doesn't contain a subject and a verb.

Learn more about The adjective clause here:-https://brainly.com/question/1047465


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Exercise 1 Underline the correct term in each sentence.
Jules was working on (an, a) history paper when I called.





When you say 'history', the 'h' sound is the first sound you omit. Since 'h' is a consonant, the appropriate word 'history' should follow up is 'a'.

Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies. People who hoped to see the comedian up close were disappointed.


An adjective clause is a subordinate clause used to alter a noun or a pronoun in the primary clause. it could be added by way of the pronouns who, whose, whom, which, or that, and once in a while when or in which. those pronouns are called relative pronouns due to the fact they relate to a noun or a pronoun in the sentence. now and again, no relative pronoun is used, but it's far implied or understood.

People who hoped to see the comedian up close were disappointed.

Will we operate adjective clauses, you are capable of integrating sentences into one. A sentence with an adjective clause is called a complicated sentence. true writers use a mix of easy sentences, compound sentences, and complicated sentences.

To make an adjective clause, we need to locate ideas in those sentences that seek advice from the equal component. The word 'who ' is in both! So, rather than pronouncing the word two times, we can update one phrase with a relative pronoun and make an adjective clause.

Learn more about adjective clauses here



Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
Three of the high-school classes planned a community project.


Three of the high-school classes planned a community project.

Simple Subject: Three

Simple predicate: planned

Complete subject: Three of the high-school classes

Complete predicate: planned a community project

What is subject and predicate?

A noun or pronoun serves as the sentence's simple subject. A verb or verb-phrase serves as the sentence's basic predicate. The complete topic is made up of the basic subject and any additional words that clarify or further its meaning. The complete predicate is made up of the simple predicate and words that clarify or complete its meaning.

A sentence is a group of words that together convey a complete idea or meaning. The person or thing that the sentence is about is the topic of a complete sentence. The noun or pronoun that is employed in a sentence as the object of the story can also be referred to as the subject.

All of a sentence's words that have nothing to do with the subject are considered the predicate. If you can identify the subject in a sentence with only one phrase, you may also identify the predicate by whatever is not the subject.

Thus for the above given sentence,

Simple Subject: Three

Simple predicate: planned

Complete subject: Three of the high-school classes

Complete predicate: planned a community project

To learn more about subject and predicate from the given link below,



Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
I am usually satisfied with much less money than (they, them).


The correct sentence is "I am usually satisfied with much less money than them."

Nominative pronouns function as the subject of the sentence. This is why they are also known as subjective pronouns. Common nominative pronouns are I, you (both singular and plural), he, she, it, we, they and who.

Objective pronouns are used when something is being done to the subject. Common objective pronouns are me, you (both singular and plural), him, her, it, us, them and whom.

In the given sentence, the correct pronoun is "them". It is an objective pronoun.

"They" can also be used, but to make the sentence sound less ambiguous, it must be written as "I am usually satisfied with much less money than they are." It must be noted that "they" is a nominative pronoun.

To learn more about pronouns, refer to this link:


Exercise 1 Use the spelling rules in this lesson to spell the words indicated.
agreeable + -ly


The correct spelling of agreeable+ly is agreeably.

The suffix -ly is added to the adjective agreeable to form the adverb agreeably.

As a general rule, to transform an adjective into an adverb, we simply add the suffix -ly to the adjective after the last syllable.

For example:

wrong → wronglyneat → neatlymysterious → mysteriously

An exception to this rule is the case of adjectives ending in -ble. When adding the suffix -ly to form an adverb, we drop -Le.

This is why the correct spelling of agreeable + ly is agreeably.

Other examples of -ble ending adjectives + ly are:

adorable → adorablyremarkable → remarkablyadmirable → admirably

You can learn more about suffix -ly in the link below:



Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as the man who changed modern architecture.


Frank Lloyd Wright is recognized as the man who changed modern architecture.

The adjective clause is the who changed modern architecture and the noun is Frank Lloyd Wright. A sentence made up of two most important clauses is a compound sentence. Compound sentences consist of or more impartial clauses combined with a comma, a semicolon, or a coordinating conjunction.

Adjective clauses nearly always come proper after the nouns they adjust. there is the mountain that we are going to climb. My blue tennis footwear, which was my mom's, have been beneath the mattress. Daniel, who becomes overdue once more these days, sits next to me in English.

Learn more about The adjective clause here:-https://brainly.com/question/2212697


Unit 1
Free time
A Vocabulary
1 Look at the words below from Unit 1 and match them to make suitable phrases. More than
one answer may be possible. Example: free + time
price /




5 is right i got it righnt thank you hope it helps

Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
Sheila always gets nervous before a performance.


Sheila always gets nervous (before) a performance.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



what is the prefix of The suggestion is very good​


What is the prefixes of good?
eu- good, normal eugenics, eulogy

When we construct messages we _______________ meaning into language and symbols based on the communication resources and meanings available to us at a specific point in time.


Culture influences many aspects of your speech, from topic selection to delivery to speech organization and evidence for a speech.

The first step in preparing a presentation is to learn more about the people who will be listening to you. It's a good idea to gather information about your audience's backgrounds, values, and interests so you know what they might expect from your presentation.

The brochure/guide covers all three aspects of intercultural communication development: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Formal communication is the exchange of official information between two or more people within the same organization by adhering to predefined rules and communicating through official channels. It is usually done in writing.

To learn more on language and symbols



Exercise 1 Underline the adverb clause in each sentence.
Alex waxed the car until it looked brand new.


Alex waxed the car until it looked brand new.

An adverb clause is a collection of words this is used to exchange or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause, any other adverb, or another sort of word or phrase except determiners and adjectives that immediately regulate nouns. Adverb clauses usually meet three necessities: First, an adverb clause continually consists of a subject and a verb. Second, adverb clauses comprise subordinate conjunctions that prevent them from containing complete thoughts and becoming complete sentences. Third, all adverb clauses solution one of the conventional adverb questions: while? Why? How? where?

An adverb of time states when something happens or how often. An adverb of time often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, no sooner than, since, until, when, or while.

An adverb of manner states how something is done. An adverb of manner often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: as, like, or the way.

An adverb of reason offers a reason for the main idea. An adverb of reason often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: as, because, given, or since.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


Exercise 1 Identify the italicized word(s) in the following sentences as either a predicate nominative, P.N., or a predicate adjective, P.A.
These pears don’t appear fresh.


In the following sentences predicate nominative, P.N. and predicate adjective, P.A. are -

predicate nominative - fresh

predicate adjective - appear

What is the difference between predicate nominative and direct object?

The key distinction among predicate nominative and direct item is that a predicate nominative offers in addition information, renames the challenge, and completes a linking verb.

Meanwhile, an immediate item is the receiver of the movement of a transitive verb. Therefore, generally, a predicate nominative makes the challenge and phrase or phrases which might be after the verb equal. In contrast, the direct item makes the phrase or phrases which might be after the given verb the recipient of the movement due to the challenge.

To learn more about predicate adjective from given link



Exercise 3 Underline the adverb or adverbs in each sentence. Then draw an arrow from each adverb to the word or words it modifies.
I have not seen that show yet.


Yet as an adverb. Yet is an adverb that refers to a period of time that begins in the past and ends in the present. In the present perfect, we mostly use it in negative statements or questions.

Using "Yet" as an Adverb To describe something that hasn't happened yet, use the word "yet." It is frequently used in negative statements where a negative term such as "have not" or "has not" is used, such as "I haven't completed my homework yet," or "I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

They are typically placed prior to the main verb but after auxiliary verbs (such as be, have, may, & must). Only when the main verb is "to be" does the adverb come after the main verb.

To learn more on adverb



What's the proper order of steps in the problem solving process?
O Prepare, try, reflect, define
O define, prepare, try, reflect
O reflect, prepare, try, define
Odefine, prepare, reflect, try


the answer is c i took the test

How can you, as the communicator, increase the likelihood that your message will be accurately understood?.


By Making the message easy for the audience to understand.

How can we improve our verbal communication?Set Your Own Terms: Even though you take effort to communicate your ideas concisely and clearly, not everyone will understand everything you say or write.Select Specific Words: Pick precise terms that provide your audience the most accurate and vivid mental picture possible to help them comprehend you better.Think about your audience: Contextual hints, in addition to precise language and clear definitions, are crucial for directing your readers as they read.Become in charge of your tone: As with practicing a speech before delivering it to an audience, one helpful advice is to read your paper aloud before presenting it.

To learn more about verbal communication from given link



Select all of the following elements that characterize a poem as a Petrarchan Sonnet:


The elements that characterize a poem as a Petrarchan Sonnet are as follows:

          A Petrarchan sonnet contains about eight to eleven syllables in each line. They are written in the iambic pentameter, which contains a series of stressed and unstressed syllables.

         A Petrarchan sonnet is divided into two parts- one octet containing eight lines and one sestet containing six lines. The octet poses a question or a problem, and the sestet reveals a solution to it.

         A Petrarchan sonnet has the rhyme scheme "abba abba cde cde" or abba abba cdc dcd. It can vary according to the wish of the poet.

         In the English language, we also have the Shakespearian and Spenserian sonnets.

To know more about sonnets,




Exercise 1 Draw a vertical line between the complete subject and the complete predicate. Label each direct object D.O. and each indirect object I.O. Draw one line under each predicate nominative. Draw two lines under each predicate adjective. Circle each object complement. I.O. D.O.
Fred gave Dave a baseball.
My cousin Jessica wants a new stereo.


Fred(subject) gave (predicate) Dave (subject) a baseball.

My (subject) cousin Jessica (indirect object) wants a new

(object compliment) stereo.

What are direct object and indirect object ?

Direct objects are the nouns or pronouns that recieve the action.It answers the question "what" or "whom."

Indirect objects are the nouns or pronouns are the recipients of the direct objects.

A predicate nominative is a noun that follows the linking verb in a sentence.

Predicate adjectives is an adjective that follows the the linking verb by describing the subject of a sentence.

Here ,

Fred is the subject and gave is the complete predicate. Fred is is D.O. and Dave is I.O.My is the subject and wants is the complete predicative.My is the D.O. and Jessica is the I.O.new is the prediactive adjective and object compliment.

To learn more about predicative nominative



Exercise 1 Rewrite the sentences in the space provided, adding or deleting quotation marks and other punctuation where necessary. Some sentences may be correct.
We got our history tests back yesterday, Matt explained."


“We got out history tests back yesterday.” Matt explained

Exercise 1 Underline the word that is spelled correctly.

Jacob couldn’t remember the (combination, combenation) to his lock.


The word that is spelled correctly in combination. Jacob couldn’t remember the combination to his lock.

A word, phrase, or combination of words allegedly endowed with magical properties; charm; incantation. The magician used magic. Spelling aids a child's ability to recognize linguistic patterns and comprehend how words are constructed. Reading, writing, and spelling all support one another. Kids understand that by using the same guidelines for spelling words, they can also use those guidelines for reading and writing.

Spelling requires the brain to integrate its understanding of a word by balancing how it appears, sounds, and uses the conventions and quirks of our language. This ability is really helpful.

To know more about words refer to: https://brainly.com/question/18499157


Exercise 1 Circle the participle or participial phrase in each sentence.
Breathing deeply, Carla began to calm down.


"Breathing deeply", "Carla began" are the answers.

What is participial phrase?

An adjectival phrase that combines a participle (past, present, or perfect) with other words including nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases is known as a participial phrase. Participle phrases are used to modify nouns and noun equivalents similarly to adjectives.

What distinguishes a participle from a participial phrase?

As an adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun, a participle is a verbal ending in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne (past). A participial phrase is made up of a participle plus one or more complements, objects, or modifiers (s).

To learn more about participle click on the link below:



Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The place where I belong is with my family.


An adjective clause is a subordinate clause used to modify a noun or a pronoun in the main clause. It may be introduced by the pronouns who, whose, whom, which, or that (and sometimes when or where). These pronouns are called relative pronouns because they relate to a noun or a pronoun in the sentence. Occasionally, no relative pronoun is used, but it is implied or understood.

The place where I belong is with my family.

Where I have family and are places I visit.

When you use adjective clauses, you are able to combine two sentences into one. A sentence with an adjective clause is called a complex sentence. Good writers use a mix of simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences.

To make an adjective clause, we need to find two ideas in these sentences that refer to the same thing.  The word 'places ' is in both. So, instead of saying the word twice, we can replace one word with a relative pronoun and make an adjective clause.

To make an adjective clause, we need to find two ideas in these sentences that refer to the same thing. The word 'family' is in both! So, instead of saying the word twice, we can replace one word with a relative pronoun and make an adjective clause.

Learn more about adjective clauses here



Could someone help me with this question?
They were statues in the hallway is an example of what type of figurative

A. Alliteration

B. Personification

C. Metaphor

D. Simile



B I'm pretty sure I checked

Question 5
The Latin root mal means "evil," and the suffix -lous means "full of." Using this information and your knowledge of word patterns and relationships,
write your best definition of the word malicious here.



The Latin root mal means "evil," and the suffix -lous means "full of." , therefore, the meaning of the word "malicious" is full of evil.

What is a Root Word?

This refers to the base word that is used to form other words in a given sentence through prefix or suffixes.

Hence, we can see that The Latin root mal means "evil," and the suffix -lous means "full of.", therefore, the meaning of the word "malicious" is full of evil.

Read more about root words here:



Exercise 1 Underline the adverb clause in each sentence.
While it was snowing outside, Simon was daydreaming about sunny beaches.


While it was snowing outside, Simon was daydreaming about sunny beaches.

An adverb clause is a collection of words this is used to exchange or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause, any other adverb, or another sort of word or phrase except determiners and adjectives that immediately regulate nouns. Adverb clauses usually meet three necessities: First, an adverb clause continually consists of a subject and a verb. Second, adverb clauses comprise subordinate conjunctions that prevent them from containing complete thoughts and becoming complete sentences. Third, all adverb clauses solution one of the conventional adverb questions: while? Why? How? where?

An adverb of time states when something happens or how often. An adverb of time often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, no sooner than, since, until, when, or while.

An adverb of manner states how something is done. An adverb of manner often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: as, like, or the way.

An adverb of reason offers a reason for the main idea. An adverb of reason often starts with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: as, because, given, or since.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


Exercise 1 Circle the conjunctions. In the blank write coord. if the conjunction is coordinating. Write corr. if the conjunction is correlative. Write sub. if the conjunction is subordinate.
Although I prefer apples, I also like strawberries.


The given conjunction in this sentence is subordinate which is a sub "Although I prefer apples, I also like strawberries".

What are Clauses?

A sentence is a component of language that consists of a semantic predicand or a conceptual premise. A basic persists of a subject, any possible objects, and additional modifiers, and a structural predicate, which is often a verb phrase. The smallest grammatical unit is a clause. A verb must be present in a clause. A clause typically consists of a subject, a verb phrase, and perhaps a compliment: I've eaten. At nine am, the sale begins. Main clauses, subsidiary clauses, coordinate clauses, and adjectives (or relative) clauses are only a few of the several sorts of clauses.

To learn more about Conjunction, visit:



Read the sentence. if we had arrived earlier, we would have been able to sit closer to the stage. what is the verb mood of this sentence? imperative subjunctive indicative passive


If we had arrived earlier, we would have been able to sit closer to the stage. The verb mood of this sentence is subjunctive.

What is Subjunctive?

The subjunctive is a grammatical mood, a feature of the utterance that indicates the speaker's attitude towards it. Subjunctive is a special, relatively rare verb form that expresses something desired or imagined.

When to Use the Subjunctive?

Subjunctive is used when talking about something that may or may not happen; it could be something that the speaker wants, hopes for, expects, or imagines.

Example of subjunctive

In “I wish it were Friday,” the verb “were” is in the subjunctive mood.

To know more about subjunctive click below:




B: subjunctive.


Exercise 2 Draw one line under each simple subject and two lines under each compound predicate in the following sentences.
Live theater heightens drama and adds a third dimension for the audience


The given statement has the word audience as a subject. And compound predicates are drama and third.

Live theater heightens drama and adds a third dimension for the audience.

What is the subject and compound predicate?

In grammar, the subject can be defined as the word or phrase that describes the noun, pronouns, as well as noun phrases that occur before the verb in the sentences. It also describes the position in a sentence as well as controls the phrase in the sentences. And the verb is the action in the sentence, or it links the sentence through information.

Similarly, compound predicates always share the same subject, provided two or more verbs occur in the sentence. It is joined by a conjunction in a sentence like and, neither, nor, either, or, etc. In the given statement, the word audience defines the subject whereas the words like drama and third define the compound predicates.

To learn more about the subject and compound predicate from the given link:



How does Sarah’s choice to stay with the Wittings rather than return to Maine develop a theme in Sarah, Plain and Tall?

Sarah proves that it is often wise to follow the advice of others.

Sarah’s decision shows that people will sacrifice a lot for love.

Sarah shows the importance of putting oneself before others.

Sarah’s actions demonstrate it is easy to forget about the past.


The way in which Sarah’s choice to stay with the Wittings rather than return to Maine develops a theme in Sarah, Plain and Tall is that Sarah’s decision shows that people will sacrifice a lot for love.

This is because from the complete text, it is narrated that she is traveling to an unknown place, leaving behind her beloved Maine to potentially marry a man she's never met and this shows her sacrifice for love,.

What is a Theme?

This refers to the central message of a text that an author wishes to convey to his audience.

Hence, we can see that The way in which Sarah’s choice to stay with the Wittings rather than return to Maine develops a theme in Sarah, Plain and Tall is that Sarah’s decision shows that people will sacrifice a lot for love.

This is because from the complete text, it is narrated that she is traveling to an unknown place, leaving behind her beloved Maine to potentially marry a man she's never met and this shows her sacrifice for love,.

Read more about themes here:



Communication is defined as the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. The crucial element of this definition is.


Transferring information from one location, person, or group to another is the act of communication. Every communication has a sender, a message, and a recipient at a minimum.

The sender must start encoding, or converting information into a message in the form of symbols that stand in for ideas or concepts, in order to transmit meaning. The thoughts or concepts are transformed into the coded message that will be delivered through this method.

Communication, the act of communicating meaning and information from a sender to a recipient. Meaning is the key component in this definition. Sender. the one who conveys the concept.

To learn more on importance of communication



Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
I ran around the table and hid beneath the chair.


I ran (around) the table and hid (beneath) the chair.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



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