Exercise 1 Label each word or phrase in italics using the abbreviations below.
Kari, my best friend, has lived near me since first grade.


Answer 1

'The best friend' is an appositive. It will be marked as 'A.' The phrases 'near me' and 'since first grade' are both prepositionals. Hence they will be marked as 'Pr.'

          An appositive refers to the phrase which is used to describe the noun placed before the phrase. 'My best friend ' is used to indicate the role of Kari in the sentence. Thus, the phrase is an appositive.

         The phrase 'near me' has the preposition 'near' and also indicates the location. The phrase 'since first grade' has the preposition 'since' and indicates the time. Thus, both are prepositionals.

        Infinitive refers to the simplest form of the verb preceded by 'to.'

        Gerund refers to the verbs which are written in a continuous form without the helping verb.

        Participles refer to the verbs which indicate the present action or some action in the past.

To learn more about appositives and prepositionals:




The entire question is given below:

Label each word or phrase in italics using the abbreviations below.
Pr. - prepositional I - infinitive P - participle G - gerund A - appositive

Kari, my best friend, has lived near me since first grade.

Related Questions

Exercise 2 Find the personal pronouns that have antecedents within each sentence or sentence group. Draw one line under the personal pronoun. Draw two lines under its antecedent. Change the personal pronoun to agree in person with its antecedent. Correct the verb if necessary.
The first thing Mario realized when you backpacked was how heavy the pack could feel.


The first thing Mario realized when she backpacked was how heavy the pack could feel.

The antecedent is Mario and the personal pronoun is she. A word, word, or clause, generally a substantive, that is changed by way of a pronoun or other alternative later or every so often in advance in the same or in any other generally next, sentence. Jane lost a glove and she or he can't discover it Jane is the antecedent of her and the glove is the antecedent of it.

The antecedent is the noun the pronoun represents in a sentence. when you see a pronoun, you must be capable of apprehending its means by way of searching the rest of the sentence. look at the following sentence The Smiths picked apples for hours, and they placed them in huge packing containers. An unmarried antecedent requires a unique pronoun a plural antecedent wishes a plural pronoun.

Learn more about The antecedent here:-https://brainly.com/question/1579138


Think of a situation in which you would need to ask someone for information. Perhaps there is a certain camp you are interested in attending or a service program you would like to join. Write some ideas for your letter on the lines below. Then write your letter on a separate piece of paper and send it to the person who can answer your questions. Be sure to use proper business-letter format.


If i were asking someone for information about something i would like to join, i would say this; I take a high interest in (blank) and it would be much appreciated if i were able to join. (write about yourself and why you would be a good attendant)

can someone help me find the sound devices used in this poem? please answer


I could be wrong but when the person ‘clasps’ and the ‘thunderbolt’ metaphor.

Exercise 1 In the blank, identify the part of speech of the words in italics. Write n for a noun and p for a pronoun. Write adj. for an adjective and adv. for an adverb. Write v for a verb, prep. for a preposition, c for a conjunction, and i for an interjection.
On the wall are the names of more than fifty-eight thousand Americans who died in the Vietnam War from 1960 to 1975.


The concrete noun in the phrase "On the wall are the names of more than 58,000 Americans who perished in the Vietnam War from 1960 to 1975" is on the wall.

Describe Concrete noun:

A person, place, or thing that can be directly perceived using one or more of your five senses is referred to as a concrete noun. The majority of nouns are concrete nouns, as you can tell by looking around you.

The two typically go together when defending abstract words. For instance, bliss is a vague, elusive concept. Although a person may show signs of happiness on the outside, happiness is a state of mind. A joyful smile is palpable since it can be seen with the unaided eye. Despite the fact that both tangible and abstract nouns are real, only one of them is physical.

To know more about  Concrete noun visit:



True or false? critical thinking can be negatively affected if we are afraid to speak up about what we think.


critical thinking can be negatively affected if we are afraid to speak up about what we think is True.

Because A person's excessive dependence on feelings or emotions might create hurdles to critical thinking. unconscious bias, or selective perception; self-centered or societal/culturally-centered thinking (conformism, orthodoxy, and peer pressure).

This is so that the user isn't forced to try and divide attention between two or more things at once, which interferes with daily interactions when social media is used frequently. This divided attention results in less effective concentration on each issue, which could have a negative influence on critical thinking abilities.

You can focus more on your strengths and prevent any form of restrictive or negative beliefs by using critical thinking to help you understand yourself. Your quality of life may go up if you can express your ideas.

To know more about critical thinking:



Exercise 1 Fill in the blank with the letter of the word or phrase that best defines each italicized word in the above passage.
______. nowadays
a. soon c. rarely
b. at the present time d. occasionally


The answer is option b. at the present time

Meaning of Nowadays.

Nowadays denotes the present, as opposed to the past.

What is a Phrase?

A phrase is a group of two or more words that serve as a meaningful unit inside a sentence or clause in English grammar. Typically, a phrase is thought of as a grammatical unit that falls between a word and a clause.

A phrase is composed of one or more optional modifiers and a head (or headword), which establishes the grammatical status of the unit. It's possible for phrases to contain other phrases.

Noun phrases (like "a nice buddy"), verb phrases (like "drives carefully"), adjective phrases (like "extremely chilly and gloomy"), adverb phrases (like "very slowly"), and prepositional phrases are examples of common phrase forms (in the first place).

Learn more about phrases here:



Exercise 2 Write a complete thesis statement from the theme given below.
theme: the impact of photography on journalism


Photos can make or break a story in the media world, making photojournalism a crucial profession in and of itself.

What is the importance of photography in journalism?

Pictures tell stories on their own, in addition to enhancing stories. Photos give context and comprehensibility to the story when they are intelligently used. Photos can make or break a story in the media world, making photojournalism a crucial profession in and of itself. Since cameras are now utilized to capture the majority of human activity, the idea of privacy has undergone significant change. The widespread use of photographic equipment gradually altered how humans perceived what was appropriate for observation.

Photojournalism exists the art of telling a story using photos as your primary means of expression. A photojournalist utilizes a camera to record the visual depiction of a story, whereas a journalist uses pen and paper to communicate stories. Photography exists essential to how we perceive things right away. Whether it be in a commercial or campaign, a brief blog post, or the top headlines of reputable media outlets today. A label-free society stands one step closer to reality thanks to the pressing need for high-quality photography.

To learn more about photography in journalism refer to:



Exercise 4 Complete each sentence by adding an adverb that answers the question indicated.
Lea was _____________ very lucky to win the contest. (to what degree?)


Lea was Extremely very lucky to win the contest.

Here the word "Extremely" is the added adverb. Extreme, which means "outermost," is derived from the Latin exterus, which means "on the outside."

Where is the degree adverb used ?

When describing the strength or degree of an adjective, verb, or other adverb in a sentence, an adverb of degree is used. Usually, it responds to the query "to what extent." They are typically placed before the word they are altering, which is typically an adjective.

Well is a preposition. A verb is usually modified or described by well. Well describes HOW something is done as a verb's modifying element.

To describe the severity of something, a sentence is modified by a degree adverb. Although there are rare exceptions, they are often put before the adjective, adverb, or verb they modify. No of the goal of your writing, you can be highly particular by using adverbs of degree.

To learn more about adverb , visit ,



Quote the sentence in which Bejan employs a rhetorical device in paragraph 3,
name the device, and explain how it influences the reader's understanding of
the text.


Rhetorical devices are techniques and strategies used in order to persuade the audience of a speech, and they are called ethos, pathos, and logos.

What are rhetorical devices?

Since paragraph 3 containing Bejan's sentence was not provided in the question, and we were unable to find it online, we will only provide a general answer concerning what rhetorical devices are.

Rhetorical devices are techniques used to persuade one's audience of something. Speeches and persuasive essays rely on such appeals. Advertisement does too, so that audiences will buy a certain product. The three rhetorical devices are:

Ethos: An appeal to the speaker's credibility, authority, or experience.Logos: An appeal to logic. Evidence is presented to show the audience that the speaker's argument is sound and valid.Pathos: An appeal to emotion. For example, you can evoke pity so that your audience will donate money to your cause.

The information above can help you identify the rhetorical device employed by Bejan in paragraph 3.

Learn more about rhetorical devices here:



Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The surgery that was supposed to cure her only made her feel worse.


The surgery that was supposed to cure her only made her feel worse.

The adjective clause is that was supposed to her only made feel worse and the noun is surgery. important clauses have a subject and verb and might stand on their very own. Subordinate clauses begin with conjunction and consequently can't stand on their own. A Subordinate clause is a clause that does not make feel on its very own and cannot be a sentence on its own.

The subordinate clause explains or completes the which means within the foremost magnificence. A subordinate clause, like an independent clause, has a subject and a verb, however in contrast to an unbiased clause, it cannot stand on its own as a sentence. Subordinate clauses start with positive words or brief phrases referred to as subordinating phrases additionally referred to as structured phrases, or subordinating/subordinate conjunctions.

Learn more about The adjective clause here:-https://brainly.com/question/2212697


Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The people who are unable to attend will be invited again.


The people who are unable to attend will be invited again.

The adjective clause is who are unable to attend and the noun is people. A clause is a set of words that carries a subject and a predicate. A sentence is a group of phrases that expresses a whole notion. In English, two or three adjectives enhancing a noun tend to be the standard limit.

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. Trendy adjectives usually give us extra facts about a noun or pronoun by way of describing it or imparting extra facts approximately it. as an example, the adjective funny is used to say something that causes fun or laughter. An adjective is a phrase that describes something about a noun or pronoun. certainly, it qualifies the noun or pronoun.

Learn more about The adjective clause here:-https://brainly.com/question/4038456


The IBC is _________.



Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.(IBC)

In the Declaration of Independence, the pronoun “He” used in the text refers to King George III of Great Britain.
To whom does the “He” refer to in the Declaration of Sentiments? What comparison is being made between “He” in the Declaration of Sentiments and King George III? Answer both questions and cite textual evidence from the text to support your response.


We can actually deduce here in the Declaration of Sentiments, the "He" used actually refers to all men in the United States.

We can see here that the comparison is made between the ''He" (all men in the US) in Declaration of Sentiments and King George III i.e it compares the men of the United States as the oppressors.

What is Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence (DOI) is actually known to be a document that was signed by the thirteen colonists of the United States about their need for freedom from the tyranny of the Great Britain.

We see here that in Declaration of Sentiment, the "He' is actually referring to all men of the United States.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence on https://brainly.com/question/4205506


Exercise 1 Underline the word that is spelled correctly.

This order is wrong. I know I (specifyed, specified) the color as blue.


The word that is spelled correctly is specified. This order is wrong. I know I specified the color as blue.

When you specify anything, you provide information on what is necessary or what ought to occur in a specific circumstance. They specified a sizable foyer. specified can be either an adjective or a verb. specified Place on list Share. When anything is named or expressed explicitly, it is referred to as specified. If you instruct the students to sit in specific seats in your classroom, they must do so in accordance with your seating plan.

The distinction is in how words are used. A verb is specified. A descriptive word is specific. He designated which seats we should occupy. Unless otherwise specified, all subscriptions are for a year. We rang the bell when it was time. She accepted the conditions outlined in the contract. These illustrative phrases were chosen at random from several internet news sources.

To know more about verb refer to:  https://brainly.com/question/14574299


Exercise 2 Rewrite the sentences below by inverting the order of the subjects and predicates.
On the stove bubbled the chocolate pudding.


Inverted sentence -

The chocolate pudding bubbled on the stove.

What is an inverted sentence?

An inverted sentence is a sentence in a normally difficulty-first language wherein the predicate (verb) comes earlier than the difficulty (noun).

Down the street lived the person and his wife with out everyone suspecting that they had been without a doubt spies for a overseas power.

Because there is no item following the verb, the noun word after the verb "lived" may be decoded as difficulty with none problem. In English, such an inversion frequently introduces do-support.

To learn more about inverted sentence from given link



Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes Thomas Palne's use of evidence in the passage?
Paine used empirical evidence to support the claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
O B. Paine used empirical evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the
Continental Army.
© C.
Palne used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that the Continental Army had performed creditably.
© D.
Paine used anecdotal evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the
Continental Army.


The statement that best describes Thomas Paine's use of evidence in the passage is that Paine used empirical evidence to support his claim that Howe's Army had decisively defeated the Continental Army.

This is factual data that is utilized to support a claim or to simply make a fact known. In light of this and the entirety of the question, it is clear that Thomas Paine used empirical data to demonstrate and support his contention that the Continental Army had performed admirably.Statistical proof (evidence) is the rational demonstration of the degree of certainty for a proposition, hypothesis, or theory that is used to convince others after a statistical test of the supporting evidence and the types of inferences that can be drawn from the test scores. They are all different types of evidence. Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or exclusively on personal testimony. Information obtained through experimentation or observation is known as empirical evidence.

Thus this is the best statement that describes Thomas Paine's use of evidence in the passage.

To learn more about Thomas Paine, refer: https://brainly.com/question/2314235


The statement that best describes Thomas Paine's use of proof within the passage is that Paine used empirical proof to support his claim that Howe's Army had resolutely defeated the army.

This is truthful information that's utilized to support a claim or to easily build a fact better-known. In lightweight of this and therefore the completeness of the question, it's clear that pamphleteer used empirical information to demonstrate and support his rivalry that the army had performed laudably.Statistical proof (evidence) is that the rational demonstration of the degree of certainty for a proposition, hypothesis, or theory that's accustomed win over others when a applied mathematics take a look at of the supporting proof and therefore the kinds of inferences which will be drawn from the take a look at scores. they're all differing types of proof. Anecdotal proof is proof from anecdotes, i.e., proof collected in a very casual or informal manner and relying heavily or completely on personal testimony. info obtained through experimentation or observation is thought as empirical proof.

Thus this is often the most effective statement that describes Thomas Paine's use of proof within the passage.

Refer here to learn more about Thomas Paine: brainly.com/question/2314235


Exercise 1 Underline each pronoun. In the blank, write int. if the pronoun is interrogative, rel. if it is relative, dem. if it is demonstrative, and ind. if it is indefinite.
The bustling life of the river was something Twain described in book after book.


Pronouns that are used to replace vague nouns are known as indefinite pronouns. It is possible to employ singular and plural forms of indefinite pronouns.

Pronouns that are used to replace vague nouns are known as indefinite pronouns. A pronoun that refers to a person or thing without being more precise is known as an indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronouns do not refer to a specific person, place, or thing.

When we discuss the indefinite pronoun, we are referring to a phrase that is employed to discuss an ambiguous subject. Indefinite pronouns refer to individuals or objects without describing their precise characteristics.

To learn more on indefinite pronoun



Please help me. Promise to give brainiest


The flood of new inventions and technology contributed to industrialization because it made manufacturing processes faster and more efficient.

What have been the most important inventions in the last century?

Some of the most important inventions in the last centuries are:

ComputersFlashdrivesLED lightbulbs3D printersRadars

How have these inventions changed the way people live?

These inventions have mainly positively impacted people's live by facilitating different tasks, for example computers facilitate tasks such as:

Looking for information.Doing math operationsCreating softwareAmong others

How have these inventions contributed to industry?

Most of these inventions are used in manufacturing processes and they have a positive impact since they increase efficiency. For example, computers are integrated to monitor and regulate machines.

Learn more about inventions in https://brainly.com/question/10809960


Tom said that he would be my friend


Tom said, "I want to visit my friends this weekend.", Jerry said, "I'm ... My friend told me he would have finished his homework by the time I arrived.  Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

a. Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend.

b. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

c. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.

2.) Jerry said, "I'm studying English a lot at the moment."

a. Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment.

b. Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment.

c. Jerry said I was studying English a lot at that moment.

3.) They said, "We've lived here for a long time."

a. They said they have lived there for a long time.

b. They said they lived here for a long time.

c. They said they had lived there for a long time.

Learn more about Tom here



4. In "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed," what does Mr. Bittering do to cope
with his fears about living on Mars? Choose two options.
a. He investigates Martian ruins to understand them better.
He tries to build a rocket to take his family back to Earth.
c. He persuades his wife and family to return with him to Earth.
d. He spends time with other settlers, who talk him out of his fear.
e. He concentrates on his work on their small farm and other chores.
f. He encourages his family to change their names and act like Martians.
g. He moves his family to a Martian villa in the hills to escape the
summer heat.


In "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed,"  the action that Mr. Bittering do to cope with his fears about living on Mars are:

Option b:  He tries to build a rocket to take his family back to Earth. Option e: He concentrates on his work on their small farm and other chores.How does Mr. bittering feel about living on Mars?

Harry Bittering and his family were known to be among the first thousand of people that is Earthmen that were said to be chosen to move to Mars.

The purpose of the moving was that due to the fact that they want to be colonizing it.

Note that Mr. Bittering was one that tends to feels out of place in his new home and he was known to have some uneasiness and as such, he wanted his family to go back with him to Earth.

Therefore,  In "Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed,"  the action that Mr. Bittering do to cope with his fears about living on Mars are:

Option b:  He tries to build a rocket to take his family back to Earth. Option e: He concentrates on his work on their small farm and other chores.

Learn more about Mr. Bittering from






Direct characterization is the process by which a writer reveals to the audience the personality of one or more of the characters in a story. It is done through the use of dialogue and action, but also through specific details about a character's appearance and personality.




Explanation: The answer is false because direct characterization is when the author or character tells about the person. Nevertheless, indirect character is when character is revealed through thoughts, actions, or speech.

Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate of each sentence below.
The driver pointed at a hyena on the lookout for its meal.


The driver pointed at a hyena on the lookout for its meal.

Simple subject: driver

Simple predicate: pointed

Complete subject: The driver

Complete predicate: pointed out at a hyena

In the sentence given in question, The word "driver" is simple subject and the word "pointed" is simple predicate.

What is subject?

Technically, The subject is one of a clause's two fundamental parts, together with the predicate, which describes the subject, according to an Aristotelian tradition (associated with phrase structure grammars). A tradition associated with dependency grammars and predicate logic holds that the subject is the primary overt argument of the predicate. This theory holds that subjects exist in all languages that enable arguments, however it is impossible to define subjects universally across all languages. Because a predicate could be dependent on an argument in another clause, even in languages like English, the semantic predicand and the subject are not always precisely matched (see raising).

In this sentence which is given in the question, "The driver pointed at a hyena on the lookout for its meal.", "pointed" is the verb so it is working as a simple predicate. and the word "driver" is the noun or pronoun so it is working as a simple subject.

To know more about subject, go to URL



which excerpt from click it or ticket mobilization media campaign best achieves the purpose of informing people that seat belt laws are enforced nationwide? those who drive and ride in pickup trucks may think that their large vehicle will protect them more than other vehicles in a crash. this false sense of security may cause them to not wear their seat belts, but the stats show that this bravado is misplaced.


excerpt from click it or ticket mobilization media campaign best achieves the purpose of informing people that seat belt laws are enforced nationwide is:

Through various media coverage, including morning, noon, and evening news, the Click it or ticket mobilisation media campaign best meets the goal of alerting people that seat belt rules are enforced countrywide. Additionally, they have mobilisation dates in 2017 from May 22 to June 4.

What is ticket mobilization media campaign?

The line from the "Click It or Citation" media campaign that most effectively conveys the message that seat belt rules are enforced nationwide is: "People who reside in rural regions might feel that the tight-knit neture of their little town will get them out of a ticket."

Through various media coverage, including morning, noon, and evening news, the Click it or ticket mobilisation media campaign best meets the goal of alerting people that seat belt rules are enforced countrywide. Additionally, they have mobilisation dates in 2017 from May 22 to June 4.

To learn more about ticket mobilization media campaign from the given link below,



Identify the most striking words that Jefferson choose to describe the king's actions in line 22-31. How does this language support him


Identify the most striking words that Jefferson's long train of abuses and usurpations" because this proves how terrible the king was.

He was born on April 13, 1743, and died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson is best known for his role in writing the Declaration of Independence, his foreign service, his two terms as president, and his omnipresent face on the modern nickel.

Thomas Jefferson is a hero because he demonstrated bravery and selflessness by writing the Declaration of Independence, thereby putting his life at risk. Jefferson also dedicated his life to serving the American people and increasing personal freedoms.

Learn more about Jefferson here



Exercise 2 Circle the participial phrase and draw an arrow to the noun or pronoun it modifies.
His teacher, seated in the back, instructed him to begin.


"(teacher) seated" is the participial phrase in the sentence.

A participial phrase is what?

A participial phrase is an adjectival construction that combines a participle (past, present, or perfect) with other words such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases. Like adjectives, participles are used to modify nouns and their equivalents.

What is a noun?

In a sentence, a noun is a word that refers to a specific person, place, thing, or animal. Depending on the context, a noun may serve as a subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, adjective, or adverb. Many nouns in English do not take gender into account.

To learn more about pronouns click on the link below:



If anyone has taken flex 15 minute round 2 exam is it difficult?


Answer: yes


answer: yes….
explanation: study

In "what is performance?" article, lockford reminds us that performance is "a way of knowing. " what does this mean?


The quantity of work a computer system completes is referred to as performance. When referring to computer performance, the question "How well is the computer carrying out the work it is meant to do?" is used. It is based on a computer system's reaction time, throughput, and processing time.

A solution will be created, developed, and continuously supported to fulfill the performance requirements specified for the solution through the use of a set of roles, skills, actions, practices, tools, and outputs referred to as engineering within systems engineering.

Trade-offs between different types of performance are a constant concern for performance engineering. There are times when a CPU designer can increase just one of the performance factors listed below without affecting the CPU's performance in other areas, producing a CPU with higher overall performance. Creating the CPU with quicker, better transistors, for instance.

To address the difficulties with application performance in progressively dispersed mobile, cloud, and terrestrial IT settings, Application Performance Engineering (APE) is a prominent one within performance engineering. It consists of the roles, abilities, tasks, routines, methods, resources, and outputs used at each stage of the application lifecycle to guarantee that an application will be created, put into use, and operationally supported to satisfy non-functional performance requirements.

learn more about  performance:



Exercise 3 Insert an adjective clause to modify the noun or pronoun in italics.
The driver ______________ was not responsible for the accident.


The driver who was not responsible for the accident.

An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun, which connects them to the phrase they describe. Relative pronouns encompass the phrases that, where, when, who, whom, whose, which and why. when you don't forget the relative pronouns, it's easy to pick out out an adjective clause in a sentence.

Learn more about clause here:- https://brainly.com/question/1421646


How does Masha’s original research question meet the requirements of a good research question? Check all that apply.


тебе ну ну что ты там делаешь то и и не понимаешь как это 5 в себе и 5 в себе в голове как ты говоришь в голове жизни что как и бы Иру

It is on topic

it is answerable

it is sufficiently narrow


Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun.
One of the rules for students was this: Respect (your, yours) schoolmaster. Obey (he, him) and accept (him, his) punishments.


One of the rules for students was this: Respect (your) schoolmaster. Obey (him) and accept ( his) punishments.

Pronoun defined as :

A pronoun may be a word that is used rather than  a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns may  ask either a noun that has already been denoted  or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically.

Pronouns have traditionally been recognize as  one of the parts of speech, but few  modern theorists wouldn't consider them to form a single class, in sight of the variety of functions they asses  cross-linguistically. An instance  of a pronoun is "you", which may be either singular or plural. Sub types contains  personal and possessive pronouns, reflexive and reciprocal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative and interrogative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns

Learn more about uses of  pronoun :



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