Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate. Circle the direct object. At the end of the sentence, write the word what? or whom? to tell which question the direct object answers.
To learn more, our class visited the planetarium yesterday.


Answer 1

the simple subject and simple predicate are -

simple subject  - class

simple predicate - planetarium yesterday

Direct object -  planetarium

our class visited what? planetarium

What is the distinction among simple subject and easy predicate?Simple SubjectSometimes a subject has many terms that alter or describe it. If you get rid of all the enhancing or describing terms and virtually keep the number one problem (noun or pronoun), it's far referred to as the simple problem.A simple problem is a subject that has virtually one noun or pronoun as the point of interest of the sentence. This technique that only one noun or pronoun does the action, or connects, to the verb of the sentence.Simple PredicateA predicate can also have many terms. It moreover has a first-rate aspect it is the simple predicate.The simple predicate is the verbs or verbs which is probably related to the problem.

To learn more about simple subject and predicate from given link



Related Questions

Exercise 2 Circle the participial phrase and draw an arrow to the noun or pronoun it modifies.
Aided by his presence the Cosmos won the North American Soccer League championship in 1977.


Aided by his presence the Cosmos won the North American Soccer League championship in 1977.

Participial Phrase: Aided by his presence

Modified Noun:  the Cosmos

Participial Phrase: A combination of words known as a participle phrase includes a participle, a modifier, and one or more pronoun or noun phrases. The Pronoun/Noun will take on the role of the phrase's action receiver. If a participial phrase comes at the start of a sentence and the next phrase is a full sentence, a comma is required after it.

To learn more about Participial Phrase, visit the following link:



Math was confusing like the inside of a watch. this sentence includes what figurative language





Similes use like or as to make a comparision

Answer: Simile

Explanation: This is a simile because it has the word "like" or "as".

A simile is used to make a comparison, or connect one thing with another using the words "like" or "as".

"He was as fast as a cheetah"

Ppllllllleeeeeeeeeeeszzzzzzzzz hhhheeeellllppppppp 100 pits

read the following excerpt, then select any inferences that you would make based on the text.

hector and the gambler's gold watch by sharon hart addy
hector stepped out of the blazing sunlight onto the shaded porch of the stagecoach station. the stagehands lounging nearby took no notice of him.

"last week it was a lone rider," one of them was whispering."he made everyone empty their pockets and take off their boots and hats. he knows where people hide things."

hector gripped the edge of his jacket to feel the money sewn inside the lining. it was all he had in the world. that and the letter from uncle jake.

what inferences can you make from the text?

it is very hot.
hector is not afraid.
hector is worried about losing his money.
somebody has been robbing stagecoaches.
this story takes place in the present day.



I think u should go for the third question's part


Exercise 2 Circle the infinitive or the infinitive phrase in each sentence.
At one time, Conan Doyle chose to kill off the legendary detective.


At one time, Conan Doyle chose to kill off (infinitive)the legendary detective.

What is infinitive and infinitive phrase?

An infinitive phrase is the verb's infinitive form plus any complements or modifiers.It is usually followed by the word "to." To eat, play the guitar, or dress quickly, for example.It is extremely verbal because it can function as an adjective, noun, or adverb.Reading, running, jumping, playing, singing, laughing, crying, eating, and going are all examples of infinitives.Infinitives are verbs, but they are used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs rather than verbs.

To learn more about infinitive and infinitive phrase



Out of the songs: I wish I knew by Black Forrest, 100 Band-aides by Faouzia, I don't really want you back by Aj Mitchell, and Love me Less by MAX Which is your favorite? Write your answer in 100 or more words. ( I will count the words ) If anyone can do this they will get the brainliest answer, thanks on their page, and a follow! GOOD LUCK! ( If you don't like the selection just tell me the song and who it's by and right 100 or more words about that song )

( I asked this question earlier but I don't think it posted and if it did I don't think anyone saw it)



Out of the various songs Love me Less by MAX is my favorite. As it is not my actual favorite song, out of the songs provided, I think it is the best. I'm not a fan of the tempo of the other songs because they sound down and/or off. I like love me less (even though it isn't the brightest of songs) more because has kind of an upbeat tune with a nice tempo. I also like the song more because I've been listening to/have heard it longer than I have the other songs. I also really like the creator of the song and how creative he was with the music video.


(I'm actually not a fan of any of the songs but I hope this helped)

The paragraph is 114 words and 552 characters

Exercise 1 Rewrite each sentence to eliminate any unclear pronoun reference.
At almost the same time, the Pony Express stopped operating, which was very expensive.


The correct way to rewrite the pronoun is this:

At almost the same time, the Pony Express stopped operating, and the operation was very expensive.

What is the correct use of the pronoun?

When using a pronoun, be sure to only attach the pronoun in places where the antecedents are clearly stated. It is wrong to use a pronoun without specifically mentioning the antecedent. This will make a reader become confused about the specific item being referred to.

In the sentence above, the use of the relative pronoun "which" is wrong in this sentence because it does not clearly state what is expensive. However, the corrected part clearly shows that it is the operation of the Pony Express that is expensive.

Learn more about pronouns here:



Exercise 1 Write a personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence. Underline the antecedent.
Remember to put everything back in _________________ place.


The correct personal pronoun that agrees with the indefinite pronoun antecedent in the sentence is- "their"

The given sentence- Remember to put everything back in _________________ place.

The correct sentence using the indefinite personal pronoun- Remember to put everything back in _their_ place.

The correct sentence with underlined antecedent of the pronoun is- Remember to put everything back in their place.

Personal pronoun- A personal pronoun is a brief word we employ as an easy replacement for a person's given name. We can see the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces using any of the personal pronouns in English. Personal pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, and them.

Personal pronoun are the linguists' stunt doubles; they act in place of the people (and occasionally animals) who are the main characters in our sentences. We can avoid repeating laborious proper nouns all day long thanks to them, allowing us to speak and write more economically.

Learn more about personal pronoun here-



Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by choosing an interjection from the list above.
______________, I’m going. Will I see you there?


Oh well, I am going. Will I see you there?

What are Interjections?

An interjection is a word or phrase that makes itself heard independently and expresses an unprompted feeling or reaction. This large category of terms includes greetings, exclamations, reaction words, cuss words, and other words. They contain terms like "ahh, alas, alrighty," "blah," "dang," "eh," "nope," "oops," "phew," "shucks," and "yikes." There are undoubtedly a ton more enjoyable words that express emotion that you can learn! Interjections are words or phrases that are grammatically different from the ones around them and that primarily express sensation rather than meaning. What a gorgeous house! This is definitely not good. Saying goodnight is now appropriate.

To learn more about Interjection, visit:



Exercise 1 Write P above each proper noun and C above each common noun.
Soldier Field in Chicago rocked to the cheers of Germans and Bolivians.





Exercise 1 Fill each blank with the correct form of good, well, bad, or badly.
Excitement spread through the group because each member ___________ coveted this new plateau.


The blank has been filled with the correct form of the verb as follows:

Excitement spread through the group because each member badly coveted this new plateau.

What is the correct verb form?

The correct verb form that completes the blank space is the one that shows the manner or feeling of the group who wanted the new plateau. Badly, in this instance is an adverb that shows the manner of something. It conveys the feeling of desiring something so much.

The members of the group were so excited that they strongly desired the new plateau. So, the correct verb form that should fill the sentence is: Badly.

Learn more about adverbs here:



Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun. Identify the case by writing nom. (nominative) or obj. (objective) in the blank. Some sentences have more than one pronoun to identify.
It’s so frustrating. I try to work as fast as (they, them), but I always finish last.


Answer: The correct sentence is "It’s so frustrating. I try to work as fast as them, but I always finish last."

Explanation: Nominative pronouns function as the subject of the sentence. This is why they are also known as subjective pronouns. Common nominative pronouns are I, you (both singular and plural), he, she, it, we, they and who.

Objective pronouns are used when something is being done to the subject. Common objective pronouns are me, you (both singular and plural), him, her, it, us, them and whom.

In the given sentence, the correct pronoun is "them". It is an objective pronoun.

"They" can also be used, but to make the sentence sound less ambiguous, it must be written as "It’s so frustrating. I try to work as fast as they do, but I always finish last." It must be noted that "they" is a nominative pronoun.

To learn more about pronouns, refer to this link:


What is the central idea of this passage?
Yes, Sitting Too Long Can Kill You, Even if You Exercise
O Sitting takes up time that should be used for exercise.
O Sitting leads to weight gain and insulin sensitivity.
O Sitting for short amounts of time can still be healthy.
O Why sitting too long leads to negative effects on a person's health remains unclear.



Probably B, Sitting leads to weight gain and insulin sensitivity. because it reinforces the idea that sitting can kill you, even if you exercise


Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate of each sentence below.
Mom shot a whole roll of film at just that one location.


Mom shot a whole roll of film at just that one location.

Simple subject: Mom

Simple predicate: shot

Complete subject: Mom

Complete predicate: shot a whole roll of film at just that one location

What is predicate?

In linguistics and its subfields, the word "predicate" is used in one of two contexts. The first  sees it as everything in a conventional declarative sentence other than the subject, while the second regards a predicate as only the main content verb or accompanying predicative expression of a clause, . As a result, the predicate of the statement Frank likes cake is loves cake according to the first definition. According to the second meaning, Frank and cake are the predicate's arguments, while the identical sentence's predicate is just the content verb loves. Confusion may result from differences between these two definitions.

In this sentence which is given in the question, "Mom shot a whole roll of film at just that one location.", "shot" is the verb so it is working as a simple predicate. and the word "mom" is the noun or pronoun so it is working as a simple subject.

To know more about predicate, go to URL



Exercise 1 Identify the phrase in italics as I for infinitive, G for gerund, or P for participial.
Laura was irritated by the wet towels lying on the carpet.


Laura was irritated by the wet towels lying on the carpet.

The phrase was irritated is a participle.

What are Gerunds, infinitives, and participles?

A word that ends in "-ing" and serves as a noun is known as a gerund. The suffix "-ing" is a verb that has been applied in such a way that the entire word becomes a noun.

The word "to" is added to a verb in its simple form to create an infinitive, which can be used as a verbal noun, adjective, or adverb.

A participle is a verb that functions as an adjective and ends in one of the following suffixes, depending on the root word: "-ing," "-ed," "-en," "-d," "-t," "-n," or "-ne."

A participial phrase is a collection of words made up of a participle and one or more nouns or pronouns that, when combined, serve as participles.

The phrase was irritated is a participle.

To learn more about Gerunds, infinitives, and participles from the given link below,



Which of these means changeable or strange?


erratic, it means changeable or strange and synonyms similar to that
erratic, means inconsistent or irregular

urgent i need an essay entry about my view of high school




Exercise 2 Draw one line under each main clause and two lines under each subordinate clause. Then write c if the sentence is complex or cc if the sentence is compound-complex.
My journalism teacher, whose opinion I respect, told me my article was good.


My journalism teacher, whose opinion I respect, (subordinate clause) told me my article was good. (main clause) {C]

Complex Sentence

A sentence that contain 1 main clause (independent) and at least 1 one dependent clause

whose opinion I respect is called as subordinate clause]

Whose is a modifier for antecedent My journalism teacher, so it is not an independent clause (dependent clause). So, it is a subordinate clause

told me my article was good is called as main clause

It because the real sentence is: My journalism teacher told me my article was good

- Subject: My journalism teacher

- Verb: Told

So, the sentence is a Complex Sentence, which is contain 1 main clause and 1 subordinate clause.

Learn more about Complex Sentence here: https://brainly.com/question/17538242


Exercise 1 Underline the word that is spelled correctly.

The school is (scheduling, scheduleing) parent-teacher conferences for Tuesday.


Answer:The school is (scheduling, scheduleing) parent-teacher conferences for Tuesday.


Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
The heavy rain brought many worms to the surface.


The heavy rain brought many worms to the surface.

Simple Subject: heavy rain

Simple predicate: brought

Complete subject: The heavy rain

Complete predicate: brought many worms to the surface

What is subject and predicate?

Either a noun or a pronoun serves as the sentence's main topic. A verb or verb-phrase serves as the sentence's primary predicate. The theme is made up of the core idea and any supporting or elaborating ideas. The complete predicate is created by combining the simple predicate with additional words that either clarify or complete its meaning.

A phrase is a group of words that fully represents a single idea or concept. A noun or pronoun that acts as the narrative's focal point is referred to as the subject of a sentence.

Predicate is the term used to describe the entire group of words in a sentence that are unrelated to the topic. The predicate can be inferred from whatever the subject is not if the subject of a sentence can be identified from just one phrase.

Thus for the above given sentence,

Simple Subject: heavy rain

Simple predicate: brought

Complete subject: The heavy rain

Complete predicate: brought many worms to the surface

To learn more about subject and predicate from the given link below,




How does Alec's arrival at the cabin affect the events

of the story?



A log cabin, a private room on a ship, an area below deck on a small boat for passengers or crew, or a section of an airplane for cargo, crew, or passengers are all examples of compact, straightforward homes that are often just one story tall.

Compared to cottages, cabins are enclosed homes that are substantially smaller. The majority of cottages only have one room that can accommodate two or three people. They appear shoddy and incomplete. A cottage is significantly larger and appears to be equipped.

During the feudal era in England, a cottager held a modest dwelling with a garden large enough to sustain a family, and in exchange for the cottage, the cottager was required to do some type of service for the landholding lord.

Thus, Option A is correct.


hope this helps

Exercise 2 Write con. above each concrete noun and abs. above each abstract noun.
Ruth and Joe have shown their devotion to this company.


Ruth, Joe and Company are the Concrete nouns and Devotion is the abstract noun in the given sentence

A noun is a word that typically serves as the name of a particular object or set of objects, such as living things, locations, activities, attributes, states of existence, or ideas. The word noun is derived from the Latin nmen, which means "name".

The definition of lexical categories (speech parts) is based on how their constituents mix with other expression types. In different languages, there are different noun-syntactic rules. Nouns are words that can be the head of a noun phrase in English and can appear with articles and attributive adjectives. "As far as we know, every language makes a grammatical distinction that appears like a noun verb distinction.

Learn more about nouns here:



Exercise 1 Identify the italicized word(s) in the following sentences as either a predicate nominative, P.N., or a predicate adjective, P.A.
Both Tanya and Rick seemed cheerful after the exam.


Tanya and Rick are Predicate nominative whereas seemed cheerful after the exam is Predicate Adjective .

What is Predicate nominative and Predicate Adjective ?

A noun that completes the connecting verb in a sentence is known as a predicate nominative.

Adjectives that modify or describe a sentence's or clause's subject and are connected to the subject by a connecting verb are known as predicate adjectives.

The word's root, nominative, is named. Thus, the subject is given a new name by the predicate nominee. Only when a linking verb follows, is there a predicate nominative.

It is a predicate nominative when the word or phrase that comes after a connecting verb renames the subject.

Predicate adjectives are used when the word or phrase that comes after a linking verb characterizes the subject.

To learn more about Predicate nominative and Predicate Adjective check the link below:



Exercise 2 Write the plural of each word.
lieutenant governor


The plural of lieutenant governor is lieutenant governors.

Lieutenant governor is a compound noun written separately. To form the plural of a compound noun, we generally add the plural ending to the principal component of the word. This can be at the ending or the beginning of the compound noun.

In this case, the plural ending -s is added to "governor", the main part at the ending of the compound, to indicate the plural of lieutenant governor: lieutenant governors.

Other examples of the plural of compound nouns are:

Chief officer→ chief officersAll-star → all-stars

Some examples of the plural of compound nouns in which the main part is not at the end:

sister-in-law → sisters-in-lawhanger-on → hangers-on

You can learn more about plural compound nouns in the link below:



Exercise 2 Write c next to each compound sentence.
The original name of the statue was "Liberty Enlightening the World."


There is no compound sentence in the given question.

The original name of the statue was "Liberty Enlightening the World." - It is a simple sentence.

A simple sentence is only one independent clause that has a subject, or predicate (verb or verbal phrase).

It may or may not contain any modifiers or objects.

The given sentence makes sense without any other dependent clause.

While a compound sentence consists of two independent clauses.

A compound sentence can stand alone as they give a proper meaning.

These independent clauses are joined together using a conjunction such as: but, yet, nor, and, so, but & many more.

If you need to learn more about compound sentences, click here:



Exercise 2 Draw one line under the direct object. Draw two lines under the object complement.
Lena and Ty will make chemistry their major


Lena and Ty will make chemistry Direct Object their major Double Underlined; Object Complement.

What is direct object and Object Complement?Object Complement refers to a word or phrase that follows a direct object and characterizes or renames it.Direct Object refers to a word or phrase that expresses the main purpose or outcome of a verb's action.


According to the definitions of object complement and direct object,

"chemistry" is the main outcome of the verb's action here (make)."major" is the rename of the direct object (chemistry).

Hence, According to the definitions of object complement and direct object, Lena and Ty will make chemistry(Direct Object) their major(Double Underlined; Object Complement).

To learn more about object complement and direct object, refer to the link: https://brainly.com/question/24746711


newsela answer for the emmett till article


Emmett Louis until became born on July 25, 1941, in Chicago. whilst Emmett, who has nicknamed Bobo, turned into an only toddler, he lived together with his mom, grandparents, and cousins in a center-class Black neighborhood in the South facet. A more youthful cousin Ollie Gordon said Emmett turned into a jokester and cherished making people giggle.

Emmett in no way knew his father, Louis till he joined the navy and changed into accused of raping two girls and killing another in Italy in global conflict II. He become accomplished in 1945 at age 23, and his military record become leaked earlier than the trial of Emmett’s killers.

In late August 1955, Emmett left his home to go to his spouse and children in the Mississippi Delta. on the evening of Aug. 24, after picking cotton with his cousins, Emmett went to a store for money, and leave out. which changed into a run with the aid of a white couple in their 20s, Roy and Carolyn Bryant. when Emmett went internally to buy bubble gum Ms. Bryant changed into operating alone. Emmett’s cousin Simeon Wright thirteen, and Ruthie Mae Crawford, another Black teen, stated Emmett handed the cash for the bubble gum into Ms. Bryant’s hand rather than leaving it on the counter as white Mississippians generally expected African individuals to do.

Learn more about Emmett here:-https://brainly.com/question/21900412


Provide a brief summary of each threat



Artificial intelligence

The creation of complex robots and computers is undoubtedly of great importance for the progress of mankind, but it can also lead to a conflict between artificial intelligence and humans. While a person controls robots, but everything can change. There are military robots that can regenerate and feed using all the materials that are around. Such cyborgs can really threaten the life of civilization, as they have the highest degree of survival. The chances are very high – from 0 to 10%. Yes, there are robots, simple vacuum cleaners, and they are already attacking the owners.

Asteroid Fall

One of the versions of the death of dinosaurs 65 million years ago is the impact of a large asteroid on the earth. Researchers claim that an asteroid with a diameter of up to 5 km on average falls to Earth every 20 million years. As a result of such a catastrophe, countries will die, political and economic systems will be destabilized, the climate will change and it will be impossible to survive. Researchers give a 0.00013% chance of such a development of events.

Source: https://novate.ru/blogs/190315/30488/

Exercise 3 Underline the correct word given in parentheses. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies.
The test that Mr. Rivera gave was the (most simplest, simplest) of all.





It is grammatically incorrect to say 'most' and follow up with a word that ends with 'est'. 'Most simple' would've made more sense, but 'simplest' is the choice that stands out since it conveys the same message with less words.

When readers post comments on your blog, which guidelines should you follow when you respond?


Blogging refers to publishing posts for personal or professional purposes. Readers respond on the posts by adding comments on those posts. Comments are useful in creating a relationship between the post author and the readers.

While responding to comments on the blog posts by the readers, some of the guidelines that should be followed are—

Not commenting on the posts can be sometimes considered as rude behaviour.Use interesting and positive language to respond.Use correct grammar and punctuations. Proofread before publishing your comments.Stay on the topic of the post.Don’t divert from the topic by spamming or doing self promotion.In case of a disagreement, be polite.Don’t share personal information about anyone.

Learn more about blogging here



Exercise 1 Identify the italicized word(s) in the following sentences as either a predicate nominative, P.N., or a predicate adjective, P.A.
This book on whales is a gift from my sister.


This book is the Predicate nominative in the sentence "This book on whales is a gift from my sister"

What is Predicate nominative and Predicate Adjective ?

A noun that completes the connecting verb in a sentence is known as a predicate nominative.

Adjectives that modify or describe a sentence's or clause's subject and are connected to the subject by a connecting verb are known as predicate adjectives.

The word's root, nominative, is named. Thus, the subject is given a new name by the predicate nominee. Only when a linking verb follows, is there a predicate nominative.

It is a predicate nominative when the word or phrase that comes after a connecting verb renames the subject.

Predicate adjectives are used when the word or phrase that comes after a linking verb characterizes the subject.

To learn more about Predicate nominative and Predicate Adjective check the link below:



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