Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate. Circle the direct object. At the end of the sentence, write the word what? or whom? to tell which question the direct object answers.
We told Mr. Simpson about our studies.


Answer 1

We told (double underline; simple predicate)  Mr. Simpson (Circled) about our studies(Simple subject).

What is a subject and a predicate?Subject refers to the main part of the sentence about which the sentence is.Predicate is the verb that expresses the action that is being taken upon the subject.


According to the definitions of subject and predicate, we get that: We are talking mainly about the studies of the group of people referred to as 'we'."told" is the verb that describes the action they are doing."Mr. Simpson" is the direct object that is driving the action of the simple subject.

Hence, here, the simple subject is "our studies", predicate is "told", direct object is "Mr. Simpson".

The question that the direct object answers is: about the studies of the 'we' that is referred to.

To learn more about subject and predicate, refer to the link: https://brainly.com/question/519531


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Dengue virus infection (also called dengue fever) is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. Dengue fever is an illness that is similar to a serious case of the flu. Most people who have dengue fever recover in about a week.

The most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following: 




Aches and pains (eye pain, typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain)

I realized that i hadn't learned anything or i wasn't learned​





I realized I hadn't learned anything.

Exercise 1 Underline the adjective clause, and circle the noun or pronoun it modifies.
The forecast, which called for rain, was incorrect.


An adjective clause is a subordinate clause used to modify a noun or a pronoun in the main clause. It may be introduced by the pronouns who, whose, whom, which, or that (and sometimes when or where). These pronouns are called relative pronouns because they relate to a noun or a pronoun in the sentence. Occasionally, no relative pronoun is used, but it is implied or


Is she the girl whom you met at the party? (who relates to girl)

This is a book that I like. (that relates to the book)

An adjective is a word that describes a noun. An adjective usually comes before the noun it describes.

• Some adjectives are descriptive. They tell what kind of person, place, or thing the noun is.

• Some adjectives tell how many.

• Some adjectives are limiting, such as this, that, these, and those.

Pronouns are part of someone's gender expression, and people can have multiple sets of pronouns for themselves. A noun is a word that refers to a thing (book), a person (Betty Crocker), an animal (cat), a place (Omaha), a quality (softness), an idea (justice), or an action (yodeling). It's usually a single word, but not always: cake, shoes, school bus, and time and a half are all nouns.

Learn more about adjectives here



The following question is based on your reading of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
Who is the narrator of this novel?
a. Mr. Utterson
b. Dr. Jekyll
Mr. Hyde
d. Mr. Enfield


Answer: A Mr. Utterson

Explanation: The central character of the novel, who narrates most of the story, either directly or through documents which come into his possession. He is also the counsel for, and close friend to, both Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon. (Make sure your not turning to brainly for all answers ok? Good Luck)

1. The
against the British lasted for seven years. The British and
French fought for control of colonies and trade.


The Seven Years' War resulted from an attempt by the Austrian Habsburgs to win back the province of Silesia, which had been taken from them by Frederick the Great of Prussia. Overseas colonial struggles between Great Britain and France for control of North America and India were also a cause of the war.

The United Kingdom, consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England, the birthplace of Shakespeare and the Beatles, is home to London, the world's most influential financial and cultural capital. England is also the site of the Neolithic Stonehenge, the Roman spa of Bath, Oxford, and the centuries-old university of England. Hence, it is a geographic term referring to the island, also known simply as Great Britain. It is also a political term for the part of Great Britain made up of England, Scotland, and Wales (including outlying islands such as the Isle of Wight).

The name "Britain" comes from the ancient Roman name "Britannia" used for the area now identified as England and Wales. Britannia was the area under Roman rule, ending with Hadrian's Wall (which separated Britannia from Scotland or "Caledonia"). Don't confuse this with Brittany in France.

Learn more about   Britain  here



Exercise 1 In the blank write n if the italicized word is used a noun. Write p if it is used as a pronoun. Write v if it is used as a verb. Write adj. if it is used as an adjective. Write adv. if it is used as an adverb. Write c if it is used as a conjunction. Write prep. if it is used as a preposition. Write i if it is used as an interjection.
When I found out about the concert, I was really upset.


When - Adv

I - P

Found - V

about - Pre

the - Determiner

concert - N

upset - V

Why is learning prepositional phrases important?

Simple prepositions are brief words that we place before nouns or pronouns to show how those words relate to the noun in question. The two basic categories of simple prepositions are time and place.

Prepositions are few in number, but they are crucial because they serve as structural markers for sentences, indicating unique connections between people, things, and places.

You could, for instance, put a doll on the teacher's chair, some bricks under a student's chair, a marker pen on the bookcase, or the clock behind the door. Ask students to work in pairs to take note of what the "ghost" has moved and then to create sentences using "prepositions of location."

To learn more about preposition , visit ,



Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
A high wall surrounded the large mansion.


In the given sentence, the simple subject is "wall". Whereas, the simple predicate is "surrounded". Moreover, the complete subject and the complete predicate are in between "wall surrounded".

What are the parts of speech?

A part of speech, also known as a part-of-speech, is a group of words with related grammatical characteristics. There are words in every English phrase that belongs to one or more of the nine parts of speech. These comprise articles/determiners, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs are examples of this traditional class of words, which are classified based on the type of thought signified and the function carried out in a phrase. Theoretically, it is crucial to comprehend the parts of speech in English grammar since they play a crucial part in creating cohesive sentences that follow the rules of sentence structure.

To learn more about parts of speech, visit:



-Minimum word count 350 words. Every 50 words give 1 pt. (7)
-Must contain thesis statement. 1 pt. (1)
-Must contain transition words for each paragraph. -.5 pt for each missing transition word. (2)
-Proper grammar and spelling required. Incorrect grammar deducts .2 pts. (2)
-Must contain specific examples for each portion of your thesis statement. 2 pts.
-Must answer all three parts of the question. 3 pts
-Must have clear introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs. 3 pts.

Overall assignment is worth 20 points.

Due September 6th.


Answer pearts (a), and (b). Confine your response to the period from 1500 to 1750.
Briefly describe ONE historical difference between the role of religion in Spanish colonization and in the colonization of New England.

Briefly describe ONE historical effect of religion on the development of society in either the Spanish colonies or the New England colonies.

In this essay we will show a) brief answer to a, and b) brief answer to b.


One difference between the role of religion in Spanish and New England colonization is that in the Spanish colonies religion was used as a vehicle for evangelization, whereas in the New England colonies religion was used as a form of community centering and government.

What was the historical effect of religion on these two types of colonial settlements?The suppression of native religions.Religious intolerance.The association between government and religion.

The colonies of New England were formed, mainly, by Englishmen who were leaving the religious persecution they suffered in England. However, upon arriving on the American continent, they used religion to create a community with a centralized government, which had religion as its base and reinforced intolerance of different religions and communities.

In the Spanish colonies, religion was applied differently. As all Spaniards followed Catholicism, the establishment of colonies was not intended to escape religious persecution, but rather to exploit the continent's natural resources. However, the Spaniards saw the indigenous people as pagans and believed that this would harm their goals, for this reason, they used the religion as a way to evangelize and violently convert the natives to Catholicism.

Learn more about European imperialism in America:



Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
The airport is just off Exit 14.


The airport is just off Exit 14.

Simple Subject: airport

Simple predicate: is

Complete subject: The airport

Complete predicate:  is just off Exit 14

What is subject and predicate?

Either a noun or a pronoun serves as the sentence's main topic. A verb or verb-phrase serves as the sentence's primary predicate. The topic is comprised of the central thought and any supporting ideas that add to or explain it. The complete predicate is created by combining the simple predicate with other words that either elaborate on or complete its meaning.

A phrase is a group of words used to convey a full idea or concept. The subject of a complete sentence is the person or thing that the sentence is about. A noun or pronoun that is employed in a sentence as the narrative's subject is known as the subject.

Predicate is the term used to describe the entire group of words in a sentence that are unrelated to the topic. The predicate can be inferred from whatever the subject is not if the subject of a sentence can be identified from just one phrase.

Thus for the above given sentence,

Simple Subject: airport

Simple predicate: is

Complete subject: The airport

Complete predicate:  is just off Exit 14

To learn more about subject and predicate from the given link below,



how can knowing word orgins and parts (roots/affixes) help to understand word meanings?



By learning the prefixes, suffixes, and root words, you'll be able to put the pieces of a word together and understand its meaning even if you don't know the word by itself.


Avoid plagiarism by writing in your own words.

Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun.
A woman was expected to quit teaching after (she, her) married.





If you read aloud the sentence with both it will help you find the answer.

[1]He is often late for school but he ............ absent from it.
1- sometimes is
2- is never
3- never is
4- usually is

[2] How much ............. to fly to Dubai?
1- does it cost
2- has it cost
3- is it costing
4- do it cost

[3]Our boss ... ........ a big factory and a lot of buildings.
1- own
2- are owing
3- owns
4- is owning

[4]The baby is ..… peacefully in bed.
1- lying
2- laying
3- laid
4- lain

[5]I used to be poor but I….... much money in the present.
1- am having
2- have had
3- have
4- had

[6]Classical music is still….... all around the world.
1- liking
2- being liked
3- liked
4- like



1) 2

2) 1

3) 3

4) 1

5) 2?

6) 3


#5 I'm not sure on

Exercise 2 Correct each personal pronoun in italics so it agrees with its antecedent in the sentence. Cross out the incorrect pronoun, and write the correct word above it. Do not change any pronouns that already agree with the antecedent in number and gender.
Did Jack lend you their pencil?


Did Jack lend you his pencil?

Pronouns are phrases that take the area of nouns. Phrases like he, she, they, it, their, absolutely everyone, the entirety are pronouns. Antecedents are the words that pronouns take the vicinity of. The prefix ante- way “before”—we want to realize the noun earlier than we update it with a pronoun.

Antecedents and next pronouns which take the location of a noun make certain that the equal phrases or phrases do not repeat time and again in a sentence. There are a few policies that will help you successfully use antecedents that pair with pronouns:

1. Antecedents come before the pronoun.

2. Antecedents fit the pronoun’s quantity.

3. Treat compound antecedents as plural.

Learn more about pronoun antecedent here:- https://brainly.com/question/11358720


Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by writing a verb phrase (main verb and auxiliary verbs) using the verb indicated.
She _________ would stop race car owners and ask them to hire her. (stop)


She would stop race car owners and ask them to hire her. To complete this sentence by writing a verb phrase using the verb indicated is would stop. The main verb in the sentence is stop and the auxiliary verb is would.

What is a main verb and auxiliary verb?

The main verb in a sentence is the verb that describes the action of the subject in the sentence. While the subject of a sentence is the noun/pronoun that performs the action of the sentence, the object of a sentence is the noun/pronoun that receives the action of the verb.

An auxiliary verb (aka a helping verb) is a verb that helps another verb express its tense, mood, or voice. The main auxiliary verbs are 'to be,' 'to have,'

To know more about auxiliary verb click below:



Any material taken from a source, whether you quote it or paraphrase it, must be documented. the one exception is?


Any material taken from a source, whether you quote it or paraphrase it, must be documented. the one exception is common knowledge

A paraphrase is a repetition of a text or passage's meaning using different terms. Paraphrasing as a specialised educational activity dates back to at least Roman times, when the author Quintilian suggested it for students to enhance language dexterity, despite the fact that paraphrases were probably common in oral traditions. This tradition persisted in the Middle Ages, when writers like Geoffrey of Vinsauf created classroom exercises that involved using rhetorical devices and paraphrasing to create poetry and speeches.

Learn more about Paraphrase here:



Exercise 1 Circle each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
We ran toward the water when we reached the beach.


We ran (toward) the water when we reached the beach.

What is a preposition?

A preposition can be a word, and it's almost often a really little and widely used word that introduces a partner object like "of" in "a basket of apples" while also indicating direction, location, or time, such as "at" in "at the door" or "by" in "by noon." The accompanying object, which may be a noun (like noon), a phrase (like "the door"), or a closed-class word, is obliquely placed after prepositions (you).

What is an example of a preposition?

At, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, and with are the common prepositions that are used the most frequently. Alternatives to the preposition include "regarding," "above," "across," "after," "along," "along," "because of," "before," "behind," "beside," "between," "close to," "below," "during," "except," "within," "instead of," "into," like, near, and "off."

Learn more about preposition



Does the prosthetic hand have five articulating fingers, or are the fingers part of one immobile piece of plastic


Answer: They have five articulating fingers


The correct response is - They have five movable fingers.

What is Plastic?

Polymers are the primary component of a broad assortment of synthetic or semi-synthetic compounds known as plastics. Plastics may be molded, extruded, or pressed into solid objects of diverse forms because of their plasticity. Its extensive use is a result of its versatility as well as a variety of other qualities, including being portable, strong, flexible, and reasonably priced to create.

Typically, plastics are produced using human industrial systems. Although newer industrial techniques utilize variations created from renewable resources, such as derivatives of corn or cotton, the majority of modern plastics are made from chemicals based on fossil fuels, such as natural gas or petroleum.

Between 1950 and 2017, 9.2 billion pieces of plastic are thought to have been produced. Since 2004, more than half of this plastic has been manufactured. 400 million tonnes of plastic will be produced in 2020.

To read more about Plastic, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/8647954


A Separate Peace, Ch. 1
Although the first chapter of Knowles's book is brief, we begin to get a sense of the
memories that will dominate the story. Please respond to the following questions in complete
sentences, ensuring that you Restate, Answer, Cite, and Explain as a part of your response.
1. What kind of building does the narrator compare his old school to? Why does he
claim that he doesn't like the school appearing this way?
2. What location does the


After fifteen years have passed since he attended, the narrator of the story, Gene Forrester, returns to the Devon School in New Hampshire. As he strolls over the campus, he observes that everything appears to have been perfectly preserved, as if the structures had been given a coat of varnish to preserve them exactly as they were when he was a student there. He considers how anxious he was back then—in the early 1940s, as World War II raged in Europe—and makes the decision to travel to the two locations he most vividly associates with that anxiety. One of the academic buildings has a marble staircase, and Gene determines that it must be constructed of an extraordinarily strong stone because the foot impressions left over the years are still only shallow.

He spends some time gazing at these stairs before leaving, walking through the dorms and the gym while damaging his shoes on the muddy playing fields. Once there, he searches the river's banks for a certain tree, which he eventually finds amid a grove of trees that are rather similar to one another. A number of wounds on the tree's trunk and the manner that one of its branches protrudes over the river help him identify it.The French phrase plus chose, plus change, which means "the more things remain the same, the more they change," comes to mind as he considers how much smaller this tree seems now than it did when he was younger. In order to escape the rain, he turns and enters.When Gene is sixteen and standing at the base of the same tree, which towers over him like a "steely black steeple," the story cuts to the summer of 1942. Elwin "Leper" Lepellier, Chet Douglass, and Bobby Zane are also present, along with Gene's roommate Phineas, or Finny, and four other lads. No student their age has ever attempted the accomplishment that Finny is trying to get them to perform—jumping off a branch of the tree into the river. The older boys at the school perform the jump as part of their physical preparation before they graduate and leave for the war.

To learn more about A Separate Peace, Ch.1 visit:https://brainly.com/question/15843624


What literary device is used in the sentence below, and what is its meaning?

"My mother’s smile warms me like the sun on the first day of Spring.”





In the sentence the warmth of my mother's smile is being compared to the sun on the first day of Spring

The literary device used in the sentence is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as" to highlight a similarity between them.

In this case, the speaker compares the warmth they feel from their mother's smile to the comforting and rejuvenating feeling of the sun on the first day of Spring. The simile conveys a sense of emotional comfort, love, and positivity that the mother's smile brings, evoking the pleasant and hopeful emotions associated with the arrival of Spring after a long, cold winter.

The comparison intensifies the emotional impact, creating a vivid and heartwarming image in the reader's mind.

Learn more about the literary device here



Why does Norman Mushari believe that he can easily obtain a sizeable amount of the Rosewater Foundation's money?


Norman Mushari believe that he can easily obtain a sizeable amount of the Rosewater Foundation's money because Eliot Rosewater, the eccentric but well-intentioned president of the Rosewater Foundation, is the main character.

He plans to have the judge declare him insane so that he will have to give up control of the Foundation and its fortune to his nearest living relative, whom Mushari plans to represent in the court case in order to obtain a sizable portion of the fortune for himself in the transaction.

About Norman Mushari

Kurt Vonnegut's 1965 novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater and its musical adaption by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken feature Norman Mushari as the major antagonist.Eliot Rosewater, the eccentric but well-intentioned president of the Rosewater Foundation, is the main character. He plans to have the judge declare him insane so that he will have to give up control of the Foundation and its fortune to his nearest living relative, whom Mushari plans to represent in the court case in order to obtain a sizable portion of the fortune for himself in the transaction.In the 1979 musical, Jonathan Hadary played the role; in the 2016 Encores! revival, Skylar Austin did.

To know more about Norman Mushari visit:



Which BEST underscores a theme presented in "America's Place in the 21st Century World"?

A. America's public policy of isolationism

B. America's desire to act as "the police officer of the world"

C. the government's "predicament to fight the 21st century enemy"

D. the government's ability to get young men to fight in senseless wars for America



The answer choice that BEST underscores a theme presented in "America's Place in the 21st Century World" is B. America's desire to act as "the police officer of the world"

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done with the aid of a narrator to advance a plot

Hence, we can see that The answer choice that BEST underscores a theme presented in "America's Place in the 21st Century World" is B. America's desire to act as "the police officer of the world"

This is because, with the Monroe Doctrine which saw the Americans seek to control and be involved in world affairs, they wanted to act as "the police officer of the world"

Read more about Monroe Doctrine here:



As Montag travels outside of the city and experiences real silence for perhaps the first time in his life, which of the following people in his past life do his thoughts return to?


Montag's thoughts return to Mildred.

Who is Mildred?Mildred is Montag's wife.Mildred is someone who succumbed to television alienation

Mildred was married to Montag for many years, but their relationship was cold and somewhat distant. This was mainly because Mildred was so manipulated by the television programs that she became a very empty woman of feelings and oblivious to reality.

However, Montag recognizes that their coexistence could have been better explored and in a way, he misses Mildred, so much so that the silence he faces makes him think of her since she is a person who would hate to live without the noise of the television.

This question is about the book "Fahrenheit 451" and you can learn more about this book at the link:



If any of the underlined segments has an error, select the answer option that IDENTIFIES the error. If no segments have an error, select "No error."
It’s no wonder that George and him failed physics; both devoted all their time to sports, not schoolwork.




No error


It’s no wonder that George and him failed physics; both devoted all their time to sports, not schoolwork. As "him" is the error in the sentence. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is error?

The term error refers to the mistake and the found in the something went the wrong. The error was the show means the rewrite or the misspelled in the sentence.

According to the sentence as the given was the correct and the proper manner in the sentence. But, the error was the found to him is the incorrect. "Him" not used in the sentence.

As a result, the error was the found in the sentence is "him".

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on error, here:



speech on peer pressure will help a student grow​



Peer pressure is an issue that affects many teenagers today. Society offers misleading advertisements that seem to lead teens in unnecessary directions.

There are many kinds of pressures that kids face today. Many times, others put pressure on you to participate in something you might not want to do. Peer pressure can be stressful because a child might feel pressured by friends and schoolmates to act, behave, think and look a certain way. This kind of pressure can cover everything. Teens face numerous problems that can hamper the decisions they make. Sometimes these decisions are negative ones to fulfill their desire to fit in. Although peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to resist, there are ways to fight it.

Peer pressure can be tackled by inner strength and self-confidence, through resistance to doing something when you know better. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you to know the right thing to do.


Studies have shown how peer pressure can change the mind, despite knowing what is right and wrong. Also, it has been said that all it takes for someone to stand their ground on what they know is right is for one other peer to agree with them. If you face peer pressure on a daily basis, it is always better to talk to someone you trust.

Though peer pressure can have certain advantages like it helps to create a sense of motivation in the person, which further forces the person to cross the barrier and achieve something great. There are many disadvantages of peer pressure which can harm a person in plenty of ways. If any person is not willing to perform a certain task then the peer pressure can be frustrating to him.

Exercise 1 Write P above each proper noun and C above each common noun.
In every city where a game was played, fans of each country cheered their players.


In every city where a game was played, fans of each country cheered their players.

city, game, fans, country, players : Common nouns

There being no proper nouns in the statement.

What are common and proper nouns?

Nouns are the fundamental components of sentences and have the simplest definition of "a thing." Almost anything you can imagine can be represented by these objects, including people, animals, places, ideas, and emotions. The words that most generally refer to things are called common nouns. The name that identifies someone or something, a person or a place, is a proper noun. Capitalized nouns are proper nouns.

Thus, for the above given sentence,

city, game, fans, country, players : Common nouns

There being no proper nouns in the statement.

To learn more about common and proper nouns from the given link below,



Pablo and Javier want to calculate the area of ​​a parallelogram-shaped window. The height of the window is (12y - 9) cm and the base is (12y + 9) cm, what is the area of ​​the window?





Write an essay about an event you're looking forward to attending in the coming weeks or months. Focus on varying your sentence structure by using the types of phrases and clauses taught in this lesson.


The above question desires essay to examine your writing and questioning capabilities. for that reason,

it isn't always proper for me to jot down the essay for you, however i will display to you the manner to jot down it.

the way to write a perfect essay?

Six top recommendations for writing a awesome essay

analyze the query.outline your argument.Use proof, reasoning, and scholarship.organize a coherent essay.Write actually.Cite belongings and evidence.

how many paragraphs are there in essay?

The fundamental layout for an essay is known as the 5-paragraph essay – but, an essay also can have as many paragraphs as desired. A 5-paragraph essay consists of five paragraphs. but, the essay itself consists of 3 sections: a introduction, a frame, and an end.

what is an instance of essay?

An example essay supports develops and defends its thesis in a chain of paragraphs, every of which normally illustrates one manner wherein the thesis assertion may be supported.

Learn more about Essay at brainly.com/query/25607827


What is one subject do you think you would be able to locate the best source material for?





you can find out which library to go to for the best history books, that give out detailed information. You can do research online, for history.

Exercise 2 Underline the linking verb (or verbs) in each sentence. Then circle the word or words after the linking verb that identify or describe the subject.
He was first a congressman and then a senator.


He was first a congressman and then a senator.

In this sentence the linking verbs are first and then. The words after the linking verbs that describe or identify the subject - congressman and senator.

What are linking verbs..?

Linking verbs are words or phrases that show the relationship between paragraphs or sections of a text or speech. They link information together rather than expressing actions.

Linking verbs are verbs that don't show an action but rather describe the subject. A linking verb is also known as a copula, directly from a Latin word referring to a “tie, bond,” hence linking.

To know more about linking verbs click below:



Exercise 1 Draw a vertical line between the subject and predicate of each sentence. Underline each noun. Circle each verb. Label each participle P, each gerund G, and each infinitive I.
She loves to rake leaves.


Answer: The given sentence is "She loves to rake leaves." The parts of speech are as follows.


The subject is what the sentence is about. The subject here is "she".

The predicate is a part of a sentence that tells what the subject is  or what it is doing. The predicate here is "loves to rake leaves".

A noun is the name of some person, thing or place. The nouns here are loves (abstract noun) and leaves.

A verb is a word that expresses an action. The verb here is "rake".

An infinitive is to + base form of a verb. The infinitive here is "to rake".

To learn more about the parts of speech, refer to this link:


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