Based on what know about Galileo's observations and his condemnation by the Church, select all of the correct statements from the following list. 1. Galileo invented the telescope Galileo's case has recently been reexamined by the Catholic Church, 2. Galileo was executed for saying that Earth orbits the sun The observed phases of Venus supported the heliocentric system 3. Galileo observed sunspots and craters on the moon 4. The fact that Jupiter has moons suggested that Earth orbits the sun. 5. Galieo's trial was more about his disrespect of authority than his teachings of astronomy6. The fact that Jupiter has moon suggested that Earth orbits the sun
7. Galileo's trial was more about hs disrespect of authority than his teaching of astronomy


Answer 1

Galileo Galilei's astronomical observations challenged the geocentric model and led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church .Galileo Galilei's astronomical observations challenged the geocentric model and led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church.

Galileo Galilei with his  astronomical observations challenged the geocentric model and led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church.

Gailileo Galilei was a renowned astronomer and physicist who made significant contributions to the fields of astronomy, physics, and mathematics. He is known for his observations of the night sky, which challenged the then-accepted geocentric model of the universe. Galileo observed sunspots and craters on the moon, and he discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter, which suggested that Earth orbits the sun.

Galileo Galilei, ideas and findings were controversial and ultimately led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church. His trial was more about his perceived disrespect of authority than his teachings of astronomy. Although Galileo was not executed, he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

In recent years, the Catholic Church has reexamined Galileo's case and acknowledged that his ideas were not heretical, but rather, they were based on sound scientific evidence. Galileo Galilei and his legacy continues to influence the scientific community, and his contributions to the fields of astronomy, physics, and mathematics are widely recognized today.

to know more about Galileo Galilei click on


Related Questions

Theory that upholds the big bang Theory but suggests there was an extremely rapid expansion or inflation milliseconds after the big bang.


Theory of an oscillating world. According to this hypothesis, there is a big crunch for every big bang. Theory of an oscillating world.

What are some examples of oscillate?

The movement of a simple pendulum in a clock and the tides in the sea are the two most typical instances of oscillation. The oscillation of springs is another illustration. Oscillations can also be seen in the vibration of guitar strings and other stringed instruments. Synonyms for oscillate include fluctuate, sway, swing, undulate, vibrate, and waver. While all of these phrases refer to "moving from one way to its opposite," oscillation emphasises a typically predictable change in direction. a rotating fan.

Know more about pendulum Visit:


Groundwater is a better source of water because pumping this source does notimpact streams and wetlands. True or False


True Groundwater is a better source of water because it is unaffected by pumping and does not affect wetlands or streams.

Which is Superior? Surface water or groundwater?

As long as the sources are unpolluted and the water is sufficiently treated, both surface water and groundwater can generally provide safe drinking water. There are numerous advantages to using groundwater over surface water.

Does groundwater have an impact on streams?

Water is discharged into rivers and streams either directly through river beds and banks or indirectly through springs as groundwater tables rise in the winter and spring. Many of California's rivers and streams continue to flow long after the rain has stopped.

How does pumping affect groundwater?

By either intercepting groundwater flow that discharges into the surface-water body under natural conditions or by increasing the rate of water movement from the surface-water body into an aquifer, groundwater pumping can alter how water moves between an aquifer and a stream, lake, or wetland.

To learn more about Groundwater here:


answer the following questions
1. What is the purpose of photogrammetry?
2. Why are UAV stereo images taken with very high degree of overlap?
3. Identify four differences between vertical and oblique photos
4. Explain the purpose of fiducial marks on an aerial photo
5. What causes stereoscopic parallax?
6. Explain the difference between absolute stereoscopic parallax and differential parallax
7. Explain the following equation
a. h = (H’) * dP / (P + dP)
b. h = (H’) * d / (r)
c. H’ = (h * r )/ d
8. What is the importance of stereoscopic vision in remote sensing?
9. State two ways by which stereo viewing can be done
10. Explain the following equation δr= ∗ℎ
11. What is the purpose of orthorectification?
12. What is the acceptable difference between initial and the computed camera position and how can the difference be minimized?
13. Which data in the pix4d quality report indicates that there are significant overlaps between the images?
14. Which data in the pix4d quality report indicates that there are significant matches between the tie points?
15. Which section of the pix4d quality report indicates the positional deviations associated with your data?
16. Provide an explanation of what occurs during Stage one processing of UAV images.
17. What is the purpose of Stage two processing of UAV images in Pix4D?
18. Identify five different products that can be generated from Pix4D and explain what they are and how they can be used by geographers.
19. Explain two ways by which the accuracy of the 3D models generated by Pix4d can be improved.
20. Explain why it is important to accurately reclassify a point cloud.​


1. The purpose of photogrammetry is to measure and create accurate 3D models and maps using photographs.

2. UAV stereo images are taken with a very high degree of overlap to provide a sufficient number of tie points for accurate 3D modeling.

What are the responses to other questions?

3. Four differences between vertical and oblique photos are:

vertical photos are taken from directly above the target area while oblique photos are taken at an angle, vertical photos have a constant scale while oblique photos do not, vertical photos provide more information on the height of objects while oblique photos provide more information on the shape of objects, and vertical photos are typically used for mapping while oblique photos are used for visual inspection and interpretation.

4. Fiducial marks on an aerial photo serve as reference points for photogrammetric measurements, providing a means of scaling and orienting the photograph.

5. Stereoscopic parallax is caused by the displacement of an object's position between two images taken from different angles.

6. Absolute stereoscopic parallax refers to the displacement of an object relative to the ground, while differential parallax refers to the displacement of an object relative to other objects in the scene.

7. a. h = height of object, H’ = height of object in the photo, dP = parallax, P = principal distance

b. h = height of object, H’ = height of object in the photo, d = distance between photos, r = parallax

c. H’ = height of object in the photo, h = height of object, r = parallax, d = distance between photos

8. Stereoscopic vision in remote sensing is important because it allows for the creation of accurate 3D models and measurements of the Earth's surface.

9. Two ways to view stereo images are through the use of a stereoscope or by using anaglyph images.

10. The equation δr = h*f / B relates the shift in apparent position of an object in two images to the object's height above the ground, the focal length of the camera, and the distance between the two images.

11. The purpose of orthorectification is to remove distortions caused by terrain relief and camera tilt in aerial imagery, resulting in a more accurate and consistent representation of the Earth's surface.

12. The acceptable difference between initial and computed camera positions depends on the accuracy requirements of the project, but in general, a difference of less than one pixel is considered acceptable. The difference can be minimized by using high-quality ground control points and accurate camera calibration.

13. The data in the pix4d quality report that indicates significant overlaps between images is the "Image Properties" section, which shows the number and percentage of overlapping images.

14. The data in the pix4d quality report that indicates significant matches between tie points is the "Tie Points" section, which shows the number and distribution of tie points across the project area.

15. The section of the pix4d quality report that indicates the positional deviations associated with data is the "Quality Check" section, which shows the accuracy of the camera positions and the level of geometric distortion in the data.

16. During Stage one processing of UAV images, the images are calibrated, matched, and a sparse point cloud is generated.

17. The purpose of Stage two processing of UAV images in Pix4D is to generate a dense point cloud, 3D mesh, and orthomosaic using the sparse point cloud and images.

18. Five different products that can be generated from Pix4D are:

Orthomosaic: A high-resolution orthorectified image of the survey area, which can be used for mapping, land-use planning, and visual analysis.Digital Elevation Model (DEM): A 3D representation of the survey area, which can be used for terrain analysis, hydrology, and volumetric calculations.Point Cloud: A collection of 3D points that represent the surface of the survey area, which can be used for modeling, measurement, and visualization.Contour Lines: A vector representation of the elevation data in the survey area, which can be used for mapping and visualization.3D Mesh: A 3D surface model of the survey area, which can be used for visualization and analysis.

19. Two ways by which the accuracy of the 3D models generated by Pix4D can be improved are:

Increasing the Ground Control Point (GCP) density: GCPs are surveyed points with known coordinates used to improve the accuracy of the 3D model. Increasing the GCP density can improve the accuracy of the 3D model.

Using high-precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers and inertial measurement units (IMUs) to georeference the images: High-precision GNSS receivers and IMUs can provide more accurate information about the camera's position and orientation, which can lead to a more accurate 3D model.

learn more about Stereoscopic parallax:


Population trend in Ethiopia



2.6% annual change (2021)

Hope it helped! :)

5 things that would impact or different on earth if the oceans were not salty


Life on earth is based on a salt-water metabolism.

A world without salt water would be a boon to humanity, but it would also decimate marine life and affect our global temperature and weather dramatically, making human life on Earth incredibly complicated.

5 Things that would impact or be different on earth if the oceans were not salty are:

1. An ocean without salt would decimate marine life and affect our global temperature and weather dramatically, making human life on Earth incredibly complicated.

2. Marine life- If the sea were to become desalinated, we’d likely never get the chance to find those new forms of life.

3. World weather- This would be most noticeable at the Equator since our ocean currents would no longer circulate warm water and air currents the way they used to.

4. Plant- marine plant life would also be affected. Underwater algae account for almost half the photosynthesis occurring on this planet.

5. Salt reductions- A liter of seawater contains around 35g of dissolved salt, so desalinating the entire ocean would involve removing 45 million billion tons of salt.

To learn more about Oceans,

What is the phenomenon characterized by strong tall sea waves caused by the movement of the ocean floor?



1. onshore current: landward motion of water 2. onshore transport: Landward movement of sediment 3. longshore current: Motion of water parallel to shore 4. longshore transport: movement of sediment parallel to shore





When these plates fracture during strong earthquakes of great impact (greater than 7 on the Richter scale), a vertical movement is produced that creates waves by raising a huge column of water, giving rise to a tsunami.

Part A Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. Make certain each sentence is complete before su your answer. ► View Available Hint(s) Reset Help clockwise In the Northern Hemisphere, surface air moves a high-pressure system and counterclockwise a low-pressure system. Surface air motion is in a high- into pressure system and in a low-pressure system. out of Submit de Feedback


In the Northern Hemisphere, surface air moves clockwise in a high-pressure system and counterclockwise in a low-pressure system. Surface air motion is out of a high-pressure system  and into a low-pressure system.

The movement of air in the atmosphere is affected by differences in air pressure. High-pressure systems are areas where the air pressure is higher than the surrounding areas, while low-pressure systems are areas where the air pressure is lower than the surrounding areas.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes the surface air to move clockwise around a high-pressure system and counterclockwise around a low-pressure system. This means that in a high-pressure system, the surface air is moving outwards away from the center of the system, while in a low-pressure system, the surface air is moving inwards towards the center of the system.

As the air moves from high-pressure to low-pressure areas, it creates winds. The stronger the pressure gradient (difference in pressure between two points), the stronger the winds will be. Understanding the direction of surface air movement is important for predicting weather patterns, as different air masses with different pressures can create various weather conditions, such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, or clear skies.

To learn more about high-pressure system, click here:


Early in the 20th Century chemists created a new formulation for gasoline that made engines run much smoother by adding dissolved mercury.a. trueb. false


False. Mercury was never added to gasoline as a fuel additive to improve engine performance.

The claim that early 20th-century chemists added dissolved mercury to gasoline to improve engine performance is false. While chemists did experiment with various additives to improve the properties of gasoline, including lead-based compounds and oxygenates such as ethanol and methanol, there is no record of mercury being used for this purpose.

In fact, mercury is a highly toxic metal that can cause serious health problems, including neurological damage, when ingested or inhaled. As a result, the use of mercury in any form as an additive has been banned in many countries, including the United States.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the use of gasoline additives, in general, has come under scrutiny due to their potential adverse effects on human health and the environment. While some additives, such as detergents and antioxidants, are still commonly used, others like lead and MTBE have been phased out or banned altogether. The use of alternative fuels and electric vehicles is also being explored as a way to reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

To learn more about gasoline, click here:


Examples of upper and lower middle developing economies


China, Malaysia, Russian Federation, Albania, and South Africa are some examples of upper-middle developing economies. Meanwhile, India, Algeria, Vietnam, Nepal, and Morocco are instances of lower-middle developing economies.

What is a higher middle-income country?

Forty-five nations have been merged to form the high-income countries group, according to World Economics. All nations with a gross national income per capita higher than $12,055 are categorized as high-income. Upper-middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita that is greater than $4,125 but less than $12,736 as determined using the World Bank Atlas approach.

The World Bank Atlas method defines high-income economies as having a GNI per capita of $12,736 or higher. The geography, size, population, and income levels of middle-income countries are extremely varied, ranging from very small nations with small populations.

To learn more about developing economies, visit:


Map Projection Map projection refers to a systematic or orderly manner of portraying the grid of latitude and longitude of the spherical Earth on a two-dimensional flat map. It is important to note that all map projections contain some type of distortion as globes are the only true representation of the surface of the Earth capable of preserving the basic geographic properties of area, shape, distance and direction. Distortion of these properties results from the tearing, shearing, or compression of surfaces that occurs during the transformation of a spherical surface to a flat plane. These distortions also vary with the scale of a map, increasing with larger mapped areas and their smaller spatial scales (countries, continents or the globe). While no single projection can preserve all of these properties simultaneously, different types of projections have been designed to preserve specific properties. The selection of an optimum projection is best made by evaluating its intended use and the properties that are most important to preserve. Equal-area (equivalent) projections are those on which area relationships of all parts of the globe are preserved. These types of projections typically suffer from skewed shapes and distortions to distances. Equal Area Projection Conformal projections are those on which angular relationships are preserved around points so as to maintain shape. Conformal projections come closest to maintaining shape only for small areas, with distortions growing with larger areas. Additionally, scale may change from place to place on the map and area is distorted. Equidistant projections are those on which distance relationships are preserved for one or a few points to others, however, this property cannot be preserved from all points to all other points. Azimuthal projections are those on which true directions are preserved from any single point to all other points on the map, however, this property cannot be preserved from all points to all other points. Additionally, this property can occur concurrently with equivalency, conformality, and equidistance. Lastly, minimum error projections are those where no single property has been preserved but errors in all properties have been minimized to provide the optimal general geographic display where no single property must be displayed with maximum accuracy. Question: What type of map projection would you select if you wanted to correctly map the total area of the globe covered by rain forests? Question: What type of map projection would you select if you wanted to create map that accurately showed the general shape of the continents?


If you wanted to correctly map the total area of the globe covered by rain forests, you would select an equal-area (equivalent) projection.

An equal-area (equivalent) projection would be the best choice to map the total area of the globe covered by rain forests. This type of projection preserves area relationships, ensuring that the rainforest area is represented accurately. Since rainforests are an essential part of the world's ecosystem, it is important to represent them accurately on maps, and an equal-area projection can achieve that.

On the other hand, if you wanted to create a map that accurately showed the general shape of the continents, a conformal projection would be the best option. This type of projection preserves angular relationships around points, maintaining shape, which is crucial for accurately representing the continents' general shapes. While this projection does not preserve areas and distances perfectly, it can still create a map that accurately shows the relative shapes of the continents.

It is essential to choose the right map projection to achieve the desired goals of the map. Each projection has its strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to consider the intended use of the map and the properties that are most important to preserve. Ultimately, the selection of an optimum projection will depend on the purpose of the map and the information being conveyed.

To learn more about rain forests, click here:


Why is understanding he Structure of the earth important.​


Understanding the structure of the Earth is important for several reasons:

Natural disasters: Understanding the structure of the Earth helps us predict and prepare for natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. By studying the Earth's structure, geologists can identify areas that are prone to earthquakes or volcanic activity, and warn people living in those areas to take necessary precautions.Natural resources: Understanding the structure of the Earth is important for identifying and extracting natural resources. By studying the Earth's structure, geologists can identify areas that are likely to contain minerals such as gold, silver, and copper, and oil and natural gas.Climate: Understanding the Earth's structure is also important for studying climate change. The Earth's structure affects the way heat and energy are distributed throughout the planet, and understanding this distribution is key to predicting how climate patterns will change in the future.Plate tectonics: Understanding the Earth's structure is also important for studying plate tectonics, which is the study of the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates. Plate tectonics plays a major role in the formation of mountains, the opening of ocean basins, and the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Overall, understanding the structure of the Earth is essential for a wide range of scientific fields, and has practical implications for everything from disaster preparedness to resource extraction to climate change research.

coulde you please help me out yall





i got u i have your email

Step-by-step explanation:

Two landscaping companies made bids on the landscaping of a new apartment complex. Company A bid $596,000 for materials and plants and $169,000 for labor.
Company B bid $539,000 for materials and plants and $170,000 for labor. How much lower was the bid made by Company B?


The amount lower than the bid made by Company A, that was made by Company B is $ 56, 000

How to find the amount ?

To find the amount made, you first need to find the amount that Company A made as a bid which is :

= Materials + Labor

= 596, 000 + 169, 000

= $ 765, 000

The amount made by Company B as a bid was :

= 539, 000 + 170, 000

= $ 709, 000

The difference is therefore :

= 765, 000 - 709, 000

= $ 56, 000

Find out more on bids at


after the ice melted how was the sand in the first tray


When the ice melted and slid across the sand, it moved the sand in several spots, which the water carried, causing erosion.

When the ice melts, what happens next?

Never will the entire planet be submerged. But they would be extremely different from our shores. Sea level would increase by around 70 metres if all the ice on Antarctica, Greenland, and in mountain glaciers across the world melted (230 feet). All the coastal cities would be covered by the ocean.

What is the temperature doing now that the ice has melted?

Ice melting is a phase change process. Hence, all of the thermal energy provided to the ice during this process is utilised to change its phase from solid to liquid.

To know more about ice melted visit :-


Geologic time begins with a very long span called precambrian time. Precambrian time ended about 544 million years ago. Scientists have organized geologic time into spans. These spans are times of different lengths. Using the model, organize the basic units of geologic time in order from shortest to longest.


Precambrian time covers most of Earth's history,beginning with the planet's creation about 4.5 billion years ago and ending with the emergence of complex,multicellular life forms nearly four billion years later.

During the Paleozoic Era, which lasted 289 million years, plants and reptiles began to move from the sea to the land. With a duration of 79 million years,it represents more time than has elapsed since the extinction of the dinosaurs,which occurred at the end of the period. Geological time began to run when the Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago.The Precambrian spans the Archean and Proterozoic eons,which are formal geologic intervals that lasted from 4 billion to about 541 million years ago,and the Hadean Eon,which is an informal interval that extends from 4.6 billion to 4 billion years ago.Stratigraphy,also called chronostratigraphy,is the arrangement and analysis of the Earth's layers,also called chronological dating techniques based on strata and the positions of the layers relative to each other.

To learn more about multicellular please click on below link.


what is Fairtrade Canada's goal?


From what I learned there goal was to improve the livelihood of developing world farmers and workers.

Sandra received 15 $20 bills for her birthday. She spent 3/5and saved 2/5. How much did Sandra spend? How much did she save?



She spent $180 and saved $120.

15 x 20 = 300

300/5 = 60

60 x 3 = 180

60 x 2 = 120

Which claim about rocks on Venus do you think is best supported by the evidence?

Claim 1: Venus's rock transformation processes form mostly sedimentary rock.

Claim 2: Venus's rock transformation processes form mostly igneous rock


The claim about rocks on Venus  you think is the best supported by the evidence is: Claim 2.

What is the claim about rocks on Venus?

Claim 2: Venus's rock transformation processes form mostly igneous rock is best supported by the evidence.

The surface of Venus is covered in volcanic features, such as lava plains, shield volcanoes, and large volcanic mountains. This indicates that volcanic activity is a dominant geological process on Venus. Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava, and are the most common type of rock formed through volcanic processes.

On the other hand, sedimentary rocks are typically formed through the accumulation and cementation of sediment, which requires the presence of water or ice. There is currently no evidence to suggest that Venus has significant amounts of liquid water, so it is less likely that sedimentary rocks are a major product of geological processes on Venus.

Therefore, based on the available evidence, Claim 2 is better supported than Claim 1.

Learn more about Venus here:


The most likely answer is Claim 2: Venus's rock transformation processes form mostly igneous rock is best supported by the evidence.

Why is this so?

This is because the surface of Venus is dominated by volcanic features, such as lava flows and volcanic plains, which suggest a history of extensive igneous activity.

Additionally, the composition of Venus's atmosphere and surface rocks, as measured by various spacecraft, also indicate a predominantly igneous origin.

While some sedimentary rocks may exist on Venus, they are likely a minor component compared to igneous rocks.

P.S: Your question is incomplete and this is the best fit given the sparse question.

Read more about igneous rock here:


What is a topographic map, and what does it show you?​


A topographic map is a detailed and accurate representation of man-made and natural features on the Earth's surface.

There are various types of maps for various purposes. Topographic maps identify different ground features like Relief(mountain, slope), Hydrography(lakes, river), Vegetation, Boundaries, Transportation ways etc. The topographic map is a two-dimensional representation of the Earth's three-dimensional landscape. Therefore, a map will never be entirely up to date. Changes may take place in  landscape features regularly resulting in maps becoming dated, although the rate of agedness varies depending upon location.

Topographic maps are based on topographical surveys. They are used in geographic planning, mining and other earth based endeavors. Hikers use topographic maps to find trails and the steepness of slopes to plan their ascent.

To read more about the Uses of Maps:

12.2.2 Quiz: World War II Begins
Question 1 of 10
Because of the Tripartite Pact, Japan:
A. attacked the Chinese at the Marco Polo Bridge.
B. invaded even more territory in Asia.
C. began a full-scale invasion of China.
D. considered an alliance with Germany and Italy.


World War II Begins because of the Tripartite Pact, Japan invaded even more territory in Asia. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is World War II?

Due to the involvement of more than 30 nations, the Second World War was the largest war in ancient history when compared to the First World War. From 1939 to 1945, during World War II, Germany was at war with Great Britain and France.

During the period of World War II, Tripartite Pact, Japan's goal for an Asian empire. Japan's aim to invaded even more territory in Asia. There are the two European dictators approved.

As a result, the significance of the World War II are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on World War II, here:


Which of the following minerals would likely crystallize early from magma? 1. mafic minerals 2. quartz 3. muscovite 4. potassium feldspar


Mafic minerals would likely crystallize early from magma. The right answer is option 1.

Some of the silica in a mafic minerals interacts with iron and magnesium to form olivine as it begins to cool. The silica that is still present transforms into calcium-rich plagioclase as it cools more, and any silica that is still present may be used to turn some of the olivine into pyroxene.

Shortly afterwards, all of the magma is consumed, and nothing else changes. Gabbro will result from the magma cooling slowly beneath, while basalt will result from the magma cooling swiftly at the surface. When crystallisation first starts, felsic magmas are typically cooler than mafic magmas.

The correct answer is option 1.

Know more about Mafic minerals here


what style of greek pottery is characterized by its use of black figures on a red background


Answer: Red-figure Pottery

Explanation: Red-figure Pottery is a style of Greek vase painting invented in Athens c. 530 BCE. The style has drawn red figures and a painted black background. Red-Figure Pottery grew in popularity, and by the early 5th century BCE it had all but replaced black-figure pottery as the predominant pottery type in Athens. The last recorded examples are from c. 320 BCE.

Which of the following towns would most likely be described as rural?
OA. Weymouth, pop. 80,000
OB. Adams, pop. 8,000
OC. Quincy, pop. 100,000
OD. Braintree, pop. 90,000



OB. Adams


A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other buildings, and not very many people.

Why is understanding the structure of the earth important


Understanding the structure of the earth is important because it provides insight into how the planet works and changes over time. It allows us to understand earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and other geological phenomena. By studying the structure of the earth, we can also better understand the processes that form and shape the land surface over time. Additionally, studying the earth’s structure can help us understand the causes and effects of climate change and other environmental issues.


because it showas how the things work

Which parts of the world has no forests? Explain this.​


Africa & Europe cause they just dont have em
africa and europe they have no forests

1. How might you distinguish between sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in the field?


sedimentary rock can originate the particles from the rock by air water and heat .metamorphic rock can originate the result from one particle to another particle .

Position (m)
1 2 3
Time (s)
The graph describes the motion of an object.
The object moves with
from C to D.
6 7 8 9
from A to B. It
11 12 x
from B to C. It moves with


It should be noted that the correct options to fill will be:

First blank - Constant velocity

Second blank - remains stationary

Third blank - constant velocity.

How to convey the information

For the segments A to B and C to D, the slope will be calculated as - ∆y/∆x. Since ∆y represents a change in position and ∆x represents a change in time, the resultant will be velocity. As the graph increases linearly, it shows constant velocity.

From segment B to C, the value of x-axis increases while that of y-axis remains constant. Thus, the object becomes stationary.

Learn more about graph on:


What Russian leader secured Russian frontage on the Black Sea, in what is today Ukraine?

A) Peter the Great (1682-1725)

B) Catherine the Great (1762-1796)

C) Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584)

D) Ivan the Great (reigned 1462-1505)


Catherine the great Russian leader secured Russian frontage on the Black Sea, in what is today Ukraine.

What era in Russian history did Catherine the great rule?

The longest reign of a Russian empress was that of Catherine II, sometimes referred to as Catherine the Great, who ruled from 1762 to 1796. She greatly grew her country's dominion while being known more for her personal than her official concerns. After her husband, Peter III, was overthrown, she ascended to power. The Enlightenment-inspired cultural and scientific revival that Russia underwent throughout her lengthy rule resulted in the founding of numerous new cities, universities, and theatres, as well as widespread immigration from the rest of Europe and the acknowledgment of Russia as one of Europe's great powers.

Know more about Catherine the great -


lesson plan for geography grade 10 term one​



Content GENERAL; 

Teaching methods, 

Teaching methods, 


The diversity of natural and cultural landscape aspects will be emphasised as students obtain factual information about the world and its areas. They will also be familiar with some fundamental principles, definitions, and topics in the

Students will have a greater sense of global awareness and geographic literacy. They will succeed in achieving one of the objectives of a liberal arts education, which is to create informed citizens capable of understanding the unique contribution that geography makes to the political, economic, and social life of other nations. They will be able to apply spatial analysis to assist explain some of the major regional problems of the present, especially geopolitical, economic, social .

LEARN MORE ABOUT lesson plan


After three half-lives, a sample contains 10 grams of parent isotopes. How many grams of the parent isotope were present to start?




80 is the awnser


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