At the time of king’s speech, what was true for African Americans who wanted to vote in a election?


Answer 1

These included onerous requirements of owning property, paying poll taxes, and passing literacy or civics exams. Many African Americans who attempted to vote were also threatened physically or feared losing their jobs.

What is literacy?

Literacy is defined in its widest sense as "particular ways of thinking about and practicing reading and writing" with the goal of understanding or vocally expressing topics in a specific setting.


What was the situation for African Americans who desired to cast a ballot in an election at the time of King's speech?

These included onerous conditions like as paying poll taxes, owning property, or passing civics or literacy tests. A lot of African Americans who tried to vote reported being verbally or physically intimidated, or they feared losing their employment.

o threatened physically or feared losing their jobs.

To learn more about literacy from the given link:


Related Questions

Exercise 1 Underline each pronoun. In the blank, write int. if the pronoun is interrogative, rel. if it is relative, dem. if it is demonstrative, and ind. if it is indefinite.
What makes the story so popular?


The pronoun used in the sentence is relative pronoun, in the given sentence the relative pronoun is What.

Complex sentences are formed by using relative pronouns. The relative pronouns who, whom, whose, where, when, why, that, and how are a few examples. Where - A place is referred to. Who - Denotes an individual (the noun, pronoun, or subject that performs the action).

The winning cyclist put in a lot of training. My new pants from yesterday are already soiled. Whoever the committee chooses as the four team leaders, they will be present at tomorrow's meeting. We eat spaghetti at least twice a week, and it's one of our favorite dishes.

To learn more on Relative Pronoun


Exercise 1 Circle the number in front of each complex sentence.
Although slavery was abolished with the Thirteenth Amendment, Douglass pursued the right of blacks to vote.


Although slavery was abolished with the Thirteenth Amendment, (subrdinate clause) Douglass pursued the right of blacks to vote. (main clause) This is a complex sentence. So, you can give a Ο (circle) in the number.

Complex Sentence is a sentence that contain one main clause and at least one subordinate clause.Main Clause, is an independent clause, which is containing Subject and Verb.

1. Douglass pursued the right of blacks to vote.

Subject: Douglass

Verb: pursued

Subordinate Clause, is a dependent clause, contains suboordinating conjunction or adverb, adjective, naun clauses

1. Although slavery was abolished with the Thirteenth Amendment, (subrdinate clause)

Subordinating clause: Although is a subordinating conjunction (shows Consession) as Adverb Clause.

Learn more about Complex Sentence here


Put all of these books in alphabetical order
Mr. Mercedes
The Silent Patient
Ace of Spades
One Last Stop
They Both Die at the End
Project Hail Mary
The Witch King
Fahrenheit 451
The Song of Achilles
The Dragon of Ynys
The Troop
The Night Circus
I Wish You All the Best


Ace of Spades
Fahrenheit 451
I Wish You All the Best
One Last Stop
Project Hail Mary
They Both Die at the End
The Dragon of Ynys
The Night Circus
The Silent Patient
The Song of Achilles
The Troop
The Witch King

Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject and two lines under the simple predicate of each sentence below.
Mom started loading her camera in anticipation.


The underlined words have been correctly identified below:

Mom started loading her camera in anticipation.

Simple subject: Mom

Mom started loading her camera in anticipation.

Simple predicate : started

What is a simple predicate and its type?

A complete predicate refers to both the predicate/verb and all of its modifiers, whereas a simple predicate (simple verb) is a single word (or group of syllables if a verb phrase) conveying the verb without any of its modifiers.

A simple predicate is the fundamental word or words that describe the precise action the sentence's subject is performing.

Therefore, the simple predicate in a phrase like "The boy walks to school" would be "walks." '

Predicates come in three different varieties:

simple predicatecomposite predicate entire predicate.

To learn more about simple predicate, visit:


Exercise 1 Draw one line under the simple subject. Draw two lines under the simple predicate. Draw a vertical line (|) between the complete subject and the complete predicate.
Our families were invited to the school picnic.


In the given sentence, the simple subject is "families". Whereas, the simple predicate is "were invited". Moreover, the complete subject and the complete predicate are in between "families were".

What do you mean by parts of speech?

A group of words with related grammatical characteristics is referred to as a part of speech or part-of-speech in grammar. In English, every phrase you speak or write contains words from at least one of the nine parts of speech. Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, and determiners, as well as interjections, are among them. It is a traditional group of words that are differentiated based on the type of thought expressed and the task carried out in a phrase (e.g., adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs). The parts of speech in English grammar are crucial to comprehend because, according to theory, they play a crucial function in creating meaningful sentences that follow the rules of sentence structure.

To learn more about parts of speech, visit:


Why is communication so important for work?



Effective communication can help improve work relationships and make teams stronger.



Communication in the workplace is important because it boosts employee morale, engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Communication is also key for better team collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, effective workplace communication helps drive better results for individuals, teams, and organizations.


Which of the following statements would the speaker most
likely agree with?
Mothers are too willing to assign responsibility of their
sons to their daughter-in-laws.
A good mother focuses on raising her children so they
may perform roles based on their gender.
Men will never marry women if they continue to disobey
God's direction.
Men should protect their sons from being overpowered
by a woman.


B I’m not positive tho

Exercise 1 Underline the correct pronoun.
Each family made (it, its) own ink from ink powder.


Each family made  its own ink from ink powder.

Noun and Pronoun:

By definition, a noun can be defined as a name of a person, animal, place or things. Example of nouns included Peter, Paul, Sophia, Cat, Table, New York, Texas, e.t.c

Now,a Pronoun may be defined as a subcategory of nouns and it's simply a word that can be used in place of a noun to avoid repetition. for example  , rather than calling someone by his name like Peter, you'll say;

Peter wants to return but "he" said he's tired. So we conclude  that the word he has replaced Peter to avoid repetition.

Learn more about pronoun :


Exercise 4 Draft a brief one-paragraph piece concerning the following theme. Be sure to incorporate a proper voice and style.

theme: demanding a formal apology for a public insult


The human behavior sometimes makes us react in the worst ways that we could even predict. Emotions are not only a beautiful gift but also our worst enemy that we could ever face in life. Sometimes when we are deep into our emotions we say things that we don't actually mean as our tongue speaks faster than our minds think.

Stating all these facts, I would like to apologize for my behavior to you all for the things I have said which should never have been said. I am deeply regretting my actions and words as a whole and would like to amend on common grounds. Saying all this I would also like to add a promise that such an action would never happen again thus, please accept my apology.

To know more about human behavior refer to the link below


4) Refer to the excerpt from "Democracy in America." Then, choose the best answer. Use a dic-
tionary resource for any words you do not understand. When figuring out the meaning of a
word, use the context (its surrounding text) to help determine the correct dictionary meaning.
Who might be the intended audience?
people who are interested in government change
O rulers and people of France in the author's country, and people who are interested in government
O rulers and people of France in the author's country
capitalists and people of America
psychologists who study human behavior
capitalists and people of America; and rulers and people of France in the author's country
all of these


The reading of the text shows that the intended audience should be:

Capitalists and people of America; and rulers and people of France in the author's country

Who is the intended audience from the reading of the text?

The reading of the text shows that the intended audience is both the people of America and the people in the author's country. First, note that the author in this case makes a comparison between the people of America and the people of his own country.

Since the text involves people from two national groups it is only sensible to believe that the author wanted his audience to be people from the two countries. Alexis de Tocqueville is well known for his text that is entitled, Democracy in America. He was a French man and his comparisons were between the people from both groups. So, they all would have benefitted from the message.

Learn more about the intended audience here:


what traits or qualities does odyssey show through his interaction with characters


We can actually deduce here that some traits or qualities that Odyssey show through his interaction with characters are:

NobilityStrengthCourageA thirst for glory,Confidence in his authority.

What are traits?

Traits are known to be characteristics, features or qualities that are seen in an individual which are peculiar to that individual and they are distinguishes the character. We see here that traits actually let to know who an individually truly is.

Odyssey is seen as one who possesses nobility and courage. He is known to be the legend king of Ithaca. He wanders for 10 years as he tries to get home after the Trojan War.

Learn more about traits on


Exercise 1 Use the spelling rules in this lesson to spell the words indicated.
card + board


The answer is cardboard

Exercise 1 In the blank write n if the italicized word is used a noun. Write p if it is used as a pronoun. Write v if it is used as a verb. Write adj. if it is used as an adjective. Write adv. if it is used as an adverb. Write c if it is used as a conjunction. Write prep. if it is used as a preposition. Write i if it is used as an interjection.
Before you go, be sure to turn off all the lights and close the curtains.


Before you go, be sure to turn off all the lights and close the curtains.

Preposition: Before

Pronoun: you

Adjective: sure

Conjunction: and

Verb: go, be, turn, close

Determiner: all, the

Noun : lights, curtains

What is a pronoun?

Words that refer to a noun are called pronouns. They can be used in a sentence either in place of the noun or in its place. Pronouns come in a variety of forms, such as demonstrative, reflexive, possessive, and personal.

There are probably many different pronouns in your native tongue; for instance, "I," "you," "he," and "she" may all be regarded as personal pronouns. Additionally, English has several distinctive pronoun pronunciations, such as he/him versus she/her (which is often pronounced shi).

Other languages contain pronouns that are even more diverse; for example, each pronoun type in Spanish has both masculine and feminine antecedents, whereas third-person singular pronouns in French are le (for male) and elle (for female).

To learn more about  pronoun, visit:


chapter 1 sumary of kite runner


Rahim Khan asks the narrator named Amir to come to Pakistan to meet him. Amir hangs up and takes a walk in San Francisco, where he now lives. He notices a flying kite and reflects on his past including his friend Hassan a boy with a cleft lip he calls Kite runner.

Kite His Runner tells the story of a Sunni Muslim Amir who struggles to find his place in the world due to the aftermath and consequences of a series of traumatic childhood events. The thirty-eight-year-old narrator not only shares experiences from his youth but also comments on them.

The immigrant experience in The Kite Runner is autobiographical and based on the hardships Hosseini and his parents went through in California. Hosseini graduated from high school in 1984 and became fluent in English. When Rahim Khan's father gets angry because he wants to marry a Hazara woman, he doesn't solve the problem by moving his own family.

Learn more about The Kite Runner here:-


Exercise 1 Fill in the blank with the letter of the word or phrase that best defines each italicized word in the above passage.
________ conjures up
a. calls to mind c. confuses
b. performs magic d. brings together


The answer is option a. calls to mind

The meaning of conjures up

He brought a memory of his past to mind; to the present; or to envisageto use an incantation to summon or control (a ghost or devil).

A phrase is a group of two or more words that serve as a meaningful unit inside a sentence or clause in English grammar. Typically, a phrase is thought of as a grammatical unit that falls between a word and a clause.

A phrase is composed of one or more optional modifiers and a head (or headword), which establishes the grammatical status of the unit. It's possible for phrases to contain other phrases.

Noun phrases (like "a nice buddy"), verb phrases (like "drives carefully"), adjective phrases (like "extremely chilly and gloomy"), adverb phrases (like "very slowly"), and prepositional phrases are examples of common phrase forms (in the first place).

Learn more about Phrase forms here:


Prefixes generally indicate:_____.
a. intensity
b. location
c. part of speech
d. condition


Prefixes generally indicate intensity & location. Hence the correct option is a and c.

What is Prefixes in medical terminology?

"A prefix appears at the beginning of a word and generally describes location and intensity." By learning to recognize a few of the more commonly used medical prefixes, you can figure out the meanings of terms that may not be immediately familiar to you. It is worthy to note that not all medical terms have prefixes.

A prefix is a letter or group of letters, for example 'un-' or 'multi-', which is added to the beginning of a word in order to form a different word.

To know more about prefix click below:


There are three building sites we are considering. this use of there are is an example of a(n)?


There are three building sites we are considering. this use of there are is an example of a(n) of Fillers.

A filler word is a seemingly unimportant word, phrase, or sound used to indicate a speech halt or hesitation. Also known as a hesitation form or pause filler.

English speakers frequently use filler words like um, uh, err, ah, like, okay, right, and you know.

It is believed that a sentence filler is a type of interjectory word or phrase that is employed in all kinds of sentences to fill out or occupy the space.

Because it involves extra work to clarify any easy sentences, it should be noted that a sentence filler is not actually necessary.

To learn more about Fillers here:


Exercise 4 Complete each sentence by adding an adverb that answers the question indicated.
I’ve never seen anyone eat so __________ fast . (how?)




Exercise 2 Correct the word in italics. If the word is correct, write C.
The fire had already raged out of control when the emergency vehicles arrived.





The sentence is grammatically correct. The verbs 'raged' and 'arrived' are appropriately used to describe something that already happened. The fire had already happened when the emergency vehicle came.

a lettter to your friend telling about the meal you just made




Dear Steve,

How have you been lately? I just wanted to keep you posted with what I've been doing recently. Right now i'm making spaghetti with my Aunt Linda. We're having troubles making the sauce though. So, we were wondering if you have any recipes that might help us!

Please and Thank you!

From your friend, Jogn


Dear Suzy,

Last night I made the most amazing meal for my family, awe man you should have been there! I was really bored and my mom was planning on making her horribly disgusting Butternut Squash soup and I just had to put a stop to that. I made this pesto chicken rigatoni with broccoli and tomatoes. It was soo good I swear my family died and went to heaven! Mom set the table really nicely and she even brought out the fancy dishes! She said it's not every day she doesn't have to make dinner and that she was very proud of me. Once we all sat down and began eating Gran said she had never in her life tasted anything more delicious than this! Dad couldn't even comment as he wouldn't put his fork down! Chris, my evil brother even said it was amazing! A compliment from him is like finding gold buried in your backyard, Nearly impossible!! I just wanted to share this wonderful experience with you.

Love from,

your name

Exercise 1 Underline the verb in each sentence. In the blank, write T if the verb is transitive. Write I if the verb is intransitive.
She opened the window in the kitchen.


She opened the window in the kitchen—transitive verb

Verbs are action words or words that indicate some type of feeling or existence in a sentence. They give the information about what the subject is doing.

To identify a transitive verb in a sentence, you need to identify that kind of verb that needs an object to make complete sense of the action being performed by the subject in that sentence.

To identify an intransitive verb, you need to identify that kind of verb that indicates a complete action without being associated with a direct object.

Example of transitive verb:

Sheena borrowed my pen.

Learn more about transitive verb here


Read the following excerpt from John F. Kennedy's "Rice Stadium Moon Speech and answer the question that follows.

Space and related industries are generating new demands in investment and skilled personnel, and this city and this State, and this
region, will share greatly in this growth. What was once the furthest outpost on the old frontier of the West will be the furthest
outpost on the new frontier of science and space. Houston, your City of Houston, with its Manned Spacecraft Center, will become
the heart of a large scientific and engineering community. During the next 5 years the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration expects to double the number of scientists and engineers in this area, to increase its outlays for salaries and
expenses to $60 million a year, to invest some $200 million in plant and laboratory facilities; and to direct or contract for new space
efforts over $1 billion from this Center in this City.
Which rhetorical appeal is most prevalent in this excerpt?

O Ethos
O Kairos
O Logos
O Pathos


The rhetorical appeal that can be noticed in these texts is the Kairos.

What is Kairos?It's a persuasive resource.It is the argument that the public is at the right time and place to get a great opportunity.

In the text presented above, we can see how the speaker states that the moment when the speech is being proclaimed is the ideal moment for the city of Houston to have great scientific and industrial growth.

In this case, the speaker claims that Houstonians are at the right time and place to witness a major change in Houston that will be positive for everyone.

Rhetorical appeals are important to encourage the audience to support the speaker. They can be used in debates, lectures, speeches, and even in advertisements, where they are not always used in a positive way, but rather to manipulate the audience. For this reason, understanding them is important.

Learn more about Kairos:



I believe the answer is C. Logos


The excerpt is presenting facts and data, which would be an appeal to logos. I'll let you know in the comments if I get it right. :)

Exercise 1 In the blank, identify the part of speech of the words in italics. Write n for a noun and p for a pronoun. Write adj. for an adjective and adv. for an adverb. Write v for a verb, prep. for a preposition, c for a conjunction, and i for an interjection.
Millions of tourists visit these monuments every year.


Tourists is a noun (n) in the given sentence "Millions of tourists visit these monuments every year."

What is a noun?

A noun is a word that normally features the call of a particular item or set of objects, consisting of dwelling creatures, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas. Lexical categories (elements of speech) are described in phrases of the methods wherein their individuals integrate with different forms of expressions. The syntactic policies for nouns fluctuate between languages. In English, nouns are phrases that could arise with articles and attributive adjectives and may be characteristic because of the head of a noun phrase. "As some distance as we know, each language makes a grammatical difference that looks as if a noun-verb difference."

To know more about noun visit:


When interpreting nonverbal messages, which of the following IS something we can do to improve our interpretation? Group of answer choices:
Add on to the nonverbal messages
Use perception checking
Consciously monitor your nonverbal messages
Ignore the nonverbal messages


When interpreting nonverbal messages, the answer choice IS something we can do to improve our interpretation is to Use perception checking

What is Communication?

This refers to the means of sending messages from one person to another through a medium and receiving feedback.

Hence, we can see that When interpreting nonverbal messages, the answer choice IS something we can do to improve our interpretation is to Use perception checking

This is useful because when communicating in a nonverbal manner, it is expedient to use perception checking.

Read more about nonverbal message here:


Just as the modernists reacted to their social political climate through their art and sought change, what are some ways in which we might try to “make it new” through our own art and entertainment



usual isla nos usó luso aman son uso uso Menem Menem Annan suben

Exercise 2 Write the plural of each word.


The correct spelling of the plural of the word church is churches:

As a general rule, we add -s at the end of the word to form the plural of a regular noun.

If the noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch. -x or -z, we add -es at the end of the word to form the plural:

plus → pluses mess → messesfish → fishesmatch → matchesfax → faxesblitz → blitzes

Considering this, the plural of church is spelled churches because the singular noun ends in -ch.

You can learn more about plurals in the link below:


why are you not answering my questions? guys come on​



yes what is the question

Exercise 2 Underline the linking verb (or verbs) in each sentence. Then circle the word or words after the linking verb that identify or describe the subject.
Though often ill, he looked vigorous and strong.


Though often ill, he looked vigorous and strong.

Here in this sentence the linking verb is looked. The words after the linking verbs that identify or describe the subject are vigorous and strong.

What is linking verbs..?

A linking verb is a verb that describes the subject. Linking verbs link information together rather than expressing actions. It is a verb “that serves as a connecting link or establishes an identity between subject and complement.

Some examples of linking verbs:

She is a lawyer.

He seems like a nice guy.

Beethoven was an amazing composer.

Hence the answer here is looked.

To know more about linking words click below:


8. Lines 175-195: Describe the structure of this part of Madison's argument and cite lines numbers to support your analysis.​


Madison pushed vehemently in favor of a robust national government that would bring the nation together. The draught of the United States Constitution was finally ratified on September 17, 1787, after the Convention's participants met in secret throughout the summer.

Did this imply that the Constitution entered into force without further action? Madison responds to criticisms that the US Constitution does not sufficiently guarantee the division of powers between the three departments of government. He contends that a small amount of authority overlap across the three departments of government prevents the tyranny of one one. He asserted that the republican system of administration established by the new Constitution.

To earn more about Madison, click here.


Exercise 3 Insert an adjective clause to modify the noun or pronoun in italics.
The sea air ____________________ gave us a chill.


The sea air that gave us a chill.

An adjective clause, or relative clause, is a form of structured clause that works to explain a noun in a sentence. It features as an adjective even though it is made up of a set of phrases instead of just one word. inside the case of an adjective clause, all the words paintings collectively to modify the noun or pronoun.

Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun, which connects them to the phrase they describe. Relative pronouns encompass the phrases that, where, when, who, whom, whose, which and why. When you don't forget the relative pronouns, it's easy to pick out out an adjective clause in a sentence.

Learn more about clause here:-


Other Questions
Sasha is measuring the rate of heat energy given off by an incandescent light bulb. The theoretical value is 55.4 watts. Her measurement has a 2.17 error. Which of the following values may have been Sasha's measurement? (Choose all that apply) A. 1.20 watts B. 54.2watts C.56.6watts D.53.23watts E. 57.57watts Using the slope formula, find the slope of the line through the given points.(9,4) and (6,7) The division of south korea's government into three branches with distinct powers reflects the principle of question 4 options: federalism. separation of powers. popular sovereignty. individual rights. A sample of ethanol (c2h5oh) contains 4.2x10^23 hydrogen atoms. how many c2h5oh molecules are in this sample? Nationally recognized testing laboratories (nrtl) ____ electrical products to provide a basis for approval by inspectors in the field. Choose two examples of mass culture from the late 1800s covered in the reading and explain why they were significant. Then choose two examples of mass culture today and discuss any parallels you see. How are the present day examples similar to what you learned about from the 1800s? How are they different? Exercise 1 Draw a vertical line between the subject and predicate of each sentence. Underline each noun. Circle each verb. Label each participle P, each gerund G, and each infinitive I.Stavros likes to amble, too. What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?La LUNA es brillante.OrainO moonO sunO cloud Exercise 1 Underline the verb in each sentence. In the blank, write T if the verb is transitive. Write I if the verb is intransitive. Salmon actually swim up rivers. A(n) ___________ is a document that sets forth the framework of government and its relationship to the people it governs. The scar tissue generated in the brain by _______ cells acts to impede the regrowth of nerve cells. Exercise 1 Circle the conjunctions. In the blank write coord. if the conjunction is coordinating. Write corr. if the conjunction is correlative. Write sub. if the conjunction is subordinate.Both Jason and Eric made the basketball team. What is the difference between the t568a and t568b standards? when should you use both standards?what is a patch panel used for?which cable types are immune to the effects of emi? Which standards layer governs peer-to-peer file sharing? select one: a. data link b. transport c. internet d. none of these Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by adding an appropriate adjective in the space provided. The inspector confiscated the ___________ fake diamonds. listeners give their undivided attention to the speaker in a genuine effort to understand her or his point of view. PLEASE HELPP!! How does the speaker feel in lines 7 and 8 with his hope fully confirmed?The speaker feels ecstatic at the sight of the flag still standing. It gives him hopefor the future ("long may it wave"). Which data set is the most spread from its mean?14, 26, 24, 28O22, 16, 18, 36O22, 28, 20, 22O 21, 19, 27, 25 use the point and the slope to graph each line. Write the equation of each line. The line contains point (2,-2) and is perpendicular to a line with slope "-1" Find the distance between the two points rounding to the nearest tenth (if necessary).(-1,4) and (8,2)