At the beginning of the film (but not in the play version), what did Reverend Parris catch his daughter and other girls doing?


Answer 1

Parris has shipped for Reverend John Hale of Beverly, an expert on magic, to decide whether Betty is actually charmed. Parris berates their welcome relative, Abigail Williams, cause he discovered her.

Putnam tries to incline Parris that endure revealing the presence of magic, but Parris is anxious. He experiences that a group of townspeople is going to eliminate him from Salem, and witchcraft wrongdoing including welcoming offspring would present them the capacity to expel him from the metropolis.

Reverend Parris has shipped for a doctor as the play starts because the welcome girl, Betty, is ill and achieved revived. Parris questions welcome relative Abigail about how Abigail acted accompanying Betty in the wood.

To know more about Parris refer to:


Related Questions

2 questions:

1.) In the 1590s what keep Shakespeare from producing plays

2.) Shakespeares plays were “successful” “popular” and ________


Through the 1590s, Shakespeare's fame grew. He joined and became a shareholder in Lord Chamberlain's Men, who frequently played in front of Queen Elizabeth. In addition to writing further plays, he also published a number of poems and distributed his sonnet sequence in the manuscript.

What three factors made William Shakespeare famous?

William Shakespeare was a well-known English playwright, poet, and actor who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564.

Shakespeare's plays were "popular," "successful," and sentimental.

Shakespeare's plays and poems show how emotion prompts action in specific characters, changing how they interact and express themselves to one another and the larger community.

To learn more about William Shakespeare from the given link


1. Use gerunds to re write the sentences without changing the original meaning 1. I can do what I want and you can't stop me You​


Answer: Doing what I want is something that cannot be stopped by you.

Explanation: A gerund is a noun formed from a verb by adding "-ing" to the base form of the verb. Gerunds function as nouns in a sentence and can act as the subject, object, or complement of the sentence.

In this sentence "Doing" is a gerund that expresses the action of doing something.

Read more about Gerunds in details:

what publication coincides with the airing of this interview


The release of "I Am Malala," Yousafzai's new book. I started to realize that words written with a pen can be much more powerful than tanks, helicopters, or machine guns.

The speech that Malala Yousafzai gave to the United Nations Youth Assembly on Malala Day is the source of the text. The speech's objective is to make the audience more aware of the significance and necessity of education. She attracts the attention of the audience by employing numerous potent literary devices.

That is a benefit of using a panel interview format. the arrangement of the test items, whether or not they can be given by computer, and how data are gathered. Naturalistic observation would be prohibitively expensive.

To learn more about I Am Malala here:


________ prince prospero felt the devastation by the end of the story


Yes_ prince prospero felt the devastation by the end of the story

Prince prospero in "The Masque of the Red Death,"

Yes, in Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Masque of the Red Death," Prince Prospero initially believed that he could escape the ravages of the Red Death by retreating to his castle with a thousand of his closest friends and allies. He thought that he could insulate himself from the suffering of the world and live a life of hedonistic pleasure while the Red Death claimed its victims outside the walls of his castle.

However, as the story progresses, the Prince begins to realize that death cannot be avoided, and that even his carefully crafted fortress cannot protect him from the inevitable. In the end, the Red Death makes its way into the castle, claiming the life of Prince Prospero, and reminding all who witness it that death is an equalizing force that cannot be escaped. The Prince's realization of his own mortality is the source of the devastation that he feels at the end of the story.

Learn more on  Prince prospero here :


Please answer the question in the photo!


The mass of 334ml  of water would be 334 grams of water. Thus option (a) is correct.

What is water?

Water is a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and essential of compounds.

A tasteless and odorless liquid at room temperature, it has the important ability to dissolve many other substances. Indeed, the versatility of water as a solvent is essential to living organisms.

The mass of 334ml  of water would be 334 grams of water. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about water here:


What is inferencing?

Question 1 options:

Predicting what will happen later on in a story

The summary of the main events of the story

A conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or text evidence

The solution at the end of a story - also known as a resolution
Help please!!


Answer: A conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or text evidence

Explanation: What is an inference?

An inference is when you grab information previously found in the book/reading source to make a guess. This is otherwise known as an educated guess.

Hope this helps!

which material, when dry, tends to form the greatest angle of repose?


Large, angular unconsolidated particles tend to form the greatest angle of repose.

The steepest angle of fall or dip in relation to the horizontal plane to which a granular material may be stacked without collapsing is known as the angle of repose, or critical angle of repose. The materials on the sloping surface are almost ready to slide at this angle. Angles of repose can be between 0° and 90°. The angle of repose is influenced by the morphology of the substance; clean, rounded sandstones cannot be stacked as steeply as may be done with rough, interlocking sands. Interlocking grains with uneven shapes typically have a greater angle of repose.

To know more about the angle of repose visit:


which literary element is most present when antony speaks the following lines about cassius? fear him not, caesar; he's not dangerous. he is a noble roman, and well given.


Irony  literary element is most present when antony speaks about cassius.

When Antony speaks the sentences about Cassius below, foreshadowing is the literary device that is most evident. A literary element is a narrative element, which is a crucial component of all literary works and of spoken narrative fiction, such as plot and theme. Irony in Literature Examples Irony is a powerful literary technique. The relevance of some well-known literary works is increased by irony, as shown by the following instances. Reader curiosity is piqued by ironic comments and circumstances in literature. It increases the intrigue of a literary work and compels readers to utilise their imaginations to decipher the texts' deeper meanings. Furthermore, ironic statements and circumstances abound in real life.

To know more about instances refer :


Based on the poem, readers can infer that the speaker


Readers can deduce from the poem that the speaker D. recognizes natural scenes that other people might overlook.

What is a poem?

A poem is a group of words, either spoken out or written down, that together vividly and imaginatively represent thoughts or feelings. A particular rhythmic and metrical pattern makes up a poem. In fact, because it is either in a metrical rhythm or in free verse, it is a literary method that is distinct from prose or everyday speech. Writers or poets can more readily communicate their emotions through this medium than through others, where they often struggle. It is intended to guide readers in the proper direction by providing illumination.

Additionally, occasionally it uses trite language to impart a moral lesson to them.

Learn more about poem about on


Complete question

Based on the poem, readers can infer that the speaker


spends a great deal of time studying the stars.

spends a great deal of time studying the stars.

worries about the animals that live in the ocean.

worries about the animals that live in the ocean.

thinks that stars affect how ocean animals behave.

thinks that stars affect how ocean animals behave.

notices scenes in nature that other people might miss.

how does miranda react to the shipwreck what does her reaction show about her character


Miranda reacts to the shipwreck with compassion and concern for the people on the ship. This reaction shows that she is a caring and empathetic character.

In the play "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare, Miranda is the daughter of Prospero, the former Duke of Milan. When she sees the shipwreck, she immediately expresses concern for the people on the ship. She says, "O, I have suffered with those that I saw suffer" (Act 1, Scene 2, Line 5). This shows that she is able to empathize with the suffering of others and feels deeply for them.

Furthermore, Miranda also pleads with her father to help the people on the ship. She says, "If by your art, my dearest father, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them" (Act 1, Scene 2, Lines 1-2). This shows that she is not only compassionate, but also proactive in trying to help those in need.

Overall, Miranda's reaction to the shipwreck reveals that she is a kind and caring character who is deeply affected by the suffering of others.

Learn more about Miranda here:


essay between beach vacation or mountain vacation



A Beach Vacation

Going to the beach for a vacation is a classic summer experience that is enjoyed by many families. The beach offers a chance to relax, have fun, and create lasting memories. Whether it's building sandcastles, swimming in the ocean, or playing beach games, there is something for everyone at the beach.

One of the best parts of a beach vacation is the relaxation. There is nothing quite like the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the smell of salt in the air. The beach provides a chance to disconnect from the stress of daily life and simply unwind. Whether you're reading a book, napping on a towel, or taking a stroll along the water's edge, the beach is the perfect place to slow down and recharge.

Another great aspect of a beach vacation is the fun and excitement. There are so many activities to enjoy, from playing in the water to participating in beach sports. The ocean is a great place to swim, surf, and paddleboard, while the sand is perfect for playing volleyball, frisbee, and other beach games. Whether you're young or old, there is always something to do at the beach.

Lastly, a beach vacation is a chance to create lasting memories with your loved ones. Whether it's your family, friends, or significant other, the beach provides a perfect setting for making memories that will last a lifetime. From building sandcastles to having a picnic on the beach, there are countless opportunities to bond and make new memories.

In conclusion, a beach vacation is a classic summer experience that offers relaxation, fun, and memories. Whether you're looking to unwind or have an adventure, the beach has something for everyone. So why not pack your bags and head to the coast for a well-deserved beach vacation?

How do point of view and voice differ?
• A. Point of view includes the thoughts of several different characte
while voice expresses the views of one character.

B. Point of view is the main idea of a story, while voice is the lesson
an author wants the reader to learn.

C. Point of view is used to give new information to the reader, while
voice draws on preexisting knowledge.
• D. Point of view is the perspective used to narrate a story, while voici
iS the specific language an author uses to tell a story.


Point of view and voice differ in this way:

D. Point of view is the perspective used to narrate a story, while voice is the specific language an author uses to tell a story.

What is the point of view?

Point of view refers to the perspective of the writer. This can also be described as the manner used by the author in conveying his thoughts. There is the first person, second and third-person points of view.

All of these are different ways in which an author can channel the message. The voice is the diction used by the author in communicating the mood of the story. So, the best option that describes the difference between the point of view and voice is option D.

Learn more about point of view here:


Write an objective summary of the poem "Mother to Son," including its theme or message. Explain how the author creates a specific tone using figurative language and dialect to convey this message. Then compare and contrast the poem with the structure and theme of another text you have read in this unit, such as "Home" or "Abuela Invents the Zero. " Analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style. Support your writing with evidence from both texts


The poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes is a spoken-word poem from a mother to her son.

The mother conveys the message that life is a journey that is never easy, but even when faced with obstacles, one should never give up. The poem is written in dialect and contains figurative language such as metaphors and similes to create a tone of resilience, patience, and hope. The poem "Mother to Son" contrasts with the poem "Home" by Warsan Shire in both structure and theme. While "Mother to Son" has a direct, conversational tone and is told in free verse, "Home" is written in a more poetic and lyrical style and is composed in a sequence of couplets. "Mother to Son" focuses on the idea of hope and perseverance, while "Home" focuses on the idea of alienation and longing for home. While both poems have a similar message of resilience, they take different approaches to conveying the same idea.  Both texts use their chosen structure to create different meanings and styles.

To know more about sequence refer :


5. There are two boxes in a classroom. The
first box has a drawing of a long, thin,
red object on the outside. Inside it are red
pencils, red straws, and red markers. The
second box has a drawing of a blue circle
on the outside. Which objects would most
likely be found in the second box?
A blue shoes and blue papers
B blue golf balls and red CDs
blue marbles and blue plates
D blue cups and blue notebooks



probably blue cups and blue notebooks


Part A: What is the connotation of the phrase "smiled even more broadly" as it is used in
this paragraph?

O A. frustration and gratitude
OB. happiness and fear
O C. joy and relief
O D. anger and frustration


He grinned even wider and gestured towards the sign hanging and over door we were approaching. He responded, "Alright," and passed through.

What do doors do?

A doorway is a related component of furniture. 3.: a channel for entry or participation: chance. Door frames, main members which are situated at the top and sides of a opening or entryway, hold a door in place. Doors connect the internal spaces of a building. Doors that are used in the construction of buildings. 1. Doors with battens and ledging.

How Do Buildings Work?

If this fundamental purpose is not fulfilled, a component of the construction has failed.

The creation of anything by the use of any physical equipment, infrastructure, or method, including computers, storage, networking

To know more about door visit :


understanding how to save and organize fields means you can easily find and open them when necessary. this practice is called ______?


When you know how to store and arrange fields, you can quickly locate and open them when you need to. What is the name of this method?

What's a another word for quickly?

When you know how to store and arrange fields, you can quickly locate and open them when you need to. What is the name of this method?

swiftly, swiftly, apace, chop-chop, quickly, briskly, flat-out, fleetly, full tilt, in a flash, in nothing flat, and in short order.

When you say you'll do something quickly, you truly mean it. For example, when you eat breakfast in a hurry to make it to school on time. Any action carried out at a rapid pace can be described by the word rapidly. You had better find a place to hide right away if you spot a wolf moving quickly.

Know more about know Visit:


Which sentence from Their Eyes Were Watching God contains an example of dialect?
O Otherwise they made little trips to Palm Beach, Fort Myers and Fort Lauderdale for their fun.

It didn't affect Tea Cake and Janie too much.
So Mrs. Turner frowned most of the time.
Before they realized it the sun was cooler and the crowds came pouring onto the muck again.


The sentence that contains dialect is option D, "Before they realized it the sun was cooler and the crowds came pouring onto the muck again."

What is dialect?

We can define dialect as a regional variety of a language that can be distinguished from other varieties by the characteristics of its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Hurston makes extensive use of vocabulary.

Especially when the characters are the ones speaking, Hurston makes a point of spelling and using words that are characteristic of their dialect, thus representing their cultural background and identities. Therefore, option D is the right answer.

Learn more about dialect here:


the following pair of words shares a single morpheme which has different forms. the allomorphs are in parentheses. what type of allomorphy is the pair an example of? en(erg)y / (org)anization


Root allomorphy can be shown in this instance. Allomorphy in linguistics is a type of morphological variation in which two or more morphemes

Word-internal units of meaning—appear in various situations or circumstances. Allomorphy occurs frequently as a result of sound modifications or other phonological processes and is present in many languages. The English verb "to run," for instance, can be used in the contexts "ran" and "run." Root allomorphy is a phenomenon in which the same root (run) is realized in many ways depending on the context. A single affix may be realized differently in several circumstances, which is another example of allomorphy in affixes.

To know more about Allomorphy refer to the link below :


How does the narrator of Frankenstein describe his childhood?


Answer:Victor Frankenstein sees his childhood as a happy one. He remembers how his parents doted on him and loved him dearly. His parents were very well off

Which part of a Supreme Court decision presents the argument in favor of the Court's ruling ? A. Conclusion Dissent Majority opinion D. Summary


The part of a Supreme Court decision that presents the argument in favor of the Court's ruling is the majority opinion.

What is majority opinion?

In the majority opinion, the Justice who is representing the majority provides the justification and legal foundation for the Court's judgement and lays out the points that the Court considered before favouring one side over the other. A more thorough explanation of the pertinent legal problems is normally provided after this section, which is often found at the start of the Court's decision. Any concurring or dissenting views are then usually included. The conclusion, which normally follows the decision, provides a summary of the Court's decision and its ramifications. Written by the Justice or Justices who make up the majority of the Court, the majority opinion in a Supreme Court judgement summarises the Court's decision in relation to a particular case. In the majority opinion, the Court's reasoning, legal analysis, and conclusions are laid out. The facts of the case are usually stated in the majority opinion's opening paragraph, and then the main points of the contested legal theories are discussed. The majority-writing Justice will then outline the reasons and reasoning that the Court considered before reaching its conclusion. The Justice will frequently cite pertinent precedent, laws, and other legal sources to bolster the Court's stance.

To learn more about majority opinion from the given link

Which part of a Supreme Court decision presents the argument in favor of the Court's ruling ? A. Conclusion Dissent Majority opinion D. Summary

Arrange the events in The Time Machine from earliest to latest, based on the Time Traveller’s perspectiveA) the time traveller explores the wells and finds a complex network of undeground tunnelsB) the traveller encounters the sub morlocksC) the traveller realizes people of the future belong to two different races called "eloi and morlocks."D) the traveller finds his machine missingE) traveller saves weena from drowningF) the travller realizes the morlocks have his machine


A) According to the perspective of the time traveler, the time traveler investigates the wells and discovers a complex network of underground tunnels.

Which event occurred first in The Time Machine?

First Day: The Eloi are met by the Time Traveler when he arrives in a storm. He does some exploring and comes across some strange wells.

In The Time Machine, what happens to the Time Traveler?

It has a very wide scope. The Time Traveler vanishes and never returns. We don't know why or where he went. To illustrate the variety of possibilities, the unidentified narrator makes some guesses: He could be with our primitive ancestors or dinosaurs (though obviously not simultaneously) or in the near future.

To learn more about time traveler here:


Which word should be removed to make this an
objective topic sentence?


Answer:need picture


There was a free for all fight in your class which left your class teacher seriously injured as the class captain write a report to your principal on the incident


Answer: Dear Principal,

I am writing this report as the class captain to inform you about an unfortunate incident that took place in our class today. During a free for all fight, our class teacher got seriously injured and is currently receiving medical treatment.

The altercation started as a disagreement between two students, but soon escalated into a full-blown physical altercation involving several students. Despite the efforts of the teacher to intervene and bring the situation under control, they were injured in the process.

I would like to express my sincerest apologies on behalf of the entire class for the actions of a few students that resulted in this unfortunate event. Our class teacher has always been a supportive and dedicated educator and it is heart-wrenching to see them get hurt in such a manner.

I request you to take immediate action to investigate the matter and take disciplinary action against the students involved. I also request you to provide the necessary support and resources for the speedy recovery of our teacher.

I would like to assure you that I will do my best to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future. We as a class need to work together to create a safe and respectful learning environment for all students and teachers.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Class Captain.


Why is educational reimbursement a valuable benefit for employees?


Educational reimbursement is a valuable benefit for employees for several reasons:

Career Development: By encouraging employees to further their education, companies invest in their professional growth and development, helping employees gain new skills and knowledge that can benefit the company as well.Increased Job Satisfaction: Employees who receive educational reimbursement feel valued and supported by their employer, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover.Tax Benefits: Educational reimbursement can often be structured as a tax-free benefit, which means that employees can receive the money tax-free, providing them with significant savings on their taxes.

What is Educational reimbursement all about?

Educational reimbursement is a type of employee benefit that allows an employee to receive financial assistance from their employer to pay for education and training expenses. This can include tuition fees, textbooks, course materials, and other expenses related to obtaining a degree or certification, or improving professional skills.

The purpose of educational reimbursement is to provide employees with opportunities to further their education, improve their skills, and advance their careers. It is seen as a way for employers to invest in their workforce and support employee development, while also benefitting the company by having a more knowledgeable and skilled workforce.

Learn more about employee benefits here;


What are varicose veins?




Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. Any vein that is close to the skin's surface (superficial) can become varicosed. Varicose veins most commonly affect the veins in the legs. That's because standing and walking increase the pressure in the veins of the lower body.

(The Crucible, Act Two) How do the events in this act affect readers’ perception of the moral dilemma in which Proctor and the others find themselves? Cite specific details


The events of Act Two in The Crucible affect readers' perception of the moral dilemma in which Proctor and the others find themselves by highlighting the danger of speaking out against the witch trials.

During the scene where Proctor confronts Abigail about her lies, Abigail threatens him with the knowledge that the court will take her accusations of witchcraft seriously and that Proctor himself can be accused. This serves to emphasize the power that Abigail wields and the fact that speaking out against the court is a dangerous thing to do. This is further highlighted in the scene where Proctor is brought to court and is threatened with death if he does not confess to witchcraft. In spite of being offered a chance to save his life, Proctor refuses to confess and instead chooses to speak out against the court and its injustices, risking his life in the process. This shows the reader the moral dilemma in which Proctor and the others find themselves, as they must choose whether to speak out and risk their lives or to remain silent and live.

To know more about emphasize refer :


would you call this a song or a poem?
I'm in my favorite place, but I feel out of place still
Runnin' out of options, screamin' out, "Lord Jesus, take the wheel"
Tempted to kill all of my plugs, 'cause what if they lace the pills?
I'll be another legend fallen like Lil Peep and Mac Miller
This feeling is familiar
My new girl was scared, I'd go back to her
But I won't say her name, I know that it's cursed

But enough about my ex, I got real problems
Upgraded to my dream girl, solved her pill problems
She holdin' all the Percs until I go and take the pills out her
My past ruined love for me, I don't know how to feel about it



Well, for one thing, songs are formed by rhymes; which is technically a poem. However, if you were to sing it, then it would be a song


There was complete silence around me I still couldn't sleep.

Add comma and conjunction, semicolon, or period?


There was complete silence around me, but I still couldn't sleep.

What is comma?

The use of a comma in the sentence "There was complete silence around me, but I still couldn't sleep" serves to separate two independent clauses, which are connected by the conjunction "but." The comma signals a clear pause between the two clauses, indicating a contrast between the silence and the speaker's inability to sleep.

Therefore, In this sentence, the first clause "There was complete silence around me" is a statement of fact, while the second clause "I still couldn't sleep" is a contrasting statement. The use of the comma before the conjunction "but" helps to create a smooth transition between the two clauses and makes the sentence easier to read and understand.

Learn more about comma from


a presentation is being given on climate changes across the country.which following is an example of a visual aid the could be used with this presentation


There are many types of visual aids that could be used for a presentation on climate changes across the country. For example, A map or series of maps showing changes in temperature, precipitation, or other climate variables over time.

What are the visual aids?

A map or collection of maps illustrating trends in temperature, precipitation, or other climatic factors. To show how different sections of the nation are affected by climate change, these maps might be superimposed with additional data, such as population density or land usage. A map may, for instance, display changes in the average temperature across various regions over the previous century or in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts. The visual aid may be displayed using interactive software that enables the audience to investigate the maps and data on their own, or it may be included in a slideshow or video presentation.

To learn more about visual aids from the given link

a presentation is being given on climate changes across the country.which following is an example of a visual aid the could be used with this presentation

the trend of international employment is increasing in Nepal at present .analye it's advantage and disadvantage​


The advantage of the increase in the trend of international employment is that many more people can earn a source of living through these opportunities. The disadvantage is that the country is losing its labor force to external entities.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

The advantage of the increase in international employment in Nepal is that many more people can earn a source of living.

Also, depending on the rate of exchange, these individuals might experience a higher purchasing power in their countries. However, the disadvantage of international employment is that the country is losing its workforce to other nations.

Learn more about international employment here:


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A function, f(x), has zeros at-1/2 and 3/2.What is one factor of f(x)O A. (2x - 1)OB. (2x + 3)O C. (2x - 3)O D. (3x - 2) While playing a game of chance, Mei rolled a regular six-sided die 100 times and noticed that it landed on the number 4 exactly 48 times. What could Mei conclude about the die? We are 90% confident that the true proportion of times the die would land on the number 4 is between 0. 398 and 0. 562. Since this includes 0. 5, the die appears to be fair. We are 90% confident that the true proportion of times the die would land on the number 4 is between 0. 398 and 0. 562. Since this is much greater than 1 out of 6, the die appears to be unfair. We are 90% confident that the true proportion of times the die would land on the number 4 is between 0. 382 and 0. 578. Since this is much greater than 1 out of 6, the die appears to be unfair. We are 90% confident that the true proportion of times the die would land on the number 4 is between 0. 382 and 0. 578. 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